@belasto Could you contact me on discord, and list me the sounds that do that? If you compare original "ptl_navy_revolver.awc", "combat_shotgun.awc", "weapon_bullpup.awc" and "weapon_gadget_pistol.awc" to his files you will find no difference.". Time to stop reading. I have not created any other account. As said before you can stream up to 214 Sounds. I never made any "new" accounts unlike you. Such behavior is not welcome here and will not be tolerated. And this: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758335710264164382/793153835441848360/bandicam_2020-12-28_19-26-28-435.png I play on an LEO // CIV RP server. Stop posing yourself as a victim, you're not the victim here. Additionally, you chose to lie to staff. It's a shame, because the first one who complained was me because they deleted my update without real reasons or support. I just didn't care about adding it to RGS 4.0 because originally there was other purpose of sharing new version. I am an LEO and really need/want good weapon sounds. Improvement with louder sounds for pistols, smgs, assault rifles, shotguns and snipers rifles. @MvcGyver "Apparently there is a competition between Xenort and me" Yes of course, but to me it looks like you're not fair playing here. Very nice mod sounds are u planing to add more for other guns as well? PLS change the shotgun sounds, anyways I really liked what u did there with the carbine. Update 4.6.1 does not contain original game files. You signed in with another tab or window. 5.0 (05-17-2020) Sounds based on the game Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019. Is forbidden to upload original files, no matter if are sound files or something else. Is there a way to fix this problem? Also, me and moderator can easily prove that you indeed put original game files into 4.6.1. @RisingDeep My comment didn't cause any fuss. @wellalrightjacob What is your nickname on discord?? Improve gameplay. November 18, 2022. @Nighttx Thanks! , GTA 5 : 38 456 , 374,1 Views 10558. The 4.6.1 version was rejected because, as I've said in my previous comment, contains copyrighted content from the original game. This is the first that I have created to claim. It's a shame, because the first one who complained was me because they deleted my update without real reasons or support. ", An extremely tendentious comment. Since the staff of this website could not provide explanations of the case, they limit themselves to banning for no reason. with realistic sirens and horns for all emergency vehicles as well as realistic gun sounds. The game developers use altered sounds that remove the realistic feeling while using these weapons in games. person. For people aiming to improve the level of your gaming, the enhanced sound mods is an excellent option. Just use and change the audio files (wav.) But we dont like to stick to rules do we? @MvcGyver Download links: 1. For these to work in FiveM they CANNOT be in the 'mods' folder. With custom FiveM gun sounds feel as if every bullet is shot directly towards you and you become the gamer you always wanted to be. Here the only one who started this is the moderator Reyzer. In this video I explain how to install a realistic gun sounds pack for FiveM and I showcase the gun sounds. Our servers are capable of handling hefty amounts of traffic and our gun sounds mod are nothing short of wondrous. November 26, 2022, 9,106 downloads , 109 MB A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Serious gang fivem server similar to grizzley world rp, I will create or fix a custom fivem server for you. Gun Sounds - FiveM Market ), Here is a Table with the Soundbank Soundsets and Audiostrings used in this resource: https://github.com/fk-1997/Server-Sided-Sounds-and-Sirens/blob/main/IDTABLE.md#table-with-soundbank-soundset-and-audiostring, There is a great wiki over on their github: https://docs.luxartengineering.com/v3/resource-installation/server-sided-siren-integration, SoundBank="dlc_serversideaudio/oiss_ssa_vehaud_bcso_new" or other Soundbanks, SoundSet="oiss_ssa_vehaud_bcso_new_soundset" or other SoundSets, AudioString="oiss_ssa_vehaud_bcso_new_horn" or other AudioStrings, https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0x2F844A8B08D76685, p0 = "DLC_SERVERSIDEAUDIO\\OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW" or other Soundbanks, https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0xE65F427EB70AB1ED, audioName = "OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_HORN", entity = your entity || Most likely GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), audioRef "DLC_SERVERSIDEAUDIO\\OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW", To test server sided sirens without configuring another resouce check out: https://github.com/TrevorBarns/Server-Side-Audio-Tester. Work fast with our official