When any property is confiscated, the prisoner should be given written documentation of this information. (h) A correctional facility should be monitored and regularly inspected by independent government entities. (a) No prisoner diagnosed with serious mental illness should be placed in long-term segregated housing. Visits with counsel and clergy should not be counted as visiting time, and ordinarily should be unlimited in frequency. (b) No prisoner under the age of eighteen should be housed in an adult correctional facility. jailhouse lawyers. If contact visits are precluded because of such an individualized determination, non-contact, in-person visiting opportunities should be allowed, absent an individualized determination that a non-contact visit between the prisoner and a particular visitor poses like dangers. (a) The physical plant of a correctional facility should: (i) be adequate to protect and promote the health and safety of prisoners and staff; (iii) include appropriate housing, laundry, health care, food service, visitation, recreation, education, and program space; (iv) have appropriate heating and ventilation systems; (v) not deprive prisoners or staff of natural light, of light sufficient to permit reading throughout prisoners housing areas, or of reasonable darkness during the sleeping hours; (vi) be free from tobacco smoke and excessive noise; (vii) allow unrestricted access for prisoners to potable drinking water and to adequate, clean, reasonably private, and functioning toilets and washbasins; and. _______are laws that are created by local, state, and federal governments, the number of section 1983 lawsuits among both state and federal prisoners dropped dramatically following the passage of the _________________. For biomedical research that poses only a minimal risk to its participants or for behavioral research, prisoner participation should be allowed only if the research offers potential benefits to prisoners either individually or as a class. (b) Monitoring teams should possess expertise in a wide variety of disciplines relevant to correctional agencies. Segregated housing includes restriction of a prisoner to the prisoners assigned living quarters. A correctional health care system should include an ongoing evaluation process to assess and improve the health care provided to prisoners and to enable health care staff to institute corrective care or other action as needed. (a) Correctional administrators and officials should promulgate clear written rules for prisoner conduct, including specific definitions of disciplinary offenses, examples of conduct that constitute each type of offense, and a schedule indicating the minimum and maximum possible punishment for each offense. (iv) any other information reasonably believed to jeopardize institutional security if disclosed. e) The term correctional facility means any place of adult criminal detention, including a prison, jail, or other facility operated by or on behalf of a correctional or law enforcement agency, without regard to whether such a facility is publicly or privately owned or operated. (a) Correctional authorities should screen each prisoner as soon as possible upon the prisoners admission to a correctional facility to identify the prisoner's immediate potential security risks, including vulnerability to physical or sexual abuse, and should closely supervise prisoners until screening and follow-up measures are conducted. (b) Imprisonment should prepare prisoners to live law-abiding lives upon release. (f) A correctional facility should be appropriately staffed. Prescription drugs should be distributed in a timely and confidential manner. Regulations relating to the storage of legal material in personal quarters or other areas should be only for purposes of safety or security and should not unreasonably interfere with access to or use of these materials. This agency, which should be permitted to be the same entity responsible for investigations conducted pursuant to Standard 23-11.2(b), should anticipate and detect systemic problems affecting prisoners, monitor issues of continuing concern, identify best practices within facilities, and make recommendations for improvement. (e) For prisoners whose confinement extends more than [30 days], correctional authorities should allow contact visits between prisoners and their visitors, especially minor children, absent an individualized determination that a contact visit between a particular prisoner and a particular visitor poses a danger to a criminal investigation or trial, institutional security, or the safety of any person. The use of firearms should always be considered the use of deadly force. (a) Correctional administrators should develop and implement policies governing use of chemical agents and electronic weaponry. (e) A prisoner should be informed if correctional authorities deny the prisoner permission to send or receive any publication or piece of correspondence and should be told the basis for the denial and afforded an opportunity to appeal the denial to an impartial correctional administrator. (b) Correctional officials should provide prisoners opportunities to make suggestions to improve correctional programs and conditions. Correctional policies regarding electronic communication by prisoners should consider public safety, institutional security, and prisoners interest in ready communication. D. The contract should facilitate the contracting agencys on- and off-site monitoring by giving the contracting agency access to all the information it needs to carry out its oversight responsibilities, including access to all files and records, and to all areas of the facility and staff and prisoners at all times. (c) The term correctional agency means an agency that operates correctional facilities for a jurisdiction or jurisdictions and sets system-wide policies or procedures, along with that agencys decision-makers. [Use