Sometimes we get this idea that to escape from the things that separate us from God we need to slowly wean ourselves off of them. What I admire so much about Rahab is that she took the reckless route. Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas. She told them how the citizens of Jericho had been fearful of the Israelites ever since they defeated the Egyptians via the Red Sea miracle (some 40 years prior). As if that wasnt enough risk, Rahab goes on to help the spies create a strategic and safe return home (Joshua 2:14-16). containerEl: '#fd-form-5e128eefed5f9800263d7fc0' Courageous Rahab was courageous, as she hid the spies and lied to the kings soldiers. Rahab; the harlot. ( Joshua 2:1; Matthew 1:5) (B.C. If she didnt, theyd be free from their promise to her. 22. The outer layer of skin is also replaced every month. 1. #purposedbook. 9. Cookie Monster's real name is Sid. This cord served as a sign of faithfulness and protection for Rahab and her family.Tonights living by faith example is Rahab, who expressed her faith in the living God: the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath. (Joshua 2:11). What is the path that lies ahead of you? Canaan (where Jericho was located) was a polytheistic land. 1. Here are a few highlights. Interesting and Fun Animal Facts 1. Simply the best collection of interesting facts, weird facts and useless facts. The Bible tells us that she married an Israelite named Salmon (father of Boaz) and had a son named Boaz. As such, Raphael most likely spent his formative years in contact with the court. The confidence in Rahabs statements here astounds me. A woman who risks her own life to save others. What was the Purpose of the Scarlet Cord? Operating an inn by the city gate and entertaining caravans and travelers from around the world must have been like living next to the CNN headquarters! Dianas additional published works include a collection of poetry,Wings of the Wind; an Easter cantata, Glorious, written with a musical collaborator and available on Sheet Music Plus; and contributions to various magazines and compilations. Belarusian. Rahab hid the spies and saved them from the king in exchange for her life and her familys. As an Amazon affiliate I earn commission from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Also, my 14 year old niece pointed out that the Matthew scripture reference should be Matthew 16:25 instead of Matthew 17:32-33 (which doesnt exist). But she knew that she needed to trust God at that moment and so she did. Its also a misunderstanding of the actual gospel message. In the 1960s, the CIA tried to spy on the Kremlin and Russian embassies by turning cats into listening devices. For Rahab, the God of Israel is also the God of Jericho. Three presidents, all Founding FathersJohn Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroedied on July 4. God is so amazing! She chose an unknown God because she believed He was greater than all that she had known. Rahab hid the Israelite spies before they crossed the Jordan River. While there are many theories about Rahabs origins, the most likely explanation is that she was a native of Jericho. Rahab is one of four women mentioned in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus. One of the things I love most about Rahab is how considerate she was. Though less common than earthquakes, the moon actually has moonquakes, too. According to Joshua 2:1, it was situated on the city wall, which would have made it easy for Rahab to spy on the Israelite army as they approached the city. 33. Had two sons who were wicked, so the Lord put them to death. Thus, she and her family were saved. This content may contain affiliate links. So while Rahab is not as well-known as some other biblical figures, she played a key role in Gods plan for redemption. Thus, we must not be surprised that Joshuas advance team knew to go to Rahabs Place. Some branches of Jewish tradition emphasize Rahab as merely an innkeeper. Of course, the Canaanites were infamous for cultic prostitution related to idolatrous worship. Hence, it is strange that a Harlot, a Canaanite, and a liar is known as a distinguished Bible figure. Copyright 2011-2023 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. Are you ready to dig in? That's who she is. Rahab was from Jericho. But what happened to Rahab after that? "By faith Rahab the prostitute escaped the destruction of the disobedient, because she welcomed the spies in peace." HEBREWS 11:31 Background After 40 years of struggle, Israel stood poised to enter the Promised Land. As a result, when Jericho is conquered, Rahab and her family are spared. Covenants gives us a promise to hold onto and look forward to. 1. This could mean that she simply provided them with lodging and food, or it could imply that she engaged in sexual activity with them, . The other three are Tamar, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Second, this story teaches us that God is a God of justice. One of God's good girls. Its a Hebrew commentary that speaks to the literal translation of the Bible. I was so nervous but this post helped me tremendously! Thats what I think of when I see the Jesse Tree. In fact, you lose some every day without noticing. 