The location was said to be in a hollow tree on what is now the Sam Bass Road, about two miles west of Round Rock. Sheriff Eagan employed Sam not as a deputy but as a farmhand; he curried the horses, milked the cows, cut firewood, but, most importantly, Sam spent some time as a teamster. Who actually shot Sam Bass was never completely decided. Secret map to the famous outlaw Sam Bass hideout and treasure. He died at the age of 27 after being shot by a lawman, following having shot and killed one officer and seriously wounded another. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Welcome to the forum from Port Allegheny,, Pennsylvania, Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. If you are seeking to metal detect or dig on someones private land, be sure that you always request permission from the land owners themselves. He ran away in 1869 and worked most of a year in a sawmill at Rosedale, Mississippi. Jim Judas Murphy spent the rest of his life in fear, worrying that one of Basss friends was going to avenge Sams betrayal by killing him. Ifyado, well seeya at the secret hideout! This is the story of Bass and the treasure that may still be out there waiting to be discovered. Ware and Jones were also joined in the fight for a time by a one-armed man named Stubbs, who had picked up Grimes gun and opened fire on the bandits (When Sam Bass). Required fields are marked *. Still others claim that he lived out his life on a ranch in New Mexico (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 390). The men took the loot near where Shoal Creek empties into the Colorado. Jim was taken to Tyler to face charges of robbing the U.S. mails. Bass is also tied to legends of treasure buried treasure in Burnet and Llano counties as well as Packsaddle Mountain, Lone Star Treasure reports. Glenmoril Wyrd Treasure Map: Bangkorai. Their first train job took place at Big Spring Station, Nebraska at 10:48 P.M. on September 18, 1877, under a big moon. Saving his earnings, he was able to purchase a 15-hand mare, referred to as the Denton Mare. Bass buried the loot on a creek bed, marking the spot with a rock in a fork of a tree. Some believe he buried his treasure at Cove Hollow, although others believe he just as easily could have spent the money. In modern days Jimi Hendrix, Curt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Robert Johnson, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, and Amy Winehouse are renowned members.. Bassalso took a bullet, but was still on his feet. By on September 15, 2017 Filed Under: Extras. Major Jones was surprised to hear that the gang was moving so far south; he immediately directed Rangers Dick Ware, Chris Conner and George Harold to proceed to Round Rock and be on the lookout for any members of the Bass Gang. Sam's treasure map in NW part of map I received a letter from Sam that she had a treasure map - said it could be a prank. Mary Matson, a black woman who had been employed by Sam Bass to cook some meals earlier in the week, observed the funeral from a cotton patch. Texas Sam Bass Treasure NEW CLUES to the Gold Secret map to the famous outlaw Sam Bass hideout and treasure. Some say Texas Ranger George Herold shot him. Some treasure hunters believe that Sam Bass treasure is now within a State Park, which unfortunately makes it off limits to metal detecting. amzn_assoc_linkid = "54db5936512207da701677b94f458116"; One cave that is believed to have been frequented by Bass and his gang is located in Longhorn Caverns State Park in Burnet County, about 63 miles northwest of Austin. Your email address will not be published. The whereabouts of the loot is said to be in a hollow tree on what is now Sam Bass Road located about two miles west of Round Rock. The conquistadors are said to have filled in the mine so nobody else could discover the hoard. Historical Round Rock. This concern resulted in political action. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; Several years ago, a tree that was noted to be similar to the one that was described in the map was found by those seeking Bass' treasure was chopped down and the men came up with nothing. Ifn you come across any of the real deal, youll give us a cut, right? List of George Soros Owned District Attorneys, Brad Pitt, Robert Downey, Jr. & Mel Gibson Claim Hollywood is an 'Institutionalized Pedophile Ring'. As they were casing the bank and finalizing their course of action, they were recognized and a gun fight broke out. Sam insisted that Frank leave him here and try to save himself. May 8, 1976: 1B+. After 1875, Sam never again held a permanent job, living instead on his gambling proceeds and eventually on thieving (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 372). Cove Hollow is on private land in Cooke county. June 23, 1953. One tale involves who else but Sam Bass, who allegedly used the cavern as a hide-out following nearby robberies. It's how we do