the navigation bar on the left side to go to a specific Part of Standard. (a) In no case should restrictions relating to a prisoners programming or other privileges, whether imposed as a disciplinary sanction or otherwise, detrimentally alter a prisoners: (i) exposure to sufficient light to permit reading in the prisoners housing area, and reasonable darkness during the sleeping hours; (iv) exposure to either unusual amounts of noise or to auditory isolation; (vi) access to medication or medical devices or other health care; (vii) nutrition, except as permitted by Standard 23-3.4(c); (ix) counsel or clergy visits, or written communication with family members, except as provided in subdivision (d) of this Standard. (b) Prior to long-term involuntary transfer of a prisoner with a serious mental illness to a dedicated mental health facility, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the following procedural protections: (i) at least [3 days] in advance of the hearing, written, and effective notice of the fact that involuntary transfer is being proposed, the basis for the transfer, and the prisoners rights under this Standard; (ii) decision-making by a judicial or administrative hearing officer independent of the correctional agency, or by an independent committee that does not include any health care professional responsible for treating or referring the prisoner for transfer or any other correctional staff but does include at least one qualified mental health professional; (iii) a hearing at which the prisoner may be heard in person and, absent an individualized determination of good cause, present testimony of available witnesses, including the prisoners treating mental health professional, and documentary and physical evidence; (iv) absent an individualized determination of good cause, opportunity for the prisoner to confront and cross-examine witnesses or, if good cause to limit such confrontation is found, to propound questions to be relayed to the witnesses; (vi) counsel, or some other advocate with appropriate mental health care training; (vii) a written statement setting forth in detail the evidence relied on and the reasons for a decision to transfer; (viii) an opportunity for the prisoner to appeal to a mental health care review panel or to a judicial officer; and. G. the time a prisoner spends meeting with counsel should not count as personal visiting time. Complaints of dental pain should be referred to a qualified dental professional, and necessary treatment begun promptly. Prisoners should be allowed to receive any visitor not excluded by correctional officials for good cause. (f) Notwithstanding a finding pursuant to subdivision (d) of this Standard that involuntary treatment is appropriate, mental health care staff should continue attempting to elicit the prisoners consent to treatment. (c) Correctional authorities should not withhold food or water from any prisoner. Correctional facility policies should not significantly burden a prisoners ability to engage in a practice motivated by a sincerely held religious belief, even by imposition of a facially neutral rule or policy, absent a compelling institutional interest and a determination that there are no less restrictive means of furthering that interest. Indigent prisoners should be provided a reasonable amount of stationery and free postage or some reasonable alternative that permits them to maintain contact with people and organizations in the community. (e) At intervals not to exceed three months, correctional authorities should afford a p risoner placed in protective custody a review to determine whether there is a continuing need for separation from the general population. Prisoners who are unable to access library resources because of housing restrictions, language or reading skills, or for other reasons, should have access to an effective alternative to such access, including the provision of counsel, or of prisoners or non-prisoners trained in the law. This Standards can also be purchased in a book format. This requirement includes: (i) to the extent practicable, the translation of official documents typically provided to prisoners into a language understood by each prisoner who receives them; (ii) staff who can interpret at all times in any language understood by a significant number of non-English-speaking prisoners; and. (f) Correctional officials should not use a lockdown to substitute for disciplinary sanctions or for reclassification of prisoners. (v) be available to the prisoner who is the subject of the records, absent an individualized finding of good cause. Correctional authorities should not stigmatize prisoners who need protection. (c) Correctional administrators and officials should provide specialized training to staff who work with specific types of prisoners to address the physical, social, and psychological needs of such prisoners, including female prisoners, prisoners who face language or communication barriers or have physical or mental disabilities, prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric, and prisoners who are serving long sentences or are assigned to segregated housing for extended periods of time. (c) A correctional facility should maintain order and should protect prisoners from harm from other prisoners and staff. At a minimum, a prisoner who has begun or completed the medical process of gender reassignment prior to admission to a correctional facility should be offered treatment necessary to maintain the prisoner at the stage of transition reached at the time of admission, unless a qualified health care professional determines that such treatment is medically inadvisable for the prisoner. A prisoner diagnosed with gender identity disorder should be offered appropriate treatment. Prisoners should be permitted to form or join organizations whose purposes are lawful and consistent with legitimate penological objectives. (iv) assertions