2-10 employees. The Aperture VC linkage with InnovateHER will offer entrepreneurs access to the fund's managing partners and extensive ecosystem of corporate and strategic partners. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". During the 90s Mr. Cagan invested in and helped build 15 high tech companies with over $500 million of equity capital invested in those companies. Base Compensation Aperture investment teams receive modest base salaries according to industry data.4. The fund targets investments in the media, apparel, accessory, healthcare device, supply, robotic, drone and TMT sectors. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Mr. Robinson earned a JD/MBA from Pepperdine University and a B.A. Along the way, the Aperture team has mentored hundreds of founders around the country. Since 1996, we have invested in more than 400 technology companies across the U.S. and Asia. Win whats next. He has been a founder, director and/or lead investor of several venture-backed life sciences companies, including Mako Surgical. in English from the University of Michigan. Known for the innovative Diversity Investing API platform, we work closely with treasury and corporate ventures units to expand their diversity investing toolbox. All rights reserved. As outperformance is generated, each strategy is charged a performance-linked fee of 30% on returns generated in excess of that strategys stated benchmark, up to a cap. Your request has been sent. Neither Bloomberg nor Barclays approves or endorses this material, or guarantees the accuracy or completeness of any information herein, or makes any warranty, express or implied, as to the results to be obtained therefrom and, to the maximum extent allowed by law, neither shall have any liability or responsibility for injury or damages arising in connection therewith. He is actively engaged with many of Aperture's portfolio companies and was closely involved with Aperture's successful exits. Mr. McAfee is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist and merchant banker, founding eleven companies in renewable energy, oil & gas, networking and software. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall any MSCI Party have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, consequential (including, without limitation, lost profits) or any other damages. Please connect with us to get access to Impact Vault. Company size. WebAperture Media Partners is a media finance, advisory and production company focused on feature films and episodic entertainment. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedback, and other third-party features. We engage with clients along the entire employment life cycle. These are the qualities that matter most to us. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. At Aemetis, Mr. Lee assisted with a joint venture project to construct a 50 million gallon capacity biodiesel refinery in India, the acquisition of a cellulosic enzyme technology, and development of other biodiesel and ethanol projects and joint ventures in the US and South America; From 2003-2006, Mr. Lee served as in-house counsel to Evolution Petroleum Corp (from inception to AMEX listing, currently trading under the symbol EPM), a company focused on identifying and developing enhanced oil recovery reserves, bypassed oil and gas resources and unconventional gas shale. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". He won a prestigious Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting from the Academy of Motion Pictures and a Humanitas Angell Fellowship for his TV writing. Copyright Aperture Investors, LLC 2023. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Aperture Investors, LLC is an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Aperture Capital Partners is the holder of AFSL 540870. Aperture Capital Partners LLC is The firm offers mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, and private equity advisory services. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. We have created a new investing paradigm purpose-built to back diverse founders across the US who are building the next generation of game-changing tech companies. Mr. Cagan was the founding Chairman of Evolution Petroleum Corporation (NYSE: EPM), a company he founded to develop mature oil & gas fields with advanced technologies. Aperture Venture Capital Announces Strategic Partnership with InnovateHER Inc. Aperture VC commits to nurturing female founders at the country's fastest-growing women's entrepreneurship organization. Meet The Team William Crowder Founder and Managing Partner Garnet Heraman Founder and Managing Partner Marjorie King Platform Advisor 01 50% of the investment teams performance compensation is deferred for 2 years from the end of the year in which it was earned. Our managers regularly engage with clients in-person and online, unambiguously sharing their opinions and perspectives. Aperture Capital Partners is a corporate advisory firm based in Melbourne. Aperture Capital Partners is a corporate advisory firm based in Melbourne. WebAperture is all about alignment, which is why the compensation of our portfolio managers and investment teams is also designed to put client results first, with an emphasis on consistent outperformance. PitchBook can help you gauge a funds performance based on IRR, cash flow multiples (DPI, RVPI and TVPI), distributions and more. WebAperture Capital Partners LLC is a boutique investment banking firm which provides financial advisory services. All rights reserved. He is a director and founder of Calpian, Inc. (CLPI), was a founder of Procera Networks (Nasdaq: PKT), Pacific Ethanol (Nasdaq: PEIX) and a former founder/director of Aemtis, Inc. (AMTX) and Camac Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CAK). We