our books. Instead he went straight and started a successful cattle ranch in New Mexico.Subscribe to my youtube channel't forget to hit the like button and bell notification.If you're looking for a new metal detector or equipment click this link and Give Kellyco a try. Round Rock Remembers Sam Bass. Austin American-Statesman. This racehorse was fast and soon earned Sam enough money for him to quit his job with Sheriff Eagan and retire to a life of horse racing, gambling and saloon patronizing. Another legend appeared several years after Bass died when maps leading to alleged treasures began to surface. Bass went to his hideout at Cove Hollow near Denton, Texas. Sam became infamous, however, when his gang robbed a Union Pacific train of $60,000 in $20 double-eagle gold coins during an 1876 heist thats almost $1.3 million in todays dollars, and still today the single largest UP train heist ever! This is reputed to be Bass's Cove Hollow in Denton, TX But more important than what he said was that he, Frank and Seaborn also opened fire on Grimes, killing him instantly. One of our favorite historians, Shaun Treat, is to thank for the knowledge and elbow grease putting this one together. There is an odd place on the back wall/cliff that looks like an entrance. The tale started many years following the death of Bass. Found this at a rev war site in SC, any idea what it may be? For several months, there were moviesque chases with the bandits narrowly escaping the Rangers grasp. Plus other artifacts. New clues to the $60,000 in newly minted gold coins from the train robbery that Sam Bass buried just before he died in a bank hold up in Round rock Texas. But his friend from Denton, Jim Murphy had made a deal with the law to turn Bass in. Several deputies were shot as well. 34). But well get to that a little later in this tale. During the gun fight it has been said that there were two men firing at the gang as they attempted to flee. A map was found that were said to lead to the alleged treasure. Odd thing is, after returning to Denton and living high on the hog for awhile, the Sam Bass Gang soon returned to banditry until the railroad-hired Pinkerton Detectives and the Texas Rangers turned him into Texas Public Enemy #1 with a bounty on his head. One treasure story dates back to an ancient Spanish document regarding an old Spanish mine, located somewhere near Burnet. It was at this point that Sam indicated that he was in too much pain to continue (Scarbrough 295-296). Bass went to his hideout at Cove Hollow near Denton, Texas. Out of concern for their own safety, the Texas Rangers decided to call off the search for Bass until Saturday morning. It was at this position that he became acquainted with the country and learned all the trails, back roads and thickets that he would later use to elude the Texas Rangers (Webb Story of the Texas Rangers 104). It is believed that the ambush may have been set into motion by a member of Bass own gang who had cut a deal with law enforcement. As the bandits crossed over to Kopperals store, they were also observed by Morris Moore, a Travis County deputy sheriff, and Deputy Sheriff Grimes of Williamson County. Thank you for your patience. Sam Bass, an orphan from a young age, brought up a working man who earned success his way in horse racing, then tasted bitter failure and humiliation and probably a ton of self doubt because none . In Denton, Sam was considered to be a hard worker and was known for his thriftiness. It may not display this or other websites correctly. There is a shootout on Casey train and two men are dead. Some say he squandered it on the notoriously costly vices of whiskey, women, and gambling, while others guess the notoriously generous outlaw had spread it around while on the lam from the law. Sam and Seaborn were for stealing some fresh horses and hitting the bank as soon as possible. Thanks for having me! He was able to escape the shooting on horse with another member of his gang however he had to dismount just outside of the town due to the pain. The doctors who examined Sam noted that the bullet had hit a cartridge in his belt and then split in two, part entering his back and passing out near his groin, the other part lodging in his body. Sam Bass 100 Years Later. Its said that John Singer discovered a wooden chest containing $80,000 in Spanish coins and jewelry on the Texas coast and buried it in the sand dunes to protect his treasure from looters. Legend has it that that Sam Bass used Longhorn Cavern as a hideout and that he left stolen money there. The Laginas and Matty Blake help treasure hunters Donna McCauley and Gypsy Jewels search two hideouts in Mineral Springs, Texas where the legendary outlaw Sam Bass is believed to have stashed more than a million dollars in stolen gold. This statement caused the Rangers to assume that Dick Ware was the one who had administered the fatal blow. In December of 1875, Sam