Only I didn't say that to Tina. You know you do.. The classic scene with a gender-swapped Michael, Michelle. As everyone piles into the limo Michael stops Mia and tells her that she looks really beautiful in her dress. Each chapter name mentions which fandoms it contains. It is, Mia agreed, smiling as she stepped up beside him. VI: Princess in Training, Princess Lessons: A Princess Diaries Book, The Princess Diaries, Vol. [1] Around the beginning of her freshman year Mia develops a substantial crush on Michael. Mia has a curly hair at the first film series but is changed to straight after her makeover, she doesn't put make up on her face as seen from the first film but after her makeover she uses them and quickly adapts to it. Alexia Rosalee Edmonton has the life every girl dreams of, she is a princess, she is wealthy, and she even has a handsome prince. I say. [6], Mia surprises Michael at lunch on Valentine's Day with a coupon book she has made him, and Michael immediately redeems a Kiss coupon. Michael angrily tells her not to do this, but she drops the snowflake necklace and runs from the room. Trivia . Sunday, May 7, Michael's Loft Chapter 1, a princess diaries fanfic | FanFiction The missing scene from Princess Diaries 10. Before she could say anymore, Michael had a hand behind her head, pulling her close and kissing her soundly. It seems like Michael will never get Mia, especially now she's dating Kenny. At her birthday dinner Michael gives her a snowflake necklace, to remember their first kiss at the dance. He is hinted at feeling the same way, though Mia doesn't realize it. For the prompt 'any, any, dressing up to go somewhere fancy' by octahedrite a.k.a oisanite. [15], After realizing all of J.P.'s lies, Mia breaks up with him at prom and calls the Royal Genovian Lawyers, but as she hangs up the phone she sees Michael there. I do. Michael sighed. Mia Thermopolis; Michael Moscovitz; JP Reynolds-Abernathy IV; Lilly Moscovitz; Tina Hakim Baba; . Anne Hathaway really fell during the rainy, bleacher scene. I had to go home he walks me home and kisses me goodnight. She is shocked to find out that Boris has been keeping an eye on her for Michael the whole time they have been broken up. "Guess who?" [2], When Mia begins receiving anonymous love notes she secretly hopes they are from Michael. Someone who knows her, like when Mia slipped down the fire escape during elementary school and tore the bottom of her jeans, or that Mia's favorite fruit was blackberries. Until Michael is going to Japan, and they have the chance to fall together instead of apart.Title/summary quote from "I'd Lie" by Taylor Swift. What Mia's thinking of when Michael and her dance in the first book :'). The Princess Diaries Disney | Fanfiction Family Royalty This fanfic is based on the Disney movie, The Princess Diaries. I asked. Michael tries to take responsibility for the break-up, but Mia tells him he did the right thing as they both needed a break. On top of that, Lexis also in a secret relationship with Joseph Joe as she likes to call him. Nicholas could see it on her face, in the way she had started rolling her shoulders 30 minutes ago (she always got knots when she was stressed). Before Mia leaves her house for Tina's, Michael has Ronnie let him out on to their shared fire escape, where he plays Tall Drink of Water for Mia as her Valentine's present. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! They go out to the garden and Michael opens his present from Mia - the original Star Wars poster. That is probably because she ran away from home to LA 3 years ago. Six months after the Royal Wedding between Princess Mia and the love of her life Michael Moscovitz, after being crowned Princess of Genovia, Mia and Michael are preparing theirselves for the . Read as their friendship builds back up over their year (technically 1.5 years) of messaging and how they manage to transition from exes to friends. There was a lot of murmuring and muttering in the crowd, but the way she was explaining herself, Michael couldnt imagine anyone being able to find an argument against what Mia was saying. Princess Diaries - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,100 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 1 - Published: Dec 28, 2001 I say. [17], When Michael sees Mia's foot, which got slammed in a door by Catherine O'Toole, he insists she go to the doctor. Oh, no, I think this is someone you might be happy to see, said Charlotte with a secret kind of a smile. She tells him that he doesn't need to prove himself because she already love him but Michael tells her he would never be happy just being a consort and he drops her off at home. [9], Phillipe flies Michael out to Genovia for Christmas after Mia complains about missing Rocky's first Christmas. This is just Michael writing/talking about his feelings. by gemini_cinderella 128K 3.1K 16 The dozens of emails sent between Mia and Michael following their break up and prior to Michael coming back to New York. Mia is in attendance for the first lighting of the candles with the Moscovitz family. Mia said with a smile as both Clarisse and Joseph looked back at her. She e-mails it to him, but he laughs when he sees her pen name, so they argue and Mia accidentally spills hot chocolate on him. They order room service and after dinner Mia asks Michael if he remembers the last time she had a hotel room to herself and she invited the girls over and not him. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1), JP Reynolds-Abernathy IV/Mia Thermopolis (2), Michael Moscovitz/Mia Thermopolis (discussed), Kenny Showalter/Mia Thermopolis (discussed). I have to go, he said as they parted from their hug, him dropping a kiss on the top of her head. [15], Michael sends an envelope to school with Lilly for Mia containing a note for Mia wishing her a happy birthday and telling her that he loved her book. The arrive at Rockefeller center where the ice rink is still up and has a wedding tent around it. Alternatively: Mia can't run away, so she does the next best thingshe goes to the palace library. Unfortunately, for a princess of a small European nation, that's highly unlikely. [12], Michael brings Mia to Number One Noodle Son and tells her that he has gotten an amazing opportunity to work on his robotic arm in Japan. I snuggled up to him. Warning: mature, explicit, sexual content later on. Violetta Diana Thermopolis Renaldi, older sister to Mia How long can you stay? Mia asked softly. I arrive a couple days ago. Nicholas breaks his leg, and it becomes a national disaster. Fog. Michael e-mails again and updates Mia on his work on his robotic arm and hoping she is feeling better as he heard she is sick. Mia tells Michael that she's given it a lot of thought and she's ready to have sex with him. [15], Mia and Michael meet for lunch and she tells him she got a publishing deal. In her heart of hearts, Mia has but one wish: an evening spent with Michael in a tux and a corsage on her wristin other words, the prom. Mia tries unsuccessfully to convince Lana to let Skinner Box play at prom, but after prom is cancelled due to the strikes and Grandmre finds a place to host it, Lana agrees to letting Skinner Box play. He offers to buy her a diamond one to replace the silver snowflake. I say. "[13], After receiving Mia's e-mail Michael calls her and tells her he's sorry they have to have the conversation over the phone but he thought about it during his entire plane ride and thinks they would be better off if they went back to just being friends like they were before they started dating. He says. This is a fanfiction describing what I believe could happen after the book Royal Wedding, the eleventh book in the Princess Diaries series. But what happens if chaos and control collide in the form of a chance meeting a bookshop. Work Search: I ask the members of parliament to think about your daughters, your nieces, and sisters, and granddaughters, and ask yourselves: would you force them to do what you're trying to make me do?. The Princess Diaries A socially awkward but very bright 15-year-old girl being raised by a single mom discovers that she is the princess of a small European country because of the recent death of her long-absent father, who, unknown to her, was the crown prince of Genovia. Moscovitz separated Michael and Mia have less time to spend together as he spends each Friday night with one of his parents. Hope you'll enjoy it :) 2nd Note: This is officially completed (the 10th part Michael POV). At least, thats what she had started to tell herself lately, and it had become harder and harder to believe as the days passed. "I just found out I'm 3 weeks pregnant with your baby." 2) He was part of an. Completed bodyguard princess aurorathermopolis +10 more # 2 . He says. Michael does not want to feed the cat, but Mia convinces him. Michael shakes his head and tells Mia not to do this, but she takes off her snowflake necklace and holds it out to him. Mia starts to freak out and asks him what will happen to their relationship and he tells her that they'll be fine, of course he'll miss her, but frankly time away from her might not be the worst thing as they aren't having sex. Rightly or wrongly, Michael had never been more proud of Mia than that moment as she held her ground, made sound arguments, and eventually, a motion was passed, the law changed. Ive missed you too, Princess, he said, smiling back at her. Her new paranormal series, Abandon, debuts in Summer of 2011. Mia tries to hint at it, but he does not pick up her clues. [5], Embarrassed by the whole situation Mia resolves to move to Genovia to get away from everything and avoid further humiliation, however Grandmre tells her that is cowardly and forces her to go to the Nondenominational Winter Dance - wearing the dress Sebastiano designed for her specifically to make Michael see her as more than just his little sister's friend. VIII: Princess on the Brink, The Princess Diaries, Vol. He says. Michael pledges his loyalty to Genovia, forsaking all other citizenship, and Mia lays a sword on his shoulders before declaring him Prince Michael Renaldo of Genovia. First night. I nodded okay. Michael suggests they move to Genovia so that the babies will have space but also keep an apartment in the city so that the babies can learn to appreciate NYC. Mia is excited that Michael, Lilly, and J.P. came up with this plan so that Mia wouldn't have to kiss J.P.. Michael gets to meet Bob Dylan and at the end of the night asks Mia how she is, and she tells him (truthfully) that she is good. He tells her she doesn't have to decide right now but that he isn't going to wait around forever, which upsets Mia. The tabloids are going to have a field day. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". I really like the Princess Diaries books and movies, but I have criticisms of both, as well as a film-verse OTP I love almost more than the book OTP.Generally AU's. princessdiaries. Read Mia from the story Princess diaries Michael and Mia pregnancy, by KimberlyCarter6 (Kimberly Carter) with 308 reads. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. They give birth to a boy and a girl but decide to wait a few days to get a sense of their personalities before they name them, ultimately deciding on Frank and Elizabeth Renaldo. Mia tells Michael about Olivia Harrison and decides to go get her, against Michael's advice that she talk to her father first. We go to my house my mom was doing a paint project and took Michael to my room and we just started to make out. Moscovitz return home unexpectedly and Michael follows them to their room while Mia, embarrassed, gathers her things and leaves. While they are in the Bahamas Michael arranges for a special dinner to be delivered. He had heard the doorbell, and knew it was Mia, this was the reason why he got to the door before Mia goes over to Michael's dorm and panics when she sees condoms in his medicine cabinet. Unfortunately, Michael was only shown in the first Princess Diaries film and was never mentioned in the sequel. In late 2014, Meg Cabot announced a