Simmons vent rib and custom AA+ walnut furniture. Each fired target was turned over and a 30-inch cardboard disc placed to cover the maximum number for pellet holes. Winchester Model 12 28 Gauge (W9229) Price: $3,250.00 Item Number: W9229 Previously sold Winchester Model 12 28 Gauge shotgun. 1937 2pin vent rib offerd, all skeet grade guns offerd with solid or plain barrels. Johnson, at once one of the great gun designers and one of the least known, produced a steady flow of new firearm designs for Winchester. Westerns copper-plated shot, introduced about 1925, extended shotgun range even further. The finishes and rib are 100% Winchester and in great condi, Used Winchester Model 12
20 Gauge
26" barrel WS-1choked skeet
Cutts compensator with restriction inserts
good condition
Buyer pays shipping
Millers Gun Center
Located in New, Winchester Model 12 pump action 12ga shotgun. later on flinching became a problem with 12 gauge shooters becouse of 300 round tournaments. The first was helping the gunsmiths. Contact us if you need an add on vent rib for your shotgun or order your Simmons ventilated rib barrel today! To elaborate on lowgun's response, the "round post" rib was made by Simmons, not Winchester. Featherweight: same as above; lightweight alloy trigger guard. The stock finish is original and excellent. your community AND if they have it in stock, you can pick your gun up
another state. Gun Digest editors know guns so you know guns. Dolphin717, please give us a page reference in Stadt where he mentions Simmons sending Model 12s with ribs back to Winchester for finishing, and/or marketing. Used Winchester Model 12 20 Gauge 26" barrel WS-1 choked skeet
Cutts compensator with restriction inserts good condition reduced, Winchester Model 12 Pigeon Grade 12 Gauge. Classic Browning Light Twelve Auto-5 Review: Busting Clays With the Old Humpback Shotgun. You are also correct that the different rib styles used on Model 12's can get confusing..EG. This shotg, FOR SALE IS A VERY NICE VINTAGE WINCHESTER MODEL 12, 12GA GA SHOTGUN. No other pump shotgun feels like the duck gun. But it would be my guess that the wood has been refinished and the gun has been reblued. Checkered semi-fancy walnut pistol grip stock with extended forearm and a solid Winchester recoil pad. After college and had some $$$ I started collecting them. The solid rib gun shows carrying wear while the ventilated rib gun was refinished when the rib was installed. becouse plain barrels shoot higher than solid ribs do ,solid ribs shoot flatter. Some patterns of #4 shot might let a duck escape if it were caught just inside the margin of the 30-inch circle. . 12 Gauge, This is a very nice Winchester Model 12 Trap pump action shotgun in 12 gauge. . The Model 12 duck gun came to market at the all-time low point of duck populations in the United States. It has a Simmons rib, which is not out of the question for Winchester to have used according to Maddis in his book of the model 12's. The metal finish is superior to a field grade gun, higher polish and a matted receiver top and magazine tube. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. The near nine-pound Model 12 duck gun is an anachronism among todays waterfowl hunting shotguns. Yes the 2-pin milled rib was costly to manufacture. And make the 42 any grade you want and a self described winchester know it all couldn't tell the differance and may have bought one. If it's a 12 gauge, replacement factory butt stocks can be hard to come by. Beautiful grain pattern and very tight hand checkering on the stock . Winchester proof steel is chrome-molybdenum steel. For small bores, there are still new factory wood sets available. A red rubber Winchesterre coil pad was added the first year of production. Has a Cutz on the end of the barrel. Madis states Ventilated ribs were rarely offered on [duck] guns. However, The fact is a few duck guns were provided with these ribs. Dave Riffles book and the various catalogs I have indicate that the Winchester new ventilated rib was an option from about 1954 to 1959. 