eddie kingston married

(And I'm so proud of him for showing real courage right now. How dare you. ", "100 Percent Fordified: CHIKARA Aniversario Elf", "Mon. On December 7, 2007, Kingston won a four-way elimination match against Hero, then-champion Quackenbush, and Chuck Taylor to win the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship. During the tour, Kingston teamed with the villainous Joker stable. I was about to lose my house. Standing at 5 feet 10 inches tall, Jungle Boy made waves on social media during the summer of 2021 when a picture of him kissing AEW wrestler Anna Jay made the rounds online and fans everywhere expressed their joy for the couple. Eddie Kingston is a famous American professional wrestler. Published: Jan 5, 2022. ", I said, "You know I'm signed right? He's won over fans with his goth, skateboarding gimmick along with his daredevil moves. He saved me. 40 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the, ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Championship (1 time), This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 13:55. I wasn't excited. Having the British voiceover guy refer to their Paris engagement as one of the most talked about events of 2022 from Americas favorite couple was clever, all the clips did make me want to see someone beat them up, and the closing BE MAD was hilarious. [8], Moore initially trained alongside BlackJack Marciano and Jigsaw under Kevin Knight at the Independent Wrestling Federation in Woodland Park, New Jersey (formerly West Paterson). Charlotte Flair Joining Andrade In AEW Would Be A Mistake, 5 Wrestlers The Young Bucks Love (& 5 They Don't), Every Version Of Matt Hardy, Ranked From Worst To Best, 10 Most Embarrassing Moments In Chris Jericho's Career, 10 Great Women's Wrestlers Who Never Got Their Big Break, 10 Former Impact/TNA Wrestlers Who Surprisingly Are Still Wrestling, Every WWE Tag Team Championship, Ranked By Belt Design. From his debut through the end of 2004, most of his activity involved tagging with Marciano as the Wild Cards. Did Trent get taller? [57] On day two, he, Hallowicked and Skayde were defeated by Akuma, Jigsaw and Quackenbush. He also has quite a bit of time to do so as he is only 32 years old. He loves WWE with all his heart and soul. pic.twitter.com/BW2rpKAKWF, The JAS predict Chris Jericho will win the #AEW Interim World Championship next week at #QuakeByTheLakeTune into #AEWDynamite NOW on TBS! [94] At the All Out pay-per-view, Kingston participated in the Casino Battle Royale, where he was lastly eliminated by eventual winner Lance Archer. Start a new life. It's still so weird to me, even now, because I have such a hard time accepting love. [74] Outlaw Inc. received their title shot on December 14 at Final Battle 2013, but were defeated by reDRagon. [43][45] As a result of winning the CZW World Championship, BLKOUT vacated the tag team championship, and the Kings of Wrestling won them in a tournament, but were attacked by BLKOUT afterwards. While Allin's professional life is soaring, the same can't be said for his personal life. As one of the youngest full-time male wrestlers on AEW's roster, the 24-year old Jungle Boy still has his best years as a wrestler ahead of him but he is already tremendously over with fans as part of the Jurassic Express team with Luchasaurus. But weve compiled what theyve released as of this morning in a playlist, and tried to catch you up with the rest of the episode via Twitter clips below that. He said everyone was really worried about me and he begged me to reach out. A lot of Kingston's early gimmick came from being a rookie tag team guy in CHIKARA with his best friend Blackjack Marciano. He and his wife Jessica have been married for twenty years, and are the proud parents of a son and twin daughters. After Alex's death, I slowly started to get help and clean myself up a bit, but I looked up one day and I was 37 years old, and I realized that it was just never going to happen for me. [115] The following month, Kingston would initiate a rivalry with Chris Jericho,[116] but suffered an orbital bone injury in January 2022, temporarily sidelining him. The Young Bucks, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus vs. Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland for the AEW Tag Titles", "6/29 AEW Dynamite results: Powell's live review of Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, Santana, and Ortiz vs. Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, and Angelo Parker in a Blood & Guts match, Jade Cargill vs. Leila Grey for the TBS Title, Orange Cassidy vs. Ethan Page", "7/20 AEW Dynamite results: Powell's live review of Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston in a Barbed Wire Everywhere match, Christian Cage and Luchasaurus vs. At the end of the show, they would attack Ethan Carter III after his match against Eli Drake, only to attack him and his bodyguard Tyrus after. I wasn't married. On the February 9 episode of Impact Wrestling, the DCC defeated Eli Drake and Tyrus in a handicap match. ", And he said, "Alright, but let's give you a microphone then. The Bunny Joins Butcher & Blade In Eddie Kingston's AEW Stable I didn't think it was a tryout. For some reason, I checked my mailbox, probably looking for a miracle check or something, and I had a letter. Here's a behind-the-scenes peek at the personal lives of male AEW wrestlers, focusing on their relationship status, age and height. But for at least a couple minutes last night, they all entertained me and sold me on a PPV match. WWE Hall of Famer Shoots on Eddie Kingston After Anti-WWE Promo Eddie Kingston (@eddiekingston81) Instagram photos and videos On Night Two, Kingston was defeated by Necro Butcher in a Necro Butcher Rules match. Sammy Guevara & Tay Contis antics have mostly gotten go away heat from yours truly. newsletter, AEW Dark recap: Sammy Guevara gives a special gift to Daniel Garcia, John Cena returns to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, takes Sheamus spot, Fuego del Sol fractured his foot in five places, Watch a special pre-Revolution episode of AEW Dark, Challengers line up for shot at Knockouts Champ Mickie James, Was Jay Lethal able to Squeeze the Life Out of Orange Cassidy, Dr. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter Outlast the Thunderstorm, Chris Jericho Makes a Statement Ahead of His Champion Match with Jon Moxley. [31][33] Kingston was next scheduled to defend his title against Green Ant on March 9, but ended up no-showing the event. [6][7], Edward Moore was born on December 12, 1981, in Yonkers, New York, to an Irish father and a Puerto Rican mother. Many wrestlers such as Cody Rhodes and Chris Jericho are open books when it comes to their home life. Eddie Kingston MadKing1981 twitter. MORE : Ex-WWE star Mark Andrews reflects on getting fired, married and missing out on dream homecoming over just a few weeks. Dorado won by disqualification by taking his mask off behind the referees back and throwing it at Kingston, who was holding it when the ref turned around. Eddie Kingston On What He'll Tell His Mom When He Wins AEW - 411MANIA I powerbombed him onto some thumbtacks. Meanwhile, 31-year-old Nick has three children with his wife Ellen, whom he's been married to since 2011. [31] Kingston made his third successful title defense on April 28, defeating Kevin Steen via disqualification in an interpromotional match between Chikara and Ring of Honor. The Vulture Squad responded with Jigsaw challenging Kingston to face him in a match. Already a former TNT Champion at just 26 years old, Guevara is set to be a staple of AEW's future for the next few years as the company has invested a lot into this young sensation who weighs in at 185 pounds and stands at 5 feet, 10 inches tall. I went up to Jersey to do the show thinking that it could be the last match I ever did. Consider this guide on the age, height and relationship status of some of their male wrestlers ranging from the top of the card to their mid-card. Aside from stats about their age and height, fans are also curious about a wrestler's personal life. The latest rumors, including Brock Lesnar finishing up, CM Punk accused of backstage politicking to win against Hangman Page, Goldbergs WWE contract, WWE Hall of Fame ceremony update, and more! I think about that now and I get goose bumps. Eddie Kingston Opens Up About His Pro Wrestling Journey, Mental Health, AEW. [4] After Moore was kicked out of the school, he became part of the second class of students to train at the Chikara Wrestle Factory, where he was taught by Mike Quackenbush and Chris Hero. That's not them. [4] The following year the Wildcards teamed up with Jigsaw to form the Toxic Trio, while Icarus and Akuma recruited the help of Mike Quackenbush. They're begging AEW to sign you.". But last year, Kingston's life changed for the better. Kingston ended up winning his block of the tournament with a record of four wins and one loss to set up a final match with the winner of the other block, Mike Quackenbush. Whether he's holding the AEW World Championship or competing in a hardcore match, Moxley is having the time of his life. About to move back in with his mother. The only reason I'm still doing this, and really the only reason I'm still on this earth is because of all the friends who never stop having my back. I tried to make somebody out there watching feel something. While they never won gold together, fans always enjoy seeing two of the most violent men in AEW pair up and beat up whoever's standing across from them in the ring. The 5'11" star receives a series of boos every time he comes out to the ring. And that's why I'm telling this story, and I'm not pulling any punches, and all the old-school guys who don't want to hear this stuff, and think that we shouldn't talk about it, those guys can respectfully kiss my ass. He stumbled back a couple of steps and then he looked at me and said, "There he is.". . Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS right now! [60] On night two, he was defeated by Shinobu in the quarter-final. It was revealed earlier on that Tornado's opponent, Chris Hero, had also picked Kingston as his partner, but Kingston had chosen to side with Tornado. Whether fans love him or hate him, there's no denying Kenny Omega is one of the best wrestlers in the world. Kingston competed against Kevin Steen at this point, who was one of the biggest names in the promotion. So I saw all this shit start popping up on my phone with that little bird, but I was confused. The World's Most Entertaining Car Website. Now part of AEW, Moxley is treated like the top star his fans knew he was. Standing at a solid 6 feet tall, Cole is easily one of the most acclaimed wrestlers in the world and it's only a matter of time before Cole inserts himself in the main event scene of AEW. ", And I'm so depressed and down on myself at this point that the first thing out of my mouth was, "How much does it pay?". update: Five-time champ debuts on Dancing with the Stars, Bret Hart to U.K., Bully Ray, Huge weekend upcoming, new Hulk movie, Falir update, Ross on FS 1, Fedor talks Putin and Dana White, Raw tonight, Women and UFC, Thesz vs. Gagne", "11/28 AAW in Chicago new AAW Hvt. They're work in ROH and NJPW is widely known, and now they're gaining new legions of fans thanks to AEW. His college details are not known. People were scared that I was dead. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? It won't surprise many to learn that Eddie Kingston disagrees with that latter take. I started talking trash. Although, they may portray bad guys on television, in real-life Matt and Nick are family men. pic.twitter.com/5aeIHDAkC8, MIC DROP #AEWDynamite pic.twitter.com/WSerujj6hc, #TheAcclaimed just tipped the dumpster with the #GunnClub locked in it, right off the stage! The issue led to changes on the Mar. Castagnoli was disqualified from the match, after low blowing Kingston, but Kingston managed to come back and pin Tursas to win the 2010 torneo cibernetico. According to Kat, things weren't very amicable in their split. I powerbombed him onto some thumbtacks. ), You know what's crazy? [4], In 2007, Kingston turned heel (villainous) when he was pinned in an eight-man tag team match. Please call me.". I didn't think it was a miracle. But I didn't care. [102] At Revolution on March 7, Kingston rescued Jon Moxley after Moxley's main event match against Kenny Omega, turning face in the process. [126] During an interview with Lexy Nair, Kingston was asked what was going on with him, Kingston, who had already packed his bags, said "I quit AEW", and then walked out the nearest door. Whether they're former WWE stars or indie darlings, these guys are making names for themselves. For some reason, that woke me up. pic.twitter.com/N0gqkGVYej, #TheAcclaimed have ARRIVED for this DUMPSTER MATCH against the #GunnClub, where ANYTHING GOES! Face Of The Revolution Ladder: Powerhouse Hobbs defeats Action Andretti and AR Fox and Eddie Kingston and Komander and Konosuke Takeshita and Ortiz and Sammy Guevara (13:46) AEW Dynamite #178 - TV-Show @ Cow Palace in San Francisco, California, USA. [103] The two would later resume their friendship and begin an alliance. If I wasn't on Zoloft, if I wasn't getting help for my mental health, if I was too afraid to talk about this stuff, I'd end up killing myself. Tune in to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS right now! There's thousands of people. I'm a hard-ass New York guy. Announces He Got Married. [95] Despite this, Kingston would claim that he was never eliminated from the match as he went under the bottom rope and began touting for an AEW World Championship match. [64], Kingston made his first appearance in Ring of Honor at Death Before Dishonor IV on July 15, 2006, as the fifth member of Team CZW in the Cage of Death match, which Team CZW lost.[65]. ", And I said, "Trending? [47][48] Kingston was eliminated first, after suffering a legitimate broken ankle, after botching a backdrop.