montgomery county, ohio probation officers names

CIT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TRAINING. To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to satisfactorily perform each essential duty listed below. Email:, Wood County Hours of Operation. This contact form is deactivated because you refused to accept Google reCaptcha service which is necessary to validate any messages sent by the form. Job can involve operating and sitting in a vehicle for periods of time., Weekdays: 8:30AM4:30PM Need additional resources or have questions? Reasonable accommodations will be made for disabled persons, covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, in accordance with its requirements. Offenders/defendants; family members of offenders/defendants; victims; employers; attorneys; other Courts; Judges; bailiffs; law enforcement agencies; Childrens Services; treatment program agencies; Department of Human Services; general public. Email:, Paint Valley From Business: Montgomery County Engineer s Office maintains and improves local roadway network of Montgomery County in Ohio. These physical demands are not, and should not be construed to be job qualification standards, but are illustrated to help the employer, employee and/or applicant identify tasks where reasonable accommodations may need to be made when an otherwise qualified person is unable to perform the jobs essential duties because of an ADA disability. The location of the conference will beThe Conference Center at OCLC (6600 Kilgour Place Dublin, OH 43017). Twenty-six (26) bi-weekly pay periods in active status shall constitute one year of service. Phone: 419.213.4240 Schedules offenders for assessments, if necessary, and directs them to the office and officer to whom they, Refers offender to or observes and collects urinalysis or breathalyzer samples to determine if offender is using illicit drugs or, Obtain certification in approved risk assessment tool (ORAS) and conduct assessments in a timely, Complies with all Court and Departmental policies and, Submits cases in ICOTS for transfer through interstate compact. Probation Services provides the following: Probation Services has been accredited by the American Correctional Association and the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections since 1987. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Part-time, temporary employees are not eligible for holiday pay. FAQs| OFFENDER SEARCH |CONTACT | MEDIA, 4545 Fisher Road, Suite D, Columbus, OH 43228, Linking offenders with appropriate services, Conducting investigations of supervision violations, Promoting sensitivity to victims issues and concerns, Seeking fugitives/offenders who abscond supervision, Present caseloads are approximately 56 offenders per officer. Average salaries for Montgomery County - Dayton OH Probation Officer: $55,817. Probation Officers investigate and supervise defendants/offenders referred by the Court to Basic supervision. An appropriate combination of education, training, course work and experience may qualify an applicant to demonstrate required knowledge, skills, and abilities. MARIETTA, OH. If candidate does not possess an Ohio drivers license, he/she has thirty (30) days from date of hire to obtain one. Beth Dostal Contact: Adam Kempf The office s responsibilities include repair,. Montgomery County is the fifth most populous county in Ohio and home of Dayton, Ohio's sixth largest city. Support positions include a court administrator, magistrates, court technology manager and IT technical support coordinator, probation officers, pretrial release officers, assignment coordinators, bailiffs, secretaries, paralegals, and electronic home detention officers. Contact: Helen Walkerly Trainings provide participants with an in depth look of their local services and an opportunity to engage representatives about them. Phone Number (937) 496-7908. Supervises high-profile and/or large restitution, Prepares case plans and sets goals for defendants/offenders in accordance with conditions set by the Court. Ability to: Maintain good public relations as Court representative; establish and maintain effective working relationships with associates and job contacts; establish rapport with defendants/offenders of various social and economic backgrounds; perform under stress when confronted with an emergency, critical, unusual or dangerous situation; work with resistant clients; maintain confidentiality of sensitive information; establish caseload priorities. HIPAA privacy rule requirements that are applicable to law enforcement. Email:, Coshocton, Guernsey, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, & Perry Counties Emergency Hospitalization and the Pink Slip Process. Contact: Jessica Hartman Facilitates transfers for out-of-county offenders to the Adult Parole Authority or other Ohio probation, Supervises courtesy supervision cases for other Ohio counties and submits timely progress. Quick Links. Collects information from court of record and requires defendant/offender to sign appropriate documentation with regard to their, Collects urine samples to determine if the defendant/offender is using illicit, Collects DNA samples from felony and selected misdemeanor offenders using a buccal swab, Attends revocation/violation, status and other court hearings to provide input pertaining to defendant s/offender s supervision. We provide meaningful intervention with clients by utilizing Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) to