An Endocrinologist and Diabetes Educator will attend your practice for the day, where 10 eligible patients will each receive a 40-minute case conference. If you are choosing the shared care option, the GP Obstetrician appointment will be at 28 weeks. Liverpool
Contact us for any help on browser support. Bromley GPs should use the Referrals Optimisation Tool to refer patients, although self-referral should be encouraged. Care is provided collaboratively by the general practitioner and the hospital-based service. GP or woman. For more information on our Doctors clinics. Where possible, visitors should be encouraged to celebrate with you in the postnatal ward. Professional memberships: RANZCOG, ASUM, ISUOG, PSANZ, SOMANZ. Pregnancy, Birth and Baby can also refer to local face-to-face health services relevant to your needs, such as early child health or speech therapy. It is recommended to commence classes between 28 & 32 weeks pregnant for the four weekly night classes, and by 34 weeks for full weekend classes. What will they deliver? Each lady will be assessed and assigned a plan of care.Location and clinic times. Our Antenatal Assessment Unit, located near labour ward, provides ongoing monitoring for women identified with high-risk pregnancies. Check if the woman lives within the hospital postcode boundary. Qualifications: MB, Bch, MSc, FRCOG,FRANZCOG, DDU. You may also have an ultrasound to assist with confirming your gestation (stage of pregnancy), called a Dating Ultrasound, done between 6-12 weeks gestation. Avaya workplace is a safe and secure portal that allows the midwives to deliver the content in an informal and approachable manner that gives you the opportunity to ask questions from the safety of your own home, on holidays or on FIFO. This Unit actively encourages staff to participate in regular education and training to facilitate their professional growth, skills and competencies. If you have anyparticular medical needs you will be able to access a hospital antenatal clinic whereyou will be seen by a midwife and an obstetrician so that an appropriate plan of care can be implemented early in pregnancy. The Birthing Unit at Liverpool Hospital provides care for women over 20 weeks gestation with any pregnancy related problem, through to the birth of their baby. Constant severe pain and you are unable to find relief. You will need to send us a referral for pregnancy care from your Local Doctor (also called your GP General Practitioner). Liverpool Hospital is the major tertiary referral and teaching hospital (and Level 1 Trauma Centre) for south-western Sydney and is located within an education and health precinct which includes the Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research, a Clinical Skills and Simulation provided at Liverpool Hospital, includes . Specialist antenatal services for women with medical conditions (including diabetes, maternal cardiac disease, raised BMI, haematology, renal, HIV, neurology, maternal medicine) Antenatal appointments information Community based antenatal clinics Checks done at my antenatal appointments The Pregnancy Book You will need to bring all your blood test and ultrasound results to your booking in appointment. Access to billing for MBS chronic disease items for case conferencing, GP management plans, Team Care Arrangements and items of Diabetes Cycles of Care, as eligible. Please click here to check if you are within the Westmead Hospital pregnancy care access area. The commitment to both education and research in this facility allows for the development of quality services that meets the needs of the women and their families attending the unit. This test is done from 10 weeks of gestationand there is a cost for this blood test. Please review the referral instruction document to ensure you are following the new pathways. As this facility is a teaching hospital, the care provided to you, may include trainee medical officers, allied health workers and/or midwives working under the leadership and supervision of experienced staff. This has resulted in an overall improvement in birth outcomes, fewer unbooked women birthing at the hospital and reduced birth risks. Pregnancy Care at John Hunter Hospital Our focus for maternity care is to ensure that it is collaborative, where the woman and her family remain at the centre of the care experience and are actively involved in all decisions about the pregnancy, birth and after your baby is born. They provide support for women with FGM, a de-infibulation service for women with Type III FGM and referral service for counseling. Website by Prodo Digital, Maternity Voices Partnership Liverpool (LMVP), Coronavirus (COVID - 19) Information Hub, Liverpool Centre for Genomic Medicine (LCGM), Supporting Patients with Additional Needs, Liverpool Womens - Maternal Medicine Centre. The number of antenatal appointments you have will usually be: 10 or more, if this is your first pregnancy; 7 if you have had a baby before; Appointments may take place in the hospital with a midwife if you live outside the catchment area, or in a local clinic if you live locally. Bring your ultrasound (morphology scan) results. After review by an obstetrician and specialist renal consultant, a plan of treatment and care will be agreed. Visitors (4 per bed): 1:30pm-4:30pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm. This midwife attends to your care prenatally, during labour