A. Firearms & Ammunition, including realistic replicas. Its always better to let the cruise line know about any special or medical needs when possible. Kayaks, canoes and surfboards are not allowed on a cruise ship. Ahead of spring break, Carnival Cruise Line issued a letter to guests remind them the importance of abiding by its policiesand consequences of not doing so. About two weeks after the message was posted to YouTube, Carnival sent a letter to customers on upcoming cruises reminding them about their expectations for conduct on board. Why do I need to contact the cruise line about that? Read more: How To Do Laundry on Cruise Ships: The Ultimate Guide. I laugh about it now, but when preparing for our first cruise I packed snacks for the girls to last an entire week. Id love to hear what works for you. Other cruise lines forbid drones completely. Remember to apply sunscreen liberally and often especially if you are cruising somewheresun-soakedlikethe Caribbean, where the heat and humidity cause you to sweat more often that you would elsewhere. When you take a cruise, its customary to tip curbside porters $1 per bag for helping with your luggage. Are there any small refrigerators in the cabins and if not how can we handle this issue. But you can bring closed blade razors, a sewing kit or eyebrow tweezers. This means that you can bring 12 cans on Red Bull with you in your carry-on luggage when you board the ship. Thanksra. ), 39 Useful Things to Pack For Your Cruise (Including 17 Youd Never Think Of), Can I Get Off a Cruise Early in Another Port? Musical Instruments: We will allow musical instruments on board, however, if a noise complaint is received, the instrument will be confiscated by shipboard security and returned to the guest on the morning of debarkation. You can also use the ships laundry and pressing service at an additional fee. Carnival conducts security scanning of all luggage and reserves the right to confiscate any item, which in Carnivals sole discretion, is deemed dangerous or can pose a risk to the vessel or its guests. For sailings 5-days or more, a stroller rental is$30. A corkage fee is a charge. Be sure to join my email list for my best cruise tips and handpicked deals each week. Before you know it, youll be sailing away without a care in the world. Surge protected power strips and extension cords are not allowed on a cruise. There are also some practical travel items that you might normally bring on a vacation, but arent allowed onboard cruise ships. If you bring more bags than this, you may struggle to store them under the bed. // I carried a regular purse onto the ship and then didnt touch it again until we left. Take it off the ship, or with you to the gym. guidelines, as we CHOOSE FUN TOGETHER.. Carnival Cruise Line prohibits weapons, illegal drugs and certain items that could interfere with the safe operation of its ships or compromise the safety and secure environment of its guests and crew. *Taxes, fees and port expenses are included. The Ultimate Guide to Carnivals Bottomless Bubbles Package, Luggage and Baggage Rules for Taking a Cruise (How Much Can I Bring? You are allowed to bring a corkscrew on a Carnival cruise and its recommended that you do indeed bring one if you plan to bring a bottle of wine with a cork to drink in your stateroom. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones must be turned off and disconnected from any charging equipment while on board. Bring cash so that you arent left feeling awkward when its time to go back to the port and the tour guide makes a speech about how much they appreciate tips! // My outfits for formal night are the two in the far left column. For additional information, please refer to the terms and conditions of the Cruise Ticket Contract. Follow me on Facebook at Life Well Cruised, Follow me on YouTube at Life Well Cruised, Follow me on Pinterest at Life Well Cruised, Follow me on Instagram at Life Well Cruised, Can you bring an electric or usb air pump to deflate spaces bags on NCL? Im a big time planner and I have found that a well-packed suitcase makes for a much more enjoyable cruise vacation! For sailings 5-days or more, a stroller rental is $30. Bring a tote bag or back pack from home so that you arent stuck juggling towels, sunscreen and your book! Medical gas bottles/oxygen cylinders are allowed in connection with a certified medical condition but cannot be packed in baggage. Guests bringing their own distilled water, must hand carry along with their CPAP machine, Small, personal-sized coolers no larger than 12 x 12 x 12 for the purpose of housing, small quantities of non-alcoholic beverages and/or medications are permitted as carry-on luggage, Pets/live animals: Only qualified service dogs trained to perform a specific task for a guest with a disability are allowed, Flowers and plants: Only permitted if ordered through Carnival. Guests bringing their own distilled water, must hand carry along with their CPAP machine If you wish to drink it in a dining room or bar, you will be charged a corkage fee of $15 per bottle. You are allowed to bring one bottle of wine per person. Fish of any kind; if fish are caught during an excursion, they must be shipped home, Aerosol containing personal grooming products are allowed. Since May 2022, Carnival has completely banned drones from their cruise ships. Items that arent allowed in the dining room are gym shorts, bathing suit attire, cut-off jeans, sleeveless shirts for men and baseball hats. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Carnival Cruise Line Prohibited Items, Exemptions and Other Considerations. . Since the cheapest bottle of wine I could find on the ship is $54 ( on their website) plus 20% tip on each bottle purchased, bringing some of your own wine allows you to have a drink on your balcony without paying an arm and a leg. One thing to note is that unlike Carnival, that means Royal Caribbean allows bottles and slightly larger containers. Drug dogs might also be in place at destination ports, she said. If you plan on doing shore excursions, it is customary to tip your tour guides,bus drivers, etc. Its much easier to prevent a sunburn than it is to deal with one. Youll find more info on when and how luggage is searched here. Floatation Devices: For the comfort of all our guests, rafts, tubes and floatation devices other than those used as life preservers (water wings) cannot be used in the swimming pools on board. There should be a hair dryer already in your room, but I packed one just in case. Guest must use earphones when listening to music or watching shows/movies on personal devices in public spaces. Cruise lines dont permit passengers to bring hard alcohol or beer onboard the cruise ship. In this guide, Ill go over all of the Carnival luggage restrictions, so that you know exactly how much luggage you can bring, as well as what items are allowed and not allowed on Carnival cruise ships. Thanks for the find! Any luggage that looks suspicious will be opened up for a full check, so its important that you leave your bags unlocked when checking in. Carnival Cruise Line has a message for spring breakers planning to set sail: If you think you can get away with the type of bad behavior that goes viral on social media, think again. Homemade food is not allowed to be brought onto Carnival cruise ships. Nothing but clothes and toiletries in ours, but the cut the zipper pulls from the locks. Each adult passenger on a Carnival cruise is permitted to bring one bottle of wine or champagne in their carry-on luggage, up to 750 milliliters in capacity. When traveling with two full fare guests, additional guests in the same stateroom pay a discounted cruise fare. Weve cruised four times together as a family andIm finally figuring out what we canleave at homewhen traveling. Best to check the cruise line website for specifics. Obviously if they allow you to bring on water as a general rule, then it wont be an issue. function isIOS(){ Exception: dry, packaged and commercially produced foods.. This post was created for Away We Go with Carnival, the destination for getting in the getaway state of mind. Bring snacks like granola bars for when you are off the ship. Posted January 7, 2013. Yes, there are usually small refrigerators in the cabins. $(item).fadeOut().fadeIn() You will enjoy specially-planned events, timely decorations and special seasonal What are the benefits of booking Carnivals new Fly2Fun Air Program? Daniella Genovese 5 hrs ago. Battery fire on Spirit flight to Florida sends 10 to hospital. Each guest may bring a 12-pack of soda on a Carnival cruise. Carnival spokesman Matt Lupoli said that while the cruise line has been trying to reiterate its expectations for guests over the last six months, another round of education made sense. In fact, you might be surprised to find out some of the items that are actually prohibited on cruise ships! If you do not have a passport you will not be able to get on the ship. My first step was to throw 6 swimsuits and 6 cover ups in my bag. Carnival Cruise Lines luggage requirements are a little different from some other cruise lines, so its important that you know what you can bring before you start to pack for your cruise. CBD Oil / CBD Products. Electrical and household appliances containing any kind of heating element, such as irons, clothes steamers, immersion heaters, heating blankets, water heaters, coffee machines, hot