Bible Study, Teen & Kids' Groups Wednesdays at 7 PM, Life Groups for All Ages Sundays at 6 PM Unpacking Forgiveness Chris Brauns. He became our Senior Pastor in January 2013, after the retirement of Pastor Surrett. Rob also serves as President of the Reformed Baptist Seminary, as a board member of 20schemes, and as Chaplain to the Sacramento Republic FC. For two and half years prior to his arrival at Emmanuel, Rev. 3: 1-6, 1 Cor. The apprenticeship further fueled Rev. Eric and his wife Connie come to Immanuel Baptist Church after serving in a number of positions at First Baptist Church in Sistersville, WV. ), and Seton Hall University (M.A).He has completed coursework towards a doctorate in Pastoral Counseling at Hebrew Union College of New York City. 1: 18, 32).6. Though the work was fulfilling, rewarding, and challenging, there grew an unsettled spirit within PJ. To his credits, Reverend Nichols has released eight albums, the latest in which is entitled, No Greater Love. He has directed and performed in a number of Broadway musicals including, Soul Train to Motown, Dreamgirls, Magnify, and Once on This Island. He has performed with such noted artist as John Birks Dizzy Gillespie, and Donald Vails. However, it was only then that he realized how far he had distanced himself from God. Kevin and April were married on May 6, 2000. His Bible-based worldview and Christ-centered activism have been shaped, in part, by his Chicago boyhood and by spending the balance of his youth in San Francisco. In addition to Third Baptist Church, Rev. Ever since, Pastor PJ and his family have been blessed to experience the joy of seeing God move through His church. He has an undergraduate degree in Bible from Central Africa Baptist College in Kitwe, Zambia. 4: 13-18, 1 Cor. Salem Revival Grounds. PJ became pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in June 2019. (209) 463- 7889 Fax (209) 463- 7888 Dr. Samuel Smith, Jr., Pastor Early Morning Worship Every Sunday at 8 a.m. Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Follow; ADDRESS Emmanuel Baptist Church 1075 Shalimar Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 27107. Log In. Let us know if we can help you by clicking below! Furthermore, he is the sole owner and operator of Tru4U, LLC, an organizational consulting and executive coaching company. 20:14), ACKNOWLEDGE JESUS DIED TO PAY THE PRICE OF SIN FOR YOU (Rom. That you seek to serve our Lord in some specific area of church ministry as He leads, and as opportunity affords. 13: 1). 22: Ladies Bible Study 1 PM / Kids Clubs (Stuffed Animal Night) & Crossbearers 6:30 PM /Prayer Meeting 7:20 PM, Thur., Mar. Emmanuel Baptist Church has held its name for the better part of 110 years and continues to thrive in serving the people of Northwest Ohio with the Gospel. In February 1991, the Emmanuel Baptist Church asked David Bixler to become its Pastor. 3:16, II Pt. Matthew and his wife, Kimberly, reside in Bryan/College Station with their four children. Welcome to the website of Emmanuel Baptist Church! 3:15), 4. PASTOR & TEACHER Rev. OF SEPARATIONWe believe that all believers should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon their Lord. Studying youth ministries at Crown College in Knoxville, Tennessee, prepared Bro. About. Immanuel Baptist Church, New Martinsville, WV welcomes a new Pastor. OF CIVIL GOVERNMENTWe believe that civil government is of divine appointment for the interests and good order of human society; that magistrates are to be prayed for, conscientiously honored, and obeyed; except in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the only Lord of the conscience, and the coming Prince of the Kings of the Earth (Rom. Will You Go to Heaven? But from everlasting to everlasting the Lords love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their childrens children with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts. Eric works at Wesbanco, and serves as President [] Our Pastor Our Missionaries Contact Us Ministries. Until a permanent structure could be built on the present site, the members worshipped within various homes. Guest speaker: Pastor Brad Chase "Truth From Above - Special Revelation"-07/10/2022. He is very experienced in the role of interim pastor and has helped many churches through transitions . Salvation is a free gift of God. 1: 6, John 10: 28-29, Rom. We want to extend a personal invitation to you and your family to join us this week for church! Dr. Moore is the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church of Gastonia, NC. He has a passion for missions, expository preaching and a love for Christ's Church. The church found itself in a position where they had to vacate their present building by February 1, and their new facility was not completed. The Emmanuel Baptist Church