pa game commission photo contest

By submitting the photo, the hunter acknowledges that he or she has received permission from all of the people pictured in the photo to enter it into the contest. Pennsylvania's population of black bears has grown five-fold since the . We thank ALL our staff at the Pennsylvania Game Commission for their hard work and dedication to wildlife conservation, but today this ones for the girls! Unlike the blue jay, female and male cardinals have different coloration. The Pennsylvania Game Commission encourages state residents to report flocks they see this winter. Thank you for saying that local news matters! The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) is the state agency responsible for wildlife conservation and management in Pennsylvania in the United States.It was originally founded 128 years ago and currently utilizes more than 700 full-time employees and thousands of part-time and volunteers in its official mission to "manage and protect wildlife and their habitats while promoting hunting and . Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.. Game Commission staff will narrow the submitted photos in each contest into groups of contenders to be posted on the agencys Facebook page, where users will determine the winning photos by liking the images. Its about connecting with the land and animals, watching the mornings come alive, overcoming obstacles, creating memories with friends and families, and so much more! All rights reserved. This position is primarily responsible for shooting and editing compelling video and photos to promote hunting opportunities, events, assisting with "Call of the Outdoors," the agency's podcast, as well as capturing the people, wildlife and activities that drive wildlife conservation here in Pennsylvania. Managing and protecting wildlife a. The Franklin County Free Press is your local news website. Send The Pennsylvania Game Commission your favorite summer trail cam photo, taken in June, July, or August of Summer 2022, in Pennsylvania to participate in the Summer Trail Cam Photo Contest. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A STATE GAME WARDEN? All photos submitted shall become property of the Game Commission. Events & Board Meetings. 2 settimane. These women are trailblazers within their fields, specializing in everything from bears, to bats, to deer, to ducks and MORE! The Game Commission's 2007 Working Together for Wildlife fine-art print, "The Getaway," is by Pennsylvania wildlife artist Patrick R. Sharbaugh. winning a big turkey-calling contest at the age of six. Not much time remains to submit photos as part of two contests the Pennsylvania Game Commission is sponsoring. If you need help, dont hesitate the call the editor at 717-697-4660 oremail to[emailprotected], April 15, 2023(postmark deadline for mailed entries), Learn more about the program at or call 866-474-2141. That is, until you see a flash of red or blue flitting through the woods or at your feeder. For instance, photos taken and submitted during August will be reviewed September 5. The hunter-trapper education program administrator creates or updates course curriculum, standards, and education materials designed to create safe, responsible Pennsylvania hunters and trappers. Pennsylvania Game Commission hosting two different contests. The deer observed on the trail cam in Washington County looks to be all white, although the eyes are difficult to make out in the photo. Submissions should be sent to the And the deadline for the Beyond the Harvest Photo Contest is Dec. 31. You can also learn more about black bears and their winter behaviors at Photos can feature any type of wildlife. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Learn more about groundhog seasons in the 2022-2023 Hunting and Trapping Digest or online here Blue jays are opportunistic feeders. Facebook users will determine the winning photo by liking the image. The Game Commission has made a total of 925,000 antlerless deer licenses available, which is slightly down from 932,000 in 2020. The Pennsylvania Game Commission has a . Pennsylvania Game Commission's Post. 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For contest details, click here: Phone: (717) 559-3262 Fax: (717) 459-7400 Email:, Pennsylvania: Game Commission Trail Cam Photo Contest, The Tail of a Foster Parent: Saving a Precious Life, Pennsylvanias Aging Population Faces Financial Shortfall, Mike Eruzione to be Keynote Speaker at Manufacturers Associations Event, CVAS: Meet Maverick and Bunderwhere, pets of the week, Nursing Homes Forced to Turn Away Patients Due to Staff Shortages, Wednesdays Fatal Crash in Tunnel on Turnpike. endobj xref 107 81 0000000016 00000 n 0000002445 00000 n 0000002575 00000 n 0000003861 00000 n 0000003888 00000 n 0000004027 00000 n 0000004495 00000 n 0000005049 00000 n 0000005449 00000 n 0000005798 00000 n 0000007526 00000 n 0000007733 00000 n 0000007860 00000 n 0000007897 00000 n 0000008011 00000 n 0000009886 00000 n . Some decrease in clouds late. Apply NOW through Feb. 16, 2023. Those two colors dont appear often in Pennsylvanias landscapes and are a stark contrast to Februarys colorless forests and fields. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is hosting two different contests involving photos this year. Droppings are J-shaped Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. RACCOON and FOX: Oct. 24 - Feb. 20, 2021, Unlimited. Wildlife: PA Game Commission checks on hibernating bears, new cubs across the state Game Commission: Net trapping events reveal healthy turkey population More: Men from Stoystown, Central City and Jennerstown face charges for shooting at animals An investigation found that the three had killed 19 deer in Addison, Lower Turkeyfoot and Somerset townships, including one incident where a deer was . Today is International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to celebrate all women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Get a daily list straight to your email inbox. The public is invited to participate in a Pennsylvania Game Commission photo contest to showcase some of the huge whitetail bucks caught on trail cameras this summer and fall in Penns Woods. Pennsylvania Game Commission. OFFICIAL RULES 2022 SUMMER TRAIL CAM PHOTO CONTEST. (AP Photo/David Duprey, File)AP. // February 2, 2021. Fairs and Festivals: First place, Joseph Walakovits III, Slatington; Second place, Laura Ducceschi, 3rd place, Elaine Titlow, Langhorne; Honorable . Would you like to receive our daily morning newsletter? Partly cloudy early followed by cloudy skies overnight. The contest, which opened the first day of summer in June, will wrap up on Wednesday, Aug. 31. . Our 52nd annual photo contest is open from January 18, 2023 through March 26, 2023. Participants could win a free trail camera or binoculars and an assortment of Game Commission merchandise! He later shot the animal, and its remains tested positive for rabies. Thanks, again, to everyone who donated a deer to the program. E-mail the submission to using BTH in the subject line. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. If you have collected your share of antler sheds this year, now's your chance to show them off. The best photo was taken by Jeremy Napp of Selinsgrove, Snyder County, where his trail cam captured a group of five bobcats crossing a pebble road. HARRISBURG, Pa., Feb. 3 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Pennsylvania Game Commission officials are encouraging bird and nature fans throughout the state to join tens of thousands of everyday North . Entries will be accepted from Sept. 30-Dec. 31. The animal's hooves, which are obscured by the grass, should also be pink if it's an albino deer. Tyler Frantz. Learn more and apply online I felt its heartbeat in my hand. Game species are preferred, but not required for entry. Frank served in the Army for three years, and then worked at Letterkenny Army Depot for 38 years before retiring. The winner will also have the opportunity to submit a longer article describing their #beyondtheharvest hunting experiences to the Pennsylvania Game News to be considered for publication in the magazine. Never miss a headline with newsletters. THANK YOU to everyone who sent in a photo this summer. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is sponsoring its Fall 2022 Hunting Heritage Photo Contest and participants who submit a hunting-related photo taken during the months of September, October, November or December 2022, in Pennsylvania, are eligible to win a cellular trail camera and an assortment of Game Commission merchandise. Upload (copy into the shared folder) your entry photos. That's just a lucky look at animals living their best lives. According to Pennsylvanias Treasurer, Stacy Garrity, the state is facing a significant financial shortfall due to the aging populations lack of savings. Were encouraging YOU to capture those memories and share them in our latest photo contest. The commission annually asks people to submit their best photos of wildlife from around Pa. Whether you found the perfect matching set or just a spike, consider sharing your shed hunting adventures by participating in the Game Commission's 2022 Shed Hunt Photo Contest. Click Here for rules and prizes for the 2023 Photo Contest. You must have permission from private landowners before entering the property. All photos will be reviewed and voted on by Game Commission staff and the finalists will be shared on the agencys Facebook page on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022, to allow the public to vote on their favorite photo. Podcast: Is Sixers' prime time game vs.