and after the baby is born. Send antenatal referral form direct to WNHS at KEMH Referral Co-ordinator and indicate this option. Affiliations 1 Department of Women and Children's Health, The School of Life Course & Population Sciences, King's College London, 10th Floor North Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7EH, UK. This will now be achieved with the majority of womens first face to face contact with maternity services being with their "named midwife". Held in the antenatal clinic at the Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Wednesday between 9am and 12pm. Liverpool Womens NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Brian Hollis Senior Staff Specialist in Obstetrics SWSLHD and Private Obstetrician. Tel: 0151 708 9988, Copyright 2017 Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust |
Held in the Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Thursday between 1.30pm and 4pm. Enquiries. But some women have complications. It is important that you bring: The timetable of appointments for pregnancy care will depend on your individual needs. This includes providing continuity of carer by a midwife and advocating on your behalf, with access to perinatal mental health and social work input as required. To register contact: or GPs with relevant obstetric experience can apply to become an ANSC provider and the care provided is structured to mirror the same level of care a woman would receive in a standard antenatal clinic. Location and clinic times. Pregnancy booking-in appointments are conducted Monday to Saturday from 7:00am until 7:00pm at theWomen's Health Clinic and at the Outreach Clinics. L8 7SS
Download referral templates. You will having your booking in appointment at Westmead hospital. Overview. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. Referrals for patient appointments come to us in different ways depending on the nature of the referral or the specific procedure being requested. Referral enquiries and technical support. Some content on this page may not display correctly. John Hunter Hospital is offering a CPD opportunity on common gynaecology and gynae-oncology topics on November 4th, 2022. This weekly clinic is for women with an existing endocrine problem, diabetes, asthma, or a newly developed medical problem since becoming pregnant. Women with straightforward, low-risk, pregnancies may find all the care they need within their local community but if you face a more complicated route you may need some extra support. Group pregnancy care this prenatal care takes place in a group setting on a Tuesday night 6pm 8pm for each of your scheduled visits. Self-referral often includes services for drug and alcohol problems, as well as antenatal care and improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT). Postal Address: Liverpool Hospital. You may take photographs if you wish. 45-47 Goulburn St,
There is an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) clinic in the Maternity Hospital from Monday to Friday between 8am and 12pm. The clinic benefits from interpreters as well as a telephone interpreting service. This is a follow on antenatal clinic from the miscarriage team based in the gynaecology department and is staffed by a consultant and a specialist nurse.Location and clinic times. Staffed by a specialist midwife and a consultant for obstetric review, this clinic has also been recognised for its dedication and innovation. It provides a comprehensive range of clinical services, including See more 16,017 people like this 16,753 people follow this As the largest Trust in the UK specialising in the health of women and babies, we care for around 50,000 patients each year across all clinical areas. (May be different day than usual clinic visit). Women who only access services later in pregnancy may have poorer outcomes for themselves and their baby. The Birthing Unit at Liverpool Hospital provides care for women over 20 weeks gestation with any pregnancy related problem, through to the birth of their baby. Held in the Antenatal Clinic at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Tuesday between 1.30pm and 4.15pm. As soon as you know you are pregnant you should contact your GP to organise your antenatal care or call us on 0151 247 4747. This care is provided across three locations by obstetricians (doctors who specialise in the care of pregnant women) and midwives with areas of expertise in a particular field. He also leads the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Clinic. Women who attend the Antenatal Clinic for their booking visit will be offered and booked into these antenatal education classes. With the new referral form also comes amended referral pathways. This includes ensuring that the women have appropriate supports around her during the birthing process; to assist the woman in achieving her goals, where possible. Self-referral form for physiotherapy To refer yourself for physiotherapy please fill in the form online below. Yes. Referral for antenatal care and delivery (PDF 30KB), Referral for antenatal care and delivery (RTF 190KB), Brought to you by the Department of Health, Western Australia, Government of Western Australia 2018 to
As a private patient, you will need to book into the hospital so we know you will be delivering your baby with us. We aim to contact all women within a week. Suite 7, Level 1
