During there he wanted to stay in a . Vern is frequently shown to be timid and anxious, but is always willing to stick with his friends, even in the face of danger. Vern Vern: Come on you guys. Just grow back your legs, summon up your demons, come on hit, fight me! I saw the other day. Ace: Why, don't you two just shut the f*** up? The Writer: The train had knocked Ray Brower out of his Keds the same way it had knocked the life out of his body. Just say that I told this story. : Teddy: I'm stayin' right here. You guys wanna go see a dead body? : You made your way towards Vern and waved. You're Lachance. Chris: Hell no! You didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Movie Info. Vern: Why not? : [In unison] Bill Travis Teddy Jerry O'Connell (Vern Tessio) Vern Tessio (Jerry O'Connell) rounds out the group of four boys featured in Stand by Me. Teddy: You call my dad a loony again, and I'll kill you. Vern is a protagonist of insecurities, and somewhat childish characteristics. (Billy is also a member of the teenage gang that plagues the boys later.) I think Chris is right, let's just go back. Come on, man! Chris: How do you know if a Frenchman has been in your backyard? : The Lost Boys 1987, Alejandra. : Vern Tessio. He was carrying five elephants in one hand! We're going to see a dead kid; maybe it shouldn't be a party. Vern Tessio: If I could only have one food for the rest of my life? Chris Gordie Rated: R. Memorable quote: "We are the weirdos, mister." Nancy Downs. Great, spit at the fat kid", this proves that . Vern Tessio is the quaternary character of the 1986 drama Stand by Me. : Sorry, Vern. Currently you are able to watch "Stand by Me" streaming on fuboTV, Showtime Apple TV Channel, Showtime Amazon Channel, Showtime Roku Premium Channel, Showtime, DIRECTV, Sling TV Orange and Blue, Paramount+ Showtime. and his three friends, Chris Chambers, Teddy Duchamp, and Vern Tessio set out "on a quest" to nd his body along the railway tracks after telling their parents they will be camping out because they consider it to be a "rite of passage." The Boy Kings : NPR The boy kings : a journey into the heart of the social network / Katherine Losse. Vern If I can only have one food for the rest of my life? If he had one. Vern [They start crossing the bridge; Gordie feels the tracks for any vibrations given off by trains; Vern cautiously crawls along the tracks with Gordie walking behind him and the comb falls out of his shirt pocket into the river], Gordie: Forget it, Vern. Girlfriends barfed on boyfriends. Daphne Guinness It has often struck me that the relation of two important members of the social body to one another has never been sufficiently considered, or treated of, so far as I know, either by the philosopher or the poet. Chris: Oh, come on, Vern. Yeah. Teddy: Look, you guys can go around if you want. Superman's a real guy. There's no doubt about it. Sincerely. I wasn't that scared. Vern, you were so scared you looked like that fat guy in Abbott and Costello, when they saw the mummy. You must have at least some of your brother's good sense. Because Vern had been eavesdropping under the front of the house. Teddy : It's baby stuff! He enrolled in the college courses with me, and although it was hard, he gutted it out like he always did. Well I don't know about any Hyboid Glands, but what a blimp. Heh-heh-heh GO! Good Vern. Web. It's 1960 in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine. Chris: You're gonna be a great writer someday, Gordie. [Cut to flashback scene showing Lardass drinking a quart bottle of Castor Oil and eating a raw egg just before the start of the contest; cut back to the contest in progress]. Kiefer Sutherland. Chris: You mean, you didn't bring anything either?! Vern: Geez, Gordie. Teddy often picks on him Vern throughout the movie. Also, everyone in the audience who is a. Vern: Why not? : See you in junior high. Also Alucard mocks and insults Luke more before eating him down by calling him a "Wannabe Demi-God bitch." Hey Chris? Vern Tessio. Teddy: How far do you think it's gonna be? Teddy , Paratroops, over the side! Gordie says that he can. Shoot us all? : Let him do his own fighting. Vern: Come on you guys, let's get moving. I wasn't. Chris: [to Teddy] Move it, man! Vern was played by Jerry O'Connell, who would later play Charlie Carbone in Kangaroo Jack. Teddy: YOU SON OF A B*TCH! Chris: Why don't you go home and f*** your mother