of a defense to any action brought against them. Smaller facilities should be permitted to provide for prisoners health care needs by transferring them to other facilities or health care providers, but should have equipment that is reasonably necessary in light of its preexisting transfer arrangements. (v) At least every [90 days], a qualified mental health professional should perform a comprehensive mental health assessment of each prisoner in segregated housing unless a qualified mental health professional deems such assessment unnecessary in light of observations made pursuant to subdivisions (ii)-(iv). Governmental authorities should provide appropriate health care to children in such facilities. However, prisoners diagnosed with serious mental illness should not be housed in settings that may exacerbate their mental illness or suicide risk, particularly in settings involving sensory deprivation or isolation. (a) Correctional authorities should not seek to impose a disciplinary sanction upon a prisoner for misconduct unless the misconduct is a criminal offense or the prisoner was given prior written and effective notice of the violated rule. Such investigation should take place for every use of force incident that results in a death or major traumatic injury to a prisoner or to staff. Inmates who assist other inmates in the preparation of legal documents or give other help in legal matters are referred to as. No prisoner should be shackled during a work assignment except after an individualized determination that security requires otherwise. A staff member should report any information relating to corrupt or criminal conduct by other staff directly to the chief executive officer of the facility or to an independent government official with responsibility to investigate correctional misconduct, and should provide any investigator with full and candid information about observed misconduct. (d) Prior to involuntary mental health treatment of a prisoner with a serious mental illness, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the procedural protections specified in subdivision (b) of this Standard for involuntary mental health transfers, except that: (i) decision-making in the first instance and on appeal should be by a judicial or administrative hearing officer independent of the correctional agency, or by an neutral committee that includes at least one qualified mental health professional and that may include appropriate correctional agency staff, but does not include any health care professional responsible for treating or referring the prisoner for transfer; (ii) the notice should set forth the mental health staffs diagnosis and basis for the proposed treatment, a description of the proposed treatmentincluding, where relevant, the medication name and dosageand the less-intrusive alternatives considered and rejected; and. Correctional authorities should be permitted to require prisoners able to perform cleaning tasks to do so, with necessary materials and equipment provided to them regularly and without charge. (i) The term jail means a correctional facility holding primarily pretrial detainees and/or prisoners sentenced to a term of one year or less. Restrictions placed on prisoners should be necessary and proportionate to the legitimate objectives for which those restrictions are imposed. These Standards supplant the previous ABA Criminal Justice Standards on the Legal Status of Prisoners and, in addition, new Standard 23-6.15 supplants Standards 7-10.2 and 7-10.5 through 7-10.9 of the ABA Criminal Justice Mental Health Standards. (d) The handbook should specify the authorized means by which prisoners should seek information, make requests, obtain medical or mental health care, seek an accommodation relating to disability or religion, report an assault or threat, and seek protection. (a) To the extent practicable and consistent with prisoner and staff safety, correctional authorities should minimize the periods during the day in which prisoners are required to remain in their cells. Access to these legal resources should be provided either in a law library or in electronic form, and should be available even to those prisoners who have access to legal services. To the extent practicable, continually operating stationary video cameras should be used in areas in which uses of force are particularly likely, such as intake areas, segregation, and mental health units. (c) As required by subdivision (b) of this Standard, correctional authorities should provide prisoners with diets of nutritious food consistent with their sincerely held religious beliefs. Such prisoners should not be housed with prisoners who have been identified as potential aggressors. (a) Correctional authorities should treat prisoners in a manner that respects their human dignity, and should not subject them to harassment, bullying, or disparaging language or treatment, or to invidious discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, language, national origin, citizenship, age, or physical or mental disability. No health care provider should be permitted to practice in a correctional facility beyond the scope permissible for that individual provider outside of a correctional facility, given the providers particular qualifications and licensing. Each prisoner should receive a comprehensive medical and mental health assessment by qualified medical and mental health professionals no later than [14 days] after admission to a correctional facility, and a comprehensive medical assessment periodically thereafter, which should include mental health screening. Prisoners should be entitled to observe special religious practices, including fasting and special dining hours. (f) When staff observe a prisoner who appears to have attempted or committed suicide, they should administer appropriate first-aid measures immediately until medical personnel arrive and assess the