2023 Rock Island Auction Company. Very Good example of a Model 12 26 inch poly choke with vent rib 12 ga. Other conditions: Phone 715-478-0404 within 48 hours to confirm payment, . . The Model 12 was about 40 percent more expensive than the '97, yet it consistently outsold its older brother during the 45-year-span they shared in the Winchester catalog. SN 1231992 Up for sale is a very clean and unique Winchester Model 12 in Pigeon Grade. The famous Winchester Model 1912 pump shotgun was designed by Winchester's Thomas C. Johnson. Important to note that this gun was made in 1956, the first year for the round post factory installed Special Ve, FOR YOUR VIEWING IS A VERY NICE WINCHESTER MODEL 12 in 20 GA. WITH A VENT RIBBED 26" BARREL AND IC CHOKED. The marsh is in riot! Remington re-tooled from the M31 to the stamp, push and press 870 which sold for less than the M12. This test determines if excessive peening of the bolt locking cut in the receiver has occurred. A 2pin vent rib lets the shooter sight under the bird and keep the bird in sight. It was John Olin who inspired Westerns revolutionary Super-Xshotshell in 1921. The rib wasn't offered until 1954 according to the Dave Riffle Model 12 book so it wasn't originally produced at the Winchester Factory. I still have a few 2nd style action slides left. Open Fullscreen. is built to be simple easily organized products, useful descriptions from experts, and support to guide you to the right choice. Great communications. Gunsmithing Services - Simmons Gun Repair Full list of professional Gunsmithing services and prices at Simmons Gun Repair Shop All productsBest sellingHand gunsRiflesShot gunsAmmunitionOther ServicesBuild an ARAboutFAQContact UsSign Up Shop All productsBest sellingHand gunsRiflesShot gunsAmmunitionOther ServicesBuild an ARAboutFAQContact UsSign Up George Madis indicates in his book The Winchester Model Twelve that about 18,000 Model 12 duck guns were sold during the 1935-1941 period. L.O.P. Length of pull was reduced in January 1936 to reflect the extra clothing worn by duck hunters. Lot 6593: Winchester Model 42 Slide Action Shotgun . S/N 1,589,*** made in 1954. By signing up you agree to's Everything functions as it should. Edwin Pugsley, in charge of Winchester at the time of receivership, is quoted in Williamsons book: The purchase of the company by the Olin interests brought a breath of life to the institution and brought to Winchester many things. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke marked full, and 14" LOP. The lead slug added weight but more importantly maintained the balance point at the takedown joint. Both guns were disassembled, cleaned and lightly oiled before testing. winchester model 12 description: for sale is a very nice vintage winchester model 12, 12ga ga shotgun. In duck shooting the proportion of magazine guns in use is much higher, probably four men in five using the repeater. Askins added, Fact is, personally, I have always thought that I was surer on the second bird with a repeater than I was with a double gun. On gauges for duck hunting: No fault is to be found with the twelve [gauge] as a duck gun, whether in double barrel with 3 inch cases or in repeaters with 2 3/4 inch. THE SHOT GUN IS IN VERY GOOD CONDITION , WITH A 28 IN VENTILATED RIB BARREL WITH FULL CHOKE. Thomas C. Johnson came to Winchester in 1885 and remained a dedicated employee until his death in 1934. I read your posts; you do love the Model 12, been there done that. JavaScript is disabled. See pi, Winchester Model 12, 28 gauge SKEET pump action shotgun, circa 1955. Thought behind it was that a taller rib on the bbl and a higher comb on the stock would help prevent "head lifting". This little shotgun appears to have never been assembled and and has a 28 inch full choke barrel. Winchester needed to cut it's manufacturing costs and the milled vented rib was a costly proceedure. The extra weight is meant to soak up the recoil of what once was thought to be a very hard-kicking load. , Winchester - Model 12, Deluxe, Pump Action, RARE 28ga. Bids. Winchester Model 12 Takedown Slide Action Shotgun with Simmons Ventilated RibProduced in 1961. 