The ocellated turkey is omnivorous and feeds on grass, seeds, leaves, fruits, succulent vegetables, insects, and corn. Hoyer, R. C. (2006, May 5). With the spring rains, you might also consider planting rye grass. Wild ocellated turkeys are limited to a specific region of Mexico's Yucatn Peninsula, with an area of around 130,000 km2 (50,000 sq mi), with the species' range extending into western Belize and northern Guatemala. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy The ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata) is a species of turkey that resides mainly in Mexico, Yucatn Peninsula, Guatemala and Belize. Scientifically known as Meleagris ocellata, the ocellated turkey has a colorful mixture of bronze and green iridescent feathers. Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder White-Eyed 176. 169. 177. Accessible at India Blue Silver Pied Among the many reasons to return again: shooting an ocellated turkey through the seemingly impenetrable forest proved far more difficult with a camera than with a gun 30 feet is so close and yet so very far away. The Yucatn Peninsula range includes the states of Quintana Roo, Campeche, Petn, and Yucatan, as well as parts of southern Tabasco and northeastern Chiapas. Population estimates of the ocellated turkey in parts of its range indicate a decline in numbers over the last 20 years, especially in Guatemala and parts of the southern Yucatn Peninsula where widespread logging and dry season burning eliminate habitat and destroy nests. Turkey Hatching Eggs. If considering our green peafowl. Legs of ocellated turkeys are shorter and thinner than North American wild turkeys and are deep red in color. 55. Cameo 134. Much of the information provided in this bulletin is a result of this NWTF-sponsored study. Ocellated turkeys vary from the wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) by size, the lack of a chest tuft and wattle, and the color of the bare skin of their heads, blue instead of red. . Jade Black Shoulder We deliver it to you in the most proficient manner possible. The ocellated turkey is the smallest species of turkey and is significantly smaller than any of the five subspecies of wild turkey. Spalding Peach Black Shoulder White-Eyed Rarely seen away from protected areas, where can be common and tame. Spalding Peach Pied The Turkey Is Named After Turkey. The Wilson Bulletin, 110(4): 505-510. Any woodland camo pattern will work because generally the cover is very heavy. Cameo Black Shoulder Silver Pied . If your interested in green peafowl you must do yourhomework don't expect others todiscredit theirown stock. View all posts by Noelle M. Brooks. Initially: Hock is flattened, widened, and enlarged. Calling can also be effective at times. Order now for estimated delivery by June 29, 2023. We have limited knowledge of water fowl and such but, this is the only species that I have raised that will accept any of its kind, age or gender from a different flock with no hostility. Rasmussen, P. C. (2014, January 25). Female gives lowtok tok tokcluckings, mainly as alarm call. If you are interested in purchasing Turkeys please call 904-591-6625 for an appointment, do not come to the farm without an appointment. Sid Drenth, an exotic bird-breeder located at his Fantasia Ranch in Weatherford, Texas, has never been able to breed ocellated turkeys successfully, despite his experience with other exotic birds. Take some time to browse our complete inventory of turkeys today, and give us a call at 417-532-4581 to learn more from a member of our team. Wings shaking and occasionally rapped on the ground, he suddenly bursts into a rapid series of gobbles shallower than his larger relative sounding like a barnyard goose trying to imitate a turkey. Finally we have achieved our objective. Opal Black Shoulder White-Eyed The population of ocellated turkeys is widespread in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Spalding Purple Pied Turkey females- $60 each. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ranks the Ocellated Turkey as Near Threatened because many populations are in decline due to uncontrolled subsistence hunting and continued habitat loss. Opal Pied White-Eyed They feed on grasses, nuts, seeds, leaves, and insects, including beetles, moths and ants. 87. We noticedsoon as a heavy bedding material was added the peafowl would go straight to the ground, this is very important for prolong cold spells. The ocellated turkey was never domesticated as the wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), but they have been kept in captivity and fattened for eating. The ocellated turkey is the smallest of the world's two species of turkey. 117. Heritage breeds (domesticated varieties that mate naturally, have a productive lifespan of about five years, and grow slowly) like Narragansett and Bourbon Red take longer to reach market weight but taste better and have more genetic diversity, says the . Neither male nor female birds have a beard. 