Service Replacement of the stated machines use the Enter Serial Number to obtain the Version Flash Part No. REPLACED 215-3243,229-0419, C-10 INDUSTRIAL C,D, & E RATED, ADEM III,TIER II EMISSIONS Replaces 378-3258,442-4763, C18 MACH-988H LWL 434-9506 183 AUG13 Service Replacement Reason 152HP@2100RPM Replaced 258-8360,264-0065, West Europe 365 HP/1500 RPM 37 Replaced 311-6998,312-1409,314-3446, REPLACED 208-5779, 475/500 HP 1650/1750 LB-FT 2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7392 138 JAN02 6. The new strategy increases the amount of negative fuel pressure differential required to log the misinstalled codes from -15 kPa to -70 kPa. 9. latest 230-5079 230-5080 46 pressure value would cause Engine Vision to display "Error". Replaces, 777F/C32 ACERT 326-8166 3 MAY08 259-5561,265-3314,271-1678,277-5703,295-2306, KAL11871-UP, SAP1-UP, WAX1-UP *475 490 1750 2100 Brakesaver avail. Chip Version Reason (EMS) !Stop Light Flashing On Marine Propulsion Engines. Prior to the firmware version 2.45, the phase match algorithm would step to the slew rate and Truck Engines 6NZ and 7CZ and EGH (Gov.) 266-2736 9 This table contains the operating parameter changes (additions, deletions, changes in name/functionality or default) from 324HP@1800RPM, 353HP@1800RPM left to right and display a number in % that will increase form 0% to 100% as the bar moves right. Oil Well Service (OWS) Solution to EMSII 248-02 code and light flashing issue applications. Version Flash Part No. Primary Secondary Reason Code Latest 273-9068 13-27, 3508 EPG 1200 RPM (A3 ECM) Certified 921 HP/1750RPM Replace PWM PS Pressure Sensor with Analog PS Pressure Sensor 624 @ 1800 RPM 227-9340 3126 Truck 330HP 860 lb-ft, 2400 RPM RV Date Code SEP02 REPLACED 254-7447,258-7110, 389HP@2200RPM pressure value would cause Engine Vision to display Error. 188HP 1800 3 Version 381-4861,383-6860,386-3132,394-4391,417-4334, C6.6 MACH-938H MWL 443-8396 41 JUL13 671/624 HP @ 1800 not saved or aborted). REPLACED 193-4642, 3406E/IND INTERLOCK CODE=56 194-9710 NONE APR01 180-1730 180-1731 18-22 2007 EMISSIONS ADEM A4 ECM ON HEAVY DUTY ACERT HIGHWAY TRUCK ************************************************************************* 3406E/C15/C18 Marine Engine FLASH Files 365 HP/1500 RPM 37 231-9993 231-9994 185-3608 185-3609 304-8425,306-9220,308-4281,313-7221,328-3918 REPLACED 208-5789, 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 338-5274 148 OCT08 Note: The low idle switch input Upon reentry into discharge, added Event Log messages to report what caused it. REPLACED 160-9959, 3408E JWAC HIGH POWER 225-9211 15 JUN02 RFT injectors 184-4987 184-4989 184-4988 184-4990 715HP@2100RPM 320 HP 1800 ACERT 363-8090 7 JUl10 Replaces 330-9440,354-6879,366-2062, C7 MACH-120K MG INDIA 441-5016 81 June13 1. EPG 440-9729 22 JUL13 Certain best BSFC genset ratings are also 327-4540,333-5965,334-1308,343-5765, Electronic filtering was also added to the software for get it to clear. 183-5053 183-5054 1,3 1450 PT, 410 HP 1800/2100 9NS1 UP 191-9932 326 OCT 00 (ECMs) used on the Challenger 35,45, and 55 are available by downloading Certain diagnostic codes caused by removing the engine from chassis (24/12 Hour clock). Chip Version Reason UPSNet was susceptible to losing communications on both networks in specific failure conditions. 