The Gemini sun Virgo moon combination suggests a personality that is very smart and perceptive but also modest. Just forgiving others is not for you. A Virgo Sun Gemini Ascendant is often very good with words and may be an exquisite writer, always a perfectionist in their craft. So, Yes, This goes for both sun signs and moon signs that would be great for each and every sun/moon combination in the zodiac to be in a relationship with unless other placements besides someone's sun sign and someone's moon sign are involved in someone's birth chart and also there were some combo's where two signs were mentioned for the And what does it all mean? Leo Rising. You have a strong independent streak, and that Leo Moon gives you a powerful urge to create. Due to the influence of the Gemini sign, these people share their knowledge with everyone else. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. You are not always easy to know intimately. These people aren't easy to identify as Leos. Melodrama was probably invented by a Gemini Sun Leo Moon cave dweller. Having a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, youve got an ongoing need to communicate your latest ideas, deepest feelings, and the impressions you get from the world around you. Just like all Leos, the Leo Sun Virgo Moon woman is determined and noble. A few careers that are ideal for this pair would be some type of organizer, whether it be to completely re-work someones home or office. Hes careful with what friends he makes and doesnt let too many people close. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. In relationship matters, Gemini rising holds the belief that variety is the spice of life. Insightful Analyses Into What It Means To Be A Leo. Theyre naturals at ventriloquism, comic monologues, and college auditorium lectures, though other sorts of career choices can be just as rewarding, including physical training, writing, and package and mail delivery. Try not to be so hard on yourself, or you will lapse into states of hypercriticism, agitation, and acute anxietyand you may project your frustrations onto friends and associates. The influence of Mercury bestows a logical mind, acute powers of observation, an intellectual outlook, perception, and a flair for science and writing. Although they may have a slightly introverted bend, they can be very social and engaging. In fact, you feel wounded if your public doesnt put you in that position. They will also, most likely, have many bookshelves at home covered in books on the most interesting topics. It also encourages fussiness, a nervous temperament, sarcasm, fault-finding, and worry. Once you get to know them, youll see just how direct they can be. Once you do become romantically attached, learn to curb your criticisms and cultivate tolerance. Sensual and outgoing Leo struggles with inhibited Virgo. Emotionally, they are pretty sanguine and light hearted with a positive attitude. She also wants to be noticed and treated like royalty. Or was it a Leo Waning Gibbous? Leo Sun Virgo Moon lovers think big and want the entire world to pay attention to them. With Gemini Rising, even though you love to be with people and appear to have charming warmth, yours is a mental rather than emotional outlook. Their combination of signs has them fighting against themselves from time to time. Professionally, a Gemini Sun Leo Moon individual has strong creative drives. However, he is polite and charming. Academy-Award-winning actor Tommy Lee Jones also makes this list, as well as fantasy and horror director Tim Burton of hits such as Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow. Although he seems confident and sure of himself, its hard for him to operate when all eyes are not on him. These natives want power and to rule in the most effective way. Although you may not be a dynamic executive or administrator, you still manage to voice your opinions and use your organizational skills to command power from behind the scenes. This side of Leo Sun Virgo Moon can push people away, especially those who dont know them on a deep level. As long as she has a stable career, nice home life, good friends, and family, she will feel fulfilled. She is gracious and generous, but if you are competing with her for something, she will have no problems being ruthless. But divorcing yourself from your emotions can only lead to dissatisfaction and anxiety. Gemini is the sign of duality and this is evident in the lives of Gemini Ascendants. You are self-confident and have a resolute faith in yourself. They will be dressed in edgy clothes leather jackets, torn jeans, and well-crafted boots when they go out at night. With Leo Rising, you are efficient at organizing groups of people and inspiring them to give their best. People dont realize just how sensitive you really are, and it isnt easy to arouse your deepest feelings or stir the passion you so expertly conceal behind that aloof and intellectual faade. Leo Sun Virgo Moons know precisely what they want, this being the reason why others may find it hard to work with them. Were you born on a Virgo Full Moon? As an individual with a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, fight off those feelings of discontent by developing a little compassion for yourself. Blessed with a natural sense of drama, you know how to heighten and brighten any experience. You try your best to keep your emotions to a minimum in order to avoid getting hurt. Many will try to get under their skin, but they wont accept it. Celebrities With These Placements With their passion and creativity, they have the ability to create a great, stable life for themselves. Romance may be difficult for the Leo Sun Virgo Moon individual. The influence of the Sun bestows enthusiasm, generosity, power, warmth, creative self-expression, passion, and courage. Both signs of the Virgo Sun Gemini Moon combination are ruled by Mercury, and if you are familiar with mythology, youll know that Mercury governs communication and the intellect. Dont cross her or you will suffer. Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. Many of you become actors and writers and are successful in the entertainment industry, TV, journalism, and the literary world. These Leos might even drive a school busand love every minute of it! No matter if women or men, their standards will be high and the disappointment when they wont meet them even higher. Its like hes dependent on being admired and complimented all the time. Virgo is an introverted, Mutable Earth Sign, while Gemini is an extroverted Mutable Air Sign. Whatever career they choose they will have no problems excelling at it. You are not an especially hard worker but tend to achieve success through the influence and pull of others. This is an interesting combination, indeed! From an outsiders perspective, a Leo Sun Virgo Moon individual may seem reserved yet calculated. You sense of justice verges on self-righteousness and, if frustrated by the treatment you have received in life, you may become bitter, pedantic, and eventually tiresome to be around. Just one cup of coffee, for the day, in the morning will stimulate their senses and get them buzzing. Governed by savvy Mercurythe planet of communication, logistics and thought processesVirgo . The list of celebrities who are Virgo Sun Gemini Ascendant includes bad boy actors Mickey Rourke, Charlie Sheen, and Armie Hammer. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. As an individual with a Gemini Sun Leo Moon, you are charming, exuberant, and optimistic. You move with quickness and agility and hold on to your youthful looks well into old age. It is always good to light some candles and say a gratitude prayer. Virgos are kind, ethical, and humanitarian. Leos are motivated and cant rest until they have gained the respect of everyone. The Leo rising sign adds a critical edge to your personality and makes you very demanding, which often complicates things for you when it comes to love. Having Gemini Rising, you tend to have small sharp features, twinkling eyes that are filled with humor, a friendly smile, and graceful arms and hands that you use to great effect. When you walk into their home, expect it to look like one out of a magazine. And he expects others to have them too. Sagittarius rules their 7th House of love, marriage, and relationships and makes a great match (and is also part of the Mutable Modality)! Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. Its difficult to fully let go of those inhibitions, perhaps because of guilt about indulging too heartedly or allowing yourself too much pleasure. Imagine how much the natives of these signs will work. Lunar Geminis are usually pleasant, witty, and charming people. Theyre masterful at putting others at ease by showing an interest in them. Maybe he will sometimes do it just to see the effects of his actions. Having Virgo Rising, a fault sometimes is your inability to put things in perspective, a proclivity for getting bogged down in small details and losing sight of the big picture. Buying and giving luxurious gifts is their love language, but they will only do so if their partner can reciprocate the love. This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence. With a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, dissatisfaction with yourself or your projects is the source of much confusion, anxiety, and depression you experience throughout life. It means that the person is very spiritual, likes to be secluded from the real world, likes to visit quiet places. Having a Gemini Sun Leo Moon you are highly romantic and adventurous, you actively search for (and hopefully find) the perfect partnerone who shares your enthusiasm and interests. Cerebral and airy, the Virgo sun Gemini moon man or woman is someone with a sharp mind and curious nature. Many will trust them because theyre dignified and serious. In fact, you feel wounded if your public doesnt put you in that position. It will always be clean, and if its not, its most likely because they are feeling down or depressed about something within their life. The Sun, which rules Leo, is very prominent in your birth chart. The Moon is in the tenth house. As a Leo Rising individual, you tend to have a large, beautifully shaped head, thick shining hair, a dazzling smile with bright, even teeth, and a stately bearing. Having a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, people are attracted to your innocence and charm. When it comes to her friends and close ones, she takes good care in choosing them. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them or avoid them. But no matter what, they will always want to be of help. If they want all the attention and admiration, they need to be of help first. When it comes to love, sex and dating, a Gemini Ascendant often has a difficult time deciding what he wants. Leo Rising A voice of cosmic . Afterward, they should spend some time with their pets and quickly answer any texts or emails sent to them while they are sleeping. In the classroom, you are the one sitting at the front desk, taking copious notes and asking the most pertinent questions. Health, healing, and self-care is of upmost importance to those of you with a Virgo Moon: don't forget that tending to your SELF must take precedence. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. Pisces works well and also falls under the Mutable Modality.Aquarians and librarians can work here, as well as Aries and Leos. It also encourages egotism, arrogance, snobbism, conceit, pomposity, and condescension. Many of you are benefited by an inheritance later in your lives. This is not to say you are cold and insensitive. Hes proud and would never do whats wrong. Lovers with their Moon in Virgo want to improve and fix things. Controlboth of self and of eventsis what makes you feel secure. How to Recognize Virgo Sun Gemini Rising. If you have a Leo Sun Virgo Moon, if you have one flaw, it is that there are times when you can be highly judgmental, even arrogant, in your opinions and assumptions. Leo Sun Virgo Moons have a push and pull aspect to their personality. They need to be mindful of where they project their negative or critical attitude towards. Leos sometimes cling to bad relationships because their egos will not allow them to admit they may have made a mistake. can u possibly make a mood board for gemini sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising Answer Save. But they will still be charming, open and friendly. my chart Sun: gemini Moon: gemini Rising: gemini Mercury: gemini Vertex: Libra Mars: Leo Jupiter: Capricorn Venus: gemini Saturn: Virgo Pluto: Capricorn Neptune: Aquarius Uranus: Pisces Black moon lilith: Sagittarius . The typical Leo confidence and boastful pride may at times be undermined by periods of self doubt and neurotic worries. The planet Mercury, which rules Gemini, is very prominent in your birth chart. This mindset can lead Leo Sun Virgo Moon to be a workaholic, especially because Leo is so passionate, and Virgo is the perfectionist. The Virgo Rising Mindset Virgo Risings work to preserve their relationships, health, and themselves, as well as those closest to them. Pisces Black moon lilith: Sagittarius. However, you have a marvelous mercurial quality, and your high spirits and interest are quickly revived. You consider it beneath you to stoop to pettiness, grumbling, stinginess, or narrow-mindedness. Not to mention cautious and attentive. Nervous tension and anxiety often plague Virgo Sun Gemini Moon individuals. For the Gemini Sun Virgo Moon individual, a very detached view of love makes you not nearly as romantic as you may appear. Be Unique. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. There is nothing frivolous about you. Having a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, you are trusting, good-natured, open, and warmhearted, you live by a code that modern society is leaving behind. His principles are well established and always kept. While shy, he will always struggle to please. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. Having a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, you are the perfect critic and analyst. You are far more loyal than your fellow Geminis. The level of success they achieve will be defined by the level of their awareness of self and circumstance. This man combines these two signs in a very harmonious way despite them influencing towards two very different personalities. Pisces Sun/Capricorn Moon/Gemini Rising. As an individual with a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, with zealousness and determination, you set out in life to prove your merit and worth: You are the one who always works overtime without asking for compensation. As an individual with Gemini Rising, you like to encounter many different situations and people. Sun . She relaxes when things arent out of control. Combine that with the burning passion of Leo Sun, and you have a recipe for greatness. Innocent to the political realities of life, you watch dumbfounded as others more cunning than yourself pass you by and win all the honors. Leo Sun Virgo Rising. Or was it a Gemini Waning Gibbous? Many of you become actors and writers and are successful in the entertainment industry, TV, journalism, and the literary world. With Gemini Rising, the first impression others receive of you is of someone in constant motion: your hands gesticulate, your eyes dart here and there, your body does not sit still in a chair. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Although not very emotional, you are considerate and thoughtful and the advice you love to dispense is almost always well thought out and wise. (Note: Leo Rising individuals have a particularly soft spot for children and spoil them outrageously.). The full moon will adorn the sky on March 7 at 7:40 a.m. If you are familiar with mythology, you'll know that Mercury is the messenger of the gods and governs the communication of thoughts and ideas. And what does it all mean? With Virgo Moon, there is no shortage of work ethic. They can also suffer from digestive issues and need to space meals instead of eating one thing on top of the other. But you also have difficulty specializing in any one field: Since there is always so much to learn, you feel its a waste of time to socialize. my favorites out of these are: leo + gemini energy taurus + cancer energy sagittarius + aries energy scorpio + capricorn energy virgo + scorpio energy (by energy i mean sun/moon/rising/venus placements of each sign) 03 Mar 2023 01:04:51 They move around fast and like to observe and listen more than your average . Taurus is a great match here that also makes for a great friendship. Having Gemini Rising, you go out of your way to keep busy, if not at your vocation then at your avocation. The combination of the Virgo sun with Gemini rising will make sure that the people who are born in this constellation absorb knowledge throughout their whole life in perfect Virgo sun manner. Virgo Rising individuals are rather fixed in opinion, but not so inflexible that they will not change their minds upon careful review of opposing facts. They are used to the world aching and quaking around. Leo Sun Virgo Moon individuals may date around but when they find the one they want to spend their time with, they have no problems settling down. The ideals and principles he sets for his life are a constant, not much can happen to sway him from his opinions. High-strung, restless, and exuberant, your charm and intelligence usually guarantee the audience you crave. It's also important for