"Our group was marched out of Stutthof on 26 April. [19][28] It was also added that Spanner was arrested twice after the war but released after each time after explaining how he had conducted the maceration and injection process of his models and was declared "clean" by the denazification program in 1948, officially exonerated, and resumed his academic career. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 It was approximately 36 km east of the city of Gdansk, where the Visla river flows into the Baltic Sea. It is an obscenity and should be punished, if there are still any of these scum around today, they should be brought to justice. As a Jewish boy from Germany, the young Goldberg had already been deported to Latvia before being sent to Stutthof for slave labour. Stutthof was a concentration camp in an isolated, marshy, and forested region near the village of Stutthof east of Danzig. per group (up to 3) Private Shore Excursion: Tour of Gdansk and visit Stutthof Concentration Camp. Eleven defendants including the former commander, Johann Pauls, were sentenced to death. [citation needed], Conditions in the camp were extremely harsh;[16] tens of thousands of prisoners succumbed to starvation and disease. Inside of the barbed wire fences, horror and brutality was administered by the SS. Eventually, the Stutthof camp system became a network of forced-labor camps. The following gut-twisting images are among a number to be found here. Another prisoner said Bormann grabbed another female prisoner by the hair, threw her to the ground and ordered dogs to bite her so severely that she was a mass of blood. The woman died at the scene. Known, chillingly, as the woman with the dogs, Juana Bormann used trained dogs in sadistic attacks on inmates at Ravensbruck and later Auschwitz, where she served under Irma Grese. [2] The accused were arraigned before the court and all found guilty. The rest were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. She died in 2000. However, he was tried in a juvenile court due to being about 17 at that time. Former Stutthof SS guard Bruno Dey, now 93, is standing trial in Germany, charged as an accessory to the murder of 5,230 Jews from 1944 to 1945. . In 1944, as forced labor by concentration camp prisoners became increasingly important in armaments production, a Focke-Wulf aircraft factory was constructed at Stutthof. In 1943, the Nazis began drafting women because of the shortage of guards. It is totally illegal, hanging has to be done in a certain way and this was certainly not. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW The link refering to a Geocities site is no more valid, Copyright 2023 ExecutedToday.com :: All Rights Reserved :: A WordPress joint Theme originally by WarAxe at Negative99, modified by Brian at Logjamming Contact the Headsman, our one-of-a-kind custom playing card deck, 1570: Aonio Paleario, Italian religious reformer, 1947: Ding Mocun, not as hot a lay in real life, 1946: Eleven from the Stutthof concentration camp, 1855: Pietro Fortunato Calvi, the last Belfiore Martyr, 1828: William Rice but not John Montgomery, who cheated the hangman with prussic acid, 1835: Joshua Cotton and William Saunders, steam doctors, 1941: Numberless Poles and Jews by Felix Landau's Einsatzkommando, 1589: Hemmerlein, chief-ranger of the Margrave, 1762: Crown Prince Sado, locked in a rice chest, 1533: John Frith and Andrew Hewet, Protestants, 1952: Rudolf Slansky and 10 conspirators, 1916: Syrian and Lebanese nationalists, who christen Martyrs Day, 1958: Imre Nagy, former Prime Minister of Hungary, 1953: Dmytro Bilinchuk, Company 67 of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, ExecutedToday.com Executed Todays Fifth Annual Report: Hang Five, ExecutedToday.com Executed Todays Third Annual Report: Third Time Lucky, ExecutedToday.com Executed Todays Second Annual Report: Once Bitten, Twice Die, ExecutedToday.com Executed Todays First Annual Report: One Year of Dying Languorously, 1617: A miller of Manberna, the hangmans last, 2009: Ehsan Fatahian, Iranian Kurdish activist, 1066: John Scotus, sacrificed to Radegast, 1801: Hyacinth Moise, Haitian Revolution general, 1738: George Whalley and Dean Briant, wife-murderers. View the list of all donors. The Stutthof concentration camp, like every Nazi concentration camp, was an institution for torturing, humiliating and murdering people, a death machine. [33][34] He was charged as a juvenile, as he was under 21 at the time of the offense. [2], In 1953 the court in Gdask tried SS-man Bielawa (SS Rottenfhrer Paul Bielawa, a prisoner guard from the 3rd company in Stutthof between 194145)[1] and sentenced him to twelve years. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. When the guilty verdict came in, she declared, Life is indeed a pleasure, and pleasures are usually short.. She was recorded to have been 6ft 3 and known as the "Sadist of Stutthof" due to her merciless beatings of female prisoners. The original camp (known as the old camp) was surrounded by barbed-wire fences. Women were needed, especially to oversee womens camps like at Ravensbruck. Key and copyright. [37] On 23 July 2020, he was given a two-year suspended sentence by the court in Hamburg. [14] In July 2020, he was convicted of 5,232 counts of accessory to murder by the Hamburg state court, and was also convicted of one count of accessory to attempted murder. We will rise again and we will destroy ALL of you scum who revel in this disgusting obscene filth. The town of Sztutowo (Polish name for ' Stutthof') lies 55km east of Gdask and is easily accessed by both car and bus. It was not produced on an industrial scale, but still for utilitarian purpose, Soap made from human corpses Danzig Anatomical Institute, debunked rumours of industrial production of human soap in concentration camps, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Female guards in Nazi concentration camps, "History of the concentration camp in Stuttfof", "Stutthof, the first Nazi concentration camp outside Germany", "Mennonites and the Holocaust: From Collaboration to Perpetuation", Datos de 295 Mujeres Pertenecientes a la SS: Christel Bankewitz, Stutthof, "Norske vakter jobbet i Hitlers konsentrasjonsleire", "PHASE II: THE GERMAN OCCUPATION OF ESTONIA IN 19411944", "Klooga Concentration Camp and Holocauts Memorial. Here we look at the horrendous role these guards - known as Aufseherins, or female overseers - played during the War. Such marches became common, as the Nazis sought to erase evidence of their crimes, and many of the detainees were killed as the war neared its end. These were Johann Pauls, SS-Aufseherins Jenny Wanda Barkmann, Elisabeth Becker, Wanda Klaff, Ewa Paradies, Gerda Steinhoff. Often described as one of historys cruellest women, Elizabeth Volkenrath selected thousands of women and children to be sent to the gas chambers. In 1943, the camp was enlarged and a new camp was constructed alongside the earlier one. He was executed November 8 in Wloclawek[7][8]. ", How nine women escaped from a Nazi death march, Historic ocean treaty agreed after decade of talks, China looks at reforms to deepen Xi's control, Inside the enclave surrounded by pro-Russia forces, 'The nurses wanted me to feel guilty about my abortion, From Afghan TV fame to a US factory floor. Many prisoners worked in SS-owned businesses such as DAW (Deutsche Ausrstungswerke, literally the 'German Equipment Works'), the heavily guarded armaments factory located inside the camp next to prisoner barracks. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [22] Spanner was unlikely to have "really occupied himself with the production of usable soap from human fat", and that any soap production in his laboratory was likely marginal. Sign up here. "I was first in Stutthof in August '43 for close to a month and then two other [camps] before I returned at the end of 1944 for a second time," he told the BBC. Found guilty by a British Military Tribunal, she was sentenced to death and hanged on December 13 1945, aged 52. Manfred Goldberg was 13 when he was sent to Stutthof concentration camp near the coast of the Baltic Sea in August 1943. [41], In 1999, Artur mijewski filmed a group of nude people playing tag in one of the Stutthof gas chambers, sparking outrage.[42][43][44]. The commandant of the Stutthof and Neuengamme concentration camps SS-Sturmbannfhrer Max Pauly was sentenced to death in Germany at about the same time. Theres more about Stutthofs history at the Holocaust Research Project, and at the current memorial facilitys home page. Six Polish prisoners, known as kapos, who oversaw forced labor within the camp. Yolanda Saldvar, The Obsessed Fan Who Murdered Se, 5 Of The Most Infamous Cults in US History, History and Culture of the Blackfeet Nation, Did Pharaoh Akhenaten lay the foundation for Abrah. In 1944 she became a guard at the Stutthof Concentration camp. One prominent inmate and survivor of the Stutthof concentration camp was member of parliament for the Communist Party of Denmark Martin Nielsen, who detailed his deportation to, experience in and ensuing death march from the camp in his book Rapport fra Stutthof ('Report from Stutthof'). Ten were sentenced to death. Stutthof was a Nazi concentration camp established by Nazi Germany in a secluded, marshy, and wooded area near the village of Stutthof (now Sztutowo) 34km (21mi) east of the city of Danzig (Gdask) in the territory of the German-annexed Free City of Danzig. TheUntoldPast has the right to delete any comment with this content inside it and also ban the user from the channel. The Germans used Stutthof prisoners as forced laborers. 