compare our typical portfolio managers and investment team professionals base compensation to the salaries of people with the title Chief Investment Officer and Senior Portfolio Manager respectively in the Greater New York City and Greater London areas using LinkedIn Salary, which bases its estimates on information voluntarily provided by members and employers as of July 2, 2019. Historical data and analysis should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance analysis, forecast or prediction. is a nationally recognized healthcare entrepreneur, having used his medical training and business experience to found and manage several companies which have become the national leaders in their respective fields and generated $2 billion in revenues. fund specialized in mezzanine debt. Trusted and experienced venture investor looking to partner with consumer Internet and enterprise companies at all stages - seed, early-stage and growth. Aperture Capital Partners is a corporate advisory firm based in Melbourne. They were my first phone call when it was time to fund my next one. "Tandem invested early in my last startup and was a great partner at all times. CMCP portfolio companies have raised over $600 million of equity capital and over $2B of project development capital. BLOOMBERG is a trademark and service mark of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates (collectively Bloomberg). He received his M.D. 01 Our Mission Produce outperformance by aligning asset managers with their clients. The MSCI information is provided on an as is basis and the user of this information assumes the entire risk of any use made of this information. He also currently manages his own private legal practice where he provides consulting and legal services to a variety of publicly-traded and private companies, with a focus in the alternative energy industry, technology companies, capital raising (public and private) and reverse mergers. Aperture Investors will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates. Most firms charge fixed fees as a percent of assets, sothe percent fee is the same whether your investment increases or decreasesin value, or whether the manager out / under-performs the benchmark. WebAperture is all about alignment, which is why the compensation of our portfolio managers and investment teams is also designed to put client results first, with an emphasis on consistent outperformance. Before joining Bluespire, Mr. Fine worked as an analyst for 361Firm, a boutique investment bank, where he assisted in capital raising efforts. WebLAIRD Q. CAGAN. WebDCM is a venture capital firm with over $4 billion under management. During the 90s Mr. Cagan invested in and helped build 15 high tech companies with over $500 million of equity capital invested in those companies. His experience and relationships help Apertures portfolio companies in a variety of valuable ways (strategy, capital raising, M&A, business development, corporate governance). By using this site I agree to the. WebLAIRD Q. CAGAN. Mr. McAfee serves or has served on the Boards of Directors of American Ethanol (founder/Chairman/former CEO Nasdaq OTC WMII: alternative fuels); Pacific Ethanol (co-founder/director - Nasdaq PEIX: alternative fuels); Natural Gas Systems (founder/director AMEX EPM: oil & gas production); Blast Energy Services (former Vice Chairman and CEO Nasdaq OTC BESV: oil & gas production enhancement technologies); Procera Networks (co-founder/former director Nasdaq OTC PRNW: wire-speed Layer 7 devices); IQ Biometrix/Wherify Wireless (co-founder/former Chairman: Nasdaq OTC WFYW - security software and devices); Netstream (co-founder: MPLS network CLEC); CustomerLink Systems (emarketing solutions); MindArrow Systems (co-founder/Co-Chairman: rich media CRM software); ExpressLink (auto dealer POS system); mvion (wireless software); Global Digital (co-founder: Internet software for newspapers); iCommerce (ecommerce software); Quikview (employment systems); DataZone (mobile network storage); Intraop Medical (mobile device for cancer treatment); and DAC Intl (precision lathes for optical lenses). In 2004, Mr. Cagans team won the Veterans Cup, over-40 Soccer National Championship and in 2012 his team won the over-50 National Championship. Get the full list, Morningstar Institutional Equity Research. They limit their assets under management because they are paid to perform; we will not incentivise our managers to be asset-gatherers. Average calculated by Aperture of the 10 ETFs classified by Morningstar as Emerging Markets Bond that also describe themselves as predominantly passive, index-tracking products. WebOur diverse founders have 25 years of experience in early stage venture capital, corporate investing and angel investing. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. http://aperturevp.com/. 01 Our Mission Produce outperformance by aligning asset managers with their clients. During his tenure at Comerica, the division grew to become the world leader in independent lm nance, providing financing for nearly 1,000 films. We engage with clients along the entire employment life cycle. with Aurigin to get access to capital & deals across 140+ countries. They gave us their advice on matters but backed the founders' decisions in the end regardless.". in Economics from Denison University. We embrace the best of what makes us human. Several of these films won Academy Awards including Best Picture, and many were blockbuster films that earned over $500 million in box office. Stem CentRx was founded in 2008 with the intent of developing life-changing therapies for cancer patients. Finding alpha is hard, and it relies on the distinct perspectives of active managers. Prior to Aperture Media Partners, Mr. Underwood was Group Manager at Comerica Entertainment Group where he worked for 18 years. Our clients are significant ASX-listed and private Australian companies, where we often act on a long term retained basis as a trusted adviser. Copyright 2023 AURIGIN, The information provided in each listing on this website is published as obtained from external sources that provide the information. Investment Products: NOT FDIC INSURED | MAY LOSE VALUE | NOT BANK GUARANTEED. He has proven track record investing in TMT (Internet, media, mobile Internet, mobile apps), alternative energy/energy efficiency (waste and water treatment, biofuel, solar and geothermal), medical devices, agriculture. He is actively engaged with many of Aperture's portfolio companies and was closely involved with Aperture's successful exits. Investment Management. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Dr. Natale trained in General Surgery and Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Connecticut and Hartford Hospital and held clinical appointments in Hartford area hospitals before transitioning into entrepreneurial activities. Website. Aperture Capital Partners is a corporate advisory firm based in Melbourne. He was corporate officer and global VP of multiple US companies in which he grew multiple start-ups to over $500M of business. He serves on the Board of Agora Partnerships and on TechnoServe's Global Advisory Council. During the 90s Mr. Cagan invested in and helped build 15 high tech companies with over $500 million of equity capital invested in those companies. Jim has 5 approved US patents. Since 1996, we have invested in more than 400 technology companies across the U.S. and Asia. Ms. Wyatt comes to Aperture with over 25 years of financial experience in the music industry. Source: MSCI. Aurigin is a global deal origination platform that connects qualified investment opportunities to institutional providers of capital. Bloomberg or Bloombergs licensors, including Barclays, own all proprietary rights in the Bloomberg Barclays Indices. The fund targets investments in the media, apparel, accessory, healthcare device, supply, robotic, drone and TMT sectors. Headquarters. We are committed to working with exceptional entrepreneurs to build innovative companies in the medical device, pharmaceutical, healthcare IT/services and diagnostic sectors. WebThe Aperture Partners Group is a human capital advisory firm, with functions across search and assessment. Our clients are significant ASX-listed and private Australian companies, where we often act on a long term retained basis as a trusted adviser. It requires humility, patience, self-awareness and focus all qualities we model in our investment process, in the operation of our firm, and in our interactions with clients. This site is available for U.S. investors only. WebAperture Capital Partners is a corporate advisory firm based in Melbourne. ", "Tandem has been a great partner of ours. Through this partnership with Aperture VC, we look forward to forging more access points to opportunity for the leaders we serve.". WebAperture Capital Partners is a specialist investment banking and strategy advisory firm serving the aerospace, defense, intelligence, communications and data analytics markets. And given that most managers dontconsistently beat their benchmarks. About InnovateHER KCInnovateHER KCis a fast-growing 4,700+ member leadership community serving women and individuals from marginalized gender communities in the verticals of entrepreneurship, community advocacy, civic leadership, education, and the arts. We are on a mission to redefine the venture landscape for generations of diverse entrepreneurs by building an ecosystem engineered for successful exits. Learn More. New York, New York. and received a BS and MS in Engineering and an MBA from Stanford University. Aperture Capital Partners LLC is based in Washington, District Of Columbia. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". We charge fees similar to comparable passive products when funds perform at or below their stated benchmarks, and only charge increased fees based on returns that exceed such stated benchmarks. Management hasover 50 years of combined entertainment industry experience and collectively has completed over $13 billion of media projects and transactionswithnearly every leading independent film company and producer in the industry. We offer our members support through what we call our Five Pillars; social connection, professional development, championship, mentorship, and resource sharing. BARCLAYS is a trademark and service mark of Barclays Bank Plc (collectively with its affiliates, Barclays), used under license. He also has extensive international business experience as senior executive. They work with companies across a variety of sectors, primarily within the healthcare and healthy living industries. Prior to Aperture, Paul was a co-founding principal of Gollust, Tierney and Oliver, the general partner for Coniston Partners which was a $1 billion active value investment partnership that generated superior returns. At UBS, he executed merger and acquisition, equity and debt transactions. Our team of seasoned professionals has expertise in various aspects of filmed entertainment finance and production, and our media finance capabilities include alternatives not consistently covered by banks or credit investors. Aurigin is a venture Capital, corporate investing and angel investing this partnership with Aperture 's successful.. Committed to working with exceptional entrepreneurs to build innovative companies in the category necessary! For his TV writing boutique investment banking firm which provides financial advisory services the Board of Agora Partnerships on. 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