26" Vent Rib Barrels Choked SKEET. Blue Book on this fine collector 12 gauge is around $2,700! That luck ran out following World War I when the arms industry declined and the management of Winchester was relinquished to outsiders. Title. There is a moderate mark as shown in the photograph. On the other hand, a duck caught in the middle of one of these dense-centered pattern sat 40 yards would receive a dozen or more pellets. The nearest thing to a Model Twelve that could appear, whether domestic or foreign, would be a shotgun with the same model designation, but it would not and could not be a Model Twelve. Browning, in fact, did import foreign-made copies of the Model 12 after Madis wrote the above. Thus it was that the American Rifleman staff thought it odd that Winchester brought out the 3-inch chamber in their Model 12 pump gun. Thereafter, a staggering number of variations were produced during the 1912-1980 period. The standard length was 2-5/8 inches. I always wondered what the royalty was to Simmons on the Winchester Special Ventilated Rib that they installed. Buttstocks of duck guns had lead slugs inserted into the wood beneath the recoil pad. Manufactured in 1959. Model 42s with donut post ribs, no Simmons markings, proof marks in the right places, in the proper serial number range, are considered to have been made to completion in the Winchester factory. Winchester designed the Model 42 to use the new shell and the combo went to market in 1932. There were also many ribs installed that were Simmons' design built by Win., and Simmons rib parts purchased by Winchester and installed at Win., and ribs installed by Win. Bluing is in overall very good condition. We limited our shooting to 25 yards or less and seldom missed. to be finishedat least thats what Stadt says in his book"Winchester, Shotguns and Shotshells"very interesting book.a little different look at M-12 than Madis and Riffle.WC. As good as the Brownings are, Ill just keep my Model 12s from New Haven. When I went to the university in a different town I worked for another gun shop that was an authorized Winchester Repair Center. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke marked modified, and 14" LOP. Although the quality of the rib will be the same as the original Winchester, the only way a Simmons rib looks OK on a Model 12 is if they DON'T put their silly name down the side of the rib. Winchester Model 12 12 GA For Sale Winchester 12 GA Model 12. But they must pass our way to clear! Consider the possibility of a hang-fire, an occasional event in 1912, in a gun without the slide lock feature. My second blast bites off a dismayed climber. FORE ARM HAS A PEICE OF WOOD MI, This is an all original 1962 made Winchester Model 12 in the harder to find 16 Gauge. Instead of buying a gun thats
Also, it was the only 1 3/8-ounce magnum load available. The duck guns reputation was made with the one and five-eighths ounce load, the heaviest 12 magnum load from about 1935 to the mid-1950s. According to the Serial# 1439865, and Winchester manufacturing records, this gun w. 12ga, #366988, 30 inch barrel, 2 1/2 inch chamber, full choke, solid rib, blue finish, straight grip checkered walnut stock, checkered walnut forearm, 13 3/4 LOP with "newer" Winchester pad, 12ga, #1417110, 30 inch barrel, 3 inch chamber, full choke, blue finish, walnut stock and forearm, solid rib, original red rubber pad, 1954. Numbers match on barrel and receiver. Nickel and ivory sight beads on the aftermarket Simmons rib, with choke marked full and 2 3/4 inch chamber. No Reserve . It is general consensus that 10 patterns are required for an accurate appraisal of a given load and barrel combination. Model 12 was offered in several different styles: 1. service to the online gun buying experience that is unheard of. Very good condition overall. This is a 12 GA pump shotgun manufactured in 1950. These are rare, a line can be seen along the dounut post on both sides. Model 12 duck guns had the same six-shot capacity as the standard Model 12: one in the chamber, five in the magazine. The survival of both Western and Winchester now depended on Olin management. And, as WRACO states, Simmons installed Model 12 ribbed guns were sold by Simmons, not Winchester. The Olins soon added to the attractiveness of the Model 12 duck gun by bringing out a new 1 5/8-ounce load for the 3-inch shell. Chamber marked 3", choke marked full, and 14 1/2" LOP. Winchester ~ Model 12 Custom~ 12 GA Used Guns. on your local stores shelf, most retailers drop ship it from a warehouse in
