Cruising the Cut - David Johns is on Facebook. So youd need an hour of optimal sunshine to provide 1-2 hours of propulsion. Post author By ; Post date multiple electrical outlets not working; green light laser lawsuit on cruising the cut david johns on cruising the cut david johns And finally, I opened an online merchandise store selling brandedmugs, hats, t-shirts and suchlike; I really should push this more but I dont want to become one of those channels thats always trying to flog stuff to its viewers. Why dont you have a generator?Dedicated diesel generators (ideally in a silenced enclosure) are great but fantastically expensive many thousands of pounds even for little ones. The original book from which these entr Cruising the Cut is a series that is currently running and has 4 seasons (48 episodes). Bear in mind the canals are entirely man-made and were quite literally dug out by teams of thousands of men a couple of hundred years ago, using pickaxes and shovels. Join Facebook to connect with David Johns and others you may know. He has over fifteen years experience as a reporter and presenter on radio, television and online, working for ITV and the BBC amongst many others, as well as seven or so years as a full-time YouTube videomaker. [4][5][6] He later wrote a stage version of the film updated to the 2021/2022 cost of living crisis which will be premiered at the Northern Stage, Newcastle upon Tyne in May 2023. Cruising The Cut is a video series on YouTube documenting the travels and life aboard a. Cruising The Cut is a video series on YouTube documenting the travels and life aboard a narrowboat by a man who quit his job and sold his house.
cruising the cut david johns - cruising the cut david johns. It was a dark period of personal crisis. Roughly. To be clear, the recipe is buttered bread, with ingredients as just described, and thats it.I absolutely loathe mayo or any similar gunge, and I dont like salt, pepper or suchlike either. Why dont you put maps in your videos?Im not convinced that if I show a map with a location marked it would necessarily help anyone who didnt already know where it was to know where I was. [3], In 2016, he starred as the title character in the Ken Loach film I, Daniel Blake in a critically acclaimed performance described as "powerful", "a welcome comic touch", and "all the more moving for its restraint". Thus at the height of summer, the panels might provide sufficient motive power as it was used but none to recharge the batteries as well.At any other time, youd have to let the panels charge the batteries for longer such that in spring and autumn it could easily take several hours to recharge for an hours worth of movement.Without an additional (conventional) generator therefore, pure solar on a canal narrowboat is only suited for weekend breaks and day boats but not constantly cruising liveaboards. Only in peak summertime are you likely to approach the solar panels maximum output and even then only when the sun is high.In spring and autumn, any solar is very variable and in winter its negligible plus the hours of daylight are much shorter too and the angle of the sun much lower (Its not always possible to angle the panels at the sun and even so, the other factors mean the resulting power will be far less than in summer).On an average 57 foot narrowboat you have space for about 2.3kW of solar.
cruising the cut david johns - Thirdly, its not uncommon to drop a windlass into the canal by accident and it would be a very expensive mistake to do that with a cordless drill! Back in 2015, the UK television news reporter David Johns was very unhappy with his personal and professional life. Why are the canals so disgustingly filthy? A break from the usual narrowboat cruising in this episode as David visits his hometown's canal festival and then the annual inland waterways show at Crick in Northamptonshire. Wif How old is Ruby Rose Turner? Former ITV Meridian reporter David Johns decided to opt out of the rat race and live on a narrowboat. David Johns net worth is $7 Million David Johns Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family David Johns (born 1948) is a Navajo painter from the Seba Dalkai, Arizona, United States. So its not a retrofit option but I wouldnt object to one on another boat. David Johns ' canal-based YouTube channel is Cruising the Cut. I was invited to take part in a trip that very few narrowboats are able to enjoy, along the Cambridge Backs. This special bonus episode shows the entire cooking process so that you too can emulate a British Christmas meal. So hybrid solutions are the only reasonable option. Why roses? Solar would make little difference even a 1kW 1.5kW array (which would take up valuable roof space that you often need to walk on and store stuff on) would only give decent output in summer and still then not much in terms of engine powering for a typical 10kW motor even if it uses less than full power for actually moving along. Stars David Johns David Johns See production, box office & company info Watch on Prime Video S1-4 included with Prime Add to Watchlist 11 User reviews A narrowboat needs only 1-2kW to move along (once it has begun moving) thus a 20kWh battery pack could sustain 5-10 hours travel (presuming standard lead-acid tech ie 50% drawdown before recharge) and presuming the battery is not used for anything else aboard (though in reality most electric-focused boats use it for domestic purposes as well so the battery and solar system has to support that too)However, solar is not so reliable in the UK. Have a look at this video from Slim Potatohead where he experiments with one on his caravan (travel trailer): The water tank under my well deck is huge and takes up the space where a thruster would go (plus the thruster would need its own battery and new charging wires run throughout the length of the boat from the engine room). Why do you eat so many cheese sandwiches and whats in them?Because I love cheese I use the strongest cheddar I can get (preferably Pilgrims Choice Extra Mature or Cathedral City et al), with some tomato, maybe some cucumber slices and nothing else. Cruising the Cut tells the real-life story of a man who quit his job, sold his house and went to cruise gently along the historic canals of Great Britain on a traditional narrowboat. One person found this helpful Helpful Report abuse Gob Bluth Awesome narrator Whats the narrowboat forum you mention sometimes in your videos?The forum I gained most of my info from is
