in Physician Assistant. Effective with the Fall 2009 semester, students may use grade forgiveness for up to five courses during enrollment at the University. Dual admission allows you to save a spot in NSUs prestigious Doctor of Osteopathic program while you earn your bachelors degree, so you can prepare for your future from your first day as an undergraduate student. Only competitive (supervised) diving is permitted in the Competition Pool. Nova Southeastern University Medicine Health Care Center Sanford L. Ziff Center 3200 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328 Attn: Health Record Department Telephone: (954) 262-4100 Fax: (954) 262-3984 Nova Southeastern University Medical Health Care Center at Covenant Village West Broward Boulevard Plantation, FL 33324 Attn: Health Record . Please note the cancellation fee may be waived under certain circumstances. Persons who activate their membership the 16th - 31st will be billed for 50% of the month. Hosts are responsible for the behavior of their guests. On a maximum of two occasions per semester (Fall, Winter, Summer), if you fail to bring your NSU Shark Card or RecPlex ID card with you, we will gladly check you in through our manual process. Min. Students are considered half-time at 6-11 credits and full-time at 12 credits or above. Class schedules for both live and virtual opportunities can be found on the. You will prompted to provide your NSU ID number as well as to accept the liability waiver. Please refrain from hanging clothes, towels, etc. 3301 College Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314, (954) 262-3380 800-806-3680 Fax: (954) 262-3966. The acceptance rate at Nova is 93%. The following policies have been established by the Office of Recreation and Wellness to provide safe, fun, and enjoyable environments for all of our programs and services. Requests lacking the required information will not be reviewed. Food and other beverages in open containers are not permitted without authorized consent from management. 5. Graduate indebtedness rank Graduating students who borrowed (federal loans, 2021) (2%) Average federal indebtedness of 2021 graduating class (3%) Expert Opinion (20%) Peer assessment score (out of. Qualitative Measure (Grade Point Average) Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) in order to receive financial aid during their course of study. Optomcas is provided by ASCO, a non-profit education association . (954) 262-5067. NSU is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items. When you find a class you wish to take, please click on the green sign-up button. Each program is unique and has its own eligibility requirements. Patrons must obey all commands given by the climbing wall operator. Private coaching/instruction is prohibited. Nova Southeastern University Enrollment Processing Services (EPS) College of Osteopathic Medicine M.S. Six years (3+3)or seven years (4+3)for first-time students. Directions - Hybrid. in Respiratory Therapy (Post-Professional), B.S. Assistant Dean of Student Services/Associate Professor. Graduate Admission Requirements are the standards students need to maintain while earning their undergraduate degree to remain eligible for the graduate or professional program. Specialize your degree with concentrations and learn through research-oriented . Food and other beverages in open containers are not permitted without authorized consent from management. Throughout the program, students must use computer skills such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software. You can use the Shark Select Applicationor the Common App to apply to Nova Southeastern University. Please ensure to return the same basketball that was checked out by confirming it has the correct number. These programs are designed to help highly motivated students accelerate their success, and most offer at least $20,000 in annual scholarships. If a student is unable to feasibly meet all SAP requirements within one semester, an academic plan must be developed with the student's academic advisor. Degrees Earned A student may only receive financial aid for one repeat of a course for which credit has been previously received. The locker rooms are a changing area for patrons and a daily storage of personal items. *Anatomy and Physiology, and Living Environment may be substituted for Biology. Click to schedule a visit. In the eight-year program (4+4), students will complete any undergraduate major and be awarded a bachelor's degree before starting their medical education. Grade Forgiveness Policy. Please refer to the Academic Calendars for specific dates. Start Dates Classes begin each August and are year round. Towels are required when using showers. At Nova Southeastern University, the total cost is $54,686. on the walls, mirrors, or equipment is prohibited. Food and other beverages in open containers are not permitted without authorized consent from management. Basketballs and other trip hazards are not allowed on the fitness floor. Earning a Juris Doctor at NSU will prepare you to practice law in the complex and modern workplace. In the United States, student loans are a form of financial aid intended to help students access higher education. PGY-1 WALGREENS AND NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY-BASED PHARMACY Patrons are expected to familiarize themselves with information on all posted signage throughout the RecPlex. Welcome to NSU Careers, the official site of career/employment opportunities at Nova Southeastern University (NSU). Go to You don't have to wait to be a student to start exploring your options. A lifeguard must be present to use the RecPlex Leisure pool. All weight training should be performed in a controlled and safe manner. When grades are posted, an email is sent to a student's NSU email account requesting log on to SharkLink. 