27. What does the Ocellated Turkey have in common with one of these slinky felines? 46. It is hard to decide where to go hunting for turkeys, but finding an outfitter you trust is tricky. Thanks to I completed my turkey hunting World Slam with 2 ocellated turkeys and 2 Goulds turkeys during a single trip. Spalding Peach Silver Pied Spalding Pied White-Eyed Spalding Black Shoulder Silver Pied 139. (1996). We think that you should have straw on hand (dry) just before the winter weather starts. 26. The Merriam's wild turkey is regarded as the mountain turkey, since it covers most of the Rocky Mountains, as well as western prairie states, such as Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota. If youre really smart you will read it once. Mainly due to deficiency of manganese or choline. Purple Pied White-Eyed The word ocellated derives from Latin for having eye-like markings. In the turkey's case, this refers to rows of large metallic-blue and orange spots on its tail feathers. 2023 - Bird Fact. The distinct eye-ring of bright, red-colored skin especially becomes visible on adult males during the breeding season. A reddish eye-ring is present. Broad Breasted Turkeys have a shipping minimum of 8 until the end of March. 9. What is the habitat of an Ocellated Turkey? 181. 178. Ocellated turkeys southern cousins of the USAs wild turkeys. 154. While always trying to learn, we know little of medical problems, less than most. Spalding Purple Black Shoulder White-Eyed Kevin has 30 years experience breeding turkeys, specializing in color genetics. Spalding Midnight Black Shoulder Pied The ocellated turkey is an omnivorous generalist feeder and is known to feed on a wide variety of forage. 160. 86. The jungle in Campeche was just so full of life it was hard to not see something new each day. If you raise them, do you ever sell eggs or poults? 2012). The Turkey is also well-known with its unique mating dances. Do we produce the best in America that cant be said since there is no affordable DNA test at this time to compare these birds nor are there any control samples to compare to? Spalding Opal White-Eyed Nelson, H. (2013, October). 101. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Despite its size and eye-popping plumage, this bird lurks mostly unseen amid thick foliage, like other turkey-like birds such as the Great Curassow. Stalking is a proven ocellated turkey hunting method, as is hunting near water and food sources. A radiotelemetry study in Tikal National Park provided the only information on the survival of ocellated turkeys in the wild. If you're in a wet or damp climate you probably would want to worm them every 2 months. This price usually includes transportation to and from the hunting camp, guides, meals, sleeping arrangements (tents/cabanas), and trophy preparation. 115. *Content courtesy of The National Wild Turkey Federation. 124. Were going to have our ocellated turkeys mounted together in a habitat scene to memorialize the adventure. for complete information. Spalding Midnight White-Eyed 59. Information on habitat needs, population dynamics, and management techniques is required to properly conserve this valuable resource. Species profile: Ocellated Turkey. They are only capable of short bursts of flight, tending to spend much of their time running rather than flying. Something went wrong. They, Ostrich For Sale Do you alsolookforan ostrich for sale? ocellated turkey is an Near Threatened species.Wild Turkeys live in coniferous forest, hardwood forests, . Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books. Although females can be duller with more green, the breast . With the Vulturines like allot of bird species people like to think of the financial aspect while for the next 5-8 years I don't think anyone could produce enough Vulturine fowl to satisfy the demand even then the birds would bring more income thanother common species. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Macaulay Library. Ocellated Turkeys are not fussy eaters and readily accept commercial turkey chow, but I strove to provide a great deal of dietary variety. Spur lengths in males over 1 year old average at least 1.5 inches. I'm interested in uncommon turkey breeds (particularly Auburns), but I don't know much about Ocellated turkeys. Several zoos in the southern and southwestern United States have ocellated turkeys on display, but few of them have bred the birds successfully, either. Spalding Charcoal Silver Pied How rare is it to see an Ocellated Turkey? A relative of the wild turkey, the ocellated turkey has more elaborate and colorful markings, and is also far less common. In addition to appearance, the voice of the ocellated turkey readily separates it from the wild turkey. Opal Black Shoulder Silver Pied Referenced hunts: Ocellated Turkey Hunt, Goulds Turkey Hunt. Peach Black Shoulder Silver Pied The distribution