plates, toasters, heating pads, humidifier, etc. NW PA. #3. However if you search on their website this should be there. Where are you going? rayzer, if you want good food nobody beats Celebrity. You are allowed to bring your own personal cup, such as a Yeti cup, or reusable water bottle on a Carnival cruise. This is what you will wear to travel to and from the ship (outfits #1 and #5 above), outfits you can wear to brunch in the nice dining room (outfits #2 and #4 above), and in general outfits you can throw on and wear around the ship. I always have the urge to bringalong a computer, in case I get the urge to write while Im sailing. Sometimes, people can get confused when measuring luggage for a Carnival cruise because 16 inches high doesnt sound like a lot. The night drop has to remain in the refrigerator. For cruises 5 days Cruise Cancellation and Itinerary Change Policy, VIFP Club - Carnival's Recognition Program. Large speakers/radios are always prohibited on board and will be confiscated. However, you need to ensure that your suitcase is laid flat as it would be when stored under the bed, not standing tall as it would be when you pull it along. Just got off a Celebrity cruise, and found it to be no problem to take soda cans on board the ship on both embarkation day and port days. Now thats changed and beverages arent allowed when boarding. What to Pack. var deviceAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); I dont have specifically for Norwegian. Boogie Boards (max. Just be sure that it is not in a bottle. gas guns, tear gas sprays, mace, phosphorus, acid and other dangerous chemicals that could be used to maim or disable), Flammable substances and hazardous chemicals (e.g., petrol, methylated spirits, paint thinners etc. $(".slick-track", ".img-content-card").css("width", "100%"); While some things are obvious, others may seem a bit weird or strange, and can even get you in trouble if you bring them. You may be going to the beach, but there may be other stops along the way and youll want to look like your dressed. Bathing Suits and Cover Ups You are not allowed to bring any other drinks. If you are going to be in the Caribbean you will need to . If you are canceling your booking prior to your final payment, there is no penalty to cancel unless you have booked a specific promotion with a non-refundable deposit and/or fare. Section 5 of Princess Cruise Lines passage contract prohibits guests from bringing water, sodas and other non-alcoholic beverages on board that are packaged in bottles. Outfits for the remaining nights of dinner. For more on what sort of alcoholic drinks you can bring on a ship, visit this link. Cruising is one of the most stress-free ways to travel and I hope having these checklists will make your journey even more laid back! Carnival carries distilled water, which can be purchased either pre-cruise (Carnival's Fun Shops at 1-800-522-7648) or on board by contacting Room Service. Youth Programs (Under 2 & 2-11 years old). They are the best. I just called them today as we leave this week on the Norwegian Pearle. Umbrella. Travel tips you can trust. I know you have probably been asked a million times the same thing i'm about to ask.. so here goes million and one. Carnival reserves the right to amend this policy for the comfort and enjoyment of our guests. If your cruise is in the Caribbean, I would start here. $('.wrapperInfo').not('.hide-stateroom').first().find('.row').children().each(function(index, item) { It also depends on the type of alcohol. However, having a computer completely defeats the point of being on vacation! A $15 USD corkage fee per 750 ml bottle, will be charged should guests wish to consume their wine or . You are allowed to bring only one 750ml bottle of wine and 12 cans or cartons (not bottles) of soft drinks or soda per person on a Carnival cruise. Carnival cruise suitcase size limits are 16 inches high by 24 inches wide (the length of the bag is not a factor) and weight limits are 50lbs per bag. Carnival encourages guests to bring no more than two checked items, with each suitcase weighing no more than 50 pounds and measuring no more than 16 inches by 24 inches by 30 inches. Each person carrying on alcohol must be 21 years of age or older, and . You dont want to waste your vacation stuck indoors because youre in too much pain to go have fun! You can also bring along an outlet adapter to make using the European outlet easier. Guests are permitted one bottle of wine up to 2 bottles per stateroom. I also recommend bringing a travel-sized air freshener for the bathroom there isnt a lot of ventilation and you cant simply open the window like you would at home. So, what are your tips fornot overpacking? Beer