2. According to the Bible, the walls of Jericho were destroyed by Joshua and the Israelites when they invaded the city (Joshua 6:1-27). In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the story of Rahab and learn more about her courageous faith. Sexual sin was deeply embedded in Canaanite culture. Along with the five traditional senses of sound, sight, touch, smell and taste, humans have 15 "other senses.". On the contrary, dogs bob their head up and down when chasing prey. Now, this isnt just any woman, shes a harlot. This act of bravery led to Rahab and her family being spared when Jericho was destroyed. When He speaks a word, it happens. 7. It could be that Rahab was coerced into her lifestyle. Rahab and her family were saved from destruction when the Israelites conquered Jericho. If you wish to use an image or any other content of this blog, contact prior to using the content. His most recent book is a second edition release: Hit by Friendly Fire: What to do when Another Believer Hurts You(Resource Publications, 2022). From the moment conflict arose between the Israelites and Rahabs people, Rahab had set in her heart whose side she was on. Either way, it is clear that Rahab was involved in prostitution. Why do women seem to have a small role in the Bible? I am so glad that God gives us a second chance no matter our past. 8. I say this for two reasons: 1. When scripture mentions Rahab, she's almost always called Rahab the harlot except in Matthew's genealogy. But there was no hanky-panky between Rahab and the spies, she had been able to see through their disguise and knew there was a greater force at work. 24. <3 Glad to hear this post was helpful! Actually, lets rephrase that. The woman who had been called a harlot became a godly wife and mother in Israel. The Gates also symbolized entry into the kingdom of God and were often mentioned in biblical passages. 6. These include balance, temperature, pain and time as well as internal senses for suffocation, thirst, and fullness. By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient. Still, she boldly asked them to spare her life. Xhosa. Rahab, the woman with whom the spies were staying, protected them by hiding them on her roof. When the Israelites were finally ready to occupy the land which had been promised for more than 400 years, God brought them to the city of Jericho. (from here on out well refer to it as the Promised Land). From a security standpoint, the gates served as the main point of entry into the city and were heavily guarded. You might think from her profession that she was destined to die an early death, to fade away into shame, the disgraced woman. Quechua. What did it take to convince her entire family they would be better off living in a whorehouse? For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, to Sihon and Og, whom you devoted to destruction. When we read the story of Rahab we assume that she was a Canaanite. Abraham met with God at the city gate of Hebron (Genesis 18:1), and when Moses wanted to meet with God, he had to go outside the camp and wait by the city gate (Exodus 33:7). We dont know how many persons were in her family, but I loved the fact that she thought of them all. 2. In the New Testament, Rahab is praised for her faith and her works. In Psalm 87:4 Rahab is the name of a city; also in Psalm 89:10 and in Isaiah 51:9. How could it be that Rahab the prostitute became Rahab, the mother of Boaz? Despite living in a city that was opposed to the Israelites, she believed in their God and chose to help them. God knew it because God knew her better than she knew herself. Learn more at the bottom of this page or read my full disclosure policy.What do you know about Nimrod and the story of the Tower of Babel? Rahab (or Rachab) the wife of Salmon, is mentioned in the genealogy in Matthew 1:5. There is no more touching story of God's glorious grace than the genealogical introduction to the birth of Jesus by faith through the line of Joseph in Matthew chapter 1. Joshua 2:1-24 #AllinAugust Calvary Baptist (@calvaryrockmart) August 2, 2022, While Rahab is the topic of this message she is the perfect picture of how Gods grace can change a life forever. Even more, Rahab was, soon, engrafted into the