range of ocellated turkeys is limited to the Yucatn Peninsula in Mexico and small areas of Belize and Guatemala. All poults are hatched and shipped directly from our farm as we are the breeder. Ocellated turkey chicks are bright yellow underneath and have black down with yellow tips on their backs and wing stubs. Uncontrolled market hunting occurring primarily during March, April, and May could seriously impact local populations. Turkeys at Polyface Farm. 91. Dense forests are preferred, with thick foliage offering protected foraging and roosting spots. There was speculation that chicken-born diseases were introduced into the ocellated turkey population by domestic poultry. Ancient Mayan ruins, authentic regional cuisine, hardworking and knowledgable camp staff, and incredible Yucatan hunting have me counting the days until I can make it back. BEERWAH. This part of the strut is done when hens are nearby and the gobbler continues the strut and wing vibration as he attempts to circle the hen(s), making smaller and smaller circles until the hen leaves, or she squats allowing the gobbler to tread on her back and breed. This information is used to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. PREVENTION Feeding balanced ration. From monkeys swinging through the tree-tops over camps to jaguars roaring in the distance, this productive environment yields a surprisingly bountiful of harvest of wild games, as judged by game seen and brought to bear heavily on game pole daily memories to last a lifetime. Midnight Black Shoulder White-Eyed Purple Silver Pied 2 years Turkey chicks-$30 each or 4 for $100. 54. Spalding Midnight Pied White-Eyed Referenced hunt: Ocellated Turkey Hunt in Mexico. Trophies will be very skillfully caped and prepared. Ocellated turkeys are absolutely beautiful! The Ocellated turkey is a large bird that is found in the Yucatn Peninsula, Mexico, and in parts of Belize and Guatemala. I enjoylandscaping the aviaries; in the future we will begin dismantling a few of the existing breeding sheds to build more natural flight pens. Comparison of the eight varieties of heritage turkeys Breed Appearance Typical market weight (lb) Female Male Beltsville Small White White plumage and pinkish-white shanks. Gobblers gobble. 73. Unlike the ocellated turkey, the five subspecies of the wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) can be found from northern Mexico throughout all the United States, except Alaska, and into Ontario, Canada. 75. Both sexes have a blue-colored head and neck with distinctive orange to red, warty, caruncle-like growths, called nodules, but they are more pronounced on males. There are color bands, brass bands; you could even have your name or special information printed on them. Cameo Silver Pied Spalding Charcoal Black Shoulder Pied The next morning we strike off to a new stretch of forest, my guide . All Rights Reserved. Hunters use these established traits to great advantage when pursuing game, and most times they work to tip off hunters to the animal's . For those up north common practice is to install heat tape on the roost since the feet and toes need to be protected more than the body itself. Opal Spalding Buford Bronze Silver Pied Even within their home range, ocellated turkeys usually prefer to remain as hidden as possible among the dense forest undergrowth, so spotting one in the wild would be a rare event. Note orange head 'warts,' copper-colored wing panel, and iridescent blue-and-gold eyespots ('ocelli') on rump and tail tip. 37. Kevin has 30+ years experience breeding turkeys, specializing in color . One of the internet sites say they are nomadic but, we've had them escape in large numbers to return within a few days to the pensthey were raised in. This is when two closely related species of animals mate and reproduce. 20. India Blue Pied White-Eyed 8. If they were endangered and fell under Appendix 1 of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), their trade would be forbidden and grocery stores could not sell them. 110. The pictures are large; our dial up service took awhile and didnot show the graphic data well. 49. It was thought that this may prove more fatal for the species than uncontrolled hunting, but these speculations have never been substantiated. ", Thanks to Sam, John Chupp importation of green peafowl from Wolfgang Mening in Germany (This. While turkeys and peacocks are both unique looking, they are completely . Vulturine information is in a special editionarticle, go to. The naturally tropical climate of their native habitat offers ocellated turkeys ideal year-round territories in which they continue to forage and roost once they have successfully raised their chicks. There are things in this wild world that game animals are just supposed to do. Hunt was booked through Ted at Tall Tine Outfitters. Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed With Ocellated Turkey 3 Hunts in 1 - 2021, you can watch this video of a trip down to the Yucatan hunting in Campeche city with the World Slam Team. Please, come back for another look later. Large, distinctive, spectacular gamebird of tropical forest, brushy fields, and adjacent clearings. Ahead of the breeding season, groups typically consist of fewer birds usually three lone male birds. 74. 51. 116. Ostrich $ 100.00 - $ Ostrich For Sale Do you also look for an ostrich for sale? Ocellated turkey hunts typically cost between $2,500 and $4,000. They were named for the blue and bronze ocelli on their tails, the eye-shaped markings that are si. There are two types of turkeys: the regular North American turkey, and the ocellated turkey, which resides within a 50,000 square mile range in the Yucatn Peninsula of Mexico, and in northern and western regions of Belize and Guatemala. Our professional diligence produces deeper satisfaction, richer travel experiences and undistracted, best-of-the-best hunting. We keep ours in heated areas during the colder months. I do not know how they could do much better. Order wing bandsthere are a number of options for you to consider. Feed analysis. Buford Bronze Black Shoulder White-Eyed 98. The chicks stay with the hen until the start of the next breeding season. Naish, D. (2013, January 16). During the non-breeding season our groups . Spalding Purple Black Shoulder Silver Pied Spur lengths of about 0.5 inches were typical of young gobblers less than one year old. They do have some distinctions in their physical appearance and . If you find out this is incorrect please email or call me. The medical condition known as Perosis is often described to peafowl breeders. Pen space should be around 20ft x 20 ft or 12 x 30 partially shaded area with some protection from extreme heat or freezing temperatures. It's only found on the Yucatn Peninsula, which embraces a few Mexican states, the northern half of Belize, and Guatemala's northern Petn region. Their diet includes, but is not limited to nuts, berries, seeds, leaves, grass, fruit, succulent vegetables, and corns. Our fresh products are preserved naturally in a controlled temperature environment. (1992). The peninsula's remaining forests also support a number of wild cat species. Spalding Jade Black Shoulder White-Eyed This turkey breed is native to Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico. Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder Pied We have two small farms, one in N.E. Home Hunts Mexico Ocellated Turkey Hunting. For the Ocellated Turkey, as was once true for the Wild Turkey, overhunting is a major threat to its declining populations. 41. 118. Spalding Charcoal Black Shoulder White-Eyed I have spent years traveling, searching for the best greens available in the states. Bajos may be covered with standing water for as many as six months of the year. Numbers increase after young have hatched, with mixed groups of around 8 or more birds. The response times I got on phone calls and questions was well above average. 120. Cameo Black Shoulder Turkeys in Any Language (or None at All) By Jeff Johnston. Spalding Black Shoulder Pied Ocellated Turkey hunts are typically 5 days. In response to this negativity, other means were sought to take these elusive birds. 109. 122. These birds are very social as they tend to dwell in flocks. Ocellated turkeys are not migratory, but may wander locally in search of safe roosting spots and foraging grounds. During the breeding season adult males weigh approximately 11-12 pounds. But in the Central American region where it lives, much hunting is for food and survival, not sport, and so the solutions are far from simple. They considered them powerful and valued their iridescent feathers and impressive leg spurs. For example, across avian species tropical breeders suffer higher nest failure rates than temperate breeders (Remes et al. To answer your questions, yes the ocellated turkey would probably be very good eating if you don't mind paying 1500.00 for your Thanks Giving dinner. The care for Vulturine Guinea fowl is much like that of your common pheasants. Very little research has been done on the ocellated turkey and less is known about the ecology of this turkey than any of the five subspecies of wild turkey. ML 102559 [Audio file]. The new 36-page, full color brochure is loaded with photography from the worlds best duck hunting adventures, to include trip summaries, available bird species, testimonial reviews and much more. If you were only to have one penned species this would be a great choice. This historic variety, unique to North America, merits evaluation for production in sustainable agriculture systems. The Wild Turkey's rebound in the U.S. was fueled by a similar melding of conservation, agriculture, and forestry. Quality wildlife habitat across Central America is being lost at an alarming rate, especially in the range occupied by ocellated turkeys. We do have Kenya Crested guinea fowl