Whats for supper? It doesnt make sense to me. And what possible jurisdiction would the college have for activity that did not take place on its property? Christendom College offers an amazing Liberal Arts education that is immersed in the Catholic Faith. She will do all she can to honor your requests and make your experience with Christendom College a pleasant and memorable one. Few go this far and remain unharmed. Catholics are sinners just like everyone else. I went to a small Catholic school in the 80s and knew all students there did not live up to the standards of the college or the faith. The lack of process in place is about the same for most schools that size and design. Accused have rights. Not really much in her comment to provoke a snippy answer anyway. i actually looked into going to Christendom College and got accepted. Why insinuate the government is going to do it better. Im glad to see Christendom has made some changes and I certainly hope it will continue to educate its students and do all they can do to minister to needs and address wrongs. And flexed/hid behind his AUTHORITY at the slightest hint of challenge. Wow, I just cant even! The reports indicate that Adele Smith indicated, after a prior incident with you, that she no longer wanted a relationship with you. I had been waiting for marriage.
Why not with the rape? A school cannot beyond a shadow of a doubt prevent rape, but you can reduce the risk of it, and one of the key arguments in this piece is that excessively strict PDA rules result in private, remote areas being the normal location for healthy romantic affection. Sin and error should be brought into the light so that Christ can heal them. It seems to me that men who lure women into back seats of cars in secluded places would have an even easier time saying Hey, come up to my room to watch a movie. With the roommate being already asked to give them privacy. As I informed you at the meeting, I do not find these interactions with Adele to be acceptable, appropriate, or in keeping with our Code of Student Conduct. And no, I'm not giving you any donations. They should be paying me for the therapy I need, not the other way around. When she was there, it wasnt possible. If law enforcement is not protecting its students (or at least diligently investigating student claims of assault), Christendom should be making a great effort to effect change. How law enforcement and colleges respond to sexual harassment and rape allegations is a different matter, and I agree that does need to be addressed. It is getting totally repetitive, but here goes: After Adele did slap you, you allegedly said, If you slapped me really hard and it really hurt, I wouldnt want to kiss you. It is further alleged that on other occasions you went out of your way to volunteer with groups of friends that Adele had seduced you. Smith claims they are dangerous. we have reports that indicate that you have violated the Code of Student Conduct by harassing another student and causing emotional harm. Overview Christendom College is a Comprehensive institution located in Front Royal, VA, in a rural setting. Just the two of us. There was nothing to stop this from happening again, Smith said. It still deserves to be addressed adequately by the Admins, but we were much safer than most campuses. Regarding specific inaccuracies, one source has come forward to say her quote was taken out of context to imply something that she never meant it to. There were crazy people, there were priests who dispensed truly awful guidance in spiritual direction. Christendom is not perfect, as far as I can tell, they are doing the best they can to foster an environment of spiritual and educational growth. The matters of consent and power (and agency and autonomy) are at play here with parents as well as with dating relationships. Et cetera. Extraordinary how you miraculously have the ability and the right to judge her soul from an article. Is hearing both sides unreasonable? Yes, I can see now how that should be a good rule of thumb. She returned the car to her friend, went back to her dorm, sat down in the shower fully clothed, and cried. Right to present a defense OR NOT. His punishment: He could not live on campus for one semester, and he could not contact Adele Smith. Hes obviously prideful and arrogant. This also means there is no publicly available data about sexual assaults or other crimes taking place on campus, as is required of Title IX schools. The college also acquired the Notre Dame Institute during O'Donnell's tenure. The criticism is directed towards how the school handled the matter after the legal authorities failed. Thank you! The rape occurred on Friday, October 2, 2009, on Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park, about thirty minutes away from the college campus. von | Jun 17, 2022 | tornadoes of 1965 | | Jun 17, 2022 | tornadoes of 1965 | Never did they go so far as to say the Imago Dei was less in us, either. The old one, which stands at the heart of the campus, is too . She was not treated properly from a Catholic perspective nor from an institutional perspective. O'Donnell's biggest building contribution was the new Chapel of Christ the King, which he promised in his inaugural address as president. Or are you saying that governmental control might make this sinful/violent act not happen. The teachers provide a well rounded education of philosophy, history, theology, literature and political science. Never tell a rape or assault victim that consent is nebulous. What did happen on campus was punished. When I was in the middle school (age 12-15 in my country), there was that one super religious girl in my class. I had been a virgin. A journalist should protect his good name until he is proven guilty, but the school should not? People might think they are trying to help women, and that is an unacceptable conclusion. Rapists should be tarred and feathered (or worse). Protected: Pocast #18: Lets just do it and be legends! Honestly, that is all I hear for the first half of the article. Since 1977, Christendom has been providing the best Catholic liberal arts education to prepare students to restore all things in Christ. Which of these rights do you want to see eliminated? I am not making this up. Enjoy your freedom. RAs are now trained in responding to and reporting sexual harassment or assault. Oh, and I also had the 'privilege' of meeting Dr. William Luckey, a blathering self-important moron who was somehow capable of being an ancap and an anti-French-Revolution conservative Catholic at the same time, despite both stances contradicting each other and observable reality. Mr. Dorman showed no apparent interest in pursuing any sort of investigation, Scott Smith wrote. If you read the original article, it was clear that the school failed on many counts to do what an institution that claims to be Catholic should have done. There are so many other choices that dont have these rules. If it was truly necessary that students seek sexual/affection outlets, then I dont blame Cdom for wanting to have no part in policing or monitoring, how far is too far. Chastity is their moral prerogative and they would rather err on the side of caution than participate. When the administration said they would look into the matter, it seems like thats exactly what they did. When the things that are prohibited include normal and moral activities, then there is something wrong with them.