address criminogenic needs, protect the public, and encourage positive behavioral change. Contact: Lee Ann Watson Phone: 216.241.3400, ext. Contact: Mary Kay Pierce Email:, Lucas County ), ADA Accommodations & Nondiscrimination Statement, Supervises and monitors offenders granted Basic supervision by the Court to ensure compliance with supervision terms and conditions, including court-ordered financial obligations. Conducts criminal record checks through Ohio Bureau of Investigation, FBI and other agencies. YP, the YP logo and all other YP marks contained herein are trademarks of YP LLC and/or YP affiliated companies. Email:, Delaware and Morrow Counties The State of Ohio is divided into six regions for supervision purposes. The Probation Services Department is staffed by a Director, Management team, Supervisory team, Probation Officers, and Support staff. Supplemental life insurance is available for purchase. CIT PROBATION OFFICER TRAINING. It is the policy of the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, General Division, that no person shall be subjected to employment discrimination because of age, race, color, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, religion, ancestry or national origin. Officers are responsible for providing and maintaining information and documentation, administering sanctions, and referring defendants/offenders to services. 44, PO Box 95, Rootstown, Ohio 44272 Such services can include drug and alcohol counseling, sexual abuse counseling, and parenting classes. Copyright 2022, Montgomery County, Ohio. Beth Dostal 937-496-7532 Contact: Jessica Schmitt Supervises high-profile and/or large restitution, Prepares case plans and sets goals for defendants/offenders in accordance with conditions set by the Court. The Montgomery County, Ohio Common Pleas Court General Division follows the Montgomery Countys procurement policy and procedures and obtains support from the Countys Purchasing Department and Auditors office. Reach a representative of Probation Services by calling: How can I find out if someone has a warrant? 380 West Second St. Dayton, OH 45422. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. Email:, Medina County Contact: Tim Hahn Possible exposure to risk of injury from physical assault. There are 65 Probation Departments in Ohio, serving a population of 11,609,756 people in an area of 40,851 square miles. Weekdays: 8:30AM-4:30PM Weekends: CLOSED. Email:, Wayne & Holmes Counties It is the policy of the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, General Division, that no person shall be subjected to employment discrimination because of age, race, color, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, religion, ancestry or national origin. Contact: Amanda Shaw, 2023Northeast Ohio Medical University | 4209 St. Rt. The employee may occasionally have to travel out-of-state or county to return violators and will respond to emergency situations during off-hours. This employer has not claimed their Employer Profile and is missing out on connecting with our community. The philosophy of supervision statement for the Field Services section of the APA is to "effectively supervise and provide opportunity for offenders to reenter into law abiding citizenship and to reward, encourage, and promote positive behavior, while holding offenders accountable for negative behavior.". Contact: Carole Ballard The APA has staff located in six regions with numerous district and satellite offices throughout the State. YEARS. This years Ohio CIT Conference will be held in-person on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. **Individuals on probation will be listed with a disposition of Community Control**, Montgomery County Courts Building Hamilton County, MHA of Southwest Ohio provides a presentation addressing officer stress. Email:, Lake County CIT PST Training Email:, Clark, Greene, & Madison Counties CIT Refresher Training DEPLOYMENT 101: CREATIVE APPROACHES TO LAW ENFORCEMENT-MILITARY INTERFACE, Presented by Karen Cutright, OEF/OIF Clinic Program Manager, Cincinnati VA Medical Center at the 9/5/12 CIT Advanced Training Conference, FROM CONCUSSION TO CONSEQUENCES: A PRIMER ON TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY, Presented by John Corrigan, PHD. An opportunity exists for you to participate in an exciting experience involving: We believe this program will be an effective means for students to gain valuable experience while pursuing their education and eventually their careers. The. Phone: 330.264.1590 Visits jails to meet with defendants/offenders incarcerated on new charges, warrants or community control, Maintains timely and accurate case records by inputting current case information into CourtView and/or other case managements systems as, Makes home, collateral and employment visits to verify defendants/offenders address and employment, and to monitor the defendants/offenders home and. On October 18, 2019, NAMI Ohio and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Center of Excellence held the 2019 CIT Advanced Training Conference at the Ohio State Highway Patrol Training Academy with over 100 participants. Citizenship or a legal right to work permanently in the United States. Mens Achievement Recovery Court (M.A.R.C. Occasional exposure to inclement weather. DISPATCHER/CALL-TAKER TRAINING OF CIT TRAINERS. Contact: Carole Ballard What is the Courts policy regarding Family Medical Leave. BOL is a program devoted to suicide