320 HP/1800 RPM 31 1. Replaces 381-9639 latest 227-4857 46 267-1887 10 510 HP/2000 152-5498 154-5499 Replaced 347-4142,358-4057,361-5912, 216HP@1800RPM **************************************************************************, 60 HZ/ 50HZ, PR, JWAC, DUAL Improve precision of display time, 211-5617 Improve datalink communication (CAT, Detroit Diesel, Cummins, Mack) ET Transport 72K views 5. REPLACED 214-3362 SEE REHS1385, 631G/637G 3408E (CLR1-UP,CEH1-UP) 230-1557 93 NOV02 LOW SPEED LOCOMOTIVE for use with 172-0802 ECM factory passwords to clear event in the first 20 hours 1495-02 (injector trim code not programmed) fix. Frequency Slew Rate: 1.0 Hz/ Sec. REPLACES 198-3267, 575HP 1850PT 2100RPM BRAKESAVER 7CZ1-02799 220-8244 100 MAR02 Flash Part No. Service Replacement 230-1564 3126 Truck 275HP 860 lb-ft, 2200 RPM ER Date Code OCT02 MULTI TORQUE, 335/365 HP 1800 9CK1 UP 188-8084 313 DEC 99 Testcell Throttle 135-6811 135-6813 135-6812 135-6814 19. Oil Well Sevice Replaced 255-1178,260-1435,286-9589, C9 MTB 330 HP @ 2100 RPM 1150 lb-ft (Bus) SEP04 IC 12 260-1438 Replaces 424-0781,433-8149,451-0007, C7.1 MACH 924/930/938 SWL 451-1959 SEP13 2300RPM TEL FIELD UPRATE ONLY Serial Numbers back to the first Serial Number listed. and 0.5 second to reset ************************************************************************************ 231-9941 9. Shutter control 503/540 HP @ 1800 Reference: Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, SENR8367. 204-2510 N/a 204-2511 N/A 25-37 ================================================================================ II.V 2EK1 Up 350 Std Hi RPM 13 1019252-00 252HP@2000RPM Version Flash Part No. Replaced 310-8363,311-6969,314-2927, REPLACED 262-1971,293-7538, 3406E Marine B Tier 307-9879 38 JAN07 Replaced 383-4274,386-2530, 395-1126, C9.3 MACH 12M3 TIER 4F MG 452-1718 25 OCT13 The derate is still active and can be viewed with Cat ET. Replaced 248-7639,251-7455, *********************************************************** 131-2766 131-2768 131-2767 131-2769 385 HP 2100 282-0622 16 SEP05 BRAKESAVER TEL 2300RPM Flash Part No. Replaced 235-8223,248-4826,255-0906,258-4516, Flash Part No. Click Open Replaced 244-3512, C18 MEUI Marine 271-8706 15 SEP05 REPLACED 299-5799,314-9288 266-2741 9 321-7223,324-7637,326-9126,328-0704, C7 350HP @ 2400 RPM ER JUL08 52/152 334-2365 speed. 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, CNT/PR/PR+10/SB, LO BSFC 0HP@0RPM REPLACED 299-9621, C13 972H MEDIUM WHEEL LOADER ACERT ARTICULATED TRUCK ADEM III turbochargers. DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH P/M RELEASE 254-0989,259-5599,265-3322,272-5314,295-2323, KAL12898-UP, SAP1-UP, WAX1-UP 1880 RPM, LIGHT WEIGHT, D RATING, IMO CERT 1. REPLACED 194-4986, 3412E Marine C 255-7350 125 APR04 Primary Service Backup Service Reason 23:General Alarm Relay feature added; Synchronization Driver (J2-29) will activate for any active diagnostic or event, Interlock Code = 297, HEP1 HEP07579 1550 HP @ 2300 RPM 5130A machine control 186-5154 203-9238 N/A 22, 25-33 code activated until parameter is programmed one time. 16. 1000 HP @ 2200 RPM NXS00001-UP Software is listed by application then number of cylinders. latest 206-8730 4, 60 HZ, LO BSFC I have try and flash it again with the file above (3468837-00) Engine -ATA S/N 00466239JJ and the CAUSE is The ECM was unable to program a byte of memory ERROR CODE 536576. Replacement Flash Part No. Adaptable To: 381-8820,381-8821, C175 EP-50HZ PETRO -sec 394-8301 73 OCT13 Flash Part No. Option 1 is the preferred method since it makes the engine compatible with UPS 500 N+1 3.0 205-7000 n/a 37 249-7869,253-6073,255-4937, ******************************************************************************** 384-4445,394-7218, C6.4 MACH 323D HEX PSO 441-0463 7 SEP13 w/ Factory installed 241-3239 Injectors SEP06 IC 29 300-0450 352-4698, C13 MACH-730 AT HRC 447-7381 22 SEP13 138-8794 138-8795 714/730 HP/1800 RPM Replaces 380-6205, C18 MACH-988K TIER4F 449-7724 3 JUL13 D11R drivetrain control 183-7424 Drive) A3 software 151-7064 151-7065 1. change. 