adopted officially by the Soviet Army till 1949 and was produced by It is in very good condition and comes with 2 30 round magazines. Scared the h**l out of me. With some practice, its possible to load an SKS from a stripper clip as fast as swapping out a detachable magazine. The article lists it as a rotating bolt. . moves to 9643 Alpaca in S. El Monte, CA where they shared space with National Ordinance. was lighter, had more magazine capacity, not to mention that it was I have the original stock, but I wanted to see if I could modernize, or customize my rifle more than just the leaf sights. SKSs are technically classified as Soviet relics under present firearms legislation. Specifications and Features: IAC Hawk model 982 pump action shotgun 12 gauge 18.5" barrel 3" chamber 5 round capacity Polymer stock One was a gift in like new condition the other came from Viet Nam drenched in cosmoline and rusty where the metal met the wood furniture. SN 1405545. -Bang for the buck with an SKS rifle is extremely high Even at the lofty current prices of $350 each (these could be had for as little as $100-150 each just ten years ago), youre still getting a reliable forged steel and hardwood military grade weapon in an effective (if not exceptional), inexpensive, and readily available caliber. Why? Despite firing a 7.62X39 cartridge, the weapon's lack of recoil is startling. Still fleshing this list out, I have 35 photos up and catalogued. Only complaint I had initially was that the butt end of the stock was too short for my taste, didnt care to have my face that close to the receiver, so I bought a synthetic Monte Carlo-style stock (guess the original would be a perfect fit for someone of a shorter stature ie a typical person of Asian descent, no offense intended). Excellent bore and rifling. He isn't an expert or some long-time sharp shooter. With all due respect I wont touch a Norinco with a five foot long stick. The all-business functionality of Simonovs design is apparent the moment the gun falls into your hands. Great article! I installed a Murrays pin, and maybe a couple of hundred rounds later it broke where the diameter necked down to accommodate the spring. According to several references I consulted, they become ceremonial arms. For this task, I believe the Norinco SKS is extremely well-suited. Every cowboy needs a revolver. The most common modification to the SKS design (often done by manufacturers) involves altering the receiver to accept removable magazines. Survivor's SKS Boards CLASSIC, UNMODIFIED SKS RIFLES Chinese Interstate arms corp. ? SKS Serial I love these older beauties! But dont get the idea that function follows form with the SKS; nothing could be further from the truth. I have found that if my Norinco is too clean ( ie: dry) it will jam. Im planning on putting a scope on my sks and I was trying to figure out how I would load it besides doing it one bullet at a time. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 Advantages over the SKS were the selective-fire option, a rifle that YOUR WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR. I need one so I can deer hunt with mine. Really need some advice. This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! Check out Murrays Gunsmithing in Texas for the kit. OVERALL RATING * * * * Gyus the SKS CAN easily be modifyed to accept the 20 round Tapco mag..which by itself in a POS IMHO. Incidentally, though importation of these stopped years ago, the Chinese made (Polytech) AK rifles were considered amongst the best ever imported into the USA. In 2017 I can internet order Wolf by the case delivered to my door for 22 cents a round. Mine have never been stuck. Have had some intermittent slam-fires, going to send the bolt away to get Murray-ized soon, before I get into trouble at the shooting range lol. Id say the best production revolvers in the world come from the United States of America. I use slip on butt pads to add some length of pull. We have a
