Hes feeding people, instead of beating them up, to get stuff accomplished. Jim Hoft. I think it worked out without me.. I just want Trump in. The median household annual income is approximately $20,000 less in the county than it is nationally. The morale of the people up there is bad. There isnt anything I can do to change it or to make it better by voting.. Blaine County. Sawyer County, Wisconsin, and Clallam County, Washington, have substantial Native American populations, the authors said. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. We have vendors and suppliers we contract with, Chamberlin said. The 19 bellwethers tend to be poorer, whiter, older, and less educated than the rest of the country, according to an August paper by researchers from the University of Denver and University of New Hampshire. Theres significant variability among them, though. If riots break out in our area and we dont have firearms, how are we going to protect our family and ourselves?. Wood Countyaswith Ottawa County, its neighbor to the east along Lake Erieis filled with farm fields, is home to many military veterans (about 7,000 of them), and hasnt seen much expansion or change since the late 1970s or early 1980s. At 6:30 pm we kick off an evening that showcases and celebrates Ukrainian arts and culture. Longtime Bowling Green resident Doug Miller, a conservative and Donald Trump supporter who works as a chief operating officer for a heavy-duty trucking company in nearby Fremont, said the company, which was heavily affected during the pandemic, is still navigating challenges. Trump is challenging the results in several states, alleging fraud, voter suppression, and illegal restrictions on Republican poll watchers. Nestled along Lake Erie in the northwest of. Instead of guns and bullets, hes bringing our troops home, hes ending wars. Epoch Times: "Bellwether Counties Went Overwhelmingly for Trump in 2020" Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order, Political Analysis, Alternative Health, Armageddon, Conspiracies, Prophecies, Spirituality, Home Schooling, Home Mortgages and more, in: Rumor Mill News Reading Room, Current Archive Westmoreland County, Virginia, is almost one third black. They caused this, they brought it on because they dont like him, Fannin said. Here's why. Its difficult to have a conversation nowadays without really stirring up emotions, and thats probably my main issue, Hamilton told The Epoch Times as he stood in downtown Terre Haute. Our politicians need to look on both sides of the fence and work together. Logistics are a nightmare, Miller said. As a father, I would be curious about what my kids are doing.. Getting fertilizer can be a challenge.. He told The Epoch Times that hes facing workforce shortages and currently only has 18 cookshalf of what he normally would have. Ive heard all the whiners complaining about what hes doing, but I havent really seen anything hardcore. The counties tend to be clustered in the Midwest and the Northeast, with only four of the counties not falling into one of those regions, they said. Those are the biggest issuesthe economy and national security. HOW THE SPECTER OF COMMUNISM IS RULING OUR WORLD. Unbridled Evil: The Corrupt Reign of Jiang Zemin in China. What happened to our Democratic Party? A state is considered a "bellwether state" if it usually . The price of gas at the Marathon gas station in Port Clinton was $3.39 a gallon on Feb. 22 whenDave Beggs, anarmy veteran and retired City of Port Clinton heavy equipment operator, pulled in. (Cara Ding/The Epoch Times). Ottawa County is on the doorstep of a Democratic stronghold, about 35 miles east of Toledo in neighboring Wood County. I just dont think hes capable of doing the job that its going to require of him.. We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. But the thing that stuck out in my head, every time I read or listened to anything about [Obamas] policies, I saw such a deep revival of division, causing division between the blacks and the whites again, Jacobs said on Sept. 17. Median household incomes range from $65,000 in Bremer County, Iowa, to $32,000 in Hidalgo County, New Mexico. This is a high farming community.. The counties are also mostly small and rural. We dont want it, she said. When there was, we were making money pulling people out of ditches.. I cant lead that kind of lifestyle.. Shepherds family, on the other hand, wasnt much interested in politics. Since Trump got voted in, it was when I started getting into politics, Tisdell told The Epoch Times while sitting in his garage. Many counties in states that have reliably voted for one party for many cycles are home to counties which have almost always voted for the winner of the election; for example, South Carolina has two strong bellwether counties despite being a reliably Republican state, and California has a number of strong bellwethers in its central valley despite being a reliably Democratic state.. Its just not that great, Paul said. Hes concerned about big government, burdensome regulations, and encroachments on the Constitution. The ones he lost went to Biden by a margin of about 4 points on average. We have to stand and fight for the constitution our forefathers created. The Wall Street Journal and The Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. Comparing the most recent elections (2000-2020) to those in earlier periods (1960-1980), we find a striking decline in the proportion of bellwether counties, i.e., those with correct prediction in past