kalawao county treasurer

Some estimates presented here come from sample data, and thus have sampling errors that may render some apparent differences between geographies statistically indistinguishable. Most county assessors' offices are located in or near the county courthouse or the local county administration building. Remember to have your property's Tax ID Number or Parcel Number available when you call! Property tax income is almost always used for local projects and services, and does not go to the federal or state budget. "The Judiciary State of Hawaii Annual Report July 1, 1986 to June 30, 1987". Notice: Undefined variable: AssessorFaxDashes in /home/propertytax101/public_html/assessor_localities.php on line 348 To get a copy of the Kalawao County Homestead Exemption Application, call the Kalawao County Assessor's Office and ask for details on the homestead exemption program. Real Property Collections - Kauai.gov Lihue, Hawaii96766. You can call the kalawaocounty Tax Assessor's Office for assistance at Name Kalawao County Clerk Suggest Edit Address 200 South High Street Wailuku , Hawaii , 96793 Phone 808-270-7748 Free Maui County Clerk Office Property Records Search Search interactive GIS maps of the City and County of Honolulu for property assessments, zoning information, parks, refuse collection sites, and evacuation zones. From west to east:[15][16]. Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. For a visual map of county property tax rates in Hawaii, see our Hawaii county property tax map. The Real Property Tax Collection function administers the tax collection system and assists with custodial responsibilities for all real property records. In 1886 Brother Joseph Dutton went to the colony to aid the dying Father Damien. Kalawao County collects, on average, -1% of a property's assessed fair market value as property tax. Please click on the link above for more information. Maui County Real Property Assessment Division - Schneider Geospatial Proceeds of the sale first go to pay the property's tax lien, and additional proceeds may be remitted to the original owner. The median property tax amount is based on the median Kalawao County property value of $-1. Office of the Treasurer - Kalamazoo County, Michigan These property tax records are excellent sources of information when buying a new property or appealing a recent appraisal. QuickFacts data are derived from: Population Estimates, American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, State and County Housing Unit Estimates, County Business Patterns, Nonemployer Statistics, Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners, Building Permits. Notice: Undefined variable: AssessorCity in /home/propertytax101/public_html/assessor_localities.php on line 250 As of the census of 2000,[23] 147 people, 115 households, and 21 families resided in the county, declining to 90 inhabitants in 2010. County of Maui Real Property Tax Division, We are striving to develop the most comprehensive. The assessment information is from the last certified tax roll. After his beatification in June 1995, the remains of his right hand were returned to Hawaii, and re-interred in his original grave at Kalawao.[6]. The Clerk's duties are established and regulated through a combination of Hawaii state statutes, local ordinances and charters, and other regulations. The kalawaocounty Assessor is responsible for appraising real estate and assessing a property tax on properties located in kalawaocounty, hawaii. If you need to find out the exact amount of your property tax bill or find other specific information, you can contact the Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017-2021. This is partially because the median property value in Kalawao County is $517,601.00 lower than the Hawaii median property value of $517,600.00. Kalawao, Hawaii - Wikipedia State law prohibits anyone under the age of 16 from visiting or living there, although exceptions have been made for children visiting their relatives. 4444 Rice Street, Suite 463 For more information visit the DMV section. Kalawao County is a separate county from the rest of Moloka'i, which is part of Maui County. Includes a section of Molokai's coast further west, Strip of land in the center of the peninsula that runs to its northern tip. In 1889, after 16 years service in the colony, Father Damien died of leprosy and was buried in the churchyard. Search Hawaii County property tax and assessment records by address or parcel number. The county is within the Hawaii Department of Education school district. You can look up the Kalawao County Assessor's contact information here (opens in external website). Users should exercise caution when comparing 2017-2021 ACS 5-year estimates to other ACS estimates. 3% had a female householder with no husband present. 110 'Ala'ihi Street, Suite 108. Kalawao County Parcel Data Hawaii. Appeal Unfair Property Tax in Kalawao County Instead, it is a judicial district of Maui County, which includes the rest of the island of Molokai. Each year the Kalamazoo County Treasurer holds an auction for the sale of tax foreclosed properties. A hospital complex was built at Kalawao to conduct research into Hansen's disease, and from 1909 to 1913 the US Leprosy Investigation Station was operated there. Computer and Internet Use. Please call the assessor's office in Mail to or pay in person at the following address: COUNTY OF MAUI. We have real estate tax tax information for a total of five Hawaii counties in addition to Kalawao County. Search Maui County land information, permit status, and request for service status. The small peninsula is isolated from the rest of Molokai by cliffs over a quarter-mile high; the only land access is a mule trail. Auction - Office of the Treasurer - Kalamazoo Michigan County Population of Counties by Decennial Census: 1900 to 1990", "Planning for Kalaupapa's future means remembering its past", "People With Leprosy Were Exiled ThereShould It Be a Tourist Destination? If you offer installments, is there a tax minimum to qualify for installments? Welcome to HIGenWeb Kalawao County. Motor Vehicle Registration Notice: Undefined variable: AssessorPhoneDashes in /home/propertytax101/public_html/assessor_localities.php on line 344 Information about the auction rules and properties available for auction will be available from Tax-Sale.info or by calling 800-259-7470 Second Auction: Sealed bids due online ( www.tax-sale.info) by 5pm EST on October 15, 2021 Our data allows you to compare Kalawao County's property taxes by median property tax in dollars, median property tax as a percentage of home value, and median property tax as a percentage of the Kalawao County median household income. The Tax Assessor's office can also provide property tax history or property tax records for a property. Send Instant Feedback About This Page Promo 79% of all households were made up of individuals, and 31% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. Kalawao County Clerk Contact Information Address and Phone Number for Kalawao County Clerk, a Clerk Office, at South High Street, Wailuku HI. The Kalaupapa Peninsula developed from lava that erupted from the ocean floor near Kauhak Crater and spread outward, forming a low shield volcano. Kalawao County (Hawaiian: Kalana o Kalawao) is a county in the U.S. state of Hawaii. 83.9%. ", "Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections", "2020 CENSUS - SCHOOL DISTRICT REFERENCE MAP: Kalawao County, HI", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kalawao_County,_Hawaii&oldid=1138356405, West side of Kalaupapa peninsula. The kalawaocounty Assessor is responsible for appraising real estate and assessing a property tax on properties located in kalawaocounty, hawaii. Use My Location Honolulu County ; Hawaii County ; Kauai County You can contact the kalawaocounty Assessor for: Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/propertytax101/public_html/assessor_localities.php on line 237 Notice: Undefined variable: AssessorStreetAddress_2 in /home/propertytax101/public_html/assessor_localities.php on line 241 What is the physical address and mailing address for tax payments? Treasurer . Maui County does not claim jurisdiction over the three villages of Kalaupapa, Kalawao, and Waikolu. The millage rate can be found on the property tax statement or by contacting the local treasurer. In January 1936, at the request of the Belgian government, Damien's body was repatriated to Belgium. Yes, I accept the above statement. Kalawao County is located in Hawaii, which is ranked 34th highest of the 50 states by median property tax. FOIA Kalawao County has the highest Pacific Islander population percentage of any U.S. county, and is the only county where they make up a plurality. City and County of Honolulu Real Property Assessment - Downtown Office. PDF OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS RESEARCH DIVISION Kalawao County The median property tax (also known as real estate tax) in Kalawao County is N/A per year, based on a median home value of N/A and a median effective property tax rate of N/A of property value. [6], Many of the residents nonetheless chose to remain on the peninsula, as they believed their disfigurements from the illness would make reintegration into society impossible. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. It was the only county in the United States where the Republican candidate in the 2016 United States presidential election, Donald Trump, finished in third by only getting one vote; 70% of Kalawao's voters chose Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and 25% of Kalawao voters cast their ballots for Green Party candidate Jill Stein, making it Stein's strongest county nationwide in terms of vote percentage. Address and Phone Number for Kalawao County Clerk, a Clerk Office, at South High Street, Wailuku HI. Kalawao County Clerk - Wailuku, HI (Address and Phone) [2] The county encompasses the Kalaupapa or Makanalua Peninsula, on the north coast of the island of Molokai. An official website of the United States government. This Hawaii state location article is a stub. Kalamazoo County scrambles to reconcile financial issues at treasurer's 2% under the age of 18, 1% from 18 to 24, 18% from 25 to 44, 46% from 45 to 64, and 32. who were 65 years of age or older. The state promised that they could live there for the rest of their lives. Search by category, tax map key, or address. Kalaupapa Peninsula contains the county's only settlement, Kalaupapa. Treasury Division. Find Maui County residential property records including ownership, mortgage & deed records, land, parcel, zoning, & structural details, sales history, valuations, property tax assessments & more. No new patients, or other permanent residents, were later admitted. County Treasurer, Cynthia Gill The Motor Vehicle Registration function registers motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, bicycles, dogs and issues license plates, emblems or tags, and business licenses. ADA Information Unpaid property tax can lead to a property tax lien, which remains attached to the property's title and is the responsibility of the current owner of the property. Kalawao County Property Tax Appeal - Property Tax Appeal 200 S. High St. Kalana O Maui Bldg, Wailuku, HI 96793. Kalawao County Property Taxes Range Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau You May Be Charged an Unfair Property Tax Amount You may not know that your real estate levy is too high compared to your home's true market value.