Are women safe in Christendom's bubble? Part I With this goal in mind, the College utilizes single-sex dormitories, visitation policies to promote chastity, planned weekly events as a way to proactively promote sobriety and counter any temptation toward a drinking scene, and spiritual programs to foster students prayer lives and spirituality.. He then began approaching and provoking her on campus. When youre Catholic youre taught that your virginity is one of the best gifts you have, a gift you can give your husband, Smith said. And spent half his classes monologuing about personal-life stuff nobody else cared about. There is a moral failing when a founders son is a perpetrator and this is covered up continually over the years, Andrew, you said: I still live in Front Royal, and until very recently our police have been a joke when it comes to stuff like this. Her point is that they did not do their best. Its something I can share with bubble parents. Such a different vibe from my Canadian background. I dont wish to discredit those who are appalled by the rape epidemic and Adele Smiths case, as it is horrific matter; but there are campuses where this stuff is much more frequent, and its not because they arent Catholic in a nominal sense, nor is it because they endorse rape, but its because theres not always a clear procedure as to how to address it. We are committed in our policies, our procedures, and in our on-campus culture to uphold and promote the dignity of women and men. Youve pushed the boundaries so far that the man is no longer in control. It seems to be a bigger problem now that the sexually charged culture doesnt help young men and women relate to each other without sexual overtones in every encounter. But at the same time, Christendom was a dream in a bubble. .
racism - Dr. William H. Marshner Outrage, anger and sadness swept across the city as elected officials processed the racist . I think theres definitely room for improvement in the colleges dealings, but as DCLM already made clear, the school was being asked to provide a parallel court, which is not easy. Um, no. I went to an elite secular college and had a pretty bad experience. I would posit that when a woman is ovulating her sex drive out strips a mans, I think womens sex drives tend to be ignored because men are more sexual which isnt the case. Its just a natural human need to connect with someone youre in a relationship with, Smith said. One day, she was sitting and waiting for a friend to come out of his dorm, and the young man who had assaulted her came out. Omigosh. Shes a hater. Just like all men who overpower women should, personally Id like to know if he grew up in a Novus Ordo mass if we are going to start taking these types of potshots.and if his parents did too.. I cant stop him, apparently, she recalled thinking. The more men have to be heroic, the more women do as well. If some believe that our efforts and policies have failed to bring justice to their particular situations, please understand that despite being fallen human beings, the faculty and staff do their very best every day to provide a just and safe environment. Thank you for this perspective. This really sucks because it probably means hes going to get away with it. Its commitment to providing its students with an integrated, rigorous core curriculum, combined with a vibrant Catholic atmosphere that permeates every aspect of the college experience, marks it as a distinctive and precious resource. "[29][30] This statement has since been removed from the college website. I believe Miss Smiths story too, but I cant verify it. She said she realized she could not stop the man. She did go to the police. Only when my self destructive nonsense lead to the police being called did the administrators step in and not to fix my problems but to put me back in line. Catholic apologists will be perma banned without warning. She didnt want to accept that something so ugly had happened to her. Her subsequent behavior is entirely consistent with that of someone who has been traumatized and assaulted. The rape in question occurred because two students of opposite sexes were alone together. A longtime economics and political science professor at Christendom College in Virginia has been charged with solicitation of a minor under the age of 16 and two counts of . As Uncle Ben says in Spiderman with great power comes great responsibility. Lets wake up, embrace our responsibility, and as Jordan Peterson would say sort ourselves out. None of this is said to let young men of the hook. No does not mean yes. No doesnt mean I still want to. Next came many months of frustration for the Smith family. I have to wonder why people entrust a liberal arts school board to be able to fairly assess rape allegations, when law enforcement werent able to.. Id hate to echo that ridiculous article from the Remnant, that accuses Fisher of being in league with Satan, but he was spot on with that point. I say, if you rape off campus, when you come back to campus, youre still a rapist.. Yet, it is offered without proof of any sort, or even a source willing to go on record. That whole place was dressed in golden robes lined with lead.