2023 BBC. In perhaps the last ever Nazi war crimes trial, Irmgard Furchner attended court in Germany for more than a year as prosecutors outlined their case against her. The event drew an immense crowd of approximately 200,000 people, and due to humanitarian concerns, authorities refrained from organizing further public executions. [10], Among the notable female guard personnel were: Elisabeth Becker, Erna Beilhardt, Ella Bergmann, Ella Blank, Gerda Bork, Herta Bothe, Erna Boettcher, Hermine Boettcher-Brueckner, Steffi Brillowski, Charlotte Graf, Charlotte Gregor, Charlotte Klein, Gerda Steinhoff, Ewa Paradies, and Jenny-Wanda Barkmann. American survivor Asia Shindelman, who testified via video link, said she had been taken there with her parents, uncle and grandmother and witnessed prisoners being thrown by guards into electrified fences. Medycyna na usugach systemu eksterminacji ludnoci w Trzeciej Rzeszy i na terenach okupowanej Polski. Survivors testified that she seemed to derive sexual pleasure from her sadistic acts. Although the guards at Stutthof were already expected to treat the prisoners ruthlessly, Jenny Barkmann stood out for her exceptional cruelty. Most of the original detainees were local Poles and Jews when Stutthof was. Those whom the SS guards judged too weak or sick to work were gassed in the camp's small gas chamber. It was surrounded by electrified barbed-wire fences. [7][18], There was a controversy regarding whether corpses from Stutthof were used in the production of soap made from human corpses at the lab of Professor Rudolf Spanner. (In Czech) In September 1939, the Nazis created the concentration camp of Stutthof (Sztutowo) in a wooded area near the Baltic port of Gdansk. Find topics of interest and explore encyclopedia content related to those topics, Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically, Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust, Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. He remembers searching for his mother, who had been in the women's camp at Stutthof, when he came across his friend Zigi. It was also the last camp liberated by the Allies, on 9 May 1945. He added that his "work" had involved cleaning the crematorium, which meant loading bones and other burnt remains onto a cart to be thrown into a trench. From left to right: Jenny-Wanda Barkmann, Ewa Paradies, Elisabeth Becker, Wanda Klaff, and Gerda Steinhoff. Established on September 2, 1939, Stutthof was the first concentration camp outside German borders during World War II. Thirty-four female guards including Becker, Bothe, Steinhoff, Paradies, and Barkmann were identified later as having committed crimes against humanity. Wow, Geocities links. [20][21], Lista osob Straconych w wiezieniach Polskich w latach 1944 1956 , IPN, 1990, Zaoga obozu Stutthof (Staff of Stutthof concentration camp), "Odpowiedzialno za zbrodnie popenione w Stutthofie. He was executed by long-drop hanging by Albert Pierrepoint in Hamelin Prison on October 8, 1946. [1], The original camp (known as the old camp) was surrounded by the barbed-wire fence. Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and other incarceration sites (including ghettos). Originally, it was a civil prison camp for political enemies of the . SS-Sturmbannfhrer Max Pauly was put on trial by a British military court in Germany but not for the crimes committed at Stutthof; only as the commandant of the Neuengamme concentration camp in Hamburg. Execution of Stutthof concentration camp overseers at Biskupia Grka. The 92-year-old Israeli citizen traveled to Germany to give evidence in the trial of Bruno D., a former SS private accused of 5,230 counts of being an accessory to murder at Stutthof from 1944 to. One witness said: I was working in the kitchen at Birkenau (Auschwitz) when I saw a woman, whose daughter was in an adjoining camp, go to the dividing wire in order to speak to her daughter. When is Eurovision and how do you get tickets? She kicked the prisoners and literally walked over people. The