The slide handle was given a larger diameter, flat bottom and 14 grooves on each side of the handle about 1947. However, the Model 12 duck gun should still be an excellent long-range waterfowl shotgun with the right ammunition. My 1951 Winchester Ammunition Handbook gives a comparison of 17 to 11 feet at 60 yards. So a shooter really doesnt need a rib. Helping out a person with 3378 posts who if they spent 5min. Western brought out their Super-X 2-3/4 and 3-inch shotshells in 1921. Checkered semi-fancy walnut pistol grip stock with extended forearm and a solid Winchester recoil pad. Small depression in the magazine tube, as shown in pictures. The old trap shooters didn't and they did just fine. Along in the 1920s a few bold souls had long-chambered [3-inch], overbored, long-barreled, and heavy, long range 12-gauge Magnum double guns built. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. 28" vent rib, full choke barrel with front bead sight. Winchester Custom Model 12 20ga Deluxe GI#: 102228842 Winchester Custom Model 12 20ga 2 3/4" 28" full choke barrel,Simmons vent rib,serial #683559,fancy French Walnut checkered stocks with great color and figure,jeweled bolt and lifter,ex .Click for more info Seller: First Stop Gun Area Code: 605 $1,750.00 community. The Olins were businessmen first and duck hunters second. Rib Boat, Winchester Winchester Rifle Parts, 12 in Frame 12 in Wheel Electric Bikes, 12 Gauge Barrels, Youth Football Rib Protector . Another sign of an after factory rib were the numer of 30" Full field guns later ribbed either with Simmons or MoneyMaker ventilated ribs, but the top milled groove in the receiver was a dead-give-away as to that, and when the Model 12 ruled the ATA roost, I am sure many "newbies" bought those modified and restocked field guns and thought - "Wow- now I have a Model 12 Trap gun- look out Vandalia, here I come"--I have several post 1935 12 gauge Model 12 buttstocks and also 18 ring forearms in my "parts boxes, also older logo and non-logo repro 12 gauge black bakelite buttplates-the 16 and 20 and 28- all on the same size receiver, take the same stock configuration. JavaScript is disabled. Lay-a-way available for t, Excellent overall condition sporting original finishes. MAKE OFFER. A great looking gun, in excellent condition. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke marked full, and 13 1/8" LOP. DAC 1 1/2"&n, FRO YOUR VIEWING IS A EXCEPTIONALY NICE MODEL 12 IN 3' HEAVY DUCK. Today I have a nice collection of them, mostly target grade guns. Featured Gun Classifieds Winchester Shotguns - Model 12, Winchester Model 12 - 20ga - 26 - Improved Cylinder- NIB - UNFIRED - SN: MT0162 - AS NEW with high figured wood - 2 3/4" Shells
note: particles/dust can be seen in the photo, In very good condition. The gun weighed 8 1/2 pounds with its 32-inch Full choke barrel. prior written consent of the Copyright holder. I have often wondered how well my guns would pattern with modern ammunition. generous return policy, and handle everything you dont have to go back to
Nickel and ivory sight beads on the aftermarket Simmons rib, with choke marked full and 2 3/4 inch chamber. Tommy, I would be interested in one of the guns you describe. The Gun and the Times The Model 12 duck gun examined by the staff of the American Rifleman in 1936 was the earliest version. It is at my engraver now. Reduced bag limits and shell capacities for repeating shotguns were introduced. 26" Vent Rib Barrels Choked SKEET. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. This test, along with a check of adjustment remaining in the takedown joint and functioning of the slide lock dis-connector, are my standard mechanical checks for a Model 12. Deluxe checkered walnut, Its new in the original box with associate paperwork in wrapping paper.. has mi, Metal surfaces rate very good, handling marks to wood. ORIGINAL BOX INCLUDED. I wish I had them back! Alarm calls! the barrel and chamber are bright and clean. Rangemasters are here to answer all your questions about our products or process. All Rights Reserved, Winchester Model 12 Heavy Duck Gun 30" Simmons Vent Rib 1953 Pre 64 Rare 12 Ga. Magnum 3" Edition Proof Marking. Can you help me out? It looks like it is in very good shape. It also got a new action slide. during that time I handled many M-12's of varying configurations. Winchester Model 12 with checkered forearm (slide handle) b'. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. 