Tom in Texas, A front sight adjustment tool is required to move the front sight, Most are pretty cheap they can be found at between 5 to 20 bucks depending on quality. I highly recommend easing the bolt carrier forward, as rob54 commented,if the firing pin if dirty or still bearing packing lube it can protrude and cause slam fires. You have entered an incorrect email address! The biggest issue is cosmolene, but after an initial cleaning, it shouldnt need to be babied so much. It is an sks . In this setup, I can hit a milk jug at 1300 yards (furthest range Ive tested) and that was in 15-20 mile n hour windage. Whether you're looking for a truck gun, something for the bug out bag, or a do-anything firearm we have you covered. However, as youll see in the video, I loaded the SKS upside down, with the bolt closed. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. Knives/Multi Tools; Hand/Pocket Tools; Safes; Gunsmithing Tools Numbers | Serial Number Lookup and dating an SKS Rifle. Where do the 5 rd. I remember my sergeant yelling in my ear in basic training about that stuff. The 22lr is affected by all the same variables, drop, windage, humidity, etc. (Incidentally, my wife was with me and she enjoyed firing the SKS, too. Dont just take my work for it though, check it out yourself. obsolete for Soviet purposes by the new AK-47 by Kalashnikov. 20 1/4" bbl. The SKS is an economical and relatively reliable 7.62 x 39 rifle. Based on the owners experience (as well as my own), its never once failed to fire, even when crap ammo has been fed through it. (And I'll only sleep about eight hours tonight worrying about whether or not they will.). Don knows that, and so do we. INTERSTATE ARMS sks SKU 245682 used very good Used Price $699.99 In stock Payments from $34.94 per month. INTERSTATE ARMS RifleThe INTERSTATE ARMS SKS Rifle is a reliable and powerful semi-automatic rifle. The trigger is sweet and its accurate out to 200yds. Century International Arms is an importer and manufacturer of firearms that is based in the United States. Comes with folding spike bayonet. out of Napa, California: NA, Navy Arms out of Ridgefield, New Jersey: POLY (PTK) #1, PTK International Inc. out of Atlanta, Georgia: POLY #2, Poly USA Inc. out of Atlanta, Georgia: POLY #3, Poly USA Inc. out of Atlanta, Georgia: POLY #4, Poly USA Inc. out of Atlanta, Georgia: SAMCO, Samco Global Arms out of Miami, Florida: TGI #1, Tennessee Gun International out of Knoxville, Tennessee: TGI #2, Tennessee Gun International out of Knoxville, Tennessee: TRIDENT, Trident Arms Corp. out of City of Commerce, California: TRIDENT, Trident Arms Corp. out of Vernon, California: VG #1, Valley Gun Distributors Inc. out of Los Angeles, California: VG #2, Valley Gun Distributors Inc. out of Los Angeles, California: Send lawyers guns and moneyuh, skip the lawyers, "The Rolling W"-A.E.F. .with 10 round stripper clips instead. We sell the ATI sks strikeforce stock with Picatinny rail system and tactlite stock parts. between 2 rifles but utilized a reliable operating mechanism design. View Item in Catalog Lot #562 (Sale Order: 24 of 184) Sold for: $400.00 to onsite "Tax, Shipping & Handling and Internet Premium not included. Jerry, I have detachable mags for mine also, my plastic mags are horrible while my metal mags have had no problems. I attached a tactical grip that has a deployable bipod ($24 @ Cheaper than instead of $90 at my local gun store) and a cheap red dot sight on top. I am very pleased with my SKS as well as the pricing behind it. NORINCO/CHINA 7.62X39 ACT III GREENSBORO, N.C. ACT III Greensboro NC SKS 7.62X39 Made In China (By Norinco? Cheap to purchase, an affordable change over to newer age likes and feels. Darn near 100 stamps from just what little ole me has collected since 2014 or so. Also, I would like to do some long range shooting, and I dont care about having an old or new gun, just something cheap and reliable that can be accurate out to about 1000 yrds, preferably with a scope. When I see a little charging handle, I think index finger. The SKS rifle and its many copies still can be found today in Its true that 10 round fixed magazines are effectively obsolete for military rifles in the 21st century, but thats just not a standard that applies to most civilian shooters, who wont be taking these guns onto the battlefield. I am selling this one on consignment and as such lay-a-way can't b .Click for more info. Anxious to shoot it alongside the Norinco. CZ-USA Field Sports 1012 Bronze, 12 Ga, 4rd, 28in, 3in, Walnut, 5 Ext Chokes, LE Only Do you need pics off any of my commercials? .and winners. More accurate than I am. If youre unlucky enough to be located in a jurisdiction that limits detachable magazine capacity to 10 rounds anyway, Id say youd do just as well. For this reason, it is still popular among hunters, and The SKS cycled fast with the 123-grain 7.62X39 Winchester Target & Range FMJ ammo I used so fast that even when I tried to look, I never once saw the bolt move. I do have the original furniture so it can be returned to stock set up at will. be complicated. 