If it was not such a high profile case, Diane Downs would have been paroled a long time ago: speculative, Ill stop there. Their haste to go to trial created this mess and lingering doubts. You are right. It's not even known if he still resides in Arizona, where he used to live with Diane and their three kids. Unfortunately, there isn't much information about his whereabouts as he keeps a low profile. Again I go back to how times were back then. It is not a run of the mill case. She managed to jump in the car after getting shot in the arm. It is not, as the blogger frequently refers to, evidence. Much worse. She should of been sentenced to death. She did it. Kenyans Compare Rachel Ruto, Margaret Kenyatta's Looks in Maasai Outfits, Kim Kardashian Looking for Love Again, Wants to Date Someone Who Isn't Famous, Kind Officers Drop Protesters in Nairobi CBD after Being Released from Central Police Station, Oburu Oginga Hints at Raila Odinga Vying for Presidency in 2027: "He's Not Retired", Naftali Kinuthia Says He Regrets Killing Lover Ivy Wangeci Using Axe: "Too Angry to Think". The tape is real and probably not admissible, but it seems to indicate that her testimony was coerced. Completely unethical, and not in the best interest of those children. Yes, Christie said she did not know who did it. She was also shot twice andifshe had been sitting up, the seats would have been covered with blood spatter as well as the shooter. In 1999, a Board Certified Psychiatrist practicing in Oakland, California wrote a letter to the parole board on behalf of Diane Downs to explain how things had changed since 1984 when she was diagnosed with a severe personality disorder. He did not consider her a risk factor at all and believed she would do well if released into society, because she had no prior history of violence and never had a problem with violence or bad behavior while incarcerated. The blog tries to bring balance and more objectivity to a case that was TOTALLY one sided and still is. Oh my. Diane said that Cheryl was laying down on the front floorboard with the passenger seat pushed back. My comment wont change their opinion on the barbarity of the American legal system, media influences and Ann Rules input. It seems that the Downs were totally ignored. I dont know either if she is guilty or not, but I believe there is a reasonable doubt surrounding the circumstances. Downs went on trial on Jan. 12 for a rape and murder that happened in 1993, when he . I point out some obvious facts and discrepancies, and that due process was shoved aside because the state and the media presented a guilty image right from the start. She would have been released under strict conditions with the support of her family and under the care of a mental health specialist. She said a bunch of really stupid things in the media (my kids were lucky, not me gets the palm) and basically bury herself. You can click here to read about the case of Alice Crimmins during which the lead detective was heard telling the other cops before the bodies of the children were ever found:You take the husband, Ill take the bitch.. You didnt know that?? I almost felt bad for her.that being she seemed so lost in her lies..she just hangs in limbo now. From the very beginning, the DAs office had their ducks in a row because in an unprecedented move, Judge Gregory Foote who had denied access to the children by all blood relatives and given their care over to the State, was promoted from juvenile to senior judge to preside over the trial of Diane Downs. Likewise, Charlene had no intention of letting Knick divorce her (Appendix 81, page 1518, line 15). There was no question in Dianes mind that Knick would take another mistress if she married him, and that hed move on again. I do not declare her innocent. The case NEVER made sense to me. John Kitzhaber, Governor of Oregon No, Im not that gullible, Okay, I just read that she faked throwing her keys. Do not forget that she got letters of support from a warden and psychiatrist. He then left !his second wife, Charlene, to cohabitate with (and propose marriage to) Diane. They were tons of witnesses that saw him at work. He separated from his wife and was going to follow Diane who, by now, had decided to move and work in Oregon to be closer to her parents. Two of the kids survived the shooting with life altering injuries, and one of the children died. Also, he has never given television interviews about his family or ex-wife, who is now serving time in prison. And by the way, I wrote the blogs about Rule way before she passed. So how she behaved at the time, should not have been a factor influencing the authorities. The towel and a girl who had a stroke, was separated from her family and was constantly questioned without being recorded or accompanied by a loved one and testifying to facts that do not match the testimony of the forensic expert is not being reduced to conjecture? Also, aside from her original mental state, which may or may not excuse her aloofness (doesnt prove shes a killer by the way! Christie was only eight, had suffered gunshot wounds and was in shock. A conviction founded on lies is no conviction at all. Page 50 of Case History. And if you claim your innocence, it obviously creates a vicious circle of not showing contrition. Cheryl Lynn followed in 1976, and Stephen Daniel was born in 1979. It became judicial