h1 0u\aw=IR,W9sx9. 0000169621 00000 n
0000173998 00000 n
You will know by mail whether you will keep receiving CalFresh benefits, what your benefit amount will be, and if there are any other changes. Resources are counted only for those households that : Households that fit one of the three descriptions above are subject to a resource limit of $2,500. 0000173404 00000 n
0000011560 00000 n
Forms. xref
There are some exceptions, so contact your local County Welfare Department to find out if you are eligible. 0000005544 00000 n
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We do not claim responsibility for its accuracy. 0000005983 00000 n
We strongly suggest that you watch the video below, which does an excellent job of explaining in detail how to navigate the MyBenefits CalWIN website. 2015 0 obj
Stamp CalFresh. Any non-food items, including pet food, soaps, paper products, household supplies, grooming items, and cosmetics. 0000009101 00000 n
You will have to enter a valid username in order to proceed to the password page. 0000006398 00000 n
0000101509 00000 n
Income received too infrequently/irregularly to be reasonably anticipated but not more than $30 in a quarter. 0000171267 00000 n
0000060634 00000 n
Semi-Annual Reporting Requirements 24. If you entered the correct username, you will be taken to the password page, with the sign-in image/picture you selected showing. 0000000016 00000 n
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Be sure to answer all questions on the recertification application. 0000155253 00000 n
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0000169375 00000 n
For speech and/or hearing assistance call 711 Relay. Excess Shelter A monthly shelter cost in excess of 50% of the household's income after all above deductions are considered. 0000169455 00000 n
Eligibility (BBCE)(200% of Poverty Level) Disclaimer: iCalifornia Food Stampsis not associated with a government agency. Click here for the recertification application form. 0000163550 00000 n
0000003715 00000 n
<]/Prev 414742/XRefStm 2099>>
For more information and resourcesvisit the CalFresh Program website. DUE 10/5: Dont forget to submit your #CalFresh, #GeneralAssistance and #CalWORKs Semi Annual Report (SAR7). Why Millions Of Californians Eligible For Food Stamps Don. Fax: (408) 251-4014. 0000086524 00000 n
CalFresh 13. 0000007275 00000 n
0000006813 00000 n
If you have further questions about CalFresh in Santa Clara County or California EBT Card, please let us know in the comments section below. 0000004270 00000 n
0000005920 00000 n
0000005797 00000 n
Try Now! Some states have additional exceptions for students. 0000137387 00000 n
0000003366 00000 n
0000170375 00000 n
0000004741 00000 n
CalWORKs Eligibility Handbook (Effective June 2020) Personal Assisted Employment Services (PAES) Manual (Effective August 2018) Welfare to Work Handbook (Effective March 2020) Found . Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. 0000133603 00000 n
0000171895 00000 n
0000169929 00000 n
Limited Utility Allowance (LUA) Allowed for a household that incurs expenses for at least two separate utilities other than heating and cooling are eligible for a LUA. 0000000016 00000 n
0000003737 00000 n
Officially employed, but the first day of work begins later in the month, or the. trailer
Get your receipt to see the remaining balance on your EBT Card CalFresh benefits account. 0000155327 00000 n
0000129823 00000 n
Here are the categories of people who live in the state of California that are eligible for CalFresh: Heres what you need to apply for CalFresh: Applicants must provide proof of their identity to show that they are the person they claim to be. 0000007145 00000 n
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CF 31 (4/15) - CalFresh Supplemental Form For Special Medical Deductions. Residency, Citizenship, and Immigrant Status 14.1 Residency 14.1.1 Requirements [63-401] The household must reside in Santa Clara County. 0000141667 00000 n
0000005260 00000 n
Name English Espaol Ting Vit . 0000165511 00000 n
0000164529 00000 n
U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) Thrifty Food Plan. hb``d` Ab,78>Qay aF'lIkT^0;i3$k``hl*F`Hp\\"0P TSMoR1?Xrz2{T4. xref
0000158393 00000 n
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You can mail the form to your County SSA office. 0000008603 00000 n
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Business Process. If approved, a monthly dollar amount is placed on a debit-like card to help you add to your monthly food budget. Be sure to check out our other articles about CalFresh and CalFresh EBT, including: Our website is dedicated to helping low-income California households improve their financial well-being and quality of life. 0000137428 00000 n
CalFresh Handbook - County of Santa Clara. Summary: This handbook has been updated to remove gross earned income and unearned income. Community Resources. 2 2,904 0000008058 00000 n
