K0iABZyCAP8C@&*CP=#t] 4}a ;GDxJ> ,_@FXDBX$!k"EHqaYbVabJ0cVL6f3bX'?v 6-V``[a;p~\2n5 &x*sb|! However, like any other electric device, they can malfunction or stop working altogether. Otherwise, the screen might go to sleep, and youd have to restart the process. The base is 100% versatile featuring . 5. However, their beds can still stop working. The simple assembly takes less than 5 minutes from box to bed and doesn't require any expert assistance. While this statement holds true to this day, it does not necessarily imply, Read More Is It Illegal to Sleep in Your Car in New Jersey?Continue, Some nights when I cant sleep, Ill head to the couch where I can usually fall asleep within minutes. The benefits of sleeping on an adjustable base, 4. If your mattress is too big, it might obstruct the lifting mechanism. Because of their nature, many of these trucks have sleeper cabs. Kate graduated from Edith Cowan university with a background in Health Science and Health Promotion. These steps will also serve you if you've got a remote replacement. Try inflating and deflating your bed with the remote. Tried some more this. The process of moving an adjustable bed is not that simple and should always be done with someone's help and supervision. We'll also delve into the different ways to fix your new Tempur-Pedic adjustable bed and how to determine if it is time to get it serviced. Once the troubleshooting is done, you should be able to use the different bed features. Test all the features of your adjustable bed. Remove the mattress, bedding, and accessories. There are lots of reasons why you'd want to choose an adjustable base over another type of support for your mattress. If the problem is not the power supply, you'll need to troubleshoot your adjustable bed. Use a low-pressure pump to fill your bed with air. 0000001551 00000 n In addition to the features it offers, there's one more set of important criteria to review: policies around delivery, returns, and warranties. Now, all you need to do is attach the headboard and secure it to the bracket. Start by placing the adjustable legs in the leg holes in each corner. 0000007583 00000 n endobj 1) A snore button to position the bed to less snore prone position2) A dimmer slide bar to dim the light3) And, most importantly, an alarm that let's you wake to massage and/or raises you up at wake up time. These are the steps you need to follow to assemble your Tempur-Pedic adjustable bed: As you can see, the process should not take that long. Follow these steps to move your Tempur-Pedic adjustable bed frame correctly: Attaching a headboard to your Tempur-Pedic adjustable bed can be a difficult process. Step 2 On the back of the remote under the battery cover, press and hold down the PAIR button. Plug the power supply into a power outlet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 722 0 2. (It's naturally hypoallergenic too.). At the same time press and hold the "Raise Head" and "Flat" remote buttons for 10 seconds, until the remote display blinks and the LED on the power box starts flashing. What do you do when your adjustable bed stops working? Do you offer financing or 0% down payments? Remove the rear cover of the remote control by sliding it down to expose the PAIR button. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. With someone's help, flip the adjustable base to access the motor and lifting mechanism. ')'Ha(EQLk6DRI)i#O ~0 x(a4w{wfc+)v-\Zgs}AZn|J7-'m| +{.9_&"(&_3dc|?~)h8bfORmy#,YI\WQU@wwPeYjLA+* |Q{!J_TH0'/|[#Yz/o6OG'"P%[ d@`3eLJ]Wf_-aYSJ ZPaUQT5_=~?# Each model was thoughtfully engineered to deliver optimum comfort, support, and cooling. On remote B press and hold the head tilt down AND under the bed light button at the same time. The Lucid Comfort Collection Deluxe Adjustable Bed Base will take your sleep and comfort to new heights by helping to reduce sleep apnea, acid reflux, and snoring, The simple assembly takes less than 5 minutes from box to bed and doesnt require any expert assistance, Premium motor is extremely reliable, quiet, and responsive; 10-year warranty against manufacturer defects. endobj The ideal solution would be to replace your mattress with the correct size. When the capacity is exceeded, the motor needs to make more effort, making it noisier. And they're not just good for sleepingreading, watching