met Joel Collins in San Antonio. With Seaborn dead in front of him and his leader Bass injured, it is said that Frank coolly held the Rangers at bay with his gun as he helped Sam to his horse. One member of the gang was killed while Bass was mortally wounded. Some believe he buried his treasure at Cove Hollow, although others believe he just as easily could have spent the money. SAN ANTONIO You could find buried treasure in the Texas Hill Country -- an estimated $340 million worth. Which Immunity-Boosting Foods are Best for You? They uncovered $60,000 worth of freshly minted $20 gold coins from the San Francisco Mint. Your email address will not be published. Williamson County Deputy Sheriff Caige Grimes was waiting and watching a ways off. The Tenderfoot Bandits. He made a map of the site, showing that it was buried five feet underground, close to an oak tree with two eagle wings carved on it. Meeting up with Ranger Ware, Jones fired what was considered to be his only shot as a Texas Ranger at the fleeing gang; the bandits returned the fire, missing Jones but lodging a bullet in the stone wall behind him (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 387). Sam Bass 1851-1878 Died at age 27 Timeline Sam Bass, outlaw, was born on a farm near Mitchell, Indiana, on July 21, 1851, a son of Daniel and Elizabeth Jane (Sheeks) Bass. Several years ago, a tree that was noted to be similar to the one that was described in the map was found by those seeking Bass treasure was chopped down and the men came up with nothing. In actual fact, Sam was probably more inept than brave or noble, and he appears to have never realized that robbing trains and banks was anything more than an amusing diversion. An estimated $340 million. Bass made plans to rob the Williamson County Bank in Round Rock, Texas. Shootout At Round Rock. San Antonio Express News. Since his death, a lot of rumours have been circulating about treasures hidden by Bass in Texas - treasures that he never got a chance to retrieve again before he was mortally wounded by a .45 calibre Colt's long-barreled six-shooter in July 1878. Weve been working with a new mint to ensure the continued quality of one of our most popular products. Digesualdo, Jane H. and Karen R. Thompson. I'm in SE Texas, welcome to the hunt for treasure! Sam Bass was born in Indiana, as everyone who has ever heard the Ballad of Sam Bass knows. Texas Rangers caught up with him in a nearby pasture. I received a letter from Sam that she had a treasure map - said it could be a prank. After discussion, the gang decided that the robbery would occur at 3:30 P.M. on Saturday July 20 (Smith 35). Moving west to Llano, were once again on the trail of Sam Bass. This eventually took them to Nebraska, where they sold the herd and used the money to take up gold prospecting in the Black Hills. However, Ware is credited with killing Seaborn Barnes (Ibid.). All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. With Alan Hale Jr., Bobby Clark, Eddy Waller, Dub Taylor. Fleeing the Rangers, Bass was struck twice, once in his cartridge belt and another in the stock of his rifle, without injury. The cave entrance is on the foreground in the left. The 27 Club refers to the famous who died way too early at the age of 27. The men divided the gold up equally between themselves and left the scene in pairs, each pair traveling in a different direction. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Heck, we honestly dont know, but hunting for secret treasure sure can be fun! Plus other artifacts. Creation Information Creator: Unknown. The following year, He killed himself by taking poison on June 7, 1879 (Ibid.). You must log in or register to reply here. Every time I try to break that rock I have to recharge my stamina, but the rock is restored to full when I leave the menu. Have you ever heard of Money Hill near South Padre Island? Curious throngs soon found the dark tunnel and with lights discovered traces of the large wooden box that had laid beneath the dirt for more than 60 years.. Who actually shot Bass has been the subject of much controversy. The Shoal Creek treasure may be gone, but plenty of others lie beneath the surface of the Hill Country. Sam began working for the sheriff as a farmhand and teamster, which acquainted him to the country trails and back roads that he would later use as a bandit. Doc has written about numerous local places and personalities at his Denton Haunts blog, and is forever indebted to the great work of the fine folks with the Denton County Department of History & Culture as well as our local keepers of history like Mike Cochran and Laura Douglas at the Emily Fowler Library for their tireless work in helping preserve Dentons intriguing past. Six men robbed the southbound Houston and Texas Central Railroad passenger train when it stopped at the Allen station. Anyone have a suggestion or other help? Yet this fast turnaround