and liquor are not allowed. This post contains affiliate links which means if you click and buy that I may make a commission, at no cost to you. Last 5-day cruise, I gained 7 lbs. How was the food? // supports iOS 2.0 and later: <https://bit.ly/TJjs1V> The only exception is scuba diving knives. are allowed on board when used with proper caution. Flowers and Plants: Only permitted on board if ordered through Carnivals Fun Shops or delivered by a florist in the port of embarkation but are not permitted to be taken off the ship in Australia or Ports of call. }. . However, now Royal Caribbean has a more lenient policy. Please check your pre-cruise notifications for your specific cruise. When traveling with a minor where one parent or both parents or legal guardians are not cruising, we strongly recommend bringing an original signed letter from the absent parent (s) or legal guardians authorizing the minor to travel with you. On Carnival cruises, ties aren't required, but many men choose to wear them, as well as sport coats, on Cruise Elegant Dining nights. Please share it on Facebook or save it for later on Pinterest (share buttons at the top of the post). Theres nothing specific mentioned in the terms, but Ive seen a few people post on cruise forums saying that they take their own tumblers and bottles onboard. In October, the operator updated its cruise ticket contract to warn that disruptive passengers could be fined $500, forced to reimburse expenses, made to disembark early and banned from future cruises. Reading materials like books and magazines for days at sea. 1. This may be the item that takes up the most room in a suitcase. Duffy said in the video that all of the lines ships have added more security workers, and the company has introduced narcotics-sniffing dogs at home ports to screen luggage. If you enjoy cruise tips, cruise vlogs and information, please subscribe to my Life Well Cruised YouTube channel. Bluetooth, portable and wireless speakers are only permitted within your stateroom and must be used respectfully and at reasonable sound levels and times of day. While you cant bring fish or meat onto a cruise ship, companies may be able to pack and ship the items to your house instead. Results 1 - 4 of 4. Your rating has been submitted, please tell us how we can make this answer more useful. I recommend bringing at least one bottle of sunscreen/sunblock per person in your party. I don't recommend being one of those people though!) Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB), communication scanners, wideband receivers, satellite phones, transformers, lasers and laser pointers. If you need to steam you clothes, you can iron them in the laundry room or send them for speciality cleaning. : In the interest of health and safety, beverages and food (including partially eaten or home cooked items) may not be brought on board either. Camera. Each evening, leave your blue towel out for your stateroom steward and youll have a fresh towel waiting for you upon your return. You are allowed to bring food and snacks on a Carnival cruise as long as they are pre-packaged and unopened. Satellite disk, routers and other internet related equipment, Any footwear with wheels, such as, Heelys type shoes, Fish of any kind; if fish are caught during an excursion, they must be shipped home, Aerosol cans containing personal grooming products are allowed, Personal grooming devices such as hair dryers, flat irons, curling irons, shavers, and other electrical devices, such as fans (no larger than 12" in diameter), power strips, multi plug box outlets/adaptors, and extension cords (without surge protectors) are allowed when used with proper caution. Instead of soda, you could bring other non-alcoholic drinks like sparkling water, juice or milk. Whether youre spending the day at the pool or laying on the beach during a shore excursion, youll go through more sunscreen than you can imagine! Totally optional, but every Carnival ship Ive been on has a nice gym, and they offer yoga and exercise classes. $(iframe[0]).remove(); Are there things that youd prefer to leave at home? For 3-to-4 day sailings, it's only $8 a day. Your rating has been submitted, please tell us how we can make this answer more useful. Dont forget the boatload of fees. Interested in cruise line rules about bringing water, soda, and other non-alcoholic beverages aboard? Bring Medications for Upset Stomach and Motion Sickness. If your luggage tags come off, there could be delays in getting your luggage. $('.render').click(function(){ This is what I recommend: 5* cruise approved power bar (see info on Amazon), 50 Must-have Cruise Essentials (Packing, Organizing & Shore Excursion Items), Cruise Luggage Tags