Timeless. If she was so close to him, as reported then where was she the 4 days he was lying there dead. His earnings on this Hollywood blockbuster not only set the standards for a new era of negotiations between the studios and actors, but also allowed him to be much more selective in his future film work. And it being now April 2018, Wm Holden would have been 100 this year! You are well loved still not only by the many who knew you personally, but also generations of devotees. Yes, the part that established him as a Hollywood powerhouse was the wholesome young prizefighter who just wants to be a violinist in Golden Boy. No animated GIFs, photos with additional graphics (borders, embellishments. When William Holden was on screen, everyone else fell back in shadow. Another observation about him is that he was in incredible shape for the times. Against his better nature, the real hero would eventually come out but next to his predecessors, Holden's heroes were complex, ambiguous men. The Tragic 1981 Death Of Sunset Boulevard Star William Holden Grunge 2.14M subscribers Subscribe 486 18K views 3 weeks ago #Actor #Hollywood #SunsetBoulevard While Actor William Holden. I don't pay much attention to Hollywood rumors factual or otherwise. He was 63. And, yes, his drinking definitely altered his looks. His long-term contract was shared by Columbia and Paramount, being both underpaid and forced into low-budget films unworthy of his exceptional talent. His acting is so honest and sincere that it just rivets me. This was a popular American sitcom that ran over 12 seasons and 380 episodes from 1960 to 1972. Beedle grew up in South Pasadena, California. He was insecure all his life, that was one of the reasons he started drinking at a real early age. Best Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. He was a serial adulterer and not a devoted family man. I think he was already a well practised alcoholic by then. (1950). Despite his far-reaching fame and the fact that he won an Academy Award in 1954. Evidence suggests he was conscious for at least half an hour after the fall. Add to your scrapbook. Take your most depressed moments in life where your parents, your children and your spouse have died and you've lost them forever, multiply that by a thousand, and you're getting an idea of the type of feelings a drug addict has. The next step after this would be intoxication with DT' s and constant blackouts. He was enormously talented. Although by that time he no longer had the youthful veneer of a handsome young leading man like he used to. I immediately became obsessed with his persona. Kenya Safari Club. Save to an Ancestry Tree, a virtual cemetery, your clipboard for pasting or Print. She indicated that he was drinking, but seemed his normal self and was without complaints. Holden was one of the greatest actors of our times. Along with about anything that has Holden in it. Loved the begining scene, the acting was so good. Growing up in Evansville, IN we would drive by his home a lot. That is love, dedication, respect, and hard work. He slammed into the piece of furniture with such force that it was jammed about three to four inches into the plaster wall. While studying chemistry at Pasadena Junior College, he involved in local radio programs and earned himself roles in several productions put on by the Pasadena Playhouse. God bless you, Mr. Holden. Loved the movie Breezy! I ALWAYS thought he was a terrific actor.When I first saw him on the screen in 1957 I liked him. His most recent movie was ''S.O.B.,'' a farce, in which Vincent Canby, reviewing the film in The New York Times, said he was ''especially fine.'' or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. How could he memorize hislines and act the way he did if he drank a lot. But I have no excuse for what he did to himself off screen. He followed that film up with a screen version of the movie of Our Town. Holden, just 63 when he died, had most recently appeared in the Blake Edwards' film "S.O.B." and was "a loner," according to Edwards, who wasn't surprised that Holden's body went so long without being discovered. Saw him the next night at a night club. During World War II, he served in the United States Army Air Corps, where he acted in training films. Enough education and the symptoms will be easily recognizable. As his character said to Bing's character in Country Girl, "I need an actor who can remember his lines and show up for work", Holden obviously remembered his lines and showed for work. However, he did return to Hollywood in 1965 to make ''Alvarez Kelly. Its kind of hard to believe but William Holden has been dead now for almost 4 decades. Thank you Mr Holden for all the enjoyment you given us and generations to come in discovering you and your great talent! According to the autopsy report, Holden was last known to be alive about one week beforehand, when he spoke to his girlfriend Stephanie Powers on the telephone. The 14-story building, now known as OceanAire, was originally designed in 1962 by the trend-setting, California contemporary architect, A. Quincy Jones and is still considered to be one of the most structurally unique buildings on the ocean view block. THE dance. Yes, gorgeous, intelligent, well traveled - the best. January 19, 2022, 6:17 pm, by No, that's who he actually was!!! in Sizzles in Paris, you can see that he had a lot of sun damage to his skin. He's so believable in all of his roles, no matter how much fluff there was in the script or how insignificant the role might have been performed by another actor. I didn't appreciate them then like I should have. Anyone can read