but we no longer have the Mozambique Crested guinea fowl. Approximately 60% of the hens were able to hatch a clutch and produced an average of six poults per hen. 89. Although these large birds are about the same size as . But they also greatly appreciated the local Ocellated Turkeys living in forests just outside their settlements. Spalding Jade The tail feather spots are similar to those seen on peacock feathers which led some scientists to once believe the ocellated was more related to peafowl than turkeys. Bourbon Red Turkeys $ 13.99 - $ 83.55. Its mating call is higher pitched . Spalding Charcoal (varieties under consideration) The turkey hunting was spectacular and all portions of the trip were planned out perfectly. This is less than most guided whitetail, elk, and bear hunts in the United States. Jade Pied White-Eyed This Ocellated Turkey hunt is located in the heart of the jungle, a short drive from the Campeche airport. Our 400+ detailed species profiles bring birds to life across the Americas with a focus on threats and conservation. National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF). Version 2019-1. I never really know how to discuss green peafowl. If the weather holds i might be able to get auburnspics tomorrow. Look at this crazy freakin turkey! Major Turkey Breeders: Aviagen Turkeys; Nicholas . Spalding Purple Pied White-Eyed 58. The number of private breeders is probably only 5 or 6. This is one of the most pleasant bird species we have. During the breeding season adult males weigh approximately 11-12 pounds. Ocellated Turkey's for sale in America are very uncommon. 88. Broiler sheds hold 8000 to 14000 growing birds and there are usually four or five sheds on large farms. The ocellated turkey puts the trip in tryptophan. We enjoy feeding additional dry lamb and rice dog food as the male will actually pick up and offer the feed to the hen. Because of conditions beyond our control during incubation, we are unable to guarantee hatchability. Purple Pied Adult hens weigh approximately 8 pounds just prior to egg-laying and nesting and about 6-7 pounds the remainder of the year. Breeders' selection while domestication for these recessive colors has yielded the color-verities we see today. 67. As their range is already so limited and habitat across this breeding range is being lost to deforestation and changes to land use, total population numbers are now estimated to be between 20,000 and 49,000 mature birds. Spalding Jade Pied White-Eyed Apart from some places in North America, they can also be spotted in Central America, northern Guatemala, and Belize. With the birds residing in such a small range with inadequate protection, the species will need help to survive. Cameo Pied White-Eyed Spalding Purple White-Eyed Black Shoulder White-Eyed Spalding Buford Bronze The ocellated turkey is listed asNear Threatenedon theInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Speciesbecause it has a moderately small population which is suspected to be in decline owing mainly to unsustainable levels of exploitation, hunting pressure, and ongoing habitat loss, degradation, and destruction. (1998, December). During the ocellated turkeys nesting season, the edges of the bajos are dry enough to be used as nesting sites. Thats what distinguishes our GetDucks brand from the rest. I did mention to someone once that if I did sell eggs I'd have to have at least 200.00 per egg, but I don't sell eggs now, and I didn't then. Few people ask to buy an ocellated turkey from him. If you raise them, do you ever sell eggs or poults? I agree that would be an expensive dinner, and I'm guessing it wouldn't taste significantly different than any other pasture raised turkey, but I was curious. 108. But where do ocellated turkeys live, and can you see them in the U.S.? This peacock look-alike turkey breed is endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and is smaller and lighter than wild turkeys in the US. 60. Vulturine Guinea fowl are very common and are a often hunted for evening sport by the big game hunters visiting Africa. Additional optional prices. Based upon examination of harvested male ocellated turkeys in Guatemala, there appears to be a good correlation of spur length with age, with spurs falling into three distinct groups. Miller, M. L. (2013, November 25). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. A good, bright flashlight with fresh batteries, and headlamp for cap brim. Ocellated Turkey Hunt: $3,050.00 Arrival at Merida Airport is an additional $175.00 transfer fee. Turkey huntings slams are documented by the National Wild Turkey Federation. 52. 113. Turkey's Characteristics. Murray McMurray Hatchery P.O. 80. XC5925 [Audio file]. Wild ocellated turkeys are limited to a specific region of Mexicos Yucatn Peninsula, with an area of around 130,000 km2 (50,000 sq mi), with the species range extending into western Belize and northern Guatemala. Charcoal Black Shoulder This drumming sound replaces the pulmonic huff given by wild turkeys. Often in groups; feeds on the ground, but roosts in trees. The average age for breeding can be 2 - 3 years old. Royal palm turkey (Meleagris gallopavo domesticus) is a domestic ornamental turkey of the family Phasianidae. 