News reports that Heughan, 41, was quite cozy with pretty brunette Monika Clarke at Caf Select in the Soho neighborhood of the Big Apple on March 7, 2022. Wonder if Heughans being paid to promote Scotland on Instagram ? for OL S1, when his character was more round(and not flat like now). Take a little bit of responsibility. PaleyFest postponed - this will hurt - right in his wallet. On sam's instagram in 2022 they did a live (I'm new to tumblr I don't know how to paste the link) he and cait alone. Yeh? Same old, same old. Hmm musi, huhmight I suggest: IT gremlins - posts 114 and 115 sent prematurely- twice! Well. To challenge and set goals for yourself, however you do it, is always a worthwhile . To be the friend, the colleague, the role model and most likely the lover and partner and well, you know the rest. Thats the excuse you used to explain how you knew about me. There's a queen here alright, but it ain't me and it ain't Jess. ah, the hubris of celebrities who believe their own publicity ! Hate the scruffy beard all the time. The photo of her and Heughan together doesn't seem to be there now - but it is on I got snookered by letting someone into a private blog I shouldnt. Can't really blame him. Or a talent, like playing the banjo. Botox in her forehead is rather obvious. [R212] D.L. Anything is possible. SH is his cash-cow (or maybe bull calf - after all, SH is incredibly adept at bull). When does he find time for a private life? Well, apart from saying rather than singing, looks like he's more or less fulfilled his wish. Who the hell is styling this guy? 4,461 notes. For info, I have been involved in the promotion of gay issues for decades, including marching, being physically threatened, counselling, workshops, policy development, advocating aspects such as same sex marriage (had the joy of being best person in seven marriages so far). Sam Heughan. ".No, I wasnt here at the start but funny that you mention how that rumor started because I heard it from people who have nothing to do with the fandom, in a context that has nothing to do with TV shows and before I had even watched the show. What are you doing, JA??? First episode of OL season 5 corny beyond belief but Heughan looked magnificent in Tartan, buckskin and Leather. That's enough to keep the hetero image ticking over. Oh dear, Heughans suit at the OL premier makes him look as if he's had breast augmentation . And despite his pretence, he really wasn't comfortable working to identify with the super stud jock group, but he was trying (far too hard) to hide. To make sure he looks manly, just put a rottweiling lady besides him. R55 We don't know that he doesn't have a partner, remember he shared a suite in Memphis with "a guy who handled everyting"? For the people up the back 'If Heughan were really a straight guy, why would the trolls bother to "defend" him? 'To All the Boys' Stars Lana Condor & Madeleine Arthur Attend Giambattista Valli Fashion Show in Paris. Hello, I make a query. Your comments on Tumblr read like datalounge. How is this even credible for any of these two guys. How do you know I said that, newbie? One that made me giggle a lit bit, but also sit up, was a woman said something like, "Ooof. Too bad he is gay. Dalla Scozia con tanto amore, Sam Heughan, attore, nel suo ruolo principale che lo vede interpretare l'highlander Jamie Fraser nell'adattamento televisivo della serie di romanzi "La straniera" di Diana Gabaldon: Outlander. site without all this bureaucratic nonsense,
LuHaFraser - Tumblr Once youve done that, I receive an email with your request, which allows me to click on the grant access button. r195 Neither can I. There is a pic of him at JJ, which is not so much photoshopped, that shows him with his wrinkles. And.. sadly the hetero bearding may be on again. {R534[ Imagine a lot of the female, non whiskey drinking fans, will buy it, perhaps have a sip but then keep it on display as a kind of trophy ,after all it does look like a rather pretty perfume bottle. Blog comment : "Notice the new stance for Sam, legs apart = indicates security and feeling in control. Tea that would get anyones ears pricked. Thought I recognised her sign-on address or whatever you call it from a few book reviews so I checked out her Facebook. Just stay away from any poor tuna and lay off the matching t shirts. Would that be ok, too? And we choose to respect that. For a blend isn't this outrageously expensive or do I just not buy whisky often enough . But now.. 'I think there are many more considering it in private than what you think. Viewpoint, Jennifer Allen's PR company, is turning 10 and SH has been on IG praising her - so he must not mind being 'in a cave', in 'a pantomime', having her glued to his armpit in front of the cameras as he gave an interview at one of the premieres a while ago? I loved her yellow pants.. They were both in Chicago during Thanksgiving, so were they together??? Casting call for former Playboy models to beard for Sam Roland Heughan. Marge might be a more believable beard given your track record, Sam. I honestly also sometimes thinks he hates the crazies in the fandom and that he therefore doesn't feel bad about taking their money. And OP, we're nearing 600, and we need a part 6 of this thread set up and linked please. He will have to wait until it's done and probably a few years still after that. MPC members questioned it and people are saying his FB was hijacked.. Then take a day off from selling. R465 if he's wise he will keep far away from tumblr or reading any of those crazy blogs. . Credit where its due, looked like he pulled it off well. Will his fans be able to afford to buy all this stuff.. Forgot to add Louboutin shoes to my list of all the products he's been shilling. Interesting exchange on tumblr: (sorry about all the Title Letters but a bit unclear who is saying what otherwise and italics don't seem to work in the reply posts): POSTER 1; Catholic weddings require bands [sic] to be read three weeks in a row,-no exceptions, and believe me this fandom would have jumped on that one . Heughan wearing his wiglet again at NYCC and a really hideous [ leather ? ] Anyway, just popping in to tell you a story about my private blog. And he can get on with his real private life in the meantime, and with fleecing the Squee Squad with overpriced audiences - still, if they are stupid enough to pay it, I guess, even if some of them go into debt to get there. (he does have the eyes for it).
