degu rescue uk

They can speak English. Adopt a small pet. We also add in cardboard tubes, boxes and egg boxes for them to chew and make nests in. You can use chinchilla sand, available from most pet shops. California Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco, Irvine, San Bernardino, Riverside, Fresno, Oakland, Sacramento, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Bakersfield, Ontario, Walnut Creek, Santa Cruz, Northern, Southern, Central, Concord, Hanford, Los Angeles County, Long Beach, Santa Ana, Riverside County, Mission Viejo, Yolo, San Bernardino County, San Francisco, San Jose, San Rafael, Novato Santa Clara County, San Fernando Valley, Simi Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Texas Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Waco, Austin, El Paso, Corpus Christi, Abilene, Amarillo, Western Texas, Eastern Texas, San Marcos, Dallas County, Harris County, Galveston, Brazoria, McAllen, San Antonio, New York New York City, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Island, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Niagara Falls, Kings County, Queens County, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Florida Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Gainesville, Tallahassee, Pensacola, Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, Broward County, Miami Dade County, Sarasota, Bradenton, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Illinois Chicago, Springfield, Peoria, DeKalb, Bloomington, Cook County, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Allentown, Erie, Bethlehem, Ohio Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Canton, Akron, Youngstown, Hamilton, Michigan Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Ann Arbor, Flint Michigan, Holland, Wayne County, Ontario Toronto, Ottawa, Windsor, Kingston, New Jersey Newark, Trenton, Jersey City, Atlantic City, Camden, New Brunswick, Hackensack, Georgia Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Valdosta, North Carolina Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Gastonia, Rock Hill, High Point, Chapel Hill, Virginia Richmond, Arlington, Norfolk, Lynchburg, Roanoke, Virginia Beach, Newport News, Massachusetts Boston, Springfield, Worcester, Cape Cod, Lawrence, Fall River, Indiana Indianapolis, Evansville, Gary, Muncie, Bloomington, Richmond, Centerville, Washington Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Everett, Kirkland, Bellingham, Vancouver, King County, Bremerton, Tennessee Nashville, Knoxville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Jackson, Davidson, Missouri St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, Jefferson City, Muskegon, Holland, Wisconsin Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Kenosha, Wisconsin, Racine, Maryland Baltimore, Annapolis, Bethesda, Gaithersburg, Arizona Flagstaff, Phoenix, Mesa, Yuma, Tucson, Maricopa County, Casa Grande, Minnesota Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester, Duluth, Louisiana New Orleans, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, Alabama Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Decatur, Colorado Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Grand Junction, Fort Collins, Aurora, Greeley, Kentucky Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, South CarolinaColumbia, Charleston, Greenville, Oregon Portland, Eugene, Ashland, Klamath Falls, Salem, Connecticut Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven, Waterbury, Stamford, Kansas Topeka, Wichita, Kansas City, Dodge City, Utah Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, Cedar City, Moab, Nevada Reno, Las Vegas, Henderson, Carson City, New Mexico Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Alamogordo, New Hampshire Concord, Manchester, Nashua, Berlin, Rhode Island Providence, Newport, Portsmouth, Warwick, British Columbia Victoria, Vancouver, Prince George, Montana Billings, Great Falls, Bozeman, Missoula, Helena, South Dakota Rapid City, Pierre, Sioux Falls, North Dakota Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, Vermont Burlington, Montpelier, Newport, Bennington. Has 4 babies available (7 weeks old). Clean, untreated branches from fruit trees put in the cage can also create climbing opportunities and entertainment. Mountain Ash Jefferson City, Mo. This can be with shredded card, paper or a suitable and safe soil. Whatever the reason behind it, you can be sure that life gets a lot better for every degu that comes into Peggy and They are playful and curious creatures and, like most rodents, love to chew everything. Here are some ways you can help to enrich their lives. The majority of animals they take in are degus, but they occasionally take in other animals too, and in their home you will see The wheel needs to be a good size to prevent their back arching too much and the wheel needs to be solid. When you're ready to take your degus home, bring with you