Confusion and perdition overwhelm About current times
hope you like it. That's so lovely of you to leave a comment. Who's antics and japes are quite funny. Driving on I went, down a road I did not know,
A round of applause
I sent it to friends and family, asking them to read it, and to contribute money to support two charities - the Trussell Trust, who run food banks, and Crisis, the charity for the homeless. Our Heartbreaking world is becoming one great big mess. There was an old lady called Bessie,
Were fighting a deadly pandemic
Protect us, Lord, and send your healing,
It's just academic,
The beach, the hotel and a perfect holiday. Shops will open, buzzing again. The future unfolding is not so bright. I am sad that I return tomorrow, More details about LOCKDOWN LIMERICK CHALLENGE - all the 133 entries listed and the winners are announced, with the winner reading her winning limerick! I don't know how I'm feeling. When we all emerge from our coma
Your kind words have touched my heart. There's lots that must be done. I've been dragging this past week runny eyes weighty feet. The first, second and fifth lines must rhyme and the third and fourth lines must rhyme. There was a young lady called Lyn
who watched bands so they didn't have to talk
Whom we all do adore. She is unable to contain the tears,
If you said "Wuhan," they said "Go to hell. Just clear up the space
I can't thank you enough. Were so, so exciting -
This bored his wife rigid
But we cant wait to get back to our teacher. I was amazed and humbled by the generosity of everyone I wrote to!Then, my dear friend Dr Giosia Di Saverio, who is an Italian surgeon, translated the poems into Italian, with the help of his son Alessandro, and sent it out to his friends and family. As it's you I'm trying to protect. The streets were all empty, the pews were all bare. /DeviceRGB When you have to say goodbye,
To sign up up for newsletters, please click here. Y esterday, Public Health Mid-West said they had "serious . I wanted to be alone again and trapped in darkness. To support this podcast you can purchase my ebook "Pandemic Poetry: The Covid Collection" on the Amazon Kindle store, all proceeds go towards keeping this podcast alive! Again there's thousands more. From morning until night. It's timely, playful, and totally relatable. Today a young woman I know It has been hard, but we marked each one individually and from there made a shortlist and chose a winner. I went to do some shopping. Ill throw my arms open wide, As she waves and zips up her coat. It became a story that had to be told! Life has become cushy
I love how it is told from the mask's perspective! Or the chance to win a boat
Please help these people recover, Lord. See, I've been dreaming of this moment
In lockdown he didnt sit writing verses
The issues are not academic
Alone, but well-fed,
The gardens untilled, the boats tied to dock. But it is not mine to give, nor yours to take., Understanding your rights under the recently enacted No Surprises Act. So why don't you pepuptheday? For something to do The Nazis could not kill my wife. Then new wonders appeared before my eyes. Im looking forward to getting away, There was an old codger called Tom
But Corona Ive already caught ya, It been very strange times for us all
5 COVID-19 Poems from Children About Life During Lockdown Vilma*, 10 from Mexico Before the virus, I went to school, everything was happy. And animals are stuck on their farms
But there does not have to be disease of the soul COVID-19 has spread across the globe, bringing with it sickness, death, uncertainty, anxiety, and economic upheaval. Rich men, trust not in wealth, -in love, no matter what comes our way. We are all in this together. When I wrote the poem, I certainly didn't think we'd still be going through it. And the drinking of wine became rife. That way the virus wont get her. Now like to bees in summers heate from hives, Share this: Twitter Facebook Loading. 0 I gave the bags to mom. Were delighted to be the first to publish this poem, written in early April 2020, by Caroline Collingridge, who also very kindly pointed us in the direction of a number of the poems already mentioned in this post on plague poems. Filled with wonders I neither knew nor learned:
endobj And the public matched each by their generous pound
Five months without physical contact, without a kiss. And shout to the world, WE CAN ALL GO OUTSIDE! For shed become frigid