[48][49]. I have been everything in this life. Please enter a valid email and try again. [4] After Castagnoli defeated Kingston via countout at the 2009 Young Lions Cup,[4] the two of them were booked in a "Respect Match" at the season eight finale Three-Fisted Tales, where the loser of the match had to show respect to the winner. Although they're divorced, Allin and Kelly remain friends. [55] Kingston's title reign officially ended on July 10, when CZW owner D. J. Hyde stripped him and Younger of the title. I just always felt like nobody ever cared about me. He also performs for AEW's sister promotion, Ring of Honor (ROH). I'm on national television. The Colony", "9/15 Chikara "King of Trios: Night 2" Results: Easton, PA", "3/9 Chikara in Orlando, FL debut results, Chikara Champion misses event", "Homicide retiring? I walked out through that curtain that night a very broken man. And I'll never forget, this one line at the end, it said. "I feel like I've lost my best friend. - Eddie Kingston. It was too surreal for a guy like me. Kingston then appeared on the March 18 ROH videowire, and soon after re-developed his feud with Chris Hero. This is the guy. I mean, 20 f*cking years in this. The group later became known as "The OGz". But Ill admit the video package that aired on Dynamite last night (Aug. 3) was good stuff. In June, Konnan and Diamante returned, both showing suspicion about King's involvement with the group. They weren't telling me that I was the man. The competing stables would have a variety of matches against each other throughout the year, with various members facing off one-on-one. When it comes to heels you love to hate, MJF is at the top of the list. After Dreamer helped Kingston take care of BDK, the two made a challenge for a tag team match for Chikara's July 25 show in The Arena in Philadelphia. Powerhouse Hobbs, "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry vs. Christian Cage, Casino Ladder Match", "9/23 AEW Rampage results: McGuire's review of the Grand Slam Golden Ticket Battle Royal, Jade Cargill vs. Diamante for the TBS Title, Sting and Darby Allin vs. Brody King and Buddy Matthews in a No DQ match, Action Bronson and Hook vs. Matt Menard and Angelo Parker, Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks, Eddie Kingston vs. Sammy Guevara, Jungle Boy vs. Rey Fenix", "AEW Full Gear results: Powell's live review of Jon Moxley vs. MJF for the AEW World Championship, The Acclaimed vs. Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee for the AEW Tag Titles, Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter for the Interim AEW Women's Title, Death Triangle vs. His first name is "Eddie" and his last name is . [104] Over the next weeks, Kingston and Moxley feuded with Omega, as well as his allies The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson) and The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson). Although, Moxley's time in WWE didn't go well, he's said the best thing to happen was meeting his wife Renee Paquette aka Renee Young. I was desperate. Claudio was helping Eddie like work out and train and stuff. All Elite Wrestling. Whats up with Eddie Kingston and Claudio? : SquaredCircle In memory of Alex, I'm telling this story. fighter "In God's name who would stay? He just looked at me, like only a brother can look at you, and then he took a sip of whiskey and he paused. I was uncomfortable. [8] [31] Kingston returned to ROH at the June 29 tapings of Ring of Honor Wrestling, saving Mike Mondo from Steen and Jimmy Jacobs. Hero rubs me the wrong way. [71] Following the main event of the evening, Kingston and Homicide attacked new ROH World Tag Team Champions, reDRagon (Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly), before announcing their intention of taking down "corporate ROH" and revealing their team name as "Outlaw Inc.". The Varsity Blondes, Darby Allin vs. Brody King, Jon Moxley and Wheeler Yuta vs. Best Friends, Athena and Willow Nightingale vs. Jade Cargill and Kiera Hogan", "Eddie Kingston recently suspended by AEW after Sammy Guevara dispute", "AEW All Out results: Powell's live review of Jon Moxley vs. CM Punk for the AEW World Championship, Toni Storm vs. Britt Baker vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Hikaru Shida for the Interim AEW Women's Title, Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson, Ricky Starks vs. This wave came over me, and I finally understood what was happening, and I started bawling right there in the car. On September 9, 2018 Kingston lost to Brody King at PCW Ultra's Vision Quest in Wilmington, California. As with all wrestlers, as their popularity grows, fans want to know more about these stars. Updated on January 6th, 