Kokichi answers with a slightly surprised and innocent "huh!? Shuichi was able to deduce that Maki had Ryoma's video due to the fact that he himself had Kaito's. Himiko, however, does not understand what he's talking about. Whenever he threatens to kill Shuichi and challenges him to play even dangerous games, he always makes sure Shuichi won't actually get hurt even if it means getting himself hurt. Just like everyone else, Kokichi was confused about their current predicament, asking the others if they wanted for him to check on what was happening outside but was warned by Korekiyo Shinguji that those monsters, the Exisals, could still be nearby. With my brains and your inventions, we'll be out of here in no time. I'm gonna resign from lying! After Gonta is executed, Kokichi dramatically over-corrects his show of genuine emotion by beginning to act exaggeratedly "evil" and claiming that he didn't care about Gonta and that he was just fake crying. This made Gonta panic and so he tossed the toilet paper somewhere nearby. Super High School Level Supreme Leader ). The Gofer Project was then put into action while the Earth was being destroyed by meteorites. What is Kokichi's height? Knowing this, Kokichi met with Monokuma in secret in the game room at nighttime and proposed that they reuse the motive in order to make the Killing Game "more interesting". Kokichi was among these sixteen individuals. He had no idea what she meant by Remnant of Despair and asked her whether or not she really enjoys killing that much. If I wanna become closer to, "But I'm a weirdo! Kokichi, in turn, is shown to be very irritated and disgusted by Miu, often calling her by derogatory terms like a whore and a bitch, most noticeably a pig, which could link back to Kokichi having a dislike for "pig feet", and saying that she's things like ugly, smelly and useless. However, it's heavily implied that Kaito still voted for Kokichi out of spite. In his Free Time Events, Kokichi makes multiple references to shows such as Yu-Gi-Oh! Rating. In chapter 5, Kokichi lied about being the mastermind who started the Killing School Semester by letting Monokuma enter the spaceship during the Gofer Project. He has purple eyes and moderately long, wavy blackish purple hair, with the tips dyed a brighter purple. How Tall Are Kokichi? Notably, Kaito realizes how Kokichi's behavior changes during Chapter 4, appearing much more malicious than before, and he wonders what happened to him. Kaito asked Kokichi what had gotten into him, stating that the way he was acting now was a whole different level of weird. He ended up being one of the students that ended up opposing Angie's Student Council. "Anyways, I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Upon watching the video, it is revealed that Kokichi's supposed "evil secret society" was nothing more than a group of ten pranksters known as D.I.C.E. Finding the culprit is more important in this, "Everyonehates meso the role of villain is perfect for me Yeah, I know already! Yuta Asahina - 83cm. Lance Bouma was 6 feet 2 inches tall.NAMEHEIGHTBIRTHDATELance Bouma6'23/25/1990. When they are shown to be imprisoned and/or beaten, Kokichi is very distraught and plans his own death to save them. Notably, he understands that in order to truly win the killing game you must end it, not necessarily survive it. Kokichi begs to be executed along with Gonta, but he refuses the proposal. At one point, he mischievously teased her by asking how far she's gone with Shuichi, and then claimed that he simply meant to ask how far they have searched the area. Seriously though, he's probably around 15-18 like everyone else. Later, it is revealed that his organization is actually just a small group of pranksters who commit mild crimes for laughs and they are indeed strongly against killing, implying that Kokichi was honest during his last moments and possibly explaining his strong dislike for Maki's Ultimate talent. Kokichi was able to tell that Kaito was slower than usual and pondered on whether or not he was hiding something from everyone. However, due to Kaito's illness, Kokichi was easily able to dodge him and punch him back, knocking him to the ground. Kokichi introduced himself to Kaede and Shuichi as the Ultimate Supreme Leader, stating that he's the leader of an evil secret organization surpassing over ten-thousand, though neither of them really believed his claims. As everybody investigated the seance room in order to find the cause of Tenko's death, Kokichi noticed the loose floorboard and got a theory that he needed to confirm. Status ", "Huuuuh? The very next day, Kokichi was one of the few who did not attend Himiko's magic show, where the next victim, Ryoma, would be found dead. With him being a liar and his overall claims seeming unlikely, most people do not believe Kokichi, believing he is either delusional or lying for attention. He truly wishes the best for people although the delivery . When questioned by Kaede and Shuichi about why he would intentionally want to come off as suspicious, he stated it was because he was an "evil" supreme leader and that he was supposed to be suspicious. Kokichi's "craziest" sprites were originally Rui Komatsuzaki's idea. All of them wear similar clothing as their leaderwhite suits resembling straitjackets and checkered scarves (supposedly referencing the pattern associated with harlequin clowns). However, Kokichi tells Gonta that they won't see each other anymore after graduating due to them being a gentleman and an evil supreme leader. Though everyone thought that the tunnel probably ended up being a trap, they still had to test every single possibility in order to escape. In