UPDATE 12/09/2019: Over the weekend Rasmussen put out the word that Matt Drudge may not even be at the Drudge Report anymore, that he sold his business. And are the rumors true that hes sold the site? Who knows, its the left-wing Daily Beast with their unnamed sources, so take it with a grain of salt. She was later asked to leave the group because of the hoax. Sold out, really. Published: December 8, 2019, 1:59 pm The whole kerfuffle appears to have begun at the end of November, when the Bongino Report, touted as a Trump-friendly alternative to Drudge, launched. The overall shift supported the impeachment effort and has been slanted against President Trump. [87] The blackout was designed to protect Prince Harry and the men serving with him from being specifically targeted by the Taliban. [67] The site's readership briefly rebounded in March 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic escalated, but continued to decline to new record lows as the year went on. A fan does. Specifically, the time series analysis presented by Wallsten shows evidence of a "Drudge effect" on print and broadcast coverage for only five of the 10 political scandals that received the most attention on the Drudge Report between September 30 and November 3, 2008. Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news A change of ownership would explain the websites move away from the right. I get texts, Did you notice this? The Drudge Report printed a retraction, including links to the news stories detailing that the attack had been a hoax, and that Todd had performed a similar "attack" on herself while volunteering in a local Ron Paul grassroots group. Mind you, CFP isnt alone. According to the following screenshots, hes not pleased: Why did the @DRUDGE_REPORT make fun of @dbongino for being a Secret Service Agent and then delete the tweet? "Word is he sold, just waiting for . Expand. visits to drudge 2/06/2023 19,502,506 past 24 hours 681,343,125 past 31 days 8,507,517,286 past year visits to drudge 3/03/2023 22,813,698 past 24 hours 671,044,278 past 31 days 8,387,157,459 past year reference desk. Afterward, several Twitter accounts in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump used the photo with the hashtag #HillaryHealth. The bio being changed was either just a slight about the direction the site has taken lately, or result of belief that the site has been sold and is no longer being run by Matt Drudge. pic.twitter.com/AhqFVGnhKb. ", "Drudge Report Used Photo Of Children In Syria To Depict U.S. Border Crisis", "The Drudge Report chose a very misleading photo for a child immigration story", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Drudge_Report&oldid=1131862233, Articles with dead external links from February 2019, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2022, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 03:10. Drudge arguably helped push Trump across the finish line in 2016, driving the media narrative and rallying the troops to get him elected, so no one would blame the president for being a little salty about the turn of events at Drudge. In 2019, Rasmussen Reports reported that Matt Drudge had sold the site and was no longer involved in its operations, which would also explain the change in editorial direction; however, that reporting was On Sunday the Rasmussen Report posted more evidence that Drudge sold the site or is no longer in charge of the content. See our timeline for all 3. https://t.co/nvz8TF2ODj, Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 8, 2019. [18], Drudge, who began his website in 1997 as a supplement to his $10 per year e-mail newsletter,[19] received national attention in 1996 when he broke the news that Jack Kemp would be Republican Bob Dole's running mate in the 1996 US presidential election. conservative journalist that was tired of being taken advantage of, Watch: Antifa Just Learned The Hard Way Dont Mess With Texas, Biden Already Steps In It: Forced To Walk Back Change After Controversial Decision Causes Outrage, Claims Inadvertent Edit, Biden Has Some Explaining To Do, Leaked Phone Call Has Just Landed Him In Hot Water, I Dont Plan On, Busted: Dem Senators Caught Oversees In Meeting With Iran To Undermine President Trump, The Biden Center Caught Concealing Massive Amounts Of Money Coming From China. What Drudge talks about Rush talks about and Hannity and Levin and Bongino and everyone else in the right-leaning media. According to a Daily Beast report last month (citing unnamed sources, because thats how they roll), Trump has been complaining about Drudge: Whats going on with Drudge? Trump has been asking allies since Democratic lawmakers launched the impeachment probe in late September, according to a person with knowledge of his private remarks. Drudge has been a far left liberal site for the last year if not longer. ", Revenue for the Drudge Report is driven by advertising that was managed for 20 years by Intermarkets, Inc. During the summer