To use this feature please register as Seller. The cuddler would love to travel with you on vacation and around the world. The name by itself makes me cringe a little bit. Doxxing is rampant on LipstickAlley. I refuse to do Facebookbut forum like this are fine with me. I'd be interested in seeing "Lipstick Alley'scomments posted on the "me, too", movement. EAST COAST SHOWROOM. I hope not, because I hate her fat a$$. Models like Alex wek were the exception not the rule. None of her children's fathers are admittedly active. Yes, I do have a VPN, but that is solely for my own protection from hackers. However nowadays since there are so many people on the website the feeling of community isn't there anymore and the name calling has increased. When I was in grade school they had a special class for the bad kids. Thank You! She's not attractive at all and it has nothing to do with her skin tone. I'm not raising homos. If you would like to share more "whois" details on Lipstickalley with us, please contact us Today I'm afraid to date black women because so many want to raise effeminate, emasculated black boys. The website has cliques. They are also saying light skinned women are insanely jealous of dark skinned women. You would think as bad of a reputation "snitching" gets in the Black community today, that would be the last thing people would do on a Black website; but many of the posters on LSA are QUICK to snitch on eachother and get eachother's posts flagged for being offensive. The public educational system is designed to break the spirit of AfroAmerican boys (and it would make sense that the darker they are the more they are targeted) so that they will eventually become so dismayed with trying to fit in with "society" that they become anti-social and eventually either form their own societies (gangs) or become ANTI-social all together and become career criminals who see prison as their only home. They don't hesitate to throw black men under the bus for white men. Store Monetized Using Google Adsense:
Which kinda reinforces the idea that harassment is really about exerting power, and who has more power, particularlyin the entertainment world, than Jews? Unknown, Number of topics:
Praying all those trolls get their karma. the woman, in the ephah represents White Supremacy-- the Roman Empire-- A Matriarchal government. Experience the healing touch of cuddling with our growing list of 100% real and verified cuddlers. I feel that some of them feel that 'we have to accept all types of weird 'issues' based on their conditioned belief that White people of the head and they believe that will never change. The AALBC site and forum are great. Number of members: 436,049. Forum Details. The Internet's largest African American Forum. Updated forum's domain ownership details. Yes
I pretty much live in the country now. No fairness is given. As a black woman on that website, you have to share the same beliefs as the other black women on that website. I posted there yesterday about the free eBook give-away for Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. And he said unto me, What seest thou? Some of the posters were calling eachother "trolls" and "agents" over the slightest disagreements. LSA has the reputation of being easy to troll. But, I can absolutely relate. They are extremely insecure but the hate light skinned and biracial women as well. I went threre bc a youtuber so watched at the time kept mentioning it so I checked it out. Find forums to join, forums to comment on and discover new and exciting niches. I did not hide my identity however, cause I'm too busy making sure people know This just backs up the "school to prison pipeline" that so many Afrocentric scholars speak of that operates in the United States. you would be really wrong. It's like a trend, a pop culture style. will not be a sound voice for Black Africa. They even hate light skinned women who are pretty. Keywords |
But that site is a weird black liberal LGBT site. This however is more a function of human nature and certainly not unique to Lip Stick Alley -- or even this site's discussion forums. They have also reported the incident to the police, but there are no updates regarding it.
Many of our ancestors did the same thing on slave ships. There's even an anti-lsa site that gossips about lsa members, it's crazy. They post that black male babies should be aborted. It's the honest truth. However I'm certain, or rather not surprised, that you've experienced argumentative and prejudiced people. I left that website and Im never going back there. It continues today. Lost & Found. We are all called racist and evil for simply being white. I feel lile toxic is an understatement. Already have seller account.Login using seller details. They live like everyone is out to get black women. Sure, you can look for forums in Google, but it's not always easy to find JUST forums. Is the website down? So, he used THE STORK to prophesy of the set up of the Roman Empire because in the Pentateuch, the stork, symbolized abomination. Be the first one to comment on this story. Animal Shelter adopt a pet; dogs, cats, puppies, kittens! These women need to admit they are jealous of light skinned women's beauty. I've seen this from time to time myself. Shoot maybe some of those book forum participants would consider posting on a Black owned site Interestingly I was on the site yesterday. The owner is Verve Hosting. However, I am so glad that you are addressing this issue. Last recorded number of concurrent members online: Unknown. This is deep. They think white women, Asian, Latinas are jealous of them. Already have seller account.Login using seller details. Benjamin is also famously known for telling Bulls teammate Randy Brown that he could beat Michael Jordan one-on-one. They think every light skinned woman is ugly and only dark skinned women are pretty. :), Easy DIY Homemade Lip Scrub -- Makeup tips and tricks for beginners, teens and even experts! This was before social media sites were popular so there were not many people on the website compared to how many people are there today. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. AVAC United, organizer of the basketball tournament, has banned the player, and possibly her mother, from future games. Black women seem to be less hysterical about this topic perhaps because they're experienced in standing up for themselves.There was a littlelocal demonstration against harassment on TV yesterday here in Chicago, and i didn't see any black faces among the participants. Ther. Your submission in r/BlackWomens was automatically removed. The place is full of emotionally immature people with deep family problems that only a licensed therapist can deal with. I thought the forum was a safe space but I guess I was wrong. (updated 17 January 2022)
You are a minority. i wanted to share information about the top 10 lists I'm creating. What happens if you are banned? #pretty #cute #cool, This is really good put it on ur legs lashes too Follow me//Babygirl_petty . The moderators are black women based in Detroit. Those boys and men were ultimately conditioned into believing that was their natural lifestyle. I met her "son." Some of my relatives are dark and some are light, and so, I see a lot of problems with Colorism and White Supremacy from this bases. I only just discovered it last year. It's to the point that if I see a very dark skinned person who is in shape, well dressed, well behaved, and smiling I almost automatically assume they are African or from the Carribean because if they were born and raised in the United States they would look sloppy and have an even worse attitude. The women on there are very jealous people who revel in being shut ins but cry about other men not finding them attractive. Some of the posters were calling eachother "trolls" and "agents" over the slightest disagreements. if we deny that we have been conditioned by this system, then that is the problem. Since then all of myposts have been taken seriously. What man stop playing give me some names of Black forums: My first post was met with skepticism, gratitude, flirtation, and even few thumbs down. The environment on Lipstick Alley puts my defenses up. Lead was used to make pipes that went into the bath houses and etc.
