Would like to continue. There are some tasks that you might need, such as advanced device configuration and troubleshooting. # https://www.action1.com/how-to-delete-scheduled-task-with-powershell-on-windows/#:~:text=In%20the%20console%20tree%2C%20locate,and%20confirm%20Delete%20dialog%20box. Microsoft doesn't perform individual UPN validation to ensure that you're assigning an existing or correct user. We still recommend the Android device administrator management solution for these scenarios: This section describes the enrollment options available for iOS/iPadOS and Mac devices in Intune. The device user enrolls the device through the Microsoft Intune app. Under Accounts, select Access work or school. Required fields are marked *. With the device enrol, youll see a new object in your Azure Active Directory. Just log on to AAD (portal.azure.com and search) and check the devices tab. Opens a new window, 3.Delete the Intune enrollment certificate. Open Company Portal and sign in with your work or school account. Click Add > General > Run Powershell Script. The answer is 8 hours. This method lets you prepare corporate-owned devices ahead of time so that they automatically provision and enroll as fully manged devices when users turn them on. If no additional changes are made to the script, then no additional attempts are made to run the script. When prompted to, sign in with your work or school account again. Turn on the computer and complete the initial Windows setup. Finding managed Intune Windows devices that have the firewall disabled. We do not utilize Intune at all, instead using the Meraki System Manager to create our 'device profiles'. Required fields are marked *. Select Accounts > Your account. Part 9 shows you how to manually enroll a device into Intune. If you're looking for more control, including where the terms appear, consider configuring Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) terms of use. Devices running Windows 10 version 1607 or later. Fully managed: Enroll corporate-owned devices exclusively for work and not personal use. Windows Autopilot Diagnostics are available in OOBE. Personally owned devices with a work profile: Support enrollment for personal devices in BYOD scenarios. PowerShell scripts, which are not officially supported on Workplace join (WPJ) devices, can be deployed to WPJ devices. Enroll devices running Windows 10, version 1511 and earlier. Be sure to take a look at the other blog posts in the series: Hey, I performed everything the exact same way but the thing Setting up your device for Work with a blue screen did not come up. I'm excited to be here, and hope to be able to contribute. https://raymonddewit.com/manually-register-devices-with-windows-autopilot/ #raymonddewitcom #endpointmanager #intune #autopilot, How DKIM and DMARC can help prevent phishing When scripts are set to user context and the end user has administrator rights, by default, the PowerShell script runs under the administrator privilege. Once the script executes, it doesn't execute again unless there's a change in the script or policy. In the new Command prompt enter the following command: Now, using the enrollment ID noted earlier, find and delete the keys below: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\Status\xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EnterpriseResourceManager\Tracked\xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\AdmxInstalled\xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\Providers\xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\OMADM\Accounts\xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\OMADM\Logger\xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\OMADM\Sessions\xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Intune-licensed device users initialize enrollment by signing into the Company Portal app on their device. The process might take a few minutes to complete, depending on how many devices are being synchronized. Tip: The Sync device action is also available for Cloud PCs. The header and line format must look like this: Device Serial Number,Windows Product ID,Hardware Hash,Group Tag,Assigned User For example, you can manage devices with compliance policies and device configuration workloads in Intune, and utilize Configuration Manager for all other features, like app deployment and security policies. This method requires you to launch the company portal app and run the Sync option under Settings. On the other I ran the script. When a device checks in, it immediately receives any pending actions or policies that have been assigned to it. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Device platform restrictions: Restrict devices based on device platform, version, manufacturer, or ownership type. On the Connect to work screen, select Connect. If devices are currently enrolled in another MDM provider, unenroll the devices from the existing MDM provider before enrolling them in Intune. The serial number is useful for quickly seeing which device the hardware hash belongs to. The event we are interested in is of type "Update device" initiated by "Microsoft Intune". On-Prem Active Directory with AAD connect to sync our users to 365. Your email address will not be published. Be sure the devices meet the. Syncing Multiple devices from the Intune Portal. On the Setting up your device screen, select Go. For example, there's no internet access, no access to Windows Push Notification Services (WNS), and so on. Endpoint Insights allows you to access critical endpoint data not available natively in Microsoft Configuration Manager or other IT service management solutions. Devices running Windows 7 or 8.1 must enroll through the Company Portal website. Syncing forces your device to connect with Intune to get the latest updates, requirements, and communications from your organization. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Planning guide: Step 5 - Create a rollout plan, Require multifactor authentication for Intune device enrollments, Connect Intune to your managed Google Play account, Corporate-owned devices with a work profile, Personally owned devices with a work profile, Android device administrator management solution, How to use Intune in environments without Google Mobile Services, Get Apple enrollment program token for iOS/iPadOS, Get Apple enrollment program token for macOS, Enroll Linux desktop devices in Microsoft Intune, Azure Active Directory Join with automatic enrollment, Windows Autopilot for Hybrid Azure AD join, install the Intune connector for Active Directory, incomplete and abandoned user enrollments, Android Enterprise personally owned devices with a work profile (BYOD), Android Enterprise corporate-owned work profile (COPE), Android Enterprise dedicated devices (COSU). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Use this feature in the Microsoft Intune admin center to restrict certain devices from enrolling in Intune. Enroll Windows 11 Devices in Intune using Company Portal App. Please independently confirm anything you read on this blog before executing any changes or implementing new products or services in your own environment. # https://www.maximerastello.com/manually-re-enroll-a-co-managed-or-hybrid-azure-ad-join-windows-10-pc-to-microsoft-intune-without-loosing-current-configuration, # https://www.sqlshack.com/powershell-split-a-string-into-an-array. Devices that don't require a reset begin installing Intune profiles as soon as they enroll. Select the account that has a briefcase icon next to it. A device enrollment manager is a non-administrator Azure AD user who can: Some enrollment methods, such as Apple automated device enrollment, aren't compatible with the device enrollment manager account, so be sure that the method you choose is supported before you begin setup. The Auto Enrollment Process 1. For more information, see Gather information from Configuration Manager for Windows Autopilot. Is really is very simple to do. You will find that . 