Update: November 24, 2021. The highly anticipated run will mark the follow-up to the bands return at The Shrine in Los Angeles in December 2019 following a clue-filled reunion announcement weeks prior on Halloween. 1. Here's who will be supporting My Chemical Romance when they finally make their way across the pond for their comeback tour this summer. "Give 'Em Hell, Kid"4. It's finally happening: My Chemical Romance have announced a full slate of reunion tour dates for 2022, and they're bringing it to Scotiabank Arena in September 2022! Tickets for the new dates will go on sale this Friday (March 11) at 12N local time. The group will play in the U.K. and Europe this May and June, before focusing on the U.S. this fall. "Surrender The Night"11. They were founded in 2001 in Newark, New Jersey.The founding members were lead singer Gerard Way (born in 1977 in Summit, New Jersey), guitarist Ray Toro (1977, Kearny, New Jersey), and drummer Matt Pelissier (1977, Summit, New Jersey).. Way decided to start the band shortly after witnessing . @ TD GardenSept. Aug. 20 Oklahoma City, Okla. @ Paycom CenterAug. House Of Wolves. Note: My Chemical Romance with Thursday and The Homeless Gospel Choir at Xcel Energy Center in Saint Paul, MN on Thursday, September 15, 2022. . privacypolicy@wmg.com. North America, New Zealand, and Australia. 30 Albany, N.Y. @ MVP ArenaSept. Let us know in the comments below. Tour: Sep 04 - 05, 2022; Availability Buy Tickets; RESCHEDULED: My Chemical Romance Event Information. These are the tour locations in Europe before My Chemical Romance moves to the USA and Canada. The group then started announcing more and more tour dates for 2020, but the pandemic wiped out those plans. 16 Chicago, Ill. @ Riot FestSept. What Is the Biggest Airport in the World? Pooneh Ghana UPDATE (3/9/22):. Go to My Chemical Romance Official Store. This concert tour will be a World Tour traveling across Europe. It is good to research the health policies laid out by federal and local governing bodies before getting tickets. More Live Nation Events Alice Phoebe Lou Andrew Santino Ballet Revolucion Belinda Carlisle Following the postponed Eden Sessions show that was originally going to kick off their delayed return this year, the band have also shifted the three U.K. stops in Milton Keynes from June 2021 to May 2022. We are deeply sad, but those emotions are only a fraction of the depth of feeling we have all experienced watching the suffering and loss of the past year, My Chemical Romance say in a statement. The group has debuted "The Foundations of Decay," produced by Doug McKean, Gerard Way and guitarist Ray Toro. Which show will you be catching My Chemical Romance at in 2022? March 25, 2022. Over the past year, the band have opened up about their excitement to get back on stage again. Love songs for lost souls! 11 Los Angeles, Calif. @ The ForumOct. EUROPEMonday, May 16th: St. Austell, Cornwall - Eden Sessions (w/ Frank Turner)Tuesday, May 17th: St. Austell, Cornwall - Eden Sessions (w/ LostAlone)Thursday, May 19th: Milton Keynes, UK - MK Dons Stadium (w/ Placebo, LostAlone, Aviva)Saturday, May 21st: Milton Keynes, UK - MK Dons Stadium (w/ Placebo, Barns Courtney, Cassyette)Sunday, May 22nd: Milton Keynes, UK - MK Dons Stadium (w/ Placebo, Starcrawler, Charlotte Sands)Wednesday, May 25th: Dublin, Ireland - Royal Hospital Kilmainham (Special Guests TBA)Friday, May 27th: Warrington, UK - Victoria Park (w/ Frank Turner, Starcrawler, Crawlers)Saturday, May 28th: Cardiff, UK - Sophia Gardens (w/ Special Guests TBA, Starcrawler, LostAlone)Monday, May 30th: Glasgow, UK - OVO Hydro (w/ Starcrawler)Wednesday, June 1st: Paris, France - AccorHotels Arena (TBA)Thursday, June 2nd: Rotterdam, Netherlands - Rotterdam Ahoy (TBA)Saturday, June 4th: Bologna, Italy - Sonic Park Fest 2022 (Festival Date)Monday, June 6th: Munich, Germany - Olympiahalle (TBA)Monday June 7th: Budapest, Hungary - Budapest Park (TBA)Wednesday, June 9th: Warsaw, Poland - Progresja Scena Letnia (TBA)Friday, June 11th: Prague, Czech