Therefore, we protect, develop, and deploy all of our resources (people, time, money, knowledge, reputation and materials) with great care and wisdom. In order to develop quality staff at Compassion while at the same time managing our financial resources with great care and wisdom, we seek to offer competitive salaries for the various positions necessary to successfully execute Compassions mission statement. Compassion International is far from a scam! I know you gave that gift from the heart hoping to be a blessing to her entire family and felt as though Compassion did not listen to your request. I am hoping that as we are able to clear up the issues with this system and get back on track with processing the letters, you will continue to hear from Gadiel as often as you used to. As I understand it, part of our sponsorship money goes toward our sponsored child going to school in the area as well as being able to visit the center, right? Article content. As the children get older, they will begin to add more personal details to their letters and learn how to engage with their sponsor more. They confirm that someone far away in the United States thinks she is valuable enough to write to and care for. How absolutely precious it is to hear from Dawkins Ochieng and Mworia! I would like to first thank you for your support for Leo for the past 2 years. We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding the letter writing process. [VIDEO],,, I have sent numerous letters with pictures telling him about our family along with my children, husband and dogs names. You may definitely visit a correspondent child and give financial gifts! He will receive the gift around the middle of July and then send you a thank you letter. You are doing a wonderful thing and we thank you for having faith in our program and choosing to sponsor with us! Do they actually get anything for my donation? Thanks so much! We are happy to help! We want you to feel confident in your sponsorship. I cannot express how sorry I am to hear of the doubts you have about Compassion and whether your one-to-one sponsorship of Mugisha is real. I am so sorry for the confusion about schooling for the children. They say these letters are from our sponsored child, but with what I received, thats not possible. Lisa, I am deeply sorry for the concerns you have that have caused you to doubt the integrity of Compassion. By The Numbers. I always noticed that the handwriting was somewhat different, but thought he was getting older and perhaps his penmanship was improving. Please know that I do see you have been writing often and your letters are thoughtful and full of love; and I want you to know he is definitely receiving them. Sadly, many children feel timid or have a lack of confidence when it comes to writing. Weve sent him birthday cards and coloring pages with a 6 on it last year for his birthday and this year again, with the wrong age. God bless you! Its getting to be frustrating. We were able to use that donation to purchase a Christmas present for him, but it might have been a little early for him to mention the gift in that specific letter. For this reason, I encourage donors of any organization to do their research. Even if the CEO was paid $100k per year, which is well above the national average pay in the U.S., over 6,000 additional kids could be sponsored with the CEOs over-abundant salary alone. Can someone from CI address this? Im sure. Any detailed questions you have about visiting your child can be directed towards our Tours and Visits team by email at [emailprotected]. Program Output Ratio: 0.82 vs. 0.799 Many children may attend local public schools. Top 8 Organizations Dedicated To Helping Children in Need. I see that you sent her a graduation gift as well as her birthday gift in January of 2014. Eventually I made the hard decision to stop my sponsorship. We do this so that no child is left out at Christmas. I know this because I have been one for over 20 years now. This means that with your donation (should you choose to give), we will purchase a gift for your child, gifts for children whose sponsors cant give, and children who arent yet sponsored. I currently sponsor 6 children, but unfortunately will no longer do that. If Jesus asked them to sell everything they had and give to the poor (or give up an extremely high salary) what would Compassion say? Anyways, the response the second time said that it normally takes 3 to 6 months to receive the first letter.hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I had to sit down and share something with all of you two years ago I decided to sponsor a beautiful little girl in Honduras, who was then 8 years old. Kay, it sounds like youre really concerned and we appreciate your care for your child and completely understand your desire for transparency and clarification regarding your childs situation! Then at the end of every month, I would send some extra. Did you ever discuss with the child what frequency rate was a comfortable one for him or her? This is one of the highest percentages for an organization like ours. Your second letter is still being translated as a result of these kinks in the new system, but I can tell you that your letter is on its way to Juliano. For example, when I ask how theyre doing in school, I get, Fine, or Well., I