led to future stories of Sam hiding his stash in various places around Texas while he went out and committed more robberies. The legend says Bass used Longhorn Caverns as a hideout after some of his robberies although treasure seekers have yet to find any loot there. Give them a try, I'm sure you'll be pleased. you're going to buy something off of Amazon help support my channel and buy it from this link. During the time of these Texas train robberies, the Sam Bass Gang was staffed by Frank Jackson, Seaborn Barnes (who was shot in the legs during the Mesquite job), Thomas Spotswood, Arkansas Johnson, Henry Underwood, Sam Pipes and Albert Herndon; Bass and Barns took place in all four of the robberies, Jackson participated in three, Johnson in two and the others in one (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 374). Rumor has it that some of the money is hidden in Cove Hollow, near Denton. SAM BASS On Friday, February 22, 1878, possibly the first train robbery in Texas occurred in Allen. Hi Russell, The Rangers, under the direction of Captain Lee Hall, were able to take the gang by surprise while they were resting at Jim Murphys house. I live about 35 miles from the cow town Ogallala Ne. Learn how your comment data is processed. Sam Bass and five others took over the train depot and destroyed the telegraph. Buried Loot of Outlaw Sam Bass. Sam Bass is buried in the Round Rock Cemetery, and his name is fairly well known to those whove taken an interest in Wild West outlaws. Joel Collins and his partner were shot and killed a week later. The shooting had attracted the attention of Ranger Ware, who was receiving a shave at the time. In 1925, W.E. Paris Permenter and John Bigley, submitted 2006. Carmack, George. 1878 was a time of political ill-ease in the State of Texas. Sam traveled down the Mississippi, to Rosedale, Mississippi, where he worked for a year in Charles Mill. Published by the Sam Bass Centennial Commission, Round Rock, Texas. He was buried in the cemetery at Old Round Rock. In April, there was a gunfire scuffle and Sam was struck in his cartridge belt and his rifle stock, but he escaped without a scratch. Bass went to his hideout at Cove Hollow near Denton, Texas. That is till Casey's son finds an intriguing clue After years of searching, one of the treasure hunters went to seek the advice of a palmist, whose cryptic recommendation was to dig under the footprint. There was speculation that this footprint might be a foot-shaped impression on the ceiling of one of the Longhorn Cavern rooms. Your email address will not be published. This resulted in the arrests of both Jim Murphy and his father Henderson. Why was he not true? This monument has long since been chipped away by souvenir hunters and has now been replaced with a granite tombstone erected by the Sam Bass Centennial Commission. Dentons second courthouse, rebuilt in 1876 after the first was allegedly burned to the ground by Sam Bass neer-do-well pal Henry Underwood. Together they made their escape from the firing citizens and Rangers (Ibid.). About the Authors: Paris Permenter and John Bigley are a husband-wife team of travel writers and guidebook authors based in the Texas Hill Country. Stories abound of individuals searching for the Bass gold. The silver has yet to be discovered. Monday they went into the town to case the bank and get a shave. Sam gave him all of his money, guns, ammunition and his big bay horse, which was superior to Franks. This scavenger hunt is full of fun prizes, twists, and turns that will take you all around the Denton square. Two searchers, Tucker and Lane, spotted a man propped up against a tree but assumed that he was only one of the railroad workers who were constructing the line of the Georgetown Railroad at the time. Which has led many to come to wonder if perhaps they simply cut down the wrong tree. So they decided to try their hand at train robbing, hoping to score more money. You can hit it with the drill or your pickaxe until it's destroyed and exposes a chest. Bass explained to the questioning Rangers that his wounds had forced him to stop near the spot he was currently at last night. He ran to the street, his face still lathered, and for a time, single-handedly fought the fleeing bandits (When Sam Bass). The outlaw Sam Bass was born in Indiana in 1851. Several witnesses said Bass, even as he lay dying, said the man who shot him had shaving lather on his face. According to an Austin American story in the early 1920s, a pack train of burros carrying 40 jackloads of silver was pursued by a band of Comanche Indians and the men in charge of the pack train buried the silver near where the town of Leander is now located.. Amazing Story of Sam Bass And Hidden Treasure West of Prairie Dell Told in Detail. Temple News. Reconstruction had just ended and the state government was still weak. Part of the confusion over who actually shot Bass stems from the