3. Posts: 273. is short but more than adequate for the cartridges purposes. Nosler 50-grain Ballistic Tips clocked 3,323 fps with 24.5 grains of A-2200 in the .223. Not good. Both bullets are plenty accurate for big-game hunting. Initial problems Our range protocol was simple. It was chambered for cartridges that were designed to be direct competitors of the M94s cartridges. human error as possible, the rifles were fired from the range's heavy All loads were fired at a distance of 50 yards from the benchrest in my shooting building. Although I enjoy reloading, I would rather spend time hunting. SIG Sauer P365 Pistol Now Offered in .380, Savage Model 110 Timberline 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle: Full Review, Casting Your Own Bullets for Lever-Action Rifles, .300 PRC vs. .300 Win Mag: Rifle Cartridge Comparison Review, The Colt Anaconda .44 Rem. Walther's new Performance Duty Pistol is ready for both concealed carry and conventional service situations. (See the article Compared: .17 HMR Varmint Ammunition for more details about .17 HMR ammo.). Finally, beware of reduced loads, as we want to make sure that all bullets make it out of the barrel. This single-base, extruded powder was developed for the .308 Winchester. We will continue to update this list as new rifles are reviewed and additional data becomes available. I use a book max load of varget of 24.5g and 25 grain berger match HP's. This slow-burning, double-based spherical powder is intended mainly for short magnum cartridges and the 7mm and .300 belted magnums. This may have had a little to do with the wind because the group was strung out left to right a little bit. 6.5 Creedmoor vs. 6.5 PRC: Which is Better? The bolt on one would not close, and though the bolt on the other rifle would close, the fit was so tight a steady diet of that ammo would eventually cause galling of the locking lugs. In the course of accuracy testing the various .17 HMR We show you how. course of chronographing the five types of ammunition. If this is the situation with the Model 336 at hand, the simple solution is to trim the cases about 0.010 inch shorter than the trim length noted earlier. The Remington factory load of a 25-grain bullet travelling at approximately 3,900fps (from my rifle) generating 845ft/lb energy is great if you do not want to reload. The Remington 7 1/2 BR couldn't be match. I am sure It shoots tighter than I can hold. air movement in the hills and it does enlarge .17 HMR groups. To get started, click the link below to visit mymagnow.com and learn how to access your digital magazine. The full-page lead photo was filled with two hunters, one tiny rifle and a huge Alaskan brown bear wearing a hide that surely squared 10 feet or better. Re: Most accurate 223/5.56 factory ammo brand When testing loads for a Sav 10FP 24" 1:9" barrel, Hornady 75gr HPBT (Moly), the same load from BH, and a handload using that bullet and 26.5gr of Ramshot Big Game shot indistinguishably and quite well. British deer: A guide to identifying the six species found here and where to stalk them, Choosing the right bullets for deer stalking. Nevertheless, there was only a .5-inch difference between the groups shot with the three powders. 7,024. This short-cut, single-base extruded rifle powder competes with H-4350 and IMR-4350. also used in CCI and Remington factory loads. at 4,300 fps and is zeroed two inches high at 100 yards, it is dead on the money at 300 yards. The spherical powder flows easily and precisely through a powder measure. All ), A few precautions must be heeded when loading rounds like the .35 Rem. |
4831 is the better powder for the 25/06. The 220-grain version is a great choice for heavier gameat modest ranges, of course. In those days, Winchester had the edge on the market with the popular Model 1984 and its fleet of cartridges. After that, if you are still not getting Remington surprised everyone by legitimising the .17 by not domesticating the .17/223 cartridge, as expected, but by using the .223 case and pushing the shoulder back, therefore producing a longer neck. Accurate 2460 shot 20- and 25-grain bullets a good 250 fps faster than other powders loaded in the .17 Fireball, and with great accuracy. These last two perform better in faster twist barrels, which really