Chapman knows how to be reassuring to women who are fighting an uphill battle day after day. Shes now a motivational speaker and lives in Fredericksburg, Texas.From the first moment we ever opened our mouths, we clicked. According to the Texas Radio Hall of Fame, no public service is happening, but there will be a public gathering of friends and colleagues which is being planned at this time. We said, Okay, thats it! Ron Chapman was born on 25 January 1936 in Newton, Massachusetts, USA. Chapman rounded out the 1960s by joining the staff of KVIL-FM in 1969, when AM radio was yielding the spotlight to the purer sound of FM stations. In 1959, as "Irving Harrigan" he joined the staff KLIF/Dallas, where he teamed up with Jack Woods (a.k.a. Into the breach jumped Ron, who offered to loan me his brand-new Cadillac Seville. Ron was a longtime morning host at our sister station KVIL 103.7, where he worked with KRLD's Mitch Carr. Catch up on the day's news you need to know. With that warning, we move through room after room of airy, fresh pastels, past furniture that looks as if it never gets touched, with the exception of Rons well-worn leather chair. And one morning, I was going to go do a speech for the Dallas Board of Realtors at 9 oclock. Hollywood actress Morgan Fairchild first met the radio maestro when she was a student at Lake Highlands High School. About 20 years ago, Id barely started working at KVIL and was the overnight deejaythe lowest life form in radio, with an equivalent lifestyle. 1 radio show in Dallas for a dozen years. the magic morning man takes a deep breath, raises his index finger before his eyes, and does what Ron Chapman does best: KAY he breathes, low and confiding, in a voice that mirrors the softest, kindest, deepest, afterglow moments of romantic love. Or, according to Alex Burton, until his recent firing the voice of KRLD, Hes a right-brained man who manages to sound left-brained.. 2023 Audacy, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Chapman joined KVIL in 1969 where he would remain a fixture for 32 years. All great relationships are built on trust . The obituary was featured in Dallas Morning News on May 16, 2021. I'm saddened to tell you that legendary Dallas DJ Ron Chapman has passed away at 85. My wife made me admit it publicly: yeah. But Chapmans vaunted ego and his famed temper have only enhanced his hold on the Dallas radio market. Chapman invited him to come watch the show at some point. . From Haverhill, Mass (also Ed McMahon's first rad - 2 years ago. Ron Chapman joined KVIL-FM/Dallas-Fort Worth in 1969 as morning disc jockey, music director, and program director, and stayed there for 31 years. - Click to. When it comes to his precious radio station, the man is as fiercely protective of his listeners and his formal as a mother sow is of her litter. Selden went full circle in his personal life too, abusing drugs and alcohol until he wound up doing some time in what he calls the Home for the Occasionally Coherent, the state hospital at Rusk. We could go New Age. And then they put me on from midnight to six. In 2007, he returned to broadcasting part-time as a "permanent substitute" for legendary broadcaster Paul Harvey. And so, Ive always wanted to be YA-HA! Give me a spotlight and let me go., On Monday, the Texas Radio Hall of Fame paid tribute to Chapman by noting on Facebook: Three time radio Hall of Famer and Dallas radio ICON Ron Chapman has passed. But telling Brad after 20-plus years how to broadcastDont be talking about blitzes and the nickel defense. And Chapman was being pretty emphatic about it. Forty-five years in one market. I love the guy. I tell people this story, and they think its one of those urban legends. "But a well-respected punchline," Rhyner said. He doesnt want to look for cuff links., And as for keeping up with the competition, well, Chapman has a television parked in front of his toilet. In 2007, he returned to broadcasting part-time as a substitute for radio legend Paul Harvey. ", China sets this year's economic growth target at 'around 5%', 20 cars of Norfolk Southern cargo train derail in Ohio, China expands defense budget 7.2%, marking slight increase, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and husband are divorcing, Teen hikers rescued after days stuck in California snowstorm, Trump pitches a sequel, but shies away from attacking rivals, Indonesia fuel depot fire kills 19; 3 still missing, How one storm system wreaked havoc from coast to coast, Before Oscars, Everything Everywhere sweeps Spirit Awards, Californians await key decisions from reparations task force. He was so popular in Dallas in the 70s, 80s and 90s that his station, KVIL, sold for more than the Dallas Cowboys. He likes to say he lost two-thirds of his voice then, but every so often you can hear peeks and hints of that booming voice that used to wake up Dallas every weekday morning. For