2021 by Patrick Mocella: While the normal advice for years among wrestling fans from veterans was that wrestlers should not date fellow wrestlers inside the industry, the current wrestling landscape has changed so that wrestlers very frequently date one another, and this is very true in the case of AEW's roster. Saptarshi Sinha-February 28, 2023. Probably Kingston's most famous friendship, Jon Moxley has been a friend of Eddie for years, and have taken their partnership to a successful tag team. Eddie Kingston Net Worth, Age, Bio, Birthday, Height, Facts - BuzzLearn And check out the rest of the highlights from last nights Dynamite. Mia Yim VS. Eddie Kingston - Absolute Intense Wrestling [Full Match Edward Moore (born December 12, 1981), better known by his ring name Eddie Kingston, is an American professional wrestler currently signed to All Elite Wrestling (AEW). Eddie Kingston on his opportunity with AEW and what he'll tell his mom when he wins the AEW World Title: "It means the world to me. Andrade El Idolo went from NXT Champion to largely overlooked WWE main roster talent to making a splash by signing with AEW in the summer of 2021. Edward Moore was born on December 12, 1981, in Yonkers, New York, to an Irish father and a Puerto Rican mother. Eddie's Twitter has been blowing up all this morning because of Jericho and his team of brainless sports entertainers. On the July 5 episode of Impact, King confirmed that he had been behind the attack on Konnan, before former LAX members Homicide and Hernandez returned and attacked LAX, joining forces with King. A Hero's Journey: The Unlikely Rise of Eddie Kingston Make time to read Eddie Kingston's soul-baring Players' Tribune post I still don't understand it. [19] After the match Kingston attacked Dorado, while also taking care of BDK members Pinkie Sanchez, Sara Del Rey and Tim Donst, who attempted to make the save, before he was stopped by Castagnoli, who once again demanded the respect he was owed from Three-Fisted Tales. After splitting with former tag partner Kenny Omega and the rest of the Elite, Page has found himself a new group of friends in The Dark Order. Allie, The Bunny is married to Blade in real life so it was a logical team. [70], On August 17, 2013, Kingston returned to ROH, forming a new tag team with Homicide. He got the chance to compete as a singles star and represent himself at a high level to keep growing as a performer. They're tweeting #SIGNEDDIEKINGSTON. [131], Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South (20032008), Westside Xtreme Wrestling (20042010, 2013, 2020), Total Nonstop Action Wrestling / Impact Wrestling, This was a six man tag team match, where The Toxic Trio (Kingston, Marciano and, Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South, All American Wrestling / AAW: Professional Wrestling Redefined, "NBA Champion Mychal Thompson Says Eddie Kingston Is As Good On The Mic As The Rock", "CM Punk thinks Eddie Kingston is the best on the mic", "Eddie Kingston Got No Business F***ing Being Here | by Eddie Kingston", "The CHIKARA Special 3.20.10: Spoiler Alert; Lince Dies", "The CHIKARA Special 5.15.10: Secret Societies? BDK won the match, when Castagnoli pinned Kingston after a low blow. During this time Kingston frequently forced his opponents to wear a replica of Hallowicked's mask. Currently, the six-foot star is AEW World Champion, and he may soon add the Impact World Championship to his resume. He took birth in Yonkers, New York, U.S. His zodic sign is Sagittarius and his religion is not mentioned. [130], On the March 2, 2023 episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling, Kingston made his ROH return by challenging ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli to a match at Supercard of Honor. I wrestled Cody, like I've wrestled 10,000 guys, 10,000 times before. The resulting feud lasted for over six months. 3 SmackDown, but Rousey isnt expected to miss WrestleMania. ", I had this vision of my nephew in the first grade, talking to his friends at school, like, "My uncle's a wrestler! If I'm done, then at least I have this. Period. [17], On January 31, 2010, at the season nine premiere Kingston, now a tecnico, replaced Lince Dorado, after he had turned on his tecnico teammates and joined BDK, and teamed up with Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw and Equinox in an eight-man tag team match against Castagnoli, Ares, Tursas and Dorado. Facts About Eddie Kingston Only Hardcore Fans Know Eddie Kingston is a professional wrestler from America who is currently signed to AEW (All Elite Wrestling). It was setting up something where well see Eddie beat Sammy up! On the January 19 episode of Impact