If we all keep our hands squeaky clean. His jokes were quite corny
Ancient folk didnt wash or take showers
While this [lockdown] happens, I draw pictures, I play and I do homework. Leaving us feel disconnected. That destroys this infection,
I miss playing with my friends at school. Stuck at home with the kids and the wife,
And eats it for breakfast, lunch and tea, The virus has caused many harms
To hear some new views
At the end was a prong
How to help The fears that rise to the surface are felt by billions of people around the world. I hope that this ends so I can go back to seeing my friends. Caroline Collingridge, Staying In. There will be days I cannot smile,
Thank you so much, Nisreen. I saw you from across the street and smiled at you from under my mask.You looked ravishing in that snug-fit sweaterand your freshly-coiffed hair.Like the goddess of a small town. Support our Childrens Emergency Fundhelp to address the immediate and long-term threats of COVID-19. Which child should I put in my bubble ? Which made everyone a big moaner
I learned to read, I learned to write. There was a recluse of Verona
She stood in the nude
She wanted to go out to and fro. Businesses are closed, and schools have moved to online platforms. One day I will be back,
I awoke to a pestilence, a pandemic across the nations,
When I was born
Whose husband had his own alarm clock
And mischievous miss-doings
This haunting and enigmatic poem was published in Poetry magazine in 2015, and seems especially apt five years on, especially with its references to a virus and the worlds keening. I may not be happy with this relationship right now, but I'm happy to have someone. So you try to hide each tear,
You might also want to check out some of these popular articles: I once wore a backpack and bellbottom pants. /D It said people, you must stay indoors
Subscribe and to the BBC the BBC first on iPlayer With thanks to the final year studen. Stay home: avoid going to town
So trust me, I'm up for this task. Now he walks coughing through Waterloo Station, While Boris was battling infections
By the simple touch of our hands. And, at the same time,
Alone we all sat, uncertain and torn,
So, I penned 26 pages of limericks and poems to create a little book that I called "Lockdown Limericks". Soaping up in the shower
Neighbors, friends, and family,
This world uncertain is: Chin-deep in malice shoot their bitter darts But boy this thing is tough. Patient Portal through the neighborhood We always had before. Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic With a heart that is made out of gold
in so many ways! People are singing to each other Whilst not technically the most brilliant poem, Freneaus Pestilence does pay tribute to the horror of the disease as it ravaged the new American city: Hot, dry winds forever blowing, And both felt a couple of tilts! Open the windows of your soul Have you seen domestics, putting safety first
One people standing strong. When this is over, may we never again take for granted She started to exercise with Joe Wicks. Then I went back home. Never stand too close
When staying at home
That you liked to have around. I also listed a charity in Bengal that readers could support.All three versions are on this website. while I just want to drown in those thoughts Who usually had nowhere to go
Our casualties of war. getting him out won't be easy. LOCKDOWN LIMERICKS . People need to help each other more than ever.Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity! By showing love to all, we cannot fall short. Will be gone and all erased. Who due to a worldwide pandemic
Coronavirus Limericks from the Community. Gave him the blues
Written by Stewart Pink in One 2 Three 1,847. KATY, Texas Teachers everywhere are missing classroom life, especially their students. Well folks, the inspiration for this, needs no explanation ! >> His adventures impressing the Queen
"Eey up, lad, We need thee over in t' Dales. The illustrations were my own doodles. Meghan ORourke, The Night Where You No Longer Live. Days will get longer. So he drove a long way
she found to her dismay
The bird's song was vapid, the flowers awaited May. Shielding in Bushey
For that I am so glad. Quick, dear Mary, the car. The Oak reaches upwards as if heaven to meet. Yet we're close because we care,
Of the virus, hed have to be shot! R An extra Gin,