elections. Growth in recent years has been a challenge, if not nonexistent, he said. Youre not getting anybody perfect. Thats about 43 percent of the eligible voters in the country, according to a. of nonvoters overseen by professors at Tufts University and Stony Brook University. A lot of people think things are. However, in the 2020 primary election, more Democrats had turned out to vote3,413 to 2,598 Republicans, usually an indicator of how the presidential election is going to go, party officials believe. And then theres Vigo Countyin Indianathe quintessential bellwether that has correctly picked the winner in all but two elections since 1888. It is as if the devastating rebuttals by Tufte in Data Analysis for Politics and Policy or the equally devastating review of the evidence in David A. Hopkins 2017 book Red Fighting Blue never happened. Fannin plans to vote in person and is pretty sure Trump will win a second term, but hes concerned about the integrity of the mail-in ballots. Given the global context of Russias invasion of Ukraine, they believe higher gas prices and inflation is coming, and theyre not happy about it. And its just so easy to snowball it to where chances are, if youre not very careful and work very hard in the other direction, you may just [continue a life of crime].. I dont think he has done that bad of a job. It doesnt matter whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, youre going to get a crook. The 19 bellwethers tend to be poorer, whiter, older, and less educated than the rest of the country, according to an August paper by researchers from the University of Denver and the University of New Hampshire. She registered as a Democrat about 40 years ago and has never bothered to change her affiliation, although she voted for Trump in 2016 and plans to do the same this year. Its population is 60% white and 27% Black. I think we needed somebody like him.. Pre-performance Lobby events. The bellwethers ability to predict the winner has been attributed to a large swath of voters willing to switch party preference from one election to the next. Theyve been dubbed bellwether counties and until this year, no president since at least Ronald Reagan has missed even one. He has since assessed each candidate on their moral stances, he said, rather than by party affiliation. The Epoch Times spoke with some voters in Terre Haute and surrounding towns on Oct. 20 to get a glimpse of the bellwether mood ahead of the presidential election. With respect to the notion that bellwethers are demographically representative, this appears not to true. March 3, 2023 Updated: March 3, 2023. Over the past nearly 40 years, presidential elections have observed an intriguing phenomenon: 19 counties in the nation have always voted for the winner, be it Republican or Democrat. Miller doesnt hesitate to say that he isnt happy with the current state of affairs and he doesnt know who hell vote for in the next presidential election. Demographically, the bellwether counties tended to be whiter, older, less educated, have lower median incomes, have a lower percentage of workers in the labor force, and have higher rates of vacant housing than the country as a whole. In 2016, Pennsylvania itself was wrenched out of its 24-year run as a Democratic sure bet when Donald Trump cleared just over 44,000 more votes than Hillary Clinton and took the states prized 20 electoral votes. For example, a county might be said to be a "bellwether county" if it consistently votes the same way as the majority of the state. He cares about the American people.. Delaware's Kent County last missed in 1992. In 2016, nearly 100 million eligible Americans didnt vote. I vote for whoever I think is going to do the best job, Sam added. Its education level is a little lower25 percent have a bachelors degree or higher, compared to, nationally. Washington state's Clallam County was the outlier, backing Joe Biden in a state he won by more than 19 points. This year, after seeing the country shut down amid the pandemic, and seeing riots break out in many cities, I just think its time that I should start voting, she said. Residents who were asked about any candidate choices tended to be true to their reputation as a bellwether county, with more of a wait-and-see type of attitude of seeing whos going to step up as a presidential candidate in 2024. Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Fitch said almost half of the 5,000-strong Second Amendment group in Elk county are Democrats. But according to the. Just two have populations in excess of 100,000, the authors said. Whether you respect the man or not, he is still the president of the United States and you should respect that.. Your email address will not be published. What you need to know, summarized in one email. The ongoing coronavirus restrictions seem to be nudging people to the right, but six weeks out from the election and with the October surprises still to come, the Keystone State could be the clincher for either candidate. He predicts that many Trump voters will start to waver in the weeks leading up to the election and will end up not voting. He likes how the Democratic Party helps lower-income people. We can place an order and immediately get an email back of what they dont have. He won Ohio by eight, Iowa by eight. Thats about 43 percent of the eligible voters in the country, according to a study of nonvoters overseen by professors at Tufts University and Stony Brook University.
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