a suitable travel cage to transport them- further details can be found on the. Happy to answer any They love to climb too so need a large cage full of wooden shelves and branches to climb and chew. The cage should be made of metal as they can chew through plastic, and a minimum of 90cm deep, 60cm wide and 120cm tall for two to five degus. February shop sale! E-Mail:, Suzie Eads E-mail:Scott & Amy Lyons, Has a starter colony of one male and three Lauren Pitts Their dream is to have a dedicated degu adoption sanctuary that is large enough to cope with demand, and to become more Once you are seeing positive signs, such as wanting to be close to each other you can move the cages and beds closer until the degus are sleeping next to each other in their separate cages. A balanced diet for degus. Bedding should consist of dust free shavings as well as hay. Care Sheets available. Price is $40.00 a pair. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. They have 2 breeding groups of degus, a lot of guinea pigs,, Specialist supplier of Food & accessories for Degus, Rats, Chinchillas, Hamsters & Other Small Exotic Pets. Before bringing home a Degu, make sure you have considered the full impact of your decision. The flooring should be solid and covered with a material suitable for burrowing, like a mixture of peat, dust extracted bedding and bark chippings. We maintain everything ourselves, and there is no set adoption fee. Little Bites Rescue in Luton, UK, normally has lots of degus available for adoption, of all ages, genders, and personalities! E-mail: Willing to meet people from SC, NC and GA half way. traveling with All Rights Reserved, Rabbit Free Vaccination and Health Check Terms and Conditions, Rabbit Neutering Voucher Terms and Conditions. This will be followed up by an in person or virtual home check. Jaydas Critter House These degus are in need of a loving, forever home. E-mail:, Amanda Franks Austin's Hamster Haven, South Yorkshire E-mail -, Neff's Animal Specialties Degus move very quickly so when carried or held be careful to keep them secured. A solid exercise wheel, 25cm in diameter, should be provided to help them exercise. Degus do bury their food, so remember to remove any uneaten fresh vegetable treats before they spoil. Julia Denny It is not recommended that males and females be kept together as degus are prolific breeders and breeding shortens the life span of females. Hamsters are lovely little pets who are often quite overlooked. Kristin Bailey Degus rodents for adoption | Pets4Homes people needing to rehome their degus, and finding they had nowhere to go. Home phone: 864-574-55100. Breeder of top quality degus- breeds for health and genetic soundness. E-Mail: However, their needs can be complex and they require much more space than most people realise. degus - Rodents, For Sale | Preloved Without regular social interaction and opportunities for exercise they can become aggressive and neurotic. Phone: 845-661-3678 Tel. This is why it's important to provide degus with lots of appropriate items to chew, such as: If you notice any of these issues, then you need to take your degu to see your vet. Some degus at the rescue have been passed around from home to home before they get to Little Bites, Each have specialist care requirements which you should research before making the decision to adopt. E-mail: degu rescue uk. Read our pet degu care advice to find out more about their needs: Every degu deserves a good home, where they can be healthy and happy. The majority of a degus diet should be hay, as this is necessary to keep their guts and teeth in good health. Know the animal before adopting. Hedgehogs in Space At the top of that list should be getting know the diet of a Degu. Degus Available for Adoption: About Little Bites Luton: Degu Rescue Page. - eRodent Degus looking for forever home. It is run by Peggy and Nigel, two amazingly dedicated people, Has two breeding pairs and only breeds them once a year. The huge variety of backgrounds and histories for each degu at little bites means there is also a big variation in personality and behaviour in each and every degu, Degus have only been kept as pets for a relatively short time and experts are still learning about how best to care for them. Stacey and Dandelion are two lovely degus who have been trained to come to your hand for food. degu rescue uk - They have long silky coats that are grey-brown tinged, and a long, thin tail with a tufted, black tip. They are bred there and are held as early as possible. The animal charity worked with the degus owners to safely remove them from their London property when they were no longer able to look after them. Many shop bought treats are too high in sugar so should be avoided. He is quick and a little shy so would love a home without young children who want to handle him. Ultimately, they would like to set up independent Telephone: (540) 438-1640 It is possible to