The 2.6 Challenge in April 2020 encouraged us to do raise funds in support of British charities.Many chose to do physical things to raise money. Births the darkness in our mind. Multiple interlocking crises have shaped 2022, including global conflict, the climate crisis and an unprecedented hunger crisis. 1 Here stands a watch, with guard of partizans, Guns and tanks are tinker toys;
He'll have to cut right through my jungle. Her lips are actually trembling, you know,
"Quarantine Limericks: Toilet Paper and Fruit Punch" is published by Joanna Henderson in Limericks: Making You Smile. Once again for the world and I. /Parent And spread blessings along the way, So one big advantage of Zoom
Now all is quiet and theres peace all around, Who was happy go lucky kinda Girl
(0). Vain, he struts afraid of our neighbours, our bread went unbutter'd. Who our lives we have bequest. And do P.E. Across much of the globe, the frantic pace and headlong industry of life have been forcibly slowed. Tags: coronavirus COVID 19 limerick lockdown poem poetry. from monty python
Than a goulash of rat,
They fell to the floor,
But only very briefly. But blue and grey and clear. /S Friends all took the mickey
I'm tickled at how quickly men were fooled. But now all he's hearing is
Rossetti (1830-94) captures the terrifying suddenness of plague as it gripped the living and rapidly transformed them into the dead indeed, the multitude dead. Now they bake ALL the bread
No sport, no pubs, no pop concerts,
lest our liberty falls to fear growing. Task: Time for you to write your own 'Lockdown Limerick' using the template below Use the pictures to help you get some ideas - you need to write at least 2 limericks minimum. whilst stood on his head
You'll be okay again. The government have duels,
michael palin to interpret what those whistlings mean
I don't know how I'm feeling. ] I think I want to cry. on tour
Then lockdown kicked in
and rested and exercised /Resources For day after day
Dark days are fast approaching. Steams from th infernal furnace, hot and fierce, The world was waiting there for me
Rules are for fools, for the herd, for the thick. *There was a man from bustling Zurich
] >> Our Solace unveiled by its wee acorn. But I'm here to relieve stress and strife. >> Were fed up, were lonely, were sad. But couldnt think of anything to say, There once was an old hotel porter
When I cant go out. No, it isnt a flare of arthritis. /Transparency We don't claim to be experts at all but we like the metre, rhyme and sentiment in Val's limerick. You MUST NOT leave the house for any reason, but if you have a reason, you can leave the house. #UCTLockDownLetters is a new feature on the University of Cape Town (UCT) news site. A curate's egg, this,
So for fun read Pep up the Day. ALL ENTRIES - THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO TOOK THE TIME TO ENTER. Psst..listen, keep it under your hats,
I know I don't fit in with your style,
/CS Receive our prayers that keep on pouring. I think my head has monkeys. People come and go,
And slanderous spring from pestilential breath, Family and friends meet again. Now it's on the table: The Chinese-Leftist lie I tried to sell. From sad weary eyes, silent tears they weep. His cumberland was thick
This is a fantastic post. The midnight drive when work was done. But once it was said
To stoppe their passages, or to or fro, But this is her most difficult task. >> Snakes are in the undergrowth. [ I saw the news today
/St I've lost so much and so many to COVID and the idea of helping someone's family member recover from After hours of extensive research
She won't stay in one spot. WINNER. Pass the gin, my problems could double. Maybe I should turn around; NO, that is the last thing I should do. I am clever, for I am Dominic,
But may we use this time to focus on the most important things and slow down in a way weve never been forced to do before. The question is, comes a catastrophe and of course we should try to overcome it by all means. Thinking maybe, just maybe, I might again feel alive. Our basic need for human touch,
November 3, 2020 at 4:09 am Reminds me of that famous movie; "Dr. Strangeworld or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Yoke Of Oppression." A real classic. Our doctor told my husband, Titus,
To fight for all our sakes. Remember the sun just hides. /Length Yes, the world's in bad shape, and yes, it's strange,
Here is a poem from an Irish Franciscan, Richard Hendrick, written March 13, 2020. As the sun warms the airs, and the rains wet its feet,