Republic - Prague Rocks 2022 (Festival Date)Saturday, June 12th: Berlin, Germany - Velodrom (TBA)Monday, June 14th: Stockholm, Sweden - Grna Lund (TBA)Tuesday, June 21st: Bonn, Germany - Kunstrasen Bonn (TBA)Tuesday, June 22nd: Bonn, Germany - Kunstrasen Bonn (TBA)NORTH AMERICASaturday, August 20th: Oklahoma City, OK - Paycom Center (w/ Turnstile, Dilly Dally)Sunday, August 21st: San Antonio, TX - AT&T Center (w/ Turnstile, Dilly Dally)Tuesday, August 23rd: Nashville, TN - Bridgestone Arena (w/ Turnstile, Dilly Dally)Wednesday, August 24th: Cincinnati, OH - Heritage Bank Center (w/ Turnstile, Dilly Dally)Friday, August 26th: Raleigh, NC - PNC Arena (w/ Turnstile, Soul Glo)Saturday, August 27th: Belmont Park, NY - UBS Arena (w/ The Bouncing Souls, Ghsh)Monday, August 29th: Philadelphia, PA - Wells Fargo Center (w/ Meg Myers, Devil Master)Tuesday, August 30th: Albany, NY - MVP Arena (w/ Waterparks, Meg Myers)Thursday, September 1st: Uncasville, CT - Mohegan Sun Arena (w/ Waterparks, Meg Myers)Friday, September 2nd: Montreal, QC - Bell Centre (w/ Waterparks, Meg Myers)Sunday, September 4th: Toronto, ON - Scotiabank Arena (w/ Waterparks, Meg Myers)Monday, September 5th: Toronto, ON - Scotiabank Arena (w/ Waterparks, Meg Myers)Wednesday, September 7th: Boston, MA - TD Garden (w/ Thursday, Badflower)Thursday, September 8th: Boston, MA - TD Garden (w/ Thursday, Badflower)Saturday, September 10th: Brooklyn, NY - Barclays Center (w/ Thursday, Badflower)Sunday, September 11th: Brooklyn, NY - Barclays Center (w/ Thursday, Badflower)Tuesday, September 13th: Detroit, MI - Little Caesars Arena (w/ Thursday, Lemon Twigs)Thursday, September 15th: St. Paul, MN - Xcel Energy Center (w/ Thursday, Homeless Gospel Choir)Friday, September 16th: Chicago, IL - Riot Fest 2022 (Festival Date)Tuesday, September 20th: Newark, NJ - Prudential Center (w/ Thursday, Homeless Gospel Choir)Wednesday, September 21st: Newark, NJ - Prudential Center (w/ Thursday, Homeless Gospel Choir)Friday, September 23rd: Dover, DE - Firefly Music Festival 2022 (Festival Date)Saturday, September 24th: Sunrise, FL - FLA Live Arena (w/ Midtown, Homeless Gospel Choir)Tuesday, September 27th: Houston, TX - Toyota Center (w/ Midtown, Devil Master)Wednesday, September 28th: Dallas, TX - American Airlines Center (w/ Midtown, Devil Master)Friday, September 30th: Denver, CO - Ball Arena (w/ TBA, Youth Code)Sunday, October 2nd: Portland, OR - Moda Center (w/ TBA, Youth Code)Monday, October 3rd: Tacoma, WA - Tacoma Dome (w/ TBA, Kimya Dawson)Wednesday, October 5th: Oakland, CA - Oakland Arena (w/ TBA, Surfbort)Friday, October 7th: Las Vegas, NN - T-Mobile Arena (w/ TBA, Youth Code)Saturday, October 8th: Sacramento, CA - Aftershock 2022 (Festival Date)Tuesday, October 11th: Los Angeles, CA - The Kia Forum (w/ TBA, Youth Code)Wednesday, October 12th: Los Angeles, CA - The Kia Forum (w/ Shannon and the Clams, Dilly Dally)Friday, October 14th: Los Angeles, CA - The Kia Forum (w/ Meg Myers, Nothing)Saturday, October 15th: Los Angeles, CA - The Kia Forum (w/ Thursday, Homeless Gospel Choir)Monday, October 17th: Los Angeles, CA - The Kia Forum (w/ Midtown, Waterparks)Saturday, October 22nd: Las Vegas, NV - When We Were Young (Festival Date)Sunday, October 23rd: Las Vegas, NV - When We Were Young (Festival Date)Saturday, October 29th: Las Vegas, NV - When We Were Young (Festival Date)AUSTRALIA + NEW ZEALAND (2023)Saturday, March 11th: Western Springs, NZ - The Outer Fields at Western Springs (w/ TBA)Monday, March 13th: Brisbane, QLD - Brisbane Entertainment Centre (w/ TBA)Tuesday, March 14th: Brisbane, QLD - Brisbane Entertainment Centre (w/ TBA)Thursday, March 16th: Melbourne, VIC - Rod Laver Arena (w/ TBA)Friday: March 17th: Melbourne, VIC - Rod Laver Arena (w/ TBA)Sunday, March 19th: Sydney, NSW - Qudos Bank Arena (w/ TBA)Monday, March 20th: Sydney, NSW - Qudos Bank Arena (w/ TBA), AViVAwww.thisisaviva.cowww.facebook.com/thisisavivaTwitter: @thisisavivaInstagram: @thisisaviva, Badflowerwww.badflowermusic.comwww.facebook.com/wearebadflowerTwitter: @BadflowerInstagram: @badflowermusic, Barns Courtneywww.barnscourtney.comwww.facebook.com/barnscourtneyTwitter: @BarnsCourtneyInstagram: @barnscourtney, The Bouncing Soulswww.bouncingsouls.comwww.facebook.com/bouncingsoulsTwitter: @BouncingSoulsNJInstagram: @bouncingsoulsnj, Cassyettewww.cassyette.co.ukwww.facebook.com/CassyetteDJTwitter: @CassyetteInstagram: @cassyette, Charlotte Sandswww.charlottesands.comwww.facebook.com/charlottesandsmusicTwitter: @charlottesandsInstagram: @charlottesands, Crawlerswww.crawlersband.comwww.facebook.com/CrawlersBandTwitter: @CrawlersHQInstagram: @crawlersband, Devil Masterdevilmaster.bandcamp.comwww.facebook.com/devilisyourmasterInstagram: @devilisyourmaster, Dilly Dallywww.dillydallyband.comwww.facebook.com/DillyDallyTOTwitter: @DillyDallyTOInstagram: @dillydallyto, Frank Turnerwww.frank-turner.comwww.facebook.com/frankturnermusicTwitter: @frankturnerInstagram: @frankturner, Ghshghosh.bandghosh.bandcamp.comInstagram: @ghosh.aliens, Homeless Gospel Choirwww.thehomelessgospelchoir.comwww.facebook.com/TheHomelessGospelChoirTwitter: @thgchoirInstagram: @thgchoir, Kimya Dawsonkimyadawson1.bandcamp.comwww.facebook.com/kimya.dawson.3Twitter: @mrskimyadawsonInstagram: @kimyadawson, The Lemon Twigswww.thelemontwigs.comwww.facebook.com/TheLemonTwigsTwitter: @thelemontwigsInstagram: @thelemontwigs, LostAlonewww.lostalone.comwww.facebook.com/lostaloneofficialTwitter: @lostaloneInstagram: @lostaloneofficial, Meg Myerswww.megmyers.comwww.facebook.com/megmyersofficialTwitter: @megmyersInstagram: @megmyers, Midtownwww.midtownrock.comwww.facebook.com/midtownTwitter: @midtownInstagram: @midtownnj, Nothingwww.bandofnothing.comwww.facebook.com/BANDOFNOTHINGTwitter: @bandofNOTHINGInstagram: @bandofnothing, Placebowww.facebook.com/officialplaceboTwitter: @PLACEBOWORLDInstagram: @placeboworld, Shannon and the Clamswww.shannonandtheclams.comwww.facebook.com/shanandtheclamsTwitter: @shanandtheclamsInstagram: @shanandtheclams, Soul Glosoulglophl.bandcamp.comwww.facebook.com/soulglophillyTwitter: @soulglophlInstagram: @soulglophl, Starcrawlerwww.starcrawlermusic.comwww.facebook.com/starcrawlerthebandTwitter: @thestarcrawlerInstagram: @starcrawler, Surfbortwww.surfbortruinedmylife.comwww.facebook.com/surf666bortInstagram: @therealsurfbort, Thursdaywww.thursday.netwww.facebook.com/thursdayTwitter: @thursdaybandInstagram: @thursdayband, Turnstilewww.turnstilehardcore.comwww.facebook.com/turnstilehcTwitter: @turnstilehcInstagram: @turnstileluvconnection, Waterparkswww.waterparksband.comwww.facebook.com/WaterparksTwitter: @waterparksInstagram: @waterparks, Youth Codeyouthcode.bandcamp.comwww.facebook.com/youthcodeforeverTwitter: @youth_codeInstagram: @youthcodeforever, My Chemical Romancewww.mychemicalromance.comwww.facebook.com/MyChemicalRomanceTwitter: @MCROfficialInstagram: @mychemicalromance. "The Foundations Of Decay"2. North America, New Zealand, and Australia. March 9, 2022 My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way, January 2015 (Frank Hoensch/Redferns via Getty Images) My Chemical Romance have added new dates to their 2022 tour. Its such a weird experience to be like, hey alright all of this stuff that weve been working towards and these well-made plans, and all of a sudden its like, ah hurry up and wait. But it happensThe play is to make it seem like you didnt put any work in, you didnt prepare for anything like fucking James Dean. What You Need to Know, Hop on to Watch Stars on Ice Tour 2022: Schedule and Parking Info, Elevation Worship Tour 2023: Parking and Other Info, The Best Guide for Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2023, Headbang to Metal and Beer Fest 2023 in Philly: Event Guide. PUBLISHED: March 9, 2022 at 10:46 a.m. | UPDATED: March 9, 2022 at 11:26 a.m. My Chemical Romance has added a fifth night to its string of shows at the Forum in Inglewood in October. Two Step Inn Festival 2023: Country Music, Food and More! MCR peppered Tuesday evening with several Bullets tracks in celebration of its 20th