Adelheid is a Dutch variation ofAdelaide which means noble, nobility. Laurie is a diminutive variation of Laurence which means bay laurel. Pronounced asBAHR-tahlorBaaRTEHL. Job meanspersecuted; hated and pronounced asYAWP (Dutch) or JOB (English). Tijmen is a spelling variation of Thijmen which means people; man. Holland meanswooded land and is a Dutch place-name. Jurre is a popular Frisian name, predicted to rise in popularity in the Netherlands. Sjoerd means victory or guardian and pronounced asSHOORT. Elegast can put people to sleep magically, opens locks without keys, and has a magic herb that when he puts in his mouth allows him to talk to animals. Hans is the Dutch short form of Johannes, which originates from the Latin name Ioannes, better known as John. Pronounced as, Willemina is a variation of Wilhelmina which means will; desire; helmet. Pronounced approximately as yan-tah. Leesa is a Dutch variation of Lisa which means pledged to God. Gerda is a feminine variation ofGerd which meansspear strength. Pronounced approximately as PEYTRIHSiyAHS. Take a look and see if you can find your perfect fit. Pronounced as, Inge means child of Ing; guarded by Ing and pronounced as, Jan is a diminutive variation of Jannick which means Yahweh is gracious. Pronounced as, Gijs is a Dutch diminutive variation ofGilbert which meansbright pledge. Laurens is the Dutch version of Lawrence, derived from the French Latin name Laurent. Florina is a variation of Floris which means flowering or flourishing, prosperous. Alexandra was the name of several early Christian saints, and also by the wife of Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia. This was one of the most prominent noble families in Rome and the one to which Marcus Antonius belonged. Her grandmother was also a saint with the same name. Sebastiaan is a Dutch variation of Sebastian which meansperson from ancient city of Sebasta. Pronounced asKHER-hahrt. Pronounced as, Katrina is a variation of Katherine which means pure. The pentagram is applied on the threshold and doorframe of the bedroom for protection. Though a tiny country, the Netherlands has certainly made itself known throughout the world. Madelief meansdaisy and pronounced asMad-el-eef. Pronounced as, Petra is a feminine variation of Peter which means rock. Emma means universal and pronounced as EHM-ah. (Similar to Mick.) Pronounced asKYEHRT or TYAYY-RT. Pronounced as, Marjo is either a variation of Maria or Marjorie. Pronounced as, Adelbert is a variation of Albert which means nobly famous. Pronounced as AH-dree-an. Pronounced asro-za-LEE. 27) Trijntje - (pronounced trein-je). Stef is a diminutive variation of Stefanus which means crown. 21) Margareta - This Dutch and German name signifies "a pearl. Eugenius means well-born, noble and pronounced approximately as YUWJHIYNYAHS. Pronounced as, Servaas means saved, redeemed and pronounced as, Sieger means victory; army and pronounced approximately as, Siem is a diminutive variation of Siemen which means the listener. Be amazed by these dazzling Dutch boy names for your sweet little bundle. Pronounced approximately as rei-noud. Cornelius, in the Bible, was a centurion who is directed by an angel to seek Peter. Ruth means compassionate friend and pronounced as ROOTH. Pronounced as, Jasper meanstreasurer and pronounced as, Jef is a diminutive variation ofJozef which means Yahweh will add (another son). Pronounced as, Jaak means Yahweh is merciful or Yahweh may protect and pronounced as, Jaap is a Dutch variation of James which means supplanter. (Similar toGerhard.) Godfried is the Dutch version of Geoffrey, Godfrey, or Gottfried, consisting of the Germanic elements god referring to God and frid, meaning peace. It belonged to Godfrey of Bouillon, an 11th-century nobleman and leader of the First Crusade, who was the first ruler of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Pronounced asFEH-mah. Pronounced asah-dree-AH-nusorAH-dree-ah-nus. (Similar to Adelbert.) Pronounced as, Mirte is a variation which meansMyrthe which means myrtle. Floor is a variation of Floris which means flowering or flourishing, prosperous. Pronounced as, Luus is a Dutch variation ofLucia which means light. Johannes is a Dutch variation of John which means Yahweh is gracious. Pronounced asheh-LEH-nah. Pronounced approximately as, Ria is a diminutive variation of Maria which means bitter. Pronounced asHEH-dee or HAY-dee. Aleid Origin: Dutch Meaning: Noble, from a noble family Alternative Spellings & Variations: Aleidy, Adelheid, Adalheidis, Adaliz, Adelais, Adela Pronounced asA-lehks (Dutch) orAL-iks (English). 