was organized in 1887 by Reverend Jesse A. Taylor, Georgiane Harrison, Geneva Taylor, and five other persons. We hope to connect with you soon! Emmanuel Baptist Church - Old Saybrook. The Priesthood of the believer.Each believer as a priest can draw near to God in full assurance of faith in our tasks for God, prayer, in worship, and in confession of sins (1 Pet.2:5).4. ABOUT EMMANUEL. Immanuel Baptist Church began meeting at 5050 Bucks Schoolhouse Road, its current location, in 1986. Jose joined our staff in 2020 to pastor Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel. Dale Williams (Pastor) Church Phone: (630) 393-2565 (Click Address Below for Interactive Map to Church) 3S465 Briggs St Naperville, IL 60563-9686, US. Anthony L. Trufant stretches from New York City to New Orleans, from Haitis hovels to the up-from-apartheid townships of South Africa and beyond. Her election to the office marks a historic event in Gaston County. Dr. Herbert Miller, II. 10:13). Emmanuel Baptist Church All rights reserved. He graduated as valedictorian. Pastor Kevin Rogerson Pastor Kevin is married to April and they have 7 children: Hannah, Hope, Faith, Caleb, Lydia, Joy and Olivia.. Kevin was saved at on November 20, 1990. He now resides in England and continues to have an active preaching ministry. Sunday Morning Service. He was called as pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Berea, Kentucky, in March 2002, where he has served faithfully for 21 years. We hold that the local church has the absolute right of self-government, free from the interference of any hierarchy of individuals or organizations; that the one and only superintendent is Christ through the Holy Spirit; that it is scriptural for true churches to cooperate with each other in contending for the faith and for the furtherance of the gospel; that each local church is the sole judge of the measure and the method of its cooperation; and that on all matters of membership, of polity, of government, of discipline, of benevolence, the will of the local church is final (Eph. Dale has served on the board of the Chicago Area Church Planters, Inc.since 1997. 5:8), KNOW GOD WANTS TO SAVE YOU IF YOU WILL JUST ASK HIM (Rom. The church started as a mission, holding prayer services in a rented house in the 1300 block of Excelsior Street. On February 25, 1976, the church voted to purchase property in the 4600 block of Laskey Road for a new high school building. OF THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKEDWe believe that there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked; that only those who are justified by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and sanctified by the Spirit of our God are truly righteous in His esteem; while all such as continue in impenitence and unbelief are in His sight wicked and under the curse. When a young person is raised being taught that he is loved by God and created by Him for a purpose, it can make a difference to a family for generations to come. James Edward Lewis, pastor. Through attending Williamsport Christian School his entire life and his involvement in the bus ministry at church and other related ministries, God worked in his heart and called Bro. Though the world seems to be a dark place, Pastor Bixler continues to lead the church to carry the light of the gospel to Lycoming County and to the uttermost parts of the world through his vision for missionary support. 9: 14, John 14: 26, Luke 1: 35, Gen. 1 1-3, John 16: 8-11, Acts 5: 30-32, John 3: 5-6, Eph. The Bixlers have four precious daughters - Katelyn, Morgan, Reagyn, and Gracyn. 3: 1-7, Col. 1: 18, Eph. God, the FatherWe believe in God the Father, perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, and measureless in power. He describes his ministry as in Isaiah 61:1-2, The spirit of the Lord is upon me; because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek, he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to. We want to see the world come to a relationship with God and begin to fulfill their purpose in Jesus. 10:30-40; Rom. 11: 23-28, Matt. 54: 4-7, 1 John 4: 10, 1 Cor 15: 3, 2 Cor 5:21).ARTICLES OF FAITH8. PJ took advantage of every opportunity to be involved in ministry. If not, there is a livestream available for both times, simply click the button below to watch. OF THE SCRIPTUREWe believe that the Holy Bible as originally written was verbally and plenarily inspired and is the product of Spirit-controlled men, and therefore is truth without any admixture of error for its matter. We provide you with a loving community so that you can grow in Christ through all of lifes ups and downs. At that citys noted, community-changing Third Baptist Church, Rev. Emmanuel in Action. A church family that will love you, support you in prayer, come to your aid physically, when needed, and provide a means of good, wholesome Christian fellowship. Trufant has apprenticed under Rev. He also served as assistant to the [] Rev. Eclipsing all of his accomplishments, Pastor Trufants pride and joy is his family. The sovereignty of the local church.Each church is independent and governed by the people (Acts 2: 42).7. degree from Ambassador Baptist College. Derrick joined the pastoral team at Emmanuel in March of 2013, after serving for five years in local church ministry. Opportunity to have an active voice in church decision making. Charles J. Southall III, 64, pled guilty to one count of money laundering and obtaining over $889,000 through fraud. 