fear of the Rangers and Round Rock citizens. Sam saved up his money and bought a racehorse that allowed him to quit his job and focus on racing and gambling. I have been researching treasure stories in Texas for my history students for an upcoming section. His money and good spirits attracted many people, some of whom would later become a part of the Sam Bass Gang when he took to robbing trains in Texas. Before long, one of the privates had killed the other. So Frank never returned to get the outlaw gold. May the odds be ever in your favor. Here, outlaw Sam Bass hid from the law until a final shootout with the Texas Rangers on July 19, 1878. Creation Date: Unknown. While hunting, Larimore discovered the old minewith its contents of lead and a high percentage of silver. Some of the loot has been recovered, but the rest of these hidden treasures in Texas have mysteriously disappeared. Since it is hard to imagine that Sam could have used up all of his gold before he started train robbing again, it lends credence to the story that Sam robbed for sport more than for profit. He soon formed a gang, robbed more stages and added to his caches. Rowland carved his initials on a large stone marking the entrance to the mine, then covered it with earth. However, you walk in and disappear, but you don't really go anywhere. How could he have spent $10,000 in less than four months? Back in Round Rock, the Sam Bass legend was memorialized beginning in 1964 with the establishment of the Frontier Days Celebration. Though no one has ever confirmed them or announced a discovery of any gold tied to Bass. This holdup netted the gang $1,300 and on March 18th they again held up the Texas Central, this time at Hutchins. Many politicians campaigned on a platform of law and order and proposed that a modern peace-keeping force be formed. Its speculated that he likely did not burn through his money so quickly, but rather he likely enjoyed the sport of thievery. Further supporting this theory is the account from Bass himself who indicated that he had been shot before he reached the horses, not in the alley where Harold claims to have shot him, and that the man that shot him had lather on his face. Bass and his gang made off with about $60,000, which included a large number of gold coins, during the robbery. Required fields are marked *. I went to the area and found nothing. To follow is an account of his 27-year life, focusing mostly on his final days in Round Rock. We expect to re-stock our Prospector rounds very shortly, with plans to expand the line of products as well. Jackson Massacre & Their Buried Gold. A few of the men were later captured or killed. The bandits forced the station- master to signal the coming express train to halt and then boarded. According to one source, this money, part of the Mexican payroll in 1836, was stolen by the paymaster, a general, and seven privates. Please know we do not sell your information to third parties as Big Tech sites do. By this time, the bandits had made their way back to the alley and were attempting to mount their horses. Reckon you got what it takes to solve the mystery to #GetSamsGold? Some say that Bass hid a cache of gold in East Mountain in Mineral Wells, while others think that the gold was hidden in a remote cave near Big Blue Spring for safekeeping during the bank robbery that was supposed to take place in Round Rock. A tree similar to the one described on the map was spotted by treasure-hunters and chopped downonly to come up empty. His funeral procession consisted of two mules pulling a wagon with Sams plain pine coffin, attended by two men to dig his grave. Citizens were deeply concerned about the presence of gangs of bandits in the state and the demand for law and order was sounded. Sam Bass' Treasure Texas' most beloved bandit, Sam Bass, was a train robber in the 1870's. It's said that he left a stash of loot when he was killed by the Texas Rangers in 1878, but it. Texas has more buried treasure than any other state, with 229 sites within the states borders. They give me a little kickback to help support my channel plus the Kellyco girls really know the different detectors and how to use them. Returning with supplies, they were unable to locate the spot where they had buried the treasure. Sam Bass was a notorious train robber born in Indiana in 1851. There should be some big rock. It is entirely likely that there were several treasures, likely buried in several different areas. I have found a cave that belonged to Sam Bass and Jessie James, cole younger and others, I have not opended it yet, working on search and salvage agrement, I need a partner with funds to help me open this cave, this cave is located in Ceder Hill Tx. Land of Good Water. This websites also uses 'cookies' to give you the most relevant experience while browsing. The Sam Bass Gang in Round Rock. True West. Sam was being held in the saddle by Frank while he put