kidnapping to obtain a coerced confession. Hey Jace, I was not going to post your insulting comments but I decided to let the last sentence fly so that I could answer it. Diane did not get a fair trial. The gun is Def a big issue, the style of gun, whether it belonged to him or her, she Def had access to itthe child drew a picture of it, having large similarity to that gunbut it did always baffle me how she could find such a great hide for it in such a short period of time. Only in Hollywood and in Ann Rules books, would you find such fantasy. The case was so one sided that it is about time some of us bring up the other side. It probably makes you feel so good. Seeing her giggle and laugh during a videoed reconstruction gave me, as a mother, a sickening feeling. Fred Hugi is a man of the highest integrity and I hope that Dianes surviving two children finally found the love and stability they had been denied by their natural mother. And the flat affect and sometimes inappropriate smiling would come with the territory so you cannot judge her actions without taking into account that she might not have been acting according to the norms. I went on ebay and ordered multiple stuff from the 80s, news footage, just to hear what she sounded like, because of all the talk in the book about her demeanor. In hindsight Im sure the grandparents wish they had pursued visitation more aggressively. Anne Rule made a big deal of a brass unicorn engraved with the childrens names that Diane had purchased. What followed was a tragedy subject to many interpretations. They were in foster care for two years before the prosecutor adopted them. Her arm was severely damaged, so shattered that she needed a graft from a hip bone. If you listen to the recording, Christie clearly says I dont know who did it. She was asleep, thats why. Its a fact. It gave Anne Rule carte blanche to legally use these labels in her book and it stuck. The Lifetime channel constantly makes movies based loosely on the truth; this approach is an effective weapon aimed at swaying public opinion about high-profile cases. Mostly, because it was poorly investigated and they focused on Diane solely the minute they met her. People tend to forget that the group of young women hanging out with Manson were deeply engaged in serious drug use and totally out of their mind at the time. Q. If you had, you would clearly know that I do not claim her guilt or innocence. Instead, the person accused of attacking them and wanting them out of her life, fought for them. It does not get any bigger than this. Diane, 18, had run away from home to do so. Just state that at the beginning of the blog. One should also wonder why their biological father who was so eager to bash his ex on the stand was not given custody, and did not stay in contact with his two remaining children. Yes, like many Americans, I think that the US system is barbaric. Doesnt change the fact that it was still a conflict of interest. "We are obviously disappointed at the verdict. Its too late for me to call myself a murderer (when I am not) just to purchase my freedom. Ur not showing facts that Ann Rule lied n misled n ruined lives with. No OTHER reason. I like your approach. Diane described the stranger that shot them on the road and a police artist came up with a sketch. And the interrogations were not tapedand barelydocumented. More often than not, Christie was interviewed by State Agents (Paula Krogdahl, Paul Alton, Steve Downs and Dick Tracy) within half an hour of having her Dilantin increased. In 1979, headstrong Diane gave birth to Danny who was not Stevens biological son because he had no desire to be a father again. Comments about the title of the website, the blogger, the bias, details like the word bipolar and when it was used when cyclothymic disorder was diagnosed by the person who treated the subject and there is an affidavit posted. Her persona allowed them to build this ironclad narrative when in fact, it was far from definite. She was expelled and reunited with him against her parents wishes. Moms were working more, we were becoming the latch key generation, as in we let ourselves in alone while still in elementary school.when I mentioned before about maturity of a 8, 9, 10 year oldwe loved playing outside on bikes, and playing with our dolls, boys usually had their action figures..lol.and we loved our moms, even if they were young and liked to go out and sent us to babysitters..the book and movie, Im quite sure, over did the situation..and Im sure there was more on both sides, the family of diane, diane herself, but well never know all the details. 