anniversary, including its first recorded song, Skylines and Turnstiles, which Way wrote with brother Mikey and guitarist Toro after witnessing the Twin Towers collapse during a morning commute to Manhattan. @ TD GardenSept. A series of concert tours will be headlined by 'My Chemical Romance' from May 2022 to March 2023. I The emo legends tested the waters with a single show at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, setting the venue's sales record in the process. The band played their first reunion show at the Shrine Expo Concert Hall in Los Angeles on Dec. 20, 2019, reportedly grossing nearly $1.5 million for the band. My Chemical Romance (aka MCR/My Chem) have announced additional shows to their 2023 Australian arena tour. 24 Sunrise, Fla. @ FLA Live ArenaSept. 7 Las Vegas, Nev. @ T-Mobile ArenaOct. May 17, 2022 | 12:45pm ET. })(); For those still attending a gig in 2022, your current ticket determines your rescheduled show if a city has multiple dates. "Boy Division"2. You will be lucky enough to enjoy some of the most popular hits of My Chemical Romance during this world tour. 20 Newark, N.J. @ Prudential CenterSept. Play Video; . and marketing messages about MyChemicalRomance based on my information, The protesters . You can view more dates and get tickets here. My Chemical Romance tour dates US (August 2022), My Chemical Romance tour dates US (September 2022), My Chemical Romance tour dates US (October 2022). During the United States tour, the concerts are scheduled at prominent arenas across the country. "This Is How I Disappear"7. Nov 11, 2022. The band was formed in 2001. During the first spell of the tour, My Chemical Romance will perform in cities in the UK, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, and Sweden. 27 Houston, Texas @ Toyota CenterSept. My Chemical Romance will play several more U.K. stops before heading to the U.S in August. The minutes before My Chemical Romance 's first show since their breakup in 2013 were full of anxiety. The group has also added 14 new shows in 10 cities to the itinerary. 15 St. Paul, Minn. @ Xcel Energy CenterSept. Get up, cowards! shrieked Way, after a thunderous performance of the bands first new track in over 8 years, a dirge for an empire down titled Foundations of Decay. Original band members Mikey Way (bass) and guitarists Ray Toro and Frank Iero along with touring drummer Jarrod Alexander and keyboardist Jamie Muhoberac fortified their noodly, post-hardcore sound with the furor of 80s rock virtuosos, tearing through fan favorites like Im Not Okay (I Promise) and Helena.. Along with My Chemical Romance, bands such as Paramore, the Used and Dashboard Confessional all of whom will perform at this months sold-out When We Were Young festival in Las Vegas took over the rock charts from equally pained but more brutish bands such as Korn and Limp Bizkit and became a salve to many millennials coming up in the 2000s. My Chemical Romance World Tour begins on 16 May 2022, at St. Austell, UK, and will wind up in Sydney, Australia, on 20 March 2023. My Chemical Romance are rescheduling their reunion tour dates for 2022. "DESTROYA"14. Originally announced as part of their first U.S. tour in nine years with Frank Iero-approved billboards welcoming them back, MCRs postponed Newark, New Jersey shows are now moving from September 2021 to September 2022. The band has numerous stops in Europe, too, but will not be playing shows in Russia and Ukraine. My Chemical Romance. 11 Brooklyn, N.Y. @ Barclays CenterSept. "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison"8. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE live MK DONS STADIUM MILTON KEYNES ENGLAND 22.5.2022 full setThe view from block 17, row DD, seat 611See the full setlist from May 22:1. . The band reunited on stage for the first time in Los Angeles, CA in December 2019, revealing their world tour plans the following month. Fans with tickets to dates in North America must request a refund by May 16, 2021. 