first Nazi war criminal to be extradited from the US, in 1973, Hermine Braunstein was known as the Kobyla - meaning stomping mare - because of her tendency to kick women to death with her steel-capped boots. One survivor, Lila Givner, told her 1978 trial: Kobyla was tall. As the wife of Commandant SS Col Karl Koch, Isle Kochs extreme sadism meant she was as feared as any of the Nazi leaders. The land was very wet, almost at sea level. Bruno Dey was convicted of complicity in mass murder there last year and given a suspended sentence, Situated near Sztutowo, a small town about. The trial is set to begin in October. The Stutthof concentration camp in Poland. In mid-1950s, a number of Nazi concentration camp commandants were sentenced to jail for supervising the murder of Jewish prisoners in gas chambers between 19421944, including Otto Knott[pl], Otto Haupt[pl] and Bernard Ldtke[pl]. Former SS guard stands trial on murder accessory charges, Germany: 92-year-old former SS guard to face trial, Former Nazi concentration camp guard on trial in Hamburg, UN states finally strike deal to protect high seas. Shortly before the German surrender, some prisoners were transferred to Malm, Sweden, and released into the care of that neutral country. It was also the final camp liberated by the Allies in May 1945. In another cruel punishment - known as making sport - she ordered prisoners to strip before making them perform strenuous exercise in full view of other prisoners, before being beaten. The number of inmates increased considerably in 1944, with Jews forming a significant proportion of the newcomers. Its unknown why she would voluntarily seek work at a concentration camp so late in the war, but it was likely due to some misplaced sense of nationalism. While I was standing, she kicked me in my back, causing me to fall. In November 1941, it became a "labor education" camp (like Dachau), administered by the German Security Police. Thousands were taken to the Baltic Sea where they were executed, and many more were killed by the brutal SS guards and officers. [15], In 2021, Irmgard Furchner a German former concentration camp secretary and stenographer at Stutthof, where she worked for camp commandant Paul-Werner Hoppe,[16] was charged with 11,412 counts of accessory to murder and 18 additional counts of accessory to attempted murder,[17][18][19] On December 20, 2022 she was found guilty and sentenced to a suspended jail term of two years. She committed suicide in 1967. "The main entrance gate of Stutthof became known as the Death Gate because once you entered it was more or less a death sentence," Mr Goldberg remembers. [3] Most of the infrastructure of the concentration camp was either destroyed or dismantled shortly after the war. Originally, Stutthof was a civilian internment camp[6] under the Danzig police chief, before its subsequent massive expansion. The first prisoners arrived in the camp on September 2nd. From Gdask bus station, board the number 870 bus marked either 'Sztutowo' or 'Krynica Morska' from Platform 2 (Note that the service varies on . [10], In November 2018, Johann Rehbogen from Borken was tried in court for serving at Stutthof camp from June 1942 to September 1944. Even then, she continued kicking me, then walked away and left me there.. Selection of monographs in PDF, Memorial to the Victims of the Stutthof Concentration Camp, Monografia KL Stutthof (KL Stutthof monograph), Zbrodnie hitlerowskie w obozie koncentracyjnym Stutthof: liczba ofiar w wietle rde i bada: prba bilansu, SS Main Economic and Administrative Office, International Youth Meeting Center in Owicim/Auschwitz, Rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stutthof_concentration_camp&oldid=1141333869, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2018, Articles needing additional references from December 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with Polish-language sources (pl), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Matzkau in Makowy (now within city limits of Gdask), This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 14:55. [38], In July 2021, a 96-year-old German secretary, Irmgard Furchner, who had been part of KZ Stutthof was arrested to be tried for war crimes. In total, 23,566 Jews (including 21,817 women) were transferred to Stutthof from Auschwitz, and 25,053 (including 16,123 women) from camps in the Baltic states. The camp in Nazi-occupied Poland was opened on September 2, 1939, one day after the German . [12], The first 150 inmates, imprisoned on 2 September 1939, were