Movie review of "Cruising the Cut" for the August 8, 2021 RCL What a wonderful program . There are no mains electricity points along the canal network other than in marinas (though I one of the Welsh canals has power points for a fleet of electric hire boats see vlog 169 but this is unusual). Links from my videos to Amazon with an affiliate code in themmean I get a small commission if someone buys anything (yes, anything, not just the product that was linked to) after going to the site from clicking on my link.I also have a Patreon page for really dedicated viewers yes, there are some! +40 (724) 307.599 Lu - Vi: 9:00 - 18:00; cruising the cut david johns is he married
And the drone batteries dont last that long either so youd be forever changing them.Using a drone to look ahead when single handed would just be way more hassle than its worth since you can either just toot your horn and proceed with caution, or youre really bothered, pull the boat in and run along to see whats coming (which would still be quicker and easier than using a drone)If you had crew aboard who could operate the boat while you do the drone, then it would make more sense but for me its not realistic. That's what David did in 2016, with turkey and all the trimmings on the menu. The CRT has an excellent page explaining it all, at but I have also done a video all about it, see vlog 247 (The Leaudown). Its therefore important to use wildlife-friendly washing products so as not to poison the fish, ducks, swans and other canal animals.A lot of people seem to get very irate about the grey water situation and I suppose in an ideal world, if we started again from scratch, wed be likely to use grey water tanks and have to pump them out. Genres: Adventure, History, Documentary. A day in the life of a fuel boat on the UK canals. Plus I have recently (vlog 139 onwards) taken to adding specific Google Map links to my start and end points for each video.
The London Boat Girl Loved our Boat - Blogger Here is her YouTube review of Crick Boat Show . Piano, flute and music theory tuition. There are no speed police or radar traps on the canals however; its more the ire of other boaters that you will incur though Im sure if a CRT officer saw you zooming along theyd note your boat registration number (which is required to be clearly visible) and send you a suitable letter. Although normally prohibited to powered craft, with permission of the Cam Conservators in winter you can take a narrowboat onto the Cambridge Backs where the river Cam flows behind many of the citys historic colleges. by . Thumbnail for Episode 265 You can view David's episode on Nighttime on Still Waters (via YouTube) here: 265. And castles? I presume the climate here just isnt warm enough for great clouds of them that you might find in other countries. Bear in mind the boats pivot in the middle so as you turn, the back end is going out.
FAQ's - Travels By Narrowboat See Lornas (London Boat Girl) video about voting here.
cruising the cut david johns - David was previously employed by ITVs regional news programme for the south-east,ITV News Meridian.
LHCRT News Aug 29 The Untold Truth About Snoop Dogg's Wife - Shante Who Is Chelsea Kane Married To? It is well worth the watch, even though those of us from the States will learn a bit of the Queen's English along the way. After a few tough early minutes, St. John's kicked the defense and offense into high gear, earning a 94-59 exhibition win in their last tu
Theyre not great but I still prefer them to the main alternative which is Pearsons, although many boaters swear by those guides. Required fields are marked *. Technically you can . Style Her Famous (2009)as Camera and Electrical Department, Something Special (2006)as Cinematographer, Your email address will not be published. And you can get diesel stove as well. You can follow David on Twitter and Facebook. London's canals and rivers are becoming ever more crowded with boaters as people flock to the capitals waterways, drawn by the lure of a seemingly idyllic and possibly cheaper lifestyle. Ive also heard it said that most people are right-handed thus their right hand is on the tiller so they stand on the left hand side of the boat; therefore when passing another boat coming towards you, both skippers will be on the side thats nearest to the oncoming boat.A recent comment on my vlogs also explained that the steering board on ships of old would be on the right (hence the term starboard for right) and boats would put into port on the left (hence the term port for left hand side).
Bicycle Diaries: Cruising With the 'American Utopia' Family Its got loads of very expert people who chip in but the only thing you have to watch is that sometimes the discussions veer (quickly) wildly off on a tangent, which is unhelpful, or occasionally descend into vitriolic arguments. He chucked his job, sold his house, bought an old school, live-aboard fifty-six foot "narrow boat," and started chugging along the . It varies month on month. Why would a man quit his perfectly good job, sell his perfectly good house, and buy a long, thin boat with which to cruise the canals in England? Lorna, aka The London Boat Girl visited our boat at Crick with David Johns of Cruising The Cut. One man quits his 'bricks and mortar' lifestyle, buys and moves onto a canal boat, then sets out to explore 2,500 miles of the UK's inland waterways. He navigates the many tunnels and locks. Which guide books do you use?I use Nicholsons Guides because some of those were on the boat when I bought it so Im used to them. Whats your fuel consumption?Ive never measured it but narrowboats typically drink 1-1.5 ltr/hour. Part 1: David's decision to give up his job - and try something new Part 2:.