what you share. But he would have none of it. Sorry! David,Thanks, bought the movie on Amazon and we watched it twice this weekend. Total crap. He was in Hong Kong to meet his wife, and then return to Columbo to finish the film. I too have discovered William Holden very late, just the past year and I've seen a few of his films and have become a great fan in the process. Both very good. Oops, some error occurred while uploading your photo(s). Judas, howd you wind up in a smelly ditch in Korea? But in the end he does what has to be done, leading an expedition back to the camp to blow up the bridge. The movie was released last July. I couldn't believe how handsome and classy he was. Add to that a life-long cigarette habit and you have the lizard appearance he had late in life. Examination revealed an apparent laceration on his forehead approximately 3 inches in length. Barbara Stanwick was simply awesome. Psychiatrist speaking! What most people don't understand and addicts try to fool themselves about drugs like speed and cocaine, is they actually make a person feel incredibly depressed up to several weeks. I have been reading any books and articles I can get on Bill Holden and almost have the feeling that when he slipped and fell he did not want to call for help. VentureCapital | Corporate Services | Venture Opportunities | Resources | Contact Us | Island Extras | Home. He is handsome, talented, intelligent, popular and kind. Only he could make Pike Bishop so believable! Perhaps he and Powers were not on good terms or perhaps she was traveling for work or perhaps it is normal in their relationship to go so many days without contact. He was handsome but not in a classic matinee-idol style; he was the decent average man, only a bit better than average. There are wonderful actors today - Javier Bardem comes to mind - but they broke the mold with Bill. Nov. 17, 1981 5 AM PT William Holden, whose handsome face and easy, masculine manner made him the quintessential American in many movies, was found dead Monday morning in his apartment in. Since then we have been looking for and watching every Holden movie we can rent or buy. (Kim Novak) his reply was take a number. (1950), for which Holden earned his first Best Actor Oscar nomination. By the end of the decade, Holden had relocated to Geneva, Switzerland. The professor ponders if his life is no longer useful while the young couple faces the challenges shared with many WW II veterans' families. Bill and Stef had been in a relationship for 9 years by this point. His brother fought and died in WW2 as a fighter pilot showing his great qualities too. Being born on 17 April 1918, William Holden was 63 years old at the time of his death. In 1950, he played Gigolo Joe Gillis in Sunset Blvd and then a tutor in Born Yesterday later that year. William Holden had an affair around 1937 to 1939 ..actually a seven year affair with a lady named Eve Farrellactress..they had two kids togetherduring the time she was married to Emil Newman.composer and brother to Alfred Newman composer at 20th Century Foxthe female was Arleen Newman who later married Bing Crosby's sonDennis..he later killed himself.by shotgun.his son by Pat Sheehan Patrick Crosby later died recently of AIDS. I agree. Plus he continued to be hired his whole career, even at 60 years old, to make movies. But in reality he did not emulate them in his own life. Although Holden was clearly one of Hollywood's most popular leading men in films that were the top money grossers of their day, and was considered the top box office draw in 1956, he also became an unwitting victim of the studio system. Just try to stop them. He also had the habit of disappearing for many days, without notice. If only the rest of us could leave as much, To goldiesgirl who said: "The "stars" of today just don't have "it"you're blowin' smoke darlin', I'm sorry but the latest movies are the pitts. Although I am a big fan of William Holden's work, I can see in some of the comments that people sometimes confuse the man with the characters he played. (1950) Classic Movie Review 81. Talk about lengthy speeches. Can you imagine the guilt she has carried for the last 35 years? I ADORED THE MOVIE. Despite being relatively young still, he was considered Hollywood old school and began losing roles to younger stars like Steve McQueen and Paul Newman. Williams Mother and my fathers mother were sisters. Try again later. It is disappointing not see in the text and comments any reference to The Country Girl and Love is a many splendored thing. A film touching and affecting in content and form with an intelligent and moving story of adult, mature, romantic and sexual love conquering the iniquity of racism. He had the kind of face that improved over the years. . And while Williams sadly is no longer with us, Pam Dawber is still alive and well. He used a flashlight to navigate the apartment. I love him. His father William Franklin Beedle St was an industrial chemist and his mother, Mary Blanche Ball was an educator. Booze or not, he was still gorgeous even in his older years. You may not upload any more photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 20 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 5 photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 30 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 15 photos to this memorial. cemeteries found in will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Thats why it took so long for someone to find him. For the diehard William Holden fans, you will know this. The price of fame. Holden's birth name was William Franklin Beedle, Jr. His last name