selected among Poles and Jews arrested in Danzig immediately after the outbreak of war. Gassing with Zyklon B gas began in June 1944. Former Stutthof prisoners volunteered to serve as executioners for the public hanging on July 4, 1946. Babysitter 'with black heart' filmed herself sexually abusing toddler before sending video to her paedophile lover, Piers Morgan slams 'disgusting' 500 parking charges for NHS staff as Grant Shapps admits 'something's gone wrong'. A former SS guard wept in the dock on the first day of his trial for complicity in mass murder at a Nazi concentration camp during the second world war . The 99-year-old was under investigation over suspected complicity in the murders that took place at the Ravensbrck Nazi concentration camp, where tens of thousands of women were killed. The Germans forced the surviving prisoners back to Stutthof. AP . [1] Another method of execution practiced in Stutthof was lethal injection of phenol. Your email address will not be published. Among the 55,000 guards at the concentration camps, 10,000 were women and they were trained to be every bit as vicious as their male counterparts. She earned a horrific legacy and nickname despite only working for a year. She showed no hesitation in beating her victims to death and displayed no remorse when selecting women and children for the gas chambers. More than 85,000 victims died in the camp out of as many as 110,000 inmates deported there. Though there is no evidence linking him to a specific killing, prosecutors argue that as a guard he helped the camp function and "supported the insidious and cruel killing of mainly Jewish prisoners.". per adult (price varies by group size) Private transportation to the Stutthof Concentration Camp 4 hour. Several thousand prisoners were directed towards the nearby Baltic coast and hundreds were forced into the sea and shot. [17][3] Prisoners were also drowned in mud or clubbed to death. Dave, Bruno Dey, a teenager at the time in question, was convicted of 5,232 counts of accessory to murder. A narcissist who had numerous affairs with SS officers, she was said to have deliberately chosen women she considered more beautiful than her. "It was a practical impossibility that [Furchner] could make her way into the camp from her home without knowing what was going on there.". The camp was situated along the Danzig-Elbing highway on the way to the popular Baltic Sea resort town of Krynica Morska. Read about our approach to external linking. Numbers []. The former secretary, who lives in a care home and is unnamed, had worked at the Stutthof camp near Danzig, in Nazi-occupied Poland. Set up immediately upon Germany's September 1, 1939 invasion of Poland and not liberated until after official German capitulation in 1945, Stutthoff handled over 100,000 prisoners during its long service. Last modified on Tue 6 Nov 2018 18.34 EST. The fourth and final trial was also held before a Polish Special Criminal Court, from 19 November to 29 November 1947. Stutthof was the first camp outside German borders, in operation from 2 September 1939, and the last camp liberated by the Allies on 9 May 1945. This was conflated with the separate debunked rumours of industrial production of human soap in concentration camps, which circulated during the war, and thereafter used as proof of this during the Nuremberg trials. A group of thirteen ex-officials of the Stutthof concentration camp were arraigned before a Soviet/Polish Special Criminal Court at Gdansk, from April 25, 1946 to May 31, 1946. Conditions in the camp were brutal. It was also the final camp liberated by the Allies in May 1945. [23] The corpses used for this were not made from "harvested" bodies, and the byproduct of Spanner's work at the Danzig institute was collected. The girl was later declared dead by camp doctors. Established on September 2, 1939, Stutthof was the first concentration camp outside German borders during World War II. An Israeli witness who survived the Nazi death camp at Stutthof has described how SS guards staged sadistic "shows" to torture prisoners. The lamp disappeared after the SS leadership found out. Conditions in the camp were brutal and prisoners were used as forced laborers. After being tracked down by Nazi hunter Simon Weisenthal, in 1973, she was retried and jailed for life by a Dusseldorf court. The womans face became swollen and blue.. [11] In December 2018, the trial was suspended, since the convict had to be hospitalized for serious heart and kidney problems. Subscribe to this by clicking this