59) Voshell - This Dutch name means "Fox", and is also a known surname. Pronounced as, Dominicus means of the Lord and pronounced as, Dries is a diminutive variationAndries which meansmanly, masculine. Pronounced as, Sebastiaan is a Dutch variation of Sebastian which meansperson from ancient city of Sebasta. Jacomina is a variation of Jacobina which means holder of the heel or supplanter. Pronounced asmahr-TEE-nah. Signy: Signy was the twin sister of Sigmund and the wife of Siggeir in the Norse mythology. Michel is a diminutive variation of Michael which means who is like God?. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. Rem means from the raven city and pronounced as REHM. Siemen is a Dutch variation of Simon which meansthe listener. Iris means rainbow and pronounced as EE-ris (Dutch) or IE-ris (English). Roeland is a Dutch variation of Roland which means famous throughout the land. Klaas is a Dutch diminutive variation of Nicholas which means victory of the people. Pronounced asyawr-DAA-N. Kai is a diminutive variation of various names, such as Catherine or Kajicek. Christiaan is derived from the Latin name Christianus, meaning a Christian or believer of Jesus Christ. Its Danish or Norwegian variations include Kristen, Karsten, or Christen, while its Portuguese version is Cristiano. Pronounced as, Letja is a Dutch variation of Letitia which means joy, gladness. Jan van Hunks - Alleged Dutch pirate whose soul was taken by the devil after beating the devil at pipe-smoking contest on Table Mountain, and Devil's Peak (Cape Town), South Africa. Paula was the name of a 4th-century Roman saint who was a companion of Saint Jerome. Maud was a British royal name. Pronounced as, Alma meansnurturing, soul and is a river name. Pronounced as, Nora is either a diminutive variation of Honora or Eleanor, Honora means woman of honor while Eleanor means bright, shining one. Cornelia is a feminine variation of Cornelius which means horn. Pronounced as, Meinard means strength; brave; hardy and pronounced as, Meindert is a variation of Meinard which means strength; brave; hardy. Timotheus is a variation of Timothy which means honoring God. Rinus is the Dutch short form of Marinus, meaning of the sea in Latin. Pronounced as, Marja means bitter or berry and pronounced as, Marjan is a Dutch variation ofMarianne which means bitter or grace. Pronounced as, Lotte is a diminutive variation of Liselotte which means God is my oath or free man. Pronounced asZEHF. Pronounced as, Diderick is a Dutch variation of Dietrich which means ruler of the people. Pronounced asSI-lah. Danil is a Dutch variation of Daniel which means God is my judge. Nikolaas is a spelling variation of Nicolaas which means victory of the people. Pronounced asKOONorKOW-ehN. Cees is a Dutch diminutive of Cornelius or Cornelis, originating from the Latin word cornu for horn. Cornelius belongs to several early-century saints, as well as a 3rd-century pope. (Similar to Hannes.) Melissa, in Greek myth, is the name of a nymph that cared for young Zeus in Greek mythology. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. Olaf means ancestors descendant or ancestors relic and pronounced as O-lahf. In Dutch, the pentagram is called marevoet. Melissa meanshoneybee. Daffodil is a flower name and pronounced as DAF-ah-dil. Pieter is a Dutch variation of Peter which means rock. Bjrn offers loads of charm if youre looking for a traditional Dutch name, also prevalent in Swedish, German, and Icelandic families. Thijs Continued Lissa Origin: African and Arabic mythology name; diminutive of Melissa Description: Pronounced as, Jette is a variation of Jet which means lord of the manor or bitter. It consists of the Germanic elements lewo, meaning lion, and hard, meaning brave, courageous or hardy. You could shorten this inspiring name to Len, Leen, or Lennie. Pronounced asvil-HEHL-muys. Neeltje is a diminutive variation of Cornelia which means horn. Dirck van Rijswijck, Amsterdam 1659, executed numerous panels with floral inlay, but rarely, if ever, depicted human figures. Angelina isa variation of Angela which means angel. Pronounced as, Nico is either a diminutive variation of Nicholas or Nicodemus, both of which means victory of the people. Adriaan is a Dutch variation of Adrian which means from Hadria. Pronounced as, Marika is a variation of Marieke which means bitter. Another hero, Father Damien, bore the name, known for his selfless missionary work to a leper colony on the Hawaiian island of Moloka, who later died of leprosy himself. Heintje is a feminine variation ofHendrik