- Implemented new travel card rqmts; coordinated 122 certifications--100% complete/beat suspense by 6 days - Performs personnel actions/issues pertaining to voluntary & involuntary reassignments/retirements/IRR/evaluations REASON FOR REPORT 6. - Purged 180+ UPRGs; ARPC received vital prsnl records; electronic record established; simplified VA processing, - QB'd base assignment prcs; revived virtual sys/QC'd 1.1K docs, gen'd orders f/168 prsnl--steward'd $1.7M PCS funds - Established filing sys procedures; generated 20 permanent training folders--aircrew training continuity assured, - Established inventory/control procedures ensuring accountability of 183 pieces of ADPE valued at >$100K Delivered COVID spt; dir d CC new ops stream . - Opportunist; revived group evaluation program; 150+ late evals found/processed-- decreased overall overdue by 40% - Managed Restricted Area Badge pgm f/354 prsnl; ID d 4 missing records/60 badges issued--secured mx f/$7.8B infra - Cultivated atmosphere of harmony and trust--responsible for sq-wide climate improvement; reinforced AF values, - Dedicated Amn leader; appointed lead rope during technical school--supervised eight junior ropes & 500 Amn Thanks! - Expertly coord' 650 EFMP cases--guaranteed availability of medical resources at 152 bases world-wide, - Expertly mgd Sq/Gp EOY expenses; scrutinized >$13K GPC purchases--zero work stoppages/boosted morale - Exceptional supervisor; mentored 11 Amn in financial security--prepared Flt mbrs for nat'l economic downturn - Outstanding NCO! - Directly supports/advises POTUS, VPOTUS, SecAF, CSAF & CMSAF staff on sensitive close-hold personnel issues - Led 6 FTAC/Unit ldrshp lunches; 20 vols/$1.8k budget linking 233 Amn w/ldrs--crushed Wg/CC's #1 people priority - Mitigated pay errors for mbr; ID'd/adjusted prior svc datenarrowly met BTZ nom suspense--$2.1K in back-pay rcvd, - Mng'd UMPR; ID'd/fixed 212 errors/trn'd 8 prsnl on manning doc prcs--projected 100% accurate allocations f/MFM - Executed $315K TDY dispersal; provided funds/orders 396 prsnl/27 locations--completed PACOM & CENTCOM lines - Lead Trusted Agent for Drug Demand Reduction; facilitated testing of 248 Amn--enforced AF zero tolerance policy - Promoted unit cohesion; actively mentored junior personnel/encouraged cross org interations--boosted esprit de corps - Brought knowledge and info back from AMC 4-star conference; updated Grp on expectations and future of AMC. - Updated 5 AEFI changes via MilPDS; aligned mbrs in bands//UTCs--solidified 100% rotational integrity f/11 GSUs - Team member on 20+ vehicle washes; prevented corrosion damage/unscheduled mx-- extended service life 5 years Mng'd billeting for 154 personnel, 3720 rooms over RD/AT days--saved SQ $2K per year - Regulated DDRP pgm f/Sq/CC; organized data/directed tests f/485 prsnl--certified 100% DoD compliance/0 violations - Filled drug reduction pgm position; completed 4 hr tng crs/notified 10 mbrs--upheld DoD zero tolerance policy - Confident leader; won't compromise AF Core Values; enforced AF standards of conduct among subordinates - Maintain'd 2 SharePoints/fix'd access crisis; creat'd new gp/20 add'l external users--data shar'd across 6 locs/959 prsnl - Re-established 20 AMXS Personal Information File program--squadron personnel files safeguarded/regulated - Continuous leadership; flawless transition to LO shift lead--facilitated B-2 LO mission accomplishment & growth, - Convened mthly Flt Amn boards/BTZ mentorship brief; prep'd for success--garnered 7 Sq/Gp/Cmd/BTZ wins - Displays a high degree of personal and professional integrity; enforces highest standards of military conduct - PDF accountability NCOIC; verified eligibility of 240 deployers--mbrs 100% msn ready & deployed on-time - Oversaw unit SDAP Prgm; advised/validated/processed/updated 20 prsnl pay rec--$72.7k in payments received on time - Seiz'd Unit CC secretary/sq exec jobs; scheduled appts/meetings, tracked cmd coord; perf's as leader/NCO rdy - Led Wg promo ceremony; authored wg continuity chklst/600+ prsnl--honored milestone 58 Amn/coined by Sq CEM - Accountable for timeliness, accuracy, and maintenance of published content to Air Force Portal and SharePoint - Oriented to AE process--honed leadership skills/steered AEs during ex--recognized as "Top Performer", - Overcame evaluation program difficulties/fixed 40 EPR backlog; 99% EPR/OPR completion rate, #1 prog in state! (Airman 1st Class Grace Thomson/Air Force) NATIONAL HARBOR, Md.Brush up on your English, enlisted airmen. - Mentored/guided LCAP prep; revitalized pgms/fixed 150 deficiencies--six Outstanding Performers recognized, - Mng'd 16 Amn as NCOIC of Sq's largest fltpenned 6 EPRs/7 awd packages--garnered 3 Sq/1 Gp-level awds! Stratification 9 6.5.2. - Escorted 230 OCNs & 30 vehs through VSA; ensured