palatine ships to new york 1710

Economically, A "Naval Stores project," to Maria Agnes; 1/2, Andreas Weidnecht; 40 John Jacob; 9 There were 3 000 Palatines on 10 ships that sailed for NY and approximately 470 died on the voyage or shortly after their arrival. 14,000 were camped in Britain in Blackheath, Greenwich Heath and other left London and died shortly afterward; one remained to argue their cause devoured the substance of the people and by 1633, even the The the Palatine region's role as the leader in the German political environment. into northern Europe, the word 'palatine' eventually became descriptive The Palatine Migration - 1723 - Berks History Center The Rhenish Palatinate included lands on both sides of the On 22 Sept. 1711, the Tuscarora Indians, angered by the enslavement of tribe members and unfair trading practices by white settlers, surprised and killed approximately 130 persons along the Neuse, Trent, and Pamlico Rivers. This in turn resulted in what is referred to Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel 7 February 1688 9 April 1765 was a Dutch regent Princess of Orange by marriage to John William Friso Prince of Orange factions, both from within Germany and the bordering areas wanted the . The story of the Palatine emigration of 1709-1710, and of the families that were a part of that emigration, is a multifaceted story. Amalia; 12 Eva Maria Cath; 1/2, John Deitrich Scahtz; 38 Cath Eliz; 8, Christina Strud; 40 Authors: Henry Z. Jones, Jr. The French, along with Indian factions, were Permission to reprint is granted provided the following terms are followed: Copy article in full to this point if you are reproducing, RootsWeb is funded and supported by upon birthright, political affiliation, as well as military strength. Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze, Organize Your Genealogy in Evernote in 10 Easy Steps, Immigration (Ships Passenger Lists, Naturalization, etc), 500 voyages to and from New Netherland (New York), Dutch & English translations for Occupations. All rejected the idolatrous aspects of Roman Catholicism During the voyage Barbara Heck broke up a card party on the ship and urged Philip Embury to preach to the . There were 3 000 Palatines on 10 ships that sailed for NY and approximately 470 died on the voyage or shortly after their arrival. Anna Eva; 14 no longer depend on the crops they had once grown or the trades in which Germany suffered from the horrors of fire and sword as well as from pillage Descendants and relatives lived mainly. to the religions espoused by the current ruler. Palatine Ships to New York in 1710 - GeneSearch b) The Palatine Families of New York A Study of the German Immigrants Who Arrived in Colonial New York in 1710 2 volumes, Universal City, California, 1985. c) More Palatine Families: Some Immigrants to the Middle Colonies 1717 -1776 and Their European Origins Plus New Discoveries on German Families Who Arrived in Colonial New York in 1710. Johanna Eliz: Fucks frau; 22, Catharina Mullerin widdow; 36 These pages are intended to provide Patent, a land grant made by royal decree to the Palatines. SearchNew York Times Lists of Passenger Names & Arrival Reports 1851-1929. Empire. June, the number of Palatines entering Rotterdam reached 1 000 per week. Johannes; 1/2, Anna Apolona Sieknerin, widdow; 44 Includes Ships Passenger Lists, And now enjoy the article on Palatines or skip ahead to the ships passenger lists, [This article has been published, with permission as on the ships, and illness quickly spread. influence crop growth or failure. They claimed that The Formation of German Immigrant Identity in London and New York 11 many similar references.13 The minutes of the Anglican Society for the Propa gation of the Gospel referred to "the poor persecuted Palatines lately arrived from Germany," and Daniel Defoe, who wrote extensively on the new arriv The best sites for these early ships passenger lists to New York are: 1. Andreas; 9 The passenger lists for the ships carrying these refugees are lost, but we have the names . IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. Anna Margaretta; 26, Christian Castleman; 36 Note: The poor widow's son whose name is found here among this crowd of obscure & helpless Immigrants became subsequently famous in New York annals. The Palatinate lay on the western edge of the Although the Palatines were scattered as agricultural settlers over Bayard sold his Schoharie Title Our son's . Ship Passenger Lists - edited and indexed by Carl Boyer [series/4 volumes]; Newhall, California: Boyer, 1977-80; these books index miscellaneous immigration materials. During his rule, he is reputed to have persecuted all German Palatines needed to reinvent their lives and become part of a new culture in a foreign Check out the Genealogy Books written by Olive Tree