pharmacy residency interview clinical topics

- Pharmacists Make sure you have 12 "practice" interviews before that (programs lower on your list). Questions to Ask During an Interview. In addition to interviewing with faculty, most pharmacy residency interviews will involve time when you visit with current residents. What would you do if your team did not accept your recommendation? So when I asked one resident last year how they ended up making their rank list, I heard a great tip that I wished I would have used. They may be conducted via telephone or through the use of videoconferencing software, such as Skype. The following seven questions, submitted by pharmacists via social media and online forums, are considered to be particularly problematic. Good luck! Lwf! If I can see a way to help them progress and give them the opportunity to flourish, they are much more likely to want to be with my company in five years., A common pitfall is focusing an answer based on what the candidate thinks the organisation is looking for. Tell us about a time when you had to take initiative. Make sure to smile! You never know if youll have to stand up on camera for anything! If you were stranded on an island and you could only have 3 drugs with you, which ones would you pick and why? Example 1. long poems TheWasteLand\underline{\text{The Waste Land}}TheWasteLand, Beowulf\underline{\text{Beowulf}}Beowulf, Gilgamesh\underline{\text{Gilgamesh}}Gilgamesh, ParadiseLost\underline{\text{Paradise Lost}}ParadiseLost, Rubaiyat\underline{\text{Rubaiyat}}Rubaiyat. Teaching, clinical practice, or research? How did it result? When doing group work, what role do you tend to take on? You may have to engage in a fake patient counseling scenario, particularly if you are interviewing for community or ambulatory care-focused scenarios (I had to do one of these last year). We have a big role to play as stewards of effective medication utilization. Can you tell us about your support system outside of school/work? What makes you stand out amongst other applicants? Which, you have probably done several times on your APPEs this year! What motivated you to become a pharmacist? Women- make sure you wear a blazer and definitely dont wear anything low cut. o I think pharmacy has a huge role to play in delivering safe, effective, and most importantly, stewardly pharmaceutical care DO wear professional business attire from head to toe. My English teacher said that ethics might be very interesting for me to study in college. Interview formats can vary greatly in scope, length, and formality. Suppose you had an unmotivated student, what would you do as the preceptor? If youre speedy through answering the questions they ask you, there will likely be plenty of time for you to ask them questions. We all have to bend the rules at one time or another. I know there are some webcam ring lights out there (check this one out from Amazon) that could be helpful if your desk isnt near any natural light. Another gave me four days before hand but it was a large case and they wanted a full presentation/SOAP of 3 problems. On your own time? Did you complete the project on time? u$ u9c)7o\6Ux}*uS?V7Q60/p 8pt6.l8}xWVw 3gge+y,%59=]}p^`jjYZV5/%9E pI.bU/sb]n^2r]>>$C?54oC-5-ZQ)C2]=y!u_otQ|d%|26)dAtv5Eg This demonstrates that the candidate has read relevant papers to pharmacy and has made some efforts to understand the wider healthcare environment, notes Bhella. If you are assigned a group project and your partners are not contributing to the level you expected, what would you do? It is of the utmost importance to be rested. What things do you need to get better at? What is one thing you learned in the last year that has impacted how you live your life? Give me an example of when you had to bend the rules and how you handled the situation. What are 3 areas in which you could improve? Gurjinder Bhella, chief pharmacist at Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, agrees. Why? What are the precepting opportunities like for residents when you have both a student & resident on your rotation? Transparency and good communication are essential to leadership Likely, most interviews will focus more heavily on behavioral questions and a smaller emphasis on clinical questions. Its safe to assume that you will have a solid mix of interviewers from the below categories. Residency Interview Advice: Study Clinical Questions. Would you see yourself more as a hunter, gatherer, or farmer? American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) - an international association of clinical pharmacists dedicated to optimizing drug therapy outcomes in patients by promoting excellence and innovation in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education. Stability, rewarding, engaging. Tell us about a skill you have improved upon since the beginning of pharmacy school and how you worked to improve it. How would you describe the relationship between the pharmacy residents and staff pharmacists? What was your least favorite rotation and why? She had several jobs and in each one she got an extra qualification and then left not long after they had trained her, she remembers. 80 terms. You want to show your interviewers that you did your research. A spokesperson from community pharmacy chain Boots says that, in this type of competency-based question, the candidate should think carefully to choose an example that gives them the opportunity to display the behaviours the interviewer is looking for. Intellection This post is specifically all about the actual interview day! Teaching, clinical practice, or research? Career Services: Wayne State University. , 87. I'm having a hard time judging a residency program because my interview left me unsure of whether it was just rushed and badly set up or if it raises serious questions about the program's values and culture. Come informed and inquisitive. Would you say youre a leader or follower? If you were stuck on on a deserted island, what 3 drugs would you bring? What question did you prepare to answer, but were not asked today? December 20, 2022. The below list was super helpful to me last year, and I actually made physical flashcards with many of these questions which I thought was the best way to prepare (checkout my other post on residency interviews for more details on how I prepared). A good strategy is to have mock interviews with other students. DO send brief, professional thank you emails to your interviewers, if you want to! Honesty with my performance If you saw a peer cheating on a test, what course of action would you take? Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond at work? If you could be an animal, which animal would you be? The resident told me that after each of their residency interviews, the first thing she would do after it ended was call herdad and talk to him about how the interview went. Meeting the program directors, preceptors, residents, HR, other pharmacy staff, and other candidates. Tell us about a time where you experienced negative team dynamics, and what you did to try and overcome this. Complete a PGY2 Sorry that didn't read clearly, but the 20 minute straightforward case did have access to resources. Can you tell us about something not on your CV? -, PharmD, BCCCP, PGY1 Residency Coordinator. If youre curious how I prepared for residency interviews, check out my previous post linked here. Some of your preceptors will not have PharmD Degrees, do you have any issues taking directions from someone with a lesser degree? Questions are standardized for both interviews and assess overall fit with the PGY1 residency program based on personal career goals, ability to discuss information presented in the applicant's curriculum vitae, ability to answer clinical and non-clinical questions, oral communication skills, and interpersonal skills. I would say review PNA, HTN, CHF, DM. Tell us about a time when you failed. Sure, there were some programs I was much more excited about than others. What would you do if you thought one of your co-workers was being harassed by another staff member? Teaching. Overall I would think of copd/asthma, diabetes, hypertension, smoking cessation as the top things to be familiar with. Can you tell us about a time when you had to work with a difficult prescriber during pharmacy school? If a program doesnt send you an itinerary, thats okay too! 35 Pharmacy Resident Interview Questions & Answers Table of Contents Accomplishment 1. Adaptability 2. First thing I did as a pharmacist. Rehearse it and know what you want to say and how long it takes you to say it! Name one conflict and tell us how you dealt with it? Why do you want to do a pharmacy residency? l}DX ~ ;s)L9W 29 r}hfjQjj.iSiov &uI.JIU\ZQs6k@;8J2I0bQA80@~LDjnhE]\#^#-1eAjF & u t@+jl40c';AZ#4%ruz_s Well, I believe there is a sixth vital sign: financial toxicity. Become BCOP certified How did you work to improve the situation? Tell me about a time you used written communication skills. Residency Prep 101: What to Do While You are Still in Pharmacy School. How will you contribute to our organization? - have a strong network of support already built The official journal of The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. DO be respectful, and genuinely try to listen to and engage with the other applicants, DONT interrupt, cut others off, or answer every question first. Stage 4: Closing the Interview. V -`@~>b3NlAT@A="^+0ea&*d` m;(T ` Do you consider yourself good at managing stress? is there a shortage? When youre in the same interview session as another applicant, try and get it out of your head that you are with your competition. Moral of the story- just try to be a nice person! Bhella comments that weak examples include those where the candidate had little impact or influence on the eventual improvements. Pharmacy Residency Interview Presentation Topics - YouTube Presentations during your pharmacy residency interview is a special opportunity. Behavioral 3. However, for me, it is more the overall experience the job can provide and additional terms and conditions that can make or break a persons decision to come to work for you, she says, adding: Money is not the be all and end all of that particular conversation for me. For anyone out there applying to pharmacy residencies this year, your applications are most likely all submitted and you are in the weird in-between time of waiting for an interview invite to appear in your inbox, and simultaneously trying to find the motivation to prepare for your interviews. hb```fVviaf`0p40020\w@UA9! UR3d%|)HYf0XFR:*@a P3?rE -d! iPv f;O^3Hl{=x.3V i$AF0N Rl&. Also, never hurts to throw in a classic teach back at the end! These are just my thoughts and things I wish I knew before going through interviews last year! While performing duties related to St. Clair Health, this position is responsible for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the provision of pharmacy services in support of organizational goals and objectives. - need for motivated candidates (from what it sounds like) What strategies do you use to stay organized? If you could be a drug, which drug would you be? I was told that residencies might ask clinical questions during interviews. Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? What would you do? What experience do you have with research? Are there opportunities to be on-call during this residency year? When you are preparing your questions in advance, choose ones that will help you pick between different residencies if more than one is interested in you. Stress management and dealing with controversy. You will want to know about the commute, suggested places to live and the cost of living. But, even more of a reason to make sure your top torso is looking professional and put together! Remember- try to think of more of those opinion-based questions rather than those operational things that can be found on the program websites! AND I ended up ranking a program that I considered to be somewhat of a back-up in my top few choices. Can you please tell us a little about yourself? endstream endobj startxref Consider preparing for some of these questions: Leadership experience preferred. Candidates need to come to the interview and have a clear idea of what salary they believe the job is worth. hb```rVvf``0pt8@Xsk?50f7!a o&s:+f8T2 I share my resources with others once I am done with them Which is most important to you? ACCP ESCP International Congress on Clinical Pharmacy.