0000004378 00000 n
CalFresh Handbook Index CalFresh Handbook Table of Contents Chapter 1: Thrifty Food Plan and Income Test Limits Chapter 2: Charts, Tables, and Miscellaneous Chapter 3: Application Chapter 4: Authorized Representative Chapter 5: Social Security Number Requirements Chapter 6: Verifications Chapter 7: Expedited Services Chapter 8: Notice of Action . Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. The Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) allows CalFresh recipients who are 60 years of age or older, disabled, or homeless to use their CalFresh benefits to purchase lower-cost prepared meals at approved participating restaurants in certain counties. . Medi-Cal Member Handbook: Link: Link: Link: Link: Link: Member Rights & Responsibilities: Link: Link: Link: Link: Link: Pharmacy Documents. 0000168197 00000 n
0000158734 00000 n
Currently, the restaurant meals program is active in the following counties: Using your EBT Card to purchase hot meals at restaurants and fast food locations is easy. dok[{wPA
SL> w6!ftc~H.0mkp9c4C'j;8HG"@k[J g=w -QR More information can be found in the Federal Non-Citizen Guide . CalFresh Benefits Helpline 0000006896 00000 n
0000009435 00000 n
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Food may be purchased at any grocery store or farmers market that accepts EBT cards. 0000152850 00000 n
Option 2 - By Phone. 0000169725 00000 n
Are children under 18 years of age who are qualified and lawfully-admitted for permanent residence . $177 for households of 13 persons, $184 for 4 persons, $215 for 5 persons, and $246 for 6 or more persons (effective 10/1/18). Beginning June 1, 2019, recipients of SSI/SSP benefits may be eligible for CalFresh Food benefits for the first time! Standard Deduction A deduction allowed per household per month. CalFresh benefits cannot be used to purchase: Many Farmers Markets across Santa Clara County allow users to use CalFresh. 0
0000007726 00000 n
0000005734 00000 n
The table below provides a simple overview of the CalFresh renewal process. 0000007358 00000 n
The program issues monthly benefits on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. 4320 0 obj
Eligible household members can getCalFresh benefits even if other members of the household are not eligible. 0000162690 00000 n
0000005596 00000 n
O/SjUD}Sq_n6 >u9wnY @, )KgM`:ba^iW(s~)s`zt47qu/9lU;bCt-EO:J>x+b5=w/"Ov]{KT 0000154592 00000 n
0000007380 00000 n
Revised: 06/25/13 Update #11-01. 0000165085 00000 n
63-1436 - Food Stamp Manual. 0000155489 00000 n
0000166917 00000 n
The Santa Clara County Office of the Public Defender is comprised of approximately 240 employees, including 121 attorneys, 30 investigators, 31 paralegals and 58 clerical and support staff who are committed to providing quality legal representation to our clients. Cash donations from a charitable organization of not more than $300 in a calendar quarter. 0000129195 00000 n
More. 0000164251 00000 n
County of Santa Clara Social Services 333 W Julian St. San Jose, CA 95110-2335. 0000144663 00000 n
Healthcare amp Government Assistance 2 1 1. Training Team. 0000148600 00000 n
English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . To start the login process for your MyBenefits CalWIN, visit the MyBenefits CalWIN website at www.mybenefitscalwin.org. 0000008935 00000 n
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CF 37 (7/15) - Recertification For CalFresh Benefits. Certain non-citizens such as those admitted for humanitarian reasons and those admitted for permanent residence may be eligible forCalFresh benefits. 0000057322 00000 n
0000169567 00000 n
Here are the most frequently asked questions about CalFresh in Santa Clara County. 0000146002 00000 n
If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot Password link as shown in the image below. 0000002223 00000 n
GetCalFresh org. 0000005652 00000 n
A standard deduction of $225 for a household with 5 members. 0000003939 00000 n
0000156491 00000 n
0000005099 00000 n
CalFresh Food is a nutrition program for California residents with low income that increases your food budget. There are two kinds of reporting: Change and Semi-Annual, which are described below: Change reporting households are those in which household members are seasonal and/or migrant farm workers, elderly, disabled or homeless. 0000007192 00000 n
0000144808 00000 n
Are children under 18 years of age who are qualified and lawfully-admitted for permanent residence under the Immigration and Nationalization Act. the source and amount of gross income of more than $25; addition or loss of a household member; address changes and shelter costs; when cash on hand, stocks, bonds, money in a bank account or savings reach a total of $2,000 ($3,000 for elderly and disabled households); a change in child support payments made to a non-household member. 0000166105 00000 n