4.Diane was NOT arrested for almost a year after the shootings the d.a. Thanks for the link. Our laws are not written that way. We make them president!!!! I guess he did not want too many people to know about the improprieties that happened in his courtroom: I guess? The authorities believed that the children's father was not a good fit to look after the children after what they had endured when their mother tried to murder them. Hello. Wasnt it speculative on their part? According to the State, ballistics evidence proved that Diane Downs was guilty. To the authorities, it was a ridiculous notion that they would not entertain so they did not follow on numerous leads coming from people who had seen someone corresponding to that description. In reply to Kit So, why didn't Steve Downs get custody? If not from her high profile status, she would already be out. it also isnt right that the rules get to keep being changed after the fact as far as how often one may apply for parole. I would love to hear your answers to them. How asinine. It does seem time has done worse to her. And so, very quickly, they formed a relationship. Considering the circumstances, it is difficult not to be a bit cynical about this grand gesture. Yes, dad relinquished his rights but he knew that they loved their grandparents and had allowed Diane to take them for a visit without telling the authorities. Like in their movies. But the birth of little Danny did not make this bad boy change his stripes; he remained a cad and a destabilizing force in their lives. This was all logged in Christies hospital reports and is found in the Appendix of the petition filed in Federal Court in 1996 in the section Hospital Reports.. Ive been to London to Fly the Queen ~ and Back to Collect Artifacts, Haleigh Cummings Was Once Lost but Now She Is Found, Meet Rene Acoby: In-House Female Dangerous Offender, Kelli Stapleton- A Mothers Wuthering Woes. Ryan is still in his thirties and still building an excellent reputation in the industry. Diane Downs was convicted because she didn't appear "sorry enough" during her TV appearances. She even became a surrogate mother to make money and provide two parents the opportunity to have a child. They already had made up their mind that Diane was the perpetrator so they laughed off the idea of the bushy haired stranger. The problem was that they could not find the gun anywhere and they had nothing on Diane. The photo of Hugi I used is the one you find when you do a search online for Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs. And how the letters became so bizarre, paranoid and psychotic that she told Diane to stop writing her. The gun presented at trial being the wrong one is a fact. And with hindsight, the fact that this young mother had a personality disorder probably brought a lot of drama to the mix. DA Pat Horton declared early in the game to the local paper that the search for the bearded stranger was not very high on their priority list.. This unexpected proposal took Diane by surprise at a large family gathering. If I included the ones I dont post, it would need more than a like or dislike button. Meaning a trial where lying or failing to disclose exculpatory evidence by prosecutors is not happening. And these men in black perceived this as an act of war, and proceeded to go after them with every legal or illegal means at their disposal. I agree in both cases they were high profile cases. Go to the hate groups for that. So when Dr. George Suckow from the Oregon State Hospital in Salem was called as a States rebuttal witness and he made a professional diagnosis of Diane as histrionics, antisocial and narcissistic, he openly said in court that he interviewed Diane for 1 hour and read evidence presented by the state to make his diagnosis. Regardless of the facts you point out, there is no doubt in my mind that Diane Downs is guilty. After asking her to have an affair, he kept vacillating between his wife and her. It will not make me popular, but I dont mind. But there was a lot left unsaid about this relationship. She had been isolated from her whole family and being unethically interrogated. She knew that Knickerbocker hated trouble of any kind, and thathe would have never come back to her after an ugly shooting where she had been wounded and her kids damaged. I agree with your comment. Fair question. They were treated very badly in this matter. After each of the kids was shot multiple times on that fateful day in 1983, Steve cooperated with the police completely. I think it posible she brought the kids there to be shot by someone else. As was his habit, Knick failed to take into consideration what Diane or his wife had to say on the matter. The notions of humanity and rehabilitation have been left on the wayside long ago. There are documented cases of suicides where the person has no GNR, as well as murder cases. Brewer stood ready to testify in June 1991, that it was because of Prosecutor Hugis lie that he changed his mind to convict and that he alone was responsible for silencing the dissenting votes of two other jurors (Appendix 97). Can you imagine your little boy growing up to beat to death (with his bare hands and boots) Is she referring to her ex husband? Devoting ur life to taking down a dead author is a waste of ur talents. The lawsuit against Ann Rule was thrown out as unfounded because after reading her book they could find no inconsistencies She sat thru the entire trial AND used actual court transcripts. From the time Diane was a teenager, when a physician ordered visterol in an emergency room situation, it has been documented again and again that sedatives ingested while Diane is in pain, provoke a chemically induced hysteria in her. Also, I agree he does look a little like the actor who played Fred Hugi but I think it might be a coincidence. The next day, on June 16, 1983, CSD terminated Dianes visitations with her children altogether. Page 10 of Case History. Why was no one in the family given the right to adopt them. It is said that they didn't go to Steve because he wasn't a fit father or well equipped to take care of children