gives the reloader a lot of scope when producing their own ammunition. When developing its version of the .17 Hornet, Hornady shortened the .22 Hornet case about 0.050 inch to make overall cartridge length compatible with the magazines of existing rifles in .22 Hornet. I calculated the If the case is pulled off the stuck bullet, the powder charge will be spilled into the action. I've had several 17's since 1977 and 3031 has produced good performance in all of them. The .17 HMR loads we use include ammunition from CCI with 17 grain TNT bullet, CCI A17 with 17 grain Varmint Tip bullet, Federal Premium with 17 grain TNT bullet, Federal Premium with 17 grain V-MAX bullet, Hornady with 17 grain V-MAX bullet, Remington Premier with 17 grain AccuTip-V bullet and Winchester Supreme with 17 grain V-MAX bullet. The Rossi RB17 can usually be had for well under $200 but have all the features the .17 HMR crowd looks for including a 21-inch free-float barrel with integrated Weaver-style scope mounts. this comparison is the accuracy results. Its best use is for low-pressure, cast-bullet loads in the .223 on up to the .45-70. instrumental velocities for our five loads, including the highest Chamfer and deburr the mouth of the case, run it through the full-length resizing die and the case is ready for fire forming with a reduced powder charge (I use a 20-grain bullet seated over 11.0 grains of H4198). Same goes for the Mach IV and Fireball, although the velocity difference between the two bullet weights is less in them. bullets farthest apart. Next was the .32 Winchester Special in 1902. Except for the CCI A17 load, all brands claim a muzzle velocity (MV) of 2525-2550 fps and in our chronograph testing actually delivered average MVs of 2550-2650 fps, depending on the load. H-4350 shot the bullets 98 fps faster than Accurate and 43 fps faster than IMR. COL @ 1.800" snowpro440 Silver $$ Contributor Feb 12, 2016 #9 I use H4198 in my .17 Fireball and a 25gr. (Both 15-grain and 18-grain bullets can be loaded faster but you are restricted by barrel length to achieve velocities and erratic bullet performance, blow-ups for instance.). The M1903 was first used in combat during the Philippine-American War, and it was officially adopted by the United States as the standard infantry rifle on June 19, 1903 . Sighted-in about 2 inches high at 100 yards, the FTX load hits only 1 inch low at 200 yards. Westerns data guide shows 45.0 grains of the powder in the Swift firing a 50-grain bullet at 4,035 fps. My most accurate 222 rem. The riflescopes * We tested two different Marlin Model 917VS and Ruger K77/17VMBBZ rifles. Accurate 2230 is a fast-burning, double-base powder. exceeded its published MV by 59 fps, the Hornady Varmint Express ammo Berger bullet You must log in or register to reply here. AVERAGE GROUP SIZE WITH MOST ACCURATE BRAND OF AMMUNITION. .17 rimfire rifles are normally tested with a good quality telescopic sight set at a magnification of nine power or higher. Joseph VonBenedikt is with Joel Hodgdon to talk about the improved accuracy and long-range potential of the already reliable Core-Lokt ammo line. An additional 100 fps of velocity might be squeezed from other powders in the .22-250, but youd be hard-pressed to improve accuracy. Accuracy for a charge of 44.0 grains of LVR was excellent at 0.90 inch. Moving up in powder capacity, the .17 Mach IV was introduced during the 1960s by Las Vegas gunsmith Vern OBrien, whose custom rifles were on the dainty Sako L46 action. A steadily mounting accumulation of data makes the following list possible. Re: 17 Remington Load Data. If my 57-year-old eyes are clear that day. The list of bullets suitable for the .35 Rem. The second rifle is a Traditions Outfitter single shot. Nov 26, 2017. These were with 25gr Hornady hp's seated .005" off . The Western data guide contains 5.56x45mm (5.56 NATO) load data developed in a .223 Remington chamber with Winchester .223 cases (so they are okay to shoot in either a .223 or 5.56 chamber) with a maximum average pressure of 62,350 psi. I also use Berger bullets, which offer weights from 15-grain, 18-grain, 20-grain, 22-grain and 25-grain bullets, with two heavier bullets of 30 grain and 37 grain. The 20-grain bullets offer a good compromise over the industry standard 25-grain as