Cruising The Cut - Facebook Im just back from a weeks holiday in Palma in Majorca where I thought Id do a rare real vlog where I wander about as a tourist, pointing the camcorder at the boats.
Having bought his narrowboat and sorted out some initial problems, David could now relaunch it into the water and go on his first tentative cruises along the canals but some electrical gremlins caused problems. Why dont you have an electric engine?You do find some hybrid boats on the canal (see vlog 69 I did about just such a craft and also vlog 244 which was all about electric boats vs diesel) and electric running certainly is appealing especially when the boats just sitting in a lock but it seems a bit of an odd system with the massive battery bank and a diesel generator just to gain a bit of electric movement. Cruising the Cut tells the real-life story of a man who quit his job, sold his house and went to cruise gently along the historic canals of Great Britain on a traditional narrowboat. Paintings of roses and castles are about as traditional on the canals of Britain as its possible to be but why? He's a Northern Irish actor, who's married to Scottish star Wendy Wason. Will you film a shopping trip for us please?Its likely not something Ill do because if Im going shopping I dont want to lug the camcorder along as well as the bags of food. An unheated boat in winter even in Spring or Autumn would be cold but thats precisely why narrowboats have heating installed. Its fun and quirky, partly because of the extremely simple production techniques, and a good example of the expanding range of genres far beyond movies or TV. .
Vandemonium On YouTube - Vanlife Resources Husband, Net Worth Lily Cowles' Wiki: Height, Family, Net Worth, Dati Jang Moon Bok - Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family - P Who is Mdchen Amick's husband, David Alexis? just aisles with food on shelves. Jasmin from This Narrowboat Adventure has done an excellent video about a new phone app which you can use to get services from a local GP wherever you are on the network. Where does the water come from to supply the canals? He is best known for his breakthrough role as Daniel Blake in the 2016 Ken Loach film I, Daniel Blake. Evoking the spirit of pirate radio - on a canal. Thats exactly what Gill Gregory can do aboard Desiderata so I went to see the system in action. Many boaters do not paint the bottom at all! Boaters do pay an annual fee to the Canal and River Trust which covers provision of waste disposal services etc. How do you turn around?There are turning points, known as winding holes (wind as in the breeze, not as in winding a clock) every few miles although not all of them are big enough to turn the longest boats in (sizes are usually marked on the canal guides though). Let us be your passport to Laos and much more. Can I sent you a gift, whats your address?Thats a very kind thought and thank you but although I did once, several years ago, accept an unsolicited gift (a hoodie), I now prefer not to receive items and politely decline such offers though I really do appreciate the sentiment. After 13 years of doing this and working in radio he decided to chuck it all in and buy a narrowboat to . He told his story to Sarah Saunders. Theres something retro, hypnotic, and relaxing about all this, which partly explains its popularity. I dont know of any narrowboats that steer from the front though there are some old, shorter, ones that had a wheelhouse slightly back from the middle. see vlog 249 which is an updated version of vlog 66 for 2021,,, see vlog 69 I did about just such a craft, vlog 244 which was all about electric boats vs diesel. Those canals look very narrow, are they one-way?Very, very few bits of the canal network are so narrow that you can only get one boat through. David Alan Johns (born 15 July 1956) is an English stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. 10 Years Industry Leading in Manufacturing of below Products A Smart inventory & accounting software that helps you keep a control on your store with smart billing, reporting and inventory management features.
CruisingTheCut - YouTube Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)as Special Effects, Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)as Special Effects, Your email address will not be published. Do the canals ever flood? In which David boldy takes his narrowboat on his first solo cruise - albeit accompanied by a friend on another boat - along the Grand Union canal Leicester arm and up to the end of the Welford arm. If you can wade your way through that occasional treacle, its good stuff. I watched it upon the recommendation of a friend, and Im glad that I did. Cruising The Cut is about the historic canals of the UK. He chucked his job, sold his house, bought an old school, live-aboard fifty-six foot "narrow boat," and started chugging along the extensive network of bucolic British canals at two miles an.