who had gone through such a traumatic experience. If you read the blog, it is because of the lie told by prosecutor Hugi that ignored the assessment of her therapist Dr. Jamison and was condemned by the psychiatrist that they were convinced to find her guilty. I have no idea how the social workers and county attorneys justified doing their due diligence in preserving the family (mandated by law) when they were in court. In this article, we can clearly see that Becky struggled and tried to justify her woes (maybe rightly so) by blaming it on her DNA. I had visited Dr. Billings site several times and it is too bad that it was removed. I am publishing your comment because once in a while, I need to post the pitiful representation of true crime readers who made Anne Rule a rich author. Steve Bannon won't be detained before trial on charges of contempt of Congress after he failed to comply with subpoenas from the House committee investigating January 6. The powers that be knew they had nothing on Diane so Christie became their sacrificial lamb. 20 female celebrities with black hair to follow in 2023, 10 most famous QVC hosts who were fired or left the channel. She was still trying to extricate herself from a bad relationship with Steve Downs and was in no hurry to repeat the mistake. Even though his wife shot their children multiple times, and the case was national news, he never surfaced and kept a low profile. TIL On May 19, 1983, Diane Downs shot her three children and drove them at 5-7 mph to the hospital. Andthe DA adopted her other two children. She did diagnose her as suffering from cyclothymic disorder and treated her accordingly. This is a conflict of interest. It became more about despising Diane Downs than investigating fairly. I am a true crime junkie. Not unlike Diane, Alice did not want to share her pain in public. Shes where she belongs. If he was getting too close to the witness emotionally he should have stepped away from the case. How do you expect the daughter to have any fair understanding of the situation or any decent contact with Dianes family when the people who have been calling her mother a murderer and a monster are dragging her in the media spotlight in the hope of writing another book or getting a new scoop, but all one sided. had to wait for Christie to be able to tell them who did it. You need to have your own voice," she said. So Mark, where are you from? I am not saying she is innocent. Therefore, my understanding is that the original sentence is deemed indefinite with parole hearings every 10 years. It was pitch black outside. 20/20s coverage of Diane Downs and the actions that led her to be sentenced to life in prison is a good portrayal of what really happened. They brought cakes and cookies and became friends so they were not going to fight over this. They both fainted when they saw their dead child, but it did not count. Whether or not Steve Downs was in some way behind the shooting, the man who fired the weapon was a stranger to Diane. What about the fact that they never found the gun? Oh 1 more thing I see a lot of comments on pro Diane web sights that say well she drove them to the hospital. I watched the highlights of her hearing. There are many cases where investigators jump to conclusions either because in their gut they think they know or pressure to make an arrestand i guess with all the attention this case got they gave their gut and the public what they wanted. And I care about the lack of evidence. This was very stressful. Not our place to decide. Surely before Diane downs, there were other mothers who killed their kids..or allegedly did, however in 83 and 84 it made national news, nothing quite like it had come across the media world, which during that decade was really skyrocketing in sensationalismI believe is where it started, becoming less news and more entertainment. If the grandparents and uncle had visitation rights, they could have respected some rules as far as not discussing the case, but imagine if she had told them that she did not remember? I say these things if I were on the jury. The board said that her mental or emotional disorder makes her a danger to society. But in their defense, they were told at trial what gun was used by Diane to shoot the kids and it must have been very difficult to overcome the emotions brought on by the words of little Christie even if it was pretty obvious during her testimony that she was confused and unreliable. (LOL!! 4. I didnt know that. I also found it curious that when Diane was first eligible for parole she was allowed to apply every 2 years thereafter until she either gets paroled or dies in prison. But I think that in all fairness, many of them dont even know the details of the case and have watched Small Sacrifices instead. It opened a huge can of worms regarding the real identity of the heart full of lies in this case. In a fairly good knot which would have taken time to do one handed and teeth. What about the affidavits of the guy who confessed to several people? So not addressing the content of the blog and rambling about everything else while asking for a disclaimer is nailing it? Ann Rule promotes her books as true crime stories so to this day, viewers believe that the book and the movie titled Small Sacrificesdocument the true story of the Diane Downs case; in fact, it is a mix bag of