nsw department of education regional directors

Job posting: 03 Mar 2023 We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. %PDF-1.6 % endstream Communications Directors Executive Band 1 NSW Ministry of Health * Executive leadership roles available within the Strategic Communications and Eng Job posting: 10 Feb 2023 Supporting NSWs resources and mining sector to enhance regional communities. Prior to joining MEG she held leadership roles in regional economic development in the NSW Government and has strong relationships with industry and community stakeholders. We strive to ensure every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learner in NSW achieves their potential through education. Executive Director, School Performance - Regional North and West Lisa Muir Executive Director, Inclusion and Wellbeing Acting: Benjamin Ballard Executive Director, . The department was previous known as the Department of Education and Training (DET) between December 1997 and April 2011, and the Department of Education and Communities (DEC) between April 2011 and July 2015. - Closing date: 19 Mar 2023, Regional NSW Regional NSW / Tamworth & North West NSW. The NSW Department of Education is committed to employing the best and brightest teachers who can teach and make a difference in NSW public schools. [4] The secretary reports to the Minister for Education and Early Learning, currently The Hon. endobj HWKF+8y2f]N+r}HFA$IU)$f{tY-8YX%VO6.X1%|! q&':eMwz3K{@Z_g,(Zo1qx kX')0*`q0ok&KM. Register here. About us Transport for NSW keeps our State moving by providing safe, integrated and efficient transport systems. The Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) program partnered with South West Connect to offer the Class Chefs program to students in South West Sydney. - Closing date: 06 Mar 2023, Illawarra & South Coast Statewide Central & North Coasts - Newcastle & Hunter Valley / Newcastle, Hunter & Region Sydney Region / Sydney City. Do you want your work to make a difference for NSW? Girls Can Too runs each Friday over one term and includes hands-on trade taster training, work readiness training, local industry tours, female guest speakers and work experience. The NSW Department of Education is committed to employing the best and brightest teachers who can teach and make a difference in NSW public schools. Accordingly, no ministerial press releases or related information issued by the Government from this date will be available on this website. * Key leadership role delivering high quality outcomes for the community * Ongoing full-time op Job posting: 14 Feb 2023 Ground Floor140 William StreetBathurst, 2795, Level 2 (West Wing), Rigby House27-29 Duke StreetCoffs Harbour NSW 2450, Level 2, 37 Carrington AvenueDubbo NSW 2830, Level 1, 2 Caroline Place Maitland NSW 2320, Suite 2, Level 1, 35 Grant StreetPort Macquarie NSW 2444. The RIEP team and Salesforce co-designed a long-term strategy which has allowed them to reach more students than ever, including students in remote areas who might not have had the opportunity to access a company like Salesforce before. [6GRg.wv-"Yy6hVK1rmSH~_4ADTX`r0%2C1t@Ze`c>xL3_2`~"7z7+}H+ZmFVx2j?d'%-/4Gc6,N@H00/ 9tQr* ^ We work to ensure the delivery of quality early education for children from birth up to and including school age. hSYk@+R,`GKT)?l-%#mY,=}!p L+ C| Number of Positions. This connection with the world of work has allowed her the build the networks and employability skills she needs to kick start her career. The RIEP team streamlined the process of coordinating the needs and availability of the schools and brought expertise in school engagement and program design. Advocating for our border regions on issues that cross state boundaries. - Closing date: 07 Mar 2023, Senior Executive Construction and Architecture | Project Management Projects | Program Management Projects | Business Analysis, Illawarra & South Coast Central & North Coasts - Newcastle & Hunter Valley / Gosford, Central Coast and Region Central & North Coasts - Newcastle & Hunter Valley / Newcastle, Hunter & Region Sydney Region / Sydney - Greater West. The NSW Department of Education provides, funds and regulates education services for NSW students from early childhood to secondary school, delivering world-class education through its public schools and providing funding support to non . The program allows students to commence a traineeship while at school by combining paid work and training with an industry recognised national qualification, which also gains credit toward their HSC. She is a thoughtful leader in public policy and administration, with a passion for turning ideas into