they can be loaded faster. Velocity 3025 with 168s, 2975 with 180s. gave us the best aiming precision. less than 1 percent with most loads. None of them ever did. This the standard, not the Fireball. I'd load 55 and 60gn bullets in your rifle. September 21st, 2007 17 Rem Fireball Load Data Now Available Hodgdon powder has recently updated its interactive Reloading Data Center to include load information for the new 17 Remington Fireball. Both LVR and H4895 shot well, and the velocities in the Outfitters 22-inch barrel were only marginally faster than in the Model 336s 20-inch barrel. Accurates powders hung in limbo for some time, overshadowed by Alliant, Hodgdon, IMR and Winchester powders until Western bought Accurate in 2005. Remington brass and the Federal 205M primer were used in all the following loads. is a fine Coyote cartridge but also, this round doesn't chop wood at all. The Mossberg 500 Pump Action Shotgun is one of the most popular home defense shotguns on the market. Jun 13, 2012. the problem. ft. lbs. Paper_Sniper: The load I am about to relay to you has been exceptionally accurate in several 223 Remington Varmint type Rifles I own. The reloader can choose from a great selection of traditional and high-tech 7mm bullets - from 100 to 175 grains. We fired 10 shots per load over the Guns The .17 caliber rimfire cartridges include the .17 M2, .17 HMR and .17 WSM. They are accurate, flat shooting, quiet and have practically no It started promoting the powders and providing updated load data in its Western Powders Reloading & Load Data Guide, and Accurate powders have grown in popularity. However, some Marlin Model 336s have been observed with very short throats that may contact the bullet when a cartridge is chambered. Is it actually possible to get IMR or varget powders in Australia, ive never really seen them???? Remington's Premier load offers a 17 grain AccuTip-V Groups hover around an inch at 100 yards. different brands of ammunition, but to me the most interesting part of My 17 won't shoot the 20 gr VMAX and the 25 seems to give better air time. Using the data guides .223 62,350-psi maximum average pressure loads, I used A-2520 to shoot 60-grain bullets at nearly 3,000 fps, 65-grain bullets at 3,037 fps and 69-grain bullets at 2,788 fps. While the accuracy with most of them was okay, the velocities of some of these powders were pretty lackluster, and these loads are shown mostly for reference only. The 260 has become very popular in sniper shooting competitions. Patrick's top picks for loading the .17 Remington Fireball are Hodgdon's CFE BLK, Accurate's A-2200, Alliant's Reloder 10x and Western Powders' Ramshot X-Terminator. You find load data for cartridges in caliber .17 Rem. You won't be disappointed if you can find all the components. I never used RL19, so I have no . (Several gun experts of my acquaintance think the likelihood of such an explosion is slight, but why take a chance?). The .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire (.17 HMR) cartridge is based on a .22 WMR case necked down to accept .17 caliber bullets. 223 Remington: 52 grain Berger MEF bullets, LaPua brass, Federal 205 M (match) primers and H 335 powder. I've managed to get 5 shot groups of .55" @ 100, and 1.70" @ 300. All this gives the FTX a higher ballistic coefficient of .300 versus .195 for a roundnose bullet of the same weight. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Norma 200, 55gr. I should add, that although the Berger's are a bit pricey, I think they are very much worth it. It is even more flexible when it can benefit from the lengthened sight radius of a long gun, which allows for a more. The spherical powder flows easily and precisely through a powder measure. Power Pro 2000MR, IMR 4064, VV N135, TAC, and X-Terminator showed promise with good groups and low C.O.V.s. Today, the .35 Rem. The Model 8 was offered in the .25, .30, .32, and .35 Remingtons. In an attempt to eliminate as much I do NOT recommend this load for any other 41 Mag revolver. need to hold 5.5" above the desired point of impact. Plus, these fine-grained powders metered well. Winchesters Model 1894 lever-action rifle made its debut that year, and it became immensely popular. used in the rifles. FEDERAL Premium V-Shok: high 2631 fps; low 2539 fps; It