of 2019, after many years of being known for "changing nothing" about the website, Drudge advertising shifted to a new company by the name of Granite Cubed. pic.twitter.com/AhqFVGnhKb. During the 2004 US presidential campaign, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group made claims about John Kerry's war record, which were mentioned by Drudge and investigated by major newspapers and TV networks. European Union Ap Human Geography, run ads on drudge report. Rasmussen on Drudge Report: "We don't think Matt [Drudge] is there anymore. On February 28, 2008, Drudge published an article noting that Prince Harry was serving with his regiment in Afghanistan. [56] In 2019, Rasmussen Reports reported that Matt Drudge had sold the site and was no longer involved in its operations, which would also explain the change in editorial direction; however, that reporting was not confirmed. Total Approval 1,500 . california notice do not sell my info Depending on the time you look at it, I mean, it makes it look like this country's finished, we're done, it's over. Most link to an outside source, usually the online edition of a newspaper, which hosts the story. run ads on drudge report california notice do not sell my info The move has outraged some conservative pundits and resulted in the creation of new Drudge competitors. [70] The book Unfit for Command: Swiftboat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry became a best-seller in part due to its promotion in the Drudge Report. The photo was actually that of a group of Syrian children holding toy guns.[123][124][125]. While thats possible, the site was raking in plenty of cash before the change, with revenue estimates ranging from $9 million a year to $30 million. The Drudge Report one of the most popular news destinations on the web, regularly clocking over a billion page views per month has historically been a conservative-leaning news aggregator . Drudge? email: drudge@drudgereport.com. Backstory: Matt Drudge knows other pollsters have Likely Voters screens but dont spend the $$ required to keep them up year-round for political subjects. According to them, not only are Drudge's competitors taking over . (Make no mistake: the traffic a coveted Drudge link generates can make a websites week or month or year. [92], On March 9, 2010, The Senate Sergeant-at-Arms claimed that the site was "responsible for the many viruses popping up throughout the SenatePlease avoid using [this] site until the Senate resolves this issueThe Senate has been swamped the last couples [sic] days with this issue." They generally concern a story about to be published in a major magazine or newspaper. On Friday, conservative commentator and former Fox News contributor Dan Bongino announced the release of his new news aggregating website, the Bongino Report. [32] It consists of a banner headline and a number of other selected headlines in three columns in monospaced font. [47], Jesse Swick of The New Republic notes that the Drudge Report frequently links to stories that cast doubt upon global warming. Sign up for our daily email and get the stories everyone is talking about. You could be getting the best stories in your inbox twice a day. As for Drudges actual Twitter account, its remained completely empty for over a year now: Nobody really knows for sure whats going on with him, though many have wondered. [16], In 2010, Drudge added former Washington Times columnist Joseph Curl to the Drudge Report staff. Lost ALL Trumpers. [72], Matt Drudge has been criticized by other media news personalities: Bill O'Reilly twice called Drudge a "threat to democracy" in response to Drudge disclosing his book sales figures,[73] and Keith Olbermann referred to Drudge as "an idiot with a modem". "[69], In 2006, Mark Halperin wrote that "Drudge's coverage affects the media's political coverage", effectively steering it towards what Halperin calls "the most salacious aspects of American politics". [1][57] By 2020, some prominent conservatives including President Donald Trump had concluded that the Drudge Report had abandoned its conservative ideology, with Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson stating, "Matt Drudge is now firmly a man of the progressive left. Paul Bedard and Alex Kingsbury Sept. 17, 2010. Word is he sold, just waiting for confirmation. If indeed Drudge sold the site this would be the story of the year. Winfrey responded in a written statement to news outlets by saying, "The item in today's Drudge Report is categorically untrue. Whats up with Drudge. So we started to look into it.. But it has. Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 27, 2019, Drudge has abandoned you. I try not to check it, but its informative to see what narratives are being promoted to the mainstream. warned that advertising at the Drudge Report, The New York Times, Yahoo, Google, MySpace and other sites carried malware that could infect computers. BizPacReview |, Maher declares war on trigger warnings: Its like if seat belts were made out of broken glass, If they dont get out, Im going to take them out one by one: Anti-white texts spark DOE probe, Maher points out COVID dissenters are looking pretty good right now, Russell Brand crushes MSNBC to network analysts face: Propagandist nut-crackery, Avalanche risk forces authorities to close Mt. After President Trump today tweeted "he gave up on Drudge", quite a lot of his responses claimed that Matt Drudge sold the Drudge Report and is under a Non-Disclosure Agreement. DrudgeReport.com is leaning left of late and there may be a good reason for it. Rumor has it that Matt Drudge isn't there any longer since he sold the site. Theres no sign of it changing, and so the question then becomes for me, why?. If the Drudge Report has indeed been sold, this would explain the shift in the site's tone. Now that will be a story. Today we published 3 short Backstory Tweets highlighting why we believe Mr. Drudge is no longer managing the site. BizPac Review is under attack by progressive Silicon Valley zealots. A Story Matt Drudge Would Crack: We have no special knowledge of why The Drudge Report has changed so noticeably. We dont think Matt is there anymore, CFP. [59], Matt Drudge's business entity in Florida is a privately owned limited liability company called Digital, LLC. Drudge? [50] "One thing people should keep in mind is that our data for the Drudge Report was based almost entirely on the articles that the Drudge Report lists on other Web sites", said Timothy Groseclose, the head of the study. We got the hint & automated the process. That's down 38.0% from July 2019, when the site boasted 2.399 million unique visitors. Drudge is especially influential in conservative media circles, and has the ability to . But others are! All Rights Reserved. Drudge Report started distancing itself from the president last year, a development that was not lost on Mr. Trump, who said on Twitter in April: "I gave up on Drudge (a really nice guy) long. After four years, Blumenthal dropped his lawsuit, saying that the suit had cost him tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. On Sunday the Rasmussen Report posted more evidence that Drudge sold the site or is no longer in charge of the content. [60][61][62] Drudge applied for and was granted a U.S. The Drudge Report (stylized as DRUDGE REPORT) is a U.S.-based news aggregation website founded by Matt Drudge,[4] and run with the help of Charles Hurt[2] and Daniel Halper. Coupled with what Rasmussen Reports has claimed, it seems very possible that the answer to Rudells question is that Drudge did indeed sell and that whoevers now running the site aint a conservative. But if you've seen the Drudge Report recently, you know that it has changed dramatically, 180 degrees. The current ownership, strategy and outlook for the Drudge Report is held close as private information. Folks, the @DRUDGE_REPORT account is a FAN account. "Frankly, I'm concerned this is the sole reason Drudge went mainstream and to the left: to satisfy his new advertising agency. [113][114], On October 3, 2016, the Drudge Report published an dubious claim that Bill Clinton had an illegitimate child named Danney Williams, an allegation that the site had reported as debunked in 1999 based on a Time magazine article. Just search "Drudge" on twitter.) There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. . An Australian weekly women's magazine New Idea had broken the story in January,[88] but it was not followed up at the time. Drudge has experimented with temporary, relatively minor design tweaks, including using all black-and-white pictures for a period in August 2017[28] and using colored text for holidays instead of the standard black throughout the site's existence; in all cases, the basic layout remained consistent throughout its existence. It's clear that Drudge Report is no longer a booster of Trump, who has called the website "fake news" this year although it has been credited with helping him get elected in 2016. The linked stories are generally hosted on the external websites of mainstream media outlets. The New Idea editors claimed ignorance of any news blackout. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts And now, Rasmussen Reports, an arguably reputable polling operation, is calling Drudge out on Twitter, even suggesting that the site has been sold. The site's design has seen few changes since its debut in 1997. It's entirely possible that Drudge is still the editor but is phoning it in. Coming soon, stay tuned. His first assistant was Andrew Breitbart. Malibu Land For Sale After Fire, If your organization is interested in a weekly or longer sponsorship of Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, please send e-mail to info@rasmussenreports.com. visits to drudge 2/21/2021 019,307,264 past 24 hours 693,592,779 past 31 days 10,238,209,816 past year reference desk.
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