He has a reservoir of good will.. 4 0 obj Now Kerry Thompson is going to help manage law enforcement in the Albany County Sheriffs Department. Steinway stopped making Model Bs with 85 notes in 1892, a year after it had added an 88-note version, the forebear of the Model B that is still in its product lineup. Weve reported on his one sons recent reckless driving on Route 143 and destruction of a mailbox and damage to another care and how that was all kept quiet by Thompson (His kids a police dispatcher now in the Coeymans police department!). Three of my colleagues Dana Rubinstein, Grace Ashford and Jane Gottlieb write that Cuomo and his associates have dismissed Apple as a cowboy sheriff and accused him of harboring old grudges. Sheriff Apple holds a master of science in Public Administration and a bachelor of science in Public Administration. A decade ago, in the midst of what would become a successful campaign to become county sheriff, a potentially devastating recording emerged. Mr. Soares requested and was granted a delay in Mr. Cuomos arraignment, which has been pushed to January. In fact, that honor goes to Dutchess County Republican Adrian "Butch" Anderson, whose five year haul of around $853,000since 2015 is way ahead of what other sheriff candidates have brought in during that same period. Albany County Sheriff Craig D. Apple speaks during a news conference concerning new complaint allegations against New York Gov. Neither one of them, Det, Tyson Ruecker and ADA Kurt Haas has any business being in control or allowed to screw up innocent peoples lives. His biggest contributors over the last five years include Council 82, the state's law enforcement union, the New York Laborer's political action committee and a business called Warehouse Services in Mount Vernon, which Apple said are contributions made by his brother. A police officer somewhere in the US is going to give his/her life in the line of duty with HONOR. But what we dont understand is how Thompson, now employed at least part-time by the Coeymans police department as Coeymans police chief Darlingtons administrative assistant, is going to be able to give the Albany County Sheriffs Department its moneys worth while doing the same for the taxpayers of the town of Coeymans. %# , #&')*)-0-(0%()( C He obligingly bit down after Frommer slipped a small piece of wood over the bite marks so that Friedmans teeth did not touch them. endobj We smell a couple of skunks, dont you?The Editor, Qui tacetconsentirevidetur ubi loquidebuitac potuit. The Albany police chief told the Times Union that the raid was unorthodox; Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple said he was "very bothered" about the raid and disbanded the unit that conducted it. He is also a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the International Counter Terrorism Officers Association. We admit that the arbitrary line dividing the minor from the adult is ridiculous but thats the law. See you tomorrow. But I wouldnt say that I boxed him in. Tyson Ruecker is the worst kind of Brady Cop. Thanks for contacting us. In 1997, he was promoted to Patrol Commander and had oversight of a Patrol Division that covered approximately 375 square miles. Friedman has not had the bite marks tested for DNA who knows if any of Edisons genetic material remains? The perps involved in the sign vandalism were not minors but adults. Learn more. Community Programs; Restorative Justice; Diversion Programs; CONTACT; More. Doc Martin/Episodenliste. Mr. Cuomo and his associates have accused the sheriff of harboring old grudges against Mr. Cuomo, dismissing the law enforcement official as a cowboy sheriff. They have resurfaced the old recording as a way to try to impugn Sheriff Apples integrity and cast doubt on his decision to charge the former governor. JFIF C Well be contacting you with further information. An attorney for Cuomo, who has repeatedly denied allegations of inappropriate touching, served Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple with a "preservation of records" relating to his investigation into . Mr. Soares said Sheriff Apple has engaged in troubling investigative methods and hidden potentially exculpatory evidence in the Cuomo case. endobj I find it incredible, yes unbelievable, totally unacceptable that he does not advocate counseling and therapy for students who are the victims of trauma and violence on his watch, on his turf. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( @" ` !1AQaq"27UVrst#456BRSb3Tu$C%c&D'Ede ? Contact & Company Search Sales Automation Conversation Intelligence Workflows. Law Enforcement Request for Information (DSS). for coming forward to help us clean this mess up! He sucks. Commisso has worked for Cuomo since 2017. New York state sheriff campaigns' cash on hand+, Suffolk County Errol Toulon Jr.: $107,379, Schenectady County Dominic Dagostino: $61,599. Sheriff Apple serves on the executive board of both the United Way and the Albany Boys and Girls Club. Kerry Thompson cant even seem to manage law enforcement when it comes to his own kids. He has spent 40 years in public life, and for him to all of the sudden be accused of a sexual assault of an executive assistant that he really doesn't know doesn't pass muster," Glavin said. Or is he just not making waves to save his own ass? No one has the right to interfere with the electoral process or with others rights, which is what the delinquents did. The sheriffs jurisdiction covers roughly 540 square miles, overlapping local police departments in cities like Albany, Bethlehem and Cohoes. ]Ki\n1` i#62a (Paul Buckowski / Times Union), Union leaders say New York state workforce could see mass exodus, Vincent Riggi suit seeks $27.1 million from brother's estate, Tour of Utica-area restaurants feels like trip around the world, Glenville Police ID pedestrian struck and killed Wednesday, DEC finds 14-foot python in New York suburb, Churchill: Antonio Brown partnership is a massive risk, It's weekends in jail for ex-guard who sexually abused prisoner, Samantha Humphrey case being treated as homicide, Ex-teacher in Schenectady gets prison for exploiting student. This is only a small bit of what the hell is going on in Albany. Sheriff Apple said he and Mr. Soares initially worked together, but they decided to conduct parallel investigations to avoid finger-pointing and leaks. It seems that not only Kerry Thompson, Jason Albert have nothing to do. Lauren Stanforth works for the Times Union's investigations team. The County has a population of 304,204 as reported in the United States Census Bureau's most recent report. McCoy's campaign coffers pay for plenty, Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple talks about a new initiative to expand medication assisted treatment in the county jail during an interview on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2019, in Albany, N.Y. (Paul Buckowski/Times Union), Albany Sheriff Craig Apple celebrates his re-election during a gathering of Albany County Democrats at Martel's Tuesday night, Nov. 3, 2015, in Albany, N.Y. (Will Waldron/Times Union), Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple talks to his supporters during a campaign event at the Albany Labor Temple on Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015, in Albany, N.Y. Apple and Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy held the joint event to announced their re-election campaigns. Just count how many raids were botched up and how many search warrants were defective on his watch. Nation & World S^)n/*vzFKoRNISwVihK?a=E# W%D]6DPD@ DZn5FB[]9>JGy#'g]rZY%7$X](5elyR? c^J.-\PO5="" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " "" " Well also see a piano that Thomas Edison sank his teeth into. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple has never had an opponent since he first won his office in 2011 and it shows in his campaign account. +Dollars represents amount in the candidates' accounts as of the last filing date, July 2019. Sorry. He is also a sheriff who continually places himself in the limelight from deciding to stop boarding people detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, to promoting his programs that assist opiate addicts housed at the county jail. and (2) Now that Scott Giroux is with the FBI, why isnt he or is he keeping tabs on the goings on in the Coeymans p.d., maybe waiting for the right moment to pounce? In 2018, for instance, the Albany Police Department made 17 arrests with a sex crime as the top charge. During the past year, over 7000 prisoners were admitted to the Facility. (Philip Kamrass / Times Union) Philip Kamrass Show More Show Less 5 of 6 Sheriff Craig Apple during a news conference to unveil plans to convert a wing of the Albany County Jail into a drug . 8 Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple has never had an opponent since he first won his office in 2011 and it shows in his campaign account. Oh, we also have submitted a completely BLANK state drug report. On the spring day in 2019 when a new family adopted the girls, he gave them a ride from family court in a squad car with flashing lights and a siren. Me. The complaint against Cuomo was based on the account of Brittany Commisso, a former executive assistant to Cuomo. A New York sheriff is defending his decision to file a complaint against former Gov. No matter how the Cuomo case turns out, it seems that the sheriffs standing in his community will not suffer: He is known among some fellow Democrats as the Teflon sheriff for his ability to persevere, even thrive, through trouble that might tarnish less adept politicians. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple speaks during a news conference at the Albany County Sheriff office after a criminal complaint was filed charging former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo with a misdemeanor sex offense of alleged forcible touching of a former executive assistant. *Represents campaign monies brought in between 2015 and July 2019. We know that from his performance in Coeymans. As one of the most respected sheriffs in the nation, I believe that Albany County residents are relieved that Sheriff Apple will remain on the job. Theyve put him in protective custody at taxpayer expense; rewarding another criminal. Canada, United States. We've received your submission. 60-year-old. stream Governor Cuomo's attorney Rita Glavin is responding to news of the criminal complaint against Governor Cuomo, filed in Albany County, with a letter of requests for Sheriff Craig Apple. Please add my name to the lawsuit.My name is Tina Brooks and Im the one who wrote to you about my grandson being bullied and attacked by 2 other students a couple weeks ago at the Middle School while aides NEVER came to rescue!! No evidence of coordination has emerged. Dont you think we taxpayers and public should some answers tothese questions? dormitory-style housing for homeless individuals, arranged medically assisted treatment for inmates with opioid addictions, accusations of sexual harassment against Cuomo. And Apple's campaign monies are only going to grow as he continues to fundraise and still runs unopposed in this year's general election. Georgie Boy! Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple speaks during a news conference at the Albany County Sheriff office after a criminal complaint was filed charging former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, on Oct . Send us a message with any questions or concerns, and we'll get back to you with answers as soon as we can. Sheriff Apple, 54, runs a department of roughly 700 deputies, correction officers, dispatchers, fire investigators and medical responders. Andrew Cuomo was charged with a misdemeanor sex-crime complaint Thursday after an investigation. APD needs to find this schmuck D and arrest him for criminal impersonation. The Facility has a maximum of 1043 beds, providing custody for local, state and federal prisoners. CLARKSVILLE, N.Y. (AP) - A New York sheriff on Friday defended his decision to file a criminal complaint against former New York Gov. Guilford County. For Metropolitan Diarys 45th anniversary, wed like your help picking the best Diary entry of 2021. Craig Apple will be sheriff for as long as he wants to be sheriff, he said. This story has been shared 154,083 times. The evening will be cloudy with temps in the 30s. She accused Mr. Cuomo of reaching under her blouse to grope her breast while they were alone in the Executive Mansion late last year; Ms. Commisso was one of the dozen or so women whose accusations of sexual harassment against Mr. Cuomo formed the basis of a state attorney generals report that eventually led to his resignation in August. (Paul Buckowski / Times Union), Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple, left, addresses those gathered during a campaign event at the Albany Labor Temple on Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015, in Albany, N.Y. Apple and Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy held the joint event to announced their re-election campaigns. A subsequent investigation led to the criminal charge. We are more than happy to release the 44 min tape of CI #392, Det. Do you think we have them worried? The 21-year-old son of Sheriff Craig Apple was charged with drunken driving early Saturday morning after a crash at Central and Colvin avenues, police said. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Compensation Specialist. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple said it's possible Cuomo could be arrested if the allegations are substantiated. Glad we could get together here. Tyson Ruecker is a Brady Cop to the Nth degree. Craig Apple became Sheriff of Albany County in 2011. Our advice is this: Get your grandson into counseling IMMEDIATELY. Lead editorial, digital, events, creative, and advertising teams to produce a weekly business-to-business print and digital online publication. I looked at my baby sleeping peacefully, pushed open the lobby door and let the brisk, wintry-fresh air envelop us as we took our first stroll together. Community Programs; Restorative Justice; Diversion Programs; CONTACT; Contact Craig Apple. Tyson Ruecker has committed several felonious crimes and is still walking around with a badge and gun while fleecing the citizens of Albany for $118G a year.