never failed, allways shot them behind the shoulder. The powder is just right for the Swift. .17 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #16 Lee #4 Lyman #26 RCBS #10 Recipe Type: Bullet Weight: Recipe Source: Starting Max Source 15.5 gr NTX (HDY) 0.172" Powder: Benchmark (Hodgdon) Primer: REM 7 Case: REM Trim Length: 1.786" C.O.L. If the rifles are compared based on the average group size achieved with their favored brand of ammo the results are as follows. The .17 Mach 2 (.17 M2) cartridge is based on a CCI Stinger .22 LR case necked down to accept .17 caliber bullets. Javascript is required. A more important metric, however, is downrange energy. Make sure to watch till the end. This improves not only accuracy, but also the trajectory of the FTX is slightly flatter than that of roundnose bullets. U.S.-made A-2700 is a medium-burning, double-base spherical powder suited to the .22-250 Remington, .220 Swift and .243 Winchester. We offer Hornady load data with over 180.000 loads in our database, covering over 300 Hornady bullets in over 175 calibers with all suitable powders on the market. The idea is to set the shoulder back enough to allow easy chambering but not so much as to cause an incipient case head separation. The lighter bullet can be boosted by 46.0 grains of LEVERevolution (LVR) to 2,316 fps, which produces a muzzle energy of 2,144 ft-lbs. rounds of ammunition for record. Powder charges dispense precisely from a powder measure, cutting down on the time loading .223s for the spring gopher campaign. Remember: Powder charges below those listed in loading manuals are not recommended. A number of the cartridges were Ackleys designs while the others had been sent to him by various other developers for inclusion in his two-volume Handbook For Shooters & Reloaders. Does anyone know how much smaller the volume is on this brass vs Rem brass? Powder shortages over the last few years have also aided Accurates acceptance, as handloaders turned to alternatives for unavailable favorites. The round isn't just fast. In my opinion, as a dedicated varmint rifle it has a lot to offer the British shooter if used sensibly. This American-made, double-base spherical powder is a slower derivative of A-2230. As part of this comparison we decided to chronograph the Test handloads for the .35 Remington were assembled with Hornady dies and shellholder No. different .17 HMR rifles (two Marlin Model 917VS rifles, Ruger The Anything that travels at those speeds with such a small mass will have a small ballistic coefficient. These were usually 17 grain varmint hunting loads Similarly, the 18-grain bullet, setting off at the same velocity of 4,300fps, has a greater energy figure of 739ft/lb and at 100 yards has dropped to 3,158fps and 398ft/lb, better than the 15 grain but not much. A 15-grain bullet will exit a barrel at hair-raising velocities initially, Ive had more than 4,300fps with a near maximum load, that gives 616ft/lb energy at the muzzle. Expecting to receive a half-dozen or so, I was quite surprised after opening the package to see more than 30 different cartridges ranging in size from the .17 Lilliput on a shortened .22 Hornet case to the .17 Swift on the full-length .220 Swift case. When introducing the .17 Remington Fireball in 2008, Remington copied the .17 Mach IV case with the exception of a couple of dimensions. For smaller deer it should be literally a bomb. The powder produced good accuracy and velocity with bullets cast from an RCBS 45-405-FN mould and fired in a Marlin 1895 Guide Gun .45-70. If not, the bullet comes apart in the barrel or on the way to the target. staff members, including yours truly, shot groups through five 17 Fireball accuracy. 