all time, at the moment, 2023 year, Ron Chapman earned $73 Million. Blonde, voluptuous, impeccably well-mannered, and gracious, she smiles through a mouthful of sharp teeth. Of course, back in those days, I was also given to partaking in the pleasures of cannabis and had a couple of joints with me for the ride. Ronald V. Chapman, age 80, passed away Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at Mount Carmel East Hospital in Columbus. According to Littauer, Chapmans massive energy manifested itself during his youth in a series of class-clown pranks. His career launched in 1953, the day after he graduated from high school. He then did afternoon drive at KVIL-FM for several years until he was fired by Ron Chapman. Enjoy unlimited access to all of our incredible journalism, in print and digital. For nearly thirteen years, with a few scattered intermissions. anyway? And Ron said, Why, I am in charge of the talent show, of which there wasnt one at the time. In 1969, Chapman joined the staff of KVIL-FM/Dallas-Fort Worth as morning disc jockey, music director, and program director, bringing the . Chapman was 85 years old. Put on your walking shoes. The feature says Chapman and his wife, Nance, had met at a charity telethon in the late sixties and spent decades as platonic friends before both parties . Theres a Stevie Wonder song where right in the middle of the song he does this loud, high-pitched scream. And Ron says, When youre doing your broadcast, I want you to think that these people here are your audience. Photos: Chapman Today: Dan Sellers; Chapman on TV: Courtesy of ABC Radio Networks. The country was going to get in shape. And we walked around the corner and stopped. In 2000, Chapman moved to KLUV/Dallas, an "oldies" station where he stayed until announcing his retirement from radio in 2005. Our ears are in mourning. Selden, now an aide at a substance abuse clinic in Tyler, believes that Chapman has accomplished what it took him much longer to do: harness a runaway ego and put it to good use. His talent rose above us all. The Texas Radio Hall of Fame says "his family asks for time to process this loss, and thanks you for your kindness, understanding and prayers. Thats reflective of some pretty strong public service. Chapman says. (A whole lot better, wife Nance is quick to observe, than the other way around.) Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, a man-made creek meanders past a resistance pool and a hot tub on its way to the pump. He was the Dean of Dallas/Fort Worth Radio spending 31 years hosting the morning show at KVIL, most of those in the number one position. And Ron has a brand-new sweater. And some who have shown too much personality, critics charge, get the ax. And even then they didnt get it. When we first went to KVIL to do the Cowboys games, Ron brings Brad Sham and me into his office and starts giving us this big speech on how we should broadcast a football game. But Im serious when I tell you that I learned a great deal from it. Chapman, fifty-three, fell over laughing. Turn! For example, co-workers wondered about his habit of dumping all his foreign currency into a drawer when he returns from trips. The Morning Guys on Y-95. Chapman, who was inducted to the Radio Hall of Fame three times, started his career in 1953the day he graduated from high school, according to his bio on the organization's website. The program, based on "American Bandstand . By Emily Jimenez, NewsRadio 1080 KRLD. And Id walk a mile for an impression., Part of the magic of KVIL is that it is positive and upbeat, even when its poking fun at the news, the politicians, or the Cowboys. His wife says the best way to get him frantic is to put him in a car without a phone. Selden was the Afternoon Drive DJ at 1190 KLIF at the time when 75% of the teenagers in Dallas were listening. While many have attempted to imitate his formula, nobodyat least locallyis likely to remotely approach his mastery of it. He must know where everything is at all times. KVIL was always my mom's station, hogging up most of the pre-sets in the '76 Cordoba and later the '79 LeBaron station wagon; it was either Ron Chapman or a Helen Reddy 8-track. Bring walking sticks. Legendary Dallas DJ Ron . Born plain old Ralph Chapman in Haverhill, Massachusetts, Ron began performing at the ripe age of three. And you were supposed to live up to them. It was Chapman who gave KVIL its sound in 1969: music foryoung adults who'd grown up listening to him on KLIF. Ron Chapman made Vocal Majority . Longtime North Texas disc jockey Ron Chapman, who spent more than four decades on the air in Dallas-Fort Worth, died Monday. @theoldgreywolf once told me, "Chapman was the pioneer, the seer." "I was always on the quest of doing something new and dramatic and different and surprising," Ron said in 2010. . Hes now retired and owns a winery called Orangewoods near San Diego.In, Im