situation. Whenever practicable, pretrial detainees should also be offered opportunities to work. (f) Consistent with such confidentiality as is required to prevent a significant risk of harm to other persons, a prisoner being evaluated for involuntary placement in protective custody should be permitted reasonable access to materials considered at both the initial and the periodic reviews, and should be allowed to meet with and submit written statements to persons reviewing the prisoners classification. (a) Correctional authorities should not place prisoners in segregated housing except for reasons relating to: discipline, security, ongoing investigation of misconduct or crime, protection from harm, medical care, or mental health care. (b) Correctional authorities should screen each prisoner as soon as possible upon the prisoners admission to a correctional facility to identify issues requiring immediate assessment or attention, such as illness, communicable diseases, mental health problems, drug or alcohol intoxication or withdrawal, ongoing medical treatment, risk of suicide, or special education eligibility. Consistent with Standard 23-2.5, routine preventive dental care and education about oral health care should be provided to those prisoners whose confinement may exceed one year. (f) The term correctional official means an individual with responsibility for facility-wide operations and management. (b) Correctional authorities should not discriminate against a prisoner in housing, programs, or other activities or services because the prisoner has a chronic or communicable disease, including HIV or AIDS, unless the best available objective evidence indicates that participation of the prisoner poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others. Correctional authorities should take steps necessary to protect the prisoner from further sexual assaults, contacts, or exploitation. (a) A correctional agency should establish an independent internal audit unit to conduct regular performance auditing and to advise correctional administrators on compliance with established performance indicators, standards, policies, and other internal controls. (a) Judicial procedures should be available to facilitate timely resolution of disputes involving the legality, duration, or conditions of confinement. B. correctional authorities should conduct such a search only in the presence of the prisoner to or from whom the letter or document is addressed. No prisoner should be subjected to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or conditions. (ix) prompt review of the classification committees decision by correctional administrators. case law decisions create______ that are legal rules that can be used to make future judgments on cases that involve similar circumstances, direct conversation with the assistant/deputy warden. (f) Prisoners should be provided basic educational materials relating to disease prevention, good health, hygiene, and proper usage of medication. If convicted capital offenders are separately housed based solely on their sentence, conditions should be comparable to those provided to the general population. (e) Correctional authorities should not be assigned responsibilities potentially requiring the use of force unless they are appropriately trained for the anticipated type of force, and are initially and periodically evaluated as being physically and mentally fit for such hazardous and sensitive duties. (e) No cell used to house prisoners in segregated housing should be smaller than 80 square feet, and cells should be designed to permit prisoners assigned to them to converse with and be observed by staff. (f) Correctional staff should monitor and assess any health or safety concerns related to the refusal of a prisoner in segregated housing to eat or drink, or to participate in programming, recreation, or out-of-cell activity. (a) Governmental authorities should authorize and fund a governmental agency independent of each jurisdictions correctional agency to conduct regular monitoring and inspection of the correctional facilities in that jurisdiction and to issue timely public reports about conditions and practices in those facilities. Correctional authorities should offer prisoners expected to be incarcerated for more than six months additional educational programs designed to meet those prisoners individual needs. (c) Correctional authorities should be permitted to monitor and restrict both outgoing and incoming written communications and materials to the extent necessary for maintenance of institutional order, safety, and security; prevention of criminal offenses; continuing criminal investigations; and protection of victims of crime. which of the following alternatives to litigation has NOT been incorporated into state correctional systems? Exceptions to confidentiality should be explained to a prisoner prior to any conversation or course of counseling in which confidentiality is promised, explicitly or implicitly. In addition, the handbook should set forth the facilitys policy forbidding staff sexual contact or exploitation of prisoners, and the procedures for making complaints, filing grievances, and appealing grievance denials, as well as describing any types of complaints deemed not properly the subject of the grievance procedures. (c) Correctional administrators and officials should strive to employ a work force at each correctional facility that reasonably reflects the racial and ethnic demographics of the prisoner population by engaging in outreach and recruiting efforts to increase the pool of qualified applicants from underrepresented groups and by implementing appropriate retention policies. (v) incitement or threats to incite group disturbances in a correctional facility. Correctional authorities carrying firearms should not be assigned to positions that are accessible to prisoners or in which they come into direct contact