physical family of Israel as she became the wife of Salmon, one of the leaders of Israel who supported Moses when they left Egypt. Like Rahab, we have to determine what we will believe about God. Who came to rescue the earth from God's destruction? Rahabs house was located in the city of Jericho. Book: Rahab, Woman of JerichoAuthor: Diana Wallis TaylorGenre: Biblical FictionPublisher: Whitaker House Publication Date: August 4, 2020Print Length: 234 pages. Fast-forward a couple of hundred years and the next place we find Rahab is in the genealogy of Christ. Lets take a look at the things that Rahab chose to leave behind to gain life with God. Helping Women Gain Confidence In Bible Study. in Elementary Education at San Diego State University and was an elementary school teacher for twenty-two years. There are a few pieces of evidence that suggest she did. A Rahab Bible Study: A vivid, scripture-based, unfiltered study of the Rahab Bible story and its connection to the love of God and grace of the gospel. She is one of the prominent figures in the Christian tradition. In the Old Testament, they are seemingly unrelated. Rahab saves spies Joshua 2:1-7 The Hebrew tribes led by Joshua came into Canaanite territory, where they encountered city states who did not welcome the intruders. Its not the tree that stands out, but the stories attached to it, each pointing to the faithfulness of God and His love for us. I received an advanced readers copy from the publishers through Celebrate Lit; a positive review was not required. In return, the spies make a vow to protect Rahab and her family when they invade Jericho. The story of Rahab is found in the Book of Joshua, and it teaches several important lessons. This leads us to Rahabs real shining moment;the role she played in helping the Israelites conquer Jericho. A Biblical prostitute or just an innkeeper? Raphael had art in his blood. Final Thoughts Facts about Rahab in the Bible, Use Google Church Grant For Your Church $10,000 / Month - God Bless Steve, Stuck on Sermon / Need Class Ideas / Outlines / Ask Ja, Copyright 1920-2023 Jesus Leadership Training. By hiding them on the roof (under stalks of flax)of her house, Rahab was able to protect them from being discovered by the soldiers who were searching for them. So He tells the Israelites in Deuteronomy 9:5, It is not for your righteousness or for the uprightness of your heart that you are going to possess their land, but it is because of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord your God is driving them out before you, in order to confirm the oath which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Download our free Rahab Bible Study pdf worksheets and join us! Rahab kept them safe and helped the spies to escape. Did you know that Rahab is one of the most celebrated women in the Bible? Read More Covenants In the Bible (Starting In Genesis)Continue. Rahab married Salmon and had children. Rahabs story isnt long though its longer than many stories in the Bible, but what little there is of the story is profound. Rahabs husband is chronicled in both the Old and New Testaments (1 Chronicles 2:10-11, Ruth 4:20-21, Matthew 1:4-5 and Luke 3:32). (We'll wait while you go get that globe.) The Forgotten Mothers of the Bible. She refused to nurture those things anymore. 9 Facts about Rahab in the Bible.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'jesusleadershiptraining_com-box-3','ezslot_1',624,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jesusleadershiptraining_com-box-3-0'); Rahab was a prostitute who lived in Jericho. This left him an orphan, as his mother had passed when . And she did it in a moment. Let's dive into the fun world of interesting facts and see what we can learn about. 8. God redefines those with a past. And so if you ask me, "How could God possibly use me? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Second, Rahab reminds us that anyone can be saved by Gods grace. Some biblical scholars maintain that Rahab, the woman who hid Joshuas two spies, was a harlot or prostitute. Your email address will not be published. It also demonstrates that even when things seem hopeless, we can trust that God is in control and He will always help us achieve victory. These are the words I use to describe the character of Rahab in the Bible. The location of Rahabs house also made it convenient for her to help the Israelite spies escape from Jericho. Get your copy of Rahab Woman of Jericho. One of Rahabs greatest characteristic was that she didnt only think about saving herself, she also had compassion for her fathers household and made plans to save them as well. That's right. My friend, you can be like Rahab the prostitute, you can choose to live a life that