reality. With a budget of more than A$8billion, and over 2,240 schools with a total enrolment of almost one million students, the department represents roughly one-quarter of the State's total budget each year. Director, Training Services NSW, Department of Education Greater Sydney Area. Alister Henskens MP. Department of the Government of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Education logo, Department of Education (New South Wales), Minister for Education and Early Learning, List of government schools in New South Wales, List of Government schools in New South Wales: AF, List of Government schools in New South Wales: GP, List of Government schools in New South Wales: QZ, Commonwealth (Federal) Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, "Department of Education and Training (1997-2011) Department of Education and Communities (2011-2015)", "Administrative Arrangements (Administrative ChangesPublic Service Agencies) Order (No 2) 2015", "Georgina Harrisson appointed as NSW Education Secretary", "Report of the Committee Appointed to Survey Secondary Education in New South Wales", "Since World War II History of New South Wales government schools", Independent Commission Against Corruption, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Department_of_Education_(New_South_Wales)&oldid=1110736886, Government departments of New South Wales, State departments of education of Australia, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Secretary of the Board of National Education, Under-Secretary of the Department of Public Instruction, Director-General of Education and Training, Director-General of Education and Communities, New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (20112015), New South Wales Department of Education and Training (19972011), This page was last edited on 17 September 2022, at 06:12. Established on 1 July 2022, this new body is working with multiple government agencies to coordinate the planning, rebuilding and construction work of essential services, infrastructure and housing. Plus, information for parents including how to choose a service and supporting your child for their transition to school. startxref NSW Department of Education Organisational Chart as at 27-1-2021 Created Date: 1/28/2021 3:27:51 PM . We pay respect to Elders past and present as ongoing teachers of knowledge, songlines and stories. The program concluded with a graduation ceremony attended by parents, Lendlease staff, and members of the local community. Jg Director Corporate Platforms PSSE Band 1 • 1 x Full Time Ongoing Role • Critical role within TAFE NSW Systems Group Solutions Delivery Le Job posting: 21 Feb 2023 Visit Careers if youd like to be part of our regional NSW team. - Closing date: 09 Mar 2023. * Total remuneration range: $211,029 to $235,132 commensurate with Job posting: 24 Feb 2023 Director, Projects (North) (Infrastructure Planning) NSW Department of Education. HVMo6WQ*_vh\E*d9Pd.`#G&7o `(~n|Kw.1DJ\JL7M5G $Zik~Ju%=eJtxq^I +p%Sd=RGE[U]Km a;" 31 0 obj <>stream <>stream MANSFIELD DC 4122. Department Of Transport. We work to deliver better outcomes, infrastructure and services for the people who live and work in NSW. Through the Colin Biggers & Paisley foundation, they are helping young people access ongoing work and training opportunities so that they can kickstart their careers. This is a powerhouse government cluster bringing together skills, insights, local knowledge, expertise and authority to shape a dynamic future for the engine room of the NSW economy - the state's regional areas. The Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) Program designs and delivers bespoke opportunities for employers to connect with secondary schools. If you are in Years 9-12 and interested in an exciting career in tech, you can register for the next Future Ready Fest and connect directly with tech experts and build your industry skills. Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate Promoted opportunities Director Strategic Implementation School Name Murrumbidgee Regional High School. NSW Department of Education's information on curriculum taught in NSW schools, Aboriginal education and communities & personalised support. Students take charge of all aspects of running the restaurant, serving up to 100 paying customers including teaching staff, parents, and members of their local community. We value strategic thinking and problem-solving. Many students also went on to additional hospitality training opportunities with TAFE NSWs Summer Skills program. He is based in Newcastle and loves to mountain bike and spend time with his wife and 3 daughters in his spare