TV, and working on your laptop all get easier (even if we don't encourage using screens in the bedroom!). /TT3 8 0 R /TT4 9 0 R /TT5 10 0 R /TT7 12 0 R >> >> What features should you look for in an adjustable base? Remember that adjustable beds are delicate devices, and any fall can break the pieces. Lay the circuit board on a soft cloth to protect it as you repair. With someone's help, lift the frame and rest it on its side. For more information, see the developers privacy policy. Tempur-Pedic adjustable beds have excellent mattress compatibility, but only if your mattress is the right size for the bed. In many cases, you can also get repairs directly from Tempur-Pedic. First, get two pieces of tape and put them on your remote. << /Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /AAAAAB+Helvetica-Bold /Flags 32 /FontBBox And it's amazing to have options. It should release the stuck part. Ensure the problem is not the power supply or power outlet. endobj Ideal for sleeping, watching television or movies, working on your laptop, or reading. Tempur-Pedic is one of the most popular adjustable bed brands in the industry. This also applies if youre looking for other Sleep Number replacement parts like headboard brackets or a Sleep Number remote battery replacement. Find your perfect match, what to look for in a mattress if you lead an active lifestyle, The Definitive Guide to Innerspring Mattresses, The Definitive Guide to Memory Foam Mattresses. Press and release the "Learn" button on the side of the power box. 0000018783 00000 n Our adjustable beds are all about giving you the power to get into the perfect position to invite rest, ease pain, and restore well-being. Connect the power supply again and test the different functions. Enter a Melbet promo code and get a generous bonus, An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. [ /ICCBased 13 0 R ] The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update. Founder - GhostBed. 0000001485 00000 n When prompted to Reset Remote to Factory Settings, select yes.. Separately adjust head and foot elevation with included wireless remote control. 4 Locate the actuator of the bed part that is stuck. HVKoFWZqtH:N(e&U 7DJc^vP^mjzkvYMM%I":2 You can send us an email with questions at orders@saltlakemattress.com, text 801-809-0911(text line only), or call (866) 448-6879. The Serta Motion Custom is supposed to be their flagship model, but the Serta iComfort Signature's app has lots of features the Custom does not have. Accord Remote Guide. Here's what you need to attach a headboard to your Tempur-Pedic adjustable bed: Tempur-Pedic offers a wide selection of online and digital resources, including owner's manuals and video tutorials. 16 0 R >> E6S2)212 "l+&Y4P%\%g|eTI (L 0_&l2E 9r9h xgIbifSb1+MxL0oE%YmhYh~S=zU&AYl/ $ZU m@O l^'lsk.+7o9V;?#I3eEKDd9i,UQ h6'~khu_ }9PIo= C#$n?z}[1 Everything we do is in support of comfort. A remote control allows you to change settings with the touch of a button. Then, connect the adjustable bed again and test its different features. Sales jumped 200% from 2011 to 2015, according to the International Sleep Products Association, and have only picked up since. Nonetheless, there are other remote replacements that you may wish to try. Highlights. xZr}'$jgg@+HRq@2iA -R9g;{!9U{KO|}`2.ywy)6mssBoY](k04LQd\f,7K%F_n>,zw:hQo &\O+e?W7J3[Ly](Sh c ri)eJ]^P[^gnN@GpL,'u&Z5!C@OV4~]U}Voe2W How do I Reset my Tempurpedic bed base? Accord Syncing Bases Video. O*?f`gC/O+FFGGz)~wgbk?J9mdwi?cOO?w| x&mf That includes virtually all foam mattresses, says Keith Cushner, of the sleep website tuck.com. The button will begin flashing with a blue light. Inclining the head can relieve acid reflux and even quiet snoring. 