22g of H322 with a 25g Berger, always use a thick cup primer in the 17 Remington: Standard load for a 17 Remington is 24g of 4320, but velocity is 4150 and you will have to de copper after 25 rounds, especially in a new barrel. Accordingly, I sight-in my .17 HMR rifle to hit 1.5" high at The powder also shot well with 50-grain bullets fired in the .22-250. Just load it up with some carefully prepared handloads, shoot it, and have fun. accurate arms. The 7mm Remington Magnum was introduced in 1962 along with the new Remington Model 700. Nov 2, 2020. Incidentally, in a energy is 135 ft. lbs. It is important to note that the SAAMI maximum average pressure (MAP) of the .35 Rem. A few .12 and .14 calibers emerged, but those of .17 caliber ended up being the most popular. Deer seasons in the UK. It offered longer barrel life, could be loaded to different velocity levels while retaining accuracy for increased versatility, longer case life, and it nearly duplicated the Swift's muzzle velocity. The only modification is a HS Varmint stock. This powder also flows precisely through a powder measure. AVERAGE GROUP SIZE WITH MOST ACCURATE BRAND OF AMMUNITION. CCI's published 100 yard Fortunately, shooting .17 HMR rifles is really You won't find a powder that will work "ideal" for both the .223 and the 25/06. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. Note: Complete reviews of all of these rifles can be found on the Product Reviews index page. So the plateau has been reached where no more powder can be burned to increase velocity. I'm shooting 24.5gr/IMR-4320 still shooting some Rem 25gr bullets. Hornady .17 HMR ammunition is pretty darn good! most accurate 17 remington loadapplications of stepper motor ppt. The 25 gr. 22g of H322 with a 25g Berger, always use a thick cup primer in the 17 Remington: I've never had fouling problems, even when standing on them. Extreme velocity spread for those loads was only 53 fps. Anschutz Model 1717 D Classic, .17 HMR - 0.92", (TIE) CZ Model 452-2E American, .17 HMR - 1.06", Anschutz Model 1717 D KL, .17 HMR - 1.08", (TIE) Remington Model 547 Custom C Grade, .17 HMR - 1.13", (TIE) Remington Model 504-T LS HB, .17 HMR - 1.16", Thompson/Center Contender G2, .17 HMR - 1.21", Marlin Model 917VS ("B")*, .17 HMR - 1.25", Winchester 1885 Low Wall Hunter, .17 WSM - 1.25", Savage Model 93R17 Classic, .17 HMR - 1.31", Ruger M77/17VMBBZ ("A")*, .17 HMR - 1.44", Stevens Favorite Model 30R17, .17 HMR - 1.46", Ruger M77/17VMBBZ ("B")*, .17 HMR - 1.54", Winchester 1885 Low Wall, .17 HMR - 2.05", Remington Model 547 Custom C Grade, .17 HMR - 0.69" (Remington), Anschutz Model 1717 D Classic, .17 HMR - 0.73" (CCI), Savage B.MAG Target, .17 WSM - 0.75" (Winchester), Thompson/Center Contender G2, .17 HMR - 0.80" (Remington), Remington Model 597 LS HB, .17 HMR - 0.84" (CCI), Browning T-Bolt Target/Varmint, .17 HMR - 0.88" (Winchester), Anschutz Model 1717 D KL, .17 HMR - 0.93" (Remington), Weatherby Mark XXII, .17 HMR - 0.94" (Hornady), CZ Model 452-2E American, .17 HMR - 0.96" (CCI), Remington Model 504-T LS HB, .17 HMR - 0.98" (Federal), (TIE) Marlin Model 917VS ("A")*, .17 HMR - 1.0" (Hornady), Anschutz Model 1502 D HB, .17 M2 - 1.06" (Hornady), Marlin Model 917VS ("B")*, .17 HMR - 1.13" (Hornady), (TIE) Savage Model 93R17-BTVS, .17 HMR - 1.17" (CCI), (TIE) Ruger M77/17VMBBZ ("A")*, .17 HMR - 1.25" (Hornady), Stevens Favorite Model 30R17, .17 HMR - 1.27" (Hornady & Remington - tie), (TIE)Henry Golden Boy, .17 HMR - 1.40" (Remington), Ruger M77/17VMBBZ ("B")*, .17 HMR - 1.47" (CCI), Winchester 1885 Low Wall, .17 HMR - 1.5" (Remington). mean average group = 1-17/32". There is only so much powder you can burn efficiently down that tiny barrel diameter, and because of this, very small changes of powder weights can give skyward pressures and inconsistency, therefore change your powder weights by 1?10th increments. Westerns data guide lists A-2200 loads for the .17 Hornet, .223 Remington, 6mm PPC and 6mm BR. I was shooting a custom Remington 40X in .220 Swift, and out to 300 yards my friend never failed to match me shot for shot. Case length for the .280 is 2.540 inches (same as the .270) and a bit longer than the .30-06 (2.494 inches). .17 Remington (Using Hornady Bullets) Warning! Reloaders should be careful not to mix or switch case brands with a chosen load. However, there is always some Both bullets have been pretty accurate with a little load work up. varmint bullet at a MV of 2550 fps and ME of 245 ft. lbs. It produced about the highest velocities of all the Accurate powders tested in the .223 with 40- to 60-grain bullets. sighting-in all the rifles or the 60+ rounds that we fired in the High-Volume Reloading for Varminters by Graymist. Its the same powder as Ramshots X-Terminator. 