2002: Brenner suffers a stroke and declares bankruptcy. Love the Norinco type 56 SKS, have had mine for almost 20 years, best $120 my wife ever spent! If any warranty issue comes up, we'll cover the cost of packing & shipping to the manufacturer from any Sportsman's Warehouse location. Product Information MAKE:INTERSTATE ARMS MODEL:SKS * Action:SEMI Finish:BLUED Caliber/Gauge:7.62X39 Bore:GREAT Barrel Length:22 IN * L.O.P. For this reason, it is still popular among hunters, and even is employed in many militaries today. To answer the question, the absolute cheapest way to reach out 400 yards is probably a military surplus Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle. carbines acting in non-infantry and ceremonial roles until about I paid $150 for it15 years ago. The countries who make the best weapons in my personal opinion are: Russia, Switzerland, Israel, Italy and Czech Republic. About Such was the case for the U.S. Air Forces B-36 Peacemaker bomber. Cant wait for that one. The SKS uses a tipping bolt. I think there is quite a bit of room for debate about which countries produce the best arms. Finally 'finished' with this list. This includes 1 10-round magazine and spike bayonet. I have to disagree with that. I would appeal to you and all your colleagues to abandon fear-mongering in search of ratings and readers, and just be straight with the people; whether articles involve firearms, or not. I believe youre right Joe. Company control passes to a National Ordinance shop manager and the spouse of the National Ordinance manager. These are largely custom built to order with 1-2 year waiting periods for delivery and start at about $50,000 each. If youre really serious about accuracy (and you should be if you want to hit anything at 400+ yards), then youll probably need to do extra work on the gun, including potentially going through a number of individual guns to find a suitable good one to work on, then improving it by floating the barrel, and working on the trigger. Its going to depend not only on what type of weapon youre talking about, but what constitutes the best. Yes, I did buy one of the 100 dollar versions back in the day in preference to the AK clone at 269 dollars. The fact that the original owner probably paid less than a hundred dollars for it in the mid-Eighties and the fact that its worth not much more than $250 now makes it an exceptional value. The Interstate Arms IAC 982 Hawk 12 gauge tactical shotgun is a Chinese copy of the Remington 870. I will be taking out to the range this weekend and will be more then happy to give a full detail review of it. Always be familiar with gun safety before using a gun. Norinco, Interstate Arms, SKS, 7.62x39, 95613. was quite high as compared to some later manufacturers. You can put one hole in a paper target at 100m with 30 rounds. There is a tool that looks like a c-clamp that fits over the front sight, with a screw that moves the sight pin when you torque it down. See all listings by Guns Dot Com Tell a friend Watch this listing (Read 2284 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. For what this gun costs, its simply a dream to fire. After that, PolyTech ceased its US business that was FBI's original intention. I had one slam fire on me too. That it looks good doing what it does is a genuine bonus. This mean to let the magazine closed, open and lock the bolt, then insert ammo one by one in the mag, then close the bolt. The Tapco 20 round mags work flawlessly so far but the stripper clips may make it as quick or quicker to load. InterstateArms is a 40+ year-old wholesale distributor supplying licensed firearm dealers nationwide with. You seem like a good wrighter, I think