May be three militaries of nations that are in the Alliance have taken gold out of the Vatican underground vault. We have all been lied to over countless generations but I praise God that the truth is revealing itself. "Everyone will soon learn about this Satanic evil that has been going on for many, many years under the knowledge of U.S . We can relate it to the Mount of Olives, in Jerusalem, which is still a sacred place today. Via Labicana, 95 Open Mon-Sat, 10am-12pm; 3pm-5pm; Sun 12pm-5pm Entry fee: 10, reduced 5. Well said Marylin. Wonderful. Local tour guide Aurelia Madeira explained in 2020: We know that where there were Templars, there were tunnels. The things happening at present, the fake Biden administration is to wake people from their slumber. All the currencies around the world will be gold-backed. Dan 12 says seal up the words of my prophesy, its going to be a long time, 3 1/2 YRS, a long time. Eye opening. If you hear now stroies about DUMPS (deep military underground bases) where eathquakes are happening, seeming that they are blown up, do you think that there could be a connetction between Vatican, that tunnel, the town Rakovski perhaps the tunnel is interrupted now How wonderful it is to receive news from someone who has actually been there! The masses were still asleep and there would have been far more mayhem had he denied it. He didnt take the jab, neither did his daughter. Charlie Freak said, "When the American Marines first arrived they went to New Zealand. 650 planes full of gold and the large tunnel with it, with couple of shots of that would encourage people to believe more). How exciting to hear from someone who lives in the general area! Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; The date is always changed to current. If that is true, I have no way of really knowing, but I have heard that. Its a worry! It wouldnt be on the direct Vatican to Jerusalem route, but there are so many scattered here and there. Thank you for you kind words its such an encouragement to me to hear them. thanks alot for posting ! The Nat Geo group's work revealed not just tunnels, but also a guard house hidden beneath the modern city. But not children. My job is simply to cause people to research. Also, if he has the degree, his title should be To this point in time Ive been fine. Thank you Father for all these blessings. Allan Watts on Youtube explains on explains the nature of the Control he also explains how the Vatican (a city state) edited the Bible in 4th and 12th century to control the minds of the people to looking outside themselves for answers to problems in their lives. The false-prophet is undoubtedly the pope or the black pope? They save the children then blow them up so they can never be used again. What really is eating at me is the 14 Billion Trump gave for vaccines and now he is tell to get them as he says he got one ! And we are here as on a darkling plain Its a very sad state of affairs But anyway, just take a look of the Holy Scriptures in Apocalipsis 17:5,6 and chapter 18 related to Babylon the Great = Religions and the RCC plays a very important role here. Was the Holy Grail real? Can you tell me if the books recovered from the Vatican are books of the Bible and if we, the people, will ever be able to know what they say? God is good. I pay no attention to what anyone else says about who or what I likeI make up my own mind. The clones wont last much longer, life span isnt that long. I never heard of such a thing. Yes, we do hear from each other and maybe do put our own spin on it, but all in the hope of reaching more people through our own connections. I recovered but never took another. 10They will stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and say: Too bad, too bad, you great city, Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived! 11Also, the merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her, because there is no one to buy their full cargo anymore, 12a full cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, and scarlet cloth; and everything made from scented wood and every sort of object made from ivory, and from precious wood, copper, iron, and marble; 13also cinnamon, Indian spice, incense, perfumed oil, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, carriages, slaves, and human lives. But, I do love fiction as well as the next guy. Pelosi, Schumer ha ha they still have a lot of power & they are using it daily. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. So true David! I saved this from when he first came to office in 2017. He doesnt hide it, he comes right out and states these things, in the endeavour of helping others who may have found themselves in these places. When that happens, if there is anything that is being shared around thats not totally true, we will all find out. Its best to watch and pray. Translation: Well, in one place you have to store the yellow stuff and America is as good as the moon.But if we do not overestimate it again, we must remove food speculation from the stock exchanges and then the hunger in the world will be able to be eliminated. Im just reporting what was relayed to Charlie Ward as to the findings under the Vatican. Youve been privvy to secrets that we never heard about A level playing field. Who built this tunnel, then? He is very open about his questionable past. And then they announced another earthquake for the next days on TV, remember? Some of the comments on here just seem absurd, but Id like to read, They were referring to Dane Wigington here is one of his sites: Hi Billie! In one of the tunnels under Rome. I really appreciate your words of encouragement, and for helping to bring comprehension to others. I cannot say, but it makes me feel better! Find Robert done extensive research . They show all of our planes in flight. Well, you confirmed everything I said as soon as I learned of this earthquake last year. However, as for all the Hebrew books, and the sacred Temple items are in the Vatican. Try to follow the intel that is letting you know whats really going on. It seems the Bible is a collection of scriptures that is whatever some people decide it is. This four-mile sewer runs from Abbey Mills to Beckton, up to 80 metres below the surface. If this is so, as Nesara/Gesara is rolled out and the Quantum Education System begins, Im quite sure these books will become available to everyone. My Response: My goodness, a tunnel to America! I think its funny people who actually dig and do research get mocked by those who have done absolutely none. Even though, people ask for real evidences, (i.e. All that Templars & Jesuits have been about has been to create world government in opposition to Jesus Christ real justice of HIS Kingdom. Please re-read Revelation, and you will find there are three separate books, of 7 chapters, all written to first century Christians who were being tormented and killed. So theydidnt want to save starving children, in fact youll find out soon they were trafficking and sacrificing them as well. Antichrist, 666 on hand or forehead. "Lines of Buses with darkened windows are seen taking the children away from their underground hell. Answer (1 of 2): There's a tunnel between: * Washington, DC and * Rosslyn, Virginia. A Jubilee will happen because of the 1776, 1811, 1871, 1913, 1933, 1944, 1971 mostly banking events directed & controlled by Rothschild stooges. We are about to learn so much, I think its going to be mind-blowing. I try to keep under the radar as much as possible as there are many headings I would prefer to use but choose not to. As many say, it is for the children, and Im with you on that. Can you walk around the Vatican for free? Hi Debbie, Ive actually removed that last update from my website as on just checking it I found the video was no longer working. I had doubts of Charlie as well. The Vatican has been digging a secret tunnel in Jerusalem in order to exhume King David's DNA and resurrect the Messiah, a rabbi has claimed. Book of Revelation was tainted by freemasons and cabal . 