12 Gauge, For sale is the Winchester Model 12. Free Shipping, No Credit Card Fees. And for this reason the spike in prices for the forty two will go back down becouse there is a alternative that is for sure and safe and they know all the things that people look for to see if it came from the winchester factory. Winchester symbol # G1285S. so recall pads helped and they offerd hydro coil-stocks. Their attitude is summed up by Elmer Keith in Shotguns by Keith: the satisfaction of seeing big ducks crumple at long range and come down and bounce on the ground or splash high in the water is the cream of shotgun shooting., It is my view that the long-range duck-hunting cult was a legacy from the days of market hunting. Thats like spending 12 days straight day and night. Could it be that the intended rough usage led to lack of care in the fitting of parts of early duck guns? Action works perfectly. The Model 12 Duck Gun is a highly specialized tool for hunters who need to put a lot of shot on target at 60 yards or more. I used to club trap targets with it. Down pitch remained 2-1/2 inches with the 30-inch barrel throughout production. Stock is very fine, with light scratching, pressure dents and an attractive grain pattern. Ab steadies the boat. Bore is excellent. By 1955, the options were matted rib, ventilated rib, straight or pistol grip stock and buttstock and extension slide handle checkered. Standard markings, with matching numbers on the receiver and barrel. Herbert Houze summarizes the Watrous report in his book Winchester Repeating Arms Company, Its History & Development from 1865 to 1981. And you are not right about them becouse the model 12 evolved over time with improvements you didn't seem to catch becouse you are probable not a shooter. 3-inch Super Twelve Shotshell My copy of Winchesters Catalog No. Cred, Ser no 510553, Mfg 1928 , Numbers Match, 30" Donut Post Vent Rib that is stamped Imp Cyl but has been relined and is Mod, 2nd barrel is 30" Donut Post Vent Rib stamped full but is Mod, Stamp, This Winchester Model 12 was manufactured in 1955 and is in good condition for its age. You have entered an incorrect email address! Winchester Model 1300 Speed Pump - 12 GA $395.00: 0 $395.00 5d 15h 14m In fact, Madis states Any twelve gauge Model Twelve could be re-chambered and reworked to shoot three inch shells for a small additional charge[by Winchester], yet few guns were reworked in this way. I can find no external differences in receiver dimensions, other than the ejection port, between standard and magnum versions. Whether you're looking for a truck gun, something for the bug out bag, or a do-anything firearm we have you covered. Its been debated over the years if the solid rib model 12 barrel were silver brazed or fused with heat? Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 Get the 76th edition of the World's Greatest Gun Book. Winchester stated both 2 1/2 and 2 3/4 shells perform satisfactorily in this [duck] gun. The ejection port of the duck gun is about 1/8-inch longer than the standard port. Looks to me a bit like the raised rib on a Lutjic one barrel trap gun- and the 870- well, Rudy Etchen shot a 12 gauge 870 Trap Grade he got new in 1950-I'd like to have a C-note for every clay bird, box pigeon and game bird he shattered with that old Remmie- I could move in next to Bill Gates- or maybe his gardener!! Winchester was bankrupt and went into receivership in January 1931. Most websites are poorly
. Built from 1912 to 1963. George Watrous, a longtime Winchester employee with many talents, was commissioned to investigate the good and bad points of Winchesters pre-war line and make suggestions for postwar improvement. $550 USD. We need to talk model 12's sometime. Winchester Model 12 12 ga 30 in Barrel 2 3/4" Full vent rib Barrel NICE! And our
Action works very nicely. $899.97. Spend your time enjoying the gun you want, not getting frustrated with a complex website that makes gun buying hard. be complicated. Save $500.02 SKU: 3226743 . The silhouette provides a precise aiming point. Buckingham recorded his adventures in some of the best hunting stories ever written. Interchangeable barrels (forend assembly) for 2 3/4-inch shells and choke of choice were special order. K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. SN is 167xx, all numbers do match. the ventilated rib is by simmons gin works. My wife shot her share of ducks with a 20-gauge autoloader bored Improved Cylinder shooting one ounce of #7 1/2-shot. Askins Ithaca 10-gauge double with 2 7/8-inch chambers averaged 86.9% with 1 5/8-ounces of shot. Simmons also removed Solid Ribs from barrels and added his rib to those barrels. Now I have never been wrong about anything in my lifeLOLjust kidding, but the way I read it on the top of page 109JMHOThanks, WC.
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