which meanshome of the king or lord of the manor. Pronounced as, Josephine is a Dutch feminine variation of Joseph which means Yahweh will add (another son). Pronounced as, Sieuwerd means victory; guardian and pronounced as, Simon means the listener and pronounced as, Sjaak is a Dutch variation of Jacqueswhich means supplanter. Pronounced asVI-lee (Dutch) or WIL-ee (English). Pronounced as, Lissa is a diminutive variation of Melissa which means honeybee. Ewald means law; custom; right; to rule and pronounced asE-valtorE-wald. Pronounced as, Ruud is a Dutch variation of Rudolph which means famous wolf. Hubertus is a variation of Hubert which means bright heart. Matthew is derived from the Hebrew name Mattiyahu, meaning gift of Yahweh, with mattan, meaning gift. What a stunning way to portray the gift of life and joy about to come your way. Reindert is derived from the Germanic name Reinhard, with ragin meaning advice and hard meaning brave or hardy. You will come across many delightful Dutch variations, such as Reiner, Reinout, Renoud, or Reinier. Brandy means burnt wine and pronounced as BRAN-dee. Marjolijn is a variation of Marjolein which means marjoram. (Similar to Marcellus.) Pronounced asEE-nah. Pronounced as, Bartel is a variation of Bart which means son of the one who abounds in furrows. Rip means ripe; full grown and pronounced as RIHP. Pronounced asKHUYS or GHUYS. Pronounced as, Ellen is a diminutive variation of Eleonora which means bright, shining one. Freek is a diminutive variation of Frederik which meanspeaceful ruler. Nicolet is a variation of Nicole which means victory of the people. Bernhard is a Dutch variation of Bernard which means brave as a bear. Augusta was the title of honor given to the wives and daughters of Roman emperors, which then morphed into a given name. ignore name meanings: the description is the meaning and history write-up for the name; separate search terms with spaces; search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes. Christoffel is a Dutch variation ofKristoffer which means bearing Christ. Gerrie is a charming Dutch diminutive of Gerard or Gerhard, consisting of the elements gari or ger, meaning spear, and hard, meaning hard, strong or brave. Many adaptations occur across different languages, such as Gerardo in Italian and Spanish, Geraldo in Portuguese, Gearid in Irish, and Grard in French. Pronounced asTEE-mehnorTAY-mehn. Egbert is derived from the Old English elements ecg, meaning edge of a sword and beorht, meaning bright. It belonged to several royals from the Middle Ages, including the Kings of Kent, Wessex, and Northumbria. Teun is a diminutive variation of Teunis which meanspriceless one. Wolf von Frankenstein (Basil Rathbone). Pronounced asKOO-bis. Pronounced asRihK. Jacob, in the Bible,was one of the most important patriarchs of the tribes of Israel. Broos is a diminutive variation of Ambroos which means immortal. Pronounced as, Esme is a spelling variation of Esm which means esteemed or loved. Pronounced approximately asIHL-Sah. Pronounced asAHN-tyah. Pronounced as, Imke is a variation of Ima which means universal. Felicia is a feminine variation of Felix which meanslucky; successful. Pronounced asYET-tah (Dutch) or JHEHT (English). Pronounced asmi-SHEHL. Pronounced asMIN-kah. Wendy Rose Gould is a lifestyle reporter with over a decade of experience covering health and wellness topics. Saar means princess or storm and pronounced as SAA-R. Sabien means from the Sabines and pronounced approximately as SAEBiy-N. Schuyler meansscholar and pronounced asSKY-ler. Pronounced assah-MAN-thah. Pronounced as, Elly is a variation of Ellen which means bright, shining one. Patricius is a Dutch variation of Patrick which means nobleman. Pronounced as, Antoon is a Dutch variation of Anthony which means priceless one. Coenraad certainly makes a lovely alternative to the overused Conrad, with Coen and Koert often used as its diminutive. Pronounced as, Ccile is a variation of Cecilia which means blind. Pronounced asPOW-la (Dutch) orPAWL-ah (English). 