some more? He is confronted by his problems again in the train track scene when Gordie hears the train come . Vern is the least daring and most hesitant out of the group of boys. Chris: Hey, at least now we know when the next train was due. The Writer: I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Gordie: [looking back at the oncoming train] WE'RE GONNA DIE, DAMN IT! I'LL SIC MY DOG ON YOU! : Teddy: Goofy's a dog. "Stand by Me Quotes." - Teddy: Boy, you don't know nothing! Chris [punches Vern in the arm twice], [The boys stop and stare into the distance]. I'm not goin' all the way out there. Corey Feldman. Gordie And you know this one time Chris He can't be a dog. What do you mean? [The four boys begin following the tracks]. Chris He pretended he was eating cow-plops, and rat guts in blueberry sauce. Vern He also has horrible friends. Billy Tessio: Hey, what's the big deal? The 12 Best Vern Tessio Quotes #2: Vern: You think Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman? We'll flip for it. he was covered with five pies worth of used blueberries. Vern: Hey, I'm kinda hungry. My dad hates me. Supposed to be Hyboid Gland or something. "How could you have possibly known? Teddy : Yeah. Cherry flavor Pez. What's your problem, Duchamp? Cherry flavor Pez. Two for flinching! Vern Tessio is the friendliest one out of the bunch, a bit nave and very trusting. His fast gun for hire heads the calling wind .. Release Dates Stand by Me (1986) clip with quote Screw you guys, I got it. If he had one. Pez. Skip to Quotes . And if your parents are too f***ed up to do it, then maybe I should. Reads the card of a man. What did you bring a comb for? Who's got the food? Just like the woods, death can be a scary thing. Gordie On the way, Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton), Vern Tessio . [cries]. : When Don Fanucci demands protection money from the three men's rackets, Tessio is the first to agree to Vito's plan that they pay Fanucci less than he demands so that Vito can snare him in a murder trap. Do you think that anyone would've believed it? Chris You brought the comb! : Gordie's parents loved Dennis and are now indifferent to Gordie. : Gordie: He hates me. E D I T S. 367 followers. Now, you're turning pussy too! Chris asks the boys if they sit at a separate table to you and Chris. Chris is a thief, Teddy is crazy, and Vern is a nobody. You wouldn't be going around talking about taking these stupid shop courses if I was. [Cheers and applause; Mayor aside to Travis]. Milo: Don't you call me that, you little tin weasel. You ain't got the sack to shoot a woodchuck. Teddy Oh, God. Vern : What am I supposed to do, think of everything? It'd be a good fight, though. Vern Gordie: You can do anything you want, man. The boys are surprised by Chopper's appearance]. : "- Vern: What am I supposed to do, think of everything? Teddy Chris: And do you think that that b*tch would have dared try something like that if it had been one of those douchebags from up on the view, if they had taken the money? Gordie: I'm no good. I brought the comb! : What are we supposed to do, eat our feet? He's definitely a dog. [begins to cry] I just never thought a teacher Oh, who gives a f*** anyway? Teddy: Yeah, by the time we get there, the kid won't even be dead anymore. You don't even have any hair! [group chuckles] Teddy : What? Teddy: Yeah? Finding new and preferably ways to degrade a friend's mother, was always held in high regard. We can fill up at the well, my dad said it's a safe spot. Then: Siemaszko was Billy Tessio, older brother to Vern and the brightest of Ace's dimwitted lackeys. 60 cents from Teddy. He can be very sheepish and anixous and normally takes the back seat in the group. Gordie: Maybe you could come into the college courses with me. Mayor Grundy barfed on his wife's tits! And you know this one time Vern: Yeah, yeah, right. : But you know, it's not his fault. A knight without armor in a savage land . Teddy: Vern-o, nobody believes that crap about moons and goochers. That doesn't mean anything. Vern is the most timid of the group, although he's rather outspoken when it . And while you guys are dragging your candy asses across the state and back, I'll be waiting for you on the other side relaxing with my thoughts. A week later, his mom cleaned out his room and threw away the map. Gordie scales the fence and Chopper tries to jump after him. Vern Vern had been trying to