5:00PM - Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks. 24000 children in some of the DUMBS is a little hard to believe, but yet I think it is all true, just not seen. . These expanded into tunnels and then were repurposed into a labyrinth of catacombs, space for mushroom farming, and an unofficial sewer system. What I see is exactly what your replies are, we are on the same page, the page of truth. f 1 kilo bars of gold were placed end-to-end for 1,433 miles, the weight would be 929,799,277 Troy ounces. Thanks also for the extra links you provided.. Yeah, who built that then and over what period of time? It has taken a real search throughout scripture and to see with new eyes that has opened up the way for me. 14Yes, the fine fruit that you desired has left you, and all the delicacies and the splendid things have vanished from you, never to be found again. That way you can keep your spirits and your faith levels high. Some believe the order may have once carried the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, two items central to Bible scripture, yet never found. This DVD is more than 2 hours long and the info will blow your mind off. There is a lot of jealousy over Charlie and therefore the trolls that come against him. Thank you for sharing that. This info aligns with what Mark Taylor (prophet) has written in one of his prophecies. Tell those facts to Catherine Austin Fitts, she probably will not believe it. I heard Im Just Charlie say he got his degree on line. In Italy many earthquakes of slight intensity All 10 km deep Also in the Adriatic Sea between Italy and Croatia There is also talk of a tunnel that connects Italy with America . Its the last part of a poem by Matthew Arnold called Dover Beach. It will carry millions of tonnes of crap that would otherwise have been dumped into the River Lee. I wonder if there are any inspired books that have been suppressed that would be interesting and surprising. For us, most of us had no idea it was going on but He sees all! Thank you Jorge! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Hi Dennis! So, they had to fight whatever was there before getting to the kids. I went in as a civilian national intel officer in Jun 2003. Hope so ready for movie to end, I took David Wilcock class last year , he talked about Vatican to Jerusalem tunnel said in eqypt you can dig all over and find stuff but its illegal, Im to the point just want peace , money doesnt mean that much for some reason. Where are they? Thank you for causing me to check on it. Although most ot the work is done. And Ive heard theres even a possibility that the enemy has altered parts of what we have now as scripture ugh conceivable depending on the character of the men who had access to the original manuscripts. There is every chance that Rakovski had a link to the main Vat-Jer tunnel and what you heard was more than possibly it being destroyed, which is wonderful, dont you think? . The important thing is that we live each day for the Lord and pray always to remain in His will. Thank you so much talk soon Marilyn, Marilyn, I found Charlie Wards videos on and they are in date order. Hi Jon, Just wondering why you feel you need to talk out about a man who doing all he can to share good news with people during a very dark time. As more and more becomes revealed, it only confirms what we already had. I have added it into the post. President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Perry, Georgia, on Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 7:00PM EDT. This second tunnel started in Sydney and went in a web-like ring around Australia, with a big central line running toward Ayers Rock. There are at least 5 out there that I have seen with overwhelming evidence he is quite shady. Can you admit that was incorrect? How did God put up with it? The Vatican has a long history going back to the early Roman days. The only other person, no two persons, I know online who have been in them is Charlie Ward and Gene Decode. I heard that he will be in charge of the exchanges for foreign currency. 659 planes flown into Fort Knox. Please give me direct link. LOL, Charlie says something l like that and I believe it to be so true. May be Fitts should talk to Judge Anna von Reitz regarding NESARA. Unfortunately, his youtube channel was taken down. I too was taught in such a way even though I still have many, many questions. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. May Gods TRUTH prevail, may justice be rendered, and may our world soon be aright as He determines! Hi Virginia! I definitely dont think its too strange to think as you are. They have blowing up tunnels and DUMBS around the world for years saving the tortured children. Now they are giving me a slim choice of articles. We are not to take as gospel anything we hear from anyone, myself included. Why? I cant say I go along with your info on the beast and false prophet etc but that doesnt make it not true. What If The New World Order Was the Beast of Revelations? You can check that out for yourself. We keep on going, trying our best to alert sleeping people and encourage those who are awake. I truly believe from all sources that the White Hats are in complete control and what we are seeing now is more like a movie designed to wake up sleeping people. He cannot say who and is under an NDA which prevents him from saying a whole lot more than he does. I too want to wake up from this nightmare like it never did happen ! from wiki - Actually no-one is asking you to believe it Marlene what we are asking you to do is research for yourself. Btw. Please put the link up so I can watch the video, More Gold than you can imagine. I totally agree with you Jesus is the ONLY answer. When Nesara/Gesara are being rolled out, much of this gold will be used on humanitarian projects. Utopia is possible just not with these people involved. I have seen most of Charlie Wards videos along with Gene DeCodes info and completely concur with you. Ready to clean earth up. Marilyn, MARILYN WILLIAMS thank you for sharing this .
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