Given the pandemic the world is currently grappling with, our thoughts here at IL Towers during this lockdown period have, perhaps naturally, turned to plague, pestilence, and pandemics. 0 Stay at home, keep your head
Dont Feel Glum !!!!!!!!! It feels so detached; it's such a shame. For quite a while now,
Signed book Sackful of Limericks too
Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. I was driving home after a fight with my boyfriend. We are all stuck indoors
Death proves them all but toys. At the minute, yes, times are tough,
Which will be seen near my face
Mary Latter (1725-77) was an English poet, essayist and playwright whose name has fallen out of the history books, but she gave us this dramatic evocation of living in a time of Contagion (published in 1759). R Who were living their best lockdown life. But I'm still the same old me
Stitching a mask today out of an old bath gown. At least four inches wide. And thats where this series of love poems from lockdown comes in. But we never will surrender
The flowers will always bloom
>> A brave nurse, that she is,
Avoiding friends and the fam
The end is coming His forgotten poem was published in 1818. 0 3 ORourke is a poet, essayist, and memoirist who was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1976. *There was a lady from Venus
By providing my mobile phone number, I agree to receive recurring text messages from Save the Children (48188) and phone calls with opportunitiesto donate and ways to engage in our mission to support children around the world. to touch across the empty square, Oh Michael Palins book just for me, Lets all Pepuptheday says Bee
I don't know how I'm feeling,
Resided in Bourton th Water
When post-plague world was fine
Our freedom, because of a virus,
To stop this Pandemic,
All teaching is strictly taboo. With medals on their chests. I know I can be in your face,
They can stop us from shopping and dining. Touched by the poem? Look For The Blossom By Jessica Bryan Published by Family Friend Poems April 2020 Struggling during the current Coronavirus pandemic, I wanted to write something that urged me to keep positive. Have you seen the doctors who hardly get to sleep? They can close bars, concert halls and barbershops. Be proud of how you cope. writing has always been a passion (specifically poetry) so I just though to share. Open the pub we insist! "We make the rules,
Yes there is even death. He said 'meet me at mine,
The Organ Grinder and his dancing Monk,
Whose toe was incredibly sore
If we are in it together, it's not that bad; I think you'll agree. /Type A dashing young chap called Tom Moore
Touched by the poem? Unmoored his pole and propelled her flatbottom with grunt. R And that's another one gone. She tried so hard to hold together,
Wingman Raab struggled with direct questions
Simon Armitages allusion to Meghduta is immensely effective and topical in his poem Lockdown. Alone we all sat, avoiding the ravage
I'm busy doing nothing
Now all's ship-shape, shiny and dressy! Never before have so many children been out of school at the same time. Yes there is panic buying. Our political views mean nothing,
I just want a bit of respect
<< God will paint rainbows in the sky
Its a much smaller ask
Is pandemically a medical crisis
Mixture of monkey, crocodile and mole, Oh cry the best you can cry; I can feel the hold as it holds No days out, no holidays,
Who awoke with a throbbing nightstick
She took to walking
Who was sick of being Locked In
Thats how I spend all my time, Not wearing a mask is quite rude
For now must be denied. Maud has grown her hair to her knee
People break rules,
This Petrarchan sonnet is included in full below: Listen, the last stroke of deaths noon has struck And so we are united,
Don't touch your face. She has got quite good at making lots of bread pud
This was terrible and written in a lockdown drill at school. By signing up to receive emails from Save the Children you will receive a subscription to our monthly eNews, access to breaking emergency alerts and opportunities to get involved. She is also very fearful,
Lockdown Limerick Challenge for you
Im always asking my wife, they said what?, There once was a virus called Corona
There are no neutral zones. Things would improve, we'd still do them all. (9). Great post, Thanks, Lynn! it was only a few days ago I found it and made some adjustments. Who used to like to go whalin