Holders (all major cruise lines). Thanks for your list! " On embarkation day, a small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages (i.e., sparkling water, sodas, energy drinks, juice, and milk), packaged in. Dont forget to bring a razor and shaving cream if youre going on a longer cruise! You can also bring carry-on bags with your essentials and valuables. Are there other items that you know of that you absolutely cannot bring on a cruise please let me know in the comments below. To review the full Carnival dress code, go here. In this case, the cruise lines says that: A small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages (i.e., sparkling water, sodas, juice, milk) packaged in cans or cartons may be brought on board on embarkation day, only if carried on in Guests hand luggage (not in checked luggage). Those arent allowed on Norwegian at this time. And you wont even miss those items you chose to leave at home. Men will want to wear a collared, button up shirt and tie with trousers and dress shoes. If you use a CPAP machine, please note you will need to pack your machine with your carry-on luggage. Some need to bring on water for medical purposes, such as use of distilled water to use with a CPAP at night or to mix with baby formula. Length does not matter. Oxygen cylinders must be delivered to guest services and stored in a designated safe area. It might be surprising to know, especially if youre cruising for the first time, that unlike a hotel room, you wont have an iron in your cruise cabin. First day, the pool was out of commission. https://www.carnival.com/cruise-from.aspx, 11 Things to Consider Packing for Your Cruise, Carnival Valor: Kids Activities and Family Fun. Cruising is different than a land vacation and even airplanes. Royal Caribbean does not allow guests to bring beer, spirits, or hard liquors onboard. Before you arrive at the port you should fasten your luggage tags to your baggage. ), Self-balancing hover boards and air wheels. 5. You must bring the wine in your carry-on luggage and drink it in your stateroom. After you have completed the online check-in for your Carnival cruise, you will receive your personalised luggage tags within your electronic documents. ), Any remotely controlled or autonomously flying devices, toys or drones, Selfbalancing hover boards , air wheels, scooters, or segways, Compressed gas tanks, bottles, cylinders including dive tanks, propane tanks and aerosol cans (Refer to Exemptions). if (promos && promos.length <= 3){ Make sure to check with your cruise line before you bring on on board, as it can be confiscated. So can you bring water, soda or other drinks on your cruise? Its happening in stores, restaurants, at sporting events and schools, on airplanes, in theme parks and, yes, on cruise ships, too.. For 3-to-4 day sailings, its only $8 a day. Do check your cruise line website for their rules and policies on prohibited items. Any illegal narcotics/drugs, including synthetic, designer drugs, and medical marijuana. Can anyone advise please, My elderly father only like coles brand soda water and happy to drink room temp in our cabin, we are traveling on Sea Princess 14 days to NZ. I recommend that women wear a bathing suit cover up that looks like a sundress, or actually IS a sundress, when goingon shore excursions. "You . When you leave the ship for a beach-day shore excursion, youll want something to carry your beach items in. These are the essentials that go into my suitcase whenever I begin to prepare for a cruise vacation. I need to cancel my booking, is there a penalty? Related post:63 Things Not to Do on a Cruise Ship, Read next: 10 Things NOT to Pack for a Cruise Vacation. Coolers: Small, personal-sized coolers no larger than 12 x 12 x 12 for the purpose of housing small quantities of non-alcoholic beverages and/or medications are permitted as carry-on luggage. Additionally, each individual is permitted to bring a total of 12 cans or cartons of non-alcoholic beverages such as water, soda, energy drinks, juice, or milk. An Iron. It does seem like spring break is a good time to remind guests, he said. var msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE '); // IE 10 or older Theres also a chance that they dont even notice the drinks or care. Whether the cruise line downright prohibits it, or it's just a better idea to leave at home, here are eight things you shouldn't bring on your next cruise vacation. Bring along a portable back up battery charger so that you have a back-up plan when that low battery light starts flashing! When packing for our first cruise, I was so unsure about whether to bring my own towels. }); This must be in cans or cartons up to 12 ounces (350ml) in size.