link:https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFortresssThanks for watching! He was also tried in juvenile court despite his age, because his crimes were committed when he was a minor. The sub-camps of Stutthof included:[30][31][32], The evacuation of prisoners from the Stutthof camp system began on 25 January 1945. [2][5], The fourth trial was also held before a Polish Special Criminal Court, from November 19, 1947, to November 29, 1947. There were 3,000 guards at Stutthof concentration camp alone, and only 50 were convicted. English: Execution of Stutthof concentration campoverseers at Biskupia Grka(from left to right): Jenny-Wanda Barkmann, Ewa Paradies, Elisabeth Becker, Wanda Klaffand Gerda Steinhoff, further the guard SS-OberscharfhrerJohann Pauls(the chief of the work detail "Waldkolonne") and Polish kapos Date 4 July 1946 Source Inside the Third Reichs concentration camps were scores of evil guards capable of committing horrible and sadistic acts. Campo de Concentracion Stutthof, Polonia (Concentration Camp Stutthof, Poland). The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. [2], Nine SS men and the Kapo Nikolaysen were executed on October 28, 1948:[4], The third trial was held from November 5, 1947, to November 10, 1947, before a Polish Special Criminal Court. 1. Braunstein was sentenced to three years in jail by a British court in 1958 and emigrated to the US, where she married a construction worker. [7], In late April 1945, the remaining prisoners were removed from Stutthof by sea, since the camp was completely encircled by Soviet forces. She was sentenced to death, alongside Bormann and Grese, after being found guilty of crimes against humanity. Among 110,000 prisoners were Jews from all of Europe, members of the Polish underground, Polish civilians deported from Warsaw during the Warsaw Uprising, Lithuanian and Latvian intelligentsia, Latvian resistance fighters, psychiatric patients, Soviet prisoners of war,[3] and communists (as an example of communist deportations to Stutthof, see the Danish Horserd camp). [1] When the Soviet army began its advance through German-occupied Estonia in July and August 1944, the camp staff of Klooga concentration camp evacuated the majority of the inmates by sea and sent them to Stutthof. Even before the war began, the German Selbstschutz in Pomerania created lists of people to be arrested,[3] and the Nazi authorities were secretly reviewing suitable places to set up concentration camps in their area. The Holocaust Encyclopedia estimates that (less officially) some 105 Stutthof subcamps were established throughout northern and central Poland. In December, a 97-year-old former Nazi camp secretary was found guilty of being complicit in the murder of over 10,000 people at the Stutthof concentration camp that was located in occupied Poland. Stutthof was the first Nazi concentration camp to be established on Polish soil, and the last to be dissolved, it grew from 4 to 120 hectares, from 250 prisoners to a maximum of 52,000 prisoners at one time, the SS staff and guards numbered 1,056 on 1 January 1945. Found guilty of war crimes and sentenced to death. [15] It is believed that inmates sent for immediate execution were not registered. They were cut off by advancing Soviet forces. [23][22][29], The main German concentration camp in Stutthof had as many as 40 sub-camps during World War II. Some went on to be involved in administering lethal sterilisation experiments, others helped select victims of the gas chambers, set dogs on young girls and murdered inmates before incinerating their bodies. [3], The camp was established in connection with the ethnic cleansing project that included the liquidation of Polish elites (members of the intelligentsia, religious and political leaders) in the Danzig area and Western Prussia.[1]. Overseeing working parties that left the camp ln slave labour, she would attack women who became too sick or weak. Entry Filed under: 20th Century,Capital Punishment,Concentration Camps,Death Penalty,Execution,Germany,Hanged,History,Mass Executions,Mature Content,Occupation and Colonialism,Poland,Public Executions,Russia,USSR,War Crimes,Women, Tags: 1946, bischofschugel, biskupia gorka, danzig, elisabeth becker, ewa paradies, fascism, franciszek szopinski, gdansk, gerda steinhoff, holocaust, jan breit, jenny wanda barkmann, johann pauls, joseph reiter, july 4, kapos, nazi, naziism, stolzenberg, stutthof, sztutowo, tadeus kopczynski, waclaw kozlowski, wanda klaff, world war ii.
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