2018 Easton USA Ghost X 30/20: NOT LEGAL. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Is Forex trading on OctaFX legal in India? The drop is the difference between the length of the bat and the weight of the bat. The advanced ghost bat is more balanced than the fastpitch ghost. In order for a bat to be legal for use in NFHS softball it must be marked with the ASA 2000, 2004 or the USA Softball All-Games Certification Mark. USSSA has decided to move back the legal use to give players a longer usable period for currently owned and manufactured bats. Because of its 1.15 design, the USSSA BPF 1.115 bats will be more lively and will, simply put, be able to hit the ball farther. One of the ghost bats is legal in USSSA but not certified by USA Softball and therefore not legal in High School or College, while the other is legal in USSSA but not certified by USA Softball. The Ghost Advanced comes with both ASA and USSSA stamps of approval. That's when the bats are deemed illegal or banned. The Mizuno F20-Finch (-13) Fastpitch Softball Bat is the featured bat in Mizunos exclusive Jennie Finch Collection. Just Bat Reviews, LLC DBA Bat Digest participate in affiliate marketing programs including but not limited to Amazon and eBay. They are removed from the banned list. And dealing with this might be the last thing you want. The Easton Ghost X was banned by USA Baseball on May 3rd. It has a long barrel and feels good on hits and misses. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In the next paragraphs, we will discover how each softball association treats the use of illegal bats. By rotating your bat after each swing you ensure the entire barrel of the bat is being broken in properly. Therefore, checking the regulations of your league regarding bats is the best way to verify whether if a bat is legal or banned. As the only non-BBCOR bat on the list, the CF ZEN 2 3/4 was a dynamite bat that people raved about. A carbon fiber blend is used in the making of the bats. Then we will give you a small guide on how to choose a legal softball bat, and much more useful information about softball bats regulations. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Little Leagues Senior League, Intermediate (50 to 70) and Junior League divisions are the only places where the BBCOR bats can be used. (See our DSB Made USA Bat Review. It also looks a lot different than the original featuring a black, white and red color scheme that gives it a very classy and stylish look. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Hit 50 balls pitched with 30% of the maximum speed possible while swinging by 50% of your power. Thus, all the hard work of you and your teammates will be vain. Wondering how Much Does Softball Bats May Cost? Here we share some original tips about how to perform better in bat and ball sports. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. However, the CX2 losing its certification appeared to mark the beginning of the end for the Nike Bat experiment. The DSB KAMO (BB KA 8) has been withdrawn from USSSA play. For some undisclosed reason the Ghost X-30, only in the 30 inches with a -10 drop, has been deemed unfair by the regulatory body and thus USA Baseball has made its use illegal. Cold temperature is an enemy for softball in general and for bats in particular. The big hitters of the past were larger than them. Key Features: A strange turn of events and we dont quite follow how that could happen, considering both leagues use the same standard. And on top of that, when you have to worry about stamps and certifications, things can get even more complicated. **The DSB KAMO lost its 1.15 certification in the 31 and 32 drop 10 (so 31/21 & 32/22) as well as the 30, 31, and 32 drop 8 (30/22, 31/23, 32/24). The USSSA will not allow the 2018 Ghost X USA to compete. Therefore, when the bat is not painted an umpire can easily detect if the bat is shaved or rolled, especially if the batter hits at an abnormal speed. These bats should perform within the limits of the 98 mph batted ball speed standard. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". When it comes to ghost bats, which are all made from composite material, the situation is even worse because they get damaged faster than alloy bats in low temperatures. Composite But, the penalties of using an illegal bat have some variations depending on the league. The 2020 Easton Ghost fastpitch softball bat is legal for fastpitch softball play in every high school in the United States. BBCOR-stamped and approved for high school and collegiate play. If it is stamped for ASA, then you can use it in your high school games. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Theres also another way to know if the bat is legal or illegal for high school games. Why are some softball bats illegal? Search. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'baseballhover_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',644,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseballhover_com-medrectangle-3-0');For example, if a bat is stamped for approval in USSSA, you can use it in the big leagues. This includes the30/22 31/21 32/22 31/23 32/24. The barrel of a legal bat needs to be made of metal. At the end of the game, HC of the losing team approached the umps re: a girl on the winning team using the Gold Ghost and was saying it was an illegal bat. Here is a step by step break-in process or ghost bats: When breaking in your ghost softball bat you should never use rubber balls or yellow dimpled balls available in cages, these kinds of balls are very dense and can damage your bat. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. This winning combo gives a batter who uses the ghost bat an advantage over batters using regular bats. The reason for this is once a bat is shaved the associations distance restrictions on bats is no longer within limits. Originally Answered: With all the broken bats, why doesn'T MLB use aluminum bats? Therefore, in order to maintain integrity with the performance metrics set by the USABat standard, noncompliant bats must be decertified and removed from play immediately . As you can see, the penalties of sing an illegal softball bt are heavy for the players, the coach, and the whole team sometimes. Edited April 6, 2019 by cp11 Quote cp11 Members 16 Conversely, a large number of these bats are designed to meet several organizations' requirements and will bear multiple organizations certifications marks - making them legal to use in multiple rules codes. Manufacturers had long known that the thinner they could make the walls of a softball bat, the greater the trampoline effect, and the faster the speed with which balls come of the bat. The CAT 5^2 (5-Squared) in BBCOR was a beastly bomb dropper known for killing balls. Its a fairly common occurrence for many bats, but Easton is aware of it. This technique consists of altering the original weight distribution of the bat by increasing the load of the barrel over the handle. A little too much so. Compare this to our BBCOR approved bat list and our USA approved bat list. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Ghost bats cost between $350 and $500 depending on whether the bat is an advanced or normal one. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Materials inside the bat or treatments/devices used to alter the bat specifications and/or enhance performance (e.g., shaving, rolling or artificially warming the bat barrel) are prohibited and render the bat illegal. It is not a crime to roll a bat. These bats are the banned KAMOs (including three drop 8s and two drop 10s). 079 mm (1/32 in.) Therefore, an enhanced bat will expose the players to serious risks, especially if they are kids playing youth softball. The Easton Ghost bat can be used in all fields. They dont make crappy bats illegal. uncontrolled love bl ep 1 eng sub dramacool . If a bat does not pass, it is removed from play and becomes decertified.. Hit 50 balls pitched with 40% of the maximum speed possible while swinging by 100% of your power. Materials inside the bat or treatments/devices used to alter the bat specifications and/or enhance performance (e.g., shaving, rolling or artificially warming the bat barrel) are prohibited and render the bat illegal. Baseball and softball are both illegal because of the BPF 1.20 bats. All bats have to be rolled in testing before they can be used. It is typically placed near the end of the barrel where it meets the handle. example if a bat is 30 in. Go get the game in Memphis! In fact, a USSSA director has the right to inspect bats used in their events and facilities. You can read more about it. Easton bat can be used in all weather; they are very comfortable to the hand and isn't prone to vibration. Easton Ghost X why is the ghost bat illegal in softball This bat has double barrel technology, which has been pioneered in recent years by Easton, with a lighter inner barrel. There are many other reasons that can make a softball bat illegal. However, you cannot and should not use that bat for high school games. As of 2/21, the 2020 Lousiville Slugger Meta in a 33-inch has been, On 3/2/2020, the 2020 Meta Prime in a 33-inch is also illegal for play in NFHS. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. . | @BatDigest. The Easton Ghost is a fantastic top-tier softball bat that is extremely popular among newcomers and veterans alike. No matter what shave you do to these bats, ZERO difference in sound. Effective May 3rd, 2018, USA Baseball has banned the Easton Ghost X . Like bat rolling, shaving will result in voiding the warranty of the product. These two certifications make it legal for high school and NCAA play. Bat painting is also used to make an illegal bat look like a legal one. When hitting the ball, USSSA bats offer a greater trampoline effect due to their larger barrel diameter. This white bat ban is NOT FOR HIGH SCHOOL (NFHS) or any other Sanctions, ONLY NCAA. Other than being considered as an illegal practice by all softball leagues, bat rolling voids the warranty of the product. Bats made from such material needs to be broken in before you use them for gameplay, otherwise, you will not unlock the full potential of a composite bat. Mizuno F20-Finch Each level of baseball has its regulations regarding the size, diameter, and drop of the bat that can be used, and any bat that is outside of these specifications is considered an illegal bat for that league. Is It Illegal To Take A Picture Of Money? ONE BAT TO RULE THEM ALL, Easton's Ghost Double Barrel is approved for play on all fields CERTIFICATION: Certified for play in ASA (USA), USSSA (FASTPITCH ONLY), NSA, ISA and ISF leagues There is a newer model of this item: Easton | GHOST DOUBLE BARREL Fastpitch Softball Bat | Approved for All Fields | -11 / -10 / -9 / -8 Drop | 2 Pc. Use a pitching machine at 50% at the speed of the ball that you may face in game play and swing at your full power. This is a great bat, but it is also a bit more confusing than some of the other softball bats out there. The techniques discussed above are the most common enhancement methods that will make a bat illegal, but there are other small modifications that you may do with good faith but end up using an illegal bat which will put you and your team at risk. Generally, the use of an illegal softball bat is usually punished by an immediate two to five years ban from the league. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 1) If a batter gets on base using an illegal bat (NOT MARKED WITH THE USA STAMP), and the opposing team brings it to the attention of the umpire BEFORE the next pitch is thrown, the batter will be considered as an automatic out, and if any runners had advanced or scored as a result of the at bat, the runners will then . USA Baseball decertified (made illegal) the USA Easton Ghost X bat in a 30-inch drop 10in the 30/20 on 5/3/2018. And, we should note, several of the KAMOs are still permitted. You can find insight/return information via DeMarini here. Bats that are custom designed for one organization may only bear that organization's certification mark. To break in a ghost bat you will need 150 to 300 swings using a game ball. In this article, we will explain what does a ghost bat provide in term of features and whether its a legal piece of equipment or not. What softball bats are legal for high school? You can start hitting balls pitched at 50% of the speed that you