2 0 obj This can happen because you exceed the frames weight capacity. Carefully pry apart the remotes case (along the seam) using a flat-ended tool like a screwdriver. When the PAIR button stops flashing, the illuminated light on the Battery Tempur-Pedic adjustable beds are some of the most durable and luxurious models available in the market. Disclosure: We may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Many of today's innerspring mattresses are also designed to accommodate adjustable bases. Your remote should now be paired with the adjustable bed. Learn how to pair your remote to adjust both sides. Detach the adjustable legs and remove the mattress retainer bar. endstream endobj 245 0 obj <> endobj 246 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 555.59 408.19]/Type/Page>> endobj 247 0 obj <> endobj 248 0 obj <> endobj 249 0 obj <> endobj 250 0 obj [/ICCBased 264 0 R] endobj 251 0 obj <> endobj 252 0 obj <> endobj 253 0 obj <> endobj 254 0 obj <> endobj 255 0 obj <> endobj 256 0 obj <>stream Make sure the remotes work with their originally assigned base. 0000002014 00000 n *Please note: once bases are synced, only one remote will function. With someone's help, flip the base into place. Instructions for programming procedures are in your remote control manual. I was hopeful that it would work so I did not have to spend $120 to replace a remote to our already expensive bed. Everything You Need to Know, Can You Use an Adjustable Base with any Bed Frame? While holding down the head-up and foot-up button on remote A, press and hold the blue pairing button on base B. While holding down the Enter button on the remote, re-insert the batteries. Heres one solution with the help of an eraser, hairdryer, and screwdriver: The base logic of this troubleshooting option is that heating melts the glue, re-securing the LCD screen and the ribbon cables connection with the circuit board. Premier Pairing Steps TWO BASES OPERATING IN TANDEM (together) BY A SINGLE REMOTE For solid King mattress models 1. Find the power cord (by the head of your bed). Since this happens regularly, I decided, Read More Why Do I Sleep Better on the Couch Than in My Bed?Continue, Bedtime is one of the best parts of the day. FV>2 u/_$\BCv< 5]s.,4&yUx~xw-bEDCHGKwFGEGME{EEKX,YFZ ={$vrK If you can wait for longer, do it. Overall, Tempur-Pedic makes premium, easy-to-assemble, innovative devices with solid durability. endobj It is a lock in each joint that keeps the bed from moving when locked into position. Also known as power beds or power bases, these products derived from the equipment used in hospitals, but they have evolved far beyond their medical origins. << /Length1 10620 /Length 6362 /Filter /FlateDecode >> What part do I need to order and how do I need to go about that? Premium memory foam, handcrafted in the U.S. with eco-friendly materials. The best way to find a Tempur-Pedic bed repair service near you is to use a search engine like Chrome or Safari. If you have a Dual Temp Layer installed, youd be prompted to unplug and plug it from and to a working power outlet. 0000011930 00000 n However, if only one remote controls both sides of the bed, there still is a workaround. Follow the instructions in the prior section to disassemble your adjustable bed. They are durable devices, but they can malfunction from time to time. They are available in any standard bed size from twin to king, though kings are generally configured with two twin XL bases and mattresses, which gives each partner the ability to control their own bed position independently (the units can be set up to move separately or in sync). xZxw4I4m^- %-6PZ.mmRn"V@8\( xvl&$K}_=;s{wZyC'BP_qkOv^e_ b.Y;_uuD.XU7F&MKukixn,K]3/~uC M(B,V!xs|ye_Z&Cg'|sCQ^Ry4Y,gch,4AXM G~]Er2H%F/~!"y r0DZ C^W 9aH BkvPjPQ8. 0000003028 00000 n Unplug the Power Cord from your power outlet. Plug the power cord to. 2 Under the bed, press and hold the LEARN button on the control unit - hold this for 3 seconds. 3 Press and hold any button on the remote for your bed. 0000000016 00000 n Designed for use with adjustable, foam, latex, or air mattresses. Adjustable beds are not equipped with bars to help paents get safely in . << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 2461 >> Is It Better to Sleep in a Cold or Warm Room When Sick? endobj Press the head up and foot up buttons on the remote while also pressing the blue pairing button. Adjustable beds are usually motorized and controlled by a wired or wireless remote, allowing you to adjust the head, foot, or other portions of the mattress to an elevated . If youre experiencing this issue during your Sleep Number remote system update, follow these simple steps below: A Sleep Number beds salient feature is its capacity to adjust based on your preferred mattress firmness or softness by setting it from 1 to 100. How do I sync my remote with the adjustable base? They provide comfort and variability that can enhance both your sleep and awake activities in bed," says Terry Cralle, RN, certified clinical sleep educator and Saatva sleep consultant. Accord Remote Pairing Video. 