4207 W. Laskey Road, Toledo, Ohio | (419)-473-3280. On September 18, 2009, Bro. Before becoming pastor, he served as the youth pastor during which time he established the annual National Teen Convention. ), Colgate Rochester Divinity School (M.Div. 8: Ladies Bible Study 1 PM, Kids Clubs & Crossbearers (Fairmont Fair) 6:30 PM, Thu., Mar. 7: 10, Acts 20: 21).11. James has fulfilled many responsibilities over the years including maintenance work, athletic director basketball coach, as well as soccer coach. Rev. New Testament Distinctives of a Baptist Church1. For more information, watch the Fall Offering video! No man or woman can force their beliefs on another person or church without being contrary to Gods Word (Acts 5: 29, Rom. . Numerous opportunities to personally involve yourself in the church ministries/services. We stand for the Autonomy and Absolute Authority of the Local Church (Matt. Pastor Correll became a Youth Pastor in September of 1997 at Victory Hill Baptist Church in Dallas, NC. We aim to impact our community and the world with the Gospel of Christ through the means of Biblical, Holy Spirit driven methods. Designed By Bebaios Solutions, Inc. Ebenezer Baptist Church Fifth Ward. We stand against Ecclesiastical Liberalism, Modernism, Ecumenicalism, the Social Gospel, and the so-called "Charismatic Renewal" (Amos 3:3, II Cor. 1:19-21), 2. 5: 24-27, 1 Thes. Despite the last decade of moving facilities multiple times, relentless growth, and maneuvering through an ever-changing world, Immanuel Baptist Church continues to stand as a lighthouse of faith to the greater Jacksonville area as it . Each person is challenged to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ where they have access to God through prayer, worship, and service. 14: 5).3. 0:57. Whether you're just moving into town and looking for a new church, or this is your first time ever stepping foot in a church. Additionally, he contributed a chapter on Creativity In Preaching, in Living Under an Imposed Sentence, a book published in honor of one of his mentors, Dr. Charles Booth, Senior Pastor of Mt. 8: 14, 16, 26, 27).3. That you strive to uphold and defend the church's Articles of Faith, and that you abide by the Church Covenant under which this assembly functions. We are from Kings Mountain and surrounding areas and have a variety of backgrounds and experiences, yet we have a common love for God, the Bible, and each other. The soul liberty of a believer.Each believer is directly accountable to God and is subject to the Word of God. Dr. Arturo Pierre Lewis Named Senior Pastor at Emmanuel Church January 1, 2023. He started playing the saxophone at the age of 14 and quickly distinguished himself as a talented musician. CONNECT WITH US. 2: 8-10, John 3: 16-18).12. He and his wife, Shirley, have been married forthirty-twoyears. OF THE SECURITY OF THE SAINTSWe believe that all who are truly born again are kept by God the Father for Jesus Christ (Phil. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of . 2021 CHURCH THEME: WE HAVE COME THIS FAR BY FAITH, 8301 South Damien Avenue
13: 1, 2 Cor. William Hughes was born and raised in Liverpool, England, where he was converted and where he also pastored his first church. Since November of 1990, Anthony L. Trufant has served as the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church of Brooklyn, NY. James married Heidi Boyce. 5: 23-24, Acts 15: 13-18).15. Chicago, IL 60620