For high-risk, complex pregnancies or urgent referrals/reviews (to be seen within seven days), please liaise with the Antenatal Clinic Coordinator direct by calling the clinic on (08) 9391 2901. Held in the Antenatal Clinic at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Monday between 9am and 1.30pm. You will have care from an Obstetrician who specialises in your medical or obstetric problem. Simply register with My Pregnancy Notes and follow the online instructions. Ingham Health Service. After you have given birth, it is encouraged that the women and her immediate family are allowed time to bond with their newborn baby, without being overwhelmed with numerous visitors. Women who wish to have their baby at the Armadale Health Service, must live in the AHS catchment area. It is important that you book into the antenatal clinic as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed. We do not have child-minding facilities in the Womens Health Clinic, so you may like to have someone mind your other children while you attend this 90-minute appointment. South Western Sydney Primary Health Network and South Western Sydney Local Health District are working together to enhance diabetes care in the area. Our Supporting Those at Risk (STAR) clinic offers support to young mothers and women with complex social and health issues. Shared pregnancy care; Westmead Midwifery Caseload Practice; Westmead Dragonfly Midwifery; Westmead Midwifery PAPOOSE; Doctors clinic; Midwives clinic; Breech clinic; Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC) Day Assessment Unit (DAU) Immunisation clinic; Perinatal Advice, Referral and Liaison Service (PEARLS) Post dates clinic; Women's Health Ward Phone: +61 2 8738 3000. We provide antenatal parent education classes for all women and their support persons awaiting the arrival of a new baby. For Information on COVID19 vaccination during pregnancy please download our fact sheet: Download covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy fact sheet, Download Childcare Resources for women with COVID19. Antenatal clinic at Liverpool hospital - October 2021 Birth Club - BabyCenter Australia Home Community October 2021 Birth Club Antenatal clinic at Liverpool hospital Fatss1 08/04/21 Log in or sign up to post a comment! Food or snacks (if you want to bring your own for yourself). Doctors clinic These clinics are Monday Friday from 8.00am 12.30pm and 1.30pm 4.00pm in the Womens Health Clinic on level 2. There will be a full antenatal assessment and a membrane sweep if you wish. First Appointments Centre Antenatal Clinic Integrated Antenatal Service Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (EGA) Wing University College Hospital Your partner / support person is welcome to attend theappointmentwith you, however in the first part of theappointment, we will ask to speak with you without your partner / support person. Contact through: Caboolture Hospital (07) 5433 8888. Our Support Women with Additional Nutritional Needs (SWANN) clinic is specifically designed to support women with additional nutritional needs. If any of your women suffered moderate, serious or critical COVID-19 (requiring hospital admission) >14/40 please direct them back to the hospital antenatal clinic for ongoing care and management. Director Feto-Maternal Unit,Conjoint Associate Professor University of NSW, Senior Staff Specialist SWSLHD. Held in the Antenatal Clinic at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Tuesday between 1.30pm and 3pm. Run by a specialist obstetrician and midwife, the clinic runs two half days per week and provides assessment, treatment and emotional support services. Unison members of staff at Liverpool Womens will be taking part in industrial action on Wednesday 8th March 2023. The clinic is staffed by a multidisciplinary team comprising two consultant obstetricians and a specialist midwife/coordinator, a consultant endocrinologist (diabetes specialist), two diabetes specialist nurses and a specialist dietician - all working together to ensure each woman receives an individual plan of treatment and care. SeniorStaff Specialist in Obstetrics SWSLHD and Private Obstetrician. An ultrasound scan will be arranged which is usually performed between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. Fax. If you do not hear from us within this time please call us on 020 3447 9400. Outpatients If you receive a referral letter from your doctor for a consultation at Liverpool Hospital outpatient clinic, you will need to contact the clinic directly to make an appointment. When you decide to book your care with us here at Whipps Cross Hospital, we ask that you complete antenatal self referral form Whipps Cross hospital [docx] 186KB which you can either hand in to our Antenatal Clinic reception or email to us at can also ask your GP to refer you to us but this may take longer. In 1999, she was actively involved in the developing of a special Antenatal clinic (The Link Clinic) for women who do not speak English ensuring an effective ways of communication. If you are worried about your baby, have pain or are bleeding call Maternity services. Alternatively you can call us on 0151 702 4328 to arrange your first appointment. Special interest: stillbirth and its antecedents. They will be able to treat you if you have a broken bone, a sprain, bruise, wound, small burn, bite, or a minor eye or head injury and many other injuries. If you have any queries, please contact the maternity ward C23 on 01925 662258. L8 7SS