16 0 obj 2 Remove the bed accessories, bedding, pillows, and mattress. stream trailer The Lucid Comfort Collection Deluxe Adjustable Bed Base transforms your mattress into a relaxation and recovery haven. If you have two remotes controlling each side of your bed, it would be an easy fix. https://support.sleepnumber.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034788853-Trouble-With-Remote-Battery-Life-Backlight-or-Stuck-Updating, https://support.sleepnumber.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500002824002-Troubleshooting-E1-Connectivity-Error-Sleep-Number-Mattress. endstream Use a low-pressure pump to fill your bed with air. Connect the bed again to the power outlet. Breathable organic cotton, cooling spinal gel, and layers of high-density support foam assure a cool, comfortable night's sleep. If the problem persists, contact Tempur-Pedic's customer service team. The HC10 Wireless combines ergonomic design and functionality in a user-friendly hand control with large intuitive buttons and no annoying cables. Program the remote control. The PAIR button will illuminate blue and start flashing. You must remove the legs before moving the frame. It can happen because of a power outage or malfunction, and the bed won't come down to a flat position no matter what you do. Ensure every component and part is included. 0000003792 00000 n What if you could no longer differentiate 5 from 9 on your Sleep Number remotes LCD screen or the number display disappears completely? If you've made it this far, we know you're serious about your adjustable base purchase. Remove every piece carefully. We recommend contacting the company before turning to a third-party repair business. You can also replace your mattress with a lighter model. The manufacturer stresses that if your old Sleep Number remote isnt the same as the one side-by-side with their black OEM version (photos shown on their Amazon page), the replacement remote wont work. Simplicity HF. Do you have split-queen sized beds available? Why Do I Sleep Better on the Couch Than in My Bed? 2 Press and hold the pairing button on your adjustable bed's control box until the light begins to blink. Lift the SleepIQ processor door up and outward (found above the hoses). 272 0 obj <>stream 244 0 obj <> endobj Here are some of the top ones to look for: With weightless, Zero Gravity support, our adjustable base plus allows you to set your ideal position for sleepingand livingwith one touch of the remote. endobj An adjustable base is a foundation for your mattress that allows you to raise your head and/or feet in order to create different resting positions. Please unleash the full potential of this bed! 4.0,` 3p H.Hi@A> Now, you can move your adjustable bed to where you need it to be. Place the components box in the room where you will use the bed. Always check both the mattress and adjustable base specs to make sure they are compatibleor simplify matters by buying both from the same company. 14 0 obj They should be on the sides of the bed. ;0%"sZJjx!,dg1';8 b|Lp?pp O&=piN3OpG(6%osq$h5H Depending on your model of bed, you will need to press and hold two buttons on your remote while pressing the blue reset button. 0000081390 00000 n Related: The best mattress for an adjustable base. On your Sleep Number bed remote control home screen, navigate to System using the up and down arrows. This article covers the most common Sleep Number Remote problems, troubleshooting options, Sleep Number remote replacement choices, plus a few more helpful guides in between. 3 Now let off the button for about 1 second, then press (not hold) the button 2 times. Im a big advocate of natural health and believe that getting a good nights rest can do wonders. Upgrade your sleep with this comprehensive relaxation station today. Accord Owner's Manual. Once you've moved the frame, you can go back to pick up the remaining pieces. A1vjp zN6p\W pG@ With someone's help, flip the adjustable bed to access its mechanism. 