going to say 62 or 63, Jack Kennedy, I think, did a 50-mile hike. He was an actor, known for Dallas Cowboys . In terms of logistics and creativity, hes a towering genius. Dallas, Texas 75201. That was the power of Ron Chapman. DALLAS - Three-time Texas Radio Hall-of-Famer and Dallas radio legend Ron Chapman died on Monday. I prayed for her to have a lot of success, and I prayed that she get a wonderful starring part-and stay in New York forever.. Hes right. Warmth, a man who seems to genuinely feel that his biggest contribution to the world is sending his listeners off to work happy and chipper, so that each in her own little way can help make a kinder, gentler Dallas. Industry critics say that while Chapman is full-tilt today, he is not really doing much to prepare his station for Life After Ron. what happened to archie in monarch of the glen; funeral poem our father kept a garden. Legendary radio host Ron Chapman has passed away. Chapman retired from KVIL in 2000 and moved to KLUV, where he worked until 2005 before retiring again. And it suddenly became a craze. Hey, says Chapman, most people like living here. So if anyone were to remember me. ', Chapman isnt surprised to hear that many former associates want deep cover before discussing his character and work style. Ron Chapman Death - Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death Just heard radio legend Ron Chapman has died. He said, Thats the second time youve used that item and its the last! Nobodys going to build monuments or hold big memorial services. He also had a stint on television with the local ABC affiliate, WFAA-TV, where he was featured in the mid-60s on the "Sump'N Else" show. Suzie was initially an airborne reporter, but was later given her trademark "KVIL-o-Van" (bearing the vanity plate, "SOOZIE.") Her efforts were honored in 2004 as an inductee to the Texas Radio Hall of Fame. Im absolutely realistic in believing that nobody remembers you, Chapman says. Robert Wilonsky, former city columnist for The Dallas Morning News, is communications director for Heritage Auctions and a frequent contributor to these pages. You tend to say things like the mayor when you mean Dallas and the mayor of Fort Worth when youre talking about them. Suite 2100 Would Stevie Wonder object if we took it out? We play some stuff that cooks pretty good, but there are a lot of songs we wont play at all. "It was what it was when it was. In honor of his life, we reproduce this 1989 profile of Chapman. Here and there, she reveals a snippet about her husband. Chapman himself acknowledges his mortality, but only in the vaguest way, putting retirement plans out there some years down the road. Chapman has seen twenty years worth of six-month wonders come and then go. I can give you failure after failure of people whove come on the air in this market and tried to do that. In order for us to match the standard, the three of us guys on the floor crew went out and bought blazers. April 26, 2021 / 11:54 AM Barack O-blame-a. But suppose, suddenly, a rogue meteorite comes falling out of the sky and mashes him into a puddle at the corner of Mockingbird and Central? Chapman had already carved out a legend as one-half of Charlie & Harrigan on KLIF. There are no excuses in Ron Chapmans world except You screwed up. We became great friends, Fairchild said. A very happy one. Turn! Last year, that power was demonstrated when Chapman asked listeners to trust him and send in $20 each for no specified purpose. But off-mike, in what employees call his little Come to Jesus talks, that mouth can get hot enough to melt pig iron. In one infamous stunt, Chapman told his listeners to each send $20 to the station; within three days, the station had received $200,000 (the money was donated to charity). So settle down with one of these throws. The following obituaries have been provided by local funeral homes. Walton and Johnson. The Emperor is in his tower, conjuring, working on the exact wording and inflection of the incantation that will once again secure his seemingly unending supremacy. FOX 4. After working for two years with the Voice of the United Nations Command in Korea , Chapman moved to Connecticut and station WHNC/New Haven. RONALD E. CHAPMAN Ron passed away on Saturday, May 23, 2020, at the Scarborough Extendicare long-term care home, from pneumonia at the age of 90. We had a contest to name the honey bear. It almost looked like a squirrel. So when we cut away to commercial, we would turn off the lights so the studio would get cool. Shes divorced, and may have a kid at home that shes sole support for. Jason Kidd hopes Mavs star stays patient in preseason play, Spring training cuts are incoming, but these Rangers prospects have impressed in camp. Theyll still be talking about that twenty years from now. I froze. Suzie Humphreys was Chapmans on-air sidekick on KVIL from 1975 to 1995. This was 1991. Chapman began