with prisoners, except during transport or supervision of prisoners outside the secure perimeter, or in emergency situations. (ii) Several times each week , a qualified mental health professional should observe each segregated housing unit, speaking to unit staff, reviewing the prisoner log, and observing and talking with prisoners who are receiving mental health treatment. (h) Governmental authorities should implement policies that allow government benefits, including health benefits, to be restored to prisoners immediately upon release, and correctional officials should ensure that correctional authorities or community service providers assist prisonersespecially prisoners with mental disabilities or significant health care needsin preparing and submitting appropriate benefits applications sufficiently in advance of their anticipated release date to meet this objective and facilitate continuity of care. (d) A correctional agency should implement reasonable policies and procedures governing staff use of force against prisoners; these policies should establish a range of force options and explicitly prohibit the use of premature, unnecessary, or excessive force. States and the federal government should prohibit by statute and correctional agencies by policy any form of sexual contact between staff and prisoners. It includes the status of being actively suicidal; severe cognitive disorders that result in significant functional impairment; and severe personality disorders that result in significant functional impairment and are marked by frequent episodes of psychosis, depression, or self-injurious behavior. (d) Laws, policies, administrative rules, standards, and reporting requirements applicable to publicly operated correctional facilities of similar security levels in the contracting jurisdiction, including those applicable to staff qualifications and training, freedom of information demands and disclosures, and external oversight, should apply in substance to a privately operated facility either as a matter of statutory law or as incorporated contract terms. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Standard, prisoners should not be prohibited from participating in therapeutic behavioral or biomedical research if the potential benefits to prisoners outweigh the risks involved. A facility that confines female prisoners should have on duty at all times adequate numbers of female staff to comply with Standard 23-7.10. in which case did the supreme court rule that prisoners who adhere to non-traditional religious beliefs may not be denied the opportunity to practice their own religion. (e) Upon request by a court, correctional authorities should facilitate a prisoners participationin person or using telecommunications technologyin legal proceedings. (e) In an emergency situation requiring the immediate involuntary medication of a prisoner with serious mental illness, an exception to the procedural requirements described in subdivision (d) of this Standard should be permitted, provided that the medication is administered by a qualified health care professional and that it is discontinued within 72 hours unless the requirements in subdivision (d) of this Standard are met. (o) The term long-term segregated housing means segregated housing that is expected to extend or does extend for a period of time exceeding 30 days. (a) Correctional authorities should recognize and respect prisoners freedom of religion. Canines should never be used for purposes of intimidation or control of a prisoner or prisoners. (d) Correctional authorities should allow prisoners to acquire personal law books and other legal research material and to prepare and retain legal documents. In addition to the limitations itemized in Standard 23-3.7, sanctions should never include: (ii) conditions of extreme isolation as described in Standard 23-3.8(b); (iii) use of restraints, such as handcuffs, chains, irons, strait-jackets, or restraint chairs; or. the first successful prisoners rights cases of the 1970s involved: In _______, the U.S. supreme court ruled that while the death penalty was constitutional, the way it was used constituted "cruel and unusual" punishment. Correctional officials should not unreasonably delay the delivery of these legal documents. (c) Information about a prisoners health condition should be shared with correctional staff only when necessary and permitted by law, and only to the extent required for: (i) the health and safety of the prisoner or of other persons; (ii) the administration and maintenance of the facility or agency; (iii) quality improvement relating to health care; or. (c) Correctional authorities should be permitted to monitor or record telephonic communications subject to the restrictions set forth in these Standards relating to communications with counsel and confidential communications with external monitoring agencies. (c) A correctional agency should be required to respond in a public document to the findings of the monitoring agency, to develop an action plan to address identified problems, and to periodically document compliance with recommendations or explain noncompliance; however, if security requires, the public document should be permitted to be supplemented by a confidential one. From other prisoners and staff a defense to any action brought against them dental professional, ordinarily! Prisoners should not be counted as visiting time, and ordinarily should be staffed. Should never be used for purposes of intimidation or control of a defense to any brought! Lives upon release should protect prisoners from harm from other prisoners and staff that requires. To incite group disturbances in a timely and confidential manner and implement policies governing use of firearms should be... ( b ) Imprisonment should prepare prisoners to live law-abiding lives upon release to institutional... 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