700 @ 1800 RPM 860 @ 1500 EPA Cert. REPLACES 198-3272,220-8248,237-0710, 301-7010,313-3626, 990/844/3412E (4FR1 UP) 236-5599 2 MAY03 Replaces 446-8283, C7.1 MACH-CPPI AP6XX 451-7973 19 NOV13 software with an active 101-13 was not acceptable. latest 176-5944 176-5946 176-5945 176-5947 18-21 290-2168,308-1275, 435/550HP 1550/1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM MXS00001-UP 308-1307 46 FEB07 245-1997 Replaced 254-7444,271-7213, II.V 2EK1 Up 425@2000 18 0R6641-00 Latest 261-8311, 3508B 1350 RPM LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE 900 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, LO BSFC, JWAC Solution to EMSII 248-02 code and light flashing issue Replaced 256-6458,264-6356,270-0318, 335 HP 1250 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCA1457-up 305-4392 31 NOV06 101HP@2200RPM 2 *************************************************************************** This occurs when the tattletale is zero. 393 HP/1800 RPM 348-4748, 435HP 1550/1750 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM SDP00001-UP 365-1164 44/144 Nov10 REPLACED 313-7561,325-1732, C18 Marine PRIM 325-1733 104 JAN08 Replaced 244-3522, C18 Marine D-Tier Primary 310-7688 51 MAR07 With factory installed 249-0697 injectors 60 HZ, 900 RPM, CONTINUOUS/PRIME, LO BSFC, JWAC 267-7151 11 Replaced 381-9641,438-9610,444-9758, C18 MACH-AD45 UNDERGROUND AT 422-7469 19 MAY13 265-9440,270-0298,271-2918,291-2020, 350HP 1450 lb-ft 2100 RPM KCA1-01456 294-4818 26 MAY06 163H transmission control AUTOSHIFT 190-8461 dropping to low idle. Primary Reason Code (EMERGENCY VEHICLE, RV, AND BUS ONLY), 380/430 MT 1800 2KS72000 UP 338-5264 58 OCT08 335 HP 1800 2PN1 UP 190-0230 302 DEC 99 183-9246 183-9247 1,3 Description of Change: Flash software is now available for the drive Added an Event Log message indication every time the Bypass contactor opens or closes. 138-1275 138-1277 138-1276 132-1278 210 HP @ 2200 8YL 1 to 8YL34999 246-8267 104 154 NOV03 NXS00001-UP Interlock Code = 289, HEP1 HEP07579 474 HP/2000 RPM The 176-6149 chip 156-3708 156-3709 4 Primary Secondary Reason Code Primary Service Backup Service Reason (24 Hour clock), 195-8866 Changed to agree with machine software changes The new software eliminates this problem. These 2300 RPM TEL FIELD UPRATE ONLY (Replaces 170-8077), 280 HP 2100 2PN1 UP 190-0225 306 DEC99 to be motored or discharged, Output PN Voltage Sets the output voltage phase to 510 ******************* FMTV Vehicles Only ********************************. 324-7630326-9119,328-0697, C7 230HP @ 2400 RPM JUL08 45/145 334-2358 New torque maps North Europe 234-7595,236-8715 1250/1350 PT, 350 HP 1800/2100 8YS1 UP 191-9923 327 OCT 00 Model No. ********************************************************************************, 3508B 1800 RPM, EMISSIONS Latest 272-2468 66 *************************************************************************** 100-13 Engine Oil Pressure Cal Required needs to be changed to Chip Version Reason code, which will indicate loss of communication C9 IND-320HP CLAAS LEXION 419-6686 164 DEC12 327-4493,333-5977,337-7333,343-5719, 923 @ 1800 RPM 7 860 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. Version **************************************************************************, C18 IND-556KW PRS 348-5736 112 APR10 Version 1450/1550 PT, 380/430 MT 1800 9NS1 UP 191-9938 322 OCT 00 14. REPLACED 177-5364,222-9266 SEE REHS1385, 990/844/3412E (4FR1 UP) 239-4164 113 MAY03 Flash Part No. *************************************************************************** SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE Flash Part No. Latest 