7 6,688 New . 0000098968 00000 n
The next step in the recertification process is to attend your interview on the appointed date. If you are approved for food stamps in California, how much in benefits you get partly depends on the: The Thrifty Food Plan is a government estimate of how much it costs to provide a household with nutritious, low-cost meals. Watch the historic video. Next, we will explain each of the eligibility guidelines in detail, including the income limit, which is the most important. 0000161972 00000 n
Everything you need to know about California Food Stamps and CalFresh. A standard deduction of $193 for households with 1-4 members. 0000003447 00000 n
hb```f`a`c``rcb@ !V(=.V0Y\ MF
Wsq40`VH%*>}%$|^yD$*+:)E,2wm IFa*co~ d`y0y1C"y%8TQLs QP(@)s. 0000007607 00000 n
0000128425 00000 n
Pepper Crop Production in Sensitive Environments Santa Clara County from ucanr.edu. 4 4,418 0000006113 00000 n
0000147599 00000 n
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Read more about the end of Emergency Allotments. Stamp Eligibility (MCE)/Broad-Based Categorical 0000075679 00000 n
0000147928 00000 n
4488 0 obj
CalFresh Handbook page 30-9. The excess shelter deduction must not exceed the current maximum of $597 (effective 10/1/21). 0000003939 00000 n
0000005745 00000 n
We will walk you through how to sign up for a MyBenefits CalWIN account or log in to your account if you already have done. Contact Information. 0000168305 00000 n
0000141583 00000 n
Click here to locate a California Food Stamps Office near you. Phone: (408) 793-2700. 0000172141 00000 n
Interpretation services available in all languages. 0000169267 00000 n
0000005140 00000 n
0000009183 00000 n
A resource is something the household can draw upon or sell for financial assistance. Using Your Benefits . Each Additional Currently, there are many restaurants that accept EBT Cards in Santa Clara County, California. 0000148119 00000 n
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0000004153 00000 n
CalFresh Emergency Allotments, which are temporary increases to regular CalFresh food benefits introduced during the start of the pandemic, will be ending soon due to recent action by the federal government. 0000005486 00000 n
Earned income has an allowable deduction of 20% (i.e., 80% of the gross earned income counts in the calculation of benefit levels). 0000168615 00000 n
0000169245 00000 n
<<28B55A7DFDBAE34B919617936650B755>]/Prev 768998/XRefStm 4378>>
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EN. 0000005237 00000 n
For info on how to complete watch YouTube video https://t.co/gpn251Qyav pic.twitter.com/rpJcOr6E3r, SCCSSADEBS (@sccssadebs) October 1, 2021. Click on the Sign In button to proceed with the process, as shown below. CalFresh San Bernardino County (2023 Guide), Annual CalFresh Renewal and Recertification, Click here for the recertification application form, Click here to locate a California Food Stamps Office near you, Emergency Allotment for CalFresh Extra Food Stamps, Restaurants that Take CalFresh in California, California Food Stamps Payment Schedule for March 2023, Restaurants that Accept EBT in Stanislaus County, Click here for more on How to Add your EBT Card to Amazon, Restaurants that Accept EBT in Sonoma County, Restaurants that Accept EBT in San Bernardino County, Restaurants that Accept EBT in San Joaquin County. 0000008188 00000 n
0000154504 00000 n
Purchase hot meals breakfast, lunch, or dinner at the restaurant by using your California EBT Card at checkout. 0000004602 00000 n
U. S. citizens and many non-citizens are eligible for CalFresh. 0000010252 00000 n
0000160624 00000 n
Eligible locations will display the Restaurant Meals sign (pictured below).
0000170262 00000 n
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- Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-600 thru 63-700, Sec 63-601 thru 0000156407 00000 n
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The current allowance is $487 (effective 10/1/21). 0000005177 00000 n
CalFresh benefits can help buy nutritious foods for a better diet. trailer
Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services. 0000169729 00000 n
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Click here to locate an office near you. 0000005014 00000 n
Follow the instructions below for help logging in MyBenefits CalWIN online account. 0000161108 00000 n
0000008222 00000 n
Students can apply themselves, but we highly recommend using one of the following sign-up assistance programs where trained staff/volunteers can help guide you through the process. . 0000160069 00000 n
0000003767 00000 n
The list includes restaurants in the following Santa Clara County cities: For a list of these restaurants and to find one near you, click here or see our full article on Restaurants that take CalFresh EBT in Santa Clara. 0000137303 00000 n
0000006528 00000 n