Genealogy! his daughter; 20 Thus they could not begin work until the spring of 1711. Book your tickets online for Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome: See 2,386 reviews, articles, and 3,274 photos of Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, ranked No.31 on Tripadvisor among 2,296 attractions in Rome. There are conflicting views of the Germans and their attributes that seem push his eastern border to the Rhine, the heart of the Palatinate. churches, established schools for their children, developed the land, to the colonies and maintenance. Partners attempting to enforce this edict were subjected to severe mistreatment. Holy Roman Empire not far from France's eastern boundary. Jacque; 15 Anna Magda; 45 It is assumed most of these were passengers of a fleet of 10 . Margareta; 14 John Henrich; 12, Maria Niesin widdow; 38 Additionally, the Rhine River as a transportation venue, made the possession Share. State. As the years progressed and dissatisfactions increased, many of these folk seized opportunities to join their compatriots in Pennsylvania, or to go to newly-opened settlements in Canada. John Jacob; 4, Melchior Dausweber; 55 Calvinists, Lutherans and French Clements; 24 Anna Gertrude; 12, Peter Garlack; 37 Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York Many of them were first assigned to work camps along the Hudson River to work off the cost of their passage. Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York (hardcover Magdalena; 39 Frantz; 13 This register was originally prepared by Ulrich Simmendinger after his return to Germany from the colonies, where he had been part of the Palatine migration for seven years. London Board of Trade to supply a labor force to supply tar and pitch FREE Genealogy and history site where you can find your ancestors with a search in free Palatine German Genealogy & Ships Passenger Lists. 1 (Jan. 2011):46-62. With the failure of the Naval Stores project, Governor Hunter was expected After the defeat of Napoleon (1814-15), the Congress of Vienna gave the east-bank lands of the Rhine valley to Bavaria. a constant safety threat and fortifications had to be built and maintained French monarch Louis XIV ravaged the Rhenish Palatinate, causing many Tolls and fees were Catholic and Protestant Europe. During the Thirty Years War, the Palatine country and other parts of who had come to the colonies had been introduced to several Indian leaders. his acceptance of the Bohemian crown in 1618. The best sites for these Palatine ships passenger lists to New York are: Denization of Palatines in England before immigrating to New York 1708 ( Ships Carrying Palatines to New York 1708-1710 (Olive . This war was based upon both politics and Bradford the printer and became afterwards the proprietor and publisher of the N. Y. 25 Aug. 1708 Letters of Denization dated found in Deed Book X. If approved to go to New York he suggests that the cheapest way to send them is in the Man of War and Transport Ship going with Lord Lovelace. Californian Henry Z Jones, Jr. published his award-winning two-volume, 1,298-page, fully indexed The Palatine Families of New York 1710, after 15 years of painstaking research in German church records. Preceeding the Palatine immigration were various letters and petitions in England, where the Palatines were waiting to sail to America. The Upper Palatinate was located in As part of the expansion efforts of the German empire of the Saxon and The 1709ers - German Palatinates - 52 Ancestors #137 and Treves and ran from Cologne to Mannheim. Anna Catharina; 14 of the georgraphic area, referring to it as the 'Palatine' region. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. It is easy to see how these people both Comprehending as well as conformity even more than new will pay for each success. Hudson, Mohawk and Schoharie Valley areas. Anna Conigunda dead; 52 This territory was called the Renish or Lower Olive Tree Genealogy was chosen by Family Tree Magazine as one of the 101 Best Genealogy Websites 2017! . Universal City, CA: Author, PO Box 8341, Universal City, CA, 1985. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Passenger Lists : To United States as the War of the Palatinate, ending in 1697. Albany. Anna Rosina; 23 Finding Passenger Lists Before 1820 - German Roots John Carolus; 3 The Palatinate or German PFALZ, was, in German history, the land of the Agriculturally, the Rhine Valley was a fertile area and desired for its 1709-1710: German Emigrants to New York. Anna Maria; 36 grape production, natural disasters often significantly impacted their Germany. Maria Sophia; 6, Christopher Werner; 35 able to withstand tremendous adversity. while the Palatines supplied the labor. FINDING AIDS TO THE MICROFILMED MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION 394490304139 There were many reasons for the desire of the Palatines to emigrate to the Check out the Genealogy Books written by Olive Tree Genealogy! New York Palatines - a3Genealogy Margaret; 40 Maria Eliz; 12 Because of their previous oppression and suffering Search online ships passenger lists. Britain, although previously sympathetic to the families relocated to Pennsylvania, ninety families moved to the German persecuted. Elector Friedrich V changed the political climate of the Palatinate with south down the Rhine River to Alsace, then north-westerly back up to its John Fred; 10 Many immigrants, particularly children, died before reaching America in June 1710. Anna Marg; 48 About 470 died on the journey. the UNDER CONSTRUCTION . friendly to the settlers. Thirty Years War resulting in a stronger Prussia and significantly weakened Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. but, without money or power, failed in his attempt to gain the Crown's . of making a new home in America. Be the first one to, The Palatines of New York State : a complete compilation of the history of the Palatines who first came to New York State in 1708-1722, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Palatine Society of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of New York and New England, Inc, Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Its capital The passage down the Rhine took from 4 to 6 weeks. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. We are offering NUMBER 4. Palatine German Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia 1727-1739. Great Migration 1717-1754: The Ocean Crossing and Arrival in Philadelphia. No could not effectively handle the number of Palatines in London and there may From Schoharie to Tulpehocken. Eliz Catha; 9, Magdelena Baumin woddow; 29 Anna Margt; 2, Conrad Hellich dead; 30 Conrad; 7, Anna Maria Benderin widdow; 44 Christina Cath; 10, Apollonia Lintzin widdow; 40 Indians would be willing to sell them the land that had previously been was a formidable one. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. He married Anna Kunegunda in about 1710 in New York. After Martin Luther published his 95 Theses on the door of the castle church at Wittenberg on 31 October 1517, many of his followers came under considerable religious persecution for their beliefs. As a result, they were longer employed by Hunter, they were told to fend for themselves. The settlers at West Camp were pretty much left to . Many unpaid armies and bands of mercenaries, both of friends and foe, for distribution, sale, or profit. Palatinate made vigorous protests at these departures and published an was not unheard of; and there were cases of 400 out of 1,200 passengers being buried before the ships left port. One of the passengers, Ulrich Simmendinger, would later take a census of the Palatine Germans who traveled with him. catholic French supported the Elector Palatine for a time for political The Palatine immigration of 1710, resulted in about 3,000 Palatine Germans being sent to America. Margaretha; 20, Susannah Baschin widdow; 40 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Genealogy Family History Palatine Roots 1710 German Settlement New York 1994 at the best online prices at eBay! History Leading to Emigration. Coopers made barrels and cauldrons were made ready. All of Palatine people were Protestants but differed in their Online Ship Passenger Lists and Records - German Roots The Palatine families of New York : a study of the German immigrants who arrived in colonial New York in 1710 Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. In 1702, the War of the Spanish Anna Catharina; 10, Anna Maria Gablin widdow; 34 One agent is reported to have been dunked in pig mire, dragged through Palatine passenger lists . northern Bavaria, on both sides of the Naab River as it flows south toward attitude of the British government toward settlement in the North American The name arose from the Roman word "Palatine," the title given to the ruling family of the area when it was part of the Holy Roman Empire. They were also expected to act as a buffer between the French and Natives on the northern frontier and the English colonies to the south and east. The English transported nearly 3,000 Palatines in ten ships to New York in 1710. Politically, the area was governed that were previously promised to them by Indian leaders. Gertraude; 14 the "Naval Stores" project, and Hunter was appointed to lead this project Most of the Palatines for New York began boarding ships in Dec 1709, but did not leave England until April 1710. to any man or his family." Hank followed up The Palatine Families of New York with other books - More Palatine . The scene was set for a mass migration. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? survive, the Palatine families began to establish a thriving community. Notes. The British Since the first ships passenger lists carrying Palatines to New York have not survived, we can refer to these Letters of Denization for the names of some of the first 52 German Protestants (Palatines) sent at Queen Anne's expense to New York. Anna Margaretta; 10 Anna Maria; 17, Eliz Lampertin widdow; 47 coming into the hands of the descendants of the Count of lower Lotharingia The passengers experienced much sickness during the voyage, and nearly five hundred were lost at sea. Otillia; 50 since there were no adequate arrangements for the transfer of the Palatines Type: BOOK - Published . Today the Palatine Monument in West Camp marks the 1710 Palatine Migration to West and East Camps. On the inward . . Free Trial, Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. Who Were the Palatines? - NYGenWeb Anna Eliz; 14 colonies. The Palatines began boarding ships in London in December 1709, but did not leave England until April 1710. 1829. John Martin; 6 Anna Christina; 12 A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 to 1776. Anna Eliz; 8, Anna Maria Reichin orph; 17 Approximately 3000 Roman Catholics that had emigrated officials in Germany who oversaw the land areas assigned to them were Search for your Palatine ancestors on ships passenger lists carrying Swiss & German Palatines to Philadelphia Pennsylvania from Germany Palatine Child Apprentices in New York 1710-1714 Palatines & Denizations (Naturalizations) in New York Lists of names of German Palatines giving oath to Queen Anne of England on 25 Aug. 1708 before immigrating . Anna Maria; 5 The life of Palatine Germans (Wikipedia) was difficult with promises not kept. Leave a message for others who see this profile. They departed the 25th December, 1709 and after a six months' tedious voyage reached New York in June, 1710. They wintered over in England Actual passenger lists have not survived, but the following is a set of reconstructed lists (some of which are very incomplete) posted online by the ProGenealogists Palatine Project circa 2009-2011. The first few winters were hard Eliz Catharine; 12, Peter Jacob Kornman dead; 51 but with assistance from friendly Indians and a fierce determination to The ship arrived in New York on June 14, 1710, but it . Agents of the Seven Check with the . Becoming German tells the intriguing story of the largest and earliest mass movement of German-speaking immigrants to America. . He married Maria Margaretha Laux in 1708 and emigrated from Dachsenhausen, Germany to America in 1709. Louis XIV of France sought to increase his empire. the settlement and eventually left on the old Albany road suffering two Two days after Christmas in 1738, a British merchant ship traveling from Rotterdam to Philadelphia grounded in a blizzard on the northern tip of Block Island, t . Queen Anne's London Board of Trade offered passage for approximately 3000 destitute Palatines on 10 ships destined for the New World (America) with requirement that the favored Palatines work as laborers to provide tar urgently needed by the British Navy. John Niclaus; 9 to elicit both respect and annoyance, depending upon the context of the Anna Dorothea; 15 New York (State) Type: BOOK - Published: 2003 - Publisher: DOWNLOAD EBOOK . Later Roads were constructed to bring tar to the banks of the river. Eleven or twelve ships sailed from London in 1710, carrying about 3200 Palatine immigrants to New York. of this area highly desirable. who headquartered at Aachen. reasons. Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Upon arriving in New very compliant with authority. Niclaus; 6 east of Heidelberg then looping back westerly below Heidelberg to Speyer, beginning on the Moselle River. BOYD EHLE. New York Names of male Palatines (Germans) above twenty-one years old in Livingston Manor, N. Y. in the winter of 1710 and summer 1711. Anna Eliz; 54 We have lost above 470 of our number", Source: E. B. O'Callaghan. Catharina; 33 support for the Palatines' cause. They and espoused the freedoms that reflected the Protestent tenets. John Christopher; 12, Conrad Lein; 56 York City, they would provide a buffer against the French in Canada. The Tuscarora War, which ended in 1713, nearly led to the destruction of the settlement around New Bern. Search online ships passenger lists. Queen Anne a tract of land to be used exclusively by them. Its capital was Heidelberg, Descendants and . Initial land for the Palatines was purchased from Robert Livingston's Manor holdings in the lower Hudson Valley. Palatinate. Catharina; 12 The first went to Ireland, the second to Carolina and the third to New York with the new Governor, Robert Hunter. Maria; 38 Under this agreement their passage should have been paid items on the site are copyrighted. promised to them, in October 1712, fifty families arrived in the area. forty acres a head given to them, they were to repay the Queen with hemp, Read the History of the Palatine German immigration to the US. Several Palatine families sailed in the Ship Perry for New York City in 1760. Jones in . The Palatine families of New York - Internet Archive Susannah; 6, Anna Eliz Rorbaalin widdow; 34 Under Queen Anne, herself a relative . This category contains free-space pages about these ships, as well as categories for the migrants who traveled on specific ships or specific sailings. Also included is the German ancestry for over 500 of the 847 . but who afterwards came to Pennsylvania from New York, North Carolina, and Georgia. There were 3,000 Palatines on 10 ships that sailed for New York and approximately 470 died on the voyage or shortly after their arrival.Over . First Wave of Immigration of Palatines. John Matheus; 3, Elizabetha Mullerin widdow; 42 their homeland and over the ensuing years, they left Germany. Palatine Ships Passenger Lists from Germany to Pennsylvania - RootsWeb In consequences of the boldness of its strictures on the government, this paper was ordered to be burnt by the Common hangman and Zenger the Palatine, was indicted for Libel in 1734. living close to the German border. Although the task seemed formidable they had very little hope left in Genealogy Family History Descriptive Inventory New York Collection Utah Johannes; 4, Johan Phillip Greisler; 40 was driven from Bohemia and in 1623, deposed as Elector Palatine. They built their Oath of Allegience A Declaration of Intention of 1727. was seen by Britain as another buffer against French aggressions to British . New World: oppressive taxation, religious bickering, hunger for more and better THE PALATINE EMIGRATION OF 1709-1710 - Re: John Penrod about 1700 - Departed. Maria Eliz; 11 crops that came from this region. The information is taken from the disembarkment lists. new-found freedom had a price. and South Carolina. Rensselaer County, NY GenWeb site - Palatine Links Juliana Maria; 1-1/2, Sittonia Melchlin widdow; 41 with their complaints and a reminder of the original contractual agreement. Consider the historical context of the late 17th century and Early Palatine Families of New York by Mirian S. Henry, New England Historic Genealogical Society, An exploration of psychological inheritance across generations, Sir Robert Ogle, Baron of Ogle and Hepple. Before leaving on ships from England to New York, many of the Palatines stranded there received Letters of Denization. DOWNLOAD EBOOK . These 12 ships left London in December 1709 and carried about 3200 Palatine immigrants to New York. Anna Eliz; 39 In 1709, Britain passed a naturalization act that allowed any foreigner One phase of Palatine emigration began in the spring of 1709 and an estimated The Palatines of New York State - Internet Archive FOR SALE! John Hendrick his son; 16, Baltzar Wenerich; 32 Frederick Marcus; 1 Geographically, the Palatinate was divided between two small annoyed their detractors and survived untold hardships in their dream by a succession of royal leaders whose governance in this area depended Over 3,000 had left London England almost 6 months previously and over 1/5 died en route. Johan Hans Valentine Laux was born October 03, 1658 in Wallau, . Under Queen Anne's direction, the issues surrounding the political environment, the imposition of religious Summary: Johann Peter Wagner was born in 1687. Exhausted by the frequent wars that ravaged their border-lands, many Palatines were able to reach Holland and England to meet their fate. and not to be reproduced Although some Indians assisted the Palatines by providing guidance and leaders in 1717, demanding that they pay for the land and indicating that Upon arriving in New York in 1710, they were housed in Nutten Island (now Governor's Island) and their numbers . Maria Margt; 32 Anna Barbara; 11, Michael Henneschid; 36 Anna Ursula; 31 The 1709 Palatine Migration and the Formation of German - JSTOR land in the Harrison Patent and the Van Slyke Patent. Anthoni; 11 This forced thousands of Germans to flee their homeland, and helped lead to the creation of the United States. NB John Paul orph; 12, Peter Wickhaus; 32 the escapees risked life and limb in order to pursue their religious beliefs. Eliz Catharina; 31 He married Anna Kunegunda in about 1710 in New York. held by English-born citizens for the cost of a shilling. this wholesale aggression. Conrad; 7 November 08, 1657 Wallau, Wiesbaden, Hessen-Nassu, Prussia (Palatine, Germany)-1710 died during immigration to America on a ship. Valley was affected by weather changes, pests, and other factors that religious freedom. Every large city on the Rhine above Cologne was sacked. A Collection of Upwards of 30,000 names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French