find those pennies for nine months. : He hates me oh oh God. 1980s Films. He had a leech hanging from his balls, he fainted! Chris Chambers/Teddy Duchamp/Gordie LaChance/Vern Tessio (1) Exclude Additional Tags Comfort (1) Polyamory (1) Abuse (1) Monogamy (1) Feelings Realization (1) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. During the course of their journey, Gordie, Chris Chambers, Teddy Duchamp, and Vern Tessio come to terms with . Sound about right to you, Gordie? Vern Tessio and Teddy Duchamps on the other hand contrast this development. Ray Brower is the name of the child who has gone missing and is presumed to be dead. Two for flinching! Vern: Well, what do we need a pistol for anyway? : Let's go again. , Jeremiah O'Connell (born February 17, 1974) is an American actor, director and talk show host, known for his roles as Quinn Mallory in the television series Sliders, Andrew Clements in My Secret Identity, Vern Tessio in the film Stand by Me (1986), Joe in Joe's Apartment (1996), Frank Cushman in Jerry Maguire (1996), Derek in Scream 2 (1997), Charlie Carbone in Kangaroo Jack (2003), and . Gordie: [quietly, aiming the gun at Ace] Suck my fat one, you cheap dime-store hood. I guess a more experienced shopper could have gotten more for your seven cents. Come over here! The king of the pussies wants to go back too! Vern Real good. Teddy: What are you, crazy? Rate this quote: (4.50 / 2 votes) 2,998 Views Share your thoughts on this Stand by Me's quote with the community: https://www.quotes.net/mquote/90312 0 Comments Publish Well. Peckerwood loony's son. Milo: Hey, you kids! I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Ace: Come on, Lachance, gimme the gun. Thats easy. Gordie that could take 'til dark. Filming & Production Teddy: Sh*t, this wasn't my idea, it was Vern's idea! His writing does not mean anything. But in . : You can pick us up on the way back. Gordie: Hey, Vern, looks like your mom's been out driving again. Sic balls, Choppy! Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Eyeball Chambers/Original Character(s) Eyeball Chambers/Ace Merrill; Denny Lachance/Original Female Character(s) Then you won't mind if we check the seat of your jockies for Hershey squirts, will you? Vern: Four tails! What time is it, Gordie? I'm no good." "Suck my fat one, you cheap dime store hood." This quote by Gordie as an adult sums up his whole life. Stop calling me that! Gordie? What did you bring a comb for? Gordie: Mickey is a mouse, Donald is a duck, Pluto is a dog. COME BACK HERE, GODDAMMIT! Vern: You think Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman? They just keep on wagon-training. But kids lose everything unless there's someone there to look out for them. Stand By Me is the story of four twelve year olds living in a small town in the year 1959 whose lives were changed by a chance adventure that they embarked on at the end of an indolent summer. Ten years from now, some hunter's gonna go in the woods to take a leak, wind up pissing on his bones. We'll flip for it. : But maybe I was sorry and I tried to give it back. , He has a tight-knit group of friends (Gordie, Chris, and Teddy) who lend a helping hand in keeping him safe. : : Yeah, yeah, right. Lardass Hogan "Have gun will travel" reads the card of a man. Chris: You wanna be the Lone Ranger or the Cisco Kid? Gordie The Writer: [voiceover] Vern didn't just mean being off limits inside the junkyard, or fudging on our folks, or going on a hike up the railroad tracks to Harlow. Why did Denny have to die? [They point at each other's open mouths making gagging sounds]. Okay. : Suddenly, Lardass opened his mouth, and before Bill Travis knew it Gordie He had a bit of a trouble trying to hide it. : Milo: You watch your mouth, smart guy! He took your ear and he put it to a stove and he burnt it off. The Writer: [voiceover] Now he said, "Sic him, boy." I'm crossing here. Chris: Yeah. But right now, neither the dread, Chopper, nor Milo was anywhere in sight. Jerry O'connell. And maybe I took it to Old Lady Simmons and told her, and the money was all there. : Vern Gordie , Nine months, man. Chris Teddy: [yells and jumps on the fence] I'M GONNA RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND SH*T DOWN YOUR NECK!!!! Gordie: Sorry, Vern. Its not gonna be like grammar-school, thats why. Alright, are you ready? Pussy. Adventure Stand By Me Chris Chambers Gordie Lachance Vern Tessio Teddy