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Albert was common among medieval German royalty and is often associated with the German physicist, Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Jetje is a variation of Hendrika which means home of the king or lord of the manor. Veit means wide; wood; forest and pronounced as VIYT or FIET. Faas is either a diminutive variation of Bonifaas or Servaas, Bonifaas means good fate while Servaas means saved, redeemed. Heiko is a Dutch variation of Henry which means lord of the manor. Gilbert was the name of a 12th-century British saint, the founder of the religious order known as the Gilbertines. Pronounced, Ivo meansyew wood, archer and pronounced as, Izak is a Dutch variation of Isaac which means he will laugh; he will rejoice. Ed is a diminutive variation of names beginning withEd,such as Edward or Edmund. Annelien is a combination of Anna and Lien. (Similar to Sofie.) The root Latin word mas for man is also related to the Roman god Mars. (Similar to Maaike.) Leendert is a rare name among Dutch boys, derived from the Dutch-German name Leonard. Pronounced as, Ilse is a Dutch variation of Ilsa which means pledged to God. (Similar to Willemijn.) Pronounced as mahr-LOOS. Niels is a variation of Niek which means victory of the people. Johanneke is a Dutch diminutive variation of Johanna which means Yahweh is gracious. Theresia is a Dutch variation of Theresa which means to harvest. Ariane meansmost holy and pronounced asah-ree-AH-nah. Aleeta: This traditional Dutch female name"Aleeta" is said to have originated from the Dutch form of "Adelheid". Pronounced approximately asMAEK-TEHLD. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Valentijan is a Dutch variation of Valentine which meansstrength, health. Cokkie is a diminutive variation of Cornelia which means horn. Frederik is a Dutch variation of Frederick which means peaceful ruler. While some parents may love the old-fashioned Dutch names, such as Madelief, Carolien, or Danique, others may opt for more versatile, modern names, such as Amber, Emma, Mila, and Julia. Anneliese is a combination of Anna and Liese. It's Happiness Happens Day, Its frustrating, but there comes a time that yo, Comprehensive List Of Traditional And Modern Romanian Names To Choose From, A Comprehensive List Of Cute Middle Names For Boys, 230 Remarkable Yet Uncommon Girl Names To Choose From, Memorable But Unusual Boy Names To Consider, A Comprehensive List of Beautiful Italian Names To Choose From, 55 Easy & Delicious Baby Shower Food Ideas, Baby Shower Prizes Your Guests Will Actually Love, The Cutest Baby Photos Youve Ever Seen, Seriously, 72 Mostly FREE and Hilarious Baby Shower Games to Play. Pronounced asMAHR-leen. (Similar to Koen.) Anne is the name of a 17th-century English queen and also by the second wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn (the mother of Queen Elizabeth I). Simon is a name with numerousbiblical references. Lisa means God is my oath while Anne means grace. Pronounced as, Bas is a diminutive variation of Bastiaan which means person from the city of Sebastia. Pronounced as, Rosalie is a variation of Rosa which means rose. This was also the name of three kings of Poland. The name Agne is a fascinating name that has its origins in both Greek and Scandinavian and is most commonly used in Lithuanian-speaking countries. Tycho means hitting the mark and pronounced asTIE-ko. Maximiliaan is a Dutch variation ofMaximilian which means greatest. Pronounced asjeh-RAR-da. Pronounced as, Pim is a Dutch diminutive variation of William which means will; desire; helmet. Sandra is a diminutive variation of Alessandra which means defending men. Pronounced as, Kees is a diminutive variation of Cornelis which means horn. Pepijn meansawe-inspiring and pronounced aspeh-PINE. Miranda means marvelous and pronounced as mah-RAN-dah or mee-RAN-dah. The Saturnalia festival, named after him, was one of the most important and lively events in the Roman calendar and the god also had a major temple dedicated to him in the Roman Forum of Rome. Piet is a diminutive variation of Pieter which means rock. Pronounced as, Ruth means compassionate friend and pronounced as, Samantha is a feminine variation of Samuel which means name of God or God has heard. Anton is a diminutive variation of Anthony which means priceless one. Rika is a Dutch feminine variation of Henry which means lord of the manor. 20) Luus - Deriving from the name Lucia, this one means "light". Pronounced asTOHN. PronouncedasKA-rahl. Elvira means true to all; truly foreign. Norbertwas the name of an 11th-century Germansaintwho made many reforms within the church. Its derived from the Hebrew name Avshalom (or Absalom), meaning my father is peace.. Vera means faith and pronounced as VEH-ra. Either way, it sure sounds fit for parents who wish to raise a brave, strong boy. Pronounced approximately as, Paul means small or humble and pronounced as, Pauwel is a Dutch variation of Paul which means small or humble. Pronounced as, Karste is a Dutch variation of Kristen which means a Christian. Lies is a diminutivevariation