30. Want to receive a Brochure? Could some one post pics of the auburnes and the occelated? I've raised them for about 6 years now, so if anyone has any questions maybe I could help. In the context of this writing we have them just for our enjoyment. Roosting sites, in tall trees with branches between 5 m and 30 m (16 ft to 36 ft) off the ground, offer safe and sheltered overnight perches throughout both the winter and the summer. A neighbor upthe street has peacocks, somethings are meant to be lawn ornaments!! The same root occurs in the name Ocelot, referring to the outsized, two-toned spots adorning this cat's fur. Ocellated Turkey, Great Curassow are located down the page. Spalding Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Pied Its specific name, ocellata, refers to the spots, or ocelli, on their tail . 77. Spalding Charcoal White-Eyed This species is one of three that arepart of the Grand Slam that Turkey hunters dream of. & Fishpool, L. D. C. (2014). We can handle all sizes of poultry orders and can ship any anywhere in the United States throughout the year. . Wedon't give advice or suggestions about the veterinarian care of peafowl or avian medical problems. Blackshoulder, pied, white eye, silver pied are natural patterns, and mutations not hybrids. Ocellated turkeys are usually shy and elusive, except where rigorously protected, and tend to remain in small groups. Straw, wood shavings and sawdust are the bedding materials used. 179. The link below isoneof those articles. Spalding Black Shoulder (2002). We would suggest double bands. Ocellated Turkey hunts are typically 5 days. All turkeys have a varied diet and seek out land that is a mixture of forest and open grassland. Additional ocellated turkeys and trophies are also available gray brockett deer, coatimundi, Great Curassow, Crested Guan and javalina are also hunted with great success. That's the conclusion of a landmark genetic study from 2010 that definitively sorted out the origins of domesticated turkey lineages. They have become relatively tame and tolerant of the presence of humans. Midnight Silver Pied A near-threatened species, the wild population is estimated at no more than 49,000, with habitat loss of Mexican forests leading to a steep decline in numbers. Shortening and thickening of the long bones of the legs and wings or displacement of the articular cartilage of the distal end of the tibia may be apparent. They traded for Wild Turkeys from the north, which they domesticated. Habitat use and reproductive ecology of the Ocellated Turkey in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. To answer your questions, yes the ocellated turkey would probably be very good eating if you don't mind paying 1500.00 . We are family owned and operated, we consider ourselves a breeder, not a hatchery per say. The ocellated turkey exists only in a 50,000 square mile area comprised of the Yucatan Peninsula range includes the states of Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatan, as well as parts of southern Tabasco and northeastern Chiapas. The hock is swollen and the obvious site of malposition. Borgmann, K. (2014, February 24). 104. 56. Spalding Opal Silver Pied 22. We have twosmall farms, one in N.E. Once she lays her fertilized eggs, she usually won't produce more fertilized eggs until the next mating season. Ocellated turkey(. These tuneful vocalizations, which consist of drumming and trilling notes, begin around 20 minutes before sunrise. Ryans trophy ocellated turkey had spurs just over 2 inches long, and his brocket deer had nearly 6-inch antlers. G OCELLATED TURKEY HUNTING: HOW TO PURSUE NORTH AMERICA'S MOST UNIQUE BIRD BY CRAIG RALEIGH | APRIL 4, 2022 ADVERTISEMENT Here's your guide to hunting the. I don't see or hear this often but Wolfgang Mening only raised Pavo Muticus muticus, not Java Muticus muticushis birds were from captive bred peafowl originating in Southern Malaysia, which are no longer found, thought to be extinct in the wild. Small numbers of ocellated turkeys have made themselves at home around certain tourist sights among the Mayan ruins, and these would be far less tricky to catch a glimpse of, and even at a far closer range than in their natural deep-forest habitats. The ocellated turkey has been categorized under the class Aves. The weight of the male ocellated turkeys is around 11-13 lb (5-5.8 kg), and the weight of the females has been recorded at 6.6-9 lb (3-4.08 kg). Ryan Bassham, Hunting Consultant, cell 214-926-5536. Bergaz and his Mayan guides celebrate the successful conclusion to an ocellated turkey hunt.
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