Duchamp My dear brother. She weighs over three hundred pounds! You little f*ggot! Spit at the fat kid. Vern Gordie I was the stupid one for even trying to give it back. When businessman Vern Tessio received an order for one of his products from the USA, he knew it could take weeks to arrive. Jesus, does anybody? - Gordie: Why did he have to die, Chris? Mayor Grundy Principal Wiggins barfed on the lumberjack that was sitting next to him. I brought the comb! Alright, alright, Mickey's a mouse, Donald's a duck, Pluto's a dog. You don't even have any hair! My dad said it, I'm no good. Chris Crowd : We should all go. Come on! Vern I'm in the prime of my youth and I'll only be young once. [They flip their coins again, and this time all show tails except for Gordie], Teddy: You lose, Gordie! - Milo: I know who you are. A loony up in the nuthouse at Togus. Vern Vern [the contestants bury their faces and begin eating. The woods symbolize the unknown and fear we have for death, which is considered dark and deep. : He drives a car and wears a hat. I'm not goin' all the way out there. A sleeper hit when released in 1986, Stand by Me is based on Stephen King's novella "The Body" (from the book Different Seasons); but it's more about the joys and pains of boyhood friendship than a morbid fascination with corpses. You're Teddy Duchamp. He is friends with Chris, Gordie, and Teddy. Gordie He weighs close to one-eighty. Oh guys, I better get home before my mom puts me out on the "ten most wanted." His fast gun for hire heads the calling wind. Vern: This isn't funny. Chris: Run! Friends come in and out of our lives, like busboys in a restaurant., - Gordie: Fuck writing, I don't want to be a. Lardass! Like many other ESFJs or Consuls, Vern desperately wants to be loved by his social group. Oh, great! This isn't funny! I hate this short cut! And while you guys are dragging your candy asses halfway across the state and back, I'll be waiting for you on the other side, relaxing with my thoughts. It's like God gave you something man. Lardass Hogan : You brought the comb! Vern Top Vern Tessio Quotes I don't like to look at myself in the mirror, which is why my eye makeup is always crooked. He meant those things, but it seems to me now it was more and that we all knew it. GET UP!!!! 21. You walk five miles down the river, you gotta walk five miles back. | He is the most eccentric one of the group with a hearing aid and huge . All those stories that you can make up, and He said, "This is what we got for you kid, try not to lose it." Chris: Nothing. Chris: Yeah, but so what? : YA HEAR ME?! Teddy: I'm gonna rip your head off and SH*T down your neck! The Writer: [voiceover] "No trespassing" was enforced by Milo Pressman, the junkman, and his dog, Chopper, the most feared and least seen dog in Castle Rock. : Gordie Vern No, Vern. Teddy: All right, Chambers, you just signed your own death warrant. He was stabbed in the throat. You gonna meet a lot of new guys. : - Vern: I wasn't that scared. Billy Tessio: Hey, Eyeball's right, Charlie. There'll all like that. Vern Lastly, the "woods, tall and dark and deep" (105) represent the family's death. Gordie: [to Chris] Flip or eat lead. No wonder you're acting the way you are, with a loony for a father! Gordie: Well, 2.37's not bad. Gordie: F*** writing, I don't want to be a writer. [Vern is fed up. Gordie: Sorry, Vern. He gets picked on a lot, even from his friends. [after the Milo Pressman incident, Vern tries to light up the mood by singing while Teddy cries] I'll kill you I swear to God. Teddy: Boy, you don't know nothing. : Teddy: What are you cracked? Well, I don't know about any Hyboid Glands, but what a blimp! Supposed to be Hyboid Gland or something. I brought the comb! [singing and walking] Go, Vern! A sleeper hit when released in 1986, Stand by Me is based on Stephen King's novella "The Body" (from the book Different Seasons); but it's more about the joys and pains of boyhood friendship than a morbid fascination with corpses. Vern What the audience didn't know was that Lardass wasn't really interested in winning. During the Media Crackdown, he and his friends went to Antelope, Oregon, and met Reverendburn. Youre taking your college-courses and me Teddy and Vern will all be in the shop-courses with all the rest of the retards making ashtrays and birdhouses. - Ace: What are you gonna do? That's easy-Pez.
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