was changed to Holden by an agent that was still in love with his ex-wife. Our friendship never waned. "I remind you that World War Two happened 20 years BEFORE these "simpler, slower, and less stressfull times. He was best known for Sunset Blvd a film that always creeps the hell out of me and I supposed was meant to do just that. It's a wonderful movie. Sad. There was the sense that this polite, no-nonsense man was capable of heroics if the need arose. Judging from the condition of his body, investigators estimated that he had been dead for approximately 4 days before being found. (1950) Classic Movie Review 81 appeared first on ClassicMovieRev.com. One anonymous comment said that there was talk of foul play at the time. This is a carousel with slides. He was unparalleled; excellent actor.I too, miss him. Bridge on the kwai and Stalage 17 are two of the best films ever made. I can watch them over and over. As we all know, curiosity killed the cat, and Mr. Martin was sure taught a lesson that day. It explains his illogical self destructive actions. As a psychiatrist I must add that he did all this great work while under the sad influence of depression. Will still remember Bill as the handsome, sexy guy in his prime. And who could forget the epic period piece The Bridge on the River Kwai in 1957? This prestigious high-rise is a sought-after address and home to a number of bicoastal celebrities and Hollywood executives because it epitomizes contemporary living in a chic seaside environment. It is so sad to read of the passing of these wonderful actors and actresses of the Golden Age. Only 2 actors in motion pictures now Tom Hanks and Tom Hanks. Follow, Classic Movie Reviews and world-famous short summaries William Holden, original name William Franklin Beedle, Jr., (born April 17, 1918, O'Fallon, Illinois, U.S.found dead November 16, 1981, Santa Monica, California), American film star who perfected the role of the cynic who acts heroically in spite of his scorn or pessimism. Regardless of his problems, he was human, just like the rest of us, and he portrayed a warmth seldom seen on film. He knew he was 10-15 years too old for the part, maybe alcohol eased his self-doubts. I have seen almost all his movies except for a few B/W movies and the Seventh Dawn, because I simply cannot find it online. '', Indeed, there was a seven-year period in the late 1950's and early 60's when Mr. Holden made no movies in Hollywood; he moved abroad to Switzerland, Hong Kong and Kenya. Holden never remarried but in recent years was a close friend of actress Stefanie Powers. Even his neighbors reported only ever receiving the occasional head nod from the elusive actor. Read on for more details about her love life. Bill was guilty for his military "toy job", while his brother was the real thing. Dawber has married to NCIS star Mark Harmon for more than three [] More, Jan Smithers is a former television actress that is best known for her portrayal of the character Bailey Quarters on the television series WKRP in Cincinnati. He was great in every movie I've seen him in. His disappearing acts became more and more frequent towards the end of his life. March 29, 2021, 4:49 am, Way back in 1980, Dolly Parton sat down with Chet Flippo of Rolling Stone magazine for what she thought was just going to be a typical interview. Really. The camera like his face and his next role in Golden Boy (1939), made him a star. I will never forget that dance scene in "Picnic" with Kim Novak. Bill Holden obviously suffered from chronic untreated depression. I am a Magician Mystic Marlow and have done film. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a reset password code. Ronald Reagan was his immediate supervisor. Holden was the first married actor to enlist in WW2 - into the Army Air Corps. Totally fantastic and takes place in the Australian outback!! As to the suggestion that he never found true love, I disagree. It was during one of these discussions - when she was telling him which names she would like to give their future children - that he finally told her about his vasectomy. He probably was not having blackouts. In early October 1981, Holden travelled from his Palm Springs home to his coastal apartment to live a semi-reclusive existence. I loved William Holden, he was one of those actors who just commanded the screen, he had talent, looks, and charmhe's among my favorites like Tyrone Power, and Robert Taylor, beautiful to watch and enjoy! In that movie, he was a perfect foil to Sir Alec Guinness, who played the very correct British army officer who helped the Japanese build an important bridge in Thailand. Why? Born William Franklin Beedle Jr. in O'Fallon, Illinois and raised in South Pasadena, California, he initially followed in his father's footsteps by studying chemistry at Pasadena Junior College in California before he signed a contract with Paramount Pictures in 1937. The resemblance between WH and Tom Hanks is uncanny when WH was much younger. Close this window, and upload the photo(s) again. He was one of the handsomest men on the screen, be it black and white and color. Thumbs up for you, Mr. Holden ~ : ). The Final Films. We have set your language to It was a shock to see just how old he really looked, 15 years beyond his actual age would be my guess. His most notable movies included ''Our Town'' (1940); ''Apartment for Peggy'' (1948); ''Union Station'' (1950); ''Executive Suite'' (1954); ''Sabrina'' (1954); ''The Country Girl'' (1954); ''The Bridges at Toko-Ri'' (1955); ''Love is a Many-Splendored Thing'' (1955); ''Picnic'' (1956); ''The Key'' (1958) and ''The World of Suzie Wong (1960).