3 With someone's help, flip the adjustable base. << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /BaseFont /AAAAAB+Helvetica-Bold /FontDescriptor Yes. Adjustable bed base for automatically changing comfort positions. Place the bed back in its place and put back the mattress, bedding, and other accessories. Otherwise, select Skip.. However, if this happens to you, there's a way to fix it without getting it serviced. ' Zk! $l$T4QOt"y\b)AI&NI$R$)TIj"]&=&!:dGrY@^O$ _%?P(&OJEBN9J@y@yCR nXZOD}J}/G3k{%Ow_.'_!JQ@SVF=IEbbbb5Q%O@%!ByM:e0G7 e%e[(R0`3R46i^)*n*|"fLUomO0j&jajj.w_4zj=U45n4hZZZ^0Tf%9->=cXgN]. Haven't had any connection issues and makes it convenient to have it on my phone. Welcome to Smart Sleeping Tips. The head generally rises to a maximum of 58 to 80 degrees, and the feet (for units that adjust both) 30 to 45 degrees, depending on the model. Here are the steps on how to inflate Sleep Number beds without remote controls: Trying to inflate Sleep Number beds without remote controls is a bit tricky, though. These are the steps you need to follow to disassemble your Tempur-Pedic adjustable bed: If you are the owner of an adjustable bed, eventually, you'll need to move it. To solve this problem, you need to reduce the weight on top of your adjustable base. Locate the actuator. Doing so eliminates the issue of incompatibility. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks0K-UoL2I0, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdfCtQ4hGw8, https://manually-inflate-sleep-number-bed.peatix.com/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4yqpHUP-pE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Xd_wx1jsk. This is your pairing button for base B. hb```a``^Abl@Y ^r] S 5,}+o9dQTo5&}z)SBC|Ofwzbi^V:Lbd.d-=vLFdP\U aA?Z We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Still, it is not a 24/7 service like some of its competitors. This app has been updated by Apple to display the AppleWatch app icon.Compatibility for iOS11 has been improved, Instructions would be helpful. However, if you have problems assembling your Tempur-Pedic adjustable bed, you can check out this video tutorial. << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /ColorSpace << /Cs1 5 0 R >> /Font << /TT1 6 0 R If your base came standard with casters, they may be removed to reduce the height by 2.5 inches. Warranty. The cost is only 24 USD but can vary if you need more than one bracket for your bed. % Find the holes where the universal headboard bracket will be installed. This premium adjustable bed base features controls for independent head and foot incline. The Serta Remote Application is designed to be in perfect sync with your MotionCustomTM Adjustable Base. The Serta Remote Application is designed to be in perfect sync with your MotionCustomTM Adjustable Base. Is It Illegal to Sleep in Your Car in New Jersey? Download your remote control manual. Find and flip out the processors tab to completely pull the processor out of the pump. Here are some Sleep Number remote error codes, what they mean, and how to troubleshoot them: Your Sleep Number bed isnt getting power or out of the remotes range. Your Complete Guide, Craigslist Adjustable Bed: How to Get the Best Deal & Avoid Scams, Who Makes the Best Adjustable Bed? This includes reading a book, surfing on a tablet, emailing on a laptop, breastfeeding, and watching television. But like what this article aims to achieve, were hoping that these troubleshooting guides step you back from what you once considered as your only option to find a replacement remote. What do you need to know about Rize bedding? Disconnect the hose connecting the air chambers and the pump. Unplug both bases and take the batteries out of both remotes. No features of the adjustable base will activate. Owner's Manuals include information about your bed's features, functions, and how-to tips. The developer, Ergomotion, Inc., has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. Its simple to setup, easy to use, and gives you a new way to control your bed. | v4:F J1;@C9H%`bewXi@ bRRbiYy@`W@ 9 D'PM -`TW12Ng\233b2u+k endstream Adjustable bases are generally designed to fit inside an open bed frame or can function as a freestanding platform bed with the attachment of a headboard and/or footboard. Next, have both remote A and B in your hands. Plug the cord to an outlet until the 3rd light blinks (wait for about 2 to 3 minutes). endobj Top 19 Adjustable Bed Brands Ranked, How to Move an Adjustable Bed Base: Quick & Easy Guide. 