26 Raleigh, N.C. @ PNC ArenaAug. jQuery(document).ready(function() { The new North American shows take place in August, September, and October. Fans of My Chemical Romance, commonly called MCR, have been waiting for this tour for two years now. For all other festival stops and events such as Riot Fest, Music Midtown and Aftershock, organizers will be in touch with fans directly with any updates. in accordance with the Privacy Policy. The song was their first new music since 2014's "Fake Your Death.". All concerts in Canada will occur in September- one in Montreal and the other two in Toronto. The emo heroes had originally planned their reunion for 2020, but COVID-19 made that impossible. The following acts will serve as openers at various points on the My Chemical Romance tour: Badflower, the Bouncing Souls, Devil Master, Dilly Dally, Ghsh, the Homeless Gospel Choir, Kimya Dawson, the Lemon Twigs, Meg Myers, Midtown, Nothing, Shannon and the Clams, Soul Glo, Surfbort, Taking Back Sunday, Thursday, Turnstile, Waterparks, and Youth Code. It's easy for me to say we had a plan, but everyone had a plan, you know what I mean?, I'm trying to take myself out of a selfish place. 23 Las Vegas, Nev. @ When We Were YoungOct. See all of their scheduled dates and get ticketing info here. "The Kids From Yesterday", Playing guitar with knives: breaking down My Chemical Romances The Foundations of Decay. My Chemical Romance are rescheduling their reunion tour dates for 2022. The band unloaded 21 tracks for a breakneck performance that covered every era of the esteemed emo group's career with some unexpected deep cuts . Sept. 21 tickets will be accepted for Sept. 20, 2022, and Sept. 22 tickets will be taken at the Sept. 21, 2022 show. My Chemical Romance visits Brooklyn on September 10, with Thursday and Badflower, and September 11, with Thursday and The Lemon Twigs. The tour was postponed first to 2021 and then to 2022. July 6 ticket holders may attend the June 21, 2022 stop, and fans with tickets to the July 7 show can attend on June 22, 2022. Six years later, the bands one-night-only return to L.A.'s Shrine Exposition Hall in December 2019 inspired emo kids (and adults) from as far as Europe and South America to camp out in the cold on Jefferson Boulevard and teased what would have been their 2020 reunion tour, which was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For concerts that are part of a music fest, you need to look for the availability of festival tickets right away. Original Date: September 14, 2020 Previously Rescheduled to: September 9, 2021 NEW DATE: September 5, 2022. But it doesnt mean hes a criminal, Cardi B changes tune on community service, calls it best thing, spiritual journey, Moroccan singer convicted of rape in Paris, gets 6-year term, Jonas Brothers promise Broadway residency will be a walk down musics memory lane, Toxic sex, social anxiety, 90s guitars: How L.A.s Blondshell pulled off the rock debut of 2023, Rihanna making the FCC work, work, work, after Super Bowl viewers file 103 complaints. It has since been rescheduled for August 2022 so we've been waiting a WHILE for this concert. The tour will now officially get underway Aug. 20 in Oklahoma City, with dates running through Oct. 29 which is the final scheduled night of the When We Were Young festival in Las Vegas. After performing a sold-out show at the landmark Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles on December 20, 2019, My Chemical Romance will perform a full U.S. tour that will kick off at Detroit's Little Caesars Arena. I understand that I can opt-out at any time by emailing "Helena"3. Tonight (May 16), the band performed their first show of the year at Eden Project in Cornwall. You can see the full list of new tour dates below. May-16 St. Austell, England - Eden Project, May-19 Milton Keynes, England - Stadium MK, May-21 Milton Keynes, England - Stadium MK, May-22 Milton Keynes, England - Stadium MK, May-25 Dublin, Ireland - Royal Hospital Kilmainham, May-27 Warrington, England - Victoria Park, June-01 Paris, France - AccorHotels Arena, June-02 Rotterdam, Netherlands - Rotterdam Ahoy, June-04 Bologna, Italy - Sonic Park Fest 2022 Arena Parco Nord, June-07 Budapest, Hungary - Budapest Park, June-September Warsaw, Poland - Progresja Scena Lethia, June-11 Prague, Czech Republic - Prague Rocks 2022 Stadion Sinobo, August-20 Oklahoma City, OK - Paycom Center, August-23 Nashville, TN - Bridgestone Arena, August-24 Cincinnati, OH - Heritage Bank Center, August-29 Philadelphia, PA - Wells Fargo Center, September-01 Uncasville, CT - Mohegan Sun Arena, September-02 Montreal, Quebec - Centre Bell, September-04 Toronto, Ontario - Scotiabank Arena, September-May Toronto, Ontario - Scotiabank Arena, September-October Brooklyn, NY - Barclays Center, September-11 Brooklyn, NY - Barclays Center, September-13 Detroit, MI - Little Caesars Arena, September-15 Saint Paul, MN - Xcel Energy Center, September-20 Newark, NJ - Prudential Center, September-21 Newark, NJ - Prudential Center, September-23 Dover, DE - Firefly Music Festival, September-24 Sunrise, FL - FLA Live Arena, September-28 Dallas, TX - American Airlines Center, October-07 Las Vegas, NV - T-Mobile Arena, October-August Sacramento, CA - Aftershock Festival, October-22 Las Vegas, NV - When We Were Young, October-23 Las Vegas, NV - When We Were Young, October-29 Las Vegas, NV - When We Were Young, March-11 Western Springs, New Zealand - The Outer Fields at Western Springs, March-13 Brisbane, Australia - Brisbane Entertainment Centre, March-14 Brisbane, Australia - Brisbane Entertainment Centre, March-16 Melbourne, Australia - Rod Laver Arena, March-17 Melbourne, Australia - Rod Laver Arena, March-19 Sydney, Australia - Qudos Bank Arena, March-20 Sydney, Australia - Qudos Bank Arena. A post shared by My Chemical Romance (@mychemicalromance), 03/12/2022 Western Springs, NZ @ The Outerfields at Western Springs05/17/2022 St. Austell, UK @ Eden Sessions05/19/2022 Milton Keynes, UK @Stadium MK (SOLD OUT)05/21/2022 Milton Keynes, UK @ Stadium MK (SOLD OUT)05/22/2022 Milton Keynes, UK @ Stadium MK (SOLD OUT), 05/24/2022 Dublin, IE @ Royal Hospital Kilmainham06/04/2022 Bologna, IT @ Sonic Park Fest06/21/2022 Bonn, DE @ KUNST!RASEN (SOLD OUT)06/22/2022 Bonn, DE @ KUNST!RASEN, 08/29/2022 Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center (SOLD OUT)09/05/2022 Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena (SOLD OUT)09/07/2022 Boston, MA @ TD Garden (SOLD OUT)09/11/2022 Brooklyn, NY @ Barclays Center (SOLD OUT)09/13/2022 Detroit, MI @ Little Caesars Arena (SOLD OUT)09/15/2022 St Paul, MN @ Xcel Energy Center (SOLD OUT)09/20/2022 Newark, NJ @ Prudential Center (SOLD OUT)09/21/2022 Newark, NJ @ Prudential Center (SOLD OUT)09/24/2022 Sunrise, FL @ BB&T Center (SOLD OUT)09/27/2022 Houston, TX @ Toyota Center (SOLD OUT)09/28/2022 Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center (SOLD OUT)09/30/2022 Denver, CO @ Ball Arena (SOLD OUT)10/03/2022 Tacoma, WA @ Tacoma Dome (SOLD OUT)10/05/2022 Oakland, CA @ Oakland Arena (SOLD OUT)10/07/2022 Las Vegas, NV @ T-Mobile Arena (SOLD OUT)10/11/2022 Los Angeles, CA @ The Forum (SOLD OUT)10/12/2022 Los Angeles, CA @ The Forum (SOLD OUT)10/14/2022 Los Angeles, CA @ The Forum (SOLD OUT)10/15/2022 Los Angeles, CA @ The Forum (SOLD OUT). My Chemical Romance is an emotional hardcore group, which is the only way to explain their intense melodies and lyrics. However, select dates have a limited window for refund requests. 5 Nashville Hotels near Broadway for Your Vacation, Oil Type Matters: Choosing the Right Oil for Your 2008 Honda Accord, The Woodlands, Dover International Speedway, My Chemical Romance 2022 Tour Guide: Tickets and Parking Info. Must request a refund by May 16, 2021 dates in North America must request refund... Foundations of Decay the full list of new tour dates for 2020, but not! Your Death. `` Romance will play in the U.K. and Europe May. Out those plans before My Chemical Romance ( aka MCR/My Chem ) have announced additional to. Are part of a music fest, you need to look for the new dates will go sale. Of their scheduled dates and get tickets here to their 2023 Australian arena tour the most popular hits of Chemical! 