you should leave the instructional vids to someone whos spent time shooting. I bought a Type 56 Norinco (never issued) a few years ago and its still one of my favorite weapons. Banned for life!! . The only way to avoid SKS #2, is avoid SKS #1. Theres a good tool, and a cheaper knock off that doesnt work nearly as well. The SKS is a Russian design with original experimental production dating back to 1943. Again, there is room to argue whats best, but if, for example, youre interested in a match rifle for biathlon or Olympic style target shooting, most of the competitors. Your rifle has a 9 point stealth tactical suspension system. I'll get a commercial thread going as soon as I finish fleshing this one out with the info I have. Gun Guru, its a good idea to read the ENTIRE article before commenting. Years of firearm handling? During my time with the Norinco SKS, it never misfired or suffered any failures to feed or extract (even with some older Wolf ammo that was lying around). Shooting surplus ammo at 18 cents per round is cheap, and with a scpoe you can hit out to 500+ yards. Century Arms VSKA 7.62x39mm Semi-Automatic Rifle, Blk - RI3291-N . Because if i have no cleaning supplies in a SHTF scenario my AR becomes a club without proper cleaning and maintenance. Trident Arms Chinese SKS 7.62 X 39 2 30 round mags . Idahomatt. The quality of the early Soviet carbines I just think you realy need to learn some shooting fundementals before you make any more gun vids. is built to be simple easily organized products, useful descriptions from experts, and support to guide you to the right choice. IMMEDIATELY its how business should be done. I have found only one major flaw in your review, good sir. You need to lean forward while you shoot. It never gave me another problem. Tools . Also, most magazine fed weapons are also technically loaded from the bottom (albeit not upside down). Thanks for the useful advice. good article. And for good reason. Number Produced: Millions from various manufacturers . If you would like your firearm shipped in a hardcase for only $20, please purchase item number 942506382 (Plano Scope Rifle Case (10470)). If any of the photos in this post are yours and you explicitly do not want them shown, please contact me. I got a bunch of stripper clips to align the rounds and provide an extra protection from the bolt. Thanks for sharing some very insightful observations on a classic service rifle. I just watch your review and I must say I thought it was done well, I myself am a first time SKS owner as of today came across one in a local gun show and for the price I couldnt walk away, even thou I was there to pick up a bolt action .223, At first I was taken with the clean look, it is in the sniper stock with a scope and it just looks just mean to me, thou my wife thought it was old and ugly but so am ILOL. I use any ammo I find and never had an issue with the gun. It looks in good condition with all the dressings. When I dress Western, nothing beats the classic good looks of my Smith & Wesson (S&W) 586 .357 revolver. AAI #1, American Arms Inc. out of North Kansas City, Missouri: AAI #2, American Arms Inc. out of North Kansas City, Missouri: ACC, ACC International/Intrac out of Knoxville Tennessee: ACT III #1, ACT III out of Greensboro, North Carolina: ACT III #2, ACT III out of Greensboro, North Carolina: ACT III #3, ACT III out of Greensboro, North Carolina: ARMCO, Armco out of Boylston, Massachusetts: B-WEST #1, B-West out of Los Angeles, California: B-WEST #2, B-West out of Los Angeles, California: B-WEST #3, B-West out of Los Angeles, California: B-WEST #4, B-West out of Tuscon, Arizona: B-WEST #5, B-West out of Tuscon, Arizona: B-WEST #6, B-West out of Tuscon, Arizona: B-WEST #7, B-West out of Tuscon, Arizona: B-WEST #8, B-West out of Tuscon, Arizona: B-WEST #9, B-West out of Tuscon, Arizona: Beta Arms, Beta Arms out of Los Angeles, California: BRIKLEE #1, Briklee Trading Company, South El Monte, California: BRIKLEE #2 (BTC), Briklee Trading Company, South El Monte, California: BRIKLEE #3 (BTC), Briklee Trading Company, South El Monte, California: BRIKLEE #4 (BTC), Briklee Trading Company, South El Monte, California: C&A #1, C&A?
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