this person to consume heart-healthy food. You're pretty good at socializing, but your excessive interest in all things material can alienate you from people. Along with all this, she needs stability in her life, without it, her world can seem chaotic. If he will use it to his advantage, hell be very successful in everything he will do. And what does it all mean? Hard workers, they will have high demands from themselves. [..] Leos with Gemini rising just need to avoid being labeled shallow or scatterbrained. The grass on the right side of the fence looks just as delicious as the grass on the left. To less flamboyant types you may appear ostentatious, show-offy, and extravagant. Leo Sun Virgo Rising Health The heart always needs to be paid attention to and cardiovascular workouts are the way to go. The character of the person with the Sun in Gemini and the Ascendant in Leo is fully owned by the communication; They are leaders of discussions, people who dominate the debate, these innate guides who are able to connect the group and combine interest with educational value. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. If you have Leo rising, you are big-hearted, expansive, benevolent, and kind. You need change and variety and are often discontent with your present lot. They want everything to be perfect. Although the pair can be opposing at times, they embody the best of both signs. At such times you simply put on your regal air and make sure the underlying knows in what contempt and low esteem he or she is held. People with Moon in Gemini are always interesting people-they have a finger in every pie, are curious to a fault, and are generally well-informed. With a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, as nave in love as you are in other areas of your life, you are probably confused by rapidly changing sexual mores, and you can be easily hurt if you discover that your lover has not been faithful. There is a basic coolness to the Gemini Rising personality. 04 Mar 2023 17:12:29 . You are happiest in the role of leader. Having Gemini Rising, you tend to have small sharp features, twinkling eyes that are filled with humor, a friendly smile, and graceful arms and hands that you use to great effect. Though always willing to listen to what others have to say, your hunches are accurate and they usually guide you along nicely. You sense that there is an experience just over the horizon that will make you feel truly fulfilled, and you resent the strictures that you may think keep you from venturing out to find it. Sun in Gemini with Moon in Virgo and Leo Rising Personality Traits: For the individual with a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, the planet Mercury rules both signs of your combination. It's an enhancer in every way. 2 Leo Sun Gemini Moon people want attention. For example, Leos are energetic, passionate and kind, Virgos are cold, reserved and careful. They will support their lover no matter the times and circumstances. You may be positively brilliant, but dont let that intellect of yours determine your every move. Leo Sun Virgo Moon people can exhibit contradicting personalities because their Sun wants to be in the center of attention, admired and praised, while their Moon is all about stability, staying in the shadows and not engaging in dangerous activities. Shy and reserved on the inside, Leo Sun Virgo Moons are assertive, methodical and precise on the outside. The Virgo rising is a real asset to you because it pushes you to overcome your fears and your natural shyness - thanks to it you grow in confidence. Currently you are on the homepage for the, Virgo Is Dutiful, Peace-Loving, Helpful and Order-Loving, Virgo Sun Libra Rising - Exceptionally beautiful, Horoscope: Mercury Changes to Pisces Why This Day Will Be Special, Monthly Horoscope March 2023: Far-Reaching Changes Are on the Horizon, The Fortune Horoscope for the 10th Week of 2023 for All Zodiac Signs, Jupiter Horoscope 2023: The best chances of luck for the zodiac signs, Chinese Horoscope 2023 - Year of the Rabbit. They're more self-conscious and stay in their own place better. Not to mention they may aim their negative attitude at their colleagues and friends. Leo Sun Virgo Moon individuals will find methods of ruling others even if theyll be overwhelmed. The planet Mercury, which rules Virgo, is very prominent in your birth chart. One downside to the Leo Sun Virgo Moon man is he can be stubborn, close-minded, and set in his ways. You deal with feelings and relationships exactly as you do with facts and figuresas things that can be analyzed. The Leo Sun Virgo Moon combination is somewhat paradoxical: Your Leo Sun wants status, recognition, and authoritybut your Virgo Moon requires the stability and security of a less risky role. Cancerians will protect and nurture this Virgo and provide great friendship. There is a basic likeableness about you, partly because you give a distinct impression that life is fun. If youre an individual with a Virgo Sun Gemini Moon, very little slips past that keen, analytic eye of yours. Were you born on a Virgo Full Moon? As a Gemini Rising individuals you have an excitable nature that is quick to react to any stimulus, to come up with an answer to any questionand also to get upset easily. Discriminating, insightful and always useful, the guy with this combination will always look to improve and make things perfectly. With a Virgo Sun Gemini Moon, you are dedicated and sincere, you try to perform to the utmost of your capabilities, but sometimes you push yourself a little too far. There is also a tendency to be egotistical, for fundamentally you know that you know better than others. The Virgo Moon side of this pair is what causes them to be less social at times, but dont get it twisted, they will take center stage if they are out partying with friends. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. Gemini is the sign of duality and this is evident in the lives of Gemini Ascendants. Its important for this combination to carry around hand cream and do breath work so Hatha yoga is advised. A Sagittarian will broaden the mind of this Virgo and make them see that sometimes life doesnt have to be observed under a tiny microscope, and its better to view things from an eagles eye point of view. This means she needs stability, comfort and for things to be under control. He is polite and charming, harnessing the positive traits of his Leo Sun, and he will use it to his advantage. Leo Sun Virgo Moon woman knows how to get the respect of her colleagues and friend. Going here and there and being with children are two of their favorite things to do. They are of average height, with the females often shorter than 58/1,73m. Most important, be a little less nave in your dealings with people--or you will be taken every time. Primary Sidebar. A natal chart is a map of the sky at the exact moment you were born. Colorful conversationalist; warmly convivial; childlike sense of fun; positive; graceful; intellectual; good dramatist and storyteller; regal bearing but unstuffy; love of beauty; good at improvisation; rebellious; generous. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. Leo is the only sign that is ruled by the sun. Were you born on a Leo Full Moon? Having a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, people are attracted to your innocence and charm. As children, with Virgo Rising, you sometimes suffer from poor health. Others will appreciate your criticism if it is constructively presented, for your insights into human nature can be amazingly on target. The planet Mercury, which rules Gemini, is very prominent in your birth chart. And what does it all mean? You throw yourself into a project with verve and enthusiasm, then worry and fret (usually quite audibly) about this thing going wrong or that person not liking you, about how long everything is taking. Whatever path you choose to follow, you usually emerge on the sunny side of the hill. Another thing this lady will pay attention to is keeping her reputation intact. Leo is the sign of pride, and Leo Rising individuals have this in abundance. Variety is what you crave, so you are likely to have many affairs before you are ready to settle downif ever. In reality, Leo Sun Virgo Moon are assertive and would rather operate without emotions getting in the way. Having a Virgo Sun Gemini Moon, you are not very romantic. They will buy luxurious presents for their partner. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. These are all Greek gods in mythology to do with Virgo and Gemini, respectively. So leos, do you feel your moon sign has a greater influence in your life? And that need to express your ideas and impressions makes you quite blunt in pointing out the faults of others. We print the highest quality leo sun virgo moon gemini ascendant magnets on the internet Virgo is the antithesis of confident Leo; these folks check and re-check . He can criticize and be very right about what hes saying. When she was born, the Moon was in Virgo. As an individual with Virgo Rising, work is important to you, and you usually accomplish a great deal during your lifetime. Because you are so magnanimous in spirit, you find it hard to believe ill of others. Right than you begin to uncover those little imperfections. LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 -. You love puzzles, games, books, and the computeranything that will amuse and occupy the mind. Because of this they may attract broken people and think they have the power to fix them. This combination also makes good songwriters, singers, and musicians. This is why you can take on responsible jobs and at the same time advance in technical and scientific studies. Very generous with those who are thinking the same as her, she can be ruthless when someone is opposing her. There is a basic coolness to the Gemini Rising personality. Obsessed with health from the Virgos influence, they will take an interest in exercising and diets. Their hands may also stand out as an attractive feature. This is to your benefit. If you are a Gemini with Leo rising, you may think you are the best. Conservative and reserved, the Virgo makes them less sociable. No need to publish it to the world. Something they can exercise their creative side such as writing or being a news reporter. Honest to a fault, you are bewildered when you encounter others who do not possess your integrity. These natives tend to think nothing is too much or too great for them and their loved ones. These people pour on the Gemini chatty-faced charm to get the attention they prefer to satiate their sunny Leo ego. But too often you use that brainpower to rationalize away your problems and feelings. When having a problem, they will insist on their own opinions and criticize others to the extreme. But the problem arises when he thinks about how it's possible to get better solutions and fear that the other might be more capable than he is (constant insecurity). Thats why they like broken people and faulty situations. A powerful and noble woman, the Leo Sun Virgo Moon woman knows what she wants and can make it happen. Having a Gemini Sun Leo Moon, whatever you do is done with flair and fanfare. Virgos want only perfection. Also, see Moon / Ascendant Combinations and Sun / Ascendant Combinations. But they need to be complimented and appreciated for this to happen. :: VIRGO MOON :: Virgo Moons are naturals at writing and analyzing. Your sense of honor and ethical Puritanism may cause confusion when you encounter changing sexual mores. When you get into those bossy moods, its usually more show than substance. She only wants a normal everyday life, to improve and to find a place for anyone and everything.