normally face in gameplay. By The United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) announced yesterday that following further consideration, it lifted its ban on the 29" and 30" models of the popular DeMarini CF Zen . What Little League bats are illegal? A tolerance of . At the time of this decertification notice, all other lengths and drops of the Easton Ghost X bat remain approved for play. Before I get into detail about bat regulations and whatnot, let me take a step back and talk a bit about the bat in question. Picking out a softball bat can be tough enough as it is with so many things to consider. In fact, composite bats increase in performance as you use them. Doesn't seem to be a whole lot of interest in 4AAAA. What slowpitch softball bats are illegal? Rolled Vs Flat Binding Baseball Glove Everything You Need to Know, Youth Vs Adult Baseball Gloves (Know The Differences), How To Get A Palm Stain in A Baseball Glove, How To Stiffen A Baseball Glove? Disclaimer: This site uses affiliate links. VIERA, FL (October 30, 2019) The current approved 1.20 Thumbprint stamp for USSSA Slowpitch Softball bats will NOW be LEGAL for USSSA play Indefinitely (Previously until January 1, 2023). The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The game takes place on a square-shaped court with gates in the corners. The only thing that sets the advanced ghost apart from the fastpitch ghost is the soft knob that provides more comfort and damp vibrations. *The 2017 CF Zen USSSA lost its 1.15 certification in all sizes and lengths of the drop 10 2 3/4 (blue and white) and drop 8 (green and white). Pursuant to Rule 1.10, this is now an illegal bat. Registry errors can cause instability, slow down your PC, and restrict the capabilities of your options. By breaking in your composite bat, it will not only perform at peak performance, but it will have a longer lifespan. Question: Where can I listen to MLB playoff games? Generally, altering the weight distribution of a softball bat is considered an illegal practice in all softball leagues because end-loading increases the speed of the ball significantly. Easton Ghost These two certifications make it legal for high school and NCAA play. USSSA Baseball, a governing body of youth baseball leagues, announced on May 4, 2018 that the 2018 DeMarini CF Zen -10 CBZ was suspended from USSSA sanctioned play. A softball bat is considered illegal if it undergoes any treatment that shall alter its specifications or enhance its performance. But when it comes to the performance, players who tried both of the bats gave a much higher evaluation to the ghost advanced over the ghost fastpitch. Ghost bats are made of composite materials that provide durability, high performance, and a long life span at the same time. Quick Answer: How does a qualifying offer work in MLB? link to Windows 10 can not update to 1903 free download Get the latest Windows update, link to Windows Driver Downloads for Downloads Section, Click Here to Read Our Full Article About This Topic, Here Is Our Full Buying Guide of Softball Bats. And the answer is simply Research and Development (R&D). The Xerox Printers requires the code to be entered. One method of "doctoring" a bat doesn't really involve changing structural properties of the bat, only its visual appearance. But there are some issues regarding ghost bats that you have to consider. If they can, expect them to get a long term bump (akin to Anderson and the Techzilla). Said bat should be confiscated by the umpires and turned into state office per a TSSAA official. Therefore, and in order to avoid headaches when buying a softball bat, you can consider any bat without a certification stamp as illegal. This bat is approved by most of the softball leagues and can be used in high school and college also. Easton ghost bats have something special in every detail, from the knob to the end cap. Throughout history, players have used many techniques to enhance their performance, including steroids, blood transfusion, and other techniques. Serial numbers that start with: WTDXCBR & WTDXCBZ. This is the Little League standard since 2018 and has been created to mirror the exit velocity of a wood bat. If you have the one with the USSSA stamp, you can use it in USSSA games without running into any trouble with the officials. In fact, many softball bats available on online shops like dickssportinggoods.com, for example, are end-loaded but carry the certification of many leagues. Even more, proof we were right when we named that bat the best BBCOR bat for 2020. Bats that are broken, altered or that deface the ball are illegal. Softball. This simple trick will allow you to cover the whole barrel during the break-in process. What softball bats . Bat rolling is not illegal. The same bat as the 2020 META was used in the 2019, but it wasnt illegal. Trying to make a play on the scene, the Mattingly brand of bats (eBay)produced a super hot stick in the Balistk. To determine if a bat is approved, go to the USA softball site. Towards the beginning of August 2022, WSU was notified that the Stinger Missile II in BBCOR was overperforming the limit. There are a number of reasons why aluminum bats are better than wooden bats. But if the stamp is USSSA, it is illegal at that level. They are double barrel two-piece bats made of composite material which give them a huge sweet spot. I don't know much about Stewarts Creek, but beating Bradley at their place will take some doing, 2019 USA Softball Non-Approved Bat List. Though mostly preferred by power hitters for its massive on-demand power, this bat is also widely used by many contact hitters. In this scenario, the bat is then "decertified". According to article 310 N 07, a player who is discovered using a non-approved bat shall be immediately ejected from the game and may be subject to further actions by the protest committee. . These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Also, when a player is possessing an altered bat, the punishment might go to five years of suspension minimum. One reason to not use a wood bat in little leagues is that the players don't have the power nor timing skills to hit the ball far.
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