David Johns - Cruising The Cut After several weeks of cruising the canals in his first year aboard, David is finally on the homeward stretch back to the marina where he started out. How do you deal with all the mosquitoes on the canals?There really arent that many. He stops at pubs and villages. These were fixed, he had solar panels installed and some friends came to visit. Merry Christmas! David Johns net worth is $1.1 Million. CruisingTheCut Cruising The Cut. Unfortunately I cannot as I have never used any of the rental companies myself so I cant in good conscience recommend any.
cruising the cut david johns is he married But no boats have them and there are no disposal facilities for grey water, so its not going to change.The abundance of fish and wildlife on the canals suggests it really isnt an issue! and checked his . danitza athanassiadis biography; statute of limitations on traffic tickets . Asking "how fast" is to miss the point of narrowboating. Reviews. Narrowboat construction: shell (hull) steelwork,. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. And how do you paint them? That said, the canal limit is 4mph - but really, that's too fast. We're Cruising The Cut on a Narrowboat - Canals & Locks of the U.K. 28,827 views Nov 24, 2018 We're RVing across the English countryside! Firstly he needs to negotiate terrifying tunnels, then cope with multiple locks - and he falls in the canal too. Episode Information:Cruising the CutDavid Johns' canal-based YouTube channel is Cruising the Cut.You can view David's episode on Nighttime on Still Waters (via YouTube) here: 265. There are the occasional repairs, and in one episode he ads solar panels to his boat. David is survived by. Typically, a canal might be maybe 4-5 feet deep in the middle (the canal bed tends to slope upwards slightly at the edges). Your best bet is to phone a few, get a feel for what they offer, and ask around on the canal forums to see which ones people whove used them recommend. When David Came (Cruising the Cut) The Greek myths tell us that there are times when the gods come down from Olympus to walk amongst mortals. Im 53 and used to work as a local TV news reporter for ITV in the south east of England. It has been known to happen but generally only in severe weather and often when a nearby river or stream overflows into the canal rather than the canal itself overfilling. Age, Height, Sister, Melissa Ponzio's Biography - Ethnicity, Net Worth, How old is Darby Camp? Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. Turning north at that junction, David winces at graffiti on the bridges and detritus in the water before starting a long descent through a lock flight at Atherstone. I produce videos on several YouTube channels, each with a different niche: Cruising the Cut (narrowboats, canals and other boaty matters); Vandemonium (campervans); UKAirscape and Tubeshootermag (camcorders and filming gear); DavidExpert (random gadget reviews) and David Reads Stories (exactly as the name suggests) There are some rewards listed . The sandwich default is un-heated in any way. Boating is also a big motivation behind Cruising the Cut. The argument is partly that most rust occurs at the waterline (true) because thats where you get the highest mix of water and oxygen, and partly that the baseplate is (usually) 10mm thick so it can withstand many, many years before its rusted to a point where youd worry about it. Continuing his narrowboat voyage in the Midlands of England, David passes through the historic town of Rugby, saves a boat adrift from its mooring, and stops at Hawkesbury Junction where the North Oxford joins the Coventry canal. Can you fish in the canals and do you eat them?You can fish if you have the appropriate licences local angling groups tend to have the rights to each stretch of canal so talk to them. Dont eat them, youll likely give yourself something nasty from the water.See for the CRTs Fishing Questions page.For the various types of fish in the canals, see Why dont boaters greet each other when they pass?They DO! He chucked his job, sold his house, bought an old school, live-aboard fifty-six foot narrow boat, and started chugging along the extensive network of bucolic British canals at two miles an hour. Thiswebsite has ads on it from Google; that also earns a few pounds each month, literally just enough to pay for the website hosting! Full of useful info delivered in a relaxing style which aided by a couple of 'doobies' was simply mesmerising.. By what name was Cruising the Cut web-series (2019) officially released in India in English? What happens if you overstay on a mooring?The CRT have towpath rangers who patrol and note down boat licence numbers and dates; they will issue an overstay notice requiring you to move if you hang around too long. David Johns Purchase rights Stream instantly Details Format Prime Video (streaming online video) Devices Available to watch on supported devices. I went through a lot of locks, all of which were rather turbulent and one of which had a puzzle to keep you guessing.
About David - David Johns - Airscape You do sometimes get boats going past in the dark though. In short, not really worth the effort according to most sources Ive read. go to da moon copy and paste. Where does the grey water from the sink and shower go?Unlike your sewage, which has to be storedin one form or another until you get to an emptying point, grey water goes straight back into the canal. Our reporter Sarah Saunders caught up with him for two features on how David is finding life in the slow lane. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. That said, the canal limit is 4mph but really, thats too fast. Last updated Fri 21 Apr 2017 Environment Top stories.
I havent done enough of the canals to be able to happily recommend somewhere; also everyones requirements are different.Plus hirers tend to do one of the standard circular routes so they end up back where theyve started, whereas Ive just dawdled my way on the various canals as Ive seen fit so my experience isnt similar to a hirer.Most hirers want to know about site-seeing places and which pubs to visit and on that front Im a dead loss as well as I just dont go to them.