his career in Dallas radio in 1959 at KLIF as a member of the "Charlie and Harrigan" team. He was an actor, known for Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (1979). A ratings war is brewing between two oldies stations, and a controversial gadget might decide who wins. He had this real, real long tongue, and it could get into the bottle. The station's studios are located along North Central Expressway in Uptown Dallas. . Enjoy unlimited access to all of our incredible journalism, in print and digital. Ron Chapman Obituary Kvil Death | Obituary | Ron Chapman Dead | Died | Has Passed Away | Funeral Plans - We are immensely sad . Be sure to wear a hat. By now, everyone knows the story about how, in 1988, Chapman asked his KVIL listeners to send in $20 each, without ever saying why, and took in $240,000. Other than that, Im real comfortable.. He is survived by his loving wife of 49 years, Deborah Chapman; mother Helen Chapman; twin sister Connie Smith; sons Eric . The magic is about to happen, the same magic thats been running nonstop for twenty years. "But it's a different world in radio, isn't it?" From 1965 to 1968, Chapman hosted a television dance show for teens called "Sump'N Else." In 1969, he moved to KVIL, where he spent 32 years. Posted Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 8:33 pm CT. Dallasites are grieving the death today of deejay Ron Chapman, a man whose voice was a constant companion throughout the Metroplex for more than five . TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - Longtime radio personality Ron Chapman has died at the age of 85. I can make her feel good about the day, or I can make her feel crappy about the day, and of course, the choice is to make her feel good. A man in the hotel found his passport and rushed it to the airport. Ron has never been much for physical labor, says Littauer, so he stood there nodding and saying, Mm-hmmm and very good, very good, while the sergeant gave jobs to the rest of the men. Long before the KLUV World Tour, our travel program began as the KVIL World Tour, pioneered by my parents and Dallas Radio legend Ron Chapman. I tell them, you cant do that. Bud Buschardt worked as the unit manager on Away We Go and Sumpn Else, two television shows that Chapman did for WFAA Channel 8 in the mid-60s. Its a tribute to Chapman that the call letters of what is, after all, just a radio station, have entered the argot of the trade. He knows what people want to hear. 1 radio show . He served with the Army in South Korea from 1957 to 1959, producing a radio show for Voice of the United Nations Command. Ron Chapman received an obituary from the KVIL community. Ron actually holds up a picture that hed cut out of a JCPenney catalog. And I do have a good memory. Theres gotta be some point at which hes willing to pass the torch. There will never be another run like his. It was the only way we could get a feel for the publics impressions on what we were doing. When the show aired its final broadcast, Chapman played as its swan song Turn! 750 North St.Paul St. The piece coincided with Chapmans 20th anniversary at KVIL, where, The News noted, His hyper, happy-talk Ron Chapman and the Morning Group has been the almost-constant No. In 1969, he teamed up with local radio men Hugh Lampman and Jack Shell at the newly born KVIL. Both of which I left, unconsumed, somewhere in Rons car. That was, perhaps, the last Most Meaningful Moment on local radio. He also hosted a televised series from Northpark Center in the 1960's for a three-year stint. Now, its someone I found out of Kim Dawson headshots. He remained at KVIL-FM for 32 years, serving as program . Among the passengers on a March 4 flight out of Hanoi 45 years ago Sunday at the end of the Vietnam War were three Air Force officers who would eventually settle in Northwest Florida. Dick Clark is an old friend of Chapmans. No spam, ever. But what me and Tom Murphy did was put together a morning show for teens, Murphy and Harrigan. The rest, as they say, is history. A little egotistical, perhaps. Dean later called it a dream come true. Ive always tried to make my sportscast understandable to the non-sports fan. Jody Dean was Chapman's producer at KVIL from 1987 to 1994. Its a small industry. Everyone I knew went to college. He did not. The Radio Hall of Famer died at the age of 85 by leading an exemplary life being the pioneer of radio hosting in the country. When Ron Chapman, Morning Host of KVIL in Dallas, Texas, asked his listeners back in 1998 to send $20 to the station, they did to the tune of $240,000. Hell suddenly realize he needs to talk to everybody he knows.. The guiding light in my life, my operational phrase, was: Ill show em. It wasnt angry. But Ive wondered ever since., Herb Kelleher has known Chapman for years. Nobody. "How sad that all of those KVIL things are now part of history. So we hit the air, and Ron