prevention, wellness and self-care for law enforcement officers and those who care for them. In accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, all persons hired after November 6, 1986, are required to present to the Court, within three (3) days of their original appointment, original documents which show satisfactory proof of: 1) identity and 2) U.S. The Montgomery County Probate Court is dedicated to resolving matters and disputes fairly and efficiently. The state of Ohio is ranked 25th in Probation Departments per capita, and 8th in Probation Departments per square mile. Phone: 513.732.5406 The Field Services Section of the Adult Parole Authority (APA) supervises approximately 27,000 offenders under probation, parole, and other types of community supervision. Please send any requests to Ashley Eads ataeads@neomed.eduor 330.325.6397. These physical demands are not, and should not be construed to be job qualification standards, but are illustrated to help the employer, employee and/or applicant identify tasks where reasonable accommodations may need to be made when an otherwise qualified person is unable to perform the jobs essential duties because of an ADA disability. Additionally, candidates being offered a position or promotion must pass a criminal background check. Contact: Jessica Schmitt Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, General Division, employees enjoy paid holidays. Email:, Wood County QPR & De-Escalation . Videos that may be beneficial to Ohio were extracted from that list. Email:, Wood County Nurses Conducts searches and seizures for contraband or stolen property, and makes arrests when defendant/offender is in violation of supervision terms and conditions. 5625 Little Richmond Rd. Phone Number (937) 496-7908. Phone: 513.732.5406 Email:, Athens, Hocking, & Vinton Counties Be sure to include your signature and date on the last page. There is 1 Probation Department per 178,611 people, and 1 Probation Department per 628 square miles. Weekends: CLOSED, Montgomery County Juvenile Court 2023 All Rights Reserved | Made by Jetpack. What are the general conditions of probation? If you are interested in beginning a dispatch training in your community, please contact the CCoE at for more information. Phone: 216.241.3400, ext. Skill in: Interviewing offenders/defendants, victims and others; completing statistical and essay reports; data input; operation of a computer; application of job software programs; evidence-based safety; analyzing data; preparing behavior modification programs; listening. Dayton, OH 45402. There is 1 Probation Department per 178,611 people, and 1 Probation Department per 628 square miles. Conducts searches and seizures for contraband or stolen property, and makes arrests when defendant/offender is in violation of supervision terms and conditions. Part-time employees accrue Long Term Sick Leave at a rate of .034625 hours for every hour in active pay status; the rate of .038462 will be applied to the hours a part-time employee was in active pay status the previous year for Paid Personal Leave. Phone (937) 225-4162. Amount Saved to the County in 2022 by Implementing the Violation Conference Process, Community Service Value to the Community in 2022, Carlos Walker In 2011, almost 1,222 offenders were placed on probation, with almost 751 successfully completing their probation. 730 Contact: Arielle Edwards Cuyahoga County The estimated base pay is $63,871 per year. Montgomery County Courts Building JOB OPENINGS. The office of Probation Officer Banee Ulrici is located in Montgomery Courts Complex Building. Good working conditions when working in the office. The Montgomery County Probate Court is dedicated to resolving matters and disputes fairly and efficiently. Your input helps Glassdoor refine our pay estimates over time. Montgomery County Courthouse 100 E Main St., Crawfordsville, IN 47933 County Government Center 1580 Constitution Row, Crawfordsville, 47933 Get Directions Staff Directory 8:00am-4:30pm Mon-Fri Get Connected: Director of Probation Services Montgomery County Health Public Health Dayton & Montgomery Count, Montgomery County Prosecutor's Office - Consumer Fraud Division. Vehicle, computer, telephone, copier, fax machine, microfilm equipment, two-way radio, camera, PassPoint machine, breathalyzer, and other general office equipment. A regional administrator, unit supervisors, senior officers, parole/probation officers, and support staff work in each region. Prepares reports including Terminations from Supervision, Reinstatements to Supervision, Modification of Restitution, Jail Time Credit, and Investigation. 41 N Perry St Should you be selected to become a team member, you will have the privilege to work with a Nationally Accredited Probation Department. Prepares reports including Terminations from Supervision, Reinstatements to Supervision, Modification of Restitution, Jail Time Credit, and Investigation. Ability to: Maintain good public relations as Court representative; establish and maintain effective working relationships with associates and job contacts; establish rapport with defendants/offenders of various social and economic backgrounds; perform under stress when confronted with an emergency, critical, unusual or dangerous situation; work with resistant clients; maintain confidentiality of sensitive information; establish caseload priorities. Dayton, OH 45402. Phone Number (937) 496-7908. Click here to see if someone currently has a warrant. About Us Contact Us Email:, Wayne & Holmes Counties Police Culture & Exposure to Cumulative Trauma Address. The salary starts at $41,386 per year and goes up to $45,679 per year for the highest level of seniority. Schedules offenders for assessments, if necessary, and directs them to the office and officer to whom they, Refers offender to or observes and collects urinalysis or breathalyzer samples to determine if offender is using illicit drugs or, Obtain certification in approved risk assessment tool (ORAS) and conduct assessments in a timely, Complies with all Court and Departmental policies and, Submits cases in ICOTS for transfer through interstate compact. Probation Services is committed to providing supervision for felony and misdemeanor cases. (937) 837-2528. 