Makes it a bit confusing? Mars governs 6th and 1st houses and remains in the 10th house in Leo if the ascendant is Scorpio. The 10th house corresponds to the 2nd part of the legs, the knees. Venus and Ketu combine in 12th House cause ill health to the individual now and then, chronically. Cancer on the tenth house means that Libra risings feel compelled to place themselves in roles where they must do a lot of caretaking of other people. The Ketu in the 10th house in the chart will bestow the person with position, prestige in society, financial prosperity, wealth, fame and will increase his respect to get the powerful position. The native with Mars in 7th House for Libra Ascendant gets some troubles from his father. It manifests the mind as the ability to analyze situations; it may also measure the force of ambition. The native influences enemies and wins over them. The native with Mars in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant is brave, courageous and skilful. Mars in 10th is indicating native may be doctor or engineer. They might need small routines, inside jokes, or pet names to stay the same so that, even when life changes people, theres something that they come back to. Rahu and Mars in 10th House The 10th house of Astrology rules over the career aspect of a person. His brother will be prosperous. In Vedic Astrology Mars is considered action-oriented, spontaneous, aggressive, and full of enthusiasm. The 4th aspect of 10th house Mars upon the 1st house or Ascendant (the house of self, soul, and body) indicates possessing a strong body with healthy and bulky musculature (not necessarily in the childhood). The native will posses weak common sense and critical thinking ability due to which he will make many wrong decisions in his life. If you Mars conjunct Midheaven in your natal cart, you want to work independently. People who dont learn how to control it are dangerous both to themselves and to others. When Libra risings feel insecure, they can default to withholding their true emotions by playing the social roles that theyve already learned to be safe repetitively. Later on, he earns enough wealth but loses. Simultaneously, he may have a strained relationship with his mother. Libra ascendants are one of the most unique signs among all Zodiac signs, as the one word that describes them is Aishwaryawan, or so called born to be wealthy and prosperous. It's a balanced position, not too good nor too bad. The native is sweet spoken and controls the family. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant is not happy with a low standard partner and feels a deficiency in sexual pleasures. Capricorn is the sign where Mars exalts. Whats on the Midheaven, becomes visible to the world. Mars rules the 10th and 5th houses and stays in 10th house in Aries symbol if ascendant is Cancer. Often, Libra risings need their sources of pleasure to be validated socially before theyre able to make sense of it and enjoy it. This doesnt mean that Mars will give inauspicious results as, the 2nd house is the house of wealth and the 7th house is the house of marriage in Vedic Astrology. 12th house deals with our subconscious mind, spirituality, and psychic abilities. Which Business Suits Me According to Astrology? This area of the chart is symbolic of the authorities in your life; parents, bosses, and leaders. The native gets into troubles with his children. This doesn't mean that Mars will give inauspicious results as, the 2nd house is the house of wealth and the 7th house is the house of marriage in Vedic Astrology. Mars governs the 12th and 7th houses in Taurus and remains in 10th house in Aquarius. If you are interested in learning about Mars, check out this in-depth article about what the red planet represents in your astrological chart. It also helps you protect yourself if someone attacks you. 11th house is a Upachaya house which means it grows over time. Mars directly aspects the 1st house which makes the native have a very impatient personality. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant leads an unhappy domestic life. The native with Mars in 1st House for Libra Ascendant lives long and gets the benefit of inheritance. They might look for people who seem to always be in troublethe bad boys and the bad girls. This is not a placement for a team player. Mars in tenth house | Effect of Mars in tenth house | Significance of Mars in tenth house | Mars in tenth house - horoscope, astrology property predictions property property. This may indicate a lack of confidence in the relationship, and the partner may attempt to dominate the native, resulting in strained relationships. Its a sign that will often stir up disagreement or trouble just so that it has something to harmonize. Saturn In First House Libra Ascendant (Thula Lagna) For Libra ascendant Saturn being 4th and 5th lord, it is a powerful yoga karaka. For a Libra Ascendant, Mars will be placed in the sign of Cancer in the 10th house when the 7th house lord is placed in the 10th house. The tenth house is an angular house. Saturn, its ruler, signifies routine work, and the movable property adds to the active nature of the 10th. In Vedic astrology, the 3rd House is known as the House of Siblings. He will face delays and obstacles in getting child in his life. The native with Mars in 12th House for Libra Ascendant incurs a loss of men and wealth. This reveals a lot about the nature of this planet: Mars can be violent, aggressive, an energy that seeks strife and quarrels. But due to moolatrikona in 1st house, Venus gives benefic results. Venus conjunct Jupiter in the 6th house in Pisces. Crocodile in Dream Meaning & Interpretation | Good or Bad? This may indicate a number of factors, such as a strong curiosity in the paranormal and a desire to pursue it as a career. Of course, there are no guarantees, but Mars in the tenth house is a strong success indicator. The native with Mars in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant leads a luxurious life and spends much wealth. The native faces hindrances in his occupation/profession but works hard to get success and gains good profits. The native with Mars in 6th House for Libra Ascendant has some deficiency in sexual pleasures. Venus in 10th house with Mars will advantage in this house a lot, especially in a materialistic way. 8th house also deals with occult knowledge, astrology, and other metaphysical subjects. The Scorpio second house makes this tendency to hold onto the same social roles a bit complicated. At the same time,since Mars is a natural malefic world,it causes conflicts and tension at work with Father or Boss. The 10th House in Astrology corresponds to the 2nd part of the legs, the knees. 8th House in Vedic Astrology is known as the house of death, inheritance, and Transformations. The 2nd house as we know is the house of wealth and the 7th house represents and here Mars relation with this house indicates that the native will earn his wealth through business. You're a self-starter! They conquer whatever they please. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant gets motherly affection and perfect house property. This house can tell us a great deal about our financial security and our capacity for financial success. If there are malefic planets in the 8th house, then the native will be prone to accidents, wounds, slips and falls in his life. 11th house has Aries sign and lord is Mars. sThey possess the qualities necessary to succeed in life, such as the willingness to work hard and smart at the same time, and stay persistent. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Get accurate Life Predictions through a Detailed Life Interpretation Astrology Report : Click Here. Saturn, despite being an enemy of Mars, is neutral for Scorpio ascendants due to its placement in the 4th house. Both Moon in the 2nd (Scorpio) and Mars in 10th (Cancer) gets debilitated but due to the parivarthana yoga (combination of mutual exchange. 12th House also governs our Karma, endings, and release. Copyright 2015-2023. Their partners problems creates worries and obstacles for the native with Mars in 8th House for Libra Ascendant. Respectable by the state, respected in devotion, philanthropist, Satoguni, pilgrim-lover, Loved, astrologer, itinerant, is infatuated with greed and semen disorder. You are very competitive, and you want to be the best in the workplace, what sometimes annoys people around you who are not like this. The native also faces some hurdles and hindrances in occupation/profession. Later on native eams enough wealth and feels happy. 3 /r/askastrologers, 2022-03-15, 16:30:56 Permalink. This Mars represents someone who is willing to go to whatever length to advance in their career and in society. 10th House also represents your father, or a male authority figure in your life. The native is happy. Native could have bad throat, bad stomach, chest congestion, etc. The 10th house represents career, profession, livelihood, authority, fame, public image, reputation, work environment, and relationship with the father and authority figures (Government). It shows you how your relationship with your parents has played out and how easily you accept or reject authority in your life. It's a balanced position, not too good nor too bad. The tenth house represents one of your parents and authority figures in the natal chart. In a chart, if ascendant has a fixed sign, Venus is in angle, Moon in trines, Jupiter in 9th house and Saturn is placed in 10th house. My name is Rajesh Bihani and I am a full time Vedic Astrologer from New Delhi, India and you can contact me if you need horoscope consultation.I have been practicing Vedic Astrology for past 8 years now and I am a certified professional. Because of Mars' simple essence, it also depicts someone who has domination problems with his coworkers. Cancer and Capricorn fourth and tenth houses mean that Libra risings are working through issues related to control. Its cusp is called the Midheaven, one of the angles of the chart, and also its highest point. Mars is straightforward, bold, active, but also hot-headed, impulsive, and impatient. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. If . It is the most active house and is generally connected with the way we do things and the way the outside world labels us. While Placidus is still the most popular house system being used, its actually more relevant to electional astrology than using your natal chart to understand your personal drives. The native is courageous and energetic. Harmony and Mars are two contrary expressions. It also shows us the qualities of our spouse. Since Libra risings have Aries in the seventh house, they might look for partners who have issues that they can resolve. Mars in 10 th house gets digbala or immense strength .Also as a Lord of 2nd and 7th house he will give good money via career. Mars here can indicate a surgeon or an athlete, too. Mars will be in Venus dominated signs, i.e. Mars in the tenth house is a common placement among successful people in the material sense of the world. Aquarius is a calculating sign. would be appreciated, Beautiful words I Thank you very much for sharing , I have Scorpio in BOTH my Mars & 10th house & this pretty much profiled me, lol & also, yes, the times I felt unmotivated, if not near