2. As a test, you can use this script: If the script reports a success, look at the AgentExecutor.log to confirm the error output. Those steps include collecting the hardware hash, uploading the CSV file into Microsoft Store for Business (MSfB) or Intune, assigning the profile, and confirming the profile assignment. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Azure Active Directory Premium subscription, Gather information from Configuration Manager for Windows Autopilot, delete them from the Intune All devices pane. 4 Ways to Manually Sync Intune Policies on Windows Devices. When setting to Yes or No, use the following table for new and existing policy behavior: Select Scope tags. You can perform Windows Autopilot device registration within your organization by manually collecting the hardware identity of devices (hardware hashes) and uploading this information in a comma-separated-values (CSV) file. Now click the Access work or school option and click + Connect button. Traditional IT focuses on a single device platform, business-owned devices, users that work from the office, and different manual, reactive IT processes. Sign in with your work or school credentials. It includes the device restrictions needed for basic security (level 1), which is the minimum security configuration we recommend having on personal devices, and high security (level 3), which is for devices used by specific users or groups who are uniquely high risk. Ive found it very painful to deploy and make FW changes. You can use CMTrace.exe to view these log files. ), REST APIs, and object models. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "acf28ec9ec912e36736d8bdacae75c5d" );document.getElementById("f0e139afcf").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Require users to authenticate via multi-fator authentication (MFA) during enrollment. We recommend Android Enterprise enrollment solutions for personal and corporate-owned devices that use Google Mobile Services. For more information about using Android device administrator when Google Mobile Services is unavailable, see, Upload an Apple MDM push certificate to Intune. For Microsoft Teams certified Android devices. In the next screen, enter the password and wait for the authentication to complete. The Intune management extension will be deployed to a device when you target a PowerShell script to the device. When enrolled, the device is registered with the organisation, which ensures that the user is authorised to access the organisations applications, email, etc and then policies are applied to the device based on what has been assigned. All the Windows 10 devices I need to enroll are joined to Azure AD with no on-prem AD. Select Enter a PowerShell Script. For more information, see Enroll Linux desktop devices in Microsoft Intune. You can use Remove-Item to delete registry keys and files (such as the enrollment cert). You can manually sync Intune policies on a Windows device from Taskbar or Start Menu. Click Start and type " Company Portal " in the search box. After LastPass's breaches, my boss is looking into trying an on-prem password manager. In Basics, enter the following properties, and select Next: In Script settings, enter the following properties, and select Next: Script location: Browse to the PowerShell script. If the script fails, the Intune management extension agent retries the script three times for the next three consecutive Intune management extension agent check-ins. So, for this example, I want to re-run the "ConfigureScheduledTask.ps1" script, so we select that row, hit OK on the Out-GridView to send that object back to the script, and using that object, we simply force a removal of that registry key and restart the IntuneManagementExtension service to trigger the script to re-run. Download the script file from the PowerShell Gallery and run it on each computer. I will never sell or voluntarily disclose your personal information or email address. Log files are exported to the Users\Public\Documents\MDMDiagnostics directory. After you assign the policy to the Azure AD groups, the PowerShell script runs, and the run results are reported. In the Microsoft Intune admin center, select Devices > Windows > Windows enrollment > Devices (under Windows Autopilot Deployment Program ). Run this script using the logged on credentials: Select Yes to run the script with the user's credentials on the device. Registration in Azure AD is a required step for Intune management. You can hide questions for the end user like Personal or Company device owner and privacy settings. In PowerShell scripts, right-click the script, and select Delete. This policy requires the devices user to accept your org's terms and conditions before they enroll their device or access protected resources. It keeps the logs for your review. Also check that the signed in user has the appropriate permissions to run the script. The following table shows the devices that require a factory reset before enrolling in Intune. Select Devices and then select Windows devices. Review the logs for any errors. Importing can take several minutes. If youre experiencing slow or unusual behavior while installing or using a work app, try syncing your device to see if an update or requirement is missing. Keep these other requirements for the CSV file in mind: Use a plain-text editor with this CSV file, like Notepad. Enrollment enables them to access work resources in Microsoft Edge. The process might take a few minutes to complete, depending on how many devices are being synchronized. If you have set up the ESP for your Autopilot devices youll be familiar with it, but the ESP is not part of Autopilot as such, but targeted at any Intune device you enrol based on how you have assigned it to Users or Devices. See the PowerShell execution policy for guidance. For more information, see. Android (Device administrator and Android for Work only). It's automatically enabled. Make a note of the enrollment ID somewhere, you will need the ID later in the process. You can manually enroll Windows 11 devices into Intune using the method I explained in my previous blog post - Windows 11 Intune Enrollment Process Using Company Portal Application Settings App. PowerShell includes a command-line shell, object-oriented scripting language, and a set of tools for executing scripts/cmdlets and managing modules. In most cases, you should instead use the Microsoft Partner Center for Autopilot device registration. the ms-device-enrollment is as far as you will get right now. The Intune management extension supplements the in-box Windows 10 MDM features. Enter the work or school account which has the necessary licence assigned to be able to enrol a device in Intune and click Next. Device users get desktop access after required software and policies are installed. (Both of these are required from my understanding). You can update your choices at any time in your settings. The Microsoft Intune Management Extension is a service that runs on the device, just like any other service listed in the Services app (services.msc). PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. TheSyncdevice action forces the selected device to immediately check in with Intune.
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