truth, falsehoods, interpretation and plain fiction. The ballistics, gun, speed at which she drove the car, her demeanor, etc. As for Diane, give me a break. The fact that she drove there and it saved the life of two of her children should give anyone pause. The fact that she and her brother Danny were eventually adopted by Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs is the most blatant case of conflict of interest I have ever heard of. She keeps her emotions under tight control, presenting only socially acceptable feelings and burying other contradictory feelings.. Right after the shooting, little Danny would ask the nurses, Why did the mean man shoot me? and it would be written down in the daily notes. I state that it is not my place to judge innocence or guilt. The price of celebrity for her was losing her freedom and her children for life. Jump through the States hoops, or find a noose around your neck. She did not fit in and was now anxious to assert her independence and live her own life. So she warns her to stay away. Yes, I had filed for divorce and then I canceled it. Until the end of the trial. Diane had moved to Oregon only 6 weeks before the tragedy to work in the area and have her parents spend time with the kids. Robert and Diane even decided toget matching rose tattoos, but as soon as the ink on her tattoo was dry, he refused to get his done. If the answer is, to keep the public safe, then I call BS. There is her story, the prosecution case and the defense arguments. It appears that you have to be a perfect mother with no lovers and not afflicted with any mental illness to be considered innocent until proven guilty in America. Dianes story does not contradict that. What disease did Ray Liotta have, and what caused his death? The blog tries to bring balance and more objectivity to a case that was TOTALLY one sided and still is. Diane was found guilty and sentenced to life and she has been in prison ever since. Brewer changed his mind. Danny has kept a low profile, and not much about his life like family, marriage, and children are in public. It was a fairly new science at the time so thats all it took to find him not guilty. In fact, Diane had consulted a psychologist after the tragedy and after months of consultation, she was never diagnosed as a sociopath. No matter how horrible people think she is. If there is a fair trial and sentencing, I usually dont write about a case, but high profile cases tend to need more scrutiny because emotions run high. Whats wrong with the system is whats wrong with us. The lousy men in their lives never took a hit because after all, it was these witches fault. Like I said, the 2 years make it a bit more of a gray area. Sheriffs Deputy Roy Pond admitted in court that he had already concluded that Diane was guilty and stopped following leads on the orders of his sergeantthree weeks after the shooting. I feel sorry for Diane too. I saw that same face in Diane Downs. The whole blog claims the trial was flawed. According to Detective Welch, Steve Downs followed Diane to Oregon, they fought and Steves rage took the last step on the path hed been treading for a long time. I still dont buy her story. Plus according to an expert at trial, her testimony did not match the blood spatter analysis in the car. Im all for justice, reviewing facts and overturning corrupt decisions. It is beyond belief that the State of Oregon allowed the prosecutor to adopt those children. She had no priors and no history of violence in prison. I lived in Eugene, Oregon for years. In an earlier comment you stated that Diane had met all of the requirements for parole. However, Elizabeth was expelled from the religious institution as she didn't conform to the school's strong religious values. Child Protective Services takes confidentiality to the extreme (warranted in most cases). It wasnt their fault, it was the job of the social workers and the courts to make sure the kids were not isolated from family. You dont get any kind of advancement or rehabilitation in prison. Substituting reasonable inference and evidence for tarot cards? Since his ex wife was sentenced to life in prison, he has not reappeared in public life nor has he given any television interviews about his family. Therefore, it is hard knowing where he is right now, considering his low profile of keeping away from the spotlight. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Kenyas #1 news app. They should have taken their timeto investigatethis case thoroughly and without prejudice. Parker Schnabel's net worth in 2023: Is he the richest on Gold Rush? During closing arguments, Fred Hugi said that the murder weapon used by Diane was a Ruger, and the state had the model number and the bill of sale. 4. So Diane did what she thought would bring her the deepest satisfaction in life; she became a mother. They played the tape in the courtroom, and the fact that Diane did not break down but tapped her foot to the music, was supposed to be another proof of her guilt. Dianes injury had to be quite painful and shewas in shockwhile driving to the hospital and accompanying the detectives to the crime scene. It turned out to be a mistake because he was married to a County Circuit Court Judge who would become a colleague of Foote and he had no intention of defending Diane vigorously.
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