271-0373 28 800 HP @ 2100 259-8331 6 269-0982,271-1386,283-1193,290-2181, 327-4504,333-5988, 430 HP 1550/1750 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM LEE00001-UP 337-7346 58/158 OCT08 Different minimum on acceleration fan pump pressure for **************************************************************************, 1600 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, LO BSFC 385 HP @ 1800RPM 445-8849 36 JUL13 Oil Well Service (OWS) TOP 2 GEAR MULTITORQUE UPS View will display the message Code 120H transmission control AUTOSHIFT 190-8461 320-0378,326-3667,327-4535,333-5960, 237-5243 NA However, before attempting to flash the personality This Flash Part No. FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) FOR USE WITH FORMER STYLE INJECTORS (174-7526) Coolant flow event is disabled when engine speed is 50 or 237-5249 NA 24 REPLACED 214-3383,239-4148 SEE REHS1385, Trucks sold in France only The fan speed Software BULK HAULER, 325 HP 7LG1-07499 112-2077 OR6854 11 JUL 93 From 142-0378 to 151-2155: Replaced 170-8090, 425 HP 2100 1YN1 UP 190-0240 309 DEC99 This *355/410 415 1350/1450 2100 * Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 1136 @ 1500 RPM 17 HP RPM This should help to reduce false high inlet air restriction 171-2472 171-2474 171-2473 171-2475 1 Replaced 245-0191,247-7542, 3508B LOCOMOTIVE A3 REPLACED 228-8044,231-9254, type tractor models listed above. in field is unaffected by this change. 0HP@0RPM II 5YG1 Up 460@1900 110 0R6663-00 *******EURO III Rating for use in Europe only not for North America use************** 259-8380 6 BULK HAULER, DESCRIPTION S/N PART RE-MAN INTERLOCK RELEASE 245-1958 RV RATING 625/650/675 HP @ 2100 with 172-0802 ECM Service Replacement Reason 254-8115 5 EEprom clearing on personality module mismatch override Until then the parameter will show up as Load Warning Set. REPLACED 311-8506, 789C/3516B Tier I 325-0578 19 JAN08 Replaced 242-1843,243-4425, KAL1-11870 w/ Field installed 241-3239 Injectors AUG08 IC 30 335-8257 Replacement Latest 259-8284 259-8285 8, 3508 Propulsion Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert Flash Part No. Replaced 262-8532,272-0680,278-5576,308-7234, C18 Marine Aux. 316HP@1800RPM RFT injectors REPLACED 208-5802,215-7414,237-0730, 340 HP 1800 9HP1 UP 246-1141 26 MAR05 ===========================================================================. Interlock Code = 298, HEP1 HEP07579 1925 RPM, LIGHT WEIGHT, E RATING, IMO CERT GM2001i truck,consent decree torque and timing readout, updated Previously, sensor misinstalled diagnostic strategies to reduce false Version 345HP @ 1800RPM III 4CK1 Up 350@2000 w/o Brksv 13 1457873-00 Added support for True Weight Speed Manager Keeps transmission New area map Service Replacement Reason previous software did not operate the GAR as designed. KAL 1 11870 w/ Factory installed 236-6011 Injectors APR04 IC 5 247-4645 Flash Part No. 129-4190 129-4191 Software added dedicated low idle switch input (J1-P26)to ECM. ********************************************************************************, 3508B 1500 RPM All analog inputs are filtered and initialized except TOT Chip Version Multi-torque/GFRSS 205-6957 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, CONTINUOUS/PRIME/PRIME+10/STANDBY, LO BSFC 554 HP @ 1800 321-7225,324-7639,326-9128,328-0706, C7 330HP @ 2400 RPM RV JUL08 54/154 334-2367 245-1949 0 hp 0rpm Coolant flow event is disabled when ground level or user Inside the editor you can read every parameter and see how it's written, and make changes. Primary Service Backup Service Reason II 8TC1413 10980 350 EPA 103 1019298-00 TOP 2 GEAR MULTITORQUE, 500HP 1750/1850PT 2100 RPM 6NZ1-53999 220-6668 93 MAR02 Replaced 228-8023,235-1372, UPS 750 CPM 3.0 394-7078, C7.1 MACH CPPI AP10XX 452-8536 14 OCT13 III 4CK10215 Up 425@1800 w/o Brksv 21 1457971-00 2. Replaced 310-8362,311-6968,314-2926, 1. 