new adult Princess Diaries book about the Royal Wedding between Michael and Mia. [17], When they return from the Bahamas they discover that their engagement news has already been publicized, which upsets them both. Michael starts to tell Mia that she had to have known he still loves her, but Mia stops him and tells him not to say it before grabbing Lars and running off. Paolo doing Mia's hair, Princess Lessons: A Princess Diaries Book Paolo is a stylist and owner of Chez Paolo. He says. Genovian law states that a princess must marry before she can take the throne, she stated matter of factly, wincing when she realised just how much like an automaton she sounded, knowing that Michael noticed it too. Naladot - I was never really happy with the second Princess Diaries movie as I am a total Michael/Mia shipper too. She grabs a beer, which shocks Michael, and when he asks her about it she blows him off and goes to dance, even though no one else is dancing. There was a stabbing pain somewhere in her heart at the way Michael said those words. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Mia stood up on the podium, facing an audience of just about every Genovian of authority, plus the press and public besides. Anne is tired of being offered virginal roles, so she asks Chris to help her feel degraded. Michael invites her to attend Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween, though she is not sure if she can attend. Mia lies and says that's not why she wants to have sex but she's surprised he would want to leave if regular sex was on the table but Michael tells her again that he has to go to prove himself to her family. [11], Mia tries to get ahold of Michael - by sending him bagels, a cookie with I'M SORRY written on it, and multiple e-mails and messages, but he just texts her "WE NEED 2 TALK." Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Mia makes another journal for all her private affairs, Mia & Raine & Darius & Lilith live together, Princess Mother (Princess Diaries #12 : A Princess Diaries FanFiction), Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison Renaldo, Post-The Princess Diaries IV: Princess In Waiting, and there's swearing but i cannot write a fic without swearing sorry, Princess Diaries: Confessions of a flipflopper. "Mia." They are able to talk a few times while Mia is in Genovia, but she ends up tired the next day from staying up too late. Michael starts to look alarmed and tells Mia that he knows they never talked about it but he didn't think it was a big deal but this makes Mia even more mad and she continues to yell. Princess diaries Michael and Mia pregnancy. The first night he is there he comes to the balcony and they make out before being interrupted by the cat Mia fed the night before with some of its friends. 56 guests To think that Mia had just been thinking about him and now here he was, and looking no less gorgeous than usual, she noted, as they parted from their hug. She still has to be a princess. [16], Mia and Michael see each other less and less due to their busy schedules, though they maintain an inventive sex life including games they've invented such as Fireman. Ill show him in., But I dont Charlotte! Mia called, hurrying after her. "Yes we do," Mia agreed and smiled. Mia doesn't find Lilly when she goes to apologise to her on the upper courts, but the person she does find needs just as much convincing as her best friend. Michael tells her that he didn't mean to make her cry and Mia reveals that she thought he was making fun of her. You didnt tell me. Princess Mia needs to get married in three months. Mia tries to compromise by asking Grandmre if Michael can be her escort, but Ren is already set to be Mia's escort. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. He asks her to e-mail him back as he would love to hear from her, but Mia deletes it again. I really cant deal with them. Mia groaned. Michael discovers from his sister that Mia is the one sending the notes and designs a computer program revealing his feelings to show her at the Nondenominational Winter Carnival. Mia suggests they elope to avoid the royal wedding hoopla but Michael tells her that his parents will be disappointed if they don't have a wedding. Mia Thermopolis Phillipe seems to have a on-off relationship with his daughter . She's also the younger sister of Mia Thermopolis. I'll even move to Genovia to be with you and our baby." That's it. As she runs off with Tina Kenny stops her and breaks up with her, believing that she is in love with Boris. How can they do anything else? he said, smiling then as he moved her hair back over her shoulder. Katerina Thermopolis is the older sister to Mia by 2 years. Mia arranges for Michael to have the room in the palace with a balcony that adjoins to hers. The Princess Diaries was a classic Disney film that put Anne Hathaway on the map back in the day. Shy and retiring as he could be in real life Michael sure knew how to own a stage. You know youre always welcome in Genovia, Michael. I dont actually believe you were ever invisible, but even if you were, youre not now, he told her definitely. "I love you Mia." Language: English Words: 2,468 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 14 Kudos: 78 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 546 unwritable boy by myglassesaredirty I'm holding every breath for youAU where Mia never sent the cards, and Michael never made the computer program, snowflakes at a dance are just decorations, and Mia and Michael are just friends. Suddenly, Mia and Michael's paths are intertwined and it's anyone's guess where it'll take them. [14], The continue to e-mail a few times a month back and forth. College/University AU - Michael Moscovitz had always preferred robots to people. [12], Michael picks Mia up and they go down to the limo where Hans starts driving without Michael even telling him where to go. More of a shock is his stare. Belong by Val-Creative reviews Mia has to marry some dude when she turns twenty-one when she should be with someone she likes.