27990, Current Students: Call or log in to Navigate. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796 in Health Informatics 3301 College Avenue P.O. Nova Southeastern Universitys Dual Admission program in Osteopathic Medicine can prepare you to be a capable, confident, patient-centered doctor. You can use the Shark Select Applicationor the Common App to apply to Nova Southeastern University. Center for Academic and Professional SuccessFort Lauderdale/Davie CampusHorvitz Administration Building3301 College AvenueFt. degree in six years and three months. For more information, view our FAQ. If youre admitted to NSU and submit the supplemental application, you will be invited via email to choose which Shark Preview Weekend works for your schedule. Please consult with the Covid-19 specific policies. One-Stop Shop Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. You can apply for just about any combination of the following Premier Programs: Dual Admission The Fischler Academy of Education Huizenga Business Innovation Academy Razors Edge Scholars You may apply for and be admitted into only one Dual Admission program for your first semester. For safety and facility maintenance reasons, jeans, zippers, belts, snaps, metal studs, and other materials on clothing that may damage equipment, upholstery, or flooring are not permitted. Chalk is not permitted in the fitness area. Refrain from horseplay or the use of foul language when in the facility. First time users must click the gold sign-up button at the top of the page. No swimming under the bulkheads at Competition Pool. ** A minimum of 3.0 science and math grade point average (GPA) on a four-point scale. In the eight-year program (4+4), students will complete any undergraduate majorand be awarded a bachelor's degree before starting their medical education. To receive more information about our programs or to apply now, use one of the options below. In addition, every repeated course affects Satisfactory Academic Progress calculations; all repeated courses are counted as attempted credits. 2023 Nova Southeastern University | 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796 |800-541-6682 Contact Us | Using Our Site | Privacy Policy | GDPR Privacy Notice | ADA Policy, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice, Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences, H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Division of Research and Economic Development. Main library for Nova Southeastern University. Please avoid touching or leaning on mirrors. -- Select Program -- This may cause a reduction in certain types of financial aid and, consequently, may result in a higher balance due. in Speech-Language And Communication Disorders, Master of Medical Science (M.M.S. Persons with infectious or contagious health conditions should not enter the water. Clicking on "View Official Grade Report. Memberships cannot be transferred or assigned. Members may also sponsor one non-NSU Affiliate for a one year membership. Admissions 3301 College Avenue, P.O. The use of chalk for rock climbing is not permitted in the facility. If you're looking for small classroom sizes, a little more one-on-one between instructor and student and hands-on experience this is the place for you. However, if the grade relates to completion of degree requirements, the degree will not be conferred until the last day of the month in which the term ends. Phys. No matter your major, your professors and advisers will help you find opportunities to apply what you're learning. Schedule an Appointment. Get a Library Card; Today Closed {{ }} - {{ ac.hours.close }} Libraries. All schools and colleges of optometry participate in OptomCAS. Dual admission reserves your seat in NSUs Juris Doctor Program, but you must still complete a graduate application once you finish your bachelors degree. The Leisure pool and the Rolling Hills Residential pool are to be used only for leisure swimming, instructional swimming programs, and group exercise. Program with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale computed on all graduate work taken at Southeastern University. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 6,637 (fall 2021), its setting is. Additional prerequisites may be communicated upon admission. Bags and personal items are not to be placed on the fitness floor or cardio deck but must be stored in lockers. NSU's curriculum is focused on providing clinical experiences and interprofessional service-learning opportunities that cultivate patient-focused leaders. You can earn any bachelors degree and yourDoctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). Box 299000 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33329-9905 Transcripts can be sent electronically from the originating college/university to the following address: . Student athletes should also contact the athletic compliance officer. In addition, every repeated course affects Satisfactory Academic Progress calculations; all repeated courses are counted as attempted credits. Students in both programs will receive the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) Guide/service dogs are allowed on deck, but not in the water. If you meet their requirements, you're almost certain to get an offer of admission. If youre admitted to NSU and submit the supplemental application, you will be invited via email to choose which Shark Preview Weekend works for your schedule. Jeans, dress shoes, sandals, and loose jewelry are not permitted. Topless, jeans, dress shoes, sandals, and loose jewelry are not permitted. Patrons are expected to comply with any and all reasonable requests of RecPlex staff members. The