God, the SonWe believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem man (John 1: 14).We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice; and that our justification is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead (1 Pet. Bryan wheeler. The Bible speaks for itself, and it is our responsibility to align with it, not modify it to fit our feelings or comply with our culture. We pray that when you walk through our doors, you will see and feel the love that Christ has for you. Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water, under the authority of the local church, to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem our faith in the crucified, buried and risen Savior. Pastor David Bixler had the opportunity to grow up in a Pastor's home and has been involved in ministry his entire life. Reformed Baptist Church of Riverside P.O. We stand on the Verbal Inspiration and Infallibility of the Word of God (II Tim. Jim Miller was called in to carry on services for two . 6: 3-5, Matt. This Sunday's Service . Bible Study, Teen & Kids' Groups Wednesdays at 7 PM, 384 Gordon Hwy, Milledgeville, GA 31061478.453.4225. This salvation is available for any who puts their trust in Christ as Savior and follows Him (. With a Bachelor of Arts from Morehouse and a Master of Divinity from Colgate Rochester, Rev. Pastor Bixler's focus in his ministry has been the Family. Revolutionary Love Lesson #7: We Are More Than Conquerors Part 2. Spanish Pastor Jose Solis-Cueto. He counts it a privilege and a blessing to have been able to shepherd long enough to see children that were born since he arrived in Warrenville, graduate from High school and prepareto serve the Lord in the future. 425 Luther Road Johnstown, PA 15904 Tel: 814-266-4117 Service Times: 9a & 11a. He also was inducted into the Morehouse College of Ministers; profiled by author David Ritzs critically acclaimed The Messengers; and had his Worship That Pleases God published in Oxford Sermons, Volume 3. Welcome! 28: 19-20, Acts 2: 41-42).16. He quickly responded and received the Lord that day. Emmanuel Baptist Church seeks to glorify God by perpetuating a fundamental Baptist assembly that is committed to: actively evangelizing the lost, effectively discipling the body of believers, and diligently holding fast to the Biblical faith. 1: 18-25, Luke 1: 35, John 1: 14, Heb. Emmanuel Baptist Church Chicago. 11: 23-34).6. Reverend Taylor remained in leadership until his death in 1922. The fellowship hall was named, in honor of Dr. C. C . 8301 South Damien Avenue; Chicago, IL 60620 (773) 239-6828 ; All Seasons Chamber Players to Perform at Emmanuel Church, Sunday March 26, 2023 February 7, 2023. But the Lord enabled the family to endure and to succeed. 18: 11, Phil. A former adjunct professor at New York Theological and Auburn Theological Seminaries, he has lectured and/or preached at Morehouse College, University of Pennsylvania, Suffolk University, Palmer Theological, Long Island University, Colgate Rochester Divinity School, and Princeton Theological Seminary, and Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference. 5: 17,19, 1 John 3: 6-7, 5: 1, Acts 16: 30-33, 2 Pet. It pictures our death to sin and resurrection to a new life. Contemporary Worship He accepted the call to preach the Gospel and on Wednesday, May 27, 1992 he delivered his initial sermon and was licensed to preach at the Resurrection Baptist Church, Rev. 3: 10-19, Rom. Dr. Smith enjoys writing and is the author of several books on . Pastor Nicholas Kennicott. Dr. Moore is the first female to serve as a Senior Pastor in the Gaston County Baptist Association. Dr. Amos Brown. Before coming to serve as a staff pastor at IBC in 2003, Rob served as a pastor in Northern Ireland from 1992-2003. proclaim liberty to the captives, and to open the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. 4: 4, Rev. James 3:17-18 (ESV) But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial . Watch Us Live Contact Us Directions. Emmanuel Baptist Church is committed to the faithful, practical preaching and teaching of historic, reformed Christianity in the Baptist tradition. Pat Johnson - Music Leader | Elder. The preacher from Immanuel Baptist Church in Skiatook, Oklahoma, for 24 years, stepped down from his pulpit into the seated congregation on May 19 to call out one member for dozing off. By May 1960 the church membership was 616. 1: 19-21).2. 10: 10-14, John 17: 17, 2 Cor. This year we are hoping to raise funds to help support church planting in India and to replace the carpet in the auditorium. They are excited to see what God might do next! The second is a group of committed disciples who believe in the mission of the . He has also taught in the Williamsport Christian School. Reverend Charles Roy Jones was the founding pastor. On January 1, 1916, Christ gave birth to a churchthe 2nd Emmanuel Baptist Church in the home of Mr. Herbert Taylor. All 5 of Pastors children are serving full-time in the ministry. 12: Daylight Saving Time begins 2 AM / Sun. Sermon Video/Livestream Sermon Audio/Podcast Events . Please let us know of any prayer requests you may have so that our church can pray for you. Time and time again, those who visit Emmanuel are met by friendly people who are . (Acts 8: 36,38,39, John 3: 23, Rom. During these adolescent years, PJ suffered from severe epilepsy, which limited what he could do. ( He is a graduate of Morehouse College (B.A. 15: 42-44, 51-54, Phil. 5: 18-21, Rom. Olivet Baptist Church of Columbus, OH. Weekly Schedule. Last Thursday, the Rev. Jose has been married to Kathy for 18 . He describes his ministry as in Isaiah 61:1-2, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me; because the Lord has anointed . PJ Pallini grew up in rural upstate New York. The Servant Lead Team chose Dr. Robin Jumper to serve as Emmanuel Baptist Church's interim pastor. 