Birthing is a significant life event for any women and her family. PO Box 4195. Unison members of staff at Liverpool Womens will be taking part in industrial action on Wednesday 8th March 2023. Employment Type: Permanent Part Time or Full Time, up to 38 hours per week Location: Liverpool Hospital Position Classification: Registered Midwife Remuneration: $33.97 - $47.69 per hour Requisition ID: REQ376330 Application Close Date: 12/03/2023 Interview Date Range: 15/03/2023 - 22/03/2023 Contact Details: Tracy Read - 0460 020 195 or via email on Referral and booking in is preferred prior to 14 weeks gestation. Locked Bag 7103. 2016 South Western Sydney Local Health District. The Saint Mary's Hospital team provides full maternity care for women including pre-conception counselling, antenatal care, birthing and postnatal care. Held in the antenatal clinic at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Tuesday between 9am and 1pm. Where possible, for any routine appointment enquiries, please wait until Thursday 9th March when normal service will resume. A supply of paper copies of the referral form is available for those practices without computer or Internet access. Please click here to check if you are within the Westmead Hospital pregnancy care access area. To assist you in achieving this goal, it is recommended that women select support persons that will facilitate this goal. Visit the Telehealth website to join these classes is listed below and the Class code will be provided to for your allocated classes. Antenatal Care. At this appointment the midwife will take a detailed medical and social history, including details of any previous pregnancies. Redcliffe Hospital (07) 3883 7777. given at the same time) a COVID-19 vaccine and an influenza vaccine is safe and produces good immune responses to both vaccines. A safety notice has been distributed to NSW Health, advising clinicians to screen antenatal women twice during pregnancy. As a teaching centre of the University of New South Wales, Liverpool Hospital is proud to be training consultant dermatologists and doctors of the future under the guidance our consultant dermatology staff. GPs can make the majority of referrals to us through Choose and Book with the patient being able to choose the date and time of their appointment. This will facilitate the child's preparation for the birthing process. If you are planning a pregnancy, you can visit your GP to have blood tests done that will identify any diseases or health problems which are best treated before pregnancy. The safety notice can viewed in full via the Clinical Excellence Commission. Cases have been reported even amongst population groups that were not previously considered to be high risk. Once you have your pregnancy confirmed, your GP will give you forms to fill out for blood tests and a urine sample. ; 2 Centre for Women and Children's Health Research, University of Liverpool, Liverpool Women's Hospital, Liverpool, UK. If yes, follow early or urgent high risk referral process. Mersey Care (Liverpool and Sefton) - 0151 702 4012 Youwill continue to have yourfollow up visitsat your GP surgery where the midwives work as part of the multidisciplinary team. It can also make it harder to attribute potential adverse events to specific vaccines. Further information Gestational diabetes. It is important to get the right care for you and your baby. Location and times. The Early Pregnancy Clinic helps . Mersey Care (Halton, Warrington, St Helens and Knowsley) - 01925 275 303. GPs must send the completed referral form for antenatal care and delivery to the Armadale Health Service Referral Office by emailing For the past 2 years he has undertaken the role of Head of Department O&G. Since emigrating to Australia with his family in 2006 he has worked as a Senior staff Specialist at Liverpool Hospital. The procedure aims to ensure the GP reaches and maintains a satisfactory standard of compliance to the ANSC program in South West Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD). Our midwives will provide assessment, management and referral to specialist doctors for women experiencing a possible miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. ContactLiverpool Womens on 0151 702 4180 or 0151 702 4178, If you suffer with high blood pressure, either before or since becoming pregnant, you will attend this weekly clinic. Diabetes Case Conference Clinic Days are now available for GPs in South West Sydney. Once stable these patients will be internally referred to the EPAS Clinic for ongoing assessment, treatment and support. Consider how midwives can best support and care for women and their families surrounding prenatal screening, options and decision-making in a way which respects diversity as well as a womans right to make an informed choice.This course is free to access for all and equivalent to 1 CPD point. At Cairns Hospital you have access to treatments and support services. Our specialised team of midwives and obstetricians will discuss with you the chance of a successful vaginal birth, your personal wishes and future fertility plans to allow you to make an informed decision. This is a weekly clinic for women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more. A plan of treatment and care will be devised by an obstetrician and a medical consultant.Location and clinic times. LIVERPOOL BC NSW 1871. These visits allow your health team to monitor you and your baby's wellbeing, provide education& support and develop a trusting relationship with your midwives and doctors. This should ideally be done before by 14 weeks to allow for 18 week appointment if required. Corner of Elizabeth and Goulburn Streets. Contact Liverpool Womens on 0151 702 4180or 0151 7024178. Liverpool Hospital Dermatology is a tertiary referral centre. Here youwill be seen by the midwife that will provide the care throughout the remainder of yourpregnancy and in the postnatal period. An appointment system operates to minimise waiting times but if you cannot keep a hospital appointment, please telephone. Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)clients benefit from the extra time allocated during these appointments to allow for language interpretation. In addition, the Unit offers birthing balls, bean bags, floor mats and a birth stool to assist you in your journey. If your call is relating to an urgent matter (on 8th March only) please call 0151 708 9988. To learn more about shared care, you can speak to: Your GP. Urgent cases accepted via phone must be accompanied with a written referral and a copy faxed immediately to the Central Patient Intake Unit: 1300 364 952. Building: Caroline Chisholm Building
Please note: If you have any of the following, please see your GP before referring yourself: Changes in your bladder and bowel habits. If you have a very high-risk pregnancy, we will arrange for your referral or transfer to the closest and most appropriate hospital. If you are a health professional please refer to All your details will be kept on the hospitals computer system and a copy will be given to you for you to keep and bring to each clinic and hospital appointment. Only children to visit are your own. High-risk pregnancy service and joint-obstetric cardiology clinic. Liverpool Hospital is one of the biggest and busiest hospital's in New South Wales. Jo Andrew, Midwifery Unit Manager of Antenatal Services on 02 4320 3863 or email: Referrals to Liverpool Hospital Dermatology can be made via post: Suite 7, Level 1 45-47 Goulburn St, Liverpool NSW 2170 or Fax: (02) 8738-4639 Patients will be triaged on a need and availability manner to ensure safe and appropriate management of all patients in the health area. This can also help to reduce potential complications by making sure mums-to-be get the healthcare they need to give their babies the best start in life. If your call is relating to an urgent matter (on 8th March only) please call 0151 708 9988. Additional fees above health care insurance premiums may be applicable to this service. He has an interest in the diagnosis and management of fetal anomalies, antenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies, growth restriction, stillbirth and the management of certain high risk pregnancies. If a first trimester screen result is deemed high risk, please refer immediately for tertiary scan at King Edward Memorial Hospital. Outpatient services, medical admissions, A+E services and non-cardiac surgery for babies, children and teenagers with congenital heart disease. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings and refresh the page. Direct contact with midwives can result in earlier access to health information and screening that can help the health and wellbeing of both mum and baby. Explain what Down syndrome is;2. Alternatively, your GP can fax / email a written referral to one of the specialist doctors at this hospital to: Womens Health Clinic Fax 02 8890-5198 or email Westmead Pregnancy Bookings. Liverpool Women's Hospital Merseyside. We will try to provide you with an appointment as soon as possible and at a time convenient to you. Dr Hollis received his primary medical degree in South Africa. Website by Prodo Digital, Maternity Voices Partnership Liverpool (LMVP), Coronavirus (COVID - 19) Information Hub, Liverpool Centre for Genomic Medicine (LCGM), Supporting Patients with Additional Needs, Liverpool Womens - Maternal Medicine Centre. Floor: Level 2
Your care begins with your General Practitioner (GP) who will; confirm your pregnancy, taking a comprehensive healt h and medical history, order your blood tests and an obstetric ultrasound.. This award-winning weekly clinic was developed for young mothers-to-be up to the age of 17, though older teenagers can be referred if necessary. If you have chosen to have your maternity care at Liverpool Womens you will be invited to attend our antenatal clinic before the twelfth week of your pregnancy, where your individual plan of care will be discussed with you. Website by Prodo Digital, Maternity Voices Partnership Liverpool (LMVP), Coronavirus (COVID - 19) Information Hub, Liverpool Centre for Genomic Medicine (LCGM), Supporting Patients with Additional Needs, Liverpool Womens - Maternal Medicine Centre. Self refer online today and book an appointment that's convenient for you. Held at theAintree Centre for Womens Health on alternate Thursdays between 1.30pm and 4.30pm. 41/40. For more information, see Midwives Clinics. This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The unit is situated in the Antenatal Clinic in block L2 (Langley Wing), and is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. The midwife will take a lot of information from you in order to plan your pregnancy and meet your individual needs.