NSU University School, commonly known as University School or simply U-School, is a fully accredited, independent, college preparatory school in Davie, Florida, that serves grades pre-K through grade 12.The school is located on the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) campus. Summer programs are priced separately. This means the school is lightly selective. If a student is entitled to a refund of tuition and fees, the refund will first be applied to any sources of financial aid from which the student may have been awarded. Cleaning products are available throughout the facility. Students with a combination of grade types must meet both criteria. All students must meet these requirements, regardless of whether or not they previously received financial aid. Action Requested: Provide an explanation of the requested action. Transfer Credit for Graduate and Professional Programs Policy. Please refrain from talking on your cellular phone while exercising or in the fitness area. Persons with open cuts, sores, or heavily bandaged wounds should not permitted enter the water. Once on the NSU IMLeagues homepage, select the Fitness icon at top left-hand side of the page. A grade of C or better in each of the following prerequisite courses: Three recommendations on the required PTCAS evaluation form. 27563 Student Action Requests (SAR) are used to request waivers from specific university, college, or school policies under unusual circumstances. For the 3+3 program, a degree is not required prior to transitioning to the graduate program. 70 percent or passing grade in all pass/fail coursework Students with a combination of grade types must meet both criteria. Youll learn from medical experts and turn theory into practice by using advanced patient simulation technology and participating in clinical experience opportunities. All items will be stored by RecWell staff and will be disposed of after seven days if not retrieved. As a student, you'll be given the tools to harness the best within yourself and prepare for a career that inspires you. For the seven-year track, 90 major and general education credits must be completed. Dual Admission is just one of NSUs distinctive Premier Programs. However, we strongly encourage students to take a majority of their specific science program pre-requisites at NSU to highlight their competency in these critical domains and maximize their long-term profile for future graduate/professional school candidacy. For the eight-year track, its 120 credits. The H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship graduate enrollment office is located in the Carl DeSantis Building in Suite 1115 on NSU's Fort Lauderdale-Davie campus in Davie, Florida. THIS IS OUR PHYSICAL THERAPY LAB Take a look around! No chewing gum while swimming or while on the pool decks. To be considered for this dual admission program, there are some requirements you must meet. The college reserves the right to place the matriculant at the Fort Lauderdale / Davie Main Campus or Tampa Bay Regional Campus, pending availability. Students who are not making SAP at the mid-year evaluation will receive an email to their NSU email addresses to alert them of their SAP status. This dual admission program is ONLY for first-time in college students, although college credits earned through advanced high school program may apply ( see transfer credits through high school section below). Only water/sports drinks with screw on caps are permitted in the multipurpose studio. var d=new Date(); yr=d.getFullYear(); document.write("©" + yr); Nova Southeastern University 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796 Phone: 800-541-6682 Contact Us | Using Our Site Privacy Policy | GDPR Privacy Notice ADA Policy, Earn both your bachelors and your doctorate. All disputes will be settled with RecPlex staff. Whether your passion lies in teaching or building curricula, a graduate degree will prepare you for a successful career in education-related fields. Please contact your admissions representative for more details regarding high school transfer credits. in Respiratory Therapy (First-Professional), B.S. Complete the supplemental Premier Programs application for fall entry. Undergraduate Admission Requirementsare for first-time freshmen students applying to earn a bachelors degree. Once at this step, you may need to refresh the page to continue depending upon your device. Students who do not meet pace are not eligible to receive financial aid. | Dean, College of Osteopathic Medicine. Nova Southeastern University and Off Campus Partners expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any content provided by property owners or agents, or for any problems . Appropriate swim attire must be worn to enter the pool. Patrons may rent lockers on a semester basis by reserving a locker at the Membership desk. Jason Barshay Assistant Director of Student Recruitment & Enrollment Management, Last Names A-M NSU Tampa Bay Regional Campus (813) 574-5286 Maria Angie Mateu Assistant Director of Student Recruitment & Enrollment Management, Last Names N-Z NSU Tampa Bay Regional Campus (813) 574-5287, 2023 Nova Southeastern University | 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796 |800-541-6682 Contact Us | Using Our Site | Privacy Policy | GDPR Privacy Notice | ADA Policy, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice, Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences, H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, B.S. Graduate Admission Requirementsare the standards students need to maintain while earning their undergraduate degree to remain eligible for the graduate or professional program. Only water/sports drinks with screw on caps are permitted on the basketball courts.