diane schuler psychic medium

Another theory was that Diane Schuler typically wasn't alcoholic, but she had been self-medicating due to an abscess in her mouth. It was found that Diane had a blood alcohol level of 0.19, with the legal limit being 0.08. And I don't. If only the dead could speak. Instead, as in the case of Diane Schuler who killed eight people including herself on the Taconic Parkway last weekend, the living are speaking for her. She may have a deep sense of obligation to the family, as she indicated that her own family has many problems, you tell me my sister does it? Diane was a 36-year-old account executive, bringing home around $100,000 at the time of the crash. What possessed Diane to enter a one way exit ramp clearly marked Do Not Enter? In the end, though, the answers, or lack thereof, are unsatisfying. I have often contended that mothers can be an invisible lot. I also find it highly unlikely that Daniel was having any kind of affair. It would be unwise to ascribe too much credence to these accounts. This would motivate her preoccupation to protect Diane and her reputation, whilst desperately seeking alternative scenarios for the collision. Diane Schuler's Hidden Life: When Functional Addiction Turns to Tragedy Anne Tyler describes this condition with perfection in Ladder of Years as Delia Grinstead vanishes one day as the family takes their annual beach vacation. Perhaps all those definitions of her are true. This isn't news. People who knew her reported her to be a devoted mother and wife, and a credit to her job. As enlightened as we think we are as a society, we're not. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Change). Ethically and morally, I can't. Sort by relevance. In 2009, on a sunny Sunday just outside New York, Diane Schuler was travelling down the Taconic State Parkway with her son, her daughter and her three nieces. Schuler, her daughter and three nieces, and the three passengers in the oncoming SUV were killed. Theres Something Wrong with Aunt Diane becomes, through the ultimate opaqueness of those tragic events, something even darker a film about the very tenuousness of what we call evidence, of what we call personality, of what we call knowing somebody. On the day of the incident, the Schuler family had been driving back from a weekend away at their Long Island property. What perhaps she didn't even know about herself. *Twitter: http://twitter.com/kendallraeonytInstagram: http://instagram.com/kendallraeonytMy Zoo: http://instagram.com/milehigherzoo MILE HIGHER PODCAST (FREE TO LISTEN \u0026 WATCH!! She was depressed and angry and, deep down, had wanted to do this for a long time. Public support turned to vitriol, and Daniel was left in a position of having to defend every corner of his life. My gut tells me that Diane Schuler was overwhelmed, sickened and ultimately strangled by demons so powerful they swallowed her, leaving her in madness.. "She didn't just wake up one morning with a drug problem and capable of drinking that much alcohol.". Minutes later, Diane was spotted on the side of the road, bent over with her hands on her knees, as if she was throwing up. Subscribe \u0026 Hit That Bell So You Dont Miss A Video! Davis' Teaser: Damon Lindelof and Tara Hernandez's Nun Sci-Fi Drama Gets the Weirdest Trailer of the Year, 'The Last of Us' Episode 7 Is a Heartbreaking Vision of What Could Have Been, Oscar Voters Go International For Best Live Action Short Picks, 23 Controversial Film and TV Book Adaptations That Rankled Their Audiences and Authors. Why did this accident happen? Speak to any mother who holds down a job and she'll tell you that she's the one who typically shuttles the kids back and forth, makes the meals, does the laundry, does the grocery shopping, knows the kids' schedules, speaks to the teachersthe list goes on and on. Diane hit another car head on, forcing it into another vehicle on the road. Subscribe & Hit That Bell So You Don't Miss A Video! She also stated that the driver had the opportunity to pull into the median but did not.. No criminal charges are expected since Schuler died in the crash. Diane Schuler's family is intent upon finding a medical reason for her actions: What if the reason is that mental illness is just as viable an explanation for behavior that unwittingly ends up in a disaster? You know, and she worked full time. Diane presented a very stable, very responsible, and very controlled image. There was a lot of mystery surrounding Dianes phone, as it was never found with the wreckage, however it was later located on the side of the road, giving the impression that Diane threw the phone out of the window after speaking to her brother. https://bit.ly/2IJL4EXWant More True Crime? A devoted wife and mother. The story of Diane Schuler is a sobering account of how dangerous the hidden life of functional addiction can be. Jay Schuler indicated that Daniel only had children because Diane wanted them, I told him he has to work on forgiveness for Diane because he does not forgive her at all right now for whats happened, and the reason he doesnt forgive her, he said, I never wanted to have kids and this is where Im left right now, and she was supposed to do all this. Many have speculated that this comment was symptomatic of Daniels aloofness within the family dynamic and found the comment cruel. The Today Show went so far as to have a Diane Schuler near look alike (in my estimation) on the air this morning, confessing her secret alcohol abuse: She would drink during the day, and come night fall when her husband got home, drink wine with him and he just thought it was her first drink of the day. Whilst Id agree Jay is more invested than even Daniel at this juncture, I dont suspect its due to malicious intent, attention seeking, or personality disorder. Daniel went to the campground the day before his family, according to police statement s.55. Eight people were killed when a minivan being driven by 36-year-old Diane Schuler traveled 1.7 miles (2.7 km) in the wrong direction on the parkway and collided head-on with an oncoming SUV.. 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Those reports of her demeanour are conflicting, for example: S.21: stated that as the vehicle passed her she noticed that the female driver had a panic look on her face and both hands on the steering wheel., s.36: When [witness] looked at the driver, she appeared as though nothing was wrong and just kept driving.. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. An exploration of the mystery surrounding the tragic 2009 wrong-way crash that killed a mother and seven others on NY's Taconic Parkway. http://bit.ly/2OPqUfxHigh-Quality CBD: https://hempbombs.pxf.io/LPxa*Use 20% Off Code MileHigher at checkout - Ships Worldwide* Get 10% off MONQ Oil Diffusers via this link https://monq.com/shop/ref/215/*Follow My Social! There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane. Her depression seemed to increase with the birth of each child and was profound after the fourth child's birth. The client tells me if my gut is incorrect. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Very on top of thingsShe did it all. An independent investigator hired by the Schuler family obtained DNA testing and toxicology testing of Schuler's samples, and also confirmed the results of the original testing. Is it possible that Diane Schuler wasn't hiding a drinking problem, but hiding a problem that became so painful she ended it all, able to carry through her only way out of the pain by blinding herself with pot and alcohol? It also doesnt make for light holiday fare. I was reminded, watching Aunt Diane, of Capturing the Friedmans, another film in which the truth is so elusive as to suggest that the concept of truth must be an absurdity. Box 4706 Sunland California 91040The Link Melody set up for Keithhttps://gf.me/u/yu5rcjThe 2009 Taconic State Parkway crash was a traffic collision that occurred shortly after 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 26, 2009, on the Taconic State Parkway in the town of Mount Pleasant, near the village of Briarcliff Manor, New York, United States. Yell.com Yell Business. A wonderful aunt." Author: Jimmy's Girl, The Puzzle Bark Tree, Drifting, The Windmill. Find Psychics & Clairvoyants near Chilworth, Southampton on Yell. (DelMundo for News). The admit she smoked a little pot now and then. Toxicology tests conducted by the medical examiner revealed that Schuler was heavily intoxicated with both alcohol and marijuana at the time of the crash. There has been much speculation that Diane planned to kill herself and the children that day. Whether born out of alcohol or madness, it was patently irrational. Such questions niggle like those of Arnold and Jesse Friedmans guilt, of Arnold and Elaines difficult marriage, of the Friedmans family history of mental illness, disappointment, and unhappiness. I must admit, so far my gut has served me and my clients well. It has been speculated that this was either due to an argument with Diane, or a fracturing in their relationship. The toxicologists also found strong levels of THC in Dianes bloodstream. Diane, her daughter and her three nieces all died in the crash. Why, when she was travelling with five children in the car, was she reported to be driving aggressively? The end of the exit ramp was clearly marked as one way, and no exit, however Diane continued driving. Having balanced the evidence, I find it highly implausible that Diane committed filicide-suicide. He did not take questions. Part 9: Diane Schuler and the Taconic Parkway Collision Theory- Suicide Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. She had a history of depression, was taking medication, and was in therapy. Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! ", HENRICK KAROLISZYN, MATTHEW LYSIAK and SAMUEL GOLDSMITH. Mediums near Chilworth, Southampton | Reviews - Yell Daniel lost a daughter and a wife that day. Dianes son, Bryan, survived the crash with a severe head trauma and broken bones, and was left recuperating in the hospital for three months. [HBO] HD. Now and Then: Two Docs Test the Limits of What We Know - IndieWire He loved Diane. I know Diane is repeated like an incantation in the film, as though by knowing we can magic away the trouble, bring back the dead, restore the story to its rightful track. This is the most rude company and p. Malcolm Roberts Psychic Medium. On July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler left the New York campground where she was vacationing and began her trip home to Long Island with her two children and three nieces in tow. Stephen Spagnuolo, uncle of the girls who perished at the Taconic crash, speaks at a news conference Wednesday. Several witnesses who saw Diane that day also stated that she seemed completely sober. What an amazing guy I was going th. On 26th July, 2009, Diane left the camping ground at 9:30am with the five children, driving a red Ford Windstar. A witness at the camping ground who had met Diane several times before stated that she saw her leave, and that she looked to be sober and acting completely normal. Three men in the SUV she hit - Guy Bastardi, 49, Michael Bastardi, 81, and Daniel Longo, 74 - died. By all accounts from family and friends, Schuler was an ideal mother, wife, colleague, friend so how to explain blood alcohol more than double the legal limit, or evidence of marijuana consumption? Diane Schuler and the Taconic State Parkway Crash. Box Sloan Bella P.O. "I believe there is a strong fragrance of criminality. My timing here is off, and not only because Liz Garbus HBO documentary about the events of that day, Theres Something Wrong with Aunt Diane, premiered in July. Until suddenly they didnt, and we cant ever quite know why. Diane schuler psychic medium - xqub.mundojoyero.es The heart of the films power is at this tipping point between questions and answers. It makes no sense, they all say. It has been speculated that she drunk alcohol and smoked marijuana to give her courage to follow through on her decided fate, and that she took the entire family with her as a lasting punishment. https://bit.ly/2IJL4EXWant More True Crime? She made all the decisions and Danny was like her oldest child. They say what people frequently say when interviewed after a tragedy, "She was a lovely woman. In the media, Diane has been presented as a super mum on the outside, but a closet alcoholic and drug addict underneath. In the same way that Andrea Yates, a self-described "bad" mother could have simply left her children and walked away. The Chevrolet ricocheted on impact and struck another vehicle. She seemed to enjoy the responsibilities she shouldered, and actively sought them out. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. He reported that he spoke to one of his daughters, who said that her aunt was having trouble seeing and speaking clearly. (LogOut/ Both films call to mind my every moment of denial, misunderstanding, inattention, idiocy, worry, pain; both suggest, frighteningly, that whatever faith we have in the power of knowing people or piecing together evidence is at best unstable, at worst a complete sham. "Because we have never known Diane to be anything but a responsible and caring mother and aunt, this toxicology report raises more questions than it provides answers for our family," Warren Hance and his wife, Jackie, said in a statement. My gut tells me that Diane Schuler was overwhelmed, sickened and ultimately strangled by demons so powerful they swallowed her, leaving her in madness, perhaps even unaware that her children and three nieces were the unwitting victims of the demons as well.