Sam Heughan Source on Tumblr Please check your spam files. (JA, OL fans, buyers of his products, casting agents, whoever he is dealing with on a particular day). Follow @simba2001 and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. Oh, the outrage! Had a suite on the 7th floor with another guy who handle everything.". snippet from tumblr, where SH being gay is discussed on a daily basis now "Anonymous asked: Im surprised how sure you all seem to be thats hes gay. So our sam is thinking that maybe he has a twin! ", [quote]Regarding why she began to be open about her relationships, she told Harper's Bazaar, "I think I just wanted to enjoy my life. Some of the marketing has been trashy (calling a whisky, even a blend, Sassenach?) I've Googled but can't find information, is his part in Bloodshot a major character in lots of scenes through out the film or a slightly larger than cameo role but someone who might get killed off half way through etc ? (By the way, its cold and empty in here and Id like a sweater). I would love to grant access to everyone who makes the request, I just cant without first making sure youre not a troll. But then, Ochoa was also in Chicago - such possibilities!! [quote]Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot. Again, maybe, hopefully not. @mariaae This post is one of your very best.
P Anything from fanfiction to fiction to all things Outlander. She does look rather like her. Giving you honest advice that others (that you pay) are not giving you. I got this in a DM! The busier your lifestyle, however, the trickier this can be. Bit of a giggle. If you lock your doors at night, do you expect safety for your efforts, or do you expect your neighbors to break in and go rummaging through your house? Fantasy Drama Ooh, that looks painful. Maybe he won't want to do it again. But Im not someone who think people look gay or ping so . Just over a month until "Waypoints" is released! Normally Id put it after the post, but I want to make sure it gets eyeballs. Sam Heughan shocked fans in early 2020 by going public with claims of harassment and bullying from Outlander viewers (with Caitrona Balfe backing him up just a few days later), which included . Here's a very symbolic manip And here's the real pic with Sam and Graham. The longer he's not shooting for Outlander the bette he starts to look. Understanding why they do it is not condoning it in any way, just helps in considering ways of stopping it. r329 Unclear. Straight fantasies and money - and the closet. And why is Purv citing this great source now? But the cultists will love it all. Purv was adamant that if SH was gay, the director would have told her source and the source would have told Purv. How would you react if any blog you enjoyed reading closed up shop and went private? And if the big D is TMGD, well then those little kitties pale in comparison. And they follow each other! All they saw was the photo of their hetero hero with a blonde (a well-connected one too).
'Outlander' makeup artist posts rare closeup of Sam Heughan's Sam Heughan just Sam Heughan on Tumblr then surly they couldn't resist giving it out. If he was trying to look hetero without a ping in sight he failed dismally. I wouldn't think that this would impress Barbara Broccoli if she ever was told about it/saw photos, if there is anything to be seen of course. You are very correct with one point. Underneath all the attention-seeking, the hetero games, the straightwashing, the bizarre innuendo, Heughan is still a fine actor and he ain't going to get anywhere further with Starz - living in a box indeed. He does spend rather a lot of time flirting with Tobias Menzies , you almost wonder if he had some sort of crush on him. I know they are friends and business partners but they spend so much ' down time ' together I've often wondered if Norouzi is in the closet with Heughan. I just can't see him as Bond. He has a new watch again too Asprey, never hear of. Hardly conducive to forming new relationships, especially casual ones. As others already stated here: He, and the guys behind him just are milking the Outlander cow, the fans. And of course it could fend off those bloody pesky gay rumours that just wont go away, damn them. But he is not looking manly. Is that ok? combined with his work schedule.
