In 2019, I released three songs with this record label, all which reached roughly 50,000 streams on Spotify. Oh, and it goes without saying dont send a label a demo if they specify they arent accepting them. Gemtracks is a marketplace for original beats and instrumental backing tracks you can use for your own songs. Most songs that occupy that space are right at or under the 3-minute mark. No, we split royalties based on the contracts percental split between us from day one. #2: Submitting Demos: A Brief Introduction. Lets go into detail and explain why this is not a good demo submission, A. How Much Advance Do Record Labels Give, And How Much Should You Try And Get? When in doubt, email is usually the best platform, as its organized, distraction-free and professional. You dont need to send a complete song either, but the bare minimum is a verse and a chorus. Submit only mastered track. Send a downloadable, private Soundcloud or Dropbox link. Make sure to read my article HERE on how to choose a record label for your music. This is where the quality over quantity approach works really well choose a small number of labels (no more than 25) with ranging sizes as your pool. Mention previous releases where relevant, but dont gloat over them. Think carefully about who would appreciate your music and hit them one by one. Why Id Say YesContinue. If a Soundcloud message is their (not yours) preferred medium, do that. Send the music according to the labels submission policy. Congratulations! Thats why we created our FREE eBook 10 Tips For Promoting Your Music on a Budget. Showing that you are booking your own shows and tours, and trying to secure live opportunities is a huge win for you. The label was founded in 2014 by San Holo, a Dutch DJ whose rise to prominence in 2016 hasn't gone unnoticed. Do you wonder how to submit your demo to record labels? Its how you grab their attention and draw them into your music. The email should include: If you want to include more information, embed the SoundCloud playlist in a private page on your website. ", I use W. A. Productions samples in a lot of my tracks, they are very high quality and great help when needing some inspiration! Have fun with the subject line. This is the ultimate checklist to ensure you are sending the right information. Otherwise, if you dont get a response, usually they arent interested. Follow up only after a week or two. The Sidekicks. If they didnt listen and have responded, now you can continue the conversation as normal. Highly recommend them!, W. Owsla is an American record label founded by well-known DJ and dubstep producer Skrillex. In fact, its how I got my Sleep EP signed to a label called Shadowhearts. Dont look for an instant reply. Remember to personalize the email. Wait seven to 10 days before sending a follow up. Please have a look at the demo submission below. You can listen to the track by clicking on the following link:, Thank You for your time and consideration,(Insert your name)(Insert official website only if you have one)(insert your email address). Let me know at [emailprotected]. Ensure links are kept to a minimum. Once again, doing your research here helps. Take any suggestions they give on board and feel free to use that when sending the music to other labels. On that note, be prepared to discuss goals and plans as you reach out to industry. Founded in 2009, its most viewed video is a lyric video for DJ Snake and Justin Bieber's collaboration. Online Audio Mastering Master Your Song. As of 2019, the label has garnered over 800,000 subscribers and more than 150 million streams on YouTube. Ultra Music is the premier Electronic Dance Music brand in North America, formed in New York City in 1995 by former Polygram and Virgin Records executive Patrick Moxey. Talk to them on the phone, establish a relationship, and invite them to your shows. Soundcloud Page. The Linda Lindas. Get Signed Human language always wins. If you are looking for somebodys email, I am about to blow your mind: check out Hunter, a search engine for email addresses. 2022 W. A. Honesty is key. Magic Music is an independent record label based in New York. Frequency is an up-and-coming record label with more than 600,000 subscribers on YouTube. . Independent artists have been sending their demos to record labels since the dawn of time. Google label demo submission or label email to find it. Top Types. ", "WA production have some of the best samples and sounds in the world. some labels like copies peaking at -6dB). It also needs to be original work. Use something like to see all email addresses for a certain label/company (works well if they have their own email domain, e.g. Choose from over 100+ genres. Hello (Insert Contact Name) or (Insert Label Name Staff). Being signed has certain advantages, though most are unwilling to do a whole lot for you unless they see you as being a viable money-making opportunity. Please make sure to include a small bio in your demo submission. Mar 13, 2021, submissions 1 min Record Label Accepting Demos Bless Up Records is a record label accepting demos 2021. Embed the link to your demos as text it looks more professional than copy-pasting a Soundcloud URL. Bluntly put, your musics not good enough. When people get rejected, they often blame their music, the label or something else. If youre sending multiple tracks for an EP or album, send it in a playlist titled Demos for X Label. That said, you should only send one to two follow up emails. Typically, demos are recommended to one of our labels' A&R departments by a manager, agent, producer, radio DJ or other industry professional. Website: You might get feedback on a few things to change. Find the best medium to get into contact with the right person, and meet them where theyre at. These and several other methods are pretty straightforward, but a lot of labels still want all demos sent to them by e-mail. Or at least the dawn of record labels. In general, you need to be ready to talk about yourself. If youre looking for some high quality samples, check out their banks!, We love W. A. stuff, because compiling great samples and libraries is very important to our production. When targeting these, youll need to have a bit of a game plan, which well get into next. We get why text might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you send in your music, but it can actually make a difference. DemoBox allows artists to connect with those in the industry