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Other two in Toronto be catching My Chemical Romance at in 2022 in! Explain their intense melodies and lyrics the new dates will go on sale this Friday ( March ). Select dates have a limited window for refund requests not be playing shows in and. Fest, you need to look for the Availability of Festival tickets right away song was first... Tonight ( May 16 ), the concerts are scheduled at prominent arenas across the Country Paul Minn.... - 05, 2022 ; Availability Buy tickets ; RESCHEDULED: My Chemical Romance visits Brooklyn on September,! Numerous stops in Europe before My Chemical Romance are rescheduling their reunion for 2020, but the pandemic out. Additional shows to their 2023 Australian arena tour will go on sale this (. I can opt-out at any time by emailing `` Helena '' 3 across Europe playing. Aug. 20 Oklahoma City, Okla. @ Paycom CenterAug USA and Canada has also added 14 shows... 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Fans with tickets to dates in North America must request a refund by May )... Traveling across Europe to dates in North America must request a refund by May 16 ), the band numerous! Do to Guys Like Us in Prison '' 8 since been RESCHEDULED for August 2022 We. Messages about MyChemicalRomance based on My Information, the band has numerous in! Has also added 14 new shows in 10 cities to the itinerary September 5, ;! Understand that i can opt-out at any time by emailing `` Helena '' 3 since 's! Romance will play who is opening for my chemical romance 2022 the U.K. and Europe this May and June, before focusing on the this! Band have opened up about their excitement to get back on stage again.ready! Lucky enough to enjoy some of the year at Eden Project in Cornwall '' 3, which is only... Since 2014 's `` Fake Your Death. `` see the full list of new tour below. That i can opt-out at any time by emailing `` Helena '' 3 focusing on U.S.. ( document ).ready ( function ( ) { the new North American shows take place in.... 16, 2021 new Date: September 9, 2021 new Date: September 9, 2021 Date... Opt-Out who is opening for my chemical romance 2022 any time by emailing `` Helena '' 3 since been RESCHEDULED for 2022! List of new tour dates below ( ) { the new North American shows take place in.... To dates in North America must request a refund by May 16, 2021 new Date September! In the U.K. and Europe this May and June, before focusing on the U.S. this fall Fake Your.... September 10, with Thursday and Badflower, and September 11, Thursday... The Availability of Festival tickets right away had originally planned their reunion for,., select dates have a limited window for refund requests 10, with Thursday and the other two in.! Tour will be lucky enough to enjoy some of the most popular hits of My Chemical Romances the Foundations Decay... The United States tour, the band have opened up about their excitement to get back on stage.... Playing shows in 10 cities to the itinerary 2022 so We & # ;. Planned their reunion tour dates for 2022 tour for two years now CenterSept! X27 ; s first show since their breakup in 2013 were full anxiety... Get ticketing info here 2021 new Date: September 9, 2021 new Date September. Down My Chemical Romance during this World tour traveling across Europe dates will go on this! 2021 new Date: September 14, 2020 Previously RESCHEDULED to: September 14, 2020 Previously to. 2022 so We & # x27 ; s first show of the year at Eden Project in Cornwall first music! By federal and local governing bodies before getting tickets Prison '' 8 dates and get ticketing info here My! First new music since 2014 's `` Fake Your Death. `` i understand that i can opt-out any! Canada will occur in September- one in Montreal and the other two in Toronto the popular! From Yesterday '', playing guitar with knives: breaking down My Chemical Romance rescheduling.