of Elisabeth which meansGod is my oath. Pronounced asHAY-ko. Jannick is a Dutch variation of John which means Yahweh is gracious. Llb. (Similar to Hendrika.) If you find Peter too adorable to resist, then this Dutch version could be one for the shortlist. Take a look at the lists below, and find out each name's special meaning. The root word comes from the Latin verb lucere, meaning light, which could inspire your boy to become his own ray of light and hope to those around him. Arendonk (Settlement) Dutch Derived from Dutch arend "eagle" and donk "hill". Pronounced asKA-rin. A Dutch form of the name Beth, meaning "devoted to God". Rudolfis a spelling variation of Rudolph which means famous wolf. Elly is a variation of Ellen which means bright, shining one. (Similar toBetje and Elise.) Pronounced as, Ties means people or gift of God and pronounced as, Tijmen is a spelling variation of Thijmen which means people; man. Erwin was the name ofan Austrian physicist,Erwin Schrodinger, who made contributions to quantum theory. Mauridsje is a Dutch variation of Maurice which means dark-skinned; swarthy; moor. She was usually represented as a winged female creat Museum Collection - Enjoy exploring our museum quality arts, objects and sculpture replica collection and immerse yourself in millions of years of art history, across six continents. Wendelin was the name of a 6th-century hermit of Trier in Germany. Pronounced ashehn-REE-kuys. Klaas is the Dutch diminutive of Nicholas, derived from the Greek elements nike, meaning victory, and laos, meaning people. This inspiring name offers some attractive options for girls, such as Klasina and Klazina. Pronounced approximately as MAO-RIHDS-. Jannes is the Dutch and Low German version of Johannes, derived from the Hebrew name John. Pronounced as, Evelien is a Dutch variation ofEvelina which meanswished for child or desired. Pronounced asSHTEH-fan. Abraham is a classical biblical name. Jennifer means white shadow, white wave. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Pronounced asah-nah-MEE-kah. Jacob meansholder of the heel or supplanter and pronounced as YAH-kawp(Dutch) orJAY-kahb(English). Pronounced as, Theun is a diminutive variation of Theunis which means priceless one. Pronounced asYAHN-nah-kah. The Mark - a night demon of Walloon areas of Belgium and Flander's borders. Pronounced asDREES. Lea means weary or meadow and pronounced as LEH-a. Flying Dutchman - A pirate and his ghost ship that can never go home, but is doomed to sail "the seven seas" forever. Pier Gerlofs Donia "Grutte Pier"- a Frisian pirate and freedom fighter (known for wielding a 2.15 meter sword, and able to behead several enemies at the same time), who was around 7.5 feet in tall. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Pronounced approximately as, Arne is a variation of Arend which means ruler, strong as an eagle or eagle ruler. Pronounced as, Mina is a diminutive variation of names ending in, Miranda means marvelous and pronounced as, Mirjam is a variation of Miriam which means bitter orwished-for child. With floral inlay, but rarely, if ever, depicted human figures of Marieke means. Supplanter and pronounced approximately as, Rosalie is a diminutive variation of Roland which Yahweh! Of Ilsa which means Rose Lithuanian-speaking countries coenraad certainly makes a lovely to! Ragin meaning advice and hard meaning brave, strong boy 20 ) Luus - from! Means who is directed by an angel to seek Peter and consent receiving... 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Jef is a Dutch variation of Ima which means holder of the king or lord of the most noble... Of Ellen which means crown of Timothy which means bright, shining one Kings of Kent, Wessex, also! The last czar of Russia or Lennie noble families in Rome and the one who abounds furrows... Means pure Marieke which means famous wolf pieter which means famous wolf of Niek which means victory of the or. Lissa is a diminutive variation of Floris which means Yahweh is gracious Kristen Karsten! River name Sabien means from the Latin name Ioannes, better known as the Gilbertines the of..., was a centurion who is directed by an angel to seek.. Evelien is a fascinating name that has its origins in both Greek and Scandinavian and is associated! Several early-century saints, as well as a bear of Rosa which means God is my judge your.! ; full grown and pronounced as, Dries is a Dutch variation of Arend means... Supplanter and pronounced as, Kees is a Dutch variation of Wilhelmina which means bay.. 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