know there are limits on the kinds of things anyone other than the child would tell us, so as not to rob them of dignity or violate their privacy. Im sure having to add something specific about each child would be a burden, in a project serving 350-400 children, or even 200. Were thrilled about this and I pray that you begin to find your questions being answered in future letters your child writes to you. For these varying reasons, the information might not be 100% accurate for the child but its the best information our staff was able to provide when the child was registered. I cannot express how sorry I am to hear of the doubts you have about Compassion and whether our compensation is fair. Please dont let translation issues or logistical issues beyond anyones control rob you of the joy of choosing to love and assist a child in the Name of Jesus. I was so shocked I didnt believe. Or did you try to pass off your responsibility as a sponsor to someone else, which is the impression I got. But boy I sure wish she was able to communicate with me. . g.Consultation. Compassion does a lot but they arent miracle workers. Rest assured weve received your letters and theyll get to your boy. In plain English they have some kinks to work out in their process. Can you please reduce the paper mail coming into my mailbox as well? I will find it very difficult to forgive Compassion UK for that: * My child was hungry and you did not feed him. Again, because taking pictures is costly with everything involved from taking the picture to getting it to you and would take much staff time when they have many duties throughout the day along with carrying on project activities, we cannot do it for every letter that is sent. The last few years it has been between 82 and 85 %. For a given child, when does the sponsorship program end, i.e., at what age? It all depends on how old your child is and who if anyone helped them to write the letter that day. There has always been problems with communication and accuracy of information vital to building relationships was low. I have sponsored a total of 11 children with Compassion. The other half was used to purchase a gift for Susi and a gift for another child in the program through our Christmas fund. But as one external reviewer pointed out, they have on occasion misapplied and applied inconsistently the heuritics they use to judge organizations. How can you not get the date right? Keep asking her questions. I also get quotes from the Bible that are not accurate such as this example: Joel 6:8 There are only 3 chapters in Joel. Thank you all I loved reading all your stories, God bless all of you and especially the childrenJesus loves them all. For your own sake, but mostly for the sake of your sponsored child, I hope you will not simply withdraw your support and terminate your sponsorship. It has been such a rewarding experience. Samuel told me that Compassion has been able to reach and get children from here just recently and the number keep pouring in since then. The goal is to ensure Compassions ability to attract and maintain the expertise required of a President & CEO equal to the scope and complexity of the global ministry. So naturally I am questioning if my child has received anything. I am grateful to the musician that came to my town and told me about compassion. There is little work in that area so the father must live apart from the family for a year and back home for only a couple of weeks at a time! English is a difficult language to learn and for our translators who know English as a foreign language words like he and she are regrettably often mixed up. Since Farel has been in the program since 2013, he actually has had two official photos taken by Compassion. I sent money for her a Christmas present in 2013, money for her birthday for April 1, 2014, and a graduation check for $200, plus a good-bye letter, and never received any acknowledgements for these. I want to believe this organization is on the up and up, but its hard. The children in our projects may or may not stay in the program until they reach this age. Thank you so very much Emily! Sadly, Ill be giving up sponsorship to Compassion UK in February 2014. Upon my return home I encouraged the members of my church to also pick up a sponsor child. Private Donations $1.1B. Youve been a faithful sponsor with us over over 12 years now according to our records (wow!) * My childs mother was very sick and it wasnt your problem. Please Google us and see what people are saying about us, check out what watchdog organizations say about us, read the third party research on the integrity and efficacy of our program, if you are able, visit your child and see where your money is going first hand. It is hard to write letter after letter and never hear back. I have not had a chance to visit Iddi in Tanzania but my heart so desires it. Now with our new system, they are translated through very advanced, intelligent software that learns words as it goes so that letters get translated even quicker! Since the person obviously chose to hide by not putting a name it causes me to wonder about legitimacy. Many children dont make it to their fifth birthday in impoverished countries and so the birthday is not held as valuable because whats important is seeing to it that the child makes it through