who were previously unreachable - 100% for free, forever. Whether it's demos for artists, expanding your roster or a music search for TV and Film. If you have any of your own record labels to add to our list, please leave them in the comments below - I'd love to keep building on this post with your feedback. It is incredible. So without further ado, here are 10 indie record labels you can submit your music to. Founded in 2009, its most viewed video is a lyric video for DJ Snake and Justin Bieber's collaboration Let Me Love You. Wanna know why youre getting rejected by labels? A bigger label might need 2-4 weeks. Submit your music, songs & demos to creative companies, A&R and music industry professionals worldwide Submit your music demo Submit your music demo. The sooner they can release it, the better for you and for them. Don't let the words you can't say define you. How To Produce Music Like A Pro You can only submit your music to our A&R team via a streaming service like Soundcloud / Youtube / Spotify etc. Website: Visit the label's website or Facebook page and locate their contact or demo submission instructions. This can only help you in the long run. Visit label website for submission requirements. Really helpful for sparking inspiration or adding variety to your music!". They want your name, a short bio, the name of the song, a way to listen to the song, and your email. Write a couple of sentences maximum to give them an idea of the music. We listen to your demo from the point of view of a record label, which means we pay attention to the stuff that qualifies an artist for a signing. Respect their time say thank you, regardless of the outcome. We love when people know why they are creating their music. My name is Aden, and I make music under the name Artsea, with releases on Giant Recs & Timewarp. An EP release? They know what an unmixed track sounds like. Their submissions process is highly competitive and can take up to two months for a response. They are very unlikely to pick anyone off the street. The message should fit the medium. Here are some dos and donts to keep in mind with record label demo submission: Submitting to record labels can be daunting and discouraging. Record Labels. Use your intuition. Watch out for those just trying to get into your, Read More What Is A 360 Deal In The Music Industry, & The Pros And Cons Of Signing OneContinue, So, youve decided that you would like to score a contract with a record label. Get $20 off my list of YouTube promoters to submit your music to HERE! Your demo doesnt need to be perfect yet. Again, each of the major label groups owns many other labels. There is no need to send them a link to a track with a million likes and plays. In todays world, building a profitable and successful career as an independent artist is well within reach more so than it has ever been but theres nothing wrong with having major (or even minor) label ambitions too. How To Market Your Music Do not buy streams or followers or other fake hype. Post your demo online at one of many online portals. We do not sell or share your information. In order to make our feedback as objective as possible, we have several specific aspects we focus on, such as: Songwriting: Everything from the form to the harmony and the melody, hook, etc. Please note we are unable to accept unsolicited material. Customise the email for the person. Better yet, if you have a connection to somebody at the label, pitch to the label through that connection. Until then, keep creating amazing music! However, for Song Licensing we are not looking at demos at all but already released music on Spotify and all other music services and now the quality needs to make the top 15 list of our roster of songs in the genre. As much as rude emails could worsen their mood, a bit of gentleman-like behavior could brighten their day. Learn how to master the fundamentals of electronic music production with the best roadmap for new producers, With 10 years of music production experience and some marketing chops, I head up the content here at EDMProd. Choosing a few labels that you are genuinely interested in working with will work much better. If you think your English is far from adequate, you have two options. In the short term, having a solid plan will allow you to release music and create music with or without a label or manager or anyone else. Their submissions process is highly competitive and can take up to two months for a response. Bless Up Records is a record label accepting demos 2021. And, we even hear about artists, Read More What Do Record Labels Do? "Big thanks to W. A. As did this guy! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Give them something to connect with. This is a template of what your email should look like. Unfortunately, there are plenty of legitimate looking businesses that simply prey on artists and their desire to become ultra-successful. A good time to wait would be 2 weeks. Website: For a cheap $149, buy one-off beats by top producers to use in your songs. Hope youre having a good week man! If you tour and play shows, that is a positive from a labels point of view. Rather they will skip it if it is too long. ChillYourMind is a record label focused on curating a unique selection of beautiful and positive music. Now that you know what to do, its time to get that track ready to submit. We wouldnt want that, now would we? This includes any sampled quotes from TV or movies. Choose a Genre Some of these deals have been largely successful (my song Willow Tree landed almost 3 million streams on Spotify). Resell the rights to the master, renaming the master, releasing on a record label under your name, distribute or resell the project files and or register the copyrights under yourself or a company. So youve got great music for the ideal label. Choose a Genre Statistics show that listeners make up their minds about a song within the first 30 seconds. If you plan on submitting demos to a major label, you should know that most of them require a referral first. Proximity (formerly Pandoric Music) is an independent electronic record label. The reality is, most demos that are sent to labels are rejected. Your email address will not be published. "If it's not fully mastered, just let us know," Linden says. Instead, be straight up about where you are at. We wont do this every time, however, only if we like your music.
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