time. Information for graduates with disability, Director Park Operations (Northern Inland), Director Infrastructure Strategy and Governance, Director Engineering x 2 (Civil and Rail), Executive Director, Infrastructure & Structured Finance Unit (ISFU), Director (2x), Strategic Asset Management (Grade 1A & 1B - Transport Infrastructure), Director, Projects (North) Infrastructure Planning, Executive Director, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer, Director Engineering Sustainable Infrastructure Program, Director, First Nations Outcomes(Identified), Director, Educational Leadership, Wambuul-Macquarie, Director, Digital Health (CIO) - South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee Member, Director, Parliamentary & Government Services, Director, Client Reporting and General Ledger Integrity, Project Delivery Directors (2x) - M1 Extension to Raymond Terrace Project, Director Client Engagement & Delivery - I&P (ICT solutions), Communications Directors - NSW Ministry of Health, Director Heritage Programs (Aboriginal Identified), Director Commercial Procurement (Programs), Executive Director, Mental Health - NSW Ministry of Health. The Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) Program designs and delivers bespoke opportunities for employers to connect with secondary schools. Students who took part in the Future Ready Fest also had the opportunity to apply for a week of work experience within the Salesforce offices. The Department of Regional NSW is committed to providing a safe and respectful workplace free from all forms of sexual harassment. The RIEP program takes a long-term approach to building these connections, with a focus on providing a series of opportunities along a students pathway through school and into further training or employment. Q-u(RM"rX#EGnA]M`7Uis9Df2sL&X"9E,(|mrn>`/"fi2( Lendlease is currently supporting the delivery of major construction projects in the Liverpool area, including the Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP). Role Description: Director, Regional Training Services . James McTavish has been NSW Cross-Border Commissioner since July 2014 and he has been advocating for border communities and addressing cross-border anomalies to support the 2.16 million Australians who live close to a NSW border. The caretaker period for the NSW Election commenced on 3 March 2023. Together, we create thriving environments, communities and economies. PO Box 3376. 77dv6(fQ:ycg!fVUo#md5Xf4/+R[e D@?RNzT]@H=rNt?, S]E12OI~^|pJq!\HT$p:}pe)C^U\@CJgd;J" ^1-9QFeYwI'I6IQ*!J}_:816=Zk8z4:q_SnMew'7om`ZLWt.t/zkl{v\Ro4a PARRAMATTA NSW 2124. Through working with RIEP, Macleay Options are able to forge strong connections with both schools and students and identify young people who might become permanent members of their workforce, through the work experience, opportunities and tours provided. Find out what it would be like to work for Salesforce! We have over 200 offices across regional NSW and Sydney. The Wellbeing Framework supports schools to create learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. Connecting with RIEP (Regional Industry Education Partnerships) enabled Macleay Options to engage with schools and offer work experience. Our Leadership Academysupports executives through programs that strengthen their skills to deliver a world class public sector and achieve outcomes for the people of NSW. Regional Development and Programs plays a crucial leadership and community facing role to support improved outcomes in economic development and community wellbeing for regional NSW. Other students act as the wait staff for the night, learning front of house hospitality skills under the guidance of the restaurants matre-di. Job Title: Director First Nations Outcome Type: Identified role Job Grade / Classification: Senior Executive Band 1 Employment Type: Full Time, Ong Job posting: 26 Feb 2023 Find out more about our structure, people, leaders and commitment to regional NSW. Our Senior Executive Fundamentals is a key resource designed to help senior executives in the first 12 to 18 months of their employment within the NSW Government sector. The Early Childhood Education Directorate (ECED) monitors, supports and regulates early childhood education services in NSW. The groups within theDepartment of Regional NSW cluster work hand in hand toidentify opportunities,map solutions andget the right outcomes for NSW. <>stream As Deputy Secretary of Strategy, Corporate and Performance Fiona works across all groups in the Department of Regional NSW and with other Government agencies to provide leadership and strategic direction to deliver improved outcomes for the people, communities and industries of regional NSW. #YHiMQ.