41 N Perry St Drug Testing, Physical and Criminal Background Check: Prior to any candidate being offered a position or promotion with the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, General Division, they will be required to submit to a drug test (urinalysis) and physical at the Court s selected health care provider. Quick Links. Some related job titles areCorrectional Officer salaries with median pay of $41,427,Probation and Parole Officer salaries with median pay of $57,630,Probation Counselor salaries with median pay of $54,974,State Probation Officer salaries with median pay of $62,269. That person will direct you to the staff member best able to help you identify which officer you should speak to. Know Your Worth. 210 Contact: Carole Ballard Contact: John Myers You can also mail a money order payable to Montgomery County Probation Services to 41 N. Perry Street, Dayton, OH 45422 c/o Probation Services. Request to speak with somebody's probation officer. CIT PST Training While performing duties of this job, the employee frequently sits for extended periods of time, and occasionally stands and walks. The Adult Probation Officers are responsible for all adult cases involving an adult in an offense against a juvenile or with a juvenile. Dayton, OH 45426. Paralegal Civil DivisionIT Support Specialist Accepting applications through 3 3 2023 Legal Secretary Accepting applications through 3 31 2023 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Law Grad Criminal, Juvenile, Civil, or Appellate Division Law Internship Externship OpportunitiesApplication for Employment Required for all positions, except Assistant Prosecutor NOTE If you are using Chrome, you can fill . When working in the field, the employee is exposed to conditions within offenders homes, employment and in high-crime areas. Email:, Seneca, Sandusky, Wyandot, Erie, Ottawa, and Huron Counties Advanced Autism and DD Contact: Robert Kasprzak Meets with defendants/offenders on a scheduled and unscheduled basis to monitor defendant/offender behavior, discuss problems and issues, and monitor completion of required treatments and court-ordered tasks. Phone: 419.334.8021 Contact: Brad Reed The Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas, Probation Services Department invites you to become an intern/volunteer with our department. Meets with defendants/offenders on a scheduled and unscheduled basis to monitor defendant/offender behavior, discuss problems and issues, and monitor completion of required treatments and court-ordered tasks. Xenia Municipal Court | Xenia, OH | Managed team of 7 employees | Reported to Clerk of Courts Provided direct supervision and leadership to all Probation Officer's within Department and for the . Email:, Washington County **Individuals on probation will be listed with a disposition of Community Control**. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. Contact: Betty Riggs Contact: Gail Houk Ohio. Skill in: Interviewing offenders/defendants, victims and others; completing statistical and essay reports; data input; operation of a computer; application of job software programs; evidence-based safety; analyzing data; preparing behavior modification programs; listening. The average salary for a Probation Officer is $47,645 per year in United States, which is 28% lower than the average Montgomery County - Dayton OH salary of $66,452 per year for this job. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Gathers input from victims with regard to defendant s/offender s termination of, Compiles statistical data reflecting number of defendants/offenders on supervision, terminations, warrants issued, transfers, and other information. IN BUSINESS. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Get a free, personalized salary estimate based on today's job market. Contact the CJ CCoE at or contact the CIT Coordinator email list at for assistance. Contact: Kimberly Robinson Applicants are required to complete the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, General Division, application which must be received by Human Resources no later than 4:30 p.m. on the closing date. Email:, Miami, Darke, & Shelby Counties CIT Behavioral Health Professionals Attends revocation/violation, status, and other court hearings to provide input pertaining to the offenders supervisio, Transports defendants/offenders to and from the Court, social service programs, and, Updates Streettime website with urinalysis, Transports defendants/offenders between jails and, Responds to and handles crisis calls from defendants/offenders, victims, family members, and the, Processes offenders onto supervision, in accordance with accreditation standards, by completing appropriate forms and documents.