165 yards, for a MPBR (+/- 1.5") of 165 yards. At 100 yards there is still a healthy 3,389fps velocity and 638ft/lb striking energy that is more than enough for humane despatches. The Sierra 200-grain RN is very similar to Hornadys, and it registered 2,198 fps with a charge of 43.0 grains of LVR; it grouped into an inch or less. ammunition manufacturers for chronograph testing. The M1903 Springfield, officially the United States Rifle, Caliber .30-06, Model 1903, is an American five-round magazine-fed, bolt-action service repeating rifle, used primarily during the first half of the 20th century.. I prefer 20-grain bullets in the .17 Hornets because they can be pushed much faster than 25-grain bullets. 100 yards with the 17 Grain V-MAX bullet at a catalog MV of 2550 fps. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Rafe Nielsen of Browning to take a look at a new X-Bolt series rifle. A 50-grain V-Max exiting the .22-250 Rem. All five groups were shot with Accurate 2495 and Nosler 70-grain Ballistic Tips from a Cooper Firearms Model 22 .243 Winchester. The overall average for the Model 336 was 0.92 inch; it was 1.07 inches for the Outfitter. Cartridge Use & HistoryThe .17 Remington was introduced in 1971 by Remington Arms Company for their model 700 rifles.It is based on the .223 Remington case necked down to .172 in (4.37 mm), with the shoulder moved back. These powders were originally intended for target shooters, but the two powders also work well in small-game cartridges. Moving to bigger cartridges, when the Hornady 20-grain V-Max exits the .17 Rem. I have experimented with H380, Varget and other powders and they all work well. The Mikey Hartman, Lt. Col. The distances at which the bullets still have 1,000 ft-lbs of retained energy is 265 yards for the FTX and 175 yards for the roundnose. Alliants AR-Comp, Power Pro 2000MR, and 1200-R; Vihta Vuori N133; and Accurate 2015 and LT-32 (now part of Hodgdon) are also suitable. The Remington Model Seven is ready, willing and able to handle just about any task. I always have space for at least one .17 Remington rifle because, for sub-200-yard fox and varmint shooting, I can think of no other faster, effective and safe round. He called it the .17 Pee Wee and built a dramatically scaled-down 1917 Enfield action specifically for it. All in all, the fine old .35 Remington continues to hold its own in the midst of new competitors. Taurus has redesigned this sporting pistol for performance. the average group size between 1.125 MOA and 1.531 MOA across all five respectable groups, either you or your rifle is probably the source of I load 44.5 grains of the powder with Sierra 50-grain BlitzKing bullets for the same velocity from the 26-inch barrel of a Winchester Model 70 Varmint. The factory ammo was and is very accurate ammo, this load may possible be Remington's recipe. other loads were chronographed from a Ruger 77/17VMBBZ. Kimber's Hunter Pro Desolve Blak takes the firm's more affordable mountain rifle to new heights. Shooting 20 of those cartridges is enough fun for a day. velocity/energy figures for this load are 2050 fps and 159 ft. lbs. Accurate 5744 and Berger 40-grain Varmint bullets at 2,438 fps shot this group at 100 yards. You can't push it through grass or a sage brush & expect the bullet to make it to the critter. The Berger reloading manual shows the exact same maximum powder charge weights for both. As a resultand as a testament to the .35 Rem.s endearing popularityFederal, Remington, and Winchester still offer factory-loaded ammunition for it, all with fast-opening, 200-grain roundnose bullets at a listed velocity of 2,080 fps. from CCI, Federal, Hornady and Remington, the brands of ammunition most As A-2230s name implies, its designed around the .223 Remington. The CCI A17 load has a catalog MV of 2650 fps and chronographed between 2775 and 2809 fps from our test rifles. That total does not include practice, Roundnose bullets that mimic factory loads are available from Hornady and Sierra. We shot at Outers Score Keeper targets. I picked up a rifle that I've been wanting for a long time: a 700 Classic in 17 Remington. Bought 100 pieces of Norma brass to load with. Best accuracy came with the 20-grain V-Maxs at 100 yards, with all shots hovering at 0.45in. There are many .35 Rem. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets.
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