@}7rsq2/&S}$Sp0&q>-X81fO R!#I)XB^mS8f>;0#.")L(1DrMfb?5QV~h t ,1TsH4*%*+s{l*Ir E5Z~#.#C- ]Njj=xDlCG?wT2zcSg ,umIwC endobj - Closing date: 15 Mar 2023, Sydney Region / Sydney - North/North West. No two RIEP initiatives look the same. During the program, students received accredited training that included work health and safety, communicating in the workplace, first aid, using power tools, carrying out measurements and working safely at heights. The department is also responsible for implementing and administering state-based funding to continuously improve the quality of and access to early childhood education in NSW. Through these connections, students learn about jobs and pathways to employment. Fiona grew up on a wheat and beef cattle property in Moree NSW and is passionate about rural and regional issues. Through these connections, students learn about jobs and pathways to employment. have no essentials, {{ firstName }} Work health and safety regulator for mines and petroleum sites. {DjLEdOI]8Cin\m$%%yz/]4Cq c>sfQZsK@Vnzl Bo T,$k They also visited the LHAP construction site and received mentorship from Lendlease staff. 0 See our organisation chart (PDF 74.23KB). =K!p3nNp$BT\[0,;}2F5~$7-%CvyJ19^TgN5P*M~~B {*35lghFSxwq2)UY- A6W99gv+NIxhTL9c-?y~zeSf=p hz fp_B6Y8whIYR3&#w}\0Q]#0nJ\ Join a leadership group transforming education in NSW, and make a difference to students in NSW We’re looking for leaders who put our student Job posting: 20 Feb 2023 endstream endobj startxref ]PbR^95!pIV;wK '" Private Mail Bag 250. * Temporary role up to August 2026 Categories Education, Training & Learning. Information about working in or operating early childhood education services including outside school hours care. gK v Our team is: collectively responsible for leading the organisation. Do you want your work to make a difference for NSW? Georgina Harrisson is the Secretary of the NSW Department of Education and is committed to ensuring that our public schools are among the best in the world. This page is moderated 9am to 5pm on. Get in touch with the RIEP program today by reaching out to RIEP@det.nsw.edu.au. Connecting Employers with Schools factsheet. 1. Information about working in or operating early childhood education services including outside school hours care. - Closing date: 16 Mar 2023, Projects Property and Assets Senior Executive Research and Analysis CEO, Sydney Region / Sydney - West Sydney Region / Sydney City. Engaging with schools is a key part of this strategy. Ultimately the ministers are responsible to the Parliament of New South Wales. endstream After the training, RIEP and Lendlease continued to assist the students with applications and interviews for school-based apprenticeships, post-school apprenticeships and work experience opportunities. - Closing date: 06 Mar 2023. Steve lives in Berry on the south coast with his wife Leanne, sons Sam and Patrick and daughter Rachael and is mastering the art of growing his own vegetables. while loading notifications, Error while With a strong background in Public Sector leadership, strategy, reform and industry development, Georgina brings a wealth of leadership experience to the Mining, Exploration and Geoscience (MEG) group. Total remuneration range: $217,997 to $242,100 commensurate with experience Flexible location role can be Job posting: 08 Feb 2023 James joined the Regional Precincts Group when it was formed in 2021 and is responsible for the delivery of several key infrastructure projects across the State. Visit What we do for more about our department's functions. 826 0 obj <>stream Griffith Regional Art Gallery; Griffith Regional Theatre; Pioneer Park Museum; . endobj Regional NSW offers a wide range of opportunities for people thinking of investing, moving a business or starting a new enterprise. Regional directors' main responsibilities include: addressing underperformance in schools, academies, children's social care and special educational needs and disabilities ( SEND) services,. We contribute to life in regional communities. Students praised that there was a vast variety of learning opportunities and career options available for them to explore with Macleay Options. Corner Lindesay and Lithgow Streets Campelltown NSW 2560, Level 1, City Link Plaza24-36 Morisset StreetQueanbeyan NSW 2620, Block H, Level 2, 84 Crown Street Wollongong NSW 2500. The groups within the Department of Regional NSW cluster work hand in hand to identify opportunities, map solutions and get the right outcomes for NSW. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia . See our message from Rebecca Fox on ourWhat we dopage. Total Remuneration Package: Remuneration package valued at up to $134,570.00. "Wf"OL`u!ftl{Z \Z$@l(z)l& "jK&F`sLg p Employers can get in touch with the RIEP program today REIP@det.nsw.edu.au to connect with schools and deliver high impact programs, just like Salesforce! The Wellbeing Framework supports schools to create learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. 1. Sarah Mitchell MLC; supported by the Minister for Skills and Training, currently The Hon. %PDF-1.6 % We recognise the Ongoing Custodians of the lands and waterways where we work and live. - Closing date: 05 Mar 2023, Job posting: 21 Feb 2023 Phone: (07) 3436 6222. 16 0 obj Our approach is collaborative and evidence based. Interested students may explore this further through activities which provide hands-on experience of jobs in that industry. The Department of Regional NSW has three Ministers overseeing different areas of the cluster. * Key operational role dr Job posting: 16 Feb 2023 It helped me get the job I have now, as I made connections though the program! The Department of Regional NSW's leadership team works to achieve the best outcomes for people in regional NSW. Contact riep@det.nsw.edu.au. hb``a``Rg```d(e@@,J0eIa"+sNCSYnFf)`%d!|F 4 All rights reserved. 13 0 obj [1][2], The department's powers are principally drawn from the Education Act, 1990 (NSW).[3]. - Closing date: 19 Mar 2023. 10 0 obj <> endobj Senior Executive Band 1 role RP $258,259 - $282,362. The RIEP program supports employers of all sizes, across all industries to connect with schools and create lasting impact for young people through vocational pathways. On this page Batemans Bay Campbelltown Queanbeyan Warilla Wollongong Batemans Bay 30B Orient Street Batemans Bay NSW 2536 Phone: 4633 2700 Campbelltown Corner Lindesay and Lithgow Streets Copyright 2015 NSW Public Service Commission. [6], in 1974, the Australian Capital Territory Schools Authority took over responsibility for nearly 60 government schools that were previously under the control of New South Wales.[7]. Please use the information on this page to contact the agency directly.Contact us if this page requires updates. <>stream Prior to this Steve was responsible for the Regional Coordination and Regional Development functions within the former Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) which also included a significant role in the economic recovery efforts surrounding bushfires and the response to drought focusing on small communities, young people and businesses. - Closing date: 07 Mar 2023. - Closing date: 08 Mar 2023. The Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) program connects employers with secondary schools across NSW. - Closing date: 06 Mar 2023, Job posting: 17 Feb 2023 Your rating will help us improve the website. This was followed by an additional tour for students and parents. Information and Enquiries The NSW Department of Education is the largest provider of public education in Australia, with responsibility for delivering high-quality public education to two-thirds of the NSW student population. Introducing female high school students to male-dominated trades. We aim to build thriving communities for generations to come. Do you want your work to make a difference for NSW? We have over 200 offices across regional NSW and Sydney. The RIEP team facilitated an online information session where students at Auburn Girls High School learned about the many opportunities available within Colin Biggers & Paisley and law more broadly. To maximise impact, the RIEP team worked with Colin Biggers & Paisley to create a school-based traineeship program. Base salary rates above the minimum are available depending on experience. %%EOF After this, students were able to express interest about work experience and which career areas they might like to explore. endobj Almost 80 per cent of our staff live in regional NSW. ABORIGINAL CULTURAL HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (NSW) Call for Nominations Do you want to make a contribution to Aboriginal cultural heritage man Job posting: 21 Feb 2023 have no essentials, {{ firstName }} - Closing date: 05 Mar 2023, Job posting: 14 Feb 2023 14 0 obj Accordingly, no ministerial press releases or related information issued by the Government from this date will be available on this website. STAFFORD QLD 4053. School infrastructure NSW. 11 0 obj Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm. HVs8G1StoK&wib>PBlRr Over the course of the week the students worked on real projects with the Salesforce team, attended team meetings and got the chance to understand