safe transports--guaranteed 0 sec incidents/protected 3.6K CFs - EPR/OPR POC; revamped process/routed XXX rpts--highest CSS ops tempo in TW/surpassed TW 30 days std by 33% - Selected for IG team as records inspector; visited 2 offices/ID'd 3 errorsprep'd/initiated fixes for compliance, - Set up forms and publications accounts for six branches--vital to efficient squadron operations! - Corrected MPF exterior door; installed closer/panic hardware--enabled evac 4 stories/300 prsnl/9k customer facilities - Vol at Klamath Falls Open House during deployment; operated F-35 souvenir booth--$5.4K raised for sq Booster Club, - Wg E5/E6 mentor; guided 9 TSgts thru board selection process/speed mentoring vol--invested in next gen enl leaders - Solidified SNCO induction; chaired committee/proffered/setup/escorted--107 promotees/lauded by ACC/CC UIFs; tracked/secured control rosters/article 15 actions; AFMC/JAG annual review 100% compliant, - Maintained 20th BS SharePoint site; granted permissions f/100 users--24 hr access f/members to mission critical info, - Managed MDG SharePoint webpage; assisted site users/contributors--streamlined flow of info for 250+ pers, - SharePoint lead admin; provided trng/granted permissions/modified sq/gp sites--pages compliant w/base CS, - SharePoint lead administrator; revamped outdated website by 35%--site fully optimized for instructor/staff use, - Asst' w/Outbound/Rets/Seps merge, vetted 21 task to sharepoint prgm--increased msn efficiency&>cust prg'n time, - Assistant passport agent; aided in processing 950 passports 67 visas valued at $175K--mbrs 100% msn ready, - Augmented base passport section--led weekly briefings/mailouts/applications/photo; saved $2.8K in manhours, - "Go-to" Classifications rep; conducted IHT on Duty Status Program to 6 CSS's; incrs'd base accountability rate, - Directed base in-processing; updated duty status for 100 newly assigned airmen--reached 100% accountability, - Distributed 944+ identification cards; validated benefits/entitlements IAW DoD policies--100% data integrity, - Efficiently signed in 90+ mbrs manually when unit sign-in system not responding; exceptional customer service, - Expertly coord' 650 EFMP cases--guaranteed availability of medical resources at 152 bases world-wide, - Expertly processed 700+ AROWS orders; ensured 80 TDYs for Ops and MX trng--completed in 50% normal time, - Identified, corrected dozens of long-standing personnel issues--restored 100% visibility on DEROS allocations, - Instrumental to BRM team; tracked all unit trng for 394 RCs/284 CORs/49 FARMs--PACAF's largest RM program, - Led 3 crses/12 SAVs; qual'd 9 FARMs/24 RCs/id'd & fixed 53 write-ups--raised initial trng compliance rate to 99%, - Led bi-annual SAV for five units; XXXX items inspected--109 offices garnered "Effective" rating during UEI, - Managed monthly ETS roster; Coord/tracked 246 reenlistment and extensions; ensured operational goals cont'd met, - Mature beyond rank; expertly assisted trng PERSCO team mbrs; minimized errors & increased mission readiness, - Oversaw Selective Reenlistment Prgm: coordinated with DFAS/AFPC-44 pay issues rectified/$1M, - Purged 180+ UPRGs; ARPC received vital prsnl records; electronic record established; simplified VA processing, - Resident DEERS guru; verified/issued 2K CAC/Teslin cards; ensured entitlements/sys security; zero discrepanies, - Revamped DSG meal chit sys; combined multiple docs into single source document--reduced processing time 53%, - Spearheaded high-vis DOS rollback initiative; investigated manning/operational readiness--saved four careers, - Sq AFPAAS COR; verified/corrected duty statuses for 75 mbrs--ensured 100% accountability for 275 mil/civ prsnl, - Sq Wastebuster Mngr; rdy'd 62 excess turn-ins, recycled $183K in assets--gained working stock valued at $4K, - Steadfast oversight as Wing SAPM! - Tracked inaccurate reports and returned to units--preemption reduced late submissions by 50% - Identified, corrected dozens of long-standing personnel issues--restored 100% visibility on DEROS allocations - Delegated effectively; trusted workctr Amn with msn--discovered, remedied obstacles, improved site output 40%, - Deployed spouses liaison; performed yard/vehicle mx--permitted mbr's to maint'd focus on OEF/OIF efforts EPRBullets.com Contact admin@eprbullets.com. - Directly supports Commander, coordinating and scheduling MS Outlook calendar of all front office activities, - Manages all Wing publications and forms development, design, control, storage, lifecycle, and dissemination For a Lieutenant or Captain, the only thing the OPR "bullets" from you need to do, is remind your rater of the additional duties or projects that you have done since the last OPR. - Rescued stagnant w/c; reintroduced stds, reorganized scheds w/ Amn involvement--now top shop, exceeding Wg goals, - Restructured shifts/implemented teams; raised capacity 33% despite 75% manning--backlog reached 2 yr low - Reviewed/revised 35 evals/22 decs/100 docs for jnt service mbrs--100% on-time rate, error free w/0 delay - Corrected 12 Amn/officer discipline/legal issues; networked w/four base/local agencies--enforced AF policy, - Corrected bldg fire alarm malfunction; worked with base fire dept in isolating damage--prevented bldg damage - SMC/CAG NCOIC 6-mths; spt d 2 gen ofcrs/SES, link'd 83 ldrs/29 orgs, drove 107 evts--galvanized $9B space acq msn. ORGANIZATION, COMMAND, LOCATION, AND COMPONENT FUNCTIONAL EXAMINER AIR FORCE ADVISOR 8. - Focal point for MXG/CC correspondence; tracked and distro'd 100 documents--ensured 100% accountability - Mg'd 348 Gp/Wg/AMC-level TMT taskings; spt'd Gp's 15K msns/122K pax/37K tons--zero missed suspenses - Go-to DTS agent; creat'd 25 authorizations/vouchers w/5 last min fixes--0 late travel claims/saved senior ldrs 20+ hrs Operations EPR Bullets Operations and Contingencies EPR Bullets - Accelerated 1-94 FAR beddown; downloaded 218 tons eqpmt/12 HIMARs/24 pax--drove regional surface-to-air capes - Aced 80-hr HAZMAT Preparer crs; completed 3 JIs/147 cgo tons w/0 errors/10 acft--grad'd top 10% w/97% avg score - Refocused office responsibilities--accuracy and timeliness of report processing increased by 90%, - Resident DEERS guru; verified/issued 2K CAC/Teslin cards; ensured entitlements/sys security; zero discrepanies If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. - Advised military members on formal training classes needed to progress--no lost advancement opportunity, - Advised/compiled three Article 15s; briefed Wing CC on Status of Discipline--enforced professional standard - Serves as the MSG focal point, local authority, and expert source of information for all administrative functions - Multi-Capable Amn! - Balanced workload 5 of 11 full time positions vacant during this period; no adverse effects to customer service - Moral leader; discouraged VA program abuse by Amn plan to apply for disability; steward of declining assets Official . - Outstanding performer; demonstrates enthusiasm and willingness to tackle all work assignments--promote now, - Phenomenal NCO leads by example; tackles the toughest challenges without hesitation--promotion warranted - Aggressively monitored ofc TRs; dvlp'd procedures to update MilPDS suspense actions-- repeats cut by 90% OPR bullets highlighted, most recent OPR on top and award citations on very bottom) 3) Old red-lined PRFs (folded lengthwise) to show change progression (very back) . - Managed leave program; authorized/reconciled 2.5k leave/PTDY requests--enriched unit productivity/Amn resiliency, - Managed MDG SharePoint webpage; assisted site users/contributors--streamlined flow of info for 250+ pers - Led 12 mbr EFDP; briefed ROE/created new scoring method--upheld anonymity/standardized process f/future brds, - Led 3 crses/12 SAVs; qual'd 9 FARMs/24 RCs/id'd & fixed 53 write-ups--raised initial trng compliance rate to 99% For the next year or so, you will be the beginning and the end for most of the activity in which your Boss is involved. - Revamped DSG meal chit sys; combined multiple docs into single source document--reduced processing time 53% Conduct an initial and midterm feedback using an AF Form 724 (A-3). - Thrust behind LCAP prep; groomed Amn/corrected 150+ discrepancies--6 Outstanding Performers recognized - Lead UFPM; ID'd/fix'd 15 case files/ran reports f/leadership--reduced non-compliants/ensured 100% record accuracy - Led flt NCOIC retirement ceremony; ensured all venues were 100% set/ready--lauded by Flt/CC for superb job - Created monthly MSG/CC PowerPoint briefings; provided on-time statistical analyses of contracts trends/data, - Critical PDF/DCC member during training exercise Snowbird; processed 132 Amn; ensured 100% on time departure Command Chief Executive Assistant EPR Examples. - Hosted AF Corrosion Office field survey; no findings/one benchmark for Wg--noted as "very impressive pgm", - Impeccable communicator & word-smith; voices reasoned concerns & ideas to ldrshp--promotes dialogue exchange - Mature manager; replaced two ROAD SSgts; immed improved shop morale and vastly improved shift tng & qual, - Maximized manpower; balanced 2 AFSCs/deployed 14 prsnl between 2 FOLs w/30% 7-lvl deficit--zero msn shortfalls let the 55th Wing executive officers know so they can resolve the issue or add the word to the list on the next update. Thanks! Review SURF, ROP, current rating period data (LOEs/475s); determine officer's trajectory and ID any record gaps; map out next career steps and how you can help the ratee get there.
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