depressed, were the times Ive been in careers, or jobs where I cant wait to leave/clock out/get out Mars in Scorpio is highly intuitive & regardless of your sun, you can be 10x more of a Scorpio, if not be able to read Scorpio placements, better than they can themselves Ive done this & it can be highly triggering to underdeveloped Scorpio placements Im also a sun conjunct moon in Taurus, who is the sister sign of Scorpio, so I can definitely be more Scorpio-like, when the time for observation & intuition calls for it. There is no doubt, the native born in this Raj Yoga will be blessed with immense wealth and success in his life. If the ascendant lord is in ascendant and career lord Mars is in 6th house, the native will be rich . The native with Mars in 9th House for Libra Ascendant is learned and farsighted. The native is unlucky and hardly earns some wealth through overseas relations. It represents our relationships with our brothers and sisters, as well as our ability to communicate effectively. was wondering about mars in signs as well, but i couldnt find any postings on this here is this something you plan to do? You are the perfect executive. Mars rules the second and seventh house. The native with Mars in 12th House for Libra Ascendant spends much and feels restless. Mars here indicates that your relationship with these people in your life arent always peaceful. Saturn as the Lord of 3rd and 4th houses for Scorpio Ascendants. They can feel like theyre constantly forced to change more than theyre ready for and in ways that are more drastic than they want. The native will be very successful in his life, will have financial gains, and will prove valorous in the battlefield (In todays day and age, Battlefield means business and work profession). The native seems to be fortunate but lacks faith in religion. The native will be very hardworking, however, he will lack patience and will have short temper. The native has a good looking and capable partner and enjoys sexual pleasures. Natal Mars in the Tenth House in Astrology: Mars in Houses. Remember, Libra rising is not really a sign that looks for ultimate harmony or ultimate peace. You are alert, determined, and enthusiastic. He will becomes a great businessmen or a trader. Saturn in 12th house in Scorpio: Friendliness. The person will live a luxurious and wealthy life. People know you as someone energetic and determined, which is what they respect you for. If you have this placement in your birth chart, the only reason why you feel unmotivated is because of you are in the wrong field. Any questions related to Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Vedic Astrology? Debilitated Mars in Tenth House. They love beauty, luxury, and they see beauty in everything in life. When they dont get this type of stability, Libra risings can compensate by trying to force themselves and their loved ones to remain in place, to keep everyone from moving on in their life, because theyre scared that people will grow away from them. It goes without saying that financial success follows. It corresponds to the second part of your life, when all your efforts start to yield results. Welcome to the world of Vedic Astrology & Spirituality : The Tenth House in Astrology represents the working years, the time of life one is fully productive and career-oriented. The native will be wealthy and will enjoy the comforts of luxuries, conveyances, will own multiple lands and properties. Such a native loses his reputation in society. However, here Mars is not in its Karak house, in fact, Mars becomes debilitated in the 4th sign of Cancer, thus Mars here indicates that the natives mother health will be weak. However, when someone with this placement works in a regular workplace where they have a boss, there are often clashes between them. It is also seen that such natives are able to suddenly gain wealth in their life, or they can also suddenly find hidden wealth or acquire hidden properties or land. To conclude, if you have Mars in the tenth it is nothing to get afraid but mind your steps. For any Ascendant lords of 3, 6, and 11th houses give . Mars in all 12 Houses For Libra Ascendant | 6,138 views Aug 29, 2021 Share Astrobelief Astrology 17.9K subscribers Like Share and Subscribe Instagram:. Mars, on the other hand, remains a malevolent world. Here, Mars is creating a 9th to 5th relationship with its own house, thus the native will be very hardworking in his life. The native is wealthy and respectable. The native with Mars in 11th House for Libra Ascendant accumulates wealth and gets happiness of joint family. Libra risings need to earn their pleasure, work towards it, or plan it. Functional Neutral planet For Libra Ascendant . Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house. However, the native can face problems in his education. Pisces Ascendant - Now if it is Pisces Ascendant, Mars rules 2nd & 9th house and sits in 10th house in Sagittarius sign. Depending upon. And Libra risings care! The results of this placement will vary according to > where Moon, ruler of the 10th house, is placed. While, the native may face difficulties in getting child and raising children. They become excellent business people and gain success in government sectors as well. Mars in tenth house people often choose a career in engineering, entrepreneurship, the military, or some mechanical field. Moon is lord of 10th house so due to Kendradhipati dosha moon is Malefic for Libra Ascendant. The native may not be able to fully benefit from his education. The native is weak in education. Cancer and Capricorn are really about control. The results of Mars in the 7th house will be very fruitful. The native with Mars in 11th House for Libra Ascendant keeps enemies under control and gains strength and income through them. Libra risings are looking to become social kings or queens. If the ascendant is in Aries, Mars rules first and eighth houses and sits in Capricorn's tenth house. Its their career what fuels Mars in the tenth house people. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant loses his respect in government and society. Mars in 11th House for Libra Ascendant The native is hard-working, wise and influential. Mars in the 10th house being 1st Lord: Mars becomes the Lagna Lord for Aries and Scorpio ascendant. While, they have the quality to keep their emotions balanced. Mars in the tenth house makes an excellent entrepreneur or manager, on the other hand. They say what they think and theyre agonizingly honest about it. The native has a good looking and influential partner but does not enjoy sexual pleasures. Mars is auspicious for the ascendant signs Aries, Cancer, Leo and Scorpio. This is not the house of quick results. The native is intelligent and acquires higher education. 12th House has Taurus sign and lord is Venus. You can be too committed to your religious system and believe that coworkers who disagree with your views should be oppressed. If it is Cancer Ascendant, Mars will be ruling 10th & 5th house and sitting in 9th house in Pisces sign. If the ascendant is Aquarius, Mars rules 3rd and 10th houses and sits in Scorpio's 10th house. As soon as you discover your true calling, you become unstoppable. Venus: as the lord of 3rd and 10th Houses, Venus gives bad results. 11th house also represents friends, goals and ambitions. The 1st House is also associated with our ego, our sense of self-worth, and our ability to assert ourselves in the world. He will own lands, properties and vehicles in huge amounts. If Saturn is daddy, then Saturn is a mockery of patriarchal authority. The native is unlucky. When Mars is in the seventh house, it suggests a person who directs a lot of passion and energy into their romantic partnerships. This house governs our hobbies, our love life, and our ability to have fun. The tenth house is the house of career. Its main features are courage, daring, powerful physical stamina, a strong attitude, a strong determination, and self-indulgence. As a result, he may not be well-liked at work. The native with Mars in 6th House for Libra Ascendant works hard for more gains but finds it weak to maintain his glory. Here Mars is creating a 6th to 8th relationship with its own house in the 7th house, thus Mars here will give very inauspicious results. In astrology, this placement counts as a success indicator when it comes to career. The native will wealthy through business and will enjoy all kinds of life comforts, happiness, success and will own multiple lands, agricultural land, conveyances and properties in his life. Mars in the 9th house gives very auspicious results, as Malefic planets in the 9th house are known to give good results. In Vedic Astrology, the 2nd House is known as the House of Wealth. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant leads an unhappy domestic life. In Vedic astrology, the 1st House is known as the house of self. Since, the 7th house is the house of business, its lord Mars in the 1st house indicates that the native will posses qualities to do business in life. When they do that, Libra risings will be able to break those expectations that they thought they had to live up to and emerge strong and unafraid. The native with Mars in 6th House for Libra Ascendant is fearless and influential. He will face conflicts with his children. The higher you are, the more freedom you get. Saturn and Mars are both naturally kroor graha, ie they will always give their results in their characteristic harsh, unfeeling, cruel, turbulent etc fashion.However their results are not always as horrible as it is made out. The combination can be give influx of wealth if it occurs in the Ascendant, 2nd, 4th, 5th 9th, 10th and 11th house, if moon mars conjunction in navamsa also then best placement of chart.Now you can translate this article in hindi, chandra mangal yuti in hindi or chandra mangala yogam tamil. Mars in 5th house. However, the native will gain wealth, will rich and will get respect in the society. (His . The native with Mars in 11th House for Libra Ascendant gets good gains with the help of father in occupation/profession. This individual's relationship with his father may be transformative. This is because it represents the things that we are most afraid of in life, such as illness and debts. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant is intelligent and influential but weak in wealth. If Saturn is daddy, then there is a built in silliness, grossness, and sexiness to Saturn. His natal accendant is 18 aries opp my natal saturn. After marriage, the natives financial condition and wealth will drastically improve and he will be much more financially stable. While, in the 3rd house, Mars is a Karak planet, as it also represents hardwork, courage and self-efforts. Sun is also badhkesh for Libra ascendant. It can also depict a government lawyer. While, Mars in the 4th house creates Ruchak Namak Raj Yoga, which grants the native immense wealth, prosperity, success and fortune to the native, the 4th house is the house of mother and Mars in the 4th house is generally not considered good. The 6th house is the house of debt and the loans we take in life, thus such natives should always avoid taking loans in life, and they should never give loans to others either.
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