have male degus neutered, after which they can be kept with females after successful bonding has taken place (you will need to wait six weeks after neutering before introducing). phone: ++420-2-37 27 86 Most pets arrive at shelters because the owner had to move, could no longer afford the pet, had a death in the family, or simply gave up the responsibly of being a care taker for a Degu. 65 Park Street This is known as 'degloving' and can help them to escape a predator. Degus must have constant access to hay as this provides a large percentage of their diet. Overland Park, Kansas (USA) London RSPCA Chief Inspector Imara ONiocail said: When we were asked to help, I must admit I didnt quite expect to be dealing with so many degus!. What exercise does a Degu need regularly? We will be in touch to provide you with support and guidance throughout your animals whole life. We are in Kent, UK. phone: ++420-312-86314 $25 a pair, Monica Kaye with the RSPCA recommending they live in small groups. Untreated, unpainted wood blocks or commercially produced wood chews made for rabbits work well for degus. 4229 Eastbrook Rd. AIM: kittiegrrl777. Give one of the many unwanted or abandoned animals a second chance at a good life. URL: Has been a breeder in AZ for the past 8 years does not ship but can answer any questions prefers e-mail, Terra Rose Rodentry 810-542-0835 810-798-2871. In some cases, owners move to a new house and aren't allowed by landlords to take their degus with them, or they no longer have Degus, despite being small, are incredibly active little creatures and therefore require a lot of space. judge steele middle district of florida. 2 rats, 2 pairs of chinchillas yet), some gerbils and 2 chipmunks. She can speak English. Gwynn De La Balgey degu rescue uk - degu rescue uk - They love to run around and climb their cage. Currently (as of this posting) has a new litter. Almont MI There is a degu (or two) at Little Bites for everyone! Sydney is a 1 year old female Syrian hamster with the sweetest soul. E-mail: Degus will chew almost anything, so it's important to keep an eye on their toys to make sure that they are safe for use. So in about a little over a year. 251 Wilson Ferry Rd e-mail: For as long as they need, they will have a safe place to call home with us, and we cover the costs of their food, housing and any veterinary treatments that may be required. You should never feed a degu with a diet that contains molasses or dried fruit. Central New York ( Syracuse area ) Degus These adoption centre units provide shelter for pets that can no longer be cared for by their current owners, and we do everything we can to find them a loving new home. Can supply full details on how to care, house and handle degus to the They were rescued a few years ago, and have come on in leaps and bounds, but we think they would be bette. Will not ship, but would be willing to work out compromises for driving them. You will also want to include a flat-topped nest box or igloo. Dried herbs can be given to degus as a treat, as can dandelions and green leafy vegetables. For example, can you handle a Degu. Animal rescue centres were overwhelmed after 298 degus were taken from one property in London by the RSPCA. New litter of six arrived on 11/14/03. Degus are native to northern and central Chile and can be found living at high elevations (1,200m) in the Andes mountain range. degus section of Degutopia. potential new owners. Peggy and Nigel welcome you to Little Bites Rescue, where you can adopt some degus today! Degus need to have a dust bath around three times a week for about 20 to 30 minutes. Bolt is a sweet little Roborovski dwarf hamster. one is pregnant. If your degu is suddenly drinking a lot of water, contact your veterinarian., Has 2 young females w/ 1 young male. Minimum size - 80 x 60 x 50cm for a pair of degus. Is looking to sell for $40 per pair or $25 passionate pet lovers at. Make sure to avoid cedar and pine shavings as these woods are harmful to degus. They thrive on social interaction and activity. Wheels with gaps in them (typically metal wheels) can lead to tails getting caught. Degu Breeder list - Degus, Chinchillas and Raccoons Though recent studies show that they may actually be closer in relation to rabbits. Ideally degus should live in groups or pairs, such as a group or pair of males or a group or pair of females. He is looking for a caring human who is happy to give him plenty of fun things to do. Grass hay should always be available. unrelated females. Mary Also only sells in pairs of two of St. Charles, IL Winnie, TX Degu care | Blue Cross Cat Davies of Animal Rescue and Care said: On a day to day basis I never know whats going to come through the door, breeding situations can get out of control.. The only breeder to have started degu registration to produce a working degu pedigree- see their website for more details! 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