Anonymously of course. If you say anything good about a shade light than a paper bag they are quick to go on long rants about how colorist you are and the woe is me. Our platform helps you in becoming a famous celebrity. I thought it was funny. Many dark skined people were called ugly and rejected growing up so they often turn into angry "Clarence Thomas" like figures who hate their own community as they get older. Tyra Hunt is the wife of former pro basketball player Corey Benjamin. I've seen this from time to time myself. I went on my annual "I'm lonely" date over the holidays with a woman I met on a black dating site. They are delusional as most white men aren't married to black women. Hunt is proud of her daughters and accompanies them during games. 'thinking' to be able to express my views on this. Details |
Hunt is in the middle . I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof. ] Please someone introduce it to some righteous black women before I resort to swirling again out of necessity!! Play video games, read books, go on adventures to the beach or park & much more. Eddie George himself was not the owner or eddiegeorge(dot)com. It's so crazy. book reviews
First stumbled on LSA through a YouTuber mentioning it. After Cori gets up, someone in the background can be heard saying "You better hit her, Cori," allegedly by the mother Tyra Hunt. Must say I've always sensed a very black liberal female/anti-black men vibe there. Instead of ignoring a post that they don't like, many will go running to the moderator to "tattle tale" and get it erased. FindAForum is the #1 internet resource for finding discussion forums online. There's something about the United States that it's very healthy for many dark skinned people. Cuddlers love to help people heal, relieve loneliness, listen to your problems, share your hobbies, and provide a comforting and caring embrace to anyone who may need it. The influx of unbelievably insecure, bitter, jealous, hateful, and racist African and Black women has completely changed that. Related Forums |
These beauty hacks and step-by-step tutorials are perfect for women of any age, older or younger. But if this keeps up, I'm going to have to marry outside the race. 1%. Honestly. Yes these women are still propagating lies that white men love them and black men hate them. I can't make account there. Please review the cuddler's profile for more details on their preferences, and instructions when booking. Cori, the one in the viral video, and the younger one Legacy, who both play for their AAU Team named Benjamin Ballers. Ebony Magazine wrote an article about their gang back in the mid 70's they came across much more menacing than they were in real life furthuring engaining the stereotype into the mainstream. I knew it was white owned. You basically have to stay in your own neighborhood and post when you know you have enough "back" so help you defend yourself from those who will attack your statements or try to get your posts flagged. They are anti non African American black people. The women brag about sleeping with entertainers and athletes in the industry. They have threads posting pics and they make fun of the features other black women have. Id hate to interact withthosepeople in everydaylife as they seem so aggressive, sohostile and veryargumentative. Can you share a success story using LipstickAlley. lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven. They are pathetic and Im a black woman saying this. The threads may be regarding different topics or subjects but they incite a . Iconic font-Bestfwends-She who vanquishes! Contact Privacy Inc. Yep. As far as I could tell the book forum was just a small part of a massive website, which is why I wrote that it was one of the best Black forums on the web. How can we get the option to delete or posts, account, etc???????? It's been about 3 or 4 years since I left. It's stupid that we can't deactivate or delete it ourselves. Ive read more than enough for me not to even consider applying to join this site and forum. It's too heavily moderated and you have to moderate your speech. Truly pathetic. They hate anyone who isn't the shade of midnight blue.
Absolutely true. Last recorded number of concurrent members online:
I can stand on my own. It gave me great satisfaction to know that I was "living rent free" as they say in his mind. I am not sure if someone hacked my account or did something so I can't access the site? They have dedication threads to white, Arab, Asian and Latino men but get angry if black men think a non black woman is pretty. I would neveroffer up my sweet little girl like that and etc. They comment under the guise of black sisterhood but are quick to come together to get you on timeout or ban you. But that site is a weird black liberal LGBT site. It is ownes by Verve hosting INC. If you dare deviate from the crowd, they will plan to attack you and call you names. At any rate, they didn't even make film that easily captured dark skinned people in photographs properly -- especially those polaroid cameras. He also played for the Atlanta Hawks in 2003 before bouncing around playing basketball in leagues in China, France, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Portugal and South Korea. Good Luck! [7] And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Like the nut jobs in the Net Famous forum that make it their daily mission to harass YouTubers. She seems to fantasize over White men but will mask this, at times, and speak about Black issues and. I have more to add when my account is approved. No, I don't believe in the contrail conspiracies. They uphold white men as the pinnacle of success. Related Blogs |
It's just so sad to continually read sentiments like this. And their defensiveness seems subconscious. The owner of the site is a sister, whose avatar is a photo of Condi Rice. You don't believe in the chemical/biological warfare conspiracies aimed at AfroAmericans. It is not black owned. I would never give anyone online or offline the opportunity to victimize me. Some time in the last 3 or so years this site has become awful.