his room, Kokichi has a whiteboard which portrays all of the culprits and victims, the murder methods, his opinion on the living students, as well as a silly self-portrait. Throughout the conversation, he says things to offend K1-B0, such as asking whether he has a penis or not. This is the only fantasy sequence in which Shuichi has his true role as the detective, and surprised Shuichi emphasizes in his thoughts that they're both themselves unlike in most other fantasy sequences, which confirms further that Kokichi is indeed attracted to him. As a result, however, Himiko really disliked and didn't trust him in the later chapters. Kokichi presented everyone with the first topic, bringing out Ryoma's motive video, and said that one of those two had it. The Ultimate Supreme Leader would rather sneak around!". Eventually, after more evidence was revealed, Maki realized that Kokichi wasn't the mastermind all along and regretted how she led the one she loved into killing Kokichi and Maki took the blame for it. [8] He himself has openly admitted that as a teenager he is, of course, immature, and he claims that people should never lose their childish side. [6], As a big contrast to his other clothing, Kokichi's "trendy" underwear has much brighter and vibrant colors with red and yellow stripes. "I know how to harness the power from Monika's infinity gauntlet." Kokichi Oma ( ) is Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles and a participant of the Killing School Semester featured in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. Height: 4'8" Birthday: 6.21 *~* *~* . 's, corpse. The others pointed out that he was the one who suspected Kaede at first, but Kaede said it's okay and that she should've been more considerate of others. Despite this, she is normally very calm when dealing with him, typically choosing to ignore him, save for the occasional glares whenever he manages to annoy her. He is sometimes shown to have child-like excitement and innocence, as he gets very excited about "cool" new things like the Exisals and the morphing Trial Grounds marvels the school in a child-like excitement and shouts "yodelay-hee-hoooooo" while the students are inside the echoing tunnel. Super High School Level Supreme Leader). As Kirumi prepared breakfast for everyone, Kokichi and Gonta both asked her to be their mom. # 1. Kokichi would go to break into everyone's rooms using his lock picking capabilities and steal their motive videos. In the bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Kokichi often tricks Gonta with his lies, but Gonta considers him a friend after the three years they spent together. That's how a, "More importantly, we gotta solve the mystery! Kokichi looked down at him happily as he woke up in Gonta's lab, telling everyone about his plan in order to get everyone to watch their motive videos, much to the detained students' irritation and annoyance. After that, she caught him sneaking around during the night, inquiring what he's doing and why he's being so suspicious. During the Death Road of Despair, Kaede told the group to keep going, until most people's spirits were broken. I'm supposed to be suspicious! He similarly calls Himiko ugly during the Prologue, when Miu tells the Monokubs to kill the ugly ones first, and Kokichi then cheerfully tells Himiko to run. He often acts playful and seemingly appears more ignorant than malicious during the first time he meets K1-B0. Kokichi gets on Korekiyo's nerves with his childish and noisy behavior. In chapter 4, Miu tried to ask everyone to enter the virtual world and ordered them to bow to her, but Kokichi told her that she should be the one bowing since she is asking something from them. While in normal circumstances the toilet paper would easily tear, objects were unbreakable in the virtual world and as a result, the toilet paper was easily able to substitute for a rope. Why are, "Nee-heehee Maybe it should have! ", "Even if I am lying, I can't help myself. He cries in anger as he explains that he hates the killing game, its creators as well as its viewers for toying with their lives and enjoying it, and states his dislike for games you are forced to play. The next morning, Kokichi was with everyone else in the dining hall once again, happy that the Killing Game had supposedly ended. I've done a looooot of bad things. While there isn't much information about what kind of person Kokichi was before the claimed brainwashing, it's shown in the Prologue that he appears much more outwardly worried about the situation the students are in, clearly visible from his facial expressions. After learning the horrifying truth of the outside world, Kokichi and Gonta both agree that mercy killing the others while they're not aware of the horrible situation would be the best option. height, hip size" . However, he has also described himself as a "pretty dickish dictator", claiming that is why his minions probably wouldn't want to save him from the killing game. Fighting among friends is a waste of time. Kokichi was later found in one of the classrooms on the first floor by Kaede and Shuichi. Kokichi went to Korekiyo's lab to get what was needed but ran into Shuichi and Maki, who was investigating due to the fact that the katana used in Angie's murder came from the Ultimate Anthropologist's Research Lab. Everyone became unable to breathe and lost consciousness not long after. Later, after everyone discussed the map of the virtual world and mansion, Kokichi led Gonta to the Flashback Light the rest of the group was searching for in the forest behind the mansion, already knowing it's hiding spot.
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