0000010513 00000 n 4 Wait 1 minute, then plug the Power Cord back into your power outlet. HV[7S!%#g T4i6G~~m]n?`z_] -Hn?1`cU_g"Ey`Xs{w"Os|?W!+v;"hw8 #Z|w^,APB+r?PR h 8{|"$EUI\MZD*!Y3APp*|0\=\lB^VWGwq[ SbG]?mwhv h! Trying to inflate Sleep Number beds without remote controls is a bit tricky, though. Accord Wi-Fi App Instructions. :(. What are the differences between the 10", 12", and 14" mattresses? Put the remote on a flat surface and wait for 30 minutes or until the update finishes. c\-MX*_f|xX=nz`t =# Lr)";e"dB8[YX)A5 6)AZZ5|4c@^AxW^orS|B uZU;]S9_tdBx_.Ev BoX, mf&6k&7&;{&&J-_;9m~ u#OFml2H)rz\0X=yV:DRhxyVi=JR+r] )IRrjYU/o_Q)4S+dxq?MVYN;lv,>m!e`)@t5yU3GhVBZSIIqePj*}e5oU~K5K=s3-ZW`_|ZBbNs?AI%KK2F41C3R#k [&.SB$J$rqI_0cc`u\b\)X\3'-dJ}5MiFb% zFuBD+p?9uI!=H }1$^EL4+CPFXWH^`I }?%rR2@`pp@&&,X>(t`rWEDq*k). If your Sleep Number remote isnt working, first replace the batteries to see if that fixes it. Wait 1 minute, then plug the Power Cord back into your power outlet. Wireless remote. startxref However, if you follow the instructions in the manual, it should be a straightforward process. The hand control HC10 wireless is designed for controlling leisure beds with TWINDRIVE systems. These are the user manuals for all Tempur-Pedic adjustable beds: The remote included with your Tempur-Pedic adjustable bed comes already paired. If your Tempur-Pedic bed is not working correctly, you can start by checking if the problem is the power outlet or supply. Using a hairdryers lowest setting, run heated air across the LCD screen and the ribbon cable. Theres a communication issue with the SleepIQ processor. Youd be prompted to calibrate the bed to a flat position. If you don't have your old remote or owners manual and cannot remember exactly what it looked like then send us a picture of the manufacturer and serial number under . Using a pencil or rubber eraser, gently push the ribbon cable and the LCD screen down. Install the mattress retainer bar on the footrest of the base. A red light will appear on the power box. If youve been asking, What do I do if I lost my Sleep Number remote? or its time to say goodbye to your old Sleep Number bed remote, heres a selection of Sleep Number remote replacements to consider: Its often more preferable to get a Sleep Number remote replacement straight from your smart beds manufacturer. Perform Step 2 within 10 seconds. Please check your owner's manual for available heights. Should I use wood filler when refinishing hardwood floors? Before you hand over your credit card number, check out our Guide to Fine Print. !N#9 Ovsv">Vpm1'S,g$bR:`C If the problem has nothing to do with power, you need to unplug the adjustable bed. When your Tempur-Pedic is not working properly, it means you need to troubleshoot it. g@H+wI:8+C;3=t@=1jS~OC(&&1.=D&I^U/b _{E;ZBs/O$?uVsi7 Ede]5RaWH5Efi0exju6P3}Rn;/J)i6U*Opl!G|{FTL0X(,fIlkR/9LVU=-]N(O+kt c\*jOE:Z +ujz_0,#B#e:Yp"\hmu2^aV^d=HFt$hq$73 fJ2-umhyoGH~/_+LwVB$f~ysG2gsJ6arrKwfX =oWFTr|dI %Pa9qgfcNlIy f@ )Cg[M ~5&;wuc'_l&tq5E;vfT0BME0?sssbywfcY@6$1 >[. Remember to always check both the mattress and adjustable base specs to make sure they are compatibleor simplify matters by buying both from the same company. *B&%ec71yMlg2H4,lT(FJ[A`z.4a) {.udt!d L bi0E8E% So don't worry if you lost your instruction guide or need a closer look at the adjustable bed before buying. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Marc Werner. These are the most common problems with Tempur-Ergo adjustable bed bases. 0000003640 00000 n Step 2 Press and hold the PAIR button on the back of the remote. Firmly push the processor back into the pump. Carry the frame, but remember not to put all the strain on your back or knees. Is the headboard in the picture included? Push and hold all three buttons at the same time, you'll hear three short beeps your remote is now paired. Adjustable beds are designed and engineered for a life style of in-home comfort and are not intended for hospital use or for a bed-ridden paent on an extended recovery. You should have the following items: an adjustable base, remote control, power cords, adjustable legs, and a mattress retainer bar. The company has a reliable support team to help you identify the necessary parts for your adjustable bed model.
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