Until again we greet the dawn. Do you know how you're feeling? It's roaming around our land. Ate scones with cream
*He lived with his wife on the lazy river front
Yes there is panic buying. I don't know how I'm feeling. In Eighty Days
The poem celebrates thousands of "tiny local kindnesses". The very next day
Because he is a selfish and arrogant pr@k, If lockdown is making you blue
I know you won't need me for long,
These times are so difficult!! its euphoria You put our health at risk and our education has been halted by you Memories to cherish. I wrote this last year as a way to deal and to understand my OCD during lockdown. Weve looked in our hearts and kindness weve found. If you like this, do feel free to share on social media and tag @PepUpTheDay if you want us to see it. Coronavirus pandemic poem: Tom Roberts was praised by Phil and Holly on This Morning (Image: ITV) The Great Realisation, by Tom Roberts ''Tell me the one about the virus again, then I'll go to. Confinement But there does not have to be meanness. Still Boris kept on shaking hands
So he didnt need the help of a medic, She reached for the gin
ByThe Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society, There was a young lady called Mary
As she sees no family by their side. 7 Lockdown Poetry for our Sanity while Supporting Dementia. And children barred from friendships, left unschooled. To sit and cry and wonder,
Signs that will tell us all is well,
When told to lockdown
I married late but married well. The Government not providing ppe for the nhs,
Two poems eyeing on the current lockdown phenomena from a different perspective. << Though standing quite alone. When he offered the delights of his picnic. There are gaps and walls between us,
720 By that time, well all have gone mad. What fun! it feels untamed and beastly. I was deeply moved by Tim Dlugos My Death. Night after sleepless nightI stay up late and wonder what I could have done differentlyin order to have lured youinto my roomjust moments before the lockdown began. 0 When you give, 85% of every dollar goes straight to our mission. He tried his hand shearing
Here is Val reading her winning limerick for us all to enjoy Anne wins a copy of A Sackful of Limericks by Michael Palin (sorry it isn't signed! An elitist, on others he looked down
Watching the news
I'm happy to not have gone back to those times. I just want to be a good friend. /Names I crawled, I stood on wobbly legs,
He made a picnic
This is what you should do
Just come from doing many hours on the wards? Too tall for the door,
Went into this with to-do lists ready, Challenges, recipes, meditating and steady. His one is more consoling while my poem insists more on taking a note on our dependence on God. Each female basilisk with forky sting, I left the house today. Feeling relieved, for my mind had found a more positive place to go. /Creator all music did cease, all performance unclapped. Live life for those who guided us,
It's so much deeper than that. Space outside With some cable news
When dawn awakes to a bright new day. He spent half an hour
I am sick, I must die If we do it this together, true joy we can find
These strange old times I've never known
The master has become slave. Who spent lockdown watching the telly
But not as I doodle-y doos. With me I took no maps, nor did I take a known route,
Quite quietly, but finishing loud. Corona virus you're pants!! I think of elders forced to die alone. A brave nurse, that she is,
Of the new pandemic flu. Home-schooling with Mum and with Dad? Her carers helped out, With a spring cleaning bout,
This quarantine makes me think, and impaled himself on a fork. John Davies, from The Triumph of Death. I know one day the sun will shine. 225. Queues ahead dont get too near
But we found a way
While we wait, have no fear
I promise, I'll be a good Mask. /Pages And be forced to avoid world strife
I just don't need this stuff. She was famous for starting
Sounds and sights I'd never heard or seen. But the best moments will be when
This ending will be so hard to overcome,
I may be a little older,
As so often, Armitage locates the human core of the current crisis and writes with astonishingly good detail about past and present. Theres a risk of transfer
There was an old woman from Stroud
It isnt about freedom, my dude
And do as we are asked
Lord, have mercy on us! 0 We all love to drink and to dance,
His wife wasnt keen