got it. No dice. We edited it out. He works on his show twelve, fourteen, sixteen hours a day. The hand goes higher above his head: VEE higher now, almost pleading as it keens with the anticipation of all the wonderful, warm, cuddly, sensual things to come. Said a Dallas radio newsman with nearly twenty years in the market, When I left KVIL, my blood pressure dropped by forty points. Thats what we started doing. Then by the following Tuesday, youre just gone. His older sister, Florence Littauer, now a motivational speaker, used her seniority to motivate Ralph, teaching him tongue twisters and then persuading him to repeat them for amazed visitors at the store-for a small fee. From 1965 to 1968, he became Dallas rarefied answer to Dick Clark and American Bandstand, as host of the wildly popular Sumpn Else, a teen dance show carried live from NorthPark Center on WFAA-TV (Channel 8). And guess what? When he started hosting SumpN Else, I was a kid, and we loved to dance, and I would go over there to dance. Dallas Cowboys want another playmaker on offense. Imagine working in a situation for five or six years where your first question every day had to be, What kind of moods he in today?, Tony Garrett got a dose of it too, though he took it philosophically. We never worked in the studio together, for 20 years. The call letters have been tossed in the dustbin; they no longer serve a purpose. "This has something to do with age. Im paying you to write! I know something the others havent figured out.. It was a 45-minute show. But the youngsters came to understand their poverty., I liked applause early on, said Chapman, who took on Ron as his radio first name in 1965. Then it became Jane Fonda for a while. Chapman remembers all the other long-gone-and-forgotten ones who came gunning for him: the Mobys in the Morning, the Stevenses and Pruetts. Id just started with Chapman, and I did that two or three times before he slammed down the headphones and blew up. This is a secret, but we take a lot of the staff to the big derrick at Six Flags and put them on top. That's a very sad commentary on the times. And yet, as he prepares to send his message radiating into those hundreds of thousands of receptive minds, he is more aware of them than perhaps anyone has ever been in the history of this city. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, Stand with us in our mission to discover and uncover the story of North Texas, We can't say goodbye to KVIL until its legendary voice Ron Chapman gives it a proper sign-off, CBS Radio has rebranded 103.7 on Your FM Dial as the Amp, Charles Meeks acquired a broadcast license from the feds to open up shop in 1958, Woman arrested in killing of 3 children at Italy, Texas, home in Ellis County, Frisco Liberty battles back vs. Lubbock Cooper to claim UIL Class 5A state championship, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones defers comment on revival of sexual harassment lawsuit, What we know after 3 children killed, 2 wounded at Ellis County home, The Cowboys are closer than you think to a total makeover at running back, American Airlines, flight attendants file for mediation during contract negotiations, New Uptown office tower lands second major lease, Years after North Texas bid for Amazons second headquarters, retail giant halts plan, Mesquite to become the site of new 2,500-home community, North Texas builders see influx of activity in new year, but challenges persist, Mark Wahlberg pours tequila for fans at Dallas restaurant during thunderstorm, Dude Perfects trick-shot town could find a home in North Texas, or somewhere else, Slow start for Luka Doncic? Chapmans radio station has been number one in Dallas. Ron Chapman announced his retirement on 98.7 KLUV at age 69 saying he was retiring from the morning program and going on vacation with his wife Nancy. Woods was Charlie Brown. And he admits that, in part, it is the reason his first marriage ended after nineteen years. Legendary radio host Ron Chapman has passed away. Fort Worth was the butt of all the jokes by DJs sitting in Dallas talking about people over in Fort Worth. But for the first 20 minutes of the show, Id been loading this little guy up with Coca-Cola. Since Chapman is not only essential to ratings but is a key figure in all promotions, contests, personnel matters, etc., he is a general managers worst nightmare. Oh, Lord. Nance likens her life with Ron to living with P.T. Former Dallas Morning News columnist Robert Wilonsky contributed to this report. Chapman's booming voice is now a shadow of its former self, the result of a stroke suffered just before Christmas in 2012. Says Chapman, Electronically, we dont do much, but we are very conscious of highs. Thats just the wrapper. One former employee, who asked not to be named, speaks for many when she says, Hes the most unfeeling, cold-hearted son of a bitch I ever met., And this woman counts herself among his admirers because of his genius at making KVIL a raging success. But hes been trying to play Creative Tension to the point that it became creative chaos. Hes now a program director for ABC Dallas radio and an adjunct professor of TV production at the University of North Texas.We did Sumpn Else at NorthPark. 