I Love All Things Sam Heughan on Tumblr Or maybe Over The Rainbow ..Judy Garland. JA was with him at the Bloodshot premiere, she still keeps a close eye on him(god knows why???). A bit awkward to want it both ways now. [147] Thanks for the welcome and your reply. While most of his ardent worshippers would never accept even the most remote possibility that Heughan is gay, the number of posters questioning the narrative has been growing, very slowly but still growing. He was certainly not relaxed but that could have been because his too tight purple suit was cutting off his circulation !He is obviously very passionate about whisky. Bond is traditionally a womaniser for sure but he has style and depth. 0 favorites (0) videos pornstars gifs categories. [ Well since your wondering it's very Freudian ! ] One more to go And of course according to Purv, Sam himself has confirmed on Twitter that hes not gay well, actually, no.he has done no such thing. You are always welcome Jennifer Allen :-). Now, not so much. and Purv believes Hannah is yearning for The Magical Golden Dirk, whose power is irresistible. So if they were dating in real life, it would've been a perfect kind of relationship. All the gay roles on you tube under his name are gone.. except one.. OK, Purv, you keep on indulging your penis fantasies.). Maybe SH doesn't really care knowing that the cultists will worship him anyway, but not sure that aging pussy hound is the image JA was going after. [quote]One of the first things Harvey Weinstein ever said to me was, You will never make it in this industry as a gay woman get a beard. . And another attendee, Georgia Ellenwood, while very young, short, blonde, athletic, lives offshore from his home base, just the type of woman he was supposed to be attracted to etc, is associated with Under armour and had a business reason to be there too. Im a book reader who read Outlander within a year of publication. R73 yup, at least there is no new beard for now but he still likes all MM's posts on SM it seems(like why). Sam Heughan just Sam Heughan bcacstuff Anonymous asked: With newly single Alex no doubt there will be lots of boys time drinking and smoking cigars, as well as excruciatingly cringey Love Again promo plus a tax funded holiday. I guess his integrity is of no value to him. Can't blame him. Havent checked it all out yet but the visuals are pretty stunning. It has been fascinating to watch. The bottle of Sassenach Whisky will sue for divorce !! So, just because Sams new squeeze may have licked a few in her day (Im not saying she has, just hypothetical), doesnt mean she doesnt partake in the big D as well. Whats he adding to your discourse anyway, except the repetitive message that Sam is gay and shippers are idiots? How about if someone figures out your password and hacks your account and publishes your emails. In short [R271]-[R281] Heughan is laughing all the way to the bank ! Sam Heughan talks . For the article, click on the link I posted at R88. Of course the rumoured real boyfriend she has just been on holiday with in Australia is conveniently pushed to the side (Australian athlete, US-based). Given the visceral hatred that some OL fans have demonstrated about an openly gay actor playing Jamie they would be right in some genres. But if the bread and butter of your career has promotional posters that look like romance novel covers, you better do what you can to convince Ethel in Duluth MN that there's a realistic chance of you showing up to sweep her off her hooves and go live in a Scottish castle with you. r594 Yeh, so one anon says, re BunnyBeard, but the claim is not backed by a photo, so how did she/he know? A year ago I wouldve had hate filled Submissions and anons coming at me for even the suggestion, Ive not had one in the last three months'. He tries harder than most to be the person he wants to be. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. And now he's puffing away on cigars for the camera. But wait, there's more! He has not found his inner self confidence until today. Anonymous, I used to laugh at data lounge guys going with this. @diggsydogsquee Oh she reads Tumblr alright *quietly remembers her snapping about a blogger who references the striped sheets* lol. As Henry once shared, his lifestyle makes it challenging to maintain a relationship. Lets hope Heughan doesn't end up looking like Vin hair, bulge upon bulge of gristle and a 38 ' DD Cup ' Bust !! Sam Roland Heughan was born April 30, 1980 in Balmaclellan, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. for your next beard? When he's not busy filming season 7 of the Starz show or promoting his new book Waypoints, it seems like the actor has . And the app could be a possible beard market, an 'elite' one even. Cree bodily jumped SH at the Paris con today. r584. Why are you researching my archives?
'Outlander' Star Sam Heughan Just Avoided Questions About His Rumored Presumably he wouldn't need to inhabit a closet to do so. I understand he can't discourage people to go but he doesn't need to do the opposite either imo. As soon as SH shows TMGD, there'll be freeze frames, screen caps, wall posters, 3D modelling and plaster casting so the OL obsessives can rub it like some old-time holy relic, battery operated replicas even - hey, maybe another thing for SH to market. I guess I was in love with what I perceived was their love and wanted it to be true. . Actors, through illusion, seek to convince their audience. Just want to sneak this in as I'm faced with a very busy schedule (and Murphy's Law of course, there are so many good memories to post today!) Could it truly be that JA wasn't able to get him any invitations? Directed by Grayham Mactavish and staring , a mostly naked, Sam Heughan as Macbeth. All his games can't work around factors like this. Bound to be a sell out success as all the rabid fans would attend. The actors star in Outlander, one of the most . Well, well.a couple of formerly staunch Sam/Cait shippers on tumblr are now saying 'I'd ship Duncan and Sam'. R277 - R281 You summed it all up nicely. A comment attached to his latest IG post: "Your plan is more balance for 2020? Seems OK so far bot not sure that appearing in 'smart trash' is really going to expand SH's horizons. Not a problem, SH can explain it away to himself. It's a stereotypically feminine fantasy, as suits both the author of the original book (Diana Gabaldon) and her female heroine, Claire Randall/Fraser (Caitriona Balfe in the show) a nostalgic. Scottish BAFTAs on Sunday.
HardBlazeSong - Tumblr Makes her and Heughan himself look stupid - even he must sometimes cringe at some of her blatherings. According to that bastion of credibility, Purv, there's a possible new gf contender. My source doesnt want to be revealed! And it goes on. HEUGHAN: No, I dont think so. It's probably Sam who likes her just as he met her - with longer hair. We will see. Why do I have to keep explaining the obvious around here?