138-1329 138-1331 138-1330 138-1332 chargers, From 198-0189 to 199-4441 348-4764, 600 HP 2050 LB-FT 2100 RPM SDP00001-UP 365-1180 60/160 Nov10 Replacement 1650 PT it will be necessary to reconfigure the tractor in Mode 12. Capacity: 22.5GB. Chip Version 334 HP 2000 9. 5. New fuel rate map ITEM TILE download. Interlock Code = 257 266-2759 9 7:Updates with Rack Stop for at least 1 minute regardless of coolant temperature. Replaced 242-8317,243-4422 1380/1450 HP@1750RPM time a particular module is flashed in order to take advantage of the 429HP/2000 RPM Replaced 257-3202,264-1223,289-2221, C15 EP-REG 50Hz ACERT 320-2697 Sept10 131 Load Cell Startup Low Limit 550 Flash files must be used when updating REPLACED 214-3369 SEE REHS1385, 836 /3408E (7FR00264 UP) 236-5585 21 MAY03 ***************************************************************************, C-18 700HP @2300RPM 1900PT@2100RPM MEP1-UP 241-0817 1 JUN03 0HP@1800RPM *************************************************************************** Flash Part No. 265 HP 1200 3NL1 UP 116-2842 116-2854 14 MAR 94, ================================================================================ or on your hard drive where it was saved. 172HP@2100RPM 205-6963 37 TOP 2 GEAR MULTITORQUE BRAKESAVER, 500HP 1650PT 2100RPM, 6NZ1-53999 220-6662 88 MAR02 should be viewed on the engine ECM via ET. **************************CEC Rating********************************* latest 206-2531 206-2532 **************************************************************************************** 0HP@1800RPM Chip Version Reason Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 1450/1550 PT 1800 REPLACED 160-9965, 3412E JWAC 203-3204 28 JAN01 203-9249 N/A 22, 25-33 242-8337 (old code 211), 335 HP 1250 LB-FT 2100 RPM MBJ00001-UP 242-8338 225 AUG03 ********************************************************************************, 3508B IND 1800 RPM, EMISSIONS A3 ******************************************************************************** 224-3074 61 1450/1650PT 1800 RPM Support for True Weight Speed Manager Keeps C) Fix for intermittent EMSII "!Stop" light flashing. 426-1840, C27 MACH-D10T TTT EU ACERT 434-9516 34 AUG13 Replaces 380-6224,445-1991, C18 988K T4F LRC 449-9753 1 AUG13 Flash Service Release 142HP@2200RPM Flash Part No. FOR USE WITH FORMER STYLE INJECTORS (174-7526) ************************************************************************* 3500B HD (High Displacement) Commercial Engine FLASH File Cross-Reference 300 HP 1WM1 and Up 130-7832 16 OCT96 266-2753 9 New Torque Maps, From 188-2771 to 195-6427: files numbers are 220-8239, 237-0708, 241-0782, 251-2216 and 270-7072. 1800 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, EMISSIONS (SPECIAL) 822 HP @ 2200 RPM unfiltered fuel pressure sensor ports. Interlock Code = 291, HEP1 HEP07579 Replaced, C4.4 MACH CPPI 96KW 442-1347 76 June13 335 HP 1800/2100 3CS23000 UP 224-4619 26 AUG02 1550/1600 HP @ 2300 not previously activate the general alarm relay. 60 HZ 1200 Low BSFC III 4CK1 Up 310 MT Top4 11 1457849-00 242-5351 N/A 55 II 2EK1 Up 425@1800 21 0R6642-00 453 HP @ 2100 RPM 249HP@2200RPM After the progress bar 271-2915,291-2017, 335 HP 1250 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCA1-01456 291-2052 24 MAR06 310-7886,368-3881,377-0005,439-7155, C9 MACH-336D HEX 445-4972 194 SEP13 295-4647,317-6046, C15 Reclaimer/Mixer ACERT 288-7107 8 DEC05 FIELD UPRATE
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