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. But stories of Chapmans sentimentality and generosity are almost as abundant as the tales of his colossal ego. Incidentally, the quarterback is the guy behind the center. Stevens and Pruett. Chapman had a . As she perfected her skills, the dean of Dallas radio, Ron Chapman, hired her at KVIL-AM/FM as News Director alongside his other show members: Suzy Humphries, Len Mailoux, Andy McCollum, and Larry . In 1968, Chapman joined KVIL-FM, a station known for pioneering the Adult Contemporary (AC) format. In 1969, Chapman joined the staff of KVIL-FM/Dallas-Fort . The Amp is now playing a handful of pop-radio hits, by the likes of Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift and DJ Snake, over and over and over, ad infinitum. Thirty-two of them at the same station. But certainly not unrealistic. Dallas-Fort Worth radio legend Ron Chapman has died, officials with his former station KLUV-FM confirmed. Not all of Chapmans career was limited to radio. Ron in makeup for his role in an episode of Police Story. Rons face superimposed on the body of Michael Jackson. People just trusted him, Dean said Monday. I dont believe that any one person can be in that much control and yet allow for the station to be the living, breathing organization it has to be in order to survive. But Chapman says that the first time Haley went on the air after the deal was struck, She was dreadful. When the drawer becomes filled with bills and change, he bundles it up and sends it to the man. Its what youd get if God had money, Nance says. Ive done this in many ways in my sportscast. Ralph Chapman passed away on May 4, 2021 in Dallas, Texas. He was just a wonderful, wonderful guy., And yet, on a professional level, Chapmans reputation carried with it a darker side. While Ron was 85 years old at the time of his death, Nance Chapman's age remains a mystery. I wouldnt even park near one. He is, he admits, a control freak. To a person, everyone interviewed for this story believed that Chapman, if riled, could end his career. Michael Selden, a DJ at KVIL from 1974 to 1979, has gone full circle with Chapman emotionally, from admiration to loathing and back again. Anyway, I was holding this animal on my shoulder, on my freshly cleaned jacket, and it got a little excited. There are a lot of stations right now that will say, after they read this, Oooooh, so thats what theyre doing. They still dont know it., Even the KVIL signal is altered to be pleasing to a womans naturally more sensitive ears. Remembering Ron Chapman. Chapmans associates swear that hes a perfect friendas long as you never do anything that might make him mad. However, suggested that Nance Chapman was born on 25 February 1941 which made her 80 years old as of . Ive got a speech at the Board of Realtors this morning, and Im getting my hair done., And I said, Hes giving me a real nice blow job., Oh, Lord. Following his tenure at KLIF, Chapman joined the staff of KVIL-FM, Dallas-Fort Worth, in 1969. Six years later, he moved to Texas to begin what eventually became a Radio Hall of Fame career in DFW. Thanks a lot, everybody! They were pissed off, and they loved it. The people who dont understand the program., A recent case in point, says Chapman, was the popular evening jock Lynn Haley, who was dismissed in early August. A D Magazine feature on Chapman from December 1989, reproduced this week in honour of his life, stated that he had a wife called Nance (pronounced Nancy) Murray, for three years at that point. In honor of his life, we reproduce this 1989 profile of Chapman. Nevertheless, she also has to be in between her late '70s and early '80s. In one infamous stunt, notes his Hall of Fame bio, Chapman told his listeners to each send $20 to the station; within three days, the station had received $200,000. Some estimates put the final amount even higher. The late Ron Chapman, who died April 26, 2021 at the age of 85, as seen in 2014. His hard-scrabble experience inspired him to say, Ill show them. And his broadcasting career accomplished exactly that he showed them. So Charlie and Harrigan came on and said, Were going to do our hike. Weve become Kleenex. Next to the picture, the new kid on the block had penned, Dont buy a house here. At one point, Chapman broadcast live while skydiving from a plane . It gives him this ability to do separate things simultaneouslyto be charming and light and breezy and set up the next little joke-and yet never lose clear, cold-blooded sight of the target audience. Michael Granberry, Arts Writer.