pleases God. Rahabs profession may have been seen as shameful by some, but she is still remembered as a heroic figure in biblical history. However, God is obviously at work. By her own admission, the Hebrew God had already given the Israelites the city of Jericho. When your city has fortified walls, its easy to believe your city is impenetrable. They say Gods grace covers our sin so it doesnt really matter how we live. 1. She not only believed in God but she also acted. She also bargained for her family. No matter what our past may look like, we can always find new life and purpose in Him. When we put our trust in God, He will always keep His promises. How very beautiful to think that it is a scarlet cord of the covenant of God's grace that binds all of the Word of God together. Years earlier, He had delivered His people from slavery in Egypt. She had grown up in Jericho (according to the Midrash she had been there for nearly 40 years, possibly more). Kind Rahab showed kindness to strangers, even when it was not safe to do so. Second, Rahab specifically mentions her father and mother in her conversation with the spies. But she would enter without Moses for he was dead. Rahabs livelihood was her security. But Rahab believed in the power of the Hebrew God, all she had heard were stories but she believed He was powerful enough to deliver Jericho into the hands of His people. She had to decide what she believed about God. The rabbis viewed Rahab as a worthy convert to Judaism, and attested that Rahab married Joshua following her conversion; their descendants included the prophets Jeremiah, Hilkiah, Seraiah, Mahseiah, Baruch, Ezekiel and the prophetess Hulda, [22] although there is no report in the book of Joshua of the leader marrying anyone, or having any family Milton has also served as chancellor and president of seminaries and is the author of more than thirty books. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The story of Rahab reminds us that faith doesnt always make sense (in my experience, it never does). In this article were going to explore the real condition of the land of Canaan in Rahabs day; before it transitioned to the promised land. 4. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); My Goal Is to Inspire You and Help You Have Fun Serving Our Lord - Have Fun Greg, 11/22 I added a New Feature - There will be a JLT Video Video that you can play - It will Show Lesson in Caption Form - If you turn on your sound it will Read it to You -I will have all added by 3/23 - God Bless Greg, 12/22 I have added a New Feature - Where applicable I will add a Quiz - to sharpen your knowledge going forward as we do lessons - Feel Free to Use it as you Like - Have Fun Greg, 1/12/23 I Have Added a New Category - Bible Verses on - The Topic We are Covering Will Now have a List of Associated Bible Verses - Enjoy, 2/17/2023 I Have Added a New Feature Each Lesson will Have a Unique Facts Page about the Topic - Enjoy Greg, 2/10/2023 I have Begun a New Series of Lessons - "What does the Bible Say About" I am Working Through Major Topics in Bakers Illustrated Bible Dictionary - for my Topics (Adding 30 Topics / Month} - Feel free to use - Greg, Leading Missionary Teams for 40 Years"Where Their is No Vision - The People Perish" KJVProverbs 29:18" As Iron Sharpens Iron - So One Person Sharpens Another"Proverbs 27:17"And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses,the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. According to the Oxford Dictionary, there are a couple of different definitions of the word abandon. For years, the people of Jericho had existed behind their thick walls. But the lesson I want us to focus on today is the story of Rahab. Subscribe to the Newsletter: Many people are familiar with the story of the Israelites marching around the city of Jericho to bring down the walls. 32 Interesting Facts About Noah and His Ark Andrew Krehbiel 6 MinutesRead Updated: December 12, 2022 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Rahab married Salmon and had a son named Boaz. Now for some truly funny fun facts. All polar bears are left handed. Rahab Woman of Jericho will give you insight into what life may have been like for the people who remained in the camp while the Israelite army fought their enemies. (the head of Lets Talk Bible Study) unless otherwise stated. Hi Shay! A woman of Rahabs age (40+) left unwed and without a child was shamed. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Rahab was a prostitute who lived in the city of Jericho during the time when the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land. And we can become a blessing to others. The American flag. The Lord did this by causing the walls of Jericho to collapse after the Israelites had marched around the city for seven days. She operated two coffee house/used bookstores and later retired from a private Christian college as Director of Conference Services. Rahab helped the Israelite spies escape after their mission was complete. Rahab is considered to be a righteous woman in Scripture, And todays #Biblical #Womanhood example is #Rahab, The Book of Judges does not mention Rahab by name, but she is likely the harlot who dwelled in Jericho mentioned in Judges 2:1.[9]. He is the ultimate judge of character, and He can redeem even the most unlikely people for His purposes. How did Rahab show faith? Interested in digging deeper? Her identity. Then they heard about the kings of Sihon and Og who were obliterated in battle (Numbers 21:21-26, 32-35). He speaks His own words. She identified the spies for what they were, hid them, and had a convincing story ready with which to deceive the king's men. We find two names linked in holy matrimony: Salmon and Rahab. So how did she become one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ? Gigi Hadid gets candid about parenting Khai. Humans shed 40 pounds of skin in our lifetime. But we see Rahab taking a bold step towards her destiny leaving her past behind. - Let's Talk Bible Study | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Moses Aaron Facts for 9-13 Year Olds Categories: Men in the Old Testament, Moses Aaron is Moses' older brother. But most importantly, city gates were places where people would come to meet with God Himself. Both Deuteronomy and Leviticus record detestable practices of life and worship (including sexual perversions) that were the norm for Canaanite peoples. She was rewarded for her kindness and ultimately married Joshua, taking her place in the ranks of righteous converts.. Who Was Rahab? How did you decide Rahab was around 40 at this point? to move into the home of a harlot in order to save their lives. Manage Settings 2. Thank you Thank you Thank you. No matter the hairstyle and no matter the thickness, the average human being has around 100,000 hairs growing on their head at any one time. As a result, Rahab became an instrument of Gods plan for His people. She Was "Declared Righteous by Works". Faith requires a belief in God and that God exists. 1450. Did she live on the wall of Jericho or within it, in what is known to archaeologists as a casemate wall? All your hair is dead. Did she expect that she would one day be the ancestor of Christ? If youve ever had to deliver a speech before an unknown audience you understand how much nerve it takes to speak up for what you want. Third, this story teaches us about Gods mercy and grace. Or grab the full book study here. It may very well have been that Rahab was "a religious prostitute in pagan practices. Rahab in the Bible was a perceptive woman, intelligent and well-informed. Image credits: Adam Brill. Much work remained. a. The book of Esther is one book everyone will enjoy . The spies disobeyed God by not going into the land when He told them to, and they were punished for it. Lobsters have bladders on either side of their heads, so they communicate by urinating at each other. And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no spirit left in any man because of you, for the Lord your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath (Joshua 2:9-11 ESV). The people of Jericho were terrified of the Israelites, and they barricaded themselves inside the city walls. Woman of Faith Faith is the opposite of fear. In this short verse, we learn a few things about God and faith: Rahab displayed all of those characteristics. COPYRIGHT 2023 Tanner Ministry Outlets, LLC. So lets take a moment to consider them here. UK. As they began yet another march around the city, the dust rose in their wake and the blare of horns again pierced the air. However, less well known is the account of Rahab recorded in Joshua 2:124, 6:25, and 6:2025. It was beautiful. The word for "window" appears three times in the Rahab narrative (Josh 2: 15, 18, 21) when she helps the men escape and marks her house so it will be spared destruction.Windows have a prominent role in the stories of several other biblical women: Michal (2 Sam 6:16), the mother of Sisera (Judg 5:28 -31), and Jezebel (2 Kgs 9:30).All these women are looking through their palace windows . Rahab was a creative problem solver. "When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone's courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below" (Joshua 2:11). It must have been an interesting time to be alive because though there would have been fear, a lot of persons would have stubbornly stuck to their old ways.
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