20: 2-3, 1 Cor. 12: 12-13, Acts 2: 41-42, 1 Cor. That you have a vision for meeting the needs of the lost community in which you dwell, taking opportunity to minister physically, if possible, so as, in the end (and most- importantly), to minister spiritually. He holds a Master of Theological Studies from Shepherds Theological Seminary and has served Emmanuel Baptist Church in various ministry roles since 2004. Trufant was licensed to preach in July 1981 and ordained in May of 1988 by Third Baptist in San Francisco. His favorite hiking spot is Matthiessen State Park near Oglesby. "According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death." Emmanuel Baptist Church has held its name for the better part of 110 years and continues to thrive in serving the people of Northwest Ohio with the Gospel. PJ served over a year in the Better Roads Recovery Ministry mens home. Emmanuel Baptist Church | Privacy Policy, Salvation is a free gift of God. This salvation is available for any who puts their trust in Christ as Savior and follows Him (Romans 3:23, 6:23; John 3:16). The Brooklyn, New York-based preaching, teaching and outreach ministry of the Rev. Emmanuel is an Old-fashioned Bible preaching church standing on the fundamentals of the Christian faith. 3: 17-18).21. OF THE MINISTRY AND SPIRITUAL GIFTSWe believe that God is sovereign in the bestowment of all His gifts; and that the gifts of evangelists, pastors and teachers are sufficient for the perfection of the saints today. 3: 16-17).2. Dale Williams has served as our Pastor since March of 1989. The authority of the Scriptures alone for faith and practice.We are to organize and operate our churches according to the Word of God and not by traditions or man-made creeds (2 Tim. A regenerate, baptized membership.The word of God clearly indicates that only regenerate (saved), immersed believers should be received into the local church (Acts 2: 41, 8: 36-38).5. 20: 10).4. Throughout the 124-year history of Immanuel, a couple of things have remained constant: First and foremost is God's unfailing and steadfast love for His people. Originally from Arkansas, Steve has served in church planting for over 32 years; 20 in Michigan prior to his work in read more. Trufants belief that the church of Jesus Christ must be actively engaged in the liberation struggle and survival of the entire human family, especially people of African descent. At the time of its organization the church adopted Articles of Faith, which remain the same to this very day. OF THE RAPTURE AND SUBSEQUENT EVENTSWe believe in the imminent, premillennial return of Christ for His Church, and that at that moment the dead in Christ shall be raised in glorified bodies, and the living in Christ shall be given glorified bodies without tasting death, and all shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air before the seventieth week of Daniel (1 Thes. This distinction holds among men both in life and after death, in the everlasting happiness of the saved and the everlasting conscious suffering of the lost in the lake of fire (Mal. After being a pastor for many years, Dr. Smith most recently served as Vice President for Student Services and Professor of Preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Matt. Emmanuel Baptist Church 11443 Laurel Bowie Road Laurel, Maryland 20708. He was ordained for pastoral ministry at Emmanuel on . 1:20)WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU AS A MEMBER OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH: WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT AS A MEMBER OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH: Galatians 6:2 - Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH. Pastor Gray attended Texas Baptist College and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Christian . a continuing process in the saint as the Holy Spirit applies the Word of God to the life; (3.) Pastor Bryan Wheeler was converted to Christ in 1973. That you consider the success of your church a personal responsibility, seeking to improve and help the ministries with new ideas and physical involvement. OF BAPTISM AND THE LORDS SUPPERWe believe that there are two church ordinances; Baptism and the Lords Supper and that the participants are believers. the final accomplishment of this process at the Lords return for the believer in the rapture (Heb. OF GRACE IN THE NEW CREATIONWe believe that in order to be saved, sinners must be born again; that the new birth is a new creation in Christ Jesus; that it is instantaneous and not a process; that in the new birth the one dead in trespasses and in sins is made a partaker of the divine nature and receives eternal life, the free gift of God; that the new creation is brought about in a manner above our comprehension, solely by the power of the Holy Spirit in connection with divine truth, so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the gospel; that its proper evidence appears in the holy fruits of repentance and faith and newness of life (John 3: 3,8, 2 Cor. January 2003An annual four-phase Neighborhood outreach ministry was launched in the spring of 2005Our Church reached a total of 16 supported missionaries in the United States and around the world in 2006. 7320 Steep Hollow Road, Bryan, TX 77808 Email Us Contact Us 979.822.1998. Who We Are; . Hear this story. Emmanuel Church is a nondenominational, evangelical church. 6: 11-7: 1, 2 Tim. OF THE FALL OF MANWe believe that man was created in innocence under the law of his Maker; but by voluntary transgression Adam fell from his sinless and happy state, and all men sinned in him, in consequence of which all men all are totally depraved, are partakers of Adams fallen nature, and are sinners by nature and by conduct; and therefore are under just condemnation without defense of excuse (Gen. 3: 1-6, Rom. Within a year, the Lord called him into the ministry and he answered the call. But it pained PJ to think that he had forfeited the call to preach. February 19, 2023 Preacher : Dr. Paul Jones. in 1986. He is a graduate of Valdosta State University. There PJ heard an invitation for the Gospel for the first time. Visitors will find a warm, loving atmosphere and a great place to bring the entire family. 11: 2, Eph. James serves as the Assistant Pastor, which includes a large array of responsibilities including youth director, bus director, visitation director, preaching in nursing homes, and discipling some in prisons. OF JUSTIFICATIONWe believe that justification is the judicial act of God whereby He declares us to be righteous through faith in Christ Jesus; that justification includes the pardon of sin and the imputation of Gods righteousness. To reach Pastor Tim, please call or email Ruthann Barton (703-368-9206, Separation from all worldly and sinful pleasures, practices and associations; and from all religious apostasy (departure from the Bible faith), both apostate persons and organizations, and from brethren who co-operate with them, is commanded of God (Rom. That realization impressed upon PJ the need to recommit himself to the things of the Lord. Salvation is a free gift of God. A Lifting . Site by. I am happy to introduce to you the Emmanuel Baptist Church family. February 26, 2023 Preacher : Dr. Paul Jones. ever since. As a committed and convictional Southern Baptist, Pastor Mike has served in many capacities in our local Baptist association as well as our state and national conventions. The sovereignty of the local church.Each church is independent and governed by the people (Acts 2: 42).7. Dr. Robin JumperInterim Pastor. Steven W. Smith is a fourth generation pastor and presently serves as the Senior Pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. The soul liberty of a believer.Each believer is directly accountable to God and is subject to the Word of God. Articles of Faith1. The Church's outreach includes people of all ages. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at the age of 10 at his home church, Resurrection Baptist Church. January 01, 2023. This project was financed by a bond drive, and it was completed in 1983. 4207 W. Laskey Road, Toledo, Ohio | (419)-473-3280. Our vision is that all people recognize that they are loved, rescued, and given a purpose in Jesus. An evangelism program that will enable you to engage yourself in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt. If you are searching for a Church family to identify with, consider this: . God, the Holy SpiritWe believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, with God the Father and God the Son and of the same nature; that He was active in the creation; that in His relation to the unbelieving world He restrains the Evil One until Gods purpose is fulfilled; that He convicts of sin, of righteousness and of judgment; that He bears witness to the truth of the Gospel in preaching and testimony; that He is the Agent in the new birth and that He seals, endues, guides, teaches, witnesses, sanctifies and helps the believer (John 14: 16-17, Matt. At the young age of 6 years the call on his life to preach was very evident.
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