CLI. In description I just see how to install on my PC, but I want to put as a resource of my server to the clientes, it's possible? Realistic Weapons Sounds | SP & FiveM - GTA5-Mods.com Your aptitude makes me more suspicious that you are not acting as a partial moderator. Can I get my original account back? If you compare original "ptl_navy_revolver.awc", "combat_shotgun.awc", "weapon_bullpup.awc" and "weapon_gadget_pistol.awc" to his files you will find no difference.". @XENORT Look, I have no interest in arguing with you. NotSenz 6.31K subscribers Subscribe 152K views 1 year ago Hello and thanks for watching, This is a tutorial that. I never compete with you. Alot of. This ensures you dont connect to the Rockstar server as you play the game, and thus you can remain undetected. Are identical.). They thus sound different, just like they would in real life. We also have deals on the files. This creating fake accounts to rate negative was first done by the user Xenort and you did not do anything about it when I reported it. This will be the last version of the mod for now. The feature will not give you additional advantages over other players, and thus you can use it for multiplayer games on your server. I have a lot of followers who are waiting for a new update. With our gun sounds mod, unleash your personal fury on other players on the server. So you're able to use the natives for more than just sirens. - Please have the file be Weapons_player.rpf. My 4.6.1 update only adds sounds to Peyico's weapons that I couldn't add in the original 4.6 version and that I posted on my YT channel that I would do yesterday. DropBox Again all information required for installation is in the 'readme.txt' file. Realistic Weapons Sounds | SP & FiveM - GTA5-Mods.com Once you make your payment, you can download it to your PC. This is the current gun sound file from ProGamerNetwork. There's nothing more to talk about it. Please It seems like you're the one who competing with someone. (But at least 4MB are totally okay, well tested by us. What you've done seems unfair to me. @ReNNie Please, unlock my account that I have to update my mod. Also, what a nice coincidence that you've "updated" (with original game files which is forbidden for copyright reasons) your mod a few hours after the Realistic Gun Sounds mod got updated. Submitted November 6, 2021. Any good weapon sounds? : r/FiveM "4.6.1 (12-27-2020)* You only realize your mistake after you got punishment. FiveM - YBN Sound Pack | Realistic Gun Sounds (TUTORIAL) Rework for distant (mid and far) sounds. RGS 4.1 was planned to be released back in september/october but I got really busy (I can prove that too if you need it). after staff discovering he made another duplicate account (which was not the first time). Previous File WorldWideRP Teamspeak and Discord Assets. New sounds and muzzle flash for the Peyico update weapons So you might experience some fivem restrictions we aren't aware of. You can now improve your gameplay with the FiveM realistic gun sound feature. For you it seems like only purpose im modding you see is to ruin someone's mood. It seems like you're the one who competing with someone. 18 2022. in the .AWC files in the dlc_serversideaudio Folder using OpenIV or other AWC editing tools. It will integrate seamlessly with other files on your PC and continue running without any lags. Also, me and moderator can easily prove that you indeed put original game files into 4.6.1. There's nothing more to talk about it. New sounds and muzzle flash for the ceramic pistol and the Navy revolver" The only reason you have to purchase a custom FiveM gun sounds mod from us is because, we are the best at what we do. Sure enough, apparently I unzipped the wrong files. You only realize your mistake after you got punishment. The Best FiveM Sound Pack 2021 || Sirens, Guns and More - YouTube Which we honestly never tested . Also, what a nice coincidence that you've "updated" (with original game files which is forbidden for copyright reasons) your mod a few hours after the Realistic Gun Sounds mod got updated. The Best FiveM Sound Pack 2021 || Sirens, Guns and More!! [ Clientside ] 1. As for the FiveM support: I was asked to make RGS compatible with FiveM for a long period of time (after releasing RGS 4.0 to be exact) and I can prove that FiveM compatibility was worked on one week before you added it to your mod (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/758335710264164382/793153779549601792/bandicam_2020-12-28_19-27-08-733.png). I haven't heard of this issue from anyone or myself using it. This is the first that I have created to claim. This will make every aspect of your gameplay realistic, and you can thus enjoy it even more. I won't tell more about this though. Realistic Weapons Sounds - Audio Modifications - LCPDFR.com WEAPONS_PLAYER.rpf STREAMED_VEHICLES.rpf ONESHOT_AMBIENCE.rpf Realistic Guns Sounds 4.1 By XENORT 15,446 Downloads 105 Likes 4.86 / 5 stars (22 votes) Description Comments (74) Description I ended up taking the sounds out of the game "Squad" and edited them to fit into the GTA world. It is a version compatible with other mods. ", An extremely tendentious comment. Locate the sounds file and paste it to the games directory. To us, it doesnt matter if you are a hardcore gamer, professional gamer or a recreational gamer. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: 1,304 downloads , 510 MB How To Install REALISTIC Gun Sounds in FiveM (2022) - YouTube This resource is Server-Side which means everyone in the server will hear it. Additionally, you chose to lie to staff. Improvements only for REALISTIC VERSION Improved sounds for pistols, Double Revolver, shotguns and snipers rifles Improved sounds for distant (mid and far) sounds Readjust volume, loud sounds and low sounds. These range from non-lethal options such as stun guns to advanced weapons such as homing launchers. Yes, they do not sound totally the same, but that's because how GTA 5 sound engine works, it applies some sounds from "weapons.awc" which, of course, is edited by you. Get the FiveM realistic gun sounds from our website at the best prices and experience elevated gaming. Readjust volume, loud sounds and low sounds. I never made any "new" accounts unlike you. Improvements only for REALISTIC VERSION Improved sounds for pistols, Double Revolver, shotguns and snipers rifles Improved sounds for distant (mid and far) sounds Readjust volume, loud sounds and low sounds. Make sure you back up your previous files incase you DO NOT want this pack anymore! Remember, to enhance your gun firing, we are the people to call. The 4.6.1 version was rejected because, as I've said in my previous comment, contains copyrighted content from the original game. @MvcGyver Today i give you server sided weapons sounds / Siren (hopefully coming soon), no more placing files client sided for this it can all be handled via server, follow the resource.lua as a template to add more sounds every sound has to be specified in there, Enjoy Installation Open Rar file Unpack rar file to resources folder add sounds to server.cfg You can now extract the files content to a separate folder, and once done, it will be ready to use. We agree that the actual thrill in playing a game such as GTA 5 is the ability to customize the game environment itself and explore new avenues. Worry about improving your mod that lacks a lot to be "realistic". I want to make something great, that many people would like to play with. Welcome to GTA5-Mods.com. For the past few years, we have been the premier website for all types of GTA 5 mods. All we care is that, we let the best gaming reach you, whoever you are. [Release] Custom server sided sounds - Cfx.re Community @Reyser As for the original game files: that wasn't a mistake. @MvcGyver "Apparently there is a competition between Xenort and me" Yes of course, but to me it looks like you're not fair playing here. [FREE] Server Sided Sounds and Sirens - Cfx.re Community Instead, you decided to continue making additional accounts to abuse the ratings/comments system and unfairly rate another mod that you saw as competition. In my opinion, that's not a coincidence but intentional. One such customization we offer and you will love is customizable gun sounds. Realistic Weapons Sounds | SP & FiveM - GTA5-Mods.com Even in your own preview you can notice that all of the DLC weapons sound like in original game (Perico Pistol is the most easy noticeable): https://youtu.be/dZeiBtIJXys. @XENORT So, I don't know why you intervene here? || Tutorial Conservancy 25.7K subscribers Join Subscribe 1K 84K views 1 year ago What's up guys welcome back to my channel. @XENORT So, I don't know why you intervene here? @RisingDeep My comment didn't cause any fuss. You've put in the description the following but that's a lie: In the features is where you can see what .rpf files contain what. "In the mod changelog MvcGyver mentions new sounds for Perico Pistol, Military Rifle, Combat Shotgun (they are from latest update for GTA Online), Navy Revolver and Ceramic Pistol. Please restore it as the followers of my mod have requested it. The enhanced gun and gaming sounds mod can completely change your perception of the game environment. Hence, all our mods including this gun sounds mod is considerably cheap compared to most options available on the market. I have an error in fivem and the video link to solve this off could you send me a new one or tell me how to solve this error? I won't tell more about this though. I have a lot of followers who are waiting for a new update.
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