new bullets into his pistol (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 387). Treasure of Sam Bass: Directed by George Blair. Born in 1851 on a farm in Indiana, Sam Bass was orphaned by age 13. Through patronizing saloons, Sam met Joel Collins in San Antonio and the two men decided to run a herd of cattle up north. The maps stated that the location of Bass' treasure was in a hollow tree on what is now called Sam Bass Road, roughly two miles west of Round Rock. They uncovered $60,000 worth of freshly minted $20. You will need to inform the landowner of what you are going after, so a written agreement that lays out any potential discovery and how the treasure is to be split up is a necessity. Aug. 12, 1902. Another legend speculates that Bass held on to his gold until he headed to Round Rock to rob the bank, hiding the gold in a cave west of Prairie Dell near Big Blue Spring for safekeeping during the robbery (Amazing Story). He and his siblings went to live with their uncle and his nine children, where they received no formal schooling. Glenmoril Wyrd Treasure Map: Shadowfen. In death, Sams legend grew, helped along by a song. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive exclusive discounts and industry news. I found this and wanted to share. Thank you for clarification. 8 Lost Treasures of Texas. Where it remains today. Little Cypress Creek Treasure. Other lawmen, who had also been lying in wait, opened fire. Now, with Jim Murphy looking to betray the gang to the Rangers, the gang decided to head to calmer areas in the southern part of the state. Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas Declaring Independence, Stanley, Ks Extinct but Still Here (LOK), Black Bob Reservation in Johnson County (LOK), Make History Come Alive With These Online Tools and Resources. No ones found the Spanish silver cache, but some treasure seekers in this area have struck goldor gemstones, as the case may be. Frank did not want to leave his friend, but he was eventually convinced to do so. The remaining outlaw returned to Mexico, then found he was unable to come to Texas again. Dec. 26, 1938. Bass died from his wounds later on his birthday, July 21, 1878 at the age of 27, thus making him one of the original members of the 27 Club. It doesn't cost you any more but amazon does give me a little kick back, thanks our web pages and forumANCIENT HISTORICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION https://ahrf.netlify.apphttp://www.mysteryglyphs.comAlso look us up on facebook at: learn more about the Nephilim Giants click this link learn more about the treasures of the Superstition Mountains and the Lost Dutchman gold click this link learn about the Egyptians in the Grand Canyon and other areas click this link learn about the outlaws of the old west click this link learn about the Mystery Glyphs click this link to the rich lost Woolsey mine - to the Spanish treasures on the Henry Mountains - They had plans to rob a bank there. You will find things that don't add up, plus some surprises. Murphy telegraphed the plan to officials causing Texas Rangers to be dispatched to Round Rock to apprehend the robbers. The Sam Bass legends are not the only treasure-filled stories flying around Williamson County. Together they decided to run a herd of cattle to the northern markets. T.J. and Camera-Girl go Northwest of Dallas, Texas in search of Sam Bass treasure. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); After a few more robberies, including at least one more involving a train, Bass met his demise in Round Rock, Texas on July 19th, 1878. Also been lying in wait, opened fire to ensure the continued quality one... Wagon with Sams plain pine coffin, attended by two men are dead his job and on! Allegedly used the Cavern as a hide-out following nearby robberies Hill Country -- an estimated $ 340 million.. Treasure that may still be out there waiting to be discovered $ 1,300 and on 18th! To Llano, were once again on the trail of Sam Bass hideout and treasure the! Way back to an ancient Spanish document regarding an old Spanish mine, located somewhere near Burnet a year Charles! 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Barnes ( Ibid. ) Sam that she had a treasure map - said it could be a.! Texas Central, this time, the Sam Bass reckon you got it... The northern markets we do not sell your information to third parties as big Tech sites do schooling! Opened fire Bass stems from the sam bass treasure map of the loot on a platform of law and and. Outlaw gold they uncovered $ 60,000, which unfortunately makes it off limits to metal detecting their of... Age of 27 near the spot where they had buried the loot has recovered! The spot he was eventually convinced to do so Commission, Round Rock, Texas occurred Allen! After discussion, the bandits forced the station- master to signal the express.
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