Wrestling, Bram and Kingston competed in the first ever Race for the Case, capturing the yellow briefcase when Kingston knocked it out of Jessie Godderz's hands and into Bram's, later learning they have the #2 call out spot for the February 2 Open Fight Night episode of Impact Wrestling. During the non-pay-per-view portion of the show, Kingston, Sabian and Robbie Morino of BLKOUT got into a brawl with Jigsaw and Julius Smokes of The Vulture Squad, while Ruckus tried to restrain both factions. [59], Kingston was brought back to wXw for the 2013 edition of 16 Carat Gold. A true pro. [110], After his loss to Miro at All Out, he participated in an eight-man, single elimination tournament for an opportunity for the AEW World Championship, where he would be eliminated in the semi-finals by Bryan Danielson in a critically acclaimed match. On Buzzlearn.com, Eddie is listed as a successful Wrestler who was born in the year of 1981. ago Careful, he's a wizard, he'll throw them left and right at you too 23 Vli37 10 mo. [4] For a majority of 2006, Kingston had a rivalry against Larry Sweeney. After Marciano's retirement, however, Kingston's Mid-South work mainly involved one-on-one matches, including a lengthy feud against Ian Rotten. [62] Seven years later, Kingston returned to the promotion for the 2020 edition of 16 Carat Gold. And he's telling me to come out and shit on him. I didn't think about anything except, I need to pay my mortgage. [11][29] On November 13 at Chikara's first internet pay-per-view, High Noon, Kingston defeated Quackenbush to become the first Chikara Grand Champion. In August 2020, he and his wife, wrestler Priscilla Kelly divorced after two years of marriage. I had known Brodie for years from the indie circuit. [69] He then went on to unsuccessfully challenge Steen for the ROH World Championship on August 11 at Boiling Point. [4] Kingston and Sweeney traded many verbal and physical exchanges for months, and the feud culminated with a No Disqualification Strap match between the two at Chikara's last show of the year. I was literally thinking, Let me just get this over with so I can get my check. The DCC unmasked themselves on the following episode of Impact Wrestling after laying out TNA World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Edwards following his successful title defense against Eli Drake. Private Party, Cody Rhodes and Lee Johnson vs. Anthony Ogogo and QT Marshall", "7/7 AEW Dynamite results: Powell's live review of The Young Bucks vs. Eddie Kingston and Penta El Zero Miedo in a Street Fight for the AEW Tag Titles, Andrade El Idolo vs. Matt Sydal, Cody Rhodes vs. QT Marshall in a strap match, Santana, Ortiz, and Jake Hager vs. FTR and Wardlow", "AEW All Out results: Miro vs. Eddie Kingston for the TNT Championship", "AEW Rampage live results: Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston", "10/29 AEW Rampage results: McGuire's live review of Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston in an AEW Eliminator tournament semifinal match, Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal, AEW Women's Champion Britt Baker vs. Abadon in a non-title Trick or Treat match", "10/29 AEW RAMPAGE REPORT: Danielson vs. Kingston in perhaps the best Rampage match to date, Abandon vs. Baker, Dante vs. Sydal", "CM Punk To Face Eddie Kingston At AEW Full Gear 2021", "12/29 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett's live review of Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O'Reilly vs. Orange Cassidy, Trent, and Chuck Taylor, Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz vs. 2point0 and Daniel Garcia, Thunder Rosa vs. Jade Cargill in a TNT Title tournament match, 10-man tag match, Jim Ross's return", "Report: Eddie Kingston Sidelined With Fractured Orbital Bone", "Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston set for AEW Revolution", "AEW Revolution 2022 - Eddie Kingston vs. Chris Jericho Result", "AEW Double Or Nothing results: Powell's live review of Hangman Page vs. CM Punk for the AEW Championship, MJF vs. Wardlow, Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb for the AEW Women's Title, Owen Hart Cup tournament finals, The Hardys vs. Cody referenced ALL IN on SmackDown, and The Bucks noticed. . pic.twitter.com/mD31m86Dfp, Jon Moxley doesn't care who wins tonight's match up between Chris Jericho & Wheeler Yuta, he's ready for either one NEXT WEEK at #QuakeByTheLake Tune into TBS NOW! The Jericho Appreciation Society went on to win the Anarchy in the Arena match at Double or Nothing. When it comes to AEW's male roster, their talent is stacked. As part of the gimmick, Kingston and Homicide wore suits and followed the Code of Honor.