the first few years of life. Protecting children and the sponsors resource is enthrined in the high level integrity as a Compassion International pillar. I hope this helps to clarify some of your questions. In the last letter sent, he asked if I had children or pets. The world spirit in ways compassion international fake letters sponsorship alone can not send, you ' re finances actually. Therefore, its difficult for the tutors to help him answer questions without your letter there for reference, even though they do encourage the kiddos to bring their letters or remember what their sponsor wrote. Gioto- (means really hot place Hell) a dump city in Nakuru where the people sometimes wont speak its name because it is a dangerous place of no hope and it is where you go when you have no where else to go. I sponsor Josue Pina Garcia of Peru North of Lima. One of the websites I use to check out a charity is Ive sent 11 letters this past year and received 2 from Gadiel. You can watch her story at and also Many thanks again Compassion for your very important, life changing work. I was welcomed into the home of Samuel Kimani and his wife Tenesia and their 2 year old son, Philip. Our children are required to write to their sponsors twice per year, whether they are receiving letters back or not. I pray for the people who work in this ministry and do good in Jesus name. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. . -health care to prevent and fight disease and sickness Was this for Christina or Adele? I was quite upset as one can imagine! My child finally aged out and today I got another letter from him. I sponsor a child in Honduras, Columbia, Haiti and two in Ecuador. Absolutely. Hi Mindy, Ive been a sponsor for three years and it is the best decision I have made. We welcome the opportunity to improve. I just checked the site. Im sorry for that as we dont want you to feel that your concern was ignored or unimportant! He may not have them with him when he writes back, so he may not remember the questions you have asked. I sponsor four children and I love each of them dearly. Help Us Innovate. Something began to not seem right about it anymorewhich seems to be the common thought in this thread. We do want to attract and hire quality people for our ministry and pay them according to the skills and experience they bring to the organization. This is why after 20y of sponsoring with you, you were not able to follow-up nor contact me on my concerns regarding the child I sponsored (the letter translations became very brief, one of his letters informed me you do know I am disabled dont you? after 10years of sponsoring him)? As for repeated details, Im sure I repeat things too. Once the gift is received, a thank you letter will always be written and sent to their sponsor. Thank you so much for sharing your honest story about your experience with Compassion! I love the child focus and Jesus focus of Compassion. I just checked on your letter and it is still in the translation step but once its finished, youll be able to open it and view the letter in your My Account! I was sponsored by a couple from the UK. I will be looking to sponsor an additional 2 children from that local Compassion field office/site. Furthermore, the cover for my child in Uganda stated they were an only child. Honestly, I cant explain why your letters in particular are not satisfactory because I dont know whats going on in the lives of your sponsored kiddos. These leaders dont produce anything they simply administer the money that we the sponsors have given and thats worth up to half a million salary plus perks. He showed me all the things I had mailed to him over the years, keeping it all in a small picture album. To heal or to harm. This means that it is not normal to go more that six months without hearing from your child. The Feed my children also sends out Gods message in addition to the meals. I really hope you enjoy it! I do apologize for that! I just wanted to let you know that we would be happy to take a look at these letters that you are referencing, and if it does seem fishy, we would be happy to send an inquiry. The center visits are in addition to their being able to attend school? (Though please do this in addition to your other sponsorship not instead of!!) Thirdly, we have friends who are living as missionaries in Africa. I think there was some confusion regarding the christmas fund thing. She retrieved their birth documents and when I made cakes for them for their birthdays she thought it was a very strange custom lol. I am definitely disheartened that the CEO salary of an organization that aims to fight poverty in Jesus name got $419,184 in 2019 and his salary increases significantly each year. Colorado Springs, CO 80997. Junk King Colorado Springs is the eco-friendly, fast, touchless junk removal solution in Colorado Springs, CO for all of your personal or commercial junk removal needs. What did you do, or not do here? This experience became all the more fulfilling two years ago when I paid a visit to my sponsor childs center and to his home and village. It will take them some time to iron out the kinks in the system although i keep hoping and praying they revert back to the old way. I cant afford to give more but i always try to give money for each of my kids. I dont know what youve included in your packages but unless its paper, it didnt go thru. We usually compare our CEOs compensation to World Visions President, who has a reportable compensation from that organizationas $447,500, because they are an organization of comparable size and mission. We updated our system in April and have seen a slow down of letters as we work through the kinks in the new system. Hmmmm, I think I am beginning to get the picture now. There also exist the letter "A" symbol inside a circle icon -- which to some, represents the letter symbol meaning "Anarchy" -- or "no government". If I want to send extra money there is a spot right on the bottom to do so. The other day we received updated pictures (Thank you for that!!!) Therefore, it is very possible that we have accidentally printed out the same childs letter twice and sent it to you a second time, especially since they are identical. Again, I am so sorry for the disappointment that reading the 990 Form caused. Our goal is that the children in our program follow Jesus Christ in faith and deed, support themselves and share with others in need, are responsible members of their families, churches, communities and nations; and maintain their own physical well-being by the time they complete our Child Sponsorship Program. We definitely want to make sure that the children in our program are writing to their sponsors. My child was in the 4th grade 5 years ago. I am disappointed to know that you cant do paperless statements. Living frugally and being content is possible for westerners. Lots of inconsistencies are emerging. This is common, especially in families with more than one child. If theres one thing Ive learned in my life about computers and computer systems, it is that nothing ever goes as planned and there are always glitches. After 7 years of sponsorship, I need to go with my gut and cancel my sponsorship. You, as the donor, would then receive a thank you letter letting you know how the gift was used within six months of when the gift was given. I hear your heart for this ministry and your desire to foster a meaningful relationship with your sweet boy. Hi Pam! I truly believe that Compassion International is the best child sponsorship program out there. Not that I dont trust Compassion, but rather that I do trust Compassion. I cant imagine the financial and emotional burden you are feeling right now. But the children dont say things like, Plays well with others, or Please pray about behavioral issues, or is struggling, right now. Over the past year of being 4 years old and not in school yet I do not feel the majority of these were even done by her. Jennifer, I think the best way to eliminate confusion is to do it all yourselves. This may have been a misunderstanding during the translation of her letter, but we will be sure to clear this up for you :). Compassion maybe legitimate but I have witnessed first hand their blatant disregard for their sponsors money. The reason for this is because once a child completes our program, we have no way to require a thank you letter from that child since they no longer attend the project. We have three active sponsorships in Bolivia, Peru and Uganda, all started when these kids where very young and they are now aged between 10-12. Typically, letters to and from the children take about 2-3 months to be delivered each way. I will also pray for great wisdom among your Compassion leaders in TZ in handling such matters. a) Activating Compassion: Step 1 = Breath (Body, Being) b) Compassionate Connection Begins with Self c) Compassionate Connection Begins With Companioning Our Own Suffering In Parting May this. I send a package with every single letter I send which is about every 6 weeks and tell her that she can share the things with her brother(s) and sister(s) (I dont really know what her family consists of). I pray for their growth, integrity, and that many more children will be helped in Jesuss name. I am very happy to report that I have five sponsored children and have not had this experience at all! I never dreamed the changes would have problems this long. Her reply, it may have gotten lost in the mail. It has given me the opportunity to help others. You should also begin to see his letters become more personal as your relationship grows. In reviewing your account, I show the last letter that we received from Leo was on April 9th. Id encourage you to look us up on their website if you havent already. Have no idea what it was used for or if they even received it. About the website: In at least one instance, parental information remained unchanged three and four years after a parent had died. I have a sense like you. I wish the people calling in to the Compassion office doubting the ministrys integrity would just spend a few days reading this blog. They openly acknowledge on their page that, we are a startup organization working in areas we have little experience with. 2 children from that local Compassion field office/site would send some extra problems this long i would like first..., husband and dogs names to check out a charity is http: // http! Paper mail coming into my mailbox as well VIDEO ], http: // and also many again. Be written and sent to their sponsor fight disease and sickness was this for or! 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