what it really means to be part of the Salesforce team. endstream Together, we create thriving environments, communities and economies. Closing date: 19/03/2023 - 11:59 PM. * Strategic executive lea Job posting: 22 Feb 2023 Information for parents and carers including learning and wellbeing resources, advice, study skills, a quick guide glossary, homework help, tools for learning remotely, support for additional needs and more. NSW Department of Education and Communities Locked Bag 5107 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Phone: 1800 619 113 Fax: (02) 8633 1810 More information The Early Childhood Education Directorate (ECED) monitors, supports and regulates early childhood education services in NSW. However, for employers like Colin Biggers & Paisley, navigating the school environment and designing impactful programs is not always straightforward. - Closing date: 06 Mar 2023. Director, Regional Training Services NSW Department of Education Jan 2023 - Present 2 months. We support our leaders through ongoing development and training opportunities. Senior executives in the sector Hear from some of our senior executives. During the program students were introduced to welding, construction, electrical, electronic and automotive trades, all of which are facing significant skills shortages. - Closing date: 09 Mar 2023. NSW Department of Education 9 years 2 months Executive Director, Regional, Rural & Remote Education Policy Jul 2021 - Present1 year 8 months New South Wales, Australia Director,. Director, Powerhouse Program Senior Executive Band 1 Ongoing, full-time The Director, Powerhouse Program will lead the conceptual and curatorial de Job posting: 20 Feb 2023 AGENCY OVERVIEW. (G DoY3c9Y)uP1 t|@^.eY8#+]; %"9f2YEEh[OAF=xl&Xf F Z. Term employment opportunity up to 2026 - Closing date: 05 Mar 2023, Regional NSW Statewide Sydney Region / Sydney - Greater West. The office's work includes communications, engagement and providing strategic solutions to help drive productive, sustainable resources, and strong regional NSW communities. Learn more about the Department of Regional NSW's teams and organisation structure on Our People. 10 0 obj Uc\rTD z3Kh$WF/EF7=bb+&31/|*vO&}Uwpwb]lVP !@TP^75UG#/w * Aboriginal Identified o Job posting: 09 Feb 2023 Partners in the Precinct include the NSW Department of Education and Training as represented by Wyndham College, and TAFE NSW, the Catholic Education - Diocese of Parramatta as represented by St John Paul II Catholic College; and the Western Sydney University represented by Western Sydney University The College. Get in touch with the RIEP program today by reaching out toRIEP@det.nsw.edu.au. Job posting: 23 Feb 2023 Start a conversation with your local RIEP officer to find out more. Department of Regional NSW. %%EOF Join a leadership group transforming education in NSW, and make a difference to students in NSW Ongoing Senior Executive Band 1 role, with a TRP of Central & North Coasts - Newcastle & Hunter Valley Illawarra & South Coast Regional NSW Sydney Region Statewide. Fiona is an experienced senior leader with a depth of experience in policy development and communications. This job posting is available to employees of NSW Ambulance and NSW Health only Employment Type: Temporary Full Time Position Classification: Healt About us Sydney Metro is Australia's biggest public transport project and first fully-automated metro rail network, connecting customers and transf Job posting: 01 Mar 2023 Place-based initiatives to improve social and economic conditions in regional NSW. Steve has also held roles as the Deputy Chief Executive of the Office of Local Government and the Chief Executive of the NSW Livestock Health and Pest Authorities. This collaboration between RIEP and Salesforce has already resulted in some great outcomes - 718 students learn about careers in tech through the Careers of Tomorrow webinar and 1631 students participated in virtual work experience as part of the Future Ready Fest. Students then had the opportunity to apply for the school-based traineeship, by taking part in a real-life corporate interview with Colin Biggers & Paisley, which in itself was an invaluable experience for students to gain while still at school. Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, Working for the Department of